wunderdash-nsfw: WE HIT 2500 STALKERS! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Check out these 2 awesome renders in 4K right ‘ere!: https://imgur.com/a/M7A0WