Play-Stupid-Games-Win-Great-Prizes by niteynyx The 11th Countess of Abbingdon leaned back against the luxuriantly comfortable cushions of her wingback chair, crossing her legs and slanting her head to look along the left wall of her home office. There laid numerous reminders and souvenirs of her exploits, set on shelves. The most valuable of them on display were encased in glass displays, though none of them were amongst her most valuable discoveries.
Many of those were too dangerous for her to allow them to slip into the wrong h…
Some people say that all’s well that ends well. Stop a random person in the street and ask them what they think about that? They’d probably smile, nod and say ‘damn right’ before blithely carrying on with their day, doing their best to get by within their means, stressing only about their personal problems. Tifa Lockhart wasn’t one of those people. She was pretty on the fence about whether or not the old saying was true, and her answer would change from day to day depending on her circumstances.
Sure, the big old meteor threatening to crash into Gaia had been stopped, saving the planet. Sure, AVALANCHE had kind-of sort-of succeeded in its mission to defeat the Shinra Electric Power Company, insofar as its new president has announced a commitment to phasing out Mako. The new green energy they were committed to pursuing had nothing to do with the planet’s green-white lifestream, thankfully– Tifa had been pretty worried about that. And sure, Sephiroth (or Jenova or whatever the fuck he had become at the end of their party’s quest) had been defeated and probably wouldn’t bother any of them again.
Was it all well? She, her friends and of course the planet and all people on it had lost so much. There had been so much chaos, but it was over, and it’d never happen again.
Though… Tifa had some weirdly specific nightmares about him coming back in the form of three genetic clones who would ultimately combine with Jenova’s severed head to restore him. She had it again last night, and it clung terribly to her thoughts Those nightmares also involved–
“Hey, Gaia to Tifa!” A hand wearing one of her fingerless gloves waved in front of Tifa’s face, snapping digits. “That glass is definitely clean by now.” The busty brunette blinked once and snapped out of her reverie and glanced down at her hands, a rag in one hand and a tumbler in the other. “You okay? Don’t zone out on me like that,” Yuffie whined plaintively, hand dropping and arms both folding atop the bar. She dropped her chin into the crook of her elbow and peered up at Tifa expectantly, narrow brown eyes studying her friend’s face. “Pretty rude, and you’re not even fucking Rude.”
A faint fluster worked its way up Tifa’s cheeks. “Sorry, but it’s not really any of your business who I’m fucking, is it?” she shot back, putting aside the tumbler and grabbing another glass. She flicked at the sink’s faucet and briefly rinsed it before starting to scrub it out, drawing in a small breath to calm herself. She always tried to be patient with Yuffie, especially during their quest to stop Sephiroth. The ‘materia hunter’ from Wutai had only been sixteen at the time!
If Shinra’s reign of Gaia hadn’t fucking destroyed any semblance of a legal system, it would have been very illegal for them to have Yuffie along for their incredibly dangerous journey. Now, though? Now Yuffie was just a bit older than Tifa had been back then, twenty one years old. Just old enough to drink in New Midgar.
“Ooooh,” Yuffie cooed, her grin sudden yet indolent, and irritatingly so. “Defensive,” she said, chin lifting as she leaned forward and started to reach for one of the bottles behind the bar’s counter. “C’mon. Spill. You were totally fucking him, weren’t you? He was in here like, every night for a year straight. Even if he wears shades indoors, it was SUPER obvious he was giving you looks and,” there Yuffie paused, continuing in a teasing sing-song, “The mo-ost eligible bacho-olerette in New Midgar was lo-oking back.”
Well-trained, dexterous and strong, Tifa’s rag-wielding hand snapped out and gave the back of Yuffie’s stolen glove a sharp slap. “No gil, no drinks,” she said blandly, not bothering to disguise the roll of her eyes. Yuffie tried to pout as her hand retreated but she couldn’t quite manage to make her self-satisfied smile disappear entirely beneath it. “Seriously,” the busty brunette continued as she resumed wiping down the glass. “Drop it. My love life isn’t any of your business.”
“Yeah, but you’re kind of a bitch when you aren’t getting laid,” Yuffie said, pillaring her chin on the palm of her hand. She blinked her eyes once as though batting her eyelashes, then added saccharinely, “If nobody told you that yet. You’re blisteringly hot, but you’re also kind of scary.”
Tifa clacked the second glass down and reached for another, drawing in a slow breath. If there was one thing that definitely did not end well– it was being patient with Yuffie back in the day. Almost half a decade had passed, and she hadn’t matured at all. In fact, she seemed to grow more childish and obnoxious with each passing year. And it was kind of a fucking problem, because that day’s exchange was not a unique one. “Shouldn’t you be working on an essay or something? A research paper?” she asked.
Another thing that did not end well: agreeing to house young, former party members while they pursued higher education away from their home. Two women lived in the rooms above Eighth Heaven, Tifa’s establishment in the middle of New Midgar, and one of them didn’t pay rent. Or work. Or even really seem all that interested in higher education most of the time? Tifa never saw Yuffie with a book. She didn’t even know what she was supposedly majoring in– she’d always been cagey about giving a specific answer, and Tifa didn’t push.
Now, what Tifa had seen Yuffie with? Red solo cups. Hair of the dog hangover cures. Guys. Girls too, to be fair, but what she did with the guys was way more blatant, considering all the times that Tifa caught her ‘roommate’ rifling through her stuff, hoping to find a stray condom. New Midgar’s Planned Parenthood was literally five minutes down the road.
“Oh, but I am,” Yuffie assured Tifa, her eyes widening, fingers filching out again, making a play for the neck of that bottle again. Not the cheap stuff, either. The spunky little wastrel with no income of her own naturally had expensive taste.
Again Tifa’s rag-wielding hand whipped out to slap at Yuffie’s stolen glove. “How’s that?” she started to ask, and yet… there was an immediate tingle along her spine. A subconscious realization, an instinctive warning. Too sudden, and far too late, for her to act on. Her fingers hit against the back of Yuffie’s hand–
Yuffie’s hand. Not nearly as strong or deadly as TIfa’s own, but far more nimble. The little ninja could be so very clever when her acts of mischief weren’t just the result of her clumsily bumbling from situation to situation without a care in the world. At the last second, Yuffie’s digits diverted from the bottle and angled for a far greater prize than tinted glass containing fermented crops.
Tifa froze and simply stared down at the intruding hand, nigh dead-eyed and silent, her own hands frozen in the air, one clutching the glass, the other– well, the other dropped the rag it had been using to polish. It fell on Yuffie’s side of the bar.
“See,” Yuffie cheekily said as she struggled to cup Tifa’s left tit in a hand far too small for the task, lightly squeezing amidst the stray fondling, “I’m a psych major, and right now I’m trying to figure out what makes you into such a bitch when you aren’t getting your clam stuffed with cock.” Her hand shifted and her thumb found just-about where TIfa’s nipple was, casually flicking over it.
It wasn’t the first time that Yuffie had annoyed Tifa by prying into her private business, and it wasn’t the first time that Yuffie had groped Tifa either. Usually though, she had the decency to do it in passing. As a joke. That only she found funny. Any more prolonged contact could generally be blamed on Yuffie being black-out drunk and unaware of her libidinous actions, and Tifa had never cared to confront the issue.
