The-Malboro-Encounter by PunishedVarmint Follow me on Twitter for all my latest updates!
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When the girls arrived at the reported location, they found nothing more than an ordinary cave entrance, but neither did they let their guard down. The party had been passing through the area and decided to rest at a nearby town when Aerith overheard the locals gossiping about a creature that had been terrorizing the countryside, devouring livestock and ruining crops. Of c…
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The sun shone brightly, as it always did, upon an ordinary morning in Costa del Sol. Beach-goers – many of whom were clad in nothing more than string bikinis and banana hammocks – either lay upon lounge chairs or batted volleyballs over nets. Shops had opened their doors to the throngs of tourists who flocked to the seaside village to collect trinkets and souvenirs of their vacation. And of course flocks of seagulls soared overhead, their beady eyes on the lookout for any possibility of a free meal down below. Even the lifeguards that sat upon their towers on the sands, watching diligently for any dangers in the water, had no idea of the real danger that was about to land at the shore.
A massive ironclad ship, looking entirely unlike any of the cruise liners that frequented Costa del Sol, pulled into dock. It had none of the elegance of a passenger ship nor the quaint refinement of a private yacht. No, this was a military vessel, and it had just set out from Junon across the ocean a day before, only now several personnel lighter than when it departed. Then, as soon as the ship pulled alongside the wharf and moored itself to dry land, three uniformed Shinra soldiers emerged from below deck, made a mad dash to the edge, and tumbled down the boarding ramp in a tangle of limbs.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” shouted the youngest of the trio as he disengaged from the others and picked himself up. “What the FUCK was that?!”
“Compose yourself, private,” said the eldest, completely ignoring that he himself had also just disgraced his courage. He looked to be a middle-aged man with a few more chevrons on his shoulder than his mates. “Let’s just… take stock of the situation.”
“The situation, cap’n, is that Sephiroth – freaking back from the DEAD Sephiroth – wiped out our entire squad!” The young lad was clearly shaken, literally. His hands were unsteady, and his eyes darted around nervously as if he expected their foe to jump out and finish the job. “Holy shit, I can’t believe we’re alive!”
“Couldn’t agree more,” said the last of them. A large man with a barreled chest and visible muscles beneath his uniform, he towered over the mousey private and even his own superior officer. “Brilliant idea to hide behind the turbines, sir.”
The captain nodded, tugging at the mustache beneath his goggled soldier cap. “Indeed. After I saw our men cut down like paper dolls, I figured it best to, uh, make a tactical retreat. Private, you had the best vantage point. Give me a Sitrip.”
His face turned white. “A-are you kidding me? The situation was… It was fucked, sir! I mean, body parts flying everywhere! And blood! So much blood! And… And then… These strange people just showed up out of nowhere and… Holy shit cap’n, there was this big huge monster! It had teeth and tentacles and… They killed it! I saw that one blonde dude with the big giant sword and just… KERPOW! SLASH! RRRIP! Then it was all over and… and… I think I may have peed my pants, sir.”
“Thanks for the update, private. You said something about strangers?”
The larger man gave a snappy salute. “Sir, I saw them too. Private Joyce is correct, there was a man of blonde hair among them. And his eyes, they were Mako green, couldn’t miss them. Along with an imposing bearded man with a gun-arm and a brunette woman in a pink dress. Sir, I believe these to be the wanted fugitives from Midgar.”
“Thank you, Private Mathers. Hmm… Stowaways. Security in Junon was lax. The fault lies with them, not us.”
“I agree, sir!” said Mathers. “We acted most courageously given the circumstances, sir!”
Joyce, meanwhile, looked to be on the verge of tears. “Oh geez… I knew I should have listened to my mother. Never should have enlisted! It’s been nothing but one big clusterfuck after another since…” Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he pointed over his captain’s shoulder. “Look, there they are!”
The other two soldiers spun around. There, a good distance away, the stowaways were departing the ship. Totally oblivious that they were being watched, the motley crew seemed to be discussing their plans in a group circle. There was that blonde man that seemed to be the leader of them all, as well as a gruff black man that was instantly recognizable as the wanted terrorist leader of Avalanche. Oddly enough, they were also accompanied by a dog-like creature covered in red fur. However, strange as that was, it wasn’t what drew the soldiers’ full attention.
Instead, their eyes were drawn to the three beauties that stood among them. The first was a scantily clad dark-haired girl with a simple tank top and skirt that did nothing to hide the most marvelous pair of breasts and soft thighs any of them had ever seen. The second girl was dressed more conservative but still carried the suggestion of womanly curves beneath her outfit. And third was a much slimmer girl, barely out of her teenage years, who seemed antsy with pent-up youthful energy. All three Shrina men were so entranced in their gazes that they hadn’t noticed that their leader had dismissed them until suddenly there were dispersing up the stairs that led to Costa del Sol.
“That’s them!” said Joyce. “The outlaws. I didn’t really notice before when they were fighting a giant alien freak from space but… Some of them are actually kinda hot.”
“Hot indeed,” remarked Mathers. “What’s your assessment, sir?”
The captain stroked his mustache, deep in thought. “Hmm… I agree. For a bunch of wanted criminals, there were some beauties among them.”
“I mean the threat level, sir.”
“Oh right! Well if what Private Joyce said is true, they are not to be trifled with. If that was indeed Sephiroth in there – and I’m not saying it was! – then that group accomplished what a whole squad of Shinra’s finest could not. Which means…”
“Which means we have got the sorriest group of grunts this side of the planet!”
The three soldiers immediately turned at the sound of the harsh voice and found the imposing figure of Heidegger before behind them. “Heidegger… Sir!” shouted the captain, quickly giving a crisp salute. “I didn’t hear you approach!”
“My secretary of Public Safety can be quite stealthy. When it suits him,” said another voice, who then stepped around Heidegger’s large mass to reveal himself as none other than President Rufus. He brushed a lock of blonde hair off his forehead. “You three… You witnessed the commotion onboard?”
“Y-yes sir!” stammered the captain. Faced with two men far, far above his station, each of the soldiers’ spines were stiff as a board. “The fiend who wiped out our men… It looked to be none other than Sephiroth!”
“Hmph.” Heidegger grunted like a boar and fixed the three subordinates with a steely gaze. “And I wouldn’t be wrong to presume that you worthless lot had nothing to do with securing the ship?”
“Well… Sir, about that!” The captain shot a nervous look toward Joyce. “Y-you wouldn’t be wrong. These men under my command said that was the work of stowaways. They were… I believe they were the same crew that broke into the headquarters back in Midgar.”
Rufus stared down at the harbor’s stonework as he pondered this information. “So it’s true. Cloud and the others were on board too.” Then he turned to Heidegger. “And they escaped. Under your watch, Heidegger.”
The big man stiffened in his green trench coat. “…Yes.”
Shinra’s president shook his head like a disappointed father. “You messed up big this time, Heidegger.”
Heidegger’s face turned a dark shade of red, and his jaw clenched as though he were holding back an extreme amount of embarrassment and anger. Both of which he didn’t dare show in front of his president. “I’m ashamed of myself.”
Rufus stepped closer, and though he was several inches shorter than his lackey, he carried a far more threatening aura. “Is that all you can do? Give one word answers and apologize for everything?” He shifted his eyes off into the distance where a helicopter was setting down on a nearby landing zone. Another Shinra employee ran up and gave a salute, indicating that the president’s ride had arrived. Rufus nodded then returned his complete attention to Heidegger. “Fix this. I’ll be expecting results.”
As Rufus walked away, all the rage bottled-up within Heidegger began to show in his trembling figure. The three soldiers watched nervously as their president climbed about the helicopter, and then it lifted off into the air. Then they turned back to their boss, who was staring at them like a bull about to charge. “You… miserable… sacks of… inept… ungrateful… ineffective… SHITS!”
“S-sir! I can explain!”
“Explain NOTHING! Captain Hyde… The utter incompetence of YOU and YOUR MEN has made a FOOL out of ME!” roared Heidegger. He stepped forward, and for a second Hyde truly thought he was about to receive a black eye. But instead, Heidegger punched a fist into his own hand, loud enough and close enough for the captain to feel the force wash over his face. “If I didn’t suddenly find myself severely short of men, I’d have all three of you arrested and thrown away into the deepest, darkest hole they can find in Corel Prison… NEVER TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!”
Behind Hyde, both Mathers and Joyce were equally as shaken, but wisely they held their tongues. “Sir!” continued Hyde, “You have my most sincere apologies! It’ll never happen again!”
“You’re DAMN RIGHT it won’t! Because if it does, I’ll make you wish – I’ll make you BEG – for life in prison after what I’m going to do to you!” Then, Heidegger reached his hand out and ripped the patch off Hyde’s uniform. “As of this moment, consider yourself demoted, LIEUTENANT. Now go make yourself useful before I bust you down to private!” His righteous fury now adequately expressed, Heidegger shoved passed Hyde, making sure to hit him with such force that the man went tumbling to the ground, and strode back onto the docked ship to attend to other matters.
As soon as Heidegger was out of sight, both Joyce and Mathers rushed to help their commanding officer onto his feet. “Cap’n, around you alright?” asked the youngest lad.
“I’m fine, son.” Hyde brushed himself off and straightened his uniform. “Just wounded pride is all. That goddamn prick…”
“Sir,” said Mathers, “Why did you not tell said prick that we had just seen this Cloud and his cohorts mere moments ago? Let them know they’re still in town. Surely that would have quelled Heidegger and the president’s anger. Perhaps even lessened your punishment.”
Hyde scoffed. “Son, you know how I know you’ve only been in the corps for a few months? When that son of a bitch is on the warpath, ain’t nothing this side of Wutai is gonna stop him from stomping your ass. And as for Rufus… No way I’m helping that spoiled rich kid.” He spat on the ground. “Let them chase their tails all over this continent and back.”
A moment of silence fell over the trio as they contemplated their situation. “Well then cap’n… I mean, sarge… Now what?” asked Joyce.
“Way I see it, we got two choices ahead of us,” said Hyde. “We can either march right back onto that miserable boat and resume our duties… Or we can take some shore leave and see if we can’t track down those stowaway miscreants to enact our own brand of Shinra justice on them.”
Joyce nodded along, but Mathers wanted to make a point. “Sir, those miscreants did save our lives.”
“Indeed they did, son. And what better way to express our gratitude than to find those three lovely ladies and give them our thanks. Personally.”
