00:05 Pharah’s workout ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡° ) GfycatMp4 (mirror)No undiesGfycatMp4 (mirror)This was supposed to be a simple picture but, I couldn’t help but to try animating it, hope you enjoy!Patreon 1.8
00:02 Winged Victory Mercy animation, as voted by patrons. 1 vote basically decided this one, thus I will also do an animation with the second place character - Widowmaker next.Links: Gfycat, download. 0.6
00:12 Teasing Pharah gfycat.com/BriskSillyIndianrockpython This was based on this pic by mypettentaclemonster.tumblr.com models by... 0.6
00:11 Gfycat / Webm Tried to make something longer that 1 sec. So, guys, what do you think about the new format (you know, over 10... 0