,Back to regular posting. Again.Obligatory now-unsuspended Patreon shilling

6 years ago
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00:07 mp4: remember how in the original Portal, Chell looked like an actual emaciated test subject who’s on the verge of collapse from blood loss, kept going only by artificial adrenaline shots and an overwhelming survival instinct? Her hair was greying, her skin was all sorts of cracked and wrinkly and pale and gross, and her clothes were just a plain orange jumpsuit. A lot of people tend to forget, but the original game was actually gritty as hell. You could actually see Chell’s blood splatter all over the wall whenever you got shot by a turret. It fit the game’s dark comedic tone perfectly.And then you remember how in Portal 2, they gave Chell immaculate hair, perfect skin, a full face of makeup (although curiously, no eyelashes?), and even new clothes (and boots!) that looked slick and cool and complimented her figure a lot more, plus they removed all the blood from the game, and the whole thing was actually completely retarded if you thought about it for a minute?Yeah, I’m in love with that second Chell. 1.2
mp4: remember how in the original Portal, Chell looked like an actual emaciated test subject who’s on the verge of collapse from blood loss, kept going only by artificial adrenaline shots and an overwhelming survival instinct? Her hair was greying, her skin was all sorts of cracked and wrinkly and pale and gross, and her clothes were just a plain orange jumpsuit. A lot of people tend to forget, but the original game was actually gritty as hell. You could actually see Chell’s blood splatter all over the wall whenever you got shot by a turret. It fit the game’s dark comedic tone perfectly.And then you remember how in Portal 2, they gave Chell immaculate hair, perfect skin, a full face of makeup (although curiously, no eyelashes?), and even new clothes (and boots!) that looked slick and cool and complimented her figure a lot more, plus they removed all the blood from the game, and the whole thing was actually completely retarded if you thought about it for a minute?Yeah, I’m in love with that second Chell.

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