“How about this one?” asked Tifa, holding up a very skimpy blue bikini to her chest. Even calling it an article of clothing would be stretching the definition. Tifa’s undershirt alone had more fabric than the bikini. “What do you think?”
Aerith stared at the scandalous swimwear, just picturing in her head how little it would leave to the imagination if she were to wear such a thing. The two of them – with Yuffie wandering around the store nearby – were standing in the middle of a beach shop, surrounded by racks of pricey summer clothing. “Ah… Cute! But, ah, it’s also a bit… How should I say… slutty?”
“You think so?” Tifa looked down at it quizzically and pictured it on her own body. Anyone could easily tell that the poor thing would barely be able to keep up with the barmaid’s buxom body. “I recall actually owning something similar once before.”
Instantly, Aerith’s face red turned bright red. “Oh! W-well, ah, um, like I said, it is very cute!” she stammered. “And the color is… nice. Yes, it’s a good choice!”
“Hm, I suppose so.” Tifa seemed to study the bikini a bit more, and then her lips curled into a smile. “But you’re right, it is totally slutty.” She burst into laughter, and after a few seconds of stunned silence, Aerith’s flustered face finally relaxed. “But if you don’t feel it’s your type, I’ll put it back.”
“N-no, wait!” Aerith gingerly took the swimwear from her friend, holding it like a delicate relic. The listed price nearly made her balk, but the thought of wearing such a titillating piece arose within her a nervous excitement. “I want to try it. It’s certainly a bit unconventional for me, but you know what they say. Nothing ventured.”
“Nothing gained!” Tifa couldn’t help but beam brightly at Aerith’s courage. “I think you’ll look amazing in it. You’re going to drive all the guys wild.”
Aerith’s blush reddened even further, but in that moment Yuffie made her appearance at their side, wearing several sunglasses stacked atop her head and almost a dozen beaded bracelets around her skinny wrists. “Are you two STILL looking? C’mon, we’ve been here fooooreeeever. I wanna go swimming!”
“We’re almost done,” assured Tifa. “I’ve still got to find something for myself.” A knock-out bombshell like Tifa didn’t dare walk out onto the beach in anything except her best. Though a modest country girl at heart, even she knew the sort of effect that her body had on men, and she planned to take full advantage of it during their brief stay in Costa del Sol. “Did you find something for yourself?”
Yuffie rolled her eyes. “Duh!” Then she held up her own pick: a white bikini with a cute and innocent-looking frilly skirt around the bottoms. Not surprisingly at all, the fabric was patterned with round materia orbs of various bright colors.
Tifa almost looked proud of Yuffie. Though they had only known each other for a short while, the three of them had bonded quickly on the road. “Good. I can’t tell you girls how much I’m looking forward to getting out there and turning some heads. Maybe I’ll even finally get the chance to break this dry spell I’ve been having.”
Aerith nodded along until what Tifa had just said finally registered in her mind, then she gasped. “Wait, what? Did you just say…? Surely you’re not thinking of… You know…”
“Why not?” asked Tifa. “Cloud said we all had the rest of the day to ourselves, so I don’t see any reason not to. After all the running we’ve been doing since leaving Midgar, there hasn’t been much opportunity to get laid.” Tifa brushed some hair over her shoulder nonchalantly. “Besides, you saw all those cute hunks on the beach! I certainly plan to seize the moment.”
“Hm, I guess you’re right.” Aerith wasn’t quite sure how to respond. Frankly, she was a bit shocked at how open her friend was about her promiscuity. Perhaps she didn’t know Tifa as well as she thought, but then again they had only met last month. “But then, I thought you and Cloud… were… you know…?”
“Huh? Oh, we’re not!” The thought of such intimacy with her childhood friend gave Tifa pause. “I mean… I thought, maybe, once long ago that we might one day… But there hasn’t really been much time for romance.” Tifa shook her head as unpleasant memories threatened to bubble up. “And besides! I’m not looking for romance right now. Just a good lay.” Then she turned her gaze upon Aerith, tilting her head curiosity. “But you know, I could say the same thing. I thought you and Cloud were growing rather close. Weren’t you thinking of it too?”
Aerith didn’t know to respond but to bite her lip and look away bashfully. “I mean, you’re right. There really hasn’t been a good time for it. And I didn’t want to get in the way if, well, you and he…”
An awkward silence rose between the two girls, until finally it was broken by the third party to their conversation. “Oh my GAWD! You two, I swear!” Yuffie gave an exaggerated huff. “Is this what it’s like being an adult? Just thinking about sex all the time?!”
Both girls scowled back at the teenager. “Well, all you think about is materia,” said Aerith. “Not much better.”
“Yeah but you can actually do stuff with materia!” retorted Yuffie. “You can’t do anything with sex except make babies, yuck!”
“That’s not true! You can… umm, cuddle. And… stuff.”
Tifa blinked in surprise at her friend. “Wait… Aerith, are you a virgin?”
Aerith quickly turned away. “No! Well… Maybe.”
The shock on Tifa’s face passed quickly, and she then approached the shy flower girl with a smile. “Well then! I’d say it’s now more important than ever for us to go out there and make sure you have a good time. I’m not saying you have to do anything you don’t want to… But if you do, you couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity. Just think of all the adorable guys waiting for us out there! You’ll basically have your pick of the litter.”
“Ah, I hadn’t thought of it that way.” Aerith once again glanced at the bikini she had criticized for being too skimpy, and all at once her countenance shifted. “Yeah!” she said with renewed determination. “I’d like that a lot, actually. Let’s do it!”
“Atta girl!” Tifa took the swimwear from Aerith’s hands. “Then allow me to get this for you, my treat.”
“Aw, thanks! But… Do you think we could find it in red?”
Yuffie groaned. “Noooo, this is gonna take forEVER!” But just then, a muffled banging noise from the direction of the changing rooms made Yuffie turn her head. “Huh? Did you two hear that?” But when she turned back, both Tifa and Aerith had already moved on, leaving the ninja girl behind. “Ugh, whatever!” she said before running after them.
However, if Yuffie had gone to investigate, she might have found Hyde, Mathers, and Joyce crammed together in one of the walled cubicles like sardines. Meant for only one person trying on clothes at a time, the tiny changing room struggled to accommodate three fully grown men. “Ow! Sarge, Mathers’s elbow is in my face!”
“Sir, sorry. There’s not a lot of space in here.”
“I know that! I’m in here too!” Hyde pushed back against his subordinates, no longer concerned about then noise now that the girls they had been eavesdropping on had walked away. “Did you hear that, lads? Sounds like our little rebels are planning to spend some time at the beach. And they’re looking for a good time.”
“Perhaps we ought to show them one, sir,” suggested Mathers.
“You read my mind. That busty slut certainly needs a good pounding, and I intend to give it to her.”
“Couldn’t agree more, sir. In that case, I shall take the inexperienced brunette for myself and endeavor to do Shinra proud!”
Joyce fidgeted. “Well… I guess I could take the other one. She’s kind of cute!”
“Sounds like a plan,” said Hyde with a big grin upon his face. “Gentlemen, get your sunscreen… It’s time to dress casual!”
A few hours later and the sun was still high in the mid-afternoon sky, which meant plenty of time yet for everyone to get some blessed sunshine in the day. The Costa del Sol beach was packed with people of all lifestyles: from vain beach bimbos looking to get a tan to excitable surfer bros hoping to catch the biggest wave. Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie managed to find a spot on the sun-drenched sands off to the side and away from the main crowd yet still close enough for them to ogle the beach hunks as they bopped the volleyball around in all their glistening, oiled-up, topless glory.
At least that’s what Tifa and Aerith were doing, the former staring blatantly and shamelessly while the latter bashfully stole glances toward the hunks while trying her best not to seem too interested. The girls were dressed in their bikinis, with Tifa having chosen a very scanty indigo bikini of a similar color to the dress she wore to Don Corneo’s mansion. Yuffie, on the other hand, was busying herself in the sand by crafting a meticulous sandcastle with a few tools she had “borrowed” from a nearby family. “Hey, check it out!” she said after a time, jumping to her feet and dusting the wet sand off her palms. “Not half bad, ehh?”
Tifa didn’t even deign to spare a glance in Yuffie’s direction. She only had eyes for the fine displays of masculine athleticism on full display. “Not half bad indeed,” she murmured, even going so far as to lick her lips hungrily.
“Ugh, why do I even bother?”
“I think it looks nice,” said Aerith. “Are those… materia lining the battlements?”
“Hell yeah they are!” Yuffie sat back down in the sand and took her plastic trowel in hand. “I was thinking of adding another tower. Like a sort of vault, ya know? To hold all the treasure inside!”
As the young ninja went back to work, Aerith watched with bemusement. Part of her suspected that Yuffie had been forced to grow up rather quickly and was relishing the rare chance to play with child-like enthusiasm, though to be fair it seemed as though the teenager rarely took anything very seriously. Then, glancing over to her other friend, Aerith guessed the same could be said of Tifa, judging by the story Cloud had told them back in Kalm. Only Tifa sought out her own fun through physical pleasures rather than trying to relive a lost childhood. Aerith couldn’t really say for sure which method was better; she had never built a sandcastle nor engaged in wild, anonymous sex, but she was certainly open to trying both.
Such thoughts were put on hold by the arrival of three strangers, each of them wearing plain swimming trunks with their bare chests open the sun’s light. The first one was a slightly older gentleman, probably about Aerith’s adoptive mother’s age, with a fair amount of grey chest hair. The second was built like a weightlifter, quite similar to Barret’s hulking form, and the third was practically a toothpick compared to the other two, his youth and inexperience etched all over his face.
“Hey there,” said the oldest man. “You fine ladies look like you could use some company.”
Tifa leaned back on her beach towel and looked up at him. “Oh yeah?” Hidden behind sunglasses, her gaze roamed over these uninvited, though not unwelcome, newcomers. They were certainly easy on the eyes, but not nearly as ideal as the several hunks she had spied earlier. But then again, Tifa knew if she spent all day being picky, she’d just end up going back to her hotel room empty-handed. “As a matter of fact, I was just thinking my back could use a little more sunscreen. Think one of you boys could help me with that?”
“Allow me.” Hyde took the initiative and approached Tifa, kneeling down to pick up the bottle of lotion while she turned over to lay on her chest. Then, reaching back, she tugged at the string tie that held her bra together, and it fell away to reveal her bare back. “Well?” she asked, looking up at him mischievously. “Don’t get all shy now.”
