Play-Stupid-Games-Win-Great-Prizes by niteynyx The 11th Countess of Abbingdon leaned back against the luxuriantly comfortable cushions of her wingback chair, crossing her legs and slanting her head to look along the left wall of her home office. There laid numerous reminders and souvenirs of her exploits, set on shelves. The most valuable of them on display were encased in glass displays, though none of them were amongst her most valuable discoveries.
Many of those were too dangerous for her to allow them to slip into the wrong h…
Lina stared down at her calendar for a long, long time, her lips slightly parted and her breath coming and going in short, shallow pants as she fought against her ever present horniness. Not too long ago, she wasn’t the kind of woman who cared much to mark the passage of time -- as Lina the Slayer, bonafide hero and pyromancer, she was certain that she was going to live forever. In her youth and her arrogance, she was certain that she was invincible, immortal, and even if she wasn’t, the idea of her would persist for eons to come. Even if the worst came to pass, her name would surely enter the annals of history and be remembered alongside the likes of Aghanim, that four-armed fuck who turned out to be quite a bag of dicks when she met him.
Now? Now the calendar was one of her most prized possessions. It was what kept Lina grounded, and kept her from feeling like she was going crazy. It was also highly illegal for her to own. In the village, brats like herself were only permitted to ‘own’ the specific parts of their uniform. And even then, they didn’t truly own them. Everything belonged to the tribe, first and foremost. Just like the brats themselves. She smiled bitterly, then laughed at herself, lifting one hand to rub at her eyes, having to blink back some tears.
A brat like myself, Lina thought sardonically. Brats weren’t heroes and heroes weren’t brats. A brat was nothing more than a fucktoy, a set of three warm holes on two legs, living for no other reason than for one of their orcish masters to fuck them at their convenience. She remembered her first few weeks in the village and how she had chafed at the label and at all the rules, telling herself over and over again she wasn’t like all the other women. That she was different, that she could save everyone: not just all the other female ‘heroes’ who were captured, but the men who were forced to live in the village as well, their identities slowly fading until they became little more than whatever their trade was.
One such man had given her the calendar; Calentime. It was easier for them to abandon their true names even before they forgot them and just adopt something similar to their trade, the one thing they wouldn’t forget. Calentime and his brother Clockminute (they looked like brothers, at least) were responsible for keeping track of time in the village, and providing the Masters with everything they needed to keep their schedules straight. Considering orcs were famously disorganized, very few of them used his services. Calentime was all too happy to help Lina.
All the men were, even if they clearly didn’t believe she was capable of the lofty goal that she had set for herself. Lina reached down with one hand, slowly brushing her fingers over the parchment the calendar was etched on, trying to remember what it was like to hold and read a proper book. For those first few weeks, she had been so fucking certain of herself -- and then somewhere along the way, without quite realizing it, she had begun to think of herself as a brat, too.
A brat was far from a hero and far from immortal. Her fate was worse than death, in a way. If she had somehow died a permanent death in the War of the Ancients? Of course they would remember her name and sing her story. Instead, Lina the Slayer had disappeared from the world. Not slowly, but suddenly, gone as quick as a snap. Who the fuck would remember her? Nobody, and that was probably for the best. She was proud of her deeds and reputation as Lina the Slayer. The last thing she’d ever want to be immortalized for was being Lina the Brat, whose only accomplishments in life were taking an orc cock up her ass and having it jammed in her throat.
It felt like she had been in the village for years, that she was a prisoner for a decade or more. Yet with Calentime’s calendar in her lap, she knew better. Lina stared at it bleakly. One of the worst things a brat could do was get caught with ink and quill, so she couldn’t mark the days conventionally -- the calendar on its own was far easier to hide, and drew far less attention than a long feather. She had to mark the days with her lipstick, crossing out each box in a whorish shade of red. For the third time that morning, she counted the tallies.
It felt like years.
It wasn’t even two months. This was the dawn of her fifty-third day. Never was the patient type, or any good at waiting things out, Lina thought to herself, closing her eyes and drawing a soft breath. She set aside her tube of lipstick, flipped the calendar close and carefully put it back into its hiding spot beneath her little hidey-hole’s floorboards. Brat or not, she had managed to maintain a level of independence no other woman in the village seemed to have.
Her bitter smile curdled into a self-deprecating smirk. ‘Independence’. That was a precious thought. What’s so independent about this? Lina had managed to keep herself out of their system, always finding herself a safe place to sleep every night, and keeping a tight enough hold on herself that she didn’t become an utter whore completely obsessed with getting green dick. But like every other woman in the village, she survived on a diet of orc cum, her tongue getting rather good at differentiating the orcs based on their taste. Really, the only difference between her and the others was that she ate less of it -- once every three days or so, rather than three times a day.
It wasn’t a deliberate choice; it felt like a concession to necessity, something she did purely to survive. Or whenever she fucked up and ended up getting a big, meaty green dick shoved into her mouth as a punishment, which wasn’t a rare occurrence. Really, Lina felt far from independent. For what freedom she seemed to maintain, very little of it resulted in her making choices, her deciding to do things one way or another. Her daily life in the village more often than not felt guided, like some greater power was leading her around. Like an invisible master had hooked a leash to her collar and was bringing her from place to place, but in a subtle way, far too discreet for her lust-addled mind to comprehend what was going on. At least, that was easier for her to believe than the alternative.
“I’m going fucking crazy,” Lina whispered out loud. Talking to herself was absolutely a sign of that -- which made her all the more grateful for the company she had. “Aren’t I?” she asked, turning towards the woman she had been cohabitating with. Up until that moment, Lina’s only real ‘friend’ in the village had been peacefully sleeping, curled up on her side as she slept off the previous day’s use and abuse. Unfortunately, she was a very light sleeper. Cum still dripped out of her gaping holes, smeared and dried cum coating her belly and breasts. Lina’s last ‘meal’ had been licked fresh off her face.
The brunette slowly opened her eyes, peering at the Slayer with her heavy but doe-like hazel gaze, still more asleep than not. After a moment of staring, Marci’s eyes went to the window, taking in the sky, still more dark than light despite the encroaching dawn. She groaned softly and uncurled from her ball, stretching her limbs out like a little cat before starting to sit up, grimacing as her movements made her all the more acutely aware of her sore holes. Shifting to put her weight on her hip and propping herself up on one hand, she stared at Lina for several long seconds, her expression shy of a glare but still getting the point across: hey, bitch, about six hours have passed since I finished getting gangbanged by two dozen orcs. Could you stop being a selfish asshole for one minute and let me sleep this off?
At least, that’s how she sounded in Lina’s head. Marci was a petite woman, a soft little thing and cute beyond belief… but the Slayer had seen her fight, defending her charge Mirana, the Priestess of the Moon. It was hard to perceive her as anything but aggressive, as a whole lot of power compacted into a tiny package. A tiny little package who also happened to be mute, and considering Lina had never learned Nightsilver sign language... “Sorry,” Lina murmured, her smile both awkward and apologetic. It was a difficult friendship, but Marci was the only other woman around who didn’t seem completely obsessed with orc dick. “It’s just-- I don’t know.”
Lina had no idea how long Marci and Mirana had been in the village. Longer than her, but not by very much, she was sure. While the latter seemed to have completely forgotten that she was once in line for the Solar Throne and now largely seemed to live for the sole purpose of Luna eating cum out of her cunt, the ignorant orcs took Marci as a disobedient, stuck-up bitch. None of them ever seemed to realize her silence wasn’t their doll-like brat giving them the cold shoulder, but her being literally incapable of answering their questions or obeying their commands for her to verbally objectify and degrade herself as a slut.
They seemed to bounce between avoiding her, uncertain of what to do with such a strange brat, and using her various orifices as the fuckable equivalent of a stress ball. When Lina first saw her, it seemed like she had been deprived of orc cum for some time -- but she had changed that one night, sneaking her a ‘meal’ in the middle of the night. Since then, Marci was far more eager to suck and fuck their masters, giving into her hunger for their cum, yet maintained a degree of lucidity and sanity the other women seemed to have lost.
She wasn’t ‘independent’ in the same way Lina was, and seemed more confused than understanding whenever the redhead tried to explain the way she was being led around the village. The only reasonable explanation the two of them had come up with for why that might be was the early cum deprivation. Well, Marci seemed to agree. It could be hard to tell with her.
Marci’s glare softened, and she shook her head, paused significantly, then gestured at Lina and shook her head again as though absolving the Slayer of her terrible sin. As though she were assuring her that she wasn’t crazy, too. She glanced out the window again, at the slowly rising sun, then looked back at Lina and pointed over to where their uniforms waited for them. They were truly vexing things -- despite the fact Lina’s magic had thoroughly failed her in the village, the garments seemed to be enchanted despite none of the men having the slightest bit of magical talent.
Their masters didn’t give a fuck how much love and care the men put into making the uniforms, not even seeming to stop and appreciate the (admittedly quite sexy, to Lina’s chagrin) outfits. It confounded Lina why they had them and why they were so fucking insistent on the girls wearing them, getting incredibly upset and offended whenever they found a breach of the uniform rules, though very few orcs ever sought to rectify them, instead taking it as an opportunity to punish a brat. Of course, none of them cared that almost every time there was a problem, it stemmed from one of the orcs being rough, ripping off this-or-that or fucking a girl so hard their well-fitted heels managed to slip free and go flying as their raised legs bounced and jostled.
“Yeah, I guess we should get dressed,” Lina exhaled, glancing between the two outfits. Marci’s stockings and heels could have come out of her precious Princess’ wardrobe, soft blues intermingled with darker splashes of the same color and touches of purple. Like most of the female undergarments in the village, the panties that came with it really failed to do anything but lewdly display her most intimate parts, with fanciful moon-shaped cutouts offering easy and immediate access to any master who cared to fuck her. The other woman was still wearing her collar, of course -- even Lina hadn’t taken hers off since putting it on, in large part because she couldn’t. Once each collar was put on, its clasp seamlessly fused. They would have to be cut off, and of course none of the women were allowed to carry a blade, let alone a pair of shears sharp enough to properly do the task.