Tifa looked up from her chest, that faint fluster helplessly crawling back up her cheeks. Though she was blushing in earnest now, it did not make her voice sound the slightest bit timid or meek. “Get your hand off me or I’m going to smack you across the room,” she warned Yuffie, meeting her brown eyes with her own, lighter and rounder. Deadly serious, too. “And you’ll have to pay for whatever damage your flying body causes.” The glass in her hand clicked against the bar.
Yuffie did not look away from Tifa. She was silent and still, her smile frozen in place. Several seconds went by before she moved her fingers, and it wasn’t to do Tifa any favors except in the most perverse of senses. “... Honk,” she whispered as she squeezed. “What a pair of honking hooters you’ve got, Tifa. Honk–”
—CRACK.— ... Thud.
Just a short, surprised shriek between the two noises. Tifa lowered her stinging palm, wishing she had been wearing the gloves that were instead on Yuffie’s hand. She gave a long look at the small, vaguely Yuffie-ish dent in Eighth Heaven’s wall, just above the whining, Yuffie-ish lump that had fallen to the floor beneath it. A painting further along the wall fell off its fixture, but all in all, it could have been much worse if she didn’t hold back.
She could probably do some quick interior decorating to hide it before the first of her regulars trickled in for the night. “Are you alive?” Tifa asked Yuffie only after finishing her assessment. She already knew the answer from the way Yuffie was moaning and rubbing at herself, but Tifa knew she’d feel awful if–
If? There was no if about it. The busty brunette felt awful. Bitchy? Tifa asked herself. … No. No, definitely not bitchy. She totally earned that– right? I’m not feeling bad about this, that was a totally warranted slap. I warned her.
“No,” Yuffie whimpered, confirming that the little ninja was perfectly fine. “I can’t believe you actually did it. My body might be okay but my heart–”
… Ugh. Shit. She’s right. Tifa flipped the hinged part of the bar and stepped out from behind it. A few months without sex, and… I’m getting violent towards my friend. She took one long step towards Yuffie before pausing, wondering if Yuffie was even a FRIEND or if she was just an annoying acquaintance fate had stuck Tifa with; she felt worse for even letting herself think about it. She sighed and spoke over Yuffie’s continued nonsense, approaching her. “You really need to respect my boundaries,” she said as she crouched down. “C’mon, let’s get some ice on that.”
Yuffie, teary-eyed, peeked up, not yet willing to rise. “... Can I rest my head on your tit until we’re certain you haven’t given me a concussion or permanent brain damage?”
“No,” Tifa said firmly, and yet Yuffie pouted. “Absolutely not.”
Three minutes later they were both sitting on the floor beneath the dent, Yuffie’s cheek to Tifa’s tit, ice against the bump rising on the little ninja’s head, and a shameless smile on her face. Tifa just stared up at the ceiling and wondered what she had done to deserve someone like Yuffie in her life, and if she really was majoring psych at New Midgar University.
Am I that open of a book…?
The very next day, things were back to normal between the two of them. Yuffie’s head-bump didn’t survive the night. She insisted that was because she got to use Tifa’s tits as a pillow that night (which, naturally, was something else she had insisted on). Nothing changed because of the smack; over the next week, Yuffie proved to be just as blithe about ignoring Tifa’s personal space and boundaries as ever.
Well, one thing changed. Tifa spent a lot of time on another fence: did not getting laid make her into a colossal bitch, or was she slowly but surely being driven towards homicidal mania by Yuffie Kisaragi?
How the fuck did I end up here? Tifa asked herself, staring at the sight before her. It flickered through her mind.
“You’d be so popular, though. Seriously,” Yuffie had said, pouting all the while. It seemed innocent at the time. Dumb, but well-meaning and innocent. “You’ve got, like, an ama-zing gym MILF body. And you really need to make some new friends who aren’t like… alcoholics and cash flow,” she had added, poking the slumbering regular passed out on the bar counter beside her. He continued to snore, unaware of their conversation.
Tifa remembered glancing at the passed out guy. They always closed up at 1 AM; he usually woke up and wandered home by 2 AM. It was some time between the two. “That’s sweet, but you do know that I’m only five years older than you are, right?” she had asked. “It’s just really not my kind of thing.”
Yuffie’s voice was not unsympathetic, but that didn’t mean it was kind or well-meaning. “Aw. I didn’t know you’d become such a p-u-s-s-y, Tifa. Everything makes sense now, though.”
“What?” Tifa’s attention had snapped back to Yuffie, shocked into wide-eyed surprise by not just the accusation but its casual vulgarity, singsonged one letter at a time. “Are you fucking serious, Yuffie?”
“Yeah. This is the real reason for your guy problems, right?” Yuffie had asked as she swung her legs once last time, then hopped off her stool. Each syllable seemed to make Tifa’s mouth hang open a bit wider. “Ergo, also why you’ve been such an enormous bitch lately. Also ergo? Why you haven’t been getting laid. You retired from semi-professionally punching monsters in the face, became a pussy, and now you’re afraid of guys. But hey,” she had said with a grin as she started walking backwards, waving and starting to turn, “I’m gonna go have fun at a party, and if the thought of enjoying yourself makes you shake in your widdle ankle boots–”
So fucking childish, but it worked. Tifa had left a note with her regular asking him to lock up before heading home, and… then she was at a party with a bunch of people five years younger than her. And Yuffie was right! Guys and girls alike thought she was a muscle MILF. Tifa tried to take it as a compliment. She stuck to the little ninja’s side like glue, feeling so out of place– but it was easy enough to just talk to whomever Yuffie talked to, dance with whomever Yuffie danced with, and drink whatever was in the red solo cups Yuffie thrust in her hands. And drink, and drink, and drink…
And when Yuffie let a couple of guys drag her into a room, of course Tifa went with her. Just in case she needed help.
… Yeah. I guess that about sums it up. “What the fuck,” Tifa whispered to herself for the hundredth time, sitting with her face in her hands, eyes shut but ears open. It was easy enough for her to imagine what was going on by sound alone, even without the few peeks she took. JUST IN CASE. Just in case… Yuffie isn’t having a great time? “What the fuck,” she whispered again. It’s four AM. We should be in bed.
To be fair, Yuffie was on a bed. Not so much in it, though. “Fuuuuck, that’s good,” she laughed breathlessly between her moans. Their pitch hitched high every moment or so, in time with the rhythmic slapping made whenever her ‘friend’ pounded his hips into her padded, round cushion of an ass. The sounds were just the slightest bit wet, too, with how his cock kept dragging and slapping back into Yuffie’s tiny little twat. “You been… saving up for me? Looking forward to this all week?” the little ninja asked back at the guy fucking her doggy style. He grunted something that wasn’t intelligible, but it made Yuffie laugh. That cut off with a gasp.
Then the mattress was creaking as weight shifted around, and Yuffie was mumbling thickly, “Stop whacking off when I’ve got a perfectly good cocksucker right here–” She cut off there with a pointed, muffled grunt.
