When it came to dealing with Widowmaker, D.Va was almost more irritated by her mines than her sniper rifle. After all, charging forward with her shields up and live was a good way to become bulletproof before unloading her guns right up in her face was a good way to start feeling invincible against that sniper rifle, but she often charged in with such guns hot ferocity that she didn't stop to look around for mines before rounding corners and flanking the enemy sniper, which had resulted in her taking a lot of that poisonous gas in the past. And intelligence on her last mission had said that Widowmaker had begun deploying new, experimental mines that released unknown sorts of toxins with effects that they had no idea how to trace, and which curing would be very, very difficult to do without knowing the sorts of poisons she'd used. The fact had been drilled into her again and again throughout her briefing; these new mines could be very dangerous.

In the meat of the moment, D.Va charged right in without hesitation.

She'd forgotten all about risks and unknowns that the sniper nest had been trapped with until they began to hiss, and for a moment, D.Va panicked, engaging her thrusts and boosting forward, opening fire madly as she tried to take Widowmaker down in a frantic attempt at getting away from whatever was happening to her. She was afraid and suddenly very worried about what her lungs were filling with, the thick purple smoke that filled her cockpit inescapable even as she tried to boost out of the area quickly and escape. In her panic, of course, her aim was off, and she came in so loud and frantic and Widowmaker was able to duck out of the way of her mad firing and grapple off to safety. Which shouldn't have been a problem, but D.Va's few seconds of boost had just run out and she was stuck firing off madly into the night sky as Widowmaker made her escape.

It was only as the moment died down and everything cooled off, the panic that had taken D.Va's usually very steady combat prowess and thrown it for a frantic loop, leaving her struggling now to hold herself together as she realized something. Usually, the The old venom mines acted quickly when they exploded, a choking poison gas that would hurt immediately. But this one not only didn't have the initial reaction she'd panicked to try and fight against--something that wouldn't have happened in the face of the familiar pain of the old mines--but there wasn't a delayed reaction either. Her senses were intact, she didn't feel any pain. She didn't feel anything, in fact. Except, suddenly, for a growing swell of embarrassment as she looked nervously around and felt like she'd made a massive idiot of herself.

It must have been a dud. That was bound to happen with experiments anyway, and it wasn't worth stressing over like her life was about to end. Clearly, nothing had happened to her, just some fancy smoke and her instincts being her own worst enemy, and she would be leaving her fuck-up out of the mission report.
Settling down for sleep that night, Hana had a bit of a routine. Hours of Starcraft to help keep herself in shape came first, as she was wont to do, and then before shutting down her computer every night, she'd pull up something to watch, pull a toy blindly out of the drawer at the little side table she had by her computer desk, and she would tire herself out right before bed. Her libido seemed happy with this arrangement, hardly the sort of out of control lust that she'd have to worry about, and it was all told very relaxing to just settle down and slowly work herself to a lazy orgasm.

Sliding her panties down around her ankles, Hana leaned back in her seat and got to work, bringing the toy to her pussy and slowly sinking it into her as she stared at the screen. It was the only source of light in the room, and the writhing of two women scissoring excitedly was all the visual enticement she needed to indulge herself with, working the dildo slowly back and forth. There was nothing hurried about it as she lay there and let everything take its course; just a typical night of self-love, the steady savouring of the little sensations that bubbled up here and there. Little moans were free to spill from her lips she took the slow approach to savouring her relief. There wasn't much hurry and she was hardly burning up with the kind of utter need that would have required something more intense.

It was a while until Hana came, but that was how she liked it. Slow and passionate, just letting her body work itself over. She was getting wetter, her thighs getting stickier with sweat and the quim leaking out of her, and the way that she built herself up into a slow burning mess was one of her favorite parts of masturbation. No pressure, no loss of control, just slow and loving, with nothing to push her around. She welcomed the nice, patient sort of elation that came from it, something without the pressing, crushing urgency or madness that she was so worried about. Just pure relaxation slowly feeding into pleasure.

Like her masturbation itself, Hana's 'visual aids' were all of the slow, sensual sort. Two women making beautiful, tender love together, never moving too fast just for the sake of desperation as they let the pleasure come just as much from the acts they performed as it did from the intimacy and togetherness that each others' touch brought. That was the ideal for her. Someone to have sappy, romantic sex with, where it was as much--if not even more--about being with someone than it was about what came from it.