One of the things Lina hated the most about the village was how much she didn’t hate her uniform. Her hand lifted to her throat, gently touching her ruby-studded black leather collar and running her fingers along to where her ‘tag’ hung, her fingers tracing over the golden dragon and the words etched into it. ‘Dragon Slave Bitch’. On one hand, it was a painful reminder of what she lost. On the other -- it was touching that the man who made it, Taggy the tagsmith, had somehow remembered enough about her to make something that acknowledged her history.
Her stockings were not that different from what she normally wore on her adventures and while fighting the War of the Ancients, two-toned with fiery orange and blazing red, paired perfectly with the shade of her hair. Stockings were a bit generous of a label, though Lina certainly never complained about them. They were closed to uniquely laced leg wraps, reaching from her ankle to her mid-thigh while leaving her foot bare, something she would have appreciated far more if she was able to levitate.
The ‘thong’ that went with them made Lina intensely jealous of Marci’s panties. Even with the cut-outs, they provided some form of coverage, something that was in short supply around the village. In a sharp contrast, Lina’s bottoms seemed to be little more than a string in a harlot’s shade of scarlet, one slightly slighter piece of fabric tucked right between her constantly wet cunt and her asshole, and that was pretty much it. Like so many of the things made by the Pantymaker, it only seemed to frame her exposure, like it was making a target box out of her twin holes, even though the orc’s arrows (cocks, whatever) only ever seemed to find her backdoor. Most of them tended to be a bit more fanciful, though, or have a bit more flair. It was such a stupid thing to be jealous of.
What she was more jealous of, at least that day, was Marci’s heels.
Yesterday, the strange presence that seemed to bring Lina wherever she ‘needed to be’ had led her astray, putting her in the path of one of the two people she tried to avoid more than any of the village’s orcish masters. Lina shivered, remembering how she had quite literally shivered as her sister laid eyes on her for the first time since the redhead arrived. The pair of them had always had a tense relationship, mixing like fire and ice pretty literally, but they were still sisters, and they still cared for each other in their own unique way, even as they pettily tormented each other. Lina loved to tell everyone just how much of a maiden the Crystal Maiden really was, and Rylai, in a stark contrast to her normally pleasant self, would just as readily gossip about how the only thing Lina slayed was cock. Sass and insults colored their every interaction.
Not yesterday’s interaction, though.
There was nothing but adoration in Rylai’s unfocused eyes as she staggered along in her towering heels, her hips unsteady from the hard fucking that left her cunt dripping fresh orc cum in her wake. “Ohhh my gosh, Lina,” she panted. “You’re really here! I thought they were all kidding. This is so great,” she said with open delight, reaching out for her frozen solid sister. “You’ve GOT to come fuck this master with me, his dick has the perfect curve to it. Like, every single thrust bumps your special spot, it’s almost as good as getting fucked by two cocks at once.” Lina always associated her sister with her favourite perfume, a complex mixture of scents that somehow evoked a crisp breath of Icewrack air with the beauty of its virgin snows. Now, though, Rylai only smelled of sex, sweat and cum.
“No fucking way,” The smell broke Lina’s paralysis, urging her to whip around, to start going in the opposite direction -- but she was far from used to her heels, even fifty-one days into her time as one of the village’s brat. “No FUCKING way,” she almost shouted, and then Rylai lunged at her with laughter and disregard for her personal safety. Rylai may have been more graceful in heels, considering she didn’t float everywhere, but she was off balance and no more physically capable than Lina was at the heart of things. Her tackle fell short, but her arms still caught Lina’s legs and had both the sisters falling, the redhead shrieking in surprise and the blonde yelping as she hit the cobblestone.
“It’ll be fuuuuun,” Rylai whined, starting to pull at her sister’s long legs as though clawing her way up them, climbing them. “You’ll cum like, so much and stop being such a stuck-up slut, Lina! And then we can really bond over orc cock!” Oddly enough, the needless nettling in her sister’s words reassured Lina that the voluptuous blonde was still her sister and not just some impostor, but that didn’t mean she wanted to get fucked alongside her. Without an ounce of hesitation, Lina started to crawl away, her urgent desperation and adrenaline giving her the strength and speed she needed to escape her cum-drunk sister, but not without a cost. “Liiiina,” Rylai whined, clutching on to the heels of her sister’s shoes, tugging and yanking at them. “Liiiina, come on!”
The straps of Lina’s shoes were tested to their limits over the next minute. For all of Shoe’s craftsmanship and vision, he did not make indestructible high heels. Eventually they broke and Lina was able to scramble to her knees, then her feet, fleeing her sister even as Rylai’s wailing attracted a crowd of their orcish masters to her position. She would have felt a little bad about what surely followed if Rylai hadn’t been giggling in seconds, Lina all but forgotten as she got a fresh helping of orc cock.
Unfortunately, the enchanted items did not magically find their way back to their owners after being separated. Today, Lina would have to visit Shoe. She’d have to look at him again and remember her failure to save him while asking him to replace her heels. Though Lina had eventually doubled back to see if Rylai had dropped them, she only found an impressive amount of drying cum and a handful of passed out orcs where she had last seen her sister. What troubled her most, though, was that she felt drawn there -- like what happened the previous day had been setting her up specifically for whatever would happen next. Trying to ignore that bad feeling, Lina eased up and joined Marci in getting dressed. “I’ll see you tonight,” she told her friend, though she was unable to hide her discomfort.
“FfffffFUCK!” Lina shrieked like a bat out of hell, her current predicament about as bad as the debacle with Rylai.
As it turned out, her bad feeling had turned out to be very much warranted. The closer she got to Shoe’s humble workshop, the damper her cunt got, her inner flame stoking higher and higher until her lust was at a blazing all-time high, something that seemed to herald all her greatest misfortunes in the village. She wasn’t sure what got her so horny -- if her body knew something her mind didn’t, or if she was just that desperate to cum after going fifty three days without actually getting off once, the longest dry spell of her adult life. It didn’t stop her from walking, only slowing her progress as she began playing with her clit on the way there, though as always cumming seemed impossible for her.
More than slowing her, playing with herself left Lina distracted and vulnerable, more vulnerable than she already was as a cum-dependent bitch in a village populated by horny orcs and their fucktoys. She didn’t realize that she had strayed from her intended path until it was too late, until she was rounding a corner and bumping face-first into an orc’s broad, rock-like chest. Blinking, Lina stumbled back. Before all of this, her immediate response would have been to look him in the eye and chew him out for not paying better attention.
The orcs had taught her better. Lina kept her eyes down. “Sorry, Master. This slutty was too busy thinking about orc cock,” she said, forcing herself to sound bright and bubbly, to the point of being a downright ditz about it. Breezy, in a way. She liked to emulate Lyralei’s usual attitude in these situations, the other woman she avoided like the plague, her everyday agreeable manner far more pleasing for the orcish masters than Lina’s spitfire attitude.
He grunted. “‘Course you fuckin’ were. That’s all you fuckin’ brats ever fuckin’ think about, fuckin’ gettin’ fucked.” Lina flinched, the voice a familiar one to her, belonging to an orc that loved to fuck her every chance he got. Slowly, she hazarded a glance up at Dumag’s face and swallowed softly at the sight of his cruel smirk. Out of the corner of her eye, Lina saw a brat standing just to the side, her leash pulled tight by Dumag, her long red hair filling Lina with dread. For some reason, the other brat’s lips were pinched tight. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he growled with exasperation. “Just swallow and fuckin’ say whatever the fuck you’re goin’ to fuckin’ say. If it’s fuckin’ stupid, though, I’m goin’ to fuck your fuckin’ face again.”
Way to give her incentive, Lina thought tepidly, wishing Lyralei instead kept the apparent mouthful of cum she had right where it was, making it impossible for her best friend turned orc-loving slut to make a single peep. Instead, the archer closed her eyes and did her best to swallow down what must have been an impressively thick load, needing several gulps to get it down her throat. Afterwards, she half-moaned and half-sighed her enjoyment of the village’s only available meal, then piped up, far more bright and bubbly and breezy than Lina could ever be. “Are you going to fuck Lina now, Master? I haven’t seen her get fucked in soooo long,” she said, her eyes wide and her pupils dilated.
“... Fuckin’ eh.” Dumag glanced back at Lina, who had long since given up on trying to wrap her head around the amount of times he could fit f-bombs into a conversation, even when it truly made no sense to do so. His disinterest was plain, right up until Lina made the mistake of looking relieved. “Why th’fuck not?” he decided, reaching one meaty hand out to grab at Lina’s body. She was already backing away, trying to twist around and break into a bare-footed sprint away from him.
Here, even someone like herself could outrace the likes of the Windranger, who had neither the wind’s grace and was stuck wearing heels that made such movements impossible. Even though he was a towering slab of green-skinned muscle though, Dumag was quicker than either of them, a little lunge giving him all the distance he needed to capture Lina. The way she squealed as he hauled on her hair and dragged her off the main street and into an alleyway only made him laugh, and that laughter had Lyralei giggling like a schoolgirl. Though she struggled with all her might against him as he picked her up, the way Lina grabbed at his wrists and kicked her shapely legs might as well have just served as encouragement.
In short order, the Slayer found herself pinned down on a crate, Lyralei pinning her wrists to the surface for Dumag while he spread and held her legs wide open. His cock poked blindly at Lina’s thighs, pelvis and asshole as he tried to blindly angle himself to properly penetrate her, its thick head more like the business end of a battering ram than anything else, its repeated prodding far from comfortable. How the fuck are you so bad at this? Isn’t this like, the only thing that you do? Lina thought. Now that she was cornered and getting fucked was a certainty, she might have gotten saucy with him if she wasn’t busy groaning like the slut she had become. Cocks in her ass still couldn’t make her cum, but she had learned to enjoy it.
“Fuckin’ shit, fuck it,” Dumag grumbled, suddenly aborting his attempts to ream Lina’s ass, and he adjusted course, his cock poking against the one hole that all the orcs had avoided stretching out with their cocks thus far. “So fuckin’ prudish,” he complained. Lina couldn’t help but let out a surprised whine, her hips bucking at the unexpected contact, her entire body jolting at the feeling of a cock against her damp hole. The anticipation she felt mounted, her breathing coming quicker and quicker as he started to push inside her. Her eyes squeezed shut, her back arching as the crown of his prick spread her wider and wider.