Tifa couldn’t help but shift her hips in an uncomfortable squirm, mouth going a bit dry, feeling– hope? Hope that Yuffie was referring to her? If that was what it was, it was all crushed when she braved another peek up. No, the cut-off wasn’t for dramatic pause or anything of the sort. She wasn’t gripping the second guy’s dick to wave it at Tifa. Instead, that girthy throatplug was shallowly fucking the foreigner’s mouth, holding her head steady. Yuffie was on her hands and knees, back arched low, ass lifted and thighs spread for the guy claiming her cunt. Naked, slim and slight but lightly toned, gently yet generously curved for her size. She didn’t even wear her headband; just flushed cheeks. Her eyes were visibly squeezed shut.
… At least he’s using a condom? She’s so irresponsible, I can’t even imagine how… Tifa knew that Yuffie partied constantly, but from the way people had been interacting with her all night? The busty brawler suspected that a lot of people had become Yuffie’s ‘good friends’ in the past two years.
These two in particular? Tifa hoped they were especially ‘good friends’, considering the one who wrapped his tool went harder and harder. The next time that she dared to take a peek, he had grabbed a fistful of Yuffie’s bob of black hair and was forcefully pushing her head forward, forcing her to start swallowing the other fucker’s Buster Sword. As she choked on it, he growled down at the back of her head from behind, “Like hell I’d save my cum for as big a slut as you. You’re just getting the dregs, and you’re gonna thank my cock for it like the whore you are,” Yuffie almost seemed to wiggle her hips with wanton delight.
And the other guy, the one getting his Buster Sword polished? Not much nicer. Yuffie could hardly handle him in her throat, but he kept thrusting away, making her grunt and gag, her body’s protests audible but muffled. “C’mon and look me in the eye,” he sneered down at her, as though she had truly earned his disdain just for letting him and his friend spit-roast her. “You’re so haughty and full of yourself when you don’t have a dick in your mouth, but the moment you do–”
With how dim-lit the room was, Tifa couldn’t see what was going on well, but she saw enough. She could see the faintest hint of Yuffie’s expression, distinctly distracted from anything that wasn’t the pleasure being fucked through her one body-jostling slam at a time. Whether or not she actually opened her eyes for her throat’s invader, Yuffie was loving every moment of this. “What the fuck,” Tifa whispered to herself again, before quickly burying her face as one of the guys seemed to glance her way.
And on her next peek– Yuffie was panting like a feral beast, her hair just as wild from all the different times and ways it had been used to control her. Now it was pulled back again, her mouth hanging open and tongue stuck out. Every inch of her face was presented to the guy in front of her as a target as he pumped himself to completion, leaving the virile proof of it over Yuffie’s right eye. It clung to her eyelashes and slashed over her eyebrow, the rest a splatter on her cheek and on the bedsheets below her. “Shiiiit,” the man groaned. “What a fucking bitch–”
“Shut up the fuck up,” Yuffie moaned breathlessly, “and lemme… lemme suck it clean, c’mere,” she half-demanded, half-begged, leaning forward to get her lips locked around him. “Gimme your cock–” She cut off mid-sentence with a visible shudder and a lower groan, clawing with one hand at the sheets beneath her. They were already tugged and pulled and torn enough that all the activity atop of them had pulled them from the bed’s corners, leaving it naked as Yuffie was. The guy with the Buster Sword took advantage of the offer anyway. Yuffie quickly sealed her lips around him. Muffled, lurid noises followed from her mouth, spiking at the height of her orgasm.
Then, when Buster Bro pulled out of Yuffie’s mouth, unable to handle her overactive tongue on his sensitive, post-nut prick? The pussy plunderer shoved the little ninja’s face against the bare mattress roughly, forcing the rest of her body to kow-tow before him. Each thrust that followed made her yelp as he worked himself to a finish inside her. Tifa was…
Not jealous. So very not jealous that she buried her face again, because this was so not where she should have been. Tifa flinched at how he growled as he emptied the supposed dregs of his balls into Yuffie, or at least the rubber sheathing his cock.
Whatever was going on upon the bed got quiet, becoming all soft moans and breathless laughter. To Tifa, it was worse than being up against Sephiroth again. It was the worst sort of torture: made to witness this crude, casual carnality (nevermind the fact that the door was unlocked and nothing was stopping her from getting up and walking out) while sitting in a pair of soaking wet panties (totally unrelated). And all Tifa could do was (willfully) sit there and listen (plus peek!). She was fighting and, well…
Generally failing at not wondering what it would be like, if it was her on that bed instead of Yuffie. It’d been so long since Rude– and Cloud, before him, with some not-quite-noteworthy guys between. Some of them had great cock or really knew how to dick a desperate girl down. Most were assholes, though, or revealed themselves to be after a few trips to pound town in Tifa’s cunt. “What the fuck,” the busty brunette whispered one more time, before sinking her teeth deep into the swell of her bottom lip.
The one common factor between all those men besides Rude and Cloud?
Tifa was looking for a relationship, and they just wanted her body. She sure as hell hadn’t done anything like what Yuffie was doing when she was her age– instead, she’d been out saving the world, one punched monster or Shinra executive at a time. Left her too busy to take a minute to just get fucking railed for the fun of it. And that ship had officially sailed. Sure, she wasn’t old (a muscle MILF, really?) but she was basically a respectable business person, and these guys had to be around Yuffie’s age and maturity. Even with her being more than a little tipsy, there was just… no going back.
She ignored the giggling and whispering and snickering coming from the bed. Just didn’t have it in her, really. A brief moan from Yuffie followed by a breathy, whined, “Stooop for a minute,” ensured Tifa didn’t trust herself to have another peek.
I’ve got to get out of here. Tifa finally resolved, sucking in a deep breath before lowering her hands from her face and starting to sway to her feet, eyes averted to one side. She got about halfway up before a wet, cool projectile slapped against her square in the middle of her face, leading to her falling right back on her rump with a sharp squeal of surprise. It burst on impact and dispersed its biological payload, hot and fresh, starting to drip along her skin. The projectile’s rubber casing fell atop her tits.
For several seconds thereafter, Tifa simply sat there, brown eyes blinking wildly, lips parted, staring towards the bed, unwilling and unprepared to confront the reality of what had just happened to her. The culprit was obvious. Yuffie was almost rolling on the bed, cackling, cum-stained face already flushed with arousal but getting redder and redder from just how hard she was laughing. Tifa’s face mirrored hers in more ways than one, and yet the busty brunette couldn’t accept the immediate truth. One man was smirking, the other snorting with laughter as he grabbed at Yuffie’s hand and brought it to his hardening cock.
Tifa finally blurted out, “Where did you get a water balloon?” Just saying the words made her confront the truth. The ‘hot, fresh water’ on her face was spunk, and the balloon was the filled-up condom.
“Ohhhhmyplanet fuck holy shit your fucking face, Tifa, your fucking face–” Yuffie only laughed harder, wheezing desperately for breath between words, until she just couldn’t utter another.
“She really is a pussy, isn’t she? You weren’t kidding,” the snorting guy said as Yuffie curled her fingers around his waiting cock, heaving hard through her nostrils for breath while grinning debaucherously up at him. Though her shoulders were trembling, the smirking fellow was already getting in position to shove his cock in her face.