She cried out with bliss when she came, her body shivering in delight as she felt the rush of pleasure surging across her. Her hips bucked for a moment and she felt everything go hot, throwing her head back as her self-love hit its beautiful and loving peak. What she hadn't expected was how good it would feel this time. Her orgasms had all generally reached a certain mean range, never too mind-blowing but almost never disappointing. Just normal, satisfying orgasms for her to see her way off to bed with, but this one was extra special, making her toes curl and her hips keep rolling. A more powerful orgasm than she'd been expecting, or even really than she should have been capable of, but it was hardly unwelcome as she sank down into a breathless, slightly sweaty mess.

Hana had no idea what had overcome her, but she was content with it, powering down her computer with a satisfied and lazy purr before heading off to bed, more than satisfied enough to sleep after a nice climax like that.

But she had no idea that something within her had awakened. She would never have expected it, never had any reason to understand what was going on. Widowmaker's mine had not been a dud by any means, but it hadn't been as well crafted as hoped. The intention was to release a powerful aphrodisiac so potent that the lust would bring whoever was trying to get at her down to their knees, shocking  them into a state of pure, distracting arousal that would have left them an easy target to pick off. Usual neurotoxins weren't that useful, and she knew that several of her enemies had developed a resistance to normal sorts of poisons, so she'd gone for something they would have never seen coming.

It hadn't been concocted as well as she'd hoped. For one, the immediate effect wasn't there in the least. There had been something missing from it, the vital chemical releases in the mind to begin working its wicked magic with. Chemicals that Hana's orgasm had left her full of. The speed wasn't there, nor the immediate intensity. But what it held in store was in fact much, much worse than that for Hana, because what it was doing to her may not have been as sudden, but it was so much worse.

She felt the effects of it first when she awoke that morning, waking up to find her hand down between her legs and rubbing at her pussy, which was absolutely soaking wet. She'd been idly rubbing herself in her sleep, subconsciously responding to her body's slowly simmering desperation. "What the--" she groaned lazily, not knowing why she was so horny first thing in the morning, but as her fingers toiled at her folds, she didn't fight it. "Mm, I don't really have anywhere to go, so why not?" she asked herself, biting her lip and leaning back as she gave herself a slow, lazy morning fingering. Her free hand reached up to fondle her breast as eased her way into the waking world with pleasure. It wasn't very long before she was moaning loudly, and a quick orgasm hit her, treating her to something that left her hips throttling up off of the bed and into the air as she squirted a little spray of her nectar into the air. Another unbelievably powerful orgasm took her, but even more bizarre than that was that the warm, sleepy comfort of the afterglow she'd been expecting to be met with after release wasn't there.

In fact, she felt like she wanted to go again.
D.Va was almost never horny during the day. It just didn't happen, her libido generally too low for that to be an issue. In truth she didn't even really necessarily need to masturbate daily, it was just easiest to keep those things out of the way in case she did ever get distracting cravings. It wasn't likely, but the last thing she needed was to end up drifting mentally during a pro game. Even having a bout of morning horniness was virtually unheard of for her. But what had generally never happened anywhere at all was sitting there at the computer desk, just checking social media and killing time until her next round of practice games. A picture came across her feed of a cute girl she knew in high school wearing an incredibly short skirt, just an innocent little picture of her wearing nice clothes she'd found, but something quite sudden struck Hana at the sight of it.

"Again?" she groaned, biting her lip as her thighs pressed tightly together. "I already did it this morning, though." She could have ignored it, but something worried her about that. Namely, that this wasn't going to quit during her practice games. There really wasn't any easy way to deal with this other than to just go for it. "Ugh, fine. Okay." With a reluctant whimper and a groan, she reached into her drawer, pulling out a toy with one hand as her other sought something from her bookmarks to get off to. Down her shorts and her panties went, and she drew in a deep breath as she got down to work dealing with herself.

But something was off. From the second the toy brushed against her entrance, she felt much, much too horny for what she was used to. She hadn't even realized it at the time, but she was so wet now that she just couldn't help herself, and pushed the toy in deep, yelling in delight as her hand moved almost of its own accord. She fucked herself with the toy. It was the only sensible way to describe it, suddenly lit up with a need that wouldn't quit, working the dildo back and forth out of her aching, wet hole as she threw all of the usual slowness and adorable indulgence out of the window. She'd almost never masturbated like this, always showing more restraint and more patience, but Hana just couldn't stop. "What is this?" she groaned, closing her eyes as her mind raced with all sorts of sexual thoughts, images flashing across her mind, heating her up even more. It was unbearable.