“Ohhh, fuck, ohhh, fuck,” Lina whined, her voice soft yet frantic, high-pitched to a degree she found shameful. This -- this was what she was missing all this time. It had only been inside of her for several seconds, but she could tell THIS was what she needed to cum, and THIS was what all the other women were truly addicted to, more than just the nutritional cum that sustained them. For a moment, her mind grappled with it. She had seen other women cum from orcs brutalizing their asses. At one point, she had seen Lanaya the Templar Assassin cum from getting her throat fucked -- and many more seemed to cum from just lapping cum out of their bowls like they were animals. What was different about this? What was changing, now that she had a cock in her cunt?
Her mind grappled with those questions for just a moment, before her keen intellect was completely overwhelmed by her lust, by the sheer satisfaction that surged through her body and left her trembling like all the orc cocks she had taken up her ass never had before. Dumag didn’t take his time with her; once he busted through her initial resistance, his cock drove into her with reckless force and aggression, practically punching into her cervix in a way that should have ruined her. It didn’t, though. It felt divine. “Fuck, fuck… yes!” Lina squeaked, her limbs renewing their struggle as her body longed to grab on to her master, desperate to wrap her legs around him, along with her arms. Though her legs had no chance of breaking free of Dumag’s grip, Lyralei had to fight to keep Lina’s wrists pinned, laughing in delight as she watched her best friend’s descent into truly becoming a brat. “Fuck me, master! I’m just-- I’m just your cocksleeve!” she squealed out, nothing at all like the proud spitfire she once was.
“Fuckin’ brats,” Dumag grunted, shaking his head. He didn’t fuck her any harder or any faster, his massive cock drawing almost all the way out of her fuckhole before driving back in, his hefty balls slapping loudly against the curve of her ass each time he thrusted. For all Lina knew, those balls might as well have been the gentlest but most skilled fingers to ever grace her clit, delicately working her up to the edge of an orgasm that it had no intention of letting her reach. All her squealing quickly turned over to wordless whining and short cries, more and more of Lina’s former self disappearing each time Dumag painful pounding only proved to be pleasurable.
It was everything she had ever wanted and never knew about. Lina’s toes curled up tightly, her mouth opening wide but going utterly silent as she reached it -- as she reached right where she needed to be. A tremble suddenly worked through her body, her tight and neglected pussy clenching around the cock that was about to end her dry spell with one hell of an orgasm, one that would rival even the most debaucherous misadventures she had shared with Lyralei. That clench quickly spread throughout her body, starting with her core, her flat belly tensing, followed by her limbs, their desperate struggle coming to an end. Any second now, she was going to cum, and it was going to be glorious and validate all her time spent on orc cock. She’d never have to worry about saving anyone ever again, because she’d be able to embrace her true destiny acting as a cock ornament for lucky orcs.
Of course, that wasn’t the predicament that had Lina shrieking -- nor was her predicament in the immediate moment that followed, when Dumag’s next thrust took him all the way out of her body. Her body jolted as his cock slapped down against her pelvis, engorged enough that it reached a frightening way up past her pelvis. Confused at the sudden lack of big green dick beating at her insides, she strained her neck to lift her head and stared down towards it with confusion. It wasn’t supposed to be resting against her belly, it was supposed to be inside her, giving her that one last push she needed to truly embrace her destiny. The way his balls were now pushing against her pussy was nice, but it wasn’t what she needed.
Slowly, Lina blinked, and that was all that saved her from getting a herculean amount of orc cum in her eye. She yelped as the first powerful spurt hit her face dead on, splattering all over her lovely features, providing what all the other women in the village would consider to be a delicious glazing to her skin. It hit her with enough force that her neck couldn’t help but falter, the back of her head hitting the crate again. The second rope went over her face altogether, hitting Lyralei’s belly, though some of the splatter couldn’t help but rain down on Lina’s face and hair. Two more ropes followed in quick succession, though they didn’t have nearly as much power behind them, leaving a sticky white mess over Lina’s breasts and ribs.
Words failed Lina. All she could do was moan as the realization struck her: once again, she’d been denied. She had come so very close to finally finding her personal nirvana, to turning this wretched place into her Shangri-La -- and then her master had pulled out at the very last second, like he was doing it on purpose to drive her mad. That wasn’t possible; though the orcs knew their brats got off, they paid absolutely no mind to it. It was simply something that happened, completely incidental to the pleasure of their green-skinned masters. “Please,” she whimpered, “please, master, don’t stop now, just-- just one more time, stick your cock in me one more time--”
The love and fondness that Lina still felt for Lyralei almost burned right through all her lust with the intensity of a Laguna Blade when the other redhead joined her, clearly still obsessed with cock but her feelings towards the Slayer unchanged. “Come on, master, you’ve got to keep fucking her, she’s such a hot brat -- like, seriously hot, but I guess you wouldn’t get that pun because--”
“Oh, fuckin’ shut the fuck up,” Dumag grumbled, drawing back to line his cock up, taking what he wanted more than throwing Lina a literal bone out of pity. And that, unfortunately, was exactly where her predicament began in earnest. “Wait a fuckin’ second, you fuckin’-- WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR FUCKIN’ SHOES?” he bellowed, finally noticing after all that time how the brat he was fucking hadn’t been wearing her full uniform.
Lina shivered, almost slurring the answer that came to mind. “I’unno,” the lust-addled wench for orc cock replied. It was not the right answer, but even a perfectly reasonable answer would have just set him off again. There was no winning move for Lina, and not playing was far from an available option for her.
“What’re you fuckin’ shouting about, Dumag, you fuckin’ numbskull?” An orc stuck his head out of one of the nearby windows, peering first at his fellow green-skinned brute and then down at the two red-headed brats. In very short order, Lina was no longer laying on the crate. The second orc now sat on it, back pressed comfortably against the alley’s wall. Her pussy already dripping with Dumag’s cum from earlier in the day, Lyralei sat in his lap, glassy-eyed and groaning, grinning vacantly from his cock jammed deep in her ass. Even just a minute into getting her tight, toned ass fucked, she was trembling, having cummed once and already chasing another orgasm.
Lina wasn’t so lucky. She didn’t even get to sit in Dumag’s lap. For the first time since they became brats, Lyralei held her in a tight and intimate hold that also happened to be very uncomfortable and straining, generally reserved for some of the most demeaning fucks a man could put a woman through. The Windranger’s long, shapely legs were wrapped tight (almost) around Lina’s waist, her trembling arms struggling to maintain the hold that Dumag ordered her into. The unlucky Slayer who really only wanted to cum had been turned into a veritable pretzel, Dumag demanding Lyralei keep her in a full nelson; Lina’s bent back legs were further pinned in place by Lyralei’s legs, clutched around her thighs, unable to simply slip around her waist in their position.
Up until that day, Lina was fairly certain that she had her ass fucked in every conceivable way over her two months in green-dick hell, but her predicament was certainly a new one, testing and stretching her body in a way that her unathletic life had not prepared her for. Between her discomfort and the feeling of Dumag’s monstrous cock ravaging her ass once again, it was hard for her to think, and when she did, she wasted those lucid thoughts on her keen regret over always turning down Lyralei’s invitations to do morning yoga. The poor Slayer panted and gasped, half-wanton and half-miserable, the green invader in her anus treating her hole no more kindly than the way he fucked her pussy.
She was used to that much, at least, but two specific things made Lina’s present anal reaming into a far greater punishment than any before. The moment Dumag’s cock was inside her ass, her orgasm was back to square one. Desperately, she begged him to fuck her pussy instead, but he didn’t, not even acknowledging her when she began howling and wailing for it. Eventually, even the shadow of that great moment that almost came to be faded for Lina, leaving her only grunting and groaning as her master’s thrusts pushed her down against Lyralei, in turn jostling the Windranger against the cock lodged in her ass.
And unlike Lina, she was cumming. However unfair it was, the other redhead was even getting Dumag’s balls brushing and slapping against her clit with each of his thrusts, expediting her quick orgasms considerably. The jealousy she felt towards Lyralei wasn’t the second thing that made this punishment all the more cruel, though. As Dumag was jostling Lina into her present position, he grabbed one of her feet, his broad thumb sliding absently against it. Even with all the walking she had been doing, Lina’s feet still weren’t used to touching anything; the soles of her feet weren’t as pristine as they once were, but their delicate arches were still as prim as any princess, and sensitive to the touch.
The involuntary giggle at the incidental tickling did not escape Dumag’s notice, but he was an orc, not a fucking clown. He wasn’t going to tickle a brat. Giggles were more likely to give his ilk a headache than make them smile. As he pounded Lina’s ass, one of his hands grabbed one of her ankles, both her legs kept up by Lyralei’s clutching hold. His other hand came clapping down on her sole, slapping it the same way he had spanked her ass so many times before. Lina reacted immediately and viscerally, her leg jerking and toes curling tighter than they had for any orgasm she ever had.
“FfffffFUCK!” Lina shrieked like a bat out of hell, and she did not shriek any less for the slaps that followed that one, or the one after that, or any of the seemingly endless ones came on its heels. A moment soon came where Lina thought he was growing bored of tormenting her poor little feet, his hand sliding away from her sore sole and releasing her ankle -- but then the same ironclad grip was seizing her other ankle, and the same slaps were coming down on the sole that had yet to suffer his abuse, making her spasm and writhe between Lyralei and her master. “P-please! NnnnngghhFUCK!”
Something had changed, though. Maybe it was something that changed after she finally had a cock in her pussy, or maybe it was just something about her feet, some simple way they were already special. Lina hated other people touching her delicate feet, almost more than she hated anything else in the world (and she had a considerable capacity for feet). She hated that it was happening, she hated Dumag (even more) for doing it, and most of all? She hated that even though it hurt like a fucking bitch, it was going to do what the cock in her ass couldn’t. It was going to make her cum. All her begging made for sweet music to the orc’s ears, who knew his punishment was effective, but didn’t have it within himself to realize she wasn’t begging him to stop. She was begging him to continue.
