You hear a screech echoing from above. Words of anger and vendetta. That red ball of fire was still flying. After a few seconds, it landed with a huge explosion in the woods. For a moment, you stare at its smoky trail. You run from the porch inside, quickly clothing yourself with whatever you find the fastest. You run out the front door. Even your neighbors stand outside wondering what the commotion was about. You look up and see the faint remnants of the smoke. Taking off, you start hopping over the shrubbery and foliage. The terrain gets steeper as you progress, trees thinning as the slope thickens. After a minute or two, you arch forward short of breath and pause. You look up again, hoping for a better view now only to be disappointed by the thinning trail. Not wanting to lose your direction, you end your break and start pacing yourself a little to the left, through the mouth of a canyon.
Half an hour of searching yields nothing. You feel exhausted, discouraged, disappointed. You stop and look up for any sign where to go. The trail was gone a long time ago. In the distance, a feint steaming sound. As your last shot, you doubtfully dredge your way down the canyon to a near brook slowly trickling by. The steaming sound gets louder as you approach a solid glass crater. You found it! The meteor must have pulverized the ground into glass. You step through the shallow water and climb. You look over, and rub your tired eyes, dazed already at the anomaly. In the dead center, you see a light blue creature, clad in ebony armor with crimson trim around the shoulders and skirt. Lightning white hair runs down its back.
Trying to get a better look, you stand on the rim but slide down. In a panic, you press on the glass trying to stop your descent. Right before you slam into it, the concave bottoms out, halting you. From what you can make out it’s a female. She looks human enough, but there is no way a person could survive a crash like that. Is she… shivering? Not anymore. She stands on her feet and turns to you. Lashing out, she swipes her arm at you, and screams. The ghost of a python flies out in your direction. You raise your arms to defend yourself and flinch, frightened by her power.
Terrified, you take the fetal position giving defeat to whatever this monster wants to do with you. After a minute, you open your eyes only to see her doing the same as you on the opposite side. Every fiber of your being told you to get out of that crater and run home as fast as your legs can carry. But you don’t. Some small, empathetic part of your brain told you the right thing to do. Still reluctant, you walk step by step much like you would approach a doe. The closer you get, she starts flailing her arms at you like before and kicking against the glass trying to push up the slope.
She curls in and shivers. You kneel down and put your hand on her shoulder. The Plate armor feels hot as an oven, and sears your flesh. You arch back in pain, gripping your burnt skin. She turns at you and you see her scarlet red eyes. Is she… crying? As she breathes, her body gives off an incandescent white glow. More careful this time, you lean in and plant your arms around her waist, rocking back and forth. Her bare skin swelters with heat, rapidly cooling whenever she sobs. Giving in, she takes her arms around you and returns the gesture. For a long while you comforted her. Wondering where she came from, what happened, why was she here? A brief thought struck you… Was your wish granted?
No. Whatever level of anguish she had been put through to cry like this. You would never wish this on anyone. As she embraced your hug more and more, she pressed her body up against yours. Her armor no longer radiated with the same level of heat. She seems stable now. You release your hug, and give her a moment to collect herself. “Maogndd mon enebrreth” She says in a malevolent tone. Aware of your confusion, she clears her throat and says: “Shendelzare. My name is Shendelzare.” You ask: “What happened?” She looks over one shoulder and then the other and begins to weep. You approach her again before she angers. She looks up and shouts into the night, another ghostly snake released, this time into the sky. It goes on for ages. You give her some space. After a minute, she stands. Ready to depart, she climbs the walls of the crater. “Wait!” you say. She turns back with an inquiring face. “Is there anything I can do to help?” “To start, you can help me out of this crevasse.”
You walk to her and help push. Sneaking a peek, you look under her skirt and see a camel toe along her panties. Oblivious to your snooping, she climbs higher up the slope only to slip. As you are knocked down, you land atop of her, your crotch and prominent erection poised to land right over her bottom. Nothing you could do. Your member slides between her silk garments, and the force of the tumble presses your cock right against her wedged panty line. Reaching the bottom gave you both quite a tumble, rolling you onto your back, and her on your stomach. You can’t help but laugh at the accident. She doesn’t seem so humorous.
A look of anger transitions into a look of deception and vengeance. You stop laughing and start worrying what she has in store for you. She takes your shirt off, exposing your chest. Still wearing her armor, she leans on top of you, pressing her cupped chest against yours. Her clothing feels leathery, but thin like latex. You can hear her warm heart beat underneath those beautiful garments. You get a good look at her face. She has tribal paints around her deep, pupil-less eyes, and lavender lipstick. She grabs the back of your head and forces a kiss, invasive with her tongue. She samples every corner of your mouth, wet with satisfaction. She suckles your tongue, pulling back and releasing it to break the kiss. This time you lean in and lock lips. She lets out a gentle “mmm,” content with your advance. She reaches down, unzipping your pants. With little effort, she produces your member and starts with a gentle pump.