When she came, she did so with yet another stark lack of anything resembling exhaustion or even really satisfaction. Slumped back in her seat and panting heavily, Hana couldn't shake a certain sinking feeling that she hadn't even really accomplished much of anything.
The next few days proved maddening to Hana. Counting her nighttime session, she'd gone three times the day before. The next day, it was four. Up to six the day after that. When she wasn't indulging, she was thinking about indulging. It got in the way of her gaming almost immediately, her stream play absolutely fucked over by constant little daydreaming and invasive thoughts, desires that just didn't stop. Hana found herself taking unspecified breaks between matches to masturbate, turning her stream temporarily off so she could fuck herself silly, and at night, she found herself going more and more rounds each time. By day six, she was fucking herself for a solid hour and a half non-stop, holding onto two toys as she fucked her ass and pussy in tandem with vibrators, all still to no avail.

Fucking herself into a mad and desperate heap wasn't doing anything to quell her urges as her libido spiraled out of control, swelling to a degree that she had to stop, no matter what. Which meant paying a visit to Mercy and hoping that a friend with a medical license could help explain what she was doing. It was embarrassing, but the options were to let this go on and keep spending her every waking moment obsessing over sex, or let one person sworn to secrecy know and hopefully help her.

"Excuse me?" Angela said as she sat in her chair, eyes wide as she looked at her teammate, not even beginning to know what to make of what she'd just heard. She adjusted her glasses again and crossed her legs as she looked in worry at Hana, wearing a white coat over a light yellow top, a black skirt, and flesh tone pantyhose.

"I said that I've been unable to--"

"No, I heard you, but... What?" She didn't know what to make of this. "I have never heard of anything like this before. I am sorry to say but, perhaps if you are having intrusive thoughts, a psychologist would be better? I can recommend you to a colleague, and likely get you an appointment for two weeks from now that--"

"I can't wait two weeks!" D.Va shivered about on the examination table. "Please, can't you at least take a look? It's keeping me from doing anything." Even then, she couldn't stay still, thighs rubbing together as she kept her eyes off of Angela's legs for fear of what looking at them might do. It was an extreme measure, but she didn't know how to do anything else, stuck with some equally extreme levels of desperation and a lack of self-control that she feared would lead to her just fucking herself on stream one day, terrible for her reputation, her channel, her sponsorships, and pretty much every aspect of her life.

As much as Angela may have had no idea what was wrong with Hana and a sense that it was probably psychological for the absence of anything in her own medical knowledge that would have explained it, but it was clear that she was in a bad place and needed some kind of help. "I will do my best," she said, rising up and putting Hana's chart down, giving her glasses a quick adjustment. "Lie down on the table, Hana, and... Well, this is made no less awkward between friends, but I'll need you to take your pants off."

Hana's cheeks burned at the mention of it, nodding slowly as she bit her lip, lying down on the examination table and drawing a deep breath. It wasn't even showing her pussy to Mercy that felt that shameful right now, but how wet she was, how obvious it would be that she was as horny a wreck as could be. Her fingers dug into her pants and the band of her panties, pushing them down her legs in unison and showing off her sorry state of desperation. D.Va's pussy was soaked. The wettest Mercy had ever seen one before, her puffy mound soaked, her panties drenched, more all over her thighs and leaking down onto the exam table and the sanitary paper laid over it.

Mercy let out a curse in her native Swedish as she looked at the desperate mess before her. She could hardly believe the state of complete wetness in front of her. She tried her best not to look up at Hana as she took in a deep breath and leaned in close to look at her folds, not wanting to make eye contact given the utter awkwardness of this situation. "Let's see what we have here," she said, reaching her fingers out tepidly to spread the plump labia and take a cursory look inside.

Never in her medical career had placating a patient through 'giving it a look' been quite so awkward.