Then the moment that Lina had been waiting so long for finally hit her, intense and abrupt, almost without any ramp-up or the little warnings she associated with cumming. In one instant she grew as tense as a diamond being formed under intense pressure, and in the next that diamond shattered into a million pieces, her eyes rolling back in her head and her mouth opening to let out a wordless wail, all that misery gone in the span of a moment. She shuddered powerfully, her hands clawing blindly at Lyralei behind and beneath her, her hips jerking in fits and spasms as her world went black.
While she was blissfully unaware of the world around her, Dumag suddenly stopped, half from the way his brat’s asshole threatened to choke his death to dick and half from realizing how terribly he had just fucked up, even as his cock made a direct deposit into Lina’s ass account. “Awh, fuckin’ shit,” he whispered, staring down at her with widening eyes. Post-nut clarity was a thing that plagued even orcs. Despite what Lina had come to assume, orcs could read an orgasm for what it was.
And when it came to using Lina, their special rebel brat, there were two distinct rules. He had already broken one when he thrust his cock into her pussy: that hole was strictly off limits, because the leader of the orcs had been unable to seal it like her others. It was a simple rule. The other rule was that she was never to find any form of satisfaction in her time there. None of the orcs questioned their leader, though he hardly seemed worthy -- he’d proven his power when he killed their previous leader, and since then they had entered a golden age of raiding, pillaging and fucking. The brat system he had introduced revolutionized orcish culture.
“Fuckin’-- hey, you don’t fuckin’ think the big boss pays attention to--” Dumag was just starting to ask the orc embedded in Lyralei’s ass when a portal hissed open in the alleyway, and their glorious leader emerged, fury in his eyes, his snow-white eyebrows and beard practically bristling with his rage.
The big boss didn’t pay attention to cunts, knowing orcs had a predisposition towards assfucking. It never occurred to him that someone might break that rule -- but even if one did, he’d know the moment Lina finally came. “You FOOLS,” he shouted, bouncing in place in his rage, then hopping towards them, the portal vanishing behind him. “You ABSOLUTE IMBECILES.”
“U-uh, fuckin’ hi, boss--” Dumag hastily pulled out of Lina’s ass, the sensation of his thickness popping out of her plugged-up ass jolting the redhead awake. “How’re you fuckin’ doing? We’re just--” he began, but he didn’t have a chance to finish speaking before the big boss gave a flick of his orange-hatted head and used his magic to launch Dumag into the air, into the stratosphere, and ultimately into space itself, inadvertently setting into motion events that would culminate in the birth of peculiar space orcs.
“Wha…?” Lina slurred, somehow finding it within her strained frame to just sag against Lyralei, her glassy eyes uncomprehending of what she just saw. She felt good for the first time in ages, utterly relaxed in the aftermath of her orgasm, her satiated pussy still twitching from it and small shivers running through her body.
Far more desensitized to pleasure (but far, far from immune to it), Lyralei blinked her eyes into focus and glanced down at the big boss who just killed the master who had fucked her so wonderfully, so many times, even as the orc beneath her scrambled to get his cock out of her and start fleeing the scene. “Is that…” she began to whisper, confusion replacing the cum-drunk pleasure she had on her face. “Shitty Wizard, is that you?”
The big boss was far from big at all. Without his hat, he was only as tall as one of the redhead’s knees. Including the conical hat, his full, true (fake) height almost brought him up to their thighs. He was a strange being, a cloak orange cloak wrapped tight about his body, if the cloak itself wasn’t his body. If he had arms or legs beneath it, none of the heroes had ever seen it. His head was a perfect circle, his eyes black and beady and unlike those of any other living being. It was as though he had come from another dimension, another time and place’s idea of what a human might look like. He looked nothing at all like the leader of the orcs, and far more like a children’s toy animated by magic.
“MYRDDIN! MY NAME IS MYRDDIN, YOU BRAT!” the Shitty Wizard roared, even his moustache and beard seeming to quiver with his rage as he hopped in place. He flicked his head again, and the second orc, who was trying to sneak away at that point, went likewise launching into the stratosphere, further seeding the galaxy with space orcs. “I’ve had enough of you heroes, always blaming everything on me and treating me like nothing more than a-- than a COURIER,” he thundered, insofar as a tiny thing can possibly thunder. “But soon, that will change! Soon, you’ll all see what I, the true ULTIMATE MAGUS, have set in motion!”
“O-oh, um, sorry?” Lyralei could only stare after she spoke, utterly baffled.
Indeed, the village was just one of several. Myrddin’s plan was nearing its ultimate culmination. With almost a hundred thousand orcs at his beck and call, he would soon take vengeance on the world that had treated the genius who gave them Smoke of Deceit so poorly. “How does it feel, heroes?” he raved, hopping right up to the crate that Lyralei and Lina were uncomfortably perched on, levitating into the air until he was eye level with the redheads. “How does it feel to become little more than cum dumps for orcs, with no greater purpose than to keep them OBEDIENT to the ULTIMATE MAGUS?”
“... Whuh?” Lina mumbled, her eyelids threatening to droop. “Did I-- did I order a Clarity? Gods, I could chug a clarity,” she groaned, half to herself, half to Lyralei behind her.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Lyralei whispered back, so jarred that she was almost acting normal again. “Do you want to, like… get out of here and go find a master with a nice cock?” Almost normal, but not quite.
“And YOU, Lina, YOU,” Myrddin continued unabated, somehow managing to narrow his seemingly lidless eyes. “You were NEVER supposed to cum. Today was an accident, one that will NEVER be repeated, mark my words. Not after all the times you put me in harm’s way,” he half-seethed, half-bragged. He remembered each such incident clearly, forced to run items across the battlefield while she seemed to pay no attention to her surroundings, careless if her personal courier was caught out on vision. Hundreds of times, Myrddin had found himself trapped in trees and poked to death by bolts of Furion’s magic, or had the misfortune of tasting Gondar’s Jinada.
He had not originally meant to draw the female heroes into his trap -- but once they proved just as susceptible to the enchantments laid over his orcs, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up, weakening the world well in advance of Myrddin’s invasion while bagging some easy revenge points against them. Lina in particular was his favourite prize; as his most hated of the heroes, he went well out of his way to ensure her stay in the village would be hellish. The powerful magic he had acquired made it child’s play for Myrddin to prevent her from cumming, though it seemed impossible to prevent orc cocks from fucking their way through the enchantment via her pussy.
It had never occurred to him that she might be able to cum from having her feet slapped, and it never would.
“Didn’t I… stop using him for a Stumpy?” Lina groaned softly, her body settling as Lyralei slowly released her from the full nelson, though she didn’t release her altogether. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Lyralei murmured back. “Seriously, let’s just go get fucked. This is so boring.” Despite her words, she hugged Lina’s body tight to her own, pleased to be reunited with her after so long, the pair of them mutually basking in their respective afterglows. Neither of the redheads paid much mind to Myrrdin as he continued to rant at them, who was far too self-absorbed to even realize how much he was being ignored. He laid out every step he had taken, the words just pouring out of him unbidden after being unable to talk about his plan for so long. Every question Lina had, he answered -- but they all fell on deaf ears.
Even when he explained how the village existed, and why everything seemed so strange and different -- the way he, the ultimate magus Myrddin, had captured the fundamentals of the universe and now commanded them, able to alter reality on a whim. To an extent, at least. They were still really rather resistant to his whims, so it involved a lot of brute force, though he’d gotten extremely good at launching orcs into space, making orcish the sole component of a balanced diet, and of course luring women into his trap. The last one, in particular, was something very dependent on the fundamental known as Io, or more broadly as Wisp.
If Lina was listening whatsoever, she could have put the puzzle pieces together from there. The strange yet familiar thing that had been guiding her over the last two months was Io, trying to use Lina’s unique circumstances to bring about Myrrdin’s downfall. Unfortunately, Io had given up on the Slayer earlier that day, beep-booping despondently to his fellow fundamentals about her lacking the power to defeat him.
Chaos Knight kindly pointed out the nearby alternative to champion their escape. If Myrrdin wasn’t so focused on his rant, he might have noticed the shadow fall over him, that of a disobedient brat who had removed her shoes to let her sneak up upon the strange little man who kept shouting in a gratingly high-pitched voice.
For as small as Marci was, she was very powerful -- more than powerful enough to grab the Shitty Wizard and punt him before he even realized what was happening. She wasn’t quite powerful enough to punt him into space after all the orcs he had sent yeeting into the great unknown, but she didn’t need to be. In his panic, his magic failed him, and gravity soon did the rest of their work. The three watched him soar through the sky and eventually plummet.
“... What the fuck,” Lina groaned, closing her eyes and sinking her head back against Lyralei’s breast.
“... What the fuck,” Lyralei whispered, as she -- and ever other woman who had been so terribly addicted to the orcs -- had the magic affecting them fade away, common sense slowly overtaking her lavicious hunger for green dick.
Though she was mute, Marci (who had been getting triple-stuffed by a set of orcs when Io linked with her and began guiding her to this point) made the NSL gesture that mimicked the sentiment, and slumped down against the wall of the alley.
The tables turned on the orcs after that, and though some of the women remained pliant and obedient, too far gone, the heroines were once again able to access their magic. The four fundamentals of the universe did not stick around to watch the women clean up their mess, with Enigma making them all swear to never divulge their involvement. Ezalor was, of course, hung around juuuust long enough to watch Mirana get gangbanged one more time before riding off into the sunset astride his horse.
In a week’s time, the two redheads were back on the road. This time, Lina’s blonde sister was with them, aiding Lyralei in driving the pyromancer up the wall by voicing every second ‘are we there yet’, at least until Lina lost her cool. “Would you fucking brats shut the fuck up?!” And they did, for a time, reminded of the time they spent as slaves to orcish dick.
Then they got right back to work making Lina miserable all over again.
Now? Now the calendar was one of her most prized possessions. It was what kept Lina grounded, and kept her from feeling like she was going crazy. It was also highly illegal for her to own. In the village, brats like herself were only permitted to ‘own’ the specific parts of their uniform. And even then, they didn’t truly own them. Everything belonged to the tribe, first and foremost. Just like the brats themselves. She smiled bitterly, then laughed at herself, lifting one hand to rub at her eyes, having to blink back some tears.
