Lara render Links Imgur: Mega: Credits: Thanks to @MustardSFM for the Lara Model and @F3ynix for the porting the map. 3
Jessie Jessie Rasberry decided to get it in before goin off to fight Shinra... 4K DL Links Below! Thank you: @MustardSFM @Setarcos04 @Calibrator_ for Jessie @1cedev_ for Umbasa 1.2
Happy birthday Tifa🥳🎁 Model: @MustardSFM and @Setarcos04 Thanks to @SonUmbasa for the the help and inspiration. I hope you enjoy it. Big thanks to @7GraphicsNSFW, @soundchaser128, @Calibrator_, @suga7fx and @F3ynix as well for your help and support. 1.8
Happy birthday Tifa🥳🎁 Model: @MustardSFM and @Setarcos04 Thanks to @SonUmbasa for the the help and inspiration. I hope you enjoy it. Big thanks to @7GraphicsNSFW, @soundchaser128, @Calibrator_, @suga7fx and @F3ynix as well for your help and support. 13.8
Photoshooting with Dokkaebi in her vaccation house. Model by @OkazakiModels Vaccation house by @CableNsfw Thanks to @6Graphics, @SonUmbasa, @F3ynix and a lot of others for the help with this one. Also big thanks to @ITAlessio27 for some tips on the post processing. 8.4
Panam and V having a fun time in Night City. Thanks to @Th3Celtic and @Major_Guardian for the panam Model Cyberpunk room by @cheesecake3d Many Thanks to @suga7FX and @6Graphics for the editing. I also want to thank @F3ynix, @AbdellOhh1, @ITAlessio27 and @SonUmbasa for the help 6