“Yeah,” Yuffie said more briefly, licking her lips. “Don’t– know why she bothered coming in here if she didn’t want a good time…” Slowly, recovered somewhat from her laughter, she drew in a deep breath to prepare herself for imminent choking and opened her mouth wide, eyes up on the man who had provided her with the spunk-filled condom.
… But Tifa wasn’t going to let Yuffie have all the fun anymore. Not after that. Already she was back on her feet, storming across the bedroom. Her long legs only took a few strides to get her from her seat to the bed; just as Yuffie’s sneaky tongue touched the coming cock, Tifa’s was closing a hand around her friend/roommate/general nuisance ankle. “Fuck you, Yuffie!” the more-than-tipsy brunette shouted, furious. “I’m not a pussy! I’m just not a… a slut like you are!”
A squeal rang out as Tifa gave Yuffie’s relaxed leg a hard pull, loud enough to make those outside the room think the little whore from Wutai had just enoyed another tremendous dicking. Instead of soaring to Seventh Heaven, however, Yuffie found herself ripped right off the bed, dropped to the floor amidst the haphazard pile of discarded clothes. “Owww,” she whined as she always did, almost reflexive in how she abused Tifa’s kindness–
… But Tifa wasn’t going to let Yuffie do that or have all the fun. The moment the little ninja was off the bed, Tifa was climbing up on it between the two guys to fill the Yuffie-shaped void with a far more voluptuous figure. “Help you with something, you man-fearing pussy?” one of the guys asked, a knowing glint in his eyes. The other was already reaching to pull at Tifa’s suspenders and tank-top, eager to get the bartender’s hefty milk-taps out and into the open.
“Fuck you,” Tifa snapped at him, incensed, grabbing for him with deceptively powerful hands and nails that were ready to claw, pulling him close enough to kiss– something she did far harder and rougher than Yuffie had, when they first got into the room. His hands went to her tits as they were freed from her sports bra, not taken off but just pulled up over them. The other guy continued to pull at her clothing, hiking her skirt and pulling her panties aside, starting to play with her cunt with a teasing touch. “Fuck me like I’m a fucking slut,” she half-gasped and half-moaned, breaking the kiss. “Fuck me like you fucked–”
The guy in front of her slapped her across the tit, and Tifa cut off with a yelp and a groan. “I’ll fuck you because you are a slut,” he promised, fingers stopping there to roughly squeeze the tender flesh, pinching at her nipple; the other one dragged wet fingers up from her needy slit to give her thick ass a damp slap.
They didn’t waste any time; after letting Tifa have her moment of bold assertion, they both went on the attack. The one behind her pulled on her hair while the one in front of her ripped at her clothes with zero regard for keeping each article intact. Within a minute, Tifa was down to her stockings and panties, one of the former already slipped halfway down her thigh. She wasn’t idle in that time, hands finding their cocks to pump at them, mumbling through grit teeth, “I’m not a fucking slut–”
And then Tifa found herself on her back, her long and lovely hair used as a wicked leash to pull her to the bed’s edge, head hanging over it. She hissed in pain, but was far from turned off. “Shut up, slut. You’re fucking covered in cum,” the one still on the bed said, bullying his way between her legs and pushing her lean, toned thighs wide; the speaking guy, who now stood over her upside-down face, dropped her hair in favor of her ankles, pulling them back further in a test of her flexibility. “You don’t even know our names,” he pointed out, “and you’re begging us–”
“Shut the fuck up,” Tifa growled, and she only proved his point when she begged, “and fucking fuck me–!” The other guy on the bed shut her up with a hand on her throat, his other one guiding his cock as he notched it inside her thirsty slit. He gave her just the tip, but just the tip was enough to make her groan and try to move her hips to further the penetration. Another slap hit across her breast, making her body jolt and her back arch, a strangled gasp escaping her that quickly went breathless as he plunged his dick deep inside her. Tifa squeezed her eyes shut and bit savagely on her bottom lip, immediately relishing the familiar return of cock to her long-neglected hole.
Yuffie’s ignored whining stopped seconds before, and already the little ninja had crawled around to kneel beside Tifa’s upside-down head, one hand lifting to grab and pump the cock of the guy standing over them. Her other one gave a few little slaps to Tifa’s cum-splattered face until she opened her eyes and gasped again, glaring up at Yuffie; Yuffie only grinned back. “So hey, my paper is on exposure therapy! We’re gonna cure you of this pussyism,” she said, head dipping down to bring her face close to Tifa’s. A long drag of her tongue gathered up some of that spunk, soon dumped into Tifa’s mouth in a lewd kiss, all mis-aligned lips.
Tifa could have kept her teeth grit and denied it– but she didn’t. The cock already pounding in and out of her sodden wet hole felt too damn good to do anything but kiss Yuffie back. Their lascivious tongues traded the hot load back and forth several times before they broke apart. While the brunette squeezed her eyes shut and moaned raggedly over her pussy’s pounding, Yuffie lifted her lips to taste the cock that had provided her with the soiled condom that broke Tifa’s resistance once and for all. She bobbed her head along it, naughty tongue running all over it before pulling away. “Lemme do the honors for you,” she purred.
Another few little slaps against Tifa’s face had her mouth opening again, her eyes set to follow. She caught the briefest, upside-down glimpse of Yuffie guiding the coming cock to her lips before it was inside her mouth, soon ramming into her with the same vigor plowing her twitching twat. The face-fucker grabbed Yuffie’s thick black hair and forced her face against his balls, and with little more than a lurid titter she began to lick and suck at them– but that was beyond Tifa’s notice. With all the cum on her and her flushed cheeks, her expression was warped into something wanton, undeniably whorish, all anticipation for the coming pleasure. Each squirming movement of her hips got a little more jerky, a little more spasmic.
“Hey, Yoof,” the guy ending Tifa’s dry spell grunted out, “am I good to just nut in her? She got a whatsit?”
No, Tifa immediately thought. Of course she didn’t have any birth-control materia slotted. It had been months since she had gotten laid!
“Yeah!” Yuffie gasped out before going right back to work, and Tifa–
Tifa didn’t care. It didn’t matter. She needed this, and she was far too close to consider trying to buck the men, even with how difficult it was to breathe. Each thrust left her body tensing a little more and more, until she felt entirely stretched taut, like a thin wire about to snap. And snap she did, a muffled squeal tickling around the cock in her throat as she came. Her legs fought the hands holding them down, but Tifa wasn’t her brawling self– she was at her sluttiest. Her convulsing cunt dragged the guy inside it along with her, and he growled as he pumped his nuts into her waiting womb.
Squeezed her throat just a bit harder during it, too, and didn’t let go until she was nearly ready to faint. But that was fine with Tifa, because it kept her trembling with pleasure, her fuckable face alternating between twitched bliss and slackened salvation. She barely felt it when the other cock pulled away and covered her and Yuffie’s face with another load, glazing them all over again.
The two guys pulled away, and Tifa lapsed into boneless relaxation, lucid of Yuffie’s hands tugging at her but little else. Not until she felt the softness of Yuffie’s modest tits beneath her head, the little ninja’s sweat-slickened arms warm and wrapped around her; when she opened her eyes she knew that she was sitting against Yuffie, and Yuffie was against the (pretty much ruined) bed’s headboard. “... Are you actually a psych major?” Tifa wondered through panting breaths, watching as the two guys got dressed.