A brat like myself, Lina thought sardonically. Brats weren’t heroes and heroes weren’t brats. A brat was nothing more than a fucktoy, a set of three warm holes on two legs, living for no other reason than for one of their orcish masters to fuck them at their convenience. She remembered her first few weeks in the village and how she had chafed at the label and at all the rules, telling herself over and over again she wasn’t like all the other women. That she was different, that she could save everyone: not just all the other female ‘heroes’ who were captured, but the men who were forced to live in the village as well, their identities slowly fading until they became little more than whatever their trade was.
One such man had given her the calendar; Calentime. It was easier for them to abandon their true names even before they forgot them and just adopt something similar to their trade, the one thing they wouldn’t forget. Calentime and his brother Clockminute (they looked like brothers, at least) were responsible for keeping track of time in the village, and providing the Masters with everything they needed to keep their schedules straight. Considering orcs were famously disorganized, very few of them used his services. Calentime was all too happy to help Lina.
All the men were, even if they clearly didn’t believe she was capable of the lofty goal that she had set for herself. Lina reached down with one hand, slowly brushing her fingers over the parchment the calendar was etched on, trying to remember what it was like to hold and read a proper book. For those first few weeks, she had been so fucking certain of herself -- and then somewhere along the way, without quite realizing it, she had begun to think of herself as a brat, too.
A brat was far from a hero and far from immortal. Her fate was worse than death, in a way. If she had somehow died a permanent death in the War of the Ancients? Of course they would remember her name and sing her story. Instead, Lina the Slayer had disappeared from the world. Not slowly, but suddenly, gone as quick as a snap. Who the fuck would remember her? Nobody, and that was probably for the best. She was proud of her deeds and reputation as Lina the Slayer. The last thing she’d ever want to be immortalized for was being Lina the Brat, whose only accomplishments in life were taking an orc cock up her ass and having it jammed in her throat.
It felt like she had been in the village for years, that she was a prisoner for a decade or more. Yet with Calentime’s calendar in her lap, she knew better. Lina stared at it bleakly. One of the worst things a brat could do was get caught with ink and quill, so she couldn’t mark the days conventionally -- the calendar on its own was far easier to hide, and drew far less attention than a long feather. She had to mark the days with her lipstick, crossing out each box in a whorish shade of red. For the third time that morning, she counted the tallies.
It felt like years.
It wasn’t even two months. This was the dawn of her fifty-third day. Never was the patient type, or any good at waiting things out, Lina thought to herself, closing her eyes and drawing a soft breath. She set aside her tube of lipstick, flipped the calendar close and carefully put it back into its hiding spot beneath her little hidey-hole’s floorboards. Brat or not, she had managed to maintain a level of independence no other woman in the village seemed to have.
Her bitter smile curdled into a self-deprecating smirk. ‘Independence’. That was a precious thought. What’s so independent about this? Lina had managed to keep herself out of their system, always finding herself a safe place to sleep every night, and keeping a tight enough hold on herself that she didn’t become an utter whore completely obsessed with getting green dick. But like every other woman in the village, she survived on a diet of orc cum, her tongue getting rather good at differentiating the orcs based on their taste. Really, the only difference between her and the others was that she ate less of it -- once every three days or so, rather than three times a day.
It wasn’t a deliberate choice; it felt like a concession to necessity, something she did purely to survive. Or whenever she fucked up and ended up getting a big, meaty green dick shoved into her mouth as a punishment, which wasn’t a rare occurrence. Really, Lina felt far from independent. For what freedom she seemed to maintain, very little of it resulted in her making choices, her deciding to do things one way or another. Her daily life in the village more often than not felt guided, like some greater power was leading her around. Like an invisible master had hooked a leash to her collar and was bringing her from place to place, but in a subtle way, far too discreet for her lust-addled mind to comprehend what was going on. At least, that was easier for her to believe than the alternative.
“I’m going fucking crazy,” Lina whispered out loud. Talking to herself was absolutely a sign of that -- which made her all the more grateful for the company she had. “Aren’t I?” she asked, turning towards the woman she had been cohabitating with. Up until that moment, Lina’s only real ‘friend’ in the village had been peacefully sleeping, curled up on her side as she slept off the previous day’s use and abuse. Unfortunately, she was a very light sleeper. Cum still dripped out of her gaping holes, smeared and dried cum coating her belly and breasts. Lina’s last ‘meal’ had been licked fresh off her face.
The brunette slowly opened her eyes, peering at the Slayer with her heavy but doe-like hazel gaze, still more asleep than not. After a moment of staring, Marci’s eyes went to the window, taking in the sky, still more dark than light despite the encroaching dawn. She groaned softly and uncurled from her ball, stretching her limbs out like a little cat before starting to sit up, grimacing as her movements made her all the more acutely aware of her sore holes. Shifting to put her weight on her hip and propping herself up on one hand, she stared at Lina for several long seconds, her expression shy of a glare but still getting the point across: hey, bitch, about six hours have passed since I finished getting gangbanged by two dozen orcs. Could you stop being a selfish asshole for one minute and let me sleep this off?
At least, that’s how she sounded in Lina’s head. Marci was a petite woman, a soft little thing and cute beyond belief… but the Slayer had seen her fight, defending her charge Mirana, the Priestess of the Moon. It was hard to perceive her as anything but aggressive, as a whole lot of power compacted into a tiny package. A tiny little package who also happened to be mute, and considering Lina had never learned Nightsilver sign language... “Sorry,” Lina murmured, her smile both awkward and apologetic. It was a difficult friendship, but Marci was the only other woman around who didn’t seem completely obsessed with orc dick. “It’s just-- I don’t know.”
Lina had no idea how long Marci and Mirana had been in the village. Longer than her, but not by very much, she was sure. While the latter seemed to have completely forgotten that she was once in line for the Solar Throne and now largely seemed to live for the sole purpose of Luna eating cum out of her cunt, the ignorant orcs took Marci as a disobedient, stuck-up bitch. None of them ever seemed to realize her silence wasn’t their doll-like brat giving them the cold shoulder, but her being literally incapable of answering their questions or obeying their commands for her to verbally objectify and degrade herself as a slut.
They seemed to bounce between avoiding her, uncertain of what to do with such a strange brat, and using her various orifices as the fuckable equivalent of a stress ball. When Lina first saw her, it seemed like she had been deprived of orc cum for some time -- but she had changed that one night, sneaking her a ‘meal’ in the middle of the night. Since then, Marci was far more eager to suck and fuck their masters, giving into her hunger for their cum, yet maintained a degree of lucidity and sanity the other women seemed to have lost.
She wasn’t ‘independent’ in the same way Lina was, and seemed more confused than understanding whenever the redhead tried to explain the way she was being led around the village. The only reasonable explanation the two of them had come up with for why that might be was the early cum deprivation. Well, Marci seemed to agree. It could be hard to tell with her.
Marci’s glare softened, and she shook her head, paused significantly, then gestured at Lina and shook her head again as though absolving the Slayer of her terrible sin. As though she were assuring her that she wasn’t crazy, too. She glanced out the window again, at the slowly rising sun, then looked back at Lina and pointed over to where their uniforms waited for them. They were truly vexing things -- despite the fact Lina’s magic had thoroughly failed her in the village, the garments seemed to be enchanted despite none of the men having the slightest bit of magical talent.
Their masters didn’t give a fuck how much love and care the men put into making the uniforms, not even seeming to stop and appreciate the (admittedly quite sexy, to Lina’s chagrin) outfits. It confounded Lina why they had them and why they were so fucking insistent on the girls wearing them, getting incredibly upset and offended whenever they found a breach of the uniform rules, though very few orcs ever sought to rectify them, instead taking it as an opportunity to punish a brat. Of course, none of them cared that almost every time there was a problem, it stemmed from one of the orcs being rough, ripping off this-or-that or fucking a girl so hard their well-fitted heels managed to slip free and go flying as their raised legs bounced and jostled.
“Yeah, I guess we should get dressed,” Lina exhaled, glancing between the two outfits. Marci’s stockings and heels could have come out of her precious Princess’ wardrobe, soft blues intermingled with darker splashes of the same color and touches of purple. Like most of the female undergarments in the village, the panties that came with it really failed to do anything but lewdly display her most intimate parts, with fanciful moon-shaped cutouts offering easy and immediate access to any master who cared to fuck her. The other woman was still wearing her collar, of course -- even Lina hadn’t taken hers off since putting it on, in large part because she couldn’t. Once each collar was put on, its clasp seamlessly fused. They would have to be cut off, and of course none of the women were allowed to carry a blade, let alone a pair of shears sharp enough to properly do the task.
One of the things Lina hated the most about the village was how much she didn’t hate her uniform. Her hand lifted to her throat, gently touching her ruby-studded black leather collar and running her fingers along to where her ‘tag’ hung, her fingers tracing over the golden dragon and the words etched into it. ‘Dragon Slave Bitch’. On one hand, it was a painful reminder of what she lost. On the other -- it was touching that the man who made it, Taggy the tagsmith, had somehow remembered enough about her to make something that acknowledged her history.
Her stockings were not that different from what she normally wore on her adventures and while fighting the War of the Ancients, two-toned with fiery orange and blazing red, paired perfectly with the shade of her hair. Stockings were a bit generous of a label, though Lina certainly never complained about them. They were closed to uniquely laced leg wraps, reaching from her ankle to her mid-thigh while leaving her foot bare, something she would have appreciated far more if she was able to levitate.
The ‘thong’ that went with them made Lina intensely jealous of Marci’s panties. Even with the cut-outs, they provided some form of coverage, something that was in short supply around the village. In a sharp contrast, Lina’s bottoms seemed to be little more than a string in a harlot’s shade of scarlet, one slightly slighter piece of fabric tucked right between her constantly wet cunt and her asshole, and that was pretty much it. Like so many of the things made by the Pantymaker, it only seemed to frame her exposure, like it was making a target box out of her twin holes, even though the orc’s arrows (cocks, whatever) only ever seemed to find her backdoor. Most of them tended to be a bit more fanciful, though, or have a bit more flair. It was such a stupid thing to be jealous of.
What she was more jealous of, at least that day, was Marci’s heels.