With a grin, Hyde squirted a dab of lotion onto his palms and went to work smearing it across the barmaid’s flawless skin. Meanwhile, Mathers approached Aerith and took a seat next to her. “Hello,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Hi,” said Aerith, her cheeks flushed. “Umm, I don’t have any lotion but… My shoulders are a bit stiff.”
“Allow me then.” He placed his hands upon the girl’s shoulders and began working his thumbs into her muscles. “I’ve received several commendations for my exceptional motor skills, you know.”
“Mmm, that’s nice.” Aerith already had her eyes closed and was drifting away into the sensation of his hard touch, which just so happened to be just what she needed. As it turned out, being kidnapped by a mad scientist and sent on the run across an entire continent was quite a stressful ordeal, and Aerith sorely needed something intimate to help her unwind, as Tifa had predicted.
Meanwhile, Joyce quietly approached Yuffie and her sand castle, taking a seat a respectable distance away. Now that they were closer, it was clear that the two of them were of identical age, though their demeanors couldn’t have been further apart. “H-hey there,” he said with obvious nervousness. “Nice castle!”
“Don’t talk to me, creepo,” muttered Yuffie, her focus held entirely on her work as she molded the sand with a grumpy frown.
By now, Hyde had finished covered Tifa’s entire back with sunscreen. “All done. Though ooks like you missed a spot in front.”
“Oh?” Tifa flipped over and, holding the bikini top to her chest purely with her own hands, blinked up at him innocently. “Well, would you look at that? You’re right. Lucky I have someone so observant to look out for me.”
After watching such a shameful display of flirting, and glancing over to see the other man with his hands on Aerith, Yuffie finally stood up with a loud huff. “Alright, that’s it! I’m gonna go get some ice cream. Anyone who wants to come with, raise your hand.” She was entirely disappointed, yet hardly surprised, when her declaration went entirely ignored by her friends. And when Joyce slowly lifted up his hand, Yuffie just fixed him with another ugly glare. “Ugh, whatever! I don’t need any of ya!”
As Yuffie stomped away by herself, kicking up sand in her wake, Hyde grabbed two big handfuls of Tifa’s breasts, prompted a soft moan from the girl. She made absolutely no attempt to push him away, nor even to hide their blatant foreplay from public view. If anything, Tifa arched her back and pushed her chest further out to better assist him. “Mm, very nice,” he murmured. “Very nice indeed. Not bad for an ecoterrorist.”
His words passed over Tifa for a second, so lost was she in his touch upon her sensitive breasts, but then finally they clicked in her head and she gasped. “Wh-what?! Did you just say…?” She stiffened, all the warmth and intimacy of their encounter suddenly evaporated. “Then that must mean… You’re with Shinra!”
“Heh, guilty as charged, sweetheart. And not only that, but we were on that boat you and your friends smuggled yourself aboard. We saw your little show down in the cargo hold with Sephiroth.” His fingers suddenly dug deeper, and Tifa gave a breathy moan at the reminder of his hold on her. “Your little stunt got us in a lot of trouble with the top brass. So here’s my question, how do you expect to make it up to us?”
Tifa clenched her teeth to hold back any further moans from rising up in her throat. “Go to hell,” she hissed.
“Go? Now why would I do that when you’re absolutely dripping wet for me?” Then, to prove his point, he reached down and cupped Tifa’s sex through her bikini bottoms. Exactly as he guessed, his fingers found an immense amount of wetness. Shinra or not, her body was loving the attention he was giving her, and the more he played with her covered cunt the harder it became for Tifa to hold back her whining moans. “So no, I think I’ll stay right here and give you exactly what you’re aching for.”
Off to the side, Aerith was handling the news with a lot less grace. Her entire face was bright red, absolutely mortified that she had gotten caught up in another Shinra ensnarement, yet unable – or perhaps unwilling – to do anything about it as Mathers started to fondle her chest. The young brunette was letting out soft whines as the man’s hands roamed underneath the triangles of her bikini top and fondled both stiff nipples. Aerith’s body was loving the attention as much as Tifa’s, but the flower girl was unable to mask it as effectively. She squirmed like a schoolgirl, which brought a smile to Mathers’s lips. “This one is getting into it too, sir.”
“I-I have a name!” she protested. “It’s Aer—Ooh! – Aerith!” The poor girl had never known her chest was quite so sensitive until now, and it was not working in her favor.
Tifa, meanwhile, chewed on her bottom lip anxiously as both herself and her friend were molested. There were few options laid out before her. Even without her gloves, she could definitely put up a good fight if push came to shove, but Tifa knew that without any materia that Aerith was at a severe disadvantage. Not to mention the absence of Yuffie. Perhaps if she returned in time, they might be able to chase the men away…
And yet, in the back of her mind, another alternative quickly rose to prominence. Tifa’s pussy was practically drooling all over his fingers, and Hyde was absolutely right that she wanted to get fucked badly. ‘What the hell is wrong with me? Being touched by a Shinra… It’s so disgusting! But then why do I feel so good?’ She knew exactly why, of course, and as seconds passed away into minutes, Tifa found herself more and more reluctant to make a stand. After all, it had always been her intention to get into some naughty trouble and have a wild fling. ‘So what if he’s a Shinra? It’s just a one-time thing…’
Without even realizing it, Tifa had made up her mind by the time Hyde placed his other hand upon her left breast and squeezed the nub through the soft fabric. “So how about it?” he whispered into her ear. “Let’s take this little party behind those rocks over there, away from prying eyes, and make some memories.”
In what remained of Tifa’s rational mind, she knew she should have refused. Spun around and slapped him across the face, even. To entertain such a notion, with a man who served the very company that had caused so much misery for herself and her loved ones, it was unconscionable. And yet, all she could do was nod her head.
In the time it took Yuffie to leave the ice cream stand, then swing by the materia vendor, then head over to see the sailboat races, then visit the materia vendor again, then finally head back to their beach spot, she had already eaten her sweet treat down to the waffle cone. Yet when she arrived, Yuffie was perplexed to find the spot completely vacant with no sign of Tifa, Aerith, or even those three lunkheads she had left with them. “What the eff?” she pondered aloud, poking at Aerith’s towel with her toes. Why would they just leave without telling her? And also without their stuff? Yuffie looked around a bit, wondering if perhaps they left a note for her, but she found nothing. It was as if they had just vanished.
That’s when she heard it: a distant moan. “No way…” whispered Yuffie as she followed the sound, already anticipating what she might find. Her curiosity took her a few steps further down the beach, away from the commotion of other tourists, and around a small rocky outcropping. As the noises got louder and louder, Yuffie recognized them as belonging to her two partymates.
The scene she stumbled upon didn’t surprise Yuffie in the least, yet she still dropped the remains of her cone to the ground in shock nonetheless. Yuffie had hoped that she’d merely find the girls involved in some heavy petting, maybe some inappropriate tongue play; what she hadn’t expected was a full-blown rutting! Aerith – her brand-new bikini discarded and forgotten nearby – sat upon a flat rock at just the perfect height for Mathers to stand and deliver deep strokes into her pussy while the moaning girl’s long legs circled around his waist. Meanwhile, Tifa stood a few feet away, bent forward at a perfect 90-degree angle so that her legendary tits could hang low and flop about in all their glory as Hyde pounded into her from behind.
“Oh. My. GAWD!” screeched Yuffie. “I can NOT believe you two!”
It was then that she also noticed Joyce, who had apparently been standing off to the side and watching awkwardly as the fifth wheel while his buddies had their fun. Perhaps waiting his turn for a piece of the action, but upon Yuffie’s arrival, he quickly approached the flabbergasted teen. “Uh, h-hi. Fancy seeing you here… Uh, again. Would you like to…?”
“No, shut up,” snapped Yuffie quickly before returning her attention back to the mating pairs. “You two are SO gross!”
“Would you – Ugh! – k-keep it down?” gasped Tifa as she was jostled back and forth by Hyde’s vigorous thrusts. “We don’t need you drawing – Ahh! – attention over here!”
“Yeah,” said Hyde with the biggest grin upon his face. “At least not until after we’ve finished this round. Or another two or three.”
Tifa rolled her eyes. “Ugh, it’s bad enough I have to listen to you talk. Hurry up and just cum already!”
Hyde furrowed his brow at her. “Oh yeah? Pretty big talk coming from the bitch impaled on my cock.” He then grabbed hold of Tifa’s wrists with a startling swiftness, much to her surprise, and pulled her arms straight back, forcing the brunette’s back to arch upward. “You keep that up and I might just pull out, leave you here all by yourself.”
Her eyes immediately widened, not just at his threat but also at the sheer display of dominance. Her thighs shivered as a fresh gush of arousal trickled down her legs. “N-no! I mean… Not yet.” As much as she hated to admit it, Hyde was doing a fantastic job of fucking her wet cunt, and Tifa already felt an orgasm creeping on. Most of the men she’d taken to bed finished at least twice before being able to get her off, and Tifa could tell Hyde wasn’t nearly as close as she was. “Just – Haah – keep going.”
By now, Aerith had her arms slung around Mathers’s broad neck, hands clinging to his muscles as she moaned in the throes of passion. “Aah! Ooh! Rough! You’re being so rough!” Her milky white skin – now covered in a fine sheen of sweat – contrasted well with his own tanned complexion. He was also much larger than her, nearly double Aerith’s size, to the point where she was practically hidden behind his heaving form as it drove into her virginal tightness.
“Gotta loosen you up,” he grunted. “Still too tight. Relax.”
“I-I can’t!” Each thrust into her hot cunt further pinned Aerith against the smooth surface of the rock formation, as well as forcing her eyes to roll up just the tiniest bit further. “So good! Your cock… It’s so good!” Despite the nervousness of her first time, Aerith had quickly fallen into a steady rhythm, which was easy when someone else was doing the driving. All she had to do was hang on tight and not slip into the pitfalls of maddening pleasure, which seemed a more impossible task the longer their tryst went on. The stone beneath her ass was already slick with the juices of fresh lovemaking, and Aerith only managed to stay in-place thanks to the way Mathers held her pinned down.
All the while, Yuffie and Joyce watched from the sidelines, standing together awkwardly as the sights, sounds, and smells of frantic fucking permeated their senses. Yuffie made no attempt to hide her disgust, mostly so that hopefully no one would notice her own growing arousal. But indeed, everyone was too busy fucking or getting fucked to even pay attention to her, leaving Yuffie alone to deal with the growing conflict in her mind. ‘The audacity of these sluts… Who do they think they are?’