“Yeah,” Yuffie purred in her ear. “I sure as hell am. And I’m pretty amazing at it, aren’t I?”
Tifa had to admit, she was–
–”Fuck,” one of the guys snorted with laughter, “she flunked out the first semester, lady. She’s full of shit, just so you know,” he said, closing the door behind himself.
Sure, the big old meteor threatening to crash into Gaia had been stopped, saving the planet. Sure, AVALANCHE had kind-of sort-of succeeded in its mission to defeat the Shinra Electric Power Company, insofar as its new president has announced a commitment to phasing out Mako. The new green energy they were committed to pursuing had nothing to do with the planet’s green-white lifestream, thankfully– Tifa had been pretty worried about that. And sure, Sephiroth (or Jenova or whatever the fuck he had become at the end of their party’s quest) had been defeated and probably wouldn’t bother any of them again.
Was it all well? She, her friends and of course the planet and all people on it had lost so much. There had been so much chaos, but it was over, and it’d never happen again.
Though… Tifa had some weirdly specific nightmares about him coming back in the form of three genetic clones who would ultimately combine with Jenova’s severed head to restore him. She had it again last night, and it clung terribly to her thoughts Those nightmares also involved–
“Hey, Gaia to Tifa!” A hand wearing one of her fingerless gloves waved in front of Tifa’s face, snapping digits. “That glass is definitely clean by now.” The busty brunette blinked once and snapped out of her reverie and glanced down at her hands, a rag in one hand and a tumbler in the other. “You okay? Don’t zone out on me like that,” Yuffie whined plaintively, hand dropping and arms both folding atop the bar. She dropped her chin into the crook of her elbow and peered up at Tifa expectantly, narrow brown eyes studying her friend’s face. “Pretty rude, and you’re not even fucking Rude.”
A faint fluster worked its way up Tifa’s cheeks. “Sorry, but it’s not really any of your business who I’m fucking, is it?” she shot back, putting aside the tumbler and grabbing another glass. She flicked at the sink’s faucet and briefly rinsed it before starting to scrub it out, drawing in a small breath to calm herself. She always tried to be patient with Yuffie, especially during their quest to stop Sephiroth. The ‘materia hunter’ from Wutai had only been sixteen at the time!
If Shinra’s reign of Gaia hadn’t fucking destroyed any semblance of a legal system, it would have been very illegal for them to have Yuffie along for their incredibly dangerous journey. Now, though? Now Yuffie was just a bit older than Tifa had been back then, twenty one years old. Just old enough to drink in New Midgar.
“Ooooh,” Yuffie cooed, her grin sudden yet indolent, and irritatingly so. “Defensive,” she said, chin lifting as she leaned forward and started to reach for one of the bottles behind the bar’s counter. “C’mon. Spill. You were totally fucking him, weren’t you? He was in here like, every night for a year straight. Even if he wears shades indoors, it was SUPER obvious he was giving you looks and,” there Yuffie paused, continuing in a teasing sing-song, “The mo-ost eligible bacho-olerette in New Midgar was lo-oking back.”
Well-trained, dexterous and strong, Tifa’s rag-wielding hand snapped out and gave the back of Yuffie’s stolen glove a sharp slap. “No gil, no drinks,” she said blandly, not bothering to disguise the roll of her eyes. Yuffie tried to pout as her hand retreated but she couldn’t quite manage to make her self-satisfied smile disappear entirely beneath it. “Seriously,” the busty brunette continued as she resumed wiping down the glass. “Drop it. My love life isn’t any of your business.”
“Yeah, but you’re kind of a bitch when you aren’t getting laid,” Yuffie said, pillaring her chin on the palm of her hand. She blinked her eyes once as though batting her eyelashes, then added saccharinely, “If nobody told you that yet. You’re blisteringly hot, but you’re also kind of scary.”
Tifa clacked the second glass down and reached for another, drawing in a slow breath. If there was one thing that definitely did not end well– it was being patient with Yuffie back in the day. Almost half a decade had passed, and she hadn’t matured at all. In fact, she seemed to grow more childish and obnoxious with each passing year. And it was kind of a fucking problem, because that day’s exchange was not a unique one. “Shouldn’t you be working on an essay or something? A research paper?” she asked.
Another thing that did not end well: agreeing to house young, former party members while they pursued higher education away from their home. Two women lived in the rooms above Eighth Heaven, Tifa’s establishment in the middle of New Midgar, and one of them didn’t pay rent. Or work. Or even really seem all that interested in higher education most of the time? Tifa never saw Yuffie with a book. She didn’t even know what she was supposedly majoring in– she’d always been cagey about giving a specific answer, and Tifa didn’t push.
Now, what Tifa had seen Yuffie with? Red solo cups. Hair of the dog hangover cures. Guys. Girls too, to be fair, but what she did with the guys was way more blatant, considering all the times that Tifa caught her ‘roommate’ rifling through her stuff, hoping to find a stray condom. New Midgar’s Planned Parenthood was literally five minutes down the road.
“Oh, but I am,” Yuffie assured Tifa, her eyes widening, fingers filching out again, making a play for the neck of that bottle again. Not the cheap stuff, either. The spunky little wastrel with no income of her own naturally had expensive taste.
Again Tifa’s rag-wielding hand whipped out to slap at Yuffie’s stolen glove. “How’s that?” she started to ask, and yet… there was an immediate tingle along her spine. A subconscious realization, an instinctive warning. Too sudden, and far too late, for her to act on. Her fingers hit against the back of Yuffie’s hand–
Yuffie’s hand. Not nearly as strong or deadly as TIfa’s own, but far more nimble. The little ninja could be so very clever when her acts of mischief weren’t just the result of her clumsily bumbling from situation to situation without a care in the world. At the last second, Yuffie’s digits diverted from the bottle and angled for a far greater prize than tinted glass containing fermented crops.
Tifa froze and simply stared down at the intruding hand, nigh dead-eyed and silent, her own hands frozen in the air, one clutching the glass, the other– well, the other dropped the rag it had been using to polish. It fell on Yuffie’s side of the bar.
“See,” Yuffie cheekily said as she struggled to cup Tifa’s left tit in a hand far too small for the task, lightly squeezing amidst the stray fondling, “I’m a psych major, and right now I’m trying to figure out what makes you into such a bitch when you aren’t getting your clam stuffed with cock.” Her hand shifted and her thumb found just-about where TIfa’s nipple was, casually flicking over it.
It wasn’t the first time that Yuffie had annoyed Tifa by prying into her private business, and it wasn’t the first time that Yuffie had groped Tifa either. Usually though, she had the decency to do it in passing. As a joke. That only she found funny. Any more prolonged contact could generally be blamed on Yuffie being black-out drunk and unaware of her libidinous actions, and Tifa had never cared to confront the issue.
Tifa looked up from her chest, that faint fluster helplessly crawling back up her cheeks. Though she was blushing in earnest now, it did not make her voice sound the slightest bit timid or meek. “Get your hand off me or I’m going to smack you across the room,” she warned Yuffie, meeting her brown eyes with her own, lighter and rounder. Deadly serious, too. “And you’ll have to pay for whatever damage your flying body causes.” The glass in her hand clicked against the bar.
