1.2 Commission: Overwatch: Perspective by fizzer You awaken from your sleep. It's not too far off from midnight, you just got to bed maybe an hour or so ago, you can't remember. All you do remember is that you had found some pictures of a particular Cockney woman, one you were a big fan of, and let out some steam in order to assure a good night's rest. You go to look at your smartphone, checking the time, only to find it isn't where you had left it. Looking at your nightstand, you move your hand about frantically to get a feel for it, but to…
0 Overwatch: Work Efficiency by Eloy Chapter 3: D.Va’s concerns Mercy noticed that D.Va suspected that there is something off with the new morale boosting initiative and started to snoop around, surely she wouldnt find anything incriminating but precautions are in place. With widowmaker's help Angela planted some subliminals in the Korean's mech, making her slightly more agreeable. After some time Mercy scheduled a visit with the morale officer regarding D,Vas recent behavior in the usual room containing the strong …