Yet the more Yuffie watched, the more she pressed her thighs together subconsciously as a growing desire began to emerge. She had thought Tifa and Aerith were nothing but boy-crazy bimbos as soon as they started talking about sex earlier, but now that she was actually witnessing the fruition of their lewd plans, Yuffie was wondering if perhaps they had the right idea after all. ‘No way, that’s crazy! It’s just sex! There’s no way it could be better than materia… right?’
In the end, there was only one way to find out, and Yuffie was nothing if not insatiably curious. After all, it was that same curiosity which had caused her to trail Cloud and the others all the way to their meeting outside Fort Condor. It was curiosity that had driven her to leave Wutai in the first place. Her curiosity – or some would call nosiness – had done right by her so far. So what could go wrong?
She looked over at Joyce, who was still avoiding eye contact after being reprimanded earlier. ‘He is kinda cute… in a way,’ she thought. Yuffie could easily imagine them hitting it off if they had met under different circumstance and if she wasn’t, like, trying to save the world and stuff. Finally, with a reluctant sigh, she reached over and grabbed his hand. “Alright, fine! Let’s get this over with.”
“Huh?” Joyce looked over at her, shocked that she’d even acknowledge his presence again, let alone agree to his wildest fantasy. “Y-you mean… We’re gonna…?”
“Don’t say it!” hissed Yuffie. “Just… take off your pants already! If we’re gonna do this then I’m gonna be in charge.”
“Of c-course,” he stammered. Not willing to argue one second longer if it meant costing him his big chance, Joyce dropped his pants as he was told and then plopped down on the sandy beach. As expected, he was already rock-hard just from watching his two mates pound away at their own Avalanche cocksleeves, and his erection jutted upright like a twitching flagpole.
Taking the reins as she said she would, Yuffie then seated herself upon his lap, shifting back just a bit so that Joyce’s cock rested between her thighs. There, she could see how far up the young lad reached, nearly to her belly button. “Shit…” whispered Yuffie. “Are they all supposed to be so big?”
“Huh? Did you say something?”
“No!” she snapped. “Just… hold still.” With a hand on his chest to steady herself, the young lady lifted up and poised her sex just over his shaft. The warm, sticky touch of his precum brushing over her soft folds made Yuffie shiver, yet oddly it also made all her apprehensions disappear. Now 100% determined to follow through, she dropped down and impaled herself upon cock for the first time.
“Oohhh gaaaawwwd!” she screeched, eyes rolling back and thighs tightening around Joyce’s body. The initial shock of penetration was so much that she lost the ability to stabilize herself, which left Yuffie to gradually slip further and further down his shaft until she was fully stretched. With the arrival of his cockhead against her cervix, Yuffie squealed and leaned in closer with her arms around his neck. “Holy shit! Wh-what the fuck just happened?!”
But Joyce wasn’t paying much attention to the Wutai girl clinging to him for dear life. All he could focus on was the sucking wetness wrapped around his dick. Unable to resist a more active role, he grasped her hips and lifted ever-so-slightly so that his length dragged along her inner walls. “Ahh, Yuffie! You’re so tight! And warm!”
“Oohhh! Y-you idiot! Don’t say such things!” But she had gotten the message. Having had a brief moment to pull herself together, Yuffie started to bounce in his lap of her own volition, panting and heaving as pleasure began to build.
Not far away, Tifa was struggling to come to terms with her own revelation, namely that the Shrina grunt she had underestimated actually knew how to fuck, as evident by the second orgasm she was already vocalizing with heavy moans. She couldn’t recall the last time she had been plowed so ruthlessly and turned into a mere object for someone else’s gratification, but to be fair Tifa had a hard time remembering her own last name at the moment. Few men had the balls to take the lead – too intimidated by her beauty, strength, and libido – but Hyde didn’t care about all that. He just saw her as another bitch to dominate, and that was enough to push Tifa dangerously close to a third climax already.
Tifa had long since given up trying to reassert any sort of control between them and had instead simply settled for hanging in his grip – which was still seized around her wrists – as she shuddered under the onslaught of ecstasy. If Cloud could see her now, likely he’d doubt that she was the same woman he had known since childhood. Gone was the brawling freedom fighter, now replaced by a mewling slut as she received hammering blows from behind. ‘He’s treating me like a bitch.’ Tifa’s pussy tightened, such perverted thought contributing further to her arousal. ‘But that’s what I am… I’m his bitch!’
She wasn’t even aware that one of his hands had released her own, until suddenly she felt his fingers tighten around her neck. Tifa whimpered, and her mouth fell open in gasping breathes as Hyde choked the buxom beauty the same way her cunt was choking his dick. “You’re a real nasty slut. How many times have you cum on my cock already? Two? Three times?” When the moaning woman didn’t answer him, Hyde squeezed her neck. “Answer!”
“Y-yessh mashther,” she slurred out, tongue now hanging loosely from her mouth. Tifa didn’t quite understand why those words slipped out, just that it felt so good to say them aloud. “Tuuh-twwooo!”
“How shameful. I didn’t give you permission to cum without me. We’ll just have to make it even. For every orgasm you have, you’ll owe me one for myself. And we’ll spend all day and night until I’ve finally caught up.”
How could Tifa disagree? The very idea sounded like heavenly bliss to her, and it was enough to quickly push her to another ruinous orgasm. “Thuu-Thhuuhreee,” she howled, hoping that her new master was keeping track because soon she wouldn’t be able to.
Things for Aerith had only gotten worse. No longer given the comfort of sitting upon a rocky ledge, the flower girl was now lifted entirely in the air, held up only by the force of Mathers’s thrusts that kept her pinned between his muscled mass and the stone wall behind her. Not that she had any mind to complain. Both green eyes were perpetual locked upward, glued toward the sky, as she babbled unintelligibly through a coded language of moans and squeaks. Aerith didn’t even have the wherewithal to wrap her legs around his body, instead opting to just let her feet bounce to their lewd lovemaking rhythm.
Mathers wasn’t much paying attention to the poor girl’s struggle for sanity. He was too busy admiring the sight of her petite body shuddering under his intense blows, each smack of his hips against hers causing her breasts to jiggle enticingly. Her cunt was far better than he could have hoped, sucking him off like an experience whore despite her former virginal status. “Hey, you’re a Cetra, right? The last one? Does that mean you’re okay if I cum inside?” He was rapidly nearing his limit and didn’t quite feel like pulling out of Aerith’s clenching heat. But he figured might as well ask first.
However, Aerith wasn’t in any proper state of mind to give an answer. Distantly, her shattered mind was aware that someone was speaking to her, and a gurgling moan was the only response she could muster.
So Mathers just shrugged and continued pounding away at her dripping snatch. He knew the company was eager to get their hands on Aerith due to her lineage – though he didn’t exactly know why – and figured they might appreciate the greater odds of eventually finding not one but two Cetra in the future. And Aerith as well might be appreciative once she later learned of the joyous news.
“I’m gonna do,” he grunted. “Here it cums!”
Aerith’s entire body suddenly locked up and froze completely still as soon as she felt that first gooey blast of cum shoot into her womb, then a fraction of a second later everything exploded into a mind-numbing climax. “Aah! Mmm!” A small part of Aerith realized she was being inseminated, but an even greater part of her absolutely loved it. Somehow she found the intelligence – or perhaps it was pure breeding instinct – to fully wrap her legs around Mathers and lock him in tight just to ensure every last drop went straight into her fertile Promised Land.
“Ohhh! Why does it have to feel so goooood?!” howled Yuffie. “Why is your fucking dick so good?!” Thanks to her dominant position on top, she was able to better control the pace of her own public fuck session compared to Tifa and Aerith, but that didn’t mean Joyce’s cock wasn’t have a transformative effect on her. Yuffie somehow seemed to have lost control of her own hips and was now riding atop him with reckless abandon.
Far from being a passive actor in their romp, Joyce was all over Yuffie’s neck, leaving hickeys and love bites on her pale skin. There was hardly any space between them with her chest pressed flat against his own, both of them heaving together like the beast with two backs. “Yuffie, I’m close! Can I cum inside? Please, please!”
His begging struck a chord within Yuffie. It was kind of cute, in a pathetic sort of way. “Ahh, ahh! F-fine, I guess it – Ooaah! – can’t be helped!” Though she tried to sound reluctant, truthfully Yuffie couldn’t wait for his release. Her expectations about sex had been entirely surpassed, and now she was practically eating her own words about how much she doubted it. Knowing that, she couldn’t wait to find out how good it felt to be creampied. “Hurry up!”
Not that Joyce could actually decide whenever his body chose to cum, but the subtle tone in her voice that indicated she wanted it just as badly pushed the lad over the edge. With a strained groan, he grabbed onto Yuffie’s narrow waist and helped pull her down on final time. His cockhead pressed up against her cervix, swelled, then spurted out a thick blast of spunk. That was quickly followed by a second, then a third, each just as intense and voluminous as the last. It didn’t take long until Yuffie’s tiny cunt was overflowing with his seed, utterly stained white, with plenty more still pumping out.
“Ohh shit! It’s so hot! So fucking amazing! I love it!” Yuffie broke, not in the traditional cock-addled way like Aerith and Tifa had, but her resistance crumbled away all the same. She gazed upon Joyce not with that suspicious glare that she once had but instead with pure unadulterated affection as his cock continued to pump a sticky load into her cunt. “I love you!” she squealed just before going in for a kiss. Their lips locked together in a mimicry of teenage love, though for the two of them it was quite real in the moment. The more cum that seeped into Yuffie’s body, the more she could feel herself falling for the young Shinra. ‘Fuck Wutai. Fuck materia! This is the best! Oh gawd, I want him so bad!’
The smell of sex hung heavy in the air around the fornicating group. Each of them stilled, having somehow reached six simultaneous orgasms around the same time, and for a brief time there was a moment of clarity shared between Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie. Though filled to the brim with cocks and cum, they had just those few precious seconds to realize the mess they had gotten themselves into. The only problem now was finding a way out of it.
But such concerns immediately flew out the window – and out of their pretty heads – when Hyde, Mathers, and Joyce recovered and once again began pounding away at their respective partners. Feminine moans once again washed over the beach like the rising tide, and they did not stop until well after the sun had reached the horizon. Only then did the sands of Costa del Sol receive a reprieve from the unstoppable fuckfest, and only because the three men had picked up their weary trophies and carried them away to the nearest hotel room, all so that they could continue to enjoy them well until next morning.