But Angela got off lucky with mere discomfort. Hana had to struggle not to moan loudly as she felt another's fingers on her touch starved mound. Her mind suddenly shifted into probably the worst imaginable mindset to fall into; lusting after her doctor. Her fingers pressed tightly into the leather of the table she sat on as she did her best to keep steady. The thoughts that had been during her days were now screaming at her to take Angela right there, to get the rightful servicing she deserved. Just grabbing her by her loose blonde ponytail and bucking against her pretty face. The need was there, the hunger intense and irresistible, and she could hardly hold herself together as she lay there and did everything she could to delay the seemingly inevitable.

"Nngh, that feels so..." Hana's breath got heavy, and the way she was whining and panting left Angela starting to feel like things were maybe getting a little bit too awkward for her. Slowly, the doctor started to pull back from her up close examination of Hana's pussy, about to distance herself with some words of surrender, when hands reached for her hair, grabbing the back of her head and shoving her face-first into the Korean girl's twat. "I'm sorry Angela but I can't take this anymore! I need you to tonguefuck me!"

Never before had D.Va shown as much strength before, and Mercy struggled and waved her hands about wildly as she was pulled in, her lips shoved right up against her pussy, that tart, sticky nectar leaking out and dripping onto her lips, where they tingled with an almost narcotic excitement. She tried to speak, but her words were muffled by the dripping snatch to the point of being incomprehensible, and more quim leaked into her mouth in the process, lighting up her tongue with a strange sensation she couldn't even begin to place, all while the needy gamer began to grind against her lips, not caring how much active tonguing she received as long as there was something to rub up on, someone else's body to pleasure herself against. She was too gone to give a shit at this point, and anything would do.

"I needed this so badly," Hana whined, rolling her head back as her fingers pressed tight to Angela's scalp. "Eat me out, please. Devour my pussy like it's the best thing you've ever tasked, I need to get off so badly!" Days of frantic masturbation had done far too little to quell her hungers, and in her vain, foolish hope to finally know sexual satisfaction, she believed that someone else's touch was what she was missing. Surely this would do it. "Stop struggling, Angela, I need this!" She wasn't able to think about anything other than her own selfish needs, transfixed on getting what she wanted at any cost, even if it meant tugging on Angela's hair and shoving her face in harshly.

But the harder she bucked against her face, the more something dark brewed within Mercy. The quim leaking into her mouth had an effect on her that continued the utter defiance of everything she knew about medicine. The more she tasted of the sticky, tart nectar, the more her mind felt like it was under a powerful, aphroditic haze. She couldn't shake the creeping lust that continued to wear down her willpower. It was all part and parcel of the wildly misbehaving poison that Hana had been struck with. Not only was her libido out of control, but the gamer's quim had been turned into a potent narcotic drug.

She'd been struggling against the harsh grip in her hair and the raw, frenzied bucking that came with Hana's demands. But the resistance ebbed, slowly wearing down as Angela's own mind toiled and twisted with a strange fascination. She wasn't just turned on to an unbearable degree, but she was driven to an odd sort of submission, an addictive hunger that coaxed from her a willingness to do exactly as she was told to get more of what she craved. So much so that when finally her struggling stopped, her tongue slipped from her lips and began to trail up and down the slick pussy, lapping quickly at the aching hole as her eyes glazed over. The effect was swift and it was impossible to fight against.

D.Va had no idea what her cum was doing. Not really. She just felt Angela start to lick her pussy and give her what she craved, and all she could do was howl out in mad delight. "Yes! There we go, this is what I need. Eat that pussy raw, don't you fucking dare stop now." Eyes wide and the bucking of her hips frantic, Hana felt herself burning up with all of the sensations she'd been too long without, and now that she finally had someone to give her what she craved, there was no slowing down.

The more Angela tasted, the more she wanted, pressing her face in tight against the slick pussy and eating her out with increasing fervor as she got her fix. She was out of control, frantic and losing all sense of composure as she steadily built up a twisted and desperate pace. Her hands went from waving in the air and pushing against D.Va's hips in struggle to running along the outsides of her thighs, to holding tightly onto her to keep her steady, to outright squeezing her firm ass and pulling her up into her face as her head moved about and she utterly devoured the pussy with all of the sloppy and noisy desperation of someone who couldn't hold back for a second.