Yuffie did not look away from Tifa. She was silent and still, her smile frozen in place. Several seconds went by before she moved her fingers, and it wasn’t to do Tifa any favors except in the most perverse of senses. “... Honk,” she whispered as she squeezed. “What a pair of honking hooters you’ve got, Tifa. Honk–”
—CRACK.— ... Thud.
Just a short, surprised shriek between the two noises. Tifa lowered her stinging palm, wishing she had been wearing the gloves that were instead on Yuffie’s hand. She gave a long look at the small, vaguely Yuffie-ish dent in Eighth Heaven’s wall, just above the whining, Yuffie-ish lump that had fallen to the floor beneath it. A painting further along the wall fell off its fixture, but all in all, it could have been much worse if she didn’t hold back.
She could probably do some quick interior decorating to hide it before the first of her regulars trickled in for the night. “Are you alive?” Tifa asked Yuffie only after finishing her assessment. She already knew the answer from the way Yuffie was moaning and rubbing at herself, but Tifa knew she’d feel awful if–
If? There was no if about it. The busty brunette felt awful. Bitchy? Tifa asked herself. … No. No, definitely not bitchy. She totally earned that– right? I’m not feeling bad about this, that was a totally warranted slap. I warned her.
“No,” Yuffie whimpered, confirming that the little ninja was perfectly fine. “I can’t believe you actually did it. My body might be okay but my heart–”
… Ugh. Shit. She’s right. Tifa flipped the hinged part of the bar and stepped out from behind it. A few months without sex, and… I’m getting violent towards my friend. She took one long step towards Yuffie before pausing, wondering if Yuffie was even a FRIEND or if she was just an annoying acquaintance fate had stuck Tifa with; she felt worse for even letting herself think about it. She sighed and spoke over Yuffie’s continued nonsense, approaching her. “You really need to respect my boundaries,” she said as she crouched down. “C’mon, let’s get some ice on that.”
Yuffie, teary-eyed, peeked up, not yet willing to rise. “... Can I rest my head on your tit until we’re certain you haven’t given me a concussion or permanent brain damage?”
“No,” Tifa said firmly, and yet Yuffie pouted. “Absolutely not.”
Three minutes later they were both sitting on the floor beneath the dent, Yuffie’s cheek to Tifa’s tit, ice against the bump rising on the little ninja’s head, and a shameless smile on her face. Tifa just stared up at the ceiling and wondered what she had done to deserve someone like Yuffie in her life, and if she really was majoring psych at New Midgar University.
Am I that open of a book…?
The very next day, things were back to normal between the two of them. Yuffie’s head-bump didn’t survive the night. She insisted that was because she got to use Tifa’s tits as a pillow that night (which, naturally, was something else she had insisted on). Nothing changed because of the smack; over the next week, Yuffie proved to be just as blithe about ignoring Tifa’s personal space and boundaries as ever.
Well, one thing changed. Tifa spent a lot of time on another fence: did not getting laid make her into a colossal bitch, or was she slowly but surely being driven towards homicidal mania by Yuffie Kisaragi?
A few weeks later:
How the fuck did I end up here? Tifa asked herself, staring at the sight before her. It flickered through her mind.
“You’d be so popular, though. Seriously,” Yuffie had said, pouting all the while. It seemed innocent at the time. Dumb, but well-meaning and innocent. “You’ve got, like, an ama-zing gym MILF body. And you really need to make some new friends who aren’t like… alcoholics and cash flow,” she had added, poking the slumbering regular passed out on the bar counter beside her. He continued to snore, unaware of their conversation.
Tifa remembered glancing at the passed out guy. They always closed up at 1 AM; he usually woke up and wandered home by 2 AM. It was some time between the two. “That’s sweet, but you do know that I’m only five years older than you are, right?” she had asked. “It’s just really not my kind of thing.”
Yuffie’s voice was not unsympathetic, but that didn’t mean it was kind or well-meaning. “Aw. I didn’t know you’d become such a p-u-s-s-y, Tifa. Everything makes sense now, though.”
“What?” Tifa’s attention had snapped back to Yuffie, shocked into wide-eyed surprise by not just the accusation but its casual vulgarity, singsonged one letter at a time. “Are you fucking serious, Yuffie?”
“Yeah. This is the real reason for your guy problems, right?” Yuffie had asked as she swung her legs once last time, then hopped off her stool. Each syllable seemed to make Tifa’s mouth hang open a bit wider. “Ergo, also why you’ve been such an enormous bitch lately. Also ergo? Why you haven’t been getting laid. You retired from semi-professionally punching monsters in the face, became a pussy, and now you’re afraid of guys. But hey,” she had said with a grin as she started walking backwards, waving and starting to turn, “I’m gonna go have fun at a party, and if the thought of enjoying yourself makes you shake in your widdle ankle boots–”
So fucking childish, but it worked. Tifa had left a note with her regular asking him to lock up before heading home, and… then she was at a party with a bunch of people five years younger than her. And Yuffie was right! Guys and girls alike thought she was a muscle MILF. Tifa tried to take it as a compliment. She stuck to the little ninja’s side like glue, feeling so out of place– but it was easy enough to just talk to whomever Yuffie talked to, dance with whomever Yuffie danced with, and drink whatever was in the red solo cups Yuffie thrust in her hands. And drink, and drink, and drink…
And when Yuffie let a couple of guys drag her into a room, of course Tifa went with her. Just in case she needed help.
… Yeah. I guess that about sums it up. “What the fuck,” Tifa whispered to herself for the hundredth time, sitting with her face in her hands, eyes shut but ears open. It was easy enough for her to imagine what was going on by sound alone, even without the few peeks she took. JUST IN CASE. Just in case… Yuffie isn’t having a great time? “What the fuck,” she whispered again. It’s four AM. We should be in bed.
To be fair, Yuffie was on a bed. Not so much in it, though. “Fuuuuck, that’s good,” she laughed breathlessly between her moans. Their pitch hitched high every moment or so, in time with the rhythmic slapping made whenever her ‘friend’ pounded his hips into her padded, round cushion of an ass. The sounds were just the slightest bit wet, too, with how his cock kept dragging and slapping back into Yuffie’s tiny little twat. “You been… saving up for me? Looking forward to this all week?” the little ninja asked back at the guy fucking her doggy style. He grunted something that wasn’t intelligible, but it made Yuffie laugh. That cut off with a gasp.
Then the mattress was creaking as weight shifted around, and Yuffie was mumbling thickly, “Stop whacking off when I’ve got a perfectly good cocksucker right here–” She cut off there with a pointed, muffled grunt.
Tifa couldn’t help but shift her hips in an uncomfortable squirm, mouth going a bit dry, feeling– hope? Hope that Yuffie was referring to her? If that was what it was, it was all crushed when she braved another peek up. No, the cut-off wasn’t for dramatic pause or anything of the sort. She wasn’t gripping the second guy’s dick to wave it at Tifa. Instead, that girthy throatplug was shallowly fucking the foreigner’s mouth, holding her head steady. Yuffie was on her hands and knees, back arched low, ass lifted and thighs spread for the guy claiming her cunt. Naked, slim and slight but lightly toned, gently yet generously curved for her size. She didn’t even wear her headband; just flushed cheeks. Her eyes were visibly squeezed shut.