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The sun shone brightly, as it always did, upon an ordinary morning in Costa del Sol. Beach-goers – many of whom were clad in nothing more than string bikinis and banana hammocks – either lay upon lounge chairs or batted volleyballs over nets. Shops had opened their doors to the throngs of tourists who flocked to the seaside village to collect trinkets and souvenirs of their vacation. And of course flocks of seagulls soared overhead, their beady eyes on the lookout for any possibility of a free meal down below. Even the lifeguards that sat upon their towers on the sands, watching diligently for any dangers in the water, had no idea of the real danger that was about to land at the shore.
A massive ironclad ship, looking entirely unlike any of the cruise liners that frequented Costa del Sol, pulled into dock. It had none of the elegance of a passenger ship nor the quaint refinement of a private yacht. No, this was a military vessel, and it had just set out from Junon across the ocean a day before, only now several personnel lighter than when it departed. Then, as soon as the ship pulled alongside the wharf and moored itself to dry land, three uniformed Shinra soldiers emerged from below deck, made a mad dash to the edge, and tumbled down the boarding ramp in a tangle of limbs.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck!” shouted the youngest of the trio as he disengaged from the others and picked himself up. “What the FUCK was that?!”
“Compose yourself, private,” said the eldest, completely ignoring that he himself had also just disgraced his courage. He looked to be a middle-aged man with a few more chevrons on his shoulder than his mates. “Let’s just… take stock of the situation.”
“The situation, cap’n, is that Sephiroth – freaking back from the DEAD Sephiroth – wiped out our entire squad!” The young lad was clearly shaken, literally. His hands were unsteady, and his eyes darted around nervously as if he expected their foe to jump out and finish the job. “Holy shit, I can’t believe we’re alive!”
“Couldn’t agree more,” said the last of them. A large man with a barreled chest and visible muscles beneath his uniform, he towered over the mousey private and even his own superior officer. “Brilliant idea to hide behind the turbines, sir.”
The captain nodded, tugging at the mustache beneath his goggled soldier cap. “Indeed. After I saw our men cut down like paper dolls, I figured it best to, uh, make a tactical retreat. Private, you had the best vantage point. Give me a Sitrip.”
His face turned white. “A-are you kidding me? The situation was… It was fucked, sir! I mean, body parts flying everywhere! And blood! So much blood! And… And then… These strange people just showed up out of nowhere and… Holy shit cap’n, there was this big huge monster! It had teeth and tentacles and… They killed it! I saw that one blonde dude with the big giant sword and just… KERPOW! SLASH! RRRIP! Then it was all over and… and… I think I may have peed my pants, sir.”
“Thanks for the update, private. You said something about strangers?”
The larger man gave a snappy salute. “Sir, I saw them too. Private Joyce is correct, there was a man of blonde hair among them. And his eyes, they were Mako green, couldn’t miss them. Along with an imposing bearded man with a gun-arm and a brunette woman in a pink dress. Sir, I believe these to be the wanted fugitives from Midgar.”
“Thank you, Private Mathers. Hmm… Stowaways. Security in Junon was lax. The fault lies with them, not us.”
“I agree, sir!” said Mathers. “We acted most courageously given the circumstances, sir!”
Joyce, meanwhile, looked to be on the verge of tears. “Oh geez… I knew I should have listened to my mother. Never should have enlisted! It’s been nothing but one big clusterfuck after another since…” Suddenly, his eyes widened, and he pointed over his captain’s shoulder. “Look, there they are!”
The other two soldiers spun around. There, a good distance away, the stowaways were departing the ship. Totally oblivious that they were being watched, the motley crew seemed to be discussing their plans in a group circle. There was that blonde man that seemed to be the leader of them all, as well as a gruff black man that was instantly recognizable as the wanted terrorist leader of Avalanche. Oddly enough, they were also accompanied by a dog-like creature covered in red fur. However, strange as that was, it wasn’t what drew the soldiers’ full attention.
Instead, their eyes were drawn to the three beauties that stood among them. The first was a scantily clad dark-haired girl with a simple tank top and skirt that did nothing to hide the most marvelous pair of breasts and soft thighs any of them had ever seen. The second girl was dressed more conservative but still carried the suggestion of womanly curves beneath her outfit. And third was a much slimmer girl, barely out of her teenage years, who seemed antsy with pent-up youthful energy. All three Shrina men were so entranced in their gazes that they hadn’t noticed that their leader had dismissed them until suddenly there were dispersing up the stairs that led to Costa del Sol.
“That’s them!” said Joyce. “The outlaws. I didn’t really notice before when they were fighting a giant alien freak from space but… Some of them are actually kinda hot.”
“Hot indeed,” remarked Mathers. “What’s your assessment, sir?”
The captain stroked his mustache, deep in thought. “Hmm… I agree. For a bunch of wanted criminals, there were some beauties among them.”
“I mean the threat level, sir.”
“Oh right! Well if what Private Joyce said is true, they are not to be trifled with. If that was indeed Sephiroth in there – and I’m not saying it was! – then that group accomplished what a whole squad of Shinra’s finest could not. Which means…”
“Which means we have got the sorriest group of grunts this side of the planet!”
The three soldiers immediately turned at the sound of the harsh voice and found the imposing figure of Heidegger before behind them. “Heidegger… Sir!” shouted the captain, quickly giving a crisp salute. “I didn’t hear you approach!”
“My secretary of Public Safety can be quite stealthy. When it suits him,” said another voice, who then stepped around Heidegger’s large mass to reveal himself as none other than President Rufus. He brushed a lock of blonde hair off his forehead. “You three… You witnessed the commotion onboard?”
“Y-yes sir!” stammered the captain. Faced with two men far, far above his station, each of the soldiers’ spines were stiff as a board. “The fiend who wiped out our men… It looked to be none other than Sephiroth!”
“Hmph.” Heidegger grunted like a boar and fixed the three subordinates with a steely gaze. “And I wouldn’t be wrong to presume that you worthless lot had nothing to do with securing the ship?”
“Well… Sir, about that!” The captain shot a nervous look toward Joyce. “Y-you wouldn’t be wrong. These men under my command said that was the work of stowaways. They were… I believe they were the same crew that broke into the headquarters back in Midgar.”
Rufus stared down at the harbor’s stonework as he pondered this information. “So it’s true. Cloud and the others were on board too.” Then he turned to Heidegger. “And they escaped. Under your watch, Heidegger.”
The big man stiffened in his green trench coat. “…Yes.”
Shinra’s president shook his head like a disappointed father. “You messed up big this time, Heidegger.”
Heidegger’s face turned a dark shade of red, and his jaw clenched as though he were holding back an extreme amount of embarrassment and anger. Both of which he didn’t dare show in front of his president. “I’m ashamed of myself.”
Rufus stepped closer, and though he was several inches shorter than his lackey, he carried a far more threatening aura. “Is that all you can do? Give one word answers and apologize for everything?” He shifted his eyes off into the distance where a helicopter was setting down on a nearby landing zone. Another Shinra employee ran up and gave a salute, indicating that the president’s ride had arrived. Rufus nodded then returned his complete attention to Heidegger. “Fix this. I’ll be expecting results.”
As Rufus walked away, all the rage bottled-up within Heidegger began to show in his trembling figure. The three soldiers watched nervously as their president climbed about the helicopter, and then it lifted off into the air. Then they turned back to their boss, who was staring at them like a bull about to charge. “You… miserable… sacks of… inept… ungrateful… ineffective… SHITS!”
“S-sir! I can explain!”
“Explain NOTHING! Captain Hyde… The utter incompetence of YOU and YOUR MEN has made a FOOL out of ME!” roared Heidegger. He stepped forward, and for a second Hyde truly thought he was about to receive a black eye. But instead, Heidegger punched a fist into his own hand, loud enough and close enough for the captain to feel the force wash over his face. “If I didn’t suddenly find myself severely short of men, I’d have all three of you arrested and thrown away into the deepest, darkest hole they can find in Corel Prison… NEVER TO SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY AGAIN!”
Behind Hyde, both Mathers and Joyce were equally as shaken, but wisely they held their tongues. “Sir!” continued Hyde, “You have my most sincere apologies! It’ll never happen again!”
“You’re DAMN RIGHT it won’t! Because if it does, I’ll make you wish – I’ll make you BEG – for life in prison after what I’m going to do to you!” Then, Heidegger reached his hand out and ripped the patch off Hyde’s uniform. “As of this moment, consider yourself demoted, LIEUTENANT. Now go make yourself useful before I bust you down to private!” His righteous fury now adequately expressed, Heidegger shoved passed Hyde, making sure to hit him with such force that the man went tumbling to the ground, and strode back onto the docked ship to attend to other matters.
As soon as Heidegger was out of sight, both Joyce and Mathers rushed to help their commanding officer onto his feet. “Cap’n, around you alright?” asked the youngest lad.
“I’m fine, son.” Hyde brushed himself off and straightened his uniform. “Just wounded pride is all. That goddamn prick…”
“Sir,” said Mathers, “Why did you not tell said prick that we had just seen this Cloud and his cohorts mere moments ago? Let them know they’re still in town. Surely that would have quelled Heidegger and the president’s anger. Perhaps even lessened your punishment.”
Hyde scoffed. “Son, you know how I know you’ve only been in the corps for a few months? When that son of a bitch is on the warpath, ain’t nothing this side of Wutai is gonna stop him from stomping your ass. And as for Rufus… No way I’m helping that spoiled rich kid.” He spat on the ground. “Let them chase their tails all over this continent and back.”
A moment of silence fell over the trio as they contemplated their situation. “Well then cap’n… I mean, sarge… Now what?” asked Joyce.
“Way I see it, we got two choices ahead of us,” said Hyde. “We can either march right back onto that miserable boat and resume our duties… Or we can take some shore leave and see if we can’t track down those stowaway miscreants to enact our own brand of Shinra justice on them.”
Joyce nodded along, but Mathers wanted to make a point. “Sir, those miscreants did save our lives.”
“Indeed they did, son. And what better way to express our gratitude than to find those three lovely ladies and give them our thanks. Personally.”
“How about this one?” asked Tifa, holding up a very skimpy blue bikini to her chest. Even calling it an article of clothing would be stretching the definition. Tifa’s undershirt alone had more fabric than the bikini. “What do you think?”
Aerith stared at the scandalous swimwear, just picturing in her head how little it would leave to the imagination if she were to wear such a thing. The two of them – with Yuffie wandering around the store nearby – were standing in the middle of a beach shop, surrounded by racks of pricey summer clothing. “Ah… Cute! But, ah, it’s also a bit… How should I say… slutty?”