Yesterday, the strange presence that seemed to bring Lina wherever she ‘needed to be’ had led her astray, putting her in the path of one of the two people she tried to avoid more than any of the village’s orcish masters. Lina shivered, remembering how she had quite literally shivered as her sister laid eyes on her for the first time since the redhead arrived. The pair of them had always had a tense relationship, mixing like fire and ice pretty literally, but they were still sisters, and they still cared for each other in their own unique way, even as they pettily tormented each other. Lina loved to tell everyone just how much of a maiden the Crystal Maiden really was, and Rylai, in a stark contrast to her normally pleasant self, would just as readily gossip about how the only thing Lina slayed was cock. Sass and insults colored their every interaction.
Not yesterday’s interaction, though.
There was nothing but adoration in Rylai’s unfocused eyes as she staggered along in her towering heels, her hips unsteady from the hard fucking that left her cunt dripping fresh orc cum in her wake. “Ohhh my gosh, Lina,” she panted. “You’re really here! I thought they were all kidding. This is so great,” she said with open delight, reaching out for her frozen solid sister. “You’ve GOT to come fuck this master with me, his dick has the perfect curve to it. Like, every single thrust bumps your special spot, it’s almost as good as getting fucked by two cocks at once.” Lina always associated her sister with her favourite perfume, a complex mixture of scents that somehow evoked a crisp breath of Icewrack air with the beauty of its virgin snows. Now, though, Rylai only smelled of sex, sweat and cum.
“No fucking way,” The smell broke Lina’s paralysis, urging her to whip around, to start going in the opposite direction -- but she was far from used to her heels, even fifty-one days into her time as one of the village’s brat. “No FUCKING way,” she almost shouted, and then Rylai lunged at her with laughter and disregard for her personal safety. Rylai may have been more graceful in heels, considering she didn’t float everywhere, but she was off balance and no more physically capable than Lina was at the heart of things. Her tackle fell short, but her arms still caught Lina’s legs and had both the sisters falling, the redhead shrieking in surprise and the blonde yelping as she hit the cobblestone.
“It’ll be fuuuuun,” Rylai whined, starting to pull at her sister’s long legs as though clawing her way up them, climbing them. “You’ll cum like, so much and stop being such a stuck-up slut, Lina! And then we can really bond over orc cock!” Oddly enough, the needless nettling in her sister’s words reassured Lina that the voluptuous blonde was still her sister and not just some impostor, but that didn’t mean she wanted to get fucked alongside her. Without an ounce of hesitation, Lina started to crawl away, her urgent desperation and adrenaline giving her the strength and speed she needed to escape her cum-drunk sister, but not without a cost. “Liiiina,” Rylai whined, clutching on to the heels of her sister’s shoes, tugging and yanking at them. “Liiiina, come on!”
The straps of Lina’s shoes were tested to their limits over the next minute. For all of Shoe’s craftsmanship and vision, he did not make indestructible high heels. Eventually they broke and Lina was able to scramble to her knees, then her feet, fleeing her sister even as Rylai’s wailing attracted a crowd of their orcish masters to her position. She would have felt a little bad about what surely followed if Rylai hadn’t been giggling in seconds, Lina all but forgotten as she got a fresh helping of orc cock.
Unfortunately, the enchanted items did not magically find their way back to their owners after being separated. Today, Lina would have to visit Shoe. She’d have to look at him again and remember her failure to save him while asking him to replace her heels. Though Lina had eventually doubled back to see if Rylai had dropped them, she only found an impressive amount of drying cum and a handful of passed out orcs where she had last seen her sister. What troubled her most, though, was that she felt drawn there -- like what happened the previous day had been setting her up specifically for whatever would happen next. Trying to ignore that bad feeling, Lina eased up and joined Marci in getting dressed. “I’ll see you tonight,” she told her friend, though she was unable to hide her discomfort.
“FfffffFUCK!” Lina shrieked like a bat out of hell, her current predicament about as bad as the debacle with Rylai.
As it turned out, her bad feeling had turned out to be very much warranted. The closer she got to Shoe’s humble workshop, the damper her cunt got, her inner flame stoking higher and higher until her lust was at a blazing all-time high, something that seemed to herald all her greatest misfortunes in the village. She wasn’t sure what got her so horny -- if her body knew something her mind didn’t, or if she was just that desperate to cum after going fifty three days without actually getting off once, the longest dry spell of her adult life. It didn’t stop her from walking, only slowing her progress as she began playing with her clit on the way there, though as always cumming seemed impossible for her.
More than slowing her, playing with herself left Lina distracted and vulnerable, more vulnerable than she already was as a cum-dependent bitch in a village populated by horny orcs and their fucktoys. She didn’t realize that she had strayed from her intended path until it was too late, until she was rounding a corner and bumping face-first into an orc’s broad, rock-like chest. Blinking, Lina stumbled back. Before all of this, her immediate response would have been to look him in the eye and chew him out for not paying better attention.
The orcs had taught her better. Lina kept her eyes down. “Sorry, Master. This slutty was too busy thinking about orc cock,” she said, forcing herself to sound bright and bubbly, to the point of being a downright ditz about it. Breezy, in a way. She liked to emulate Lyralei’s usual attitude in these situations, the other woman she avoided like the plague, her everyday agreeable manner far more pleasing for the orcish masters than Lina’s spitfire attitude.
He grunted. “‘Course you fuckin’ were. That’s all you fuckin’ brats ever fuckin’ think about, fuckin’ gettin’ fucked.” Lina flinched, the voice a familiar one to her, belonging to an orc that loved to fuck her every chance he got. Slowly, she hazarded a glance up at Dumag’s face and swallowed softly at the sight of his cruel smirk. Out of the corner of her eye, Lina saw a brat standing just to the side, her leash pulled tight by Dumag, her long red hair filling Lina with dread. For some reason, the other brat’s lips were pinched tight. “Oh, for fuck’s sake,” he growled with exasperation. “Just swallow and fuckin’ say whatever the fuck you’re goin’ to fuckin’ say. If it’s fuckin’ stupid, though, I’m goin’ to fuck your fuckin’ face again.”
Way to give her incentive, Lina thought tepidly, wishing Lyralei instead kept the apparent mouthful of cum she had right where it was, making it impossible for her best friend turned orc-loving slut to make a single peep. Instead, the archer closed her eyes and did her best to swallow down what must have been an impressively thick load, needing several gulps to get it down her throat. Afterwards, she half-moaned and half-sighed her enjoyment of the village’s only available meal, then piped up, far more bright and bubbly and breezy than Lina could ever be. “Are you going to fuck Lina now, Master? I haven’t seen her get fucked in soooo long,” she said, her eyes wide and her pupils dilated.
“... Fuckin’ eh.” Dumag glanced back at Lina, who had long since given up on trying to wrap her head around the amount of times he could fit f-bombs into a conversation, even when it truly made no sense to do so. His disinterest was plain, right up until Lina made the mistake of looking relieved. “Why th’fuck not?” he decided, reaching one meaty hand out to grab at Lina’s body. She was already backing away, trying to twist around and break into a bare-footed sprint away from him.
Here, even someone like herself could outrace the likes of the Windranger, who had neither the wind’s grace and was stuck wearing heels that made such movements impossible. Even though he was a towering slab of green-skinned muscle though, Dumag was quicker than either of them, a little lunge giving him all the distance he needed to capture Lina. The way she squealed as he hauled on her hair and dragged her off the main street and into an alleyway only made him laugh, and that laughter had Lyralei giggling like a schoolgirl. Though she struggled with all her might against him as he picked her up, the way Lina grabbed at his wrists and kicked her shapely legs might as well have just served as encouragement.
In short order, the Slayer found herself pinned down on a crate, Lyralei pinning her wrists to the surface for Dumag while he spread and held her legs wide open. His cock poked blindly at Lina’s thighs, pelvis and asshole as he tried to blindly angle himself to properly penetrate her, its thick head more like the business end of a battering ram than anything else, its repeated prodding far from comfortable. How the fuck are you so bad at this? Isn’t this like, the only thing that you do? Lina thought. Now that she was cornered and getting fucked was a certainty, she might have gotten saucy with him if she wasn’t busy groaning like the slut she had become. Cocks in her ass still couldn’t make her cum, but she had learned to enjoy it.
“Fuckin’ shit, fuck it,” Dumag grumbled, suddenly aborting his attempts to ream Lina’s ass, and he adjusted course, his cock poking against the one hole that all the orcs had avoided stretching out with their cocks thus far. “So fuckin’ prudish,” he complained. Lina couldn’t help but let out a surprised whine, her hips bucking at the unexpected contact, her entire body jolting at the feeling of a cock against her damp hole. The anticipation she felt mounted, her breathing coming quicker and quicker as he started to push inside her. Her eyes squeezed shut, her back arching as the crown of his prick spread her wider and wider.
“Ohhh, fuck, ohhh, fuck,” Lina whined, her voice soft yet frantic, high-pitched to a degree she found shameful. This -- this was what she was missing all this time. It had only been inside of her for several seconds, but she could tell THIS was what she needed to cum, and THIS was what all the other women were truly addicted to, more than just the nutritional cum that sustained them. For a moment, her mind grappled with it. She had seen other women cum from orcs brutalizing their asses. At one point, she had seen Lanaya the Templar Assassin cum from getting her throat fucked -- and many more seemed to cum from just lapping cum out of their bowls like they were animals. What was different about this? What was changing, now that she had a cock in her cunt?
Her mind grappled with those questions for just a moment, before her keen intellect was completely overwhelmed by her lust, by the sheer satisfaction that surged through her body and left her trembling like all the orc cocks she had taken up her ass never had before. Dumag didn’t take his time with her; once he busted through her initial resistance, his cock drove into her with reckless force and aggression, practically punching into her cervix in a way that should have ruined her. It didn’t, though. It felt divine. “Fuck, fuck… yes!” Lina squeaked, her limbs renewing their struggle as her body longed to grab on to her master, desperate to wrap her legs around him, along with her arms. Though her legs had no chance of breaking free of Dumag’s grip, Lyralei had to fight to keep Lina’s wrists pinned, laughing in delight as she watched her best friend’s descent into truly becoming a brat. “Fuck me, master! I’m just-- I’m just your cocksleeve!” she squealed out, nothing at all like the proud spitfire she once was.
