00:01 Brigitte Tiddies (Sound)Top On: Gfycat / Webm / Mp4Top Off: Gfycat / Webm / Mp4Support me on Patreon for 1080p unwatermarked version. There is also an active poll for the next animation! 2.4
00:01 Brigitte Tiddies (Sound)Top On: Gfycat / Webm / Mp4Top Off: Gfycat / Webm / Mp4Support me on Patreon for 1080p unwatermarked version. There is also an active poll for the next animation! 2.4
00:02 Pharah seems to be working (mostly) as intended!Anubis: Gfycat / Webm (Sound)Thunderbird: Free on PatreonVRSupport me on Patreon for un-watermarked 1080p and bonus Frostbite + Posessed skins! 1.8