“You think so?” Tifa looked down at it quizzically and pictured it on her own body. Anyone could easily tell that the poor thing would barely be able to keep up with the barmaid’s buxom body. “I recall actually owning something similar once before.”
Instantly, Aerith’s face red turned bright red. “Oh! W-well, ah, um, like I said, it is very cute!” she stammered. “And the color is… nice. Yes, it’s a good choice!”
“Hm, I suppose so.” Tifa seemed to study the bikini a bit more, and then her lips curled into a smile. “But you’re right, it is totally slutty.” She burst into laughter, and after a few seconds of stunned silence, Aerith’s flustered face finally relaxed. “But if you don’t feel it’s your type, I’ll put it back.”
“N-no, wait!” Aerith gingerly took the swimwear from her friend, holding it like a delicate relic. The listed price nearly made her balk, but the thought of wearing such a titillating piece arose within her a nervous excitement. “I want to try it. It’s certainly a bit unconventional for me, but you know what they say. Nothing ventured.”
“Nothing gained!” Tifa couldn’t help but beam brightly at Aerith’s courage. “I think you’ll look amazing in it. You’re going to drive all the guys wild.”
Aerith’s blush reddened even further, but in that moment Yuffie made her appearance at their side, wearing several sunglasses stacked atop her head and almost a dozen beaded bracelets around her skinny wrists. “Are you two STILL looking? C’mon, we’ve been here fooooreeeever. I wanna go swimming!”
“We’re almost done,” assured Tifa. “I’ve still got to find something for myself.” A knock-out bombshell like Tifa didn’t dare walk out onto the beach in anything except her best. Though a modest country girl at heart, even she knew the sort of effect that her body had on men, and she planned to take full advantage of it during their brief stay in Costa del Sol. “Did you find something for yourself?”
Yuffie rolled her eyes. “Duh!” Then she held up her own pick: a white bikini with a cute and innocent-looking frilly skirt around the bottoms. Not surprisingly at all, the fabric was patterned with round materia orbs of various bright colors.
Tifa almost looked proud of Yuffie. Though they had only known each other for a short while, the three of them had bonded quickly on the road. “Good. I can’t tell you girls how much I’m looking forward to getting out there and turning some heads. Maybe I’ll even finally get the chance to break this dry spell I’ve been having.”
Aerith nodded along until what Tifa had just said finally registered in her mind, then she gasped. “Wait, what? Did you just say…? Surely you’re not thinking of… You know…”
“Why not?” asked Tifa. “Cloud said we all had the rest of the day to ourselves, so I don’t see any reason not to. After all the running we’ve been doing since leaving Midgar, there hasn’t been much opportunity to get laid.” Tifa brushed some hair over her shoulder nonchalantly. “Besides, you saw all those cute hunks on the beach! I certainly plan to seize the moment.”
“Hm, I guess you’re right.” Aerith wasn’t quite sure how to respond. Frankly, she was a bit shocked at how open her friend was about her promiscuity. Perhaps she didn’t know Tifa as well as she thought, but then again they had only met last month. “But then, I thought you and Cloud… were… you know…?”
“Huh? Oh, we’re not!” The thought of such intimacy with her childhood friend gave Tifa pause. “I mean… I thought, maybe, once long ago that we might one day… But there hasn’t really been much time for romance.” Tifa shook her head as unpleasant memories threatened to bubble up. “And besides! I’m not looking for romance right now. Just a good lay.” Then she turned her gaze upon Aerith, tilting her head curiosity. “But you know, I could say the same thing. I thought you and Cloud were growing rather close. Weren’t you thinking of it too?”
Aerith didn’t know to respond but to bite her lip and look away bashfully. “I mean, you’re right. There really hasn’t been a good time for it. And I didn’t want to get in the way if, well, you and he…”
An awkward silence rose between the two girls, until finally it was broken by the third party to their conversation. “Oh my GAWD! You two, I swear!” Yuffie gave an exaggerated huff. “Is this what it’s like being an adult? Just thinking about sex all the time?!”
Both girls scowled back at the teenager. “Well, all you think about is materia,” said Aerith. “Not much better.”
“Yeah but you can actually do stuff with materia!” retorted Yuffie. “You can’t do anything with sex except make babies, yuck!”
“That’s not true! You can… umm, cuddle. And… stuff.”
Tifa blinked in surprise at her friend. “Wait… Aerith, are you a virgin?”
Aerith quickly turned away. “No! Well… Maybe.”
The shock on Tifa’s face passed quickly, and she then approached the shy flower girl with a smile. “Well then! I’d say it’s now more important than ever for us to go out there and make sure you have a good time. I’m not saying you have to do anything you don’t want to… But if you do, you couldn’t have asked for a better opportunity. Just think of all the adorable guys waiting for us out there! You’ll basically have your pick of the litter.”
“Ah, I hadn’t thought of it that way.” Aerith once again glanced at the bikini she had criticized for being too skimpy, and all at once her countenance shifted. “Yeah!” she said with renewed determination. “I’d like that a lot, actually. Let’s do it!”
“Atta girl!” Tifa took the swimwear from Aerith’s hands. “Then allow me to get this for you, my treat.”
“Aw, thanks! But… Do you think we could find it in red?”
Yuffie groaned. “Noooo, this is gonna take forEVER!” But just then, a muffled banging noise from the direction of the changing rooms made Yuffie turn her head. “Huh? Did you two hear that?” But when she turned back, both Tifa and Aerith had already moved on, leaving the ninja girl behind. “Ugh, whatever!” she said before running after them.
However, if Yuffie had gone to investigate, she might have found Hyde, Mathers, and Joyce crammed together in one of the walled cubicles like sardines. Meant for only one person trying on clothes at a time, the tiny changing room struggled to accommodate three fully grown men. “Ow! Sarge, Mathers’s elbow is in my face!”
“Sir, sorry. There’s not a lot of space in here.”
“I know that! I’m in here too!” Hyde pushed back against his subordinates, no longer concerned about then noise now that the girls they had been eavesdropping on had walked away. “Did you hear that, lads? Sounds like our little rebels are planning to spend some time at the beach. And they’re looking for a good time.”
“Perhaps we ought to show them one, sir,” suggested Mathers.
“You read my mind. That busty slut certainly needs a good pounding, and I intend to give it to her.”
“Couldn’t agree more, sir. In that case, I shall take the inexperienced brunette for myself and endeavor to do Shinra proud!”
Joyce fidgeted. “Well… I guess I could take the other one. She’s kind of cute!”
“Sounds like a plan,” said Hyde with a big grin upon his face. “Gentlemen, get your sunscreen… It’s time to dress casual!”
A few hours later and the sun was still high in the mid-afternoon sky, which meant plenty of time yet for everyone to get some blessed sunshine in the day. The Costa del Sol beach was packed with people of all lifestyles: from vain beach bimbos looking to get a tan to excitable surfer bros hoping to catch the biggest wave. Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie managed to find a spot on the sun-drenched sands off to the side and away from the main crowd yet still close enough for them to ogle the beach hunks as they bopped the volleyball around in all their glistening, oiled-up, topless glory.
At least that’s what Tifa and Aerith were doing, the former staring blatantly and shamelessly while the latter bashfully stole glances toward the hunks while trying her best not to seem too interested. The girls were dressed in their bikinis, with Tifa having chosen a very scanty indigo bikini of a similar color to the dress she wore to Don Corneo’s mansion. Yuffie, on the other hand, was busying herself in the sand by crafting a meticulous sandcastle with a few tools she had “borrowed” from a nearby family. “Hey, check it out!” she said after a time, jumping to her feet and dusting the wet sand off her palms. “Not half bad, ehh?”
Tifa didn’t even deign to spare a glance in Yuffie’s direction. She only had eyes for the fine displays of masculine athleticism on full display. “Not half bad indeed,” she murmured, even going so far as to lick her lips hungrily.
“Ugh, why do I even bother?”
“I think it looks nice,” said Aerith. “Are those… materia lining the battlements?”
“Hell yeah they are!” Yuffie sat back down in the sand and took her plastic trowel in hand. “I was thinking of adding another tower. Like a sort of vault, ya know? To hold all the treasure inside!”
As the young ninja went back to work, Aerith watched with bemusement. Part of her suspected that Yuffie had been forced to grow up rather quickly and was relishing the rare chance to play with child-like enthusiasm, though to be fair it seemed as though the teenager rarely took anything very seriously. Then, glancing over to her other friend, Aerith guessed the same could be said of Tifa, judging by the story Cloud had told them back in Kalm. Only Tifa sought out her own fun through physical pleasures rather than trying to relive a lost childhood. Aerith couldn’t really say for sure which method was better; she had never built a sandcastle nor engaged in wild, anonymous sex, but she was certainly open to trying both.
Such thoughts were put on hold by the arrival of three strangers, each of them wearing plain swimming trunks with their bare chests open the sun’s light. The first one was a slightly older gentleman, probably about Aerith’s adoptive mother’s age, with a fair amount of grey chest hair. The second was built like a weightlifter, quite similar to Barret’s hulking form, and the third was practically a toothpick compared to the other two, his youth and inexperience etched all over his face.
“Hey there,” said the oldest man. “You fine ladies look like you could use some company.”
Tifa leaned back on her beach towel and looked up at him. “Oh yeah?” Hidden behind sunglasses, her gaze roamed over these uninvited, though not unwelcome, newcomers. They were certainly easy on the eyes, but not nearly as ideal as the several hunks she had spied earlier. But then again, Tifa knew if she spent all day being picky, she’d just end up going back to her hotel room empty-handed. “As a matter of fact, I was just thinking my back could use a little more sunscreen. Think one of you boys could help me with that?”
“Allow me.” Hyde took the initiative and approached Tifa, kneeling down to pick up the bottle of lotion while she turned over to lay on her chest. Then, reaching back, she tugged at the string tie that held her bra together, and it fell away to reveal her bare back. “Well?” she asked, looking up at him mischievously. “Don’t get all shy now.”
With a grin, Hyde squirted a dab of lotion onto his palms and went to work smearing it across the barmaid’s flawless skin. Meanwhile, Mathers approached Aerith and took a seat next to her. “Hello,” he said matter-of-factly.
“Hi,” said Aerith, her cheeks flushed. “Umm, I don’t have any lotion but… My shoulders are a bit stiff.”
“Allow me then.” He placed his hands upon the girl’s shoulders and began working his thumbs into her muscles. “I’ve received several commendations for my exceptional motor skills, you know.”