“Fuckin’ brats,” Dumag grunted, shaking his head. He didn’t fuck her any harder or any faster, his massive cock drawing almost all the way out of her fuckhole before driving back in, his hefty balls slapping loudly against the curve of her ass each time he thrusted. For all Lina knew, those balls might as well have been the gentlest but most skilled fingers to ever grace her clit, delicately working her up to the edge of an orgasm that it had no intention of letting her reach. All her squealing quickly turned over to wordless whining and short cries, more and more of Lina’s former self disappearing each time Dumag painful pounding only proved to be pleasurable.
It was everything she had ever wanted and never knew about. Lina’s toes curled up tightly, her mouth opening wide but going utterly silent as she reached it -- as she reached right where she needed to be. A tremble suddenly worked through her body, her tight and neglected pussy clenching around the cock that was about to end her dry spell with one hell of an orgasm, one that would rival even the most debaucherous misadventures she had shared with Lyralei. That clench quickly spread throughout her body, starting with her core, her flat belly tensing, followed by her limbs, their desperate struggle coming to an end. Any second now, she was going to cum, and it was going to be glorious and validate all her time spent on orc cock. She’d never have to worry about saving anyone ever again, because she’d be able to embrace her true destiny acting as a cock ornament for lucky orcs.
Of course, that wasn’t the predicament that had Lina shrieking -- nor was her predicament in the immediate moment that followed, when Dumag’s next thrust took him all the way out of her body. Her body jolted as his cock slapped down against her pelvis, engorged enough that it reached a frightening way up past her pelvis. Confused at the sudden lack of big green dick beating at her insides, she strained her neck to lift her head and stared down towards it with confusion. It wasn’t supposed to be resting against her belly, it was supposed to be inside her, giving her that one last push she needed to truly embrace her destiny. The way his balls were now pushing against her pussy was nice, but it wasn’t what she needed.
Slowly, Lina blinked, and that was all that saved her from getting a herculean amount of orc cum in her eye. She yelped as the first powerful spurt hit her face dead on, splattering all over her lovely features, providing what all the other women in the village would consider to be a delicious glazing to her skin. It hit her with enough force that her neck couldn’t help but falter, the back of her head hitting the crate again. The second rope went over her face altogether, hitting Lyralei’s belly, though some of the splatter couldn’t help but rain down on Lina’s face and hair. Two more ropes followed in quick succession, though they didn’t have nearly as much power behind them, leaving a sticky white mess over Lina’s breasts and ribs.
Words failed Lina. All she could do was moan as the realization struck her: once again, she’d been denied. She had come so very close to finally finding her personal nirvana, to turning this wretched place into her Shangri-La -- and then her master had pulled out at the very last second, like he was doing it on purpose to drive her mad. That wasn’t possible; though the orcs knew their brats got off, they paid absolutely no mind to it. It was simply something that happened, completely incidental to the pleasure of their green-skinned masters. “Please,” she whimpered, “please, master, don’t stop now, just-- just one more time, stick your cock in me one more time--”
The love and fondness that Lina still felt for Lyralei almost burned right through all her lust with the intensity of a Laguna Blade when the other redhead joined her, clearly still obsessed with cock but her feelings towards the Slayer unchanged. “Come on, master, you’ve got to keep fucking her, she’s such a hot brat -- like, seriously hot, but I guess you wouldn’t get that pun because--”
“Oh, fuckin’ shut the fuck up,” Dumag grumbled, drawing back to line his cock up, taking what he wanted more than throwing Lina a literal bone out of pity. And that, unfortunately, was exactly where her predicament began in earnest. “Wait a fuckin’ second, you fuckin’-- WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOUR FUCKIN’ SHOES?” he bellowed, finally noticing after all that time how the brat he was fucking hadn’t been wearing her full uniform.
Lina shivered, almost slurring the answer that came to mind. “I’unno,” the lust-addled wench for orc cock replied. It was not the right answer, but even a perfectly reasonable answer would have just set him off again. There was no winning move for Lina, and not playing was far from an available option for her.
“What’re you fuckin’ shouting about, Dumag, you fuckin’ numbskull?” An orc stuck his head out of one of the nearby windows, peering first at his fellow green-skinned brute and then down at the two red-headed brats. In very short order, Lina was no longer laying on the crate. The second orc now sat on it, back pressed comfortably against the alley’s wall. Her pussy already dripping with Dumag’s cum from earlier in the day, Lyralei sat in his lap, glassy-eyed and groaning, grinning vacantly from his cock jammed deep in her ass. Even just a minute into getting her tight, toned ass fucked, she was trembling, having cummed once and already chasing another orgasm.
Lina wasn’t so lucky. She didn’t even get to sit in Dumag’s lap. For the first time since they became brats, Lyralei held her in a tight and intimate hold that also happened to be very uncomfortable and straining, generally reserved for some of the most demeaning fucks a man could put a woman through. The Windranger’s long, shapely legs were wrapped tight (almost) around Lina’s waist, her trembling arms struggling to maintain the hold that Dumag ordered her into. The unlucky Slayer who really only wanted to cum had been turned into a veritable pretzel, Dumag demanding Lyralei keep her in a full nelson; Lina’s bent back legs were further pinned in place by Lyralei’s legs, clutched around her thighs, unable to simply slip around her waist in their position.
Up until that day, Lina was fairly certain that she had her ass fucked in every conceivable way over her two months in green-dick hell, but her predicament was certainly a new one, testing and stretching her body in a way that her unathletic life had not prepared her for. Between her discomfort and the feeling of Dumag’s monstrous cock ravaging her ass once again, it was hard for her to think, and when she did, she wasted those lucid thoughts on her keen regret over always turning down Lyralei’s invitations to do morning yoga. The poor Slayer panted and gasped, half-wanton and half-miserable, the green invader in her anus treating her hole no more kindly than the way he fucked her pussy.
She was used to that much, at least, but two specific things made Lina’s present anal reaming into a far greater punishment than any before. The moment Dumag’s cock was inside her ass, her orgasm was back to square one. Desperately, she begged him to fuck her pussy instead, but he didn’t, not even acknowledging her when she began howling and wailing for it. Eventually, even the shadow of that great moment that almost came to be faded for Lina, leaving her only grunting and groaning as her master’s thrusts pushed her down against Lyralei, in turn jostling the Windranger against the cock lodged in her ass.
And unlike Lina, she was cumming. However unfair it was, the other redhead was even getting Dumag’s balls brushing and slapping against her clit with each of his thrusts, expediting her quick orgasms considerably. The jealousy she felt towards Lyralei wasn’t the second thing that made this punishment all the more cruel, though. As Dumag was jostling Lina into her present position, he grabbed one of her feet, his broad thumb sliding absently against it. Even with all the walking she had been doing, Lina’s feet still weren’t used to touching anything; the soles of her feet weren’t as pristine as they once were, but their delicate arches were still as prim as any princess, and sensitive to the touch.
The involuntary giggle at the incidental tickling did not escape Dumag’s notice, but he was an orc, not a fucking clown. He wasn’t going to tickle a brat. Giggles were more likely to give his ilk a headache than make them smile. As he pounded Lina’s ass, one of his hands grabbed one of her ankles, both her legs kept up by Lyralei’s clutching hold. His other hand came clapping down on her sole, slapping it the same way he had spanked her ass so many times before. Lina reacted immediately and viscerally, her leg jerking and toes curling tighter than they had for any orgasm she ever had.
“FfffffFUCK!” Lina shrieked like a bat out of hell, and she did not shriek any less for the slaps that followed that one, or the one after that, or any of the seemingly endless ones came on its heels. A moment soon came where Lina thought he was growing bored of tormenting her poor little feet, his hand sliding away from her sore sole and releasing her ankle -- but then the same ironclad grip was seizing her other ankle, and the same slaps were coming down on the sole that had yet to suffer his abuse, making her spasm and writhe between Lyralei and her master. “P-please! NnnnngghhFUCK!”
Something had changed, though. Maybe it was something that changed after she finally had a cock in her pussy, or maybe it was just something about her feet, some simple way they were already special. Lina hated other people touching her delicate feet, almost more than she hated anything else in the world (and she had a considerable capacity for feet). She hated that it was happening, she hated Dumag (even more) for doing it, and most of all? She hated that even though it hurt like a fucking bitch, it was going to do what the cock in her ass couldn’t. It was going to make her cum. All her begging made for sweet music to the orc’s ears, who knew his punishment was effective, but didn’t have it within himself to realize she wasn’t begging him to stop. She was begging him to continue.
Then the moment that Lina had been waiting so long for finally hit her, intense and abrupt, almost without any ramp-up or the little warnings she associated with cumming. In one instant she grew as tense as a diamond being formed under intense pressure, and in the next that diamond shattered into a million pieces, her eyes rolling back in her head and her mouth opening to let out a wordless wail, all that misery gone in the span of a moment. She shuddered powerfully, her hands clawing blindly at Lyralei behind and beneath her, her hips jerking in fits and spasms as her world went black.
While she was blissfully unaware of the world around her, Dumag suddenly stopped, half from the way his brat’s asshole threatened to choke his death to dick and half from realizing how terribly he had just fucked up, even as his cock made a direct deposit into Lina’s ass account. “Awh, fuckin’ shit,” he whispered, staring down at her with widening eyes. Post-nut clarity was a thing that plagued even orcs. Despite what Lina had come to assume, orcs could read an orgasm for what it was.
And when it came to using Lina, their special rebel brat, there were two distinct rules. He had already broken one when he thrust his cock into her pussy: that hole was strictly off limits, because the leader of the orcs had been unable to seal it like her others. It was a simple rule. The other rule was that she was never to find any form of satisfaction in her time there. None of the orcs questioned their leader, though he hardly seemed worthy -- he’d proven his power when he killed their previous leader, and since then they had entered a golden age of raiding, pillaging and fucking. The brat system he had introduced revolutionized orcish culture.
“Fuckin’-- hey, you don’t fuckin’ think the big boss pays attention to--” Dumag was just starting to ask the orc embedded in Lyralei’s ass when a portal hissed open in the alleyway, and their glorious leader emerged, fury in his eyes, his snow-white eyebrows and beard practically bristling with his rage.