“This is too good to be true.” “Nothing about this is real or imaginable.” “It has to be a dream.” Every sensible part of you says this, but the sensations resonate otherwise. It feels great. This mysterious woman handling your member. She starts to clench and release her fingers one after the other making a wave-like motion. A drib of pre bulbs out your cock. She moves it onto the rest of your shaft, generously lubricating the handjob. In tandem, she rotates her wrist, flexing your erection. You never took yourself as a handjob person before, but this is surreal. She releases her hand holding the kiss in place, giving your lip a light bite. She proceeds to massage your testes lightly pressing here and there. Positioning her thumb at the tip of your scrotum, she gently massages your urethra, working out any remaining pre.
You can feel the electric sensation of a coming orgasm. Seeing your face, she hastens her work pumping faster and longer. She runs both her thumbs in circles, one along your head and the other along the urethra. You reach your arms to the side to grip something, and clench your palms at the ecstasy. As you climax, she presses down harder on your urethra. It feels like you came, but nothing came out. Still holding your cock, she gives a smirk. You can feel the orgasm pressing on your insides, but it would not yield. What a tease. Done with her hand, she slides down the crystalline dome and gives your member a long lick up one side and down the other. She swallows your testes, gently sucking them. She gives them each a good do-over with her tongue, caressing them each individually and in unison. “Delicious…” she says in her frightening accent. She now licks around your shaft, working your foreskin left and right. Coming to the head, she wraps her lips around and twirls her tongue. Playing at your urethral opening with her mouth. Teasing or not, this feels divine. The hot breath, the massaging, the perfect amount of suckling. Sliding farther down your shaft, she samples your pre like a treat for her efforts. Anytime your previous orgasm started to work its way out, she would press her lips down and force it back in. She knows you’re close but doesn’t bother to speed up. She drags out each moment, enjoying your torment.
After what feels like an eternity you could live with, you reach your apex and release everything you have. You can feel your cock swell with pressure. She pulls back, and presses down with her lips effectively forcing your relief back in. With every wave, you distend slightly. You can feel the pressure against her lips even after.
Still not sated, she pinches your cock, and releases it from her mouth. She gives an evil grin as if she isn’t finished with you yet. Still holding you in, she spins around, shifting from one hand to the other. With her free hand, she pulls her skirt to the side. Her panties are completely drenched. She lowers onto your waiting member. Her garments deny entrance, but with enough force they start to give. She presses harder and harder on the head of your cock, shifting her hips from side to side. Your member is absolutely drenched in her juices, but alas, you aren’t experiencing the real thing. An idea hits you. On her next dive, you press your hips forward into her motions hard and snap her undergarments in two. She gasps as half your member slides straight into her needy cunt. She releases her hands, and you can feel the previous two climaxes bubble up within. Almost reaching your head, she crosses her legs and takes your entirety down in one descent. You can feel your cum press back down from how tight her insides are. She presses her hands on the glass floor, working her hips up and pulling your member with it. As she slides your shaft out, you can feel the orgasm swelter back out but right before she presses back down. She picks up the pace, and you can feel yourself being pumped both inside and out! You swear you have said this a million times before but it’s like nothing you’ve imagined.
She spins her hips, working your member to new heights. Your cock feels ready to burst and is visibly distending. She leans back onto your chest, still taking your entire shaft in and out. You reach around and play with her bosom. Even through her clothing, you can feel her erect nipples. You give them a light pinch, and massage the areola. She arches back her head and moans. Turning to face you, she pulls the back of your head and plants another deep kiss. You both wildly devour each other, rabid with desire. She presses her forehead against yours, panting heavily. Her breath smells of freshly cut lavender.
Unable to take any more of this torment, you feel a third orgasm burst from your erection. Pressing deep into her nethers, you let all hell break loose. She obliges and releases her bind. It no longer comes in one wave, rather a continuous stream of cum flowing like a hose into her waiting womb. Even after she fills, your member isn’t finished yet. You slide out of her cunt and spray her stomach generously with your seed. Talk about denial. You both pant in tandem, exhausted. With two fingers, she swabs all your cum from her body and swallows every last drop. With a satisfied sigh, she stands still dripping with pleasure and says: “That felt good to get off my chest…”
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Vengeful Spirit First Person
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