“Mmm, that’s nice.” Aerith already had her eyes closed and was drifting away into the sensation of his hard touch, which just so happened to be just what she needed. As it turned out, being kidnapped by a mad scientist and sent on the run across an entire continent was quite a stressful ordeal, and Aerith sorely needed something intimate to help her unwind, as Tifa had predicted.
Meanwhile, Joyce quietly approached Yuffie and her sand castle, taking a seat a respectable distance away. Now that they were closer, it was clear that the two of them were of identical age, though their demeanors couldn’t have been further apart. “H-hey there,” he said with obvious nervousness. “Nice castle!”
“Don’t talk to me, creepo,” muttered Yuffie, her focus held entirely on her work as she molded the sand with a grumpy frown.
By now, Hyde had finished covered Tifa’s entire back with sunscreen. “All done. Though ooks like you missed a spot in front.”
“Oh?” Tifa flipped over and, holding the bikini top to her chest purely with her own hands, blinked up at him innocently. “Well, would you look at that? You’re right. Lucky I have someone so observant to look out for me.”
After watching such a shameful display of flirting, and glancing over to see the other man with his hands on Aerith, Yuffie finally stood up with a loud huff. “Alright, that’s it! I’m gonna go get some ice cream. Anyone who wants to come with, raise your hand.” She was entirely disappointed, yet hardly surprised, when her declaration went entirely ignored by her friends. And when Joyce slowly lifted up his hand, Yuffie just fixed him with another ugly glare. “Ugh, whatever! I don’t need any of ya!”
As Yuffie stomped away by herself, kicking up sand in her wake, Hyde grabbed two big handfuls of Tifa’s breasts, prompted a soft moan from the girl. She made absolutely no attempt to push him away, nor even to hide their blatant foreplay from public view. If anything, Tifa arched her back and pushed her chest further out to better assist him. “Mm, very nice,” he murmured. “Very nice indeed. Not bad for an ecoterrorist.”
His words passed over Tifa for a second, so lost was she in his touch upon her sensitive breasts, but then finally they clicked in her head and she gasped. “Wh-what?! Did you just say…?” She stiffened, all the warmth and intimacy of their encounter suddenly evaporated. “Then that must mean… You’re with Shinra!”
“Heh, guilty as charged, sweetheart. And not only that, but we were on that boat you and your friends smuggled yourself aboard. We saw your little show down in the cargo hold with Sephiroth.” His fingers suddenly dug deeper, and Tifa gave a breathy moan at the reminder of his hold on her. “Your little stunt got us in a lot of trouble with the top brass. So here’s my question, how do you expect to make it up to us?”
Tifa clenched her teeth to hold back any further moans from rising up in her throat. “Go to hell,” she hissed.
“Go? Now why would I do that when you’re absolutely dripping wet for me?” Then, to prove his point, he reached down and cupped Tifa’s sex through her bikini bottoms. Exactly as he guessed, his fingers found an immense amount of wetness. Shinra or not, her body was loving the attention he was giving her, and the more he played with her covered cunt the harder it became for Tifa to hold back her whining moans. “So no, I think I’ll stay right here and give you exactly what you’re aching for.”
Off to the side, Aerith was handling the news with a lot less grace. Her entire face was bright red, absolutely mortified that she had gotten caught up in another Shinra ensnarement, yet unable – or perhaps unwilling – to do anything about it as Mathers started to fondle her chest. The young brunette was letting out soft whines as the man’s hands roamed underneath the triangles of her bikini top and fondled both stiff nipples. Aerith’s body was loving the attention as much as Tifa’s, but the flower girl was unable to mask it as effectively. She squirmed like a schoolgirl, which brought a smile to Mathers’s lips. “This one is getting into it too, sir.”
“I-I have a name!” she protested. “It’s Aer—Ooh! – Aerith!” The poor girl had never known her chest was quite so sensitive until now, and it was not working in her favor.
Tifa, meanwhile, chewed on her bottom lip anxiously as both herself and her friend were molested. There were few options laid out before her. Even without her gloves, she could definitely put up a good fight if push came to shove, but Tifa knew that without any materia that Aerith was at a severe disadvantage. Not to mention the absence of Yuffie. Perhaps if she returned in time, they might be able to chase the men away…
And yet, in the back of her mind, another alternative quickly rose to prominence. Tifa’s pussy was practically drooling all over his fingers, and Hyde was absolutely right that she wanted to get fucked badly. ‘What the hell is wrong with me? Being touched by a Shinra… It’s so disgusting! But then why do I feel so good?’ She knew exactly why, of course, and as seconds passed away into minutes, Tifa found herself more and more reluctant to make a stand. After all, it had always been her intention to get into some naughty trouble and have a wild fling. ‘So what if he’s a Shinra? It’s just a one-time thing…’
Without even realizing it, Tifa had made up her mind by the time Hyde placed his other hand upon her left breast and squeezed the nub through the soft fabric. “So how about it?” he whispered into her ear. “Let’s take this little party behind those rocks over there, away from prying eyes, and make some memories.”
In what remained of Tifa’s rational mind, she knew she should have refused. Spun around and slapped him across the face, even. To entertain such a notion, with a man who served the very company that had caused so much misery for herself and her loved ones, it was unconscionable. And yet, all she could do was nod her head.
In the time it took Yuffie to leave the ice cream stand, then swing by the materia vendor, then head over to see the sailboat races, then visit the materia vendor again, then finally head back to their beach spot, she had already eaten her sweet treat down to the waffle cone. Yet when she arrived, Yuffie was perplexed to find the spot completely vacant with no sign of Tifa, Aerith, or even those three lunkheads she had left with them. “What the eff?” she pondered aloud, poking at Aerith’s towel with her toes. Why would they just leave without telling her? And also without their stuff? Yuffie looked around a bit, wondering if perhaps they left a note for her, but she found nothing. It was as if they had just vanished.
That’s when she heard it: a distant moan. “No way…” whispered Yuffie as she followed the sound, already anticipating what she might find. Her curiosity took her a few steps further down the beach, away from the commotion of other tourists, and around a small rocky outcropping. As the noises got louder and louder, Yuffie recognized them as belonging to her two partymates.
The scene she stumbled upon didn’t surprise Yuffie in the least, yet she still dropped the remains of her cone to the ground in shock nonetheless. Yuffie had hoped that she’d merely find the girls involved in some heavy petting, maybe some inappropriate tongue play; what she hadn’t expected was a full-blown rutting! Aerith – her brand-new bikini discarded and forgotten nearby – sat upon a flat rock at just the perfect height for Mathers to stand and deliver deep strokes into her pussy while the moaning girl’s long legs circled around his waist. Meanwhile, Tifa stood a few feet away, bent forward at a perfect 90-degree angle so that her legendary tits could hang low and flop about in all their glory as Hyde pounded into her from behind.
“Oh. My. GAWD!” screeched Yuffie. “I can NOT believe you two!”
It was then that she also noticed Joyce, who had apparently been standing off to the side and watching awkwardly as the fifth wheel while his buddies had their fun. Perhaps waiting his turn for a piece of the action, but upon Yuffie’s arrival, he quickly approached the flabbergasted teen. “Uh, h-hi. Fancy seeing you here… Uh, again. Would you like to…?”
“No, shut up,” snapped Yuffie quickly before returning her attention back to the mating pairs. “You two are SO gross!”
“Would you – Ugh! – k-keep it down?” gasped Tifa as she was jostled back and forth by Hyde’s vigorous thrusts. “We don’t need you drawing – Ahh! – attention over here!”
“Yeah,” said Hyde with the biggest grin upon his face. “At least not until after we’ve finished this round. Or another two or three.”
Tifa rolled her eyes. “Ugh, it’s bad enough I have to listen to you talk. Hurry up and just cum already!”
Hyde furrowed his brow at her. “Oh yeah? Pretty big talk coming from the bitch impaled on my cock.” He then grabbed hold of Tifa’s wrists with a startling swiftness, much to her surprise, and pulled her arms straight back, forcing the brunette’s back to arch upward. “You keep that up and I might just pull out, leave you here all by yourself.”
Her eyes immediately widened, not just at his threat but also at the sheer display of dominance. Her thighs shivered as a fresh gush of arousal trickled down her legs. “N-no! I mean… Not yet.” As much as she hated to admit it, Hyde was doing a fantastic job of fucking her wet cunt, and Tifa already felt an orgasm creeping on. Most of the men she’d taken to bed finished at least twice before being able to get her off, and Tifa could tell Hyde wasn’t nearly as close as she was. “Just – Haah – keep going.”
By now, Aerith had her arms slung around Mathers’s broad neck, hands clinging to his muscles as she moaned in the throes of passion. “Aah! Ooh! Rough! You’re being so rough!” Her milky white skin – now covered in a fine sheen of sweat – contrasted well with his own tanned complexion. He was also much larger than her, nearly double Aerith’s size, to the point where she was practically hidden behind his heaving form as it drove into her virginal tightness.
“Gotta loosen you up,” he grunted. “Still too tight. Relax.”
“I-I can’t!” Each thrust into her hot cunt further pinned Aerith against the smooth surface of the rock formation, as well as forcing her eyes to roll up just the tiniest bit further. “So good! Your cock… It’s so good!” Despite the nervousness of her first time, Aerith had quickly fallen into a steady rhythm, which was easy when someone else was doing the driving. All she had to do was hang on tight and not slip into the pitfalls of maddening pleasure, which seemed a more impossible task the longer their tryst went on. The stone beneath her ass was already slick with the juices of fresh lovemaking, and Aerith only managed to stay in-place thanks to the way Mathers held her pinned down.
All the while, Yuffie and Joyce watched from the sidelines, standing together awkwardly as the sights, sounds, and smells of frantic fucking permeated their senses. Yuffie made no attempt to hide her disgust, mostly so that hopefully no one would notice her own growing arousal. But indeed, everyone was too busy fucking or getting fucked to even pay attention to her, leaving Yuffie alone to deal with the growing conflict in her mind. ‘The audacity of these sluts… Who do they think they are?’
Yet the more Yuffie watched, the more she pressed her thighs together subconsciously as a growing desire began to emerge. She had thought Tifa and Aerith were nothing but boy-crazy bimbos as soon as they started talking about sex earlier, but now that she was actually witnessing the fruition of their lewd plans, Yuffie was wondering if perhaps they had the right idea after all. ‘No way, that’s crazy! It’s just sex! There’s no way it could be better than materia… right?’
