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The buzzing of an intercom wakes you from your light nap, and you reach out blindly to slap your palm against the button. “Yeah?” you ask, still half asleep.
“Sir, we’re about to enter hyperspace. Just thought you should know.”
“Yeah, thanks. Wake me up when we arrive.”
“Will do. Uhh, sir!”
You rest your head back on the pillow. Sir. Even two months after your promotion, it still sounds strange. When you had first joined up with the burgeoning Phoenix Cell, you never expected to find yourself so suited to rebellion. For nearly a year now, your squad has struck out against the Empire, weakening their hold on the sector. You’ve made progress, but every successful mission just led to another, and then another, and then another.
But none of you would have been half as successful if not for Ahsoka. It certainly came as a great but welcome surprise to discover that the infamous Fulcrum was actually a living, breathing jedi. Well, former padawan as she always corrected. Still, it was an honor to fight alongside Ahsoka and an even greater honor to become her friend. More than the others, you’ve grown close to her recently, which was to be expected after she promoted you to be her second-in-command. And with that privilege came a certain level of intimacy that the others didn’t share: discussing the day’s agenda over morning tea, staying up late to go over mission plans and strategy together before awkwardly excusing yourself to a night’s rest. As time wore on, your mind had naturally begun to wander toward more lascivious thoughts. And you couldn’t help but wonder if Ahsoka wondered the same thing. Sometimes, you could swear by the way she looks at you…
You push such thoughts from your mind. Romance isn’t really a priority on the frontlines, and it hardly seems appropriate to think about your commanding officer in such a way, even if all the subtle flirting between you two has become harder to ignore. Sometimes you wonder about life after the war, a wonderful future with no Empire and a beautiful Togruta wife hanging off your arm, her belly full and round. It’s a pleasant fantasy and one that brings a smile to your face.
You’re so lost in thought that the first knock at your door seems like nothing more than a figment of your imagination, but the second one definitely gets your attention. Swinging your legs over the edge and sitting up, you answer with a half-yawn. “Come in.”
The door slides open to reveal Ahsoka’s silhouette framed by the outside corridor’s light, and you instantly jump to your feet at attention. “Commander Ta – Ahh, I mean Ahsoka,” you quickly correct yourself, remembering the hundreds of time she asked you not to be so formal. “Can I help you with something?”
She smiles at you, but then her eyes flicker to the empty bottles and loose papers strewn about your room. “Hmm, I suppose I should be asking you the same thing.”
Suddenly embarrassed, you hurriedly smooth everything out on your table. “Sorry about the mess. It’s been, well, one hell of a week.”
“You’re telling me.” She enters without needing an invitation. The quarters are already cramped as is, placing the two of you close enough to feel the heat of each other’s breath. “And don’t clean up on my account, please. Some of the places I’ve had to live these past few years… Trust me, this is quite comfortable.”
“I can only imagine.” Stepping away from the table, you give Ahsoka your full attention. She’s dressed casually for downtime aboard the ship with a pair of hip-hugging tights and a shirt that shows off more cleavage than you’ve ever seen on her. In fact, it takes a lot of willpower to not let your gaze wander southward. Ahsoka smirks at you, almost as if she can sense your internal struggle. You only hope she can’t read your emotions too deeply or else this conversation could become a lot more awkward.
“Why is she here?” you can’t help but wonder. You and Ahsoka have always been close, but not to the point of hanging out in each other’s rooms. Of course you’ve certainly thought about such things a few times. Who could resist admiring her fit body and that pretty face? But these were just fleeting thoughts. Nothing more than a few sideways glances and a shared giggle here and there, but enough to tell you that maybe Ahsoka was just as interested as you were. Which meant, if she had stopped by, then maybe…
Ahsoka has been quiet this whole time, so you speak up finally. “Everyone’s nervous about the mission tomorrow. They played it cool tonight, but I can tell. How about you?” It seems almost silly to ask. Ahsoka has always been the most unflappable part of the crew.
She looks at you with her bright blue eyes, so seemingly innocent yet paradoxically filled with great wisdom for her age. “I have no doubt our mission will succeed. But as to whether or not everyone makes it back home…”
“They will,” you say, even though you have your doubts as well. The danger is obvious, but it does no good to dwell upon it. 
