00:05 Gfycat // MP4 This one was a bit weird to animate for some reason but I think it still turned out pretty decent.Patreon 1.2
00:14 Now this exists too! Know what else exists? My Patreon! :D Wide Shot: Uploadir Mega Gfycat (no sound) Close Up: Uploadir Mega... 0.6
00:14 Hey! After many interruptions, I finally got this done! Thanks to my Patreons for being so patient with me <3 Rendered a close... 0.6
00:14 Hey! After many interruptions, I finally got this done! Thanks to my Patreons for being so patient with me <3 Rendered a close... 0.6
00:14 Update! Also, Patreon-Hype, whaaat? But links first ... Classic version: Gfycat (no sound) Mixtape Mega Witch version: Gfycat... 0.6