… At least he’s using a condom? She’s so irresponsible, I can’t even imagine how… Tifa knew that Yuffie partied constantly, but from the way people had been interacting with her all night? The busty brawler suspected that a lot of people had become Yuffie’s ‘good friends’ in the past two years.
These two in particular? Tifa hoped they were especially ‘good friends’, considering the one who wrapped his tool went harder and harder. The next time that she dared to take a peek, he had grabbed a fistful of Yuffie’s bob of black hair and was forcefully pushing her head forward, forcing her to start swallowing the other fucker’s Buster Sword. As she choked on it, he growled down at the back of her head from behind, “Like hell I’d save my cum for as big a slut as you. You’re just getting the dregs, and you’re gonna thank my cock for it like the whore you are,” Yuffie almost seemed to wiggle her hips with wanton delight.
And the other guy, the one getting his Buster Sword polished? Not much nicer. Yuffie could hardly handle him in her throat, but he kept thrusting away, making her grunt and gag, her body’s protests audible but muffled. “C’mon and look me in the eye,” he sneered down at her, as though she had truly earned his disdain just for letting him and his friend spit-roast her. “You’re so haughty and full of yourself when you don’t have a dick in your mouth, but the moment you do–”
With how dim-lit the room was, Tifa couldn’t see what was going on well, but she saw enough. She could see the faintest hint of Yuffie’s expression, distinctly distracted from anything that wasn’t the pleasure being fucked through her one body-jostling slam at a time. Whether or not she actually opened her eyes for her throat’s invader, Yuffie was loving every moment of this. “What the fuck,” Tifa whispered to herself again, before quickly burying her face as one of the guys seemed to glance her way.
And on her next peek– Yuffie was panting like a feral beast, her hair just as wild from all the different times and ways it had been used to control her. Now it was pulled back again, her mouth hanging open and tongue stuck out. Every inch of her face was presented to the guy in front of her as a target as he pumped himself to completion, leaving the virile proof of it over Yuffie’s right eye. It clung to her eyelashes and slashed over her eyebrow, the rest a splatter on her cheek and on the bedsheets below her. “Shiiiit,” the man groaned. “What a fucking bitch–”
“Shut up the fuck up,” Yuffie moaned breathlessly, “and lemme… lemme suck it clean, c’mere,” she half-demanded, half-begged, leaning forward to get her lips locked around him. “Gimme your cock–” She cut off mid-sentence with a visible shudder and a lower groan, clawing with one hand at the sheets beneath her. They were already tugged and pulled and torn enough that all the activity atop of them had pulled them from the bed’s corners, leaving it naked as Yuffie was. The guy with the Buster Sword took advantage of the offer anyway. Yuffie quickly sealed her lips around him. Muffled, lurid noises followed from her mouth, spiking at the height of her orgasm.
Then, when Buster Bro pulled out of Yuffie’s mouth, unable to handle her overactive tongue on his sensitive, post-nut prick? The pussy plunderer shoved the little ninja’s face against the bare mattress roughly, forcing the rest of her body to kow-tow before him. Each thrust that followed made her yelp as he worked himself to a finish inside her. Tifa was…
Not jealous. So very not jealous that she buried her face again, because this was so not where she should have been. Tifa flinched at how he growled as he emptied the supposed dregs of his balls into Yuffie, or at least the rubber sheathing his cock.
Whatever was going on upon the bed got quiet, becoming all soft moans and breathless laughter. To Tifa, it was worse than being up against Sephiroth again. It was the worst sort of torture: made to witness this crude, casual carnality (nevermind the fact that the door was unlocked and nothing was stopping her from getting up and walking out) while sitting in a pair of soaking wet panties (totally unrelated). And all Tifa could do was (willfully) sit there and listen (plus peek!). She was fighting and, well…
Generally failing at not wondering what it would be like, if it was her on that bed instead of Yuffie. It’d been so long since Rude– and Cloud, before him, with some not-quite-noteworthy guys between. Some of them had great cock or really knew how to dick a desperate girl down. Most were assholes, though, or revealed themselves to be after a few trips to pound town in Tifa’s cunt. “What the fuck,” the busty brunette whispered one more time, before sinking her teeth deep into the swell of her bottom lip.
The one common factor between all those men besides Rude and Cloud?
Tifa was looking for a relationship, and they just wanted her body. She sure as hell hadn’t done anything like what Yuffie was doing when she was her age– instead, she’d been out saving the world, one punched monster or Shinra executive at a time. Left her too busy to take a minute to just get fucking railed for the fun of it. And that ship had officially sailed. Sure, she wasn’t old (a muscle MILF, really?) but she was basically a respectable business person, and these guys had to be around Yuffie’s age and maturity. Even with her being more than a little tipsy, there was just… no going back.
She ignored the giggling and whispering and snickering coming from the bed. Just didn’t have it in her, really. A brief moan from Yuffie followed by a breathy, whined, “Stooop for a minute,” ensured Tifa didn’t trust herself to have another peek.
I’ve got to get out of here. Tifa finally resolved, sucking in a deep breath before lowering her hands from her face and starting to sway to her feet, eyes averted to one side. She got about halfway up before a wet, cool projectile slapped against her square in the middle of her face, leading to her falling right back on her rump with a sharp squeal of surprise. It burst on impact and dispersed its biological payload, hot and fresh, starting to drip along her skin. The projectile’s rubber casing fell atop her tits.
For several seconds thereafter, Tifa simply sat there, brown eyes blinking wildly, lips parted, staring towards the bed, unwilling and unprepared to confront the reality of what had just happened to her. The culprit was obvious. Yuffie was almost rolling on the bed, cackling, cum-stained face already flushed with arousal but getting redder and redder from just how hard she was laughing. Tifa’s face mirrored hers in more ways than one, and yet the busty brunette couldn’t accept the immediate truth. One man was smirking, the other snorting with laughter as he grabbed at Yuffie’s hand and brought it to his hardening cock.
Tifa finally blurted out, “Where did you get a water balloon?” Just saying the words made her confront the truth. The ‘hot, fresh water’ on her face was spunk, and the balloon was the filled-up condom.
“Ohhhhmyplanet fuck holy shit your fucking face, Tifa, your fucking face–” Yuffie only laughed harder, wheezing desperately for breath between words, until she just couldn’t utter another.
“She really is a pussy, isn’t she? You weren’t kidding,” the snorting guy said as Yuffie curled her fingers around his waiting cock, heaving hard through her nostrils for breath while grinning debaucherously up at him. Though her shoulders were trembling, the smirking fellow was already getting in position to shove his cock in her face.
“Yeah,” Yuffie said more briefly, licking her lips. “Don’t– know why she bothered coming in here if she didn’t want a good time…” Slowly, recovered somewhat from her laughter, she drew in a deep breath to prepare herself for imminent choking and opened her mouth wide, eyes up on the man who had provided her with the spunk-filled condom.
… But Tifa wasn’t going to let Yuffie have all the fun anymore. Not after that. Already she was back on her feet, storming across the bedroom. Her long legs only took a few strides to get her from her seat to the bed; just as Yuffie’s sneaky tongue touched the coming cock, Tifa’s was closing a hand around her friend/roommate/general nuisance ankle. “Fuck you, Yuffie!” the more-than-tipsy brunette shouted, furious. “I’m not a pussy! I’m just not a… a slut like you are!”