Ahsoka steps forward, and your breath hitches in your throat. She’s an impressive woman, but even with her Togruta horns her height stops just shy of your own. You’ve stood close to Ahsoka before, but never with this kind of intensity. The air between you feels electric, and it’s both exhilarating and nerve-racking. “And what about you? Tell me how you feel,” she asks.
The deliberate phrasing is hard to ignore, and you blush slightly at the implication. “All this… The rebellion, the team, working with you… It really feels like we’re doing something meaningful out here, like I’ve made every moment of my life count.”
Ahsoka casts her eyes downward as she mulls over your words. “Every moment, hm?” Suddenly, she reaches up and plants both palms against your chest. “The Jedi taught me to always live in the present. Learn from the past, anticipate the future, but don’t get lost in either. I never really knew what they meant… Until right now.”
“I completely agree.” And then you go for it, lunging forward and pressing your lips against hers. Ahsoka stiffens, clearly surprised, but she doesn’t pull away. Instead, she leans into it. Ahsoka is warm and needy, pushing into you as though you might disappear any second, but more than anything you’re overwhelmed by just the experience of her. Ahsoka’s flowery scent, the subtle moans rising from her throat, even the way you can almost feel her heartbeat through your lips. She’s stunning, and when you finally pull away she’s uncharacteristically at a loss for words. But then again so are you. “I, uhh… Sorry, I don’t know what –”
“Shh. Before you say anything, I just have one question…” Ahsoka pauses, even bites her lip, and you can tell she’s the nervous one now. “May I stay the night?”
“Of course,” you say without hesitation.
She giggles under her breath, relieved at your answer. “Thank you. Now please, allow me to be the first to make this moment count,” she says with a wink. And with no further invitation necessary, Ahsoka sinks down to her knees before you, and her hands work at undoing your belt. The polite part of you almost asks her to reconsider, but you can tell from the way her fingers frantically pull at your pants that she’s a woman on a mission. You can only figure she’s been looking forward to this as long as you, maybe longer. A few seconds later and your cock is fully out and in her hands. “Magnificent,” she whispers before planting a wet kiss on the tip.
Your vision goes blurry at the sheer improbability of what’s happening. Ahsoka Tano on the floor, sloppily worshipping your cock with hungry kisses and soft moans. It doesn’t take long for her tongue to join the action, wrapping itself around your crown and teasing the slit until a tiny bead of precum appears. She looks up at you and meets your eyes as she laps it up without hesitation. But it’s not enough for her, and Ahsoka wraps her pouty lips around your girth and sinks all the way down to the base. You rest your hand in the groove between her two montral horns. While it certainly occurs to you that you could just grab them, you wisely choose to let Ahsoka have her own fun for now. Besides, there would be time for some roughness next time.
Ahsoka doesn’t seem to take notice of your apprehension. She’s too busy bobbing her head back and forth to slicken your member as much as possible. Once the entire shaft is coated, she finally pulls back and lets the entirety of your cock drape across her face, stretching from her chin up to the tip leaking precum onto her forehead. “It feels so hot,” she murmurs. Ahsoka doesn’t take a break either, her tongue rolling over your heavy balls as she gazes up at you with her face serving as a cock-rest.
“Uggh,” you groan raggedly, your hips shuddering from the immense pleasure. “I’m getting close…”
Ahsoka winks up at you as her tongue moves to wiggle along the underside of your shaft. “You know, I’ve never had a facial before. It’s something I’ve always wanted to try.” Her hand pumps your length a few times before moving down to gently cradle your balls. “Maybe I’ll let you be my first.” And then she takes you back into her mouth and slurps with intent. The way Ahsoka acts, it’s as though she wants every last drop straight down her throat. Not that you’d have a problem with that. For now, you tilt your head back and just lose yourself to the sensation of her tongue and lips on your member, figuring she’ll make the right decision when the time comes.
But you soon learn that Ahsoka isn’t at all interested in letting things end here. With a few more noisy slurps to fully indulge in the lewd act, the sexy Togruta stands up, grabs you by the dick, and gently pulls you toward the bed. Then you take the initiative finally by pushing Ahsoka onto her back and covering her lithe body with your own. You press her down into the mattress and hold your cock firmly against her abs until the well-defined muscles are smeared with your precum and her own saliva. And for your efforts, Ahsoka coos joyfully beneath you, waiting with bated breath for your next move. You know exactly what you want to do to her, but it’s hard to choose the best way to start. For now, you just slip your dick between her thighs and thrust against the soft flesh.
