1.2 Teacher 18 by DamienKova Android 18 couldn’t help but smile softly to herself as he walked into an empty classroom, her date for the day, Domino, walking behind her until they got far enough into the room for the blonde to close the door behind them. Keeping her smile, the android started to slowly take off her brown sweater and unbutton her white blouse that hid a black bra underneath, as she swayed her hips back and forth to put on a short show for the young student she just happened to snatch up from the library wit…
0.6 Trial by Faoral by TheDjinn The characters and settings below do not belong to the author and are the property of their respective owners. The author is not affiliated with the aforementioned copyright holders. Any original characters, settings, and plot are property of the author. If it is illegal for you to view this material in your country, please do not read further. All characters featured are of at least 18 years of age. Enjoy! ********** The sense of touch was the first thing that brought Sup…