A squeal rang out as Tifa gave Yuffie’s relaxed leg a hard pull, loud enough to make those outside the room think the little whore from Wutai had just enoyed another tremendous dicking. Instead of soaring to Seventh Heaven, however, Yuffie found herself ripped right off the bed, dropped to the floor amidst the haphazard pile of discarded clothes. “Owww,” she whined as she always did, almost reflexive in how she abused Tifa’s kindness–
… But Tifa wasn’t going to let Yuffie do that or have all the fun. The moment the little ninja was off the bed, Tifa was climbing up on it between the two guys to fill the Yuffie-shaped void with a far more voluptuous figure. “Help you with something, you man-fearing pussy?” one of the guys asked, a knowing glint in his eyes. The other was already reaching to pull at Tifa’s suspenders and tank-top, eager to get the bartender’s hefty milk-taps out and into the open.
“Fuck you,” Tifa snapped at him, incensed, grabbing for him with deceptively powerful hands and nails that were ready to claw, pulling him close enough to kiss– something she did far harder and rougher than Yuffie had, when they first got into the room. His hands went to her tits as they were freed from her sports bra, not taken off but just pulled up over them. The other guy continued to pull at her clothing, hiking her skirt and pulling her panties aside, starting to play with her cunt with a teasing touch. “Fuck me like I’m a fucking slut,” she half-gasped and half-moaned, breaking the kiss. “Fuck me like you fucked–”
The guy in front of her slapped her across the tit, and Tifa cut off with a yelp and a groan. “I’ll fuck you because you are a slut,” he promised, fingers stopping there to roughly squeeze the tender flesh, pinching at her nipple; the other one dragged wet fingers up from her needy slit to give her thick ass a damp slap.
They didn’t waste any time; after letting Tifa have her moment of bold assertion, they both went on the attack. The one behind her pulled on her hair while the one in front of her ripped at her clothes with zero regard for keeping each article intact. Within a minute, Tifa was down to her stockings and panties, one of the former already slipped halfway down her thigh. She wasn’t idle in that time, hands finding their cocks to pump at them, mumbling through grit teeth, “I’m not a fucking slut–”
And then Tifa found herself on her back, her long and lovely hair used as a wicked leash to pull her to the bed’s edge, head hanging over it. She hissed in pain, but was far from turned off. “Shut up, slut. You’re fucking covered in cum,” the one still on the bed said, bullying his way between her legs and pushing her lean, toned thighs wide; the speaking guy, who now stood over her upside-down face, dropped her hair in favor of her ankles, pulling them back further in a test of her flexibility. “You don’t even know our names,” he pointed out, “and you’re begging us–”
“Shut the fuck up,” Tifa growled, and she only proved his point when she begged, “and fucking fuck me–!” The other guy on the bed shut her up with a hand on her throat, his other one guiding his cock as he notched it inside her thirsty slit. He gave her just the tip, but just the tip was enough to make her groan and try to move her hips to further the penetration. Another slap hit across her breast, making her body jolt and her back arch, a strangled gasp escaping her that quickly went breathless as he plunged his dick deep inside her. Tifa squeezed her eyes shut and bit savagely on her bottom lip, immediately relishing the familiar return of cock to her long-neglected hole.
Yuffie’s ignored whining stopped seconds before, and already the little ninja had crawled around to kneel beside Tifa’s upside-down head, one hand lifting to grab and pump the cock of the guy standing over them. Her other one gave a few little slaps to Tifa’s cum-splattered face until she opened her eyes and gasped again, glaring up at Yuffie; Yuffie only grinned back. “So hey, my paper is on exposure therapy! We’re gonna cure you of this pussyism,” she said, head dipping down to bring her face close to Tifa’s. A long drag of her tongue gathered up some of that spunk, soon dumped into Tifa’s mouth in a lewd kiss, all mis-aligned lips.
Tifa could have kept her teeth grit and denied it– but she didn’t. The cock already pounding in and out of her sodden wet hole felt too damn good to do anything but kiss Yuffie back. Their lascivious tongues traded the hot load back and forth several times before they broke apart. While the brunette squeezed her eyes shut and moaned raggedly over her pussy’s pounding, Yuffie lifted her lips to taste the cock that had provided her with the soiled condom that broke Tifa’s resistance once and for all. She bobbed her head along it, naughty tongue running all over it before pulling away. “Lemme do the honors for you,” she purred.
Another few little slaps against Tifa’s face had her mouth opening again, her eyes set to follow. She caught the briefest, upside-down glimpse of Yuffie guiding the coming cock to her lips before it was inside her mouth, soon ramming into her with the same vigor plowing her twitching twat. The face-fucker grabbed Yuffie’s thick black hair and forced her face against his balls, and with little more than a lurid titter she began to lick and suck at them– but that was beyond Tifa’s notice. With all the cum on her and her flushed cheeks, her expression was warped into something wanton, undeniably whorish, all anticipation for the coming pleasure. Each squirming movement of her hips got a little more jerky, a little more spasmic.
“Hey, Yoof,” the guy ending Tifa’s dry spell grunted out, “am I good to just nut in her? She got a whatsit?”
No, Tifa immediately thought. Of course she didn’t have any birth-control materia slotted. It had been months since she had gotten laid!
“Yeah!” Yuffie gasped out before going right back to work, and Tifa–
Tifa didn’t care. It didn’t matter. She needed this, and she was far too close to consider trying to buck the men, even with how difficult it was to breathe. Each thrust left her body tensing a little more and more, until she felt entirely stretched taut, like a thin wire about to snap. And snap she did, a muffled squeal tickling around the cock in her throat as she came. Her legs fought the hands holding them down, but Tifa wasn’t her brawling self– she was at her sluttiest. Her convulsing cunt dragged the guy inside it along with her, and he growled as he pumped his nuts into her waiting womb.
Squeezed her throat just a bit harder during it, too, and didn’t let go until she was nearly ready to faint. But that was fine with Tifa, because it kept her trembling with pleasure, her fuckable face alternating between twitched bliss and slackened salvation. She barely felt it when the other cock pulled away and covered her and Yuffie’s face with another load, glazing them all over again.
The two guys pulled away, and Tifa lapsed into boneless relaxation, lucid of Yuffie’s hands tugging at her but little else. Not until she felt the softness of Yuffie’s modest tits beneath her head, the little ninja’s sweat-slickened arms warm and wrapped around her; when she opened her eyes she knew that she was sitting against Yuffie, and Yuffie was against the (pretty much ruined) bed’s headboard. “... Are you actually a psych major?” Tifa wondered through panting breaths, watching as the two guys got dressed.
“Yeah,” Yuffie purred in her ear. “I sure as hell am. And I’m pretty amazing at it, aren’t I?”
Tifa had to admit, she was–
–”Fuck,” one of the guys snorted with laughter, “she flunked out the first semester, lady. She’s full of shit, just so you know,” he said, closing the door behind himself.
This text is part of a set with 2 other files.
Exposure-Therapy by niteynyx
- Date
- 2 years ago
- Source
- Hentai Foundry
- Popularity
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