“Ahh! So naughty,” purrs Ahsoka. The both of you can feel the top of your cock brushing against her pussy lips, which are now soaking wet and ready for your entry. But that will have to wait. Right now, you’re having too much fun teasing the poor girl and watching her face contort in ecstasy. “You’re really – Mmm – dragging this out.”
“Can you blame me?” you ask with a smirk. “I’ve been thinking doing this for a long time. Might as well savor it while I can.”
Ahsoka doesn’t say anything else, just looks up at you while a smile. She even closes her legs tighter to make the thigh job that much better for you both. It does the trick and, combined with the earlier oral affection, you quickly reach a finish that can no longer be prolonged. But rather than waste it on the bedsheets, you sit up, grasp your cock, and aim your throbbing tip directly at Ahsoka’s wide-eyed face. She has only a split second to realize what you’re doing before the first gooey rope explodes across her brow. Her eyes snap shut at the same time her mouth falls open to catch the next few lines of cum that rain down upon her face. A good bit lands upon her tongue, but most of the volume ends up exactly where you intend: painting her orange skin a new shade of white to match the patterns already there.
When your climax finally dies down, you just kneel there and catch your breath while Ahsoka swallows down the protein-rich meal she’s just been gifted. She even opens her mouth back open to show off her clean tongue with another salacious wink. “That was nice, but I hope you’ve got another load saved up for me,” moans Ahsoka as she scoops up a dollop of cum off her face and lays it upon her tongue. She savors it, rolls it around, before swallowing. “Because I’ve got a favor to ask of you.”

“Anything,” you say without a second thought.
“I want you to give me a baby,” she says immediately. “Plant your seed inside me and let’s create a new life together.
You’re flabbergasted at what you just heard. Could your mind be playing tricks on you? No, the way Ahsoka gazes up at you confirms it. “But… What about…?”
She places a finger on your lips to silence you. “I’ve already considered the consequences before tonight, and I’m ready to deal with them.” One leg hooks around your waist as she pulls you in closer. “I want you and this gift. No matter what happens tomorrow, I want this moment to belong to us and our future.”
There’s only one thing to do after such a confession. You capture Ahsoka’s lips in a fiery kiss filled with all the pent-up passion that has gone unexpressed the last few months, and she returns it in equal measure. When you pull away, she’s breathless and panting for air, and you’ve never seen a more gorgeous sight. “Nothing would make me happier.”
“Then hurry up and fuck me,” she says with a cute giggle. “It’s rude to keep a girl waiting.” You seize the moment – and Ahsoka’s hips – by flipping her onto her stomach then lifting her up into the perfect position. “Oh!” she squeaks in surprise, but once you’ve got her on all fours Ahsoka looks back at you with a wry grin. “Is this how humans usually mate?”
“We have a lot of different methods,” you reply while teasing her pussy. Your cock is already hard once again and ready to impregnate your alien lover. “I’ll teach you the others later.”
“Mmm, I can hardly wa—ahhh!” A squeal erupts from Ahsoka’s mouth when you thrust inside her for the first time, and her tight depths stretch to accommodate you. Your hands wrap around her trim waist with breeding intent, and you pull her back into your next thrust until her firm ass claps against your stomach. Ahsoka screams again and instantly her arms give out so that she falls forward and buries her cummy face in your pillow. Just as well. Ahsoka’s muffled shrieks as you bottom out inside her slick pussy leave little doubt that your teammates would have heard her otherwise.
You’re relentless with her body, unleashing all the pent-up lust that has fermented these past months, and Ahsoka just takes it. She starts off trying to push her hips back against you, but when she tightens up and tumbles into her first orgasm, it’s clear she doesn’t have the energy. But you’re fine taking the reins, literally. While initially your gaze is focused upon the fat flesh of her ass rippling every time you smack into it, her twitching lekku quickly grab your attention. You’ve heard rumors about them being a primary erogenous zone for her species, and you can think of no better time for some experimentation. Reaching forward, you seize both head-tails – one for each hand – and tug back on them.
