00:05 LarassLoop 1: Mp4 // WebmLoop 2: Mp4 // WebmVersion 1080p/60fps + alternate camera angles on -Patreon- 1.8
00:08 Taking a break from main anim by learning new tricks ;PGFYCATIf you wanna see my stuff more often then please concider to support me via Patreon 1.8
00:15 Animation: D.Va Just Wants to Play Vidya Video (With Sound!): https://my.mixtape.moe/fytaft.mp4 Dear Diary, Dr. Z has been... 0.6
00:02 ”All systems online!” mp4 / gfycat I’m not too pleased with how this one turned out, but I guess that makes it all the less... 0.6
00:06 The Doctor is in! Black tears version: Full animation: mp4 / gfycat POV: mp4 / gfycat Side view: mp4 / gfycat Clean version:... 0