"Yes! Fuck, this is so good!" Hana hadn't been able to figure out what she had been craving all this time, but as she had her pussy eaten, she was certain it was this. Angela was a wreck before her eyes, the grip on her ass and the tight pull in left her feeling like she had somehow managed to ensnare the doctor with her wiles. "I'm cumming! Drink it all down, Angela!" She twisted and convulsed madly as everything burned hot, and the strongest orgasm yet followed as she gave the desperate and quim-addled doctor every drop she could get.

When finally her head was pulled back, Mercy was a wreck, eyes bugged out, hair messed up, chin dripping with sticky nectar. "More," she pleaded shakily. "Please, Hana, I need more now." Her thighs were rubbing together, her pussy absolutely soaked as the aphrodisiac's effects took their tool on her. "Fuck me, Hana!"

D.Va may not have known what was going on as her doctor went from reluctant victim of a facefucking to begging for more, but for the absolutely desperate and unquenchably horny Hana Song, it was an invitation if she'd ever heard one. She leaned forward, quickly grabbing the doctor and pushing her up to the wall, her desperation imbuing in her a certain push that let her push harder against her as she went for her lips, pressing into a feverish, desperate kiss.. "I will," she moaned into her mouth. "Across every inch of your office, I promise."

One orgasm couldn't have possibly done it for Hana, even if it was someone else's touch, and even more distressing than that was the fact that, in truth, she didn't even feel like it had gotten her any closer to relief. She still ached with a mighty and unquenchable need for more, but even if it wasn't going to quell her hungers, she could at least have some fun with someone else instead of fucking herself alone in her room.

Angela's clothes had to go. Hana got her jacket off, pushed her up onto her desk, and then started at her skirt. But impatience caught her, and instead of pulling her pantyhose down, the gamer simply tore a big hole right into them and feverishly pulled her panties aside. "Fuck, you're wet," she gasped, staring at the slick, messy state of her doctor's hole. It was the exact same problem she'd been having, which was her first indication, as Angela continued to kiss at her neck and beg her pleasure, that maybe something was going on with her, and that that something was some sort of contagious. "Something went wrong, didn't it?'

"Yes," Mercy whined. "Nngh, fuck, I think there is something about your vaginal secretions that--fuck it, I don't care, just stick something in me!" She wasn't able to think clearly, and she tightened her grip on Hana. Never before had she felt like this, been so utterly consumed by lust, but when she felt it, she couldn't help but want everything she could get. "Please, help me."

Not wanting to question whatever wonderful fortune had fallen into her lap, Hana went with it, kicking off a whirlwind of sexual debauchery in the doctor's office as she shoved three fingers deep into her pussy and immediately started to rock them in and out, now so far removed from the sort of slow, sensuous delights she once loved to watch. With a middle-aged blonde in front of her, she was harsh and aggressive, her other hand reaching to undo her bra and tear it off so that she could get at her perky breasts, taking one of the hardened nipples into her mouth and sucking on it forcefully.

"Ja!" Mercy yelled, head thrown back as she felt the touch she craved, the bizarre hungers surging through her just too powerful to bear. The fingers rapidly pumping in and out of her slick hole. With lips wrapping tightly around her breast, Angela seemed to almost sort of calm down as she moaned and twisted about. "More, please. Keep sucking, Hana, that feels wonderful." Her fingers tightened in her hair, desperate to keep her there as she savoured the treatment her breasts were given, the utter desperation that seemed to hit her again and again. She couldn't help herself as she writhed on her desk, abandoning her work day for the sake of pure indulgence.

The sticky wet mess that ensued as Hana fingerfucked her doctor was hardly something the gamer could complain about as she switched over to the other tit, moaning as she pressed her own mound against the edge of the table and ground against it needy, burning up herself as she repaid the favour. She felt like there was a power in her hands, something intense and utterly reckless that she could have been channeling as she worked Angela's twat over. Confirmation came when she looked in Angela's eyes as she went over the edge, the glimmer of submission and desire streaking across her vision as an orgasm sealed the deal and an even stickier, wetter mess ensued. Something so utterly devoted and craven revealed itself, and as Hana pulled back, she couldn't help but wonder just how easily she could manipulate her.

Stuffing some fingers into her needy pussy, Hana quickly got her dry hand nice and wet, then presented the sticky fingers up to Angela's lips. "Is this what you want?'

Mercy didn't even answer. She just grabbed hold of D.Va's wrist and leaned in, licking up the digits before taking them into her mouth and sucking on them frantically. Moans rumbled in her throat, vibrating through the fingers as the doctor hit her next fix. "Your cum tastes so good," she purred. "I need more of it, Hana."