Immediately, Ahsoka screams out in raw bliss and another gushing climax squirts out around your cock. Her pussy tightens up again, but the sheer amount of arousal being produced makes it easy for you to continue battering the lust-crazed Togruta’s cervix. You slam deeper and harder than before, determined to chain her orgasm into another and turn your lover into a quivering pile of ecstasy. It’s only what she deserves, after all. A few moments later and even Ahsoka’s legs can no longer hold her up, and she falls prone. You follow her without even missing a beat, your cock never once slipping free, and resume pounding her into the mattress.
You feel that much-desired release approaching, but you can’t resist the opportunity to tease her again. With great mental fortitude, you manage extract yourself from her depths. “Don’t pull out!” begs Ahsoka, but you’ve already done so. She pushes her plump ass back against you, seeking desperately to find your cock and slip it back within her sopping wet folds. “Please, I want you to cum inside me!”
“All in good time,” you promise her. “After all, what’s the rush? We should take the time to enjoy everything this night has to offer.” And to really make your point, you angle the tip of your member to prod gently against Ahsoka’s puckered asshole. She instantly gasps at the sensation but says nothing to admonish you. If anything, her hips wiggle slightly to rub her naughty hole against you. “I take it you agree?”
“M-maybe,” says Ahsoka. You’ve never seen her so off-balance. Ahsoka has always been the perfect picture of composure, and yet to see her now reduced to a needy little slut for your dick, it’s flattering to say the least. But neither is she shy about what she wants. “Can’t that wait a bit? As much as I – Mmm! – look forward to it… I really need you to…”
When she hesitates, you grin wickedly and lean in until your head is right next to hers. “Need what? Say it?”
You watch Ahsoka bite down on her bottom lip, but she can’t wait any longer. Her feverish demand bursts forth like water from a broken dam. “Breed me right this instant, I neeed it!” Without even waiting for her to finish, you thrust back inside her pussy and instantly unleash a hot tide of spunk. It rushes forward and breaches the tight seal of her cervix to flood her womb. Ahsoka’s eyes roll back in her head and she chokes out one last shriek before falling limp, pinned between your hard body and the bed as you pump her full. You hold there, your chest flush against her sweaty back, until every last drop is expelled. Somehow, you can just tell that your seed is doing its job, and with her Force sensitivity there’s no doubt that Ahsoka feels it too.
After what seems like forever, you finally pull out your soft cock and ease up off Ahsoka just enough for her to roll over and face you once again. “Thank you,” she murmurs while kissing your neck. “It feels so warm. I love it.”
“The pleasure was all mine.” You wrap your arms around Ahsoka’s body and pull her close until her chest flatten against yours. “Should we get some sleep or…?”
“Hmm, I wonder.” Ahsoka looks over at the clock sitting on the table then back at you with a devilish grin. “We don’t have to be ready to leave for another 12 hours… Which means…” The strength must have returned to her body after you’ve just fucked her into a boneless mess, and she uses it to push you onto your back before taking advantage of your surprise to climb atop you. “We can probably fit in a few more hours for ourselves. Besides, I seem to recall you saying something about teaching me a few things...” she says while grinding herself against your rapidly-hardening cock.

The next day, Phoenix squad accomplishes its mission but not without a few casualties. And while there is time to mourn, the fight for freedom continues. Ahsoka continues her duties as Fulcrum, but it’s clear after some time that she’s become more distracted. Though she does not say anything to her fellow rebels, everyone can see the change in her shape as the weeks roll by. Her lean, well-toned body gradually turns softer and more shapely, and the tight abs beneath her clothing rounds out until there’s no longer any point in hiding the truth: she’s pregnant. From then on, it’s impossible to run into Ahsoka at any time of the day and not find a big smile on her face.
But as happy as she is, nothing compares to those brief moments of downtime when Ahsoka can cuddle up in the bunk next you, pressing her body against yours. It’s hard to believe that so much has changed since you’ve joined the rebellion, but as you run the palm of your hand over her plump belly and listen to Ahsoka purr at your touch, you can’t imagine being anywhere else.

Rebellious-Affection by PunishedVarmint


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