Here’s a new one I made. Not the easiest angle to paint!If you wanna learn about how I make pictures, or just want to support my work, visit me on Patreon. :)Calm’s Patreon pageCalm’s Gumroad store 0.6
Commissioned by Amanda CloverThe book cover for her Lovecraftian CYOA book. Which you can get hereDifferent monsters, 83 endings aaand pretty fucken nsfw.So if you enjoy this kinda thing check it out!Anyways.. i hope you like my more “realistic” approach to this. Enjoy! 0.6
Commissioned by Amanda CloverThe book cover for her Lovecraftian CYOA book. Which you can get hereDifferent monsters, 83 endings aaand pretty fucken nsfw.So if you enjoy this kinda thing check it out!Anyways.. i hope you like my more “realistic” approach to this. Enjoy! 0.6
Here's a new picture. :) Thank you to everyone supporting me on Patreon! You guys are amazing, as always. ... 0.6
My previous statement was a lie, obviously. This is a pornographic blog. Maybe not as pornographic as others more prominent,... 0
Second winner of the latest request lottery.Kinky cougar helping her effeminate boy toy achieve his… 0
Overwatch: "Lost something, Love?" Hello there, comrades! Look who I've got here. Clearly no one drew Tracer before, right? Oh... 0