And that was when something inside of Hana Song turned depraved. "If you want to eat my pussy out again, you'll have to eat somewhere else first," she said, licking her lips as she pulled back and bent over the examination table, intent on getting everything she could out of this new arrangement. Her hips stuck out and wiggled as she showed off her perky ass to the doctor, the cheeks jigging and bouncing a little as she looked over her shoulder with a wry smile. "Come and get it," she added musically.

There wasn't the slightest hesitation or worry as Angela threw herself forward, burying her face deep into Hana's ass, spreading the cheeks apart and licking feverishly up and down the cleft of her ass. She felt no shame, no hesitation, just lust. A need to get everything she could ask for from the twisted arrangement before them at any cost. "So good," she moaned, kissing at her puckered hole as she squeezed the cheeks with her desperate and slick fingers. There was no shame in what she did, all in the name of getting off as she started to eat D.Va's ass out. It was all for the good, noble cause of enjoying more of her.

An addictive and very dangerous sort of excitement shuddered up D.Va's spine as she had Mercy rimming her with such fervor. A hand reached back to grab her hair and pull her in tighter as she let out needy, delighted moans, certain now that she was tapping into something powerful and lurid, something utterly incredible. She held a power in her hands now that she couldn't help but think of ways to abuse, ways that could have felt even better than the tongue slithering excitedly against her ass hole and teasing entrance with its wiggling tip. She was being serviced in the filthiest and most lurid of ways, but even this could only leave her hungering for more, wondering what she was capable of pushing her into further.

The possibilities seemed endless as she began to piece it slowly together herself. Whatever was leaving her so desperate had rubbed off on Angela, but with one caveat; something about it had turned the doctor into an addicted, needy wreck whose lust was only intensified by a sudden desire to taste her, and through that, she became as submissive and desperate as one could be. Still not knowing that the mine was to blame, Hana was still more than happy to accept this turn of events as she finally found herself something to help deal with her troubles. What better way to finally have her problems dealt with that to have the beautiful and gracefully aging blonde under her desk during gaming sessions, legs wrapped around her head as she devoured her pussy? It would be the twisted, fanciful dream of getting head while playing Starcraft, but all the time, and that sounded to her about as good as anything could have possibly gotten.

But why stop at Mercy? If she really did have this potency, she could potentially spread this addiction to others, make the other women of the burnt-out husk of Overwatch and its lingering operatives all worship her pussy, a writhing sapphic heap of worship across every inch of the gamer's body at all times. That was the most enticing thought of all, and she bit down on her lip as she imagined the debauchery she could get into, throwing her head back and letting out an excited moan as the tongue buried its way inside of her ass.

Not privy to the twisted inner thoughts of her walking drug, Angela just did her best to keep going, hands kneading the cheeks as she kept her face in tight, showing more intensity to eating Hana's ass out than she had ever shown anything before in her life, wanting to make her happy and serve her as, while the potent addictive quality her quim had taken on left it the most desired thing in the world to her, a general sense of submission and desire to pleasure the gamer overwhelmed her, and anything she'd be asked to do, she would gladly do, throwing her all behind giving the desired affection and attention toward her until she came. The grip in her hair only helped reinforce her position and leave her happily lapping away.

Riding high on the sudden rush of dominance and wicked lust, Hana screamed as she came, howling as she pulled Angela's face in as tight as she could, pressing her ass back against her and savouring every sweet moment of release as her pussy gushed all over the exam table and her thighs. Endless sexual hunger didn't seem so bad when she had someone to tend to her needs, and she was bringing the pretty doctor home to help give her exactly that.

"Good girl," D.Va moaned, slowly pulling Mercy's head back.

"May I eat your pussy now, please?" Mercy whined. Being called a good girl sent a shiver up her spine, and a moan followed as she sought permission, reinforcing her utter submission to the gamer half her age in her desperation.

"Of course," Hana said, leaning forward a little more and pushing her face down lower as the medic began to feverishly eat her pussy from behind. "As long as you keep your pretty face right there, because you're going to be having as much pussy as you can stand." And then probably a little bit more, unless her new toy was as ravenous as she was.

Addicted to D.Va by NidoranDuran


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