The big boss didn’t pay attention to cunts, knowing orcs had a predisposition towards assfucking. It never occurred to him that someone might break that rule -- but even if one did, he’d know the moment Lina finally came. “You FOOLS,” he shouted, bouncing in place in his rage, then hopping towards them, the portal vanishing behind him. “You ABSOLUTE IMBECILES.”
“U-uh, fuckin’ hi, boss--” Dumag hastily pulled out of Lina’s ass, the sensation of his thickness popping out of her plugged-up ass jolting the redhead awake. “How’re you fuckin’ doing? We’re just--” he began, but he didn’t have a chance to finish speaking before the big boss gave a flick of his orange-hatted head and used his magic to launch Dumag into the air, into the stratosphere, and ultimately into space itself, inadvertently setting into motion events that would culminate in the birth of peculiar space orcs.
“Wha…?” Lina slurred, somehow finding it within her strained frame to just sag against Lyralei, her glassy eyes uncomprehending of what she just saw. She felt good for the first time in ages, utterly relaxed in the aftermath of her orgasm, her satiated pussy still twitching from it and small shivers running through her body.
Far more desensitized to pleasure (but far, far from immune to it), Lyralei blinked her eyes into focus and glanced down at the big boss who just killed the master who had fucked her so wonderfully, so many times, even as the orc beneath her scrambled to get his cock out of her and start fleeing the scene. “Is that…” she began to whisper, confusion replacing the cum-drunk pleasure she had on her face. “Shitty Wizard, is that you?”
The big boss was far from big at all. Without his hat, he was only as tall as one of the redhead’s knees. Including the conical hat, his full, true (fake) height almost brought him up to their thighs. He was a strange being, a cloak orange cloak wrapped tight about his body, if the cloak itself wasn’t his body. If he had arms or legs beneath it, none of the heroes had ever seen it. His head was a perfect circle, his eyes black and beady and unlike those of any other living being. It was as though he had come from another dimension, another time and place’s idea of what a human might look like. He looked nothing at all like the leader of the orcs, and far more like a children’s toy animated by magic.
“MYRDDIN! MY NAME IS MYRDDIN, YOU BRAT!” the Shitty Wizard roared, even his moustache and beard seeming to quiver with his rage as he hopped in place. He flicked his head again, and the second orc, who was trying to sneak away at that point, went likewise launching into the stratosphere, further seeding the galaxy with space orcs. “I’ve had enough of you heroes, always blaming everything on me and treating me like nothing more than a-- than a COURIER,” he thundered, insofar as a tiny thing can possibly thunder. “But soon, that will change! Soon, you’ll all see what I, the true ULTIMATE MAGUS, have set in motion!”
“O-oh, um, sorry?” Lyralei could only stare after she spoke, utterly baffled.
Indeed, the village was just one of several. Myrddin’s plan was nearing its ultimate culmination. With almost a hundred thousand orcs at his beck and call, he would soon take vengeance on the world that had treated the genius who gave them Smoke of Deceit so poorly. “How does it feel, heroes?” he raved, hopping right up to the crate that Lyralei and Lina were uncomfortably perched on, levitating into the air until he was eye level with the redheads. “How does it feel to become little more than cum dumps for orcs, with no greater purpose than to keep them OBEDIENT to the ULTIMATE MAGUS?”
“... Whuh?” Lina mumbled, her eyelids threatening to droop. “Did I-- did I order a Clarity? Gods, I could chug a clarity,” she groaned, half to herself, half to Lyralei behind her.
“I don’t know what’s going on,” Lyralei whispered back, so jarred that she was almost acting normal again. “Do you want to, like… get out of here and go find a master with a nice cock?” Almost normal, but not quite.
“And YOU, Lina, YOU,” Myrddin continued unabated, somehow managing to narrow his seemingly lidless eyes. “You were NEVER supposed to cum. Today was an accident, one that will NEVER be repeated, mark my words. Not after all the times you put me in harm’s way,” he half-seethed, half-bragged. He remembered each such incident clearly, forced to run items across the battlefield while she seemed to pay no attention to her surroundings, careless if her personal courier was caught out on vision. Hundreds of times, Myrddin had found himself trapped in trees and poked to death by bolts of Furion’s magic, or had the misfortune of tasting Gondar’s Jinada.
He had not originally meant to draw the female heroes into his trap -- but once they proved just as susceptible to the enchantments laid over his orcs, it was too good of an opportunity to pass up, weakening the world well in advance of Myrddin’s invasion while bagging some easy revenge points against them. Lina in particular was his favourite prize; as his most hated of the heroes, he went well out of his way to ensure her stay in the village would be hellish. The powerful magic he had acquired made it child’s play for Myrddin to prevent her from cumming, though it seemed impossible to prevent orc cocks from fucking their way through the enchantment via her pussy.
It had never occurred to him that she might be able to cum from having her feet slapped, and it never would.
“Didn’t I… stop using him for a Stumpy?” Lina groaned softly, her body settling as Lyralei slowly released her from the full nelson, though she didn’t release her altogether. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know,” Lyralei murmured back. “Seriously, let’s just go get fucked. This is so boring.” Despite her words, she hugged Lina’s body tight to her own, pleased to be reunited with her after so long, the pair of them mutually basking in their respective afterglows. Neither of the redheads paid much mind to Myrrdin as he continued to rant at them, who was far too self-absorbed to even realize how much he was being ignored. He laid out every step he had taken, the words just pouring out of him unbidden after being unable to talk about his plan for so long. Every question Lina had, he answered -- but they all fell on deaf ears.
Even when he explained how the village existed, and why everything seemed so strange and different -- the way he, the ultimate magus Myrddin, had captured the fundamentals of the universe and now commanded them, able to alter reality on a whim. To an extent, at least. They were still really rather resistant to his whims, so it involved a lot of brute force, though he’d gotten extremely good at launching orcs into space, making orcish the sole component of a balanced diet, and of course luring women into his trap. The last one, in particular, was something very dependent on the fundamental known as Io, or more broadly as Wisp.
If Lina was listening whatsoever, she could have put the puzzle pieces together from there. The strange yet familiar thing that had been guiding her over the last two months was Io, trying to use Lina’s unique circumstances to bring about Myrrdin’s downfall. Unfortunately, Io had given up on the Slayer earlier that day, beep-booping despondently to his fellow fundamentals about her lacking the power to defeat him.
Chaos Knight kindly pointed out the nearby alternative to champion their escape. If Myrrdin wasn’t so focused on his rant, he might have noticed the shadow fall over him, that of a disobedient brat who had removed her shoes to let her sneak up upon the strange little man who kept shouting in a gratingly high-pitched voice.
For as small as Marci was, she was very powerful -- more than powerful enough to grab the Shitty Wizard and punt him before he even realized what was happening. She wasn’t quite powerful enough to punt him into space after all the orcs he had sent yeeting into the great unknown, but she didn’t need to be. In his panic, his magic failed him, and gravity soon did the rest of their work. The three watched him soar through the sky and eventually plummet.
“... What the fuck,” Lina groaned, closing her eyes and sinking her head back against Lyralei’s breast.
“... What the fuck,” Lyralei whispered, as she -- and ever other woman who had been so terribly addicted to the orcs -- had the magic affecting them fade away, common sense slowly overtaking her lavicious hunger for green dick.
Though she was mute, Marci (who had been getting triple-stuffed by a set of orcs when Io linked with her and began guiding her to this point) made the NSL gesture that mimicked the sentiment, and slumped down against the wall of the alley.
The tables turned on the orcs after that, and though some of the women remained pliant and obedient, too far gone, the heroines were once again able to access their magic. The four fundamentals of the universe did not stick around to watch the women clean up their mess, with Enigma making them all swear to never divulge their involvement. Ezalor was, of course, hung around juuuust long enough to watch Mirana get gangbanged one more time before riding off into the sunset astride his horse.
In a week’s time, the two redheads were back on the road. This time, Lina’s blonde sister was with them, aiding Lyralei in driving the pyromancer up the wall by voicing every second ‘are we there yet’, at least until Lina lost her cool. “Would you fucking brats shut the fuck up?!” And they did, for a time, reminded of the time they spent as slaves to orcish dick.
Then they got right back to work making Lina miserable all over again.
This text is part of a set with 3 other files.
Ignorance-Aint-No-Excuse by niteynyx
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Ignorance-Aint-No-Excuse by niteynyx CONTACT: [TWITTER] - [DISCORD SERVER]
“Hey, Lina. Are we there yet?” Lyralei the Windranger sing-songed at Lina, one redhead to another. Lina ignored her, of course. She had to. If she didn’t ignore half the shit that came out of Lyralei’s mouth, she would use Laguna Blade several dozen times a day, and the Slayer li…
Ignorance-Aint-No-Excuse by niteynyx As it turned out, Shoe wasn’t the only human male in the town, not by a longshot. When he said there were a ‘few’, he was underselling it. The first day that they met, he wasn’t lying when he said he was going to go fetch the Tailor. The Tailor, preferring to go by Ty, was in similar circumstances to Shoe -- and when he was done taking measurements of Lina’s legs, he brought her to the Leatherman for another fitting. “You’re gonna need a collar and leash,” Leth apologized profusely to Lina. “It…
Ignorance-Aint-No-Excuse by niteynyx CONTACT: [TWITTER] - [DISCORD SERVER]
“Are we there yet?” Lyralei, better known as the Windranger, asked her companion in a bright and cheery singsong. Though she walked, she easily kept up with the woman floating alongside her, buoyed by a constant buffet of hot air the pyromancer pushed beneath herself.
Lina simpl…
Aerith-and-Tifas-Tentacular-Trouble by Roo Hundreds of miles away from Shinra's totalitarian glare over their former home, Cloud and the rest of his friends in Avalanche had stopped at a quiet lakeside campsite on their hunt for Sephiroth. That morning, Tifa departed from the camp to join in the sun's early glow over the serene, crystal-clear lake waters. In the peaceful blue, it was there, clothed in the dawn's light fog, that Aerith awaited her. Beneath blushed cheeks and a fidgeting posture, the dirty brunette held an incredible secr…
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