In the end, there was only one way to find out, and Yuffie was nothing if not insatiably curious. After all, it was that same curiosity which had caused her to trail Cloud and the others all the way to their meeting outside Fort Condor. It was curiosity that had driven her to leave Wutai in the first place. Her curiosity – or some would call nosiness – had done right by her so far. So what could go wrong?
She looked over at Joyce, who was still avoiding eye contact after being reprimanded earlier. ‘He is kinda cute… in a way,’ she thought. Yuffie could easily imagine them hitting it off if they had met under different circumstance and if she wasn’t, like, trying to save the world and stuff. Finally, with a reluctant sigh, she reached over and grabbed his hand. “Alright, fine! Let’s get this over with.”
“Huh?” Joyce looked over at her, shocked that she’d even acknowledge his presence again, let alone agree to his wildest fantasy. “Y-you mean… We’re gonna…?”
“Don’t say it!” hissed Yuffie. “Just… take off your pants already! If we’re gonna do this then I’m gonna be in charge.”
“Of c-course,” he stammered. Not willing to argue one second longer if it meant costing him his big chance, Joyce dropped his pants as he was told and then plopped down on the sandy beach. As expected, he was already rock-hard just from watching his two mates pound away at their own Avalanche cocksleeves, and his erection jutted upright like a twitching flagpole.
Taking the reins as she said she would, Yuffie then seated herself upon his lap, shifting back just a bit so that Joyce’s cock rested between her thighs. There, she could see how far up the young lad reached, nearly to her belly button. “Shit…” whispered Yuffie. “Are they all supposed to be so big?”
“Huh? Did you say something?”
“No!” she snapped. “Just… hold still.” With a hand on his chest to steady herself, the young lady lifted up and poised her sex just over his shaft. The warm, sticky touch of his precum brushing over her soft folds made Yuffie shiver, yet oddly it also made all her apprehensions disappear. Now 100% determined to follow through, she dropped down and impaled herself upon cock for the first time.
“Oohhh gaaaawwwd!” she screeched, eyes rolling back and thighs tightening around Joyce’s body. The initial shock of penetration was so much that she lost the ability to stabilize herself, which left Yuffie to gradually slip further and further down his shaft until she was fully stretched. With the arrival of his cockhead against her cervix, Yuffie squealed and leaned in closer with her arms around his neck. “Holy shit! Wh-what the fuck just happened?!”
But Joyce wasn’t paying much attention to the Wutai girl clinging to him for dear life. All he could focus on was the sucking wetness wrapped around his dick. Unable to resist a more active role, he grasped her hips and lifted ever-so-slightly so that his length dragged along her inner walls. “Ahh, Yuffie! You’re so tight! And warm!”
“Oohhh! Y-you idiot! Don’t say such things!” But she had gotten the message. Having had a brief moment to pull herself together, Yuffie started to bounce in his lap of her own volition, panting and heaving as pleasure began to build.
Not far away, Tifa was struggling to come to terms with her own revelation, namely that the Shrina grunt she had underestimated actually knew how to fuck, as evident by the second orgasm she was already vocalizing with heavy moans. She couldn’t recall the last time she had been plowed so ruthlessly and turned into a mere object for someone else’s gratification, but to be fair Tifa had a hard time remembering her own last name at the moment. Few men had the balls to take the lead – too intimidated by her beauty, strength, and libido – but Hyde didn’t care about all that. He just saw her as another bitch to dominate, and that was enough to push Tifa dangerously close to a third climax already.
Tifa had long since given up trying to reassert any sort of control between them and had instead simply settled for hanging in his grip – which was still seized around her wrists – as she shuddered under the onslaught of ecstasy. If Cloud could see her now, likely he’d doubt that she was the same woman he had known since childhood. Gone was the brawling freedom fighter, now replaced by a mewling slut as she received hammering blows from behind. ‘He’s treating me like a bitch.’ Tifa’s pussy tightened, such perverted thought contributing further to her arousal. ‘But that’s what I am… I’m his bitch!’
She wasn’t even aware that one of his hands had released her own, until suddenly she felt his fingers tighten around her neck. Tifa whimpered, and her mouth fell open in gasping breathes as Hyde choked the buxom beauty the same way her cunt was choking his dick. “You’re a real nasty slut. How many times have you cum on my cock already? Two? Three times?” When the moaning woman didn’t answer him, Hyde squeezed her neck. “Answer!”
“Y-yessh mashther,” she slurred out, tongue now hanging loosely from her mouth. Tifa didn’t quite understand why those words slipped out, just that it felt so good to say them aloud. “Tuuh-twwooo!”
“How shameful. I didn’t give you permission to cum without me. We’ll just have to make it even. For every orgasm you have, you’ll owe me one for myself. And we’ll spend all day and night until I’ve finally caught up.”
How could Tifa disagree? The very idea sounded like heavenly bliss to her, and it was enough to quickly push her to another ruinous orgasm. “Thuu-Thhuuhreee,” she howled, hoping that her new master was keeping track because soon she wouldn’t be able to.
Things for Aerith had only gotten worse. No longer given the comfort of sitting upon a rocky ledge, the flower girl was now lifted entirely in the air, held up only by the force of Mathers’s thrusts that kept her pinned between his muscled mass and the stone wall behind her. Not that she had any mind to complain. Both green eyes were perpetual locked upward, glued toward the sky, as she babbled unintelligibly through a coded language of moans and squeaks. Aerith didn’t even have the wherewithal to wrap her legs around his body, instead opting to just let her feet bounce to their lewd lovemaking rhythm.
Mathers wasn’t much paying attention to the poor girl’s struggle for sanity. He was too busy admiring the sight of her petite body shuddering under his intense blows, each smack of his hips against hers causing her breasts to jiggle enticingly. Her cunt was far better than he could have hoped, sucking him off like an experience whore despite her former virginal status. “Hey, you’re a Cetra, right? The last one? Does that mean you’re okay if I cum inside?” He was rapidly nearing his limit and didn’t quite feel like pulling out of Aerith’s clenching heat. But he figured might as well ask first.
However, Aerith wasn’t in any proper state of mind to give an answer. Distantly, her shattered mind was aware that someone was speaking to her, and a gurgling moan was the only response she could muster.
So Mathers just shrugged and continued pounding away at her dripping snatch. He knew the company was eager to get their hands on Aerith due to her lineage – though he didn’t exactly know why – and figured they might appreciate the greater odds of eventually finding not one but two Cetra in the future. And Aerith as well might be appreciative once she later learned of the joyous news.
“I’m gonna do,” he grunted. “Here it cums!”
Aerith’s entire body suddenly locked up and froze completely still as soon as she felt that first gooey blast of cum shoot into her womb, then a fraction of a second later everything exploded into a mind-numbing climax. “Aah! Mmm!” A small part of Aerith realized she was being inseminated, but an even greater part of her absolutely loved it. Somehow she found the intelligence – or perhaps it was pure breeding instinct – to fully wrap her legs around Mathers and lock him in tight just to ensure every last drop went straight into her fertile Promised Land.
“Ohhh! Why does it have to feel so goooood?!” howled Yuffie. “Why is your fucking dick so good?!” Thanks to her dominant position on top, she was able to better control the pace of her own public fuck session compared to Tifa and Aerith, but that didn’t mean Joyce’s cock wasn’t have a transformative effect on her. Yuffie somehow seemed to have lost control of her own hips and was now riding atop him with reckless abandon.
Far from being a passive actor in their romp, Joyce was all over Yuffie’s neck, leaving hickeys and love bites on her pale skin. There was hardly any space between them with her chest pressed flat against his own, both of them heaving together like the beast with two backs. “Yuffie, I’m close! Can I cum inside? Please, please!”
His begging struck a chord within Yuffie. It was kind of cute, in a pathetic sort of way. “Ahh, ahh! F-fine, I guess it – Ooaah! – can’t be helped!” Though she tried to sound reluctant, truthfully Yuffie couldn’t wait for his release. Her expectations about sex had been entirely surpassed, and now she was practically eating her own words about how much she doubted it. Knowing that, she couldn’t wait to find out how good it felt to be creampied. “Hurry up!”
Not that Joyce could actually decide whenever his body chose to cum, but the subtle tone in her voice that indicated she wanted it just as badly pushed the lad over the edge. With a strained groan, he grabbed onto Yuffie’s narrow waist and helped pull her down on final time. His cockhead pressed up against her cervix, swelled, then spurted out a thick blast of spunk. That was quickly followed by a second, then a third, each just as intense and voluminous as the last. It didn’t take long until Yuffie’s tiny cunt was overflowing with his seed, utterly stained white, with plenty more still pumping out.
“Ohh shit! It’s so hot! So fucking amazing! I love it!” Yuffie broke, not in the traditional cock-addled way like Aerith and Tifa had, but her resistance crumbled away all the same. She gazed upon Joyce not with that suspicious glare that she once had but instead with pure unadulterated affection as his cock continued to pump a sticky load into her cunt. “I love you!” she squealed just before going in for a kiss. Their lips locked together in a mimicry of teenage love, though for the two of them it was quite real in the moment. The more cum that seeped into Yuffie’s body, the more she could feel herself falling for the young Shinra. ‘Fuck Wutai. Fuck materia! This is the best! Oh gawd, I want him so bad!’
The smell of sex hung heavy in the air around the fornicating group. Each of them stilled, having somehow reached six simultaneous orgasms around the same time, and for a brief time there was a moment of clarity shared between Tifa, Aerith, and Yuffie. Though filled to the brim with cocks and cum, they had just those few precious seconds to realize the mess they had gotten themselves into. The only problem now was finding a way out of it.
But such concerns immediately flew out the window – and out of their pretty heads – when Hyde, Mathers, and Joyce recovered and once again began pounding away at their respective partners. Feminine moans once again washed over the beach like the rising tide, and they did not stop until well after the sun had reached the horizon. Only then did the sands of Costa del Sol receive a reprieve from the unstoppable fuckfest, and only because the three men had picked up their weary trophies and carried them away to the nearest hotel room, all so that they could continue to enjoy them well until next morning.
Costa-del-Deception by PunishedVarmint
- Date
- 2 years ago
- Source
- Hentai Foundry
- Popularity
- 141.6
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- 569
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“Come on now, Genji. Take off that ridiculous mask. There’s no need for such a thing around me.”
“You’re right, sorry. Force of habit,” said Overwatch’s resident cyborg k sheepishly. The cold, sterile medical exam room-office hybrid that they met inside had frozen him in-place as a flood of pleasant memories came back, and for a moment Genji had forgotten himself. He reached up to unlatch the steel clips, and with a pressurized hiss the plate fe…
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