Now it's Tifa's turn to spend some time with Madam M in her parlour... -- Tifa and Madam M by @MokujinH Riding crop by @Vinny_arts 3
Aerith spends an evening with Madam M at her parlor getting a lesson in bondage. -- Aerith and Madam M's parlor by @MokujinH 21
Kinktober 2022: Day 23 - Leather Jill is captured by Umbrella, and they make sure that she isn't going anywhere. -- Jill by @Rigid3d Leather cuffs by @Vinny_arts Bondage Headgear by Dreamrider3D Background assets by @UberMachineWork @KinktoberNMore 36.6
Kinktober 2022: Day 6 - Play In which Tifa and Jessie play a game of some... bondage-related card game, I guess? @KinktoberNMore -- Tifa by @MokujinH Background assets by @InTheDark2021 4.8
V broke the number one rule for mercs in Night City: Don't mess with fixers. -- V by @Rigid3d Background assets by @cheesecake3d DA link with some story: 4.2
Miranda catches Shepard doing some self bondage. Maybe next time she'll remember to lock the door. -- Shepard by @MokujinH Miranda and background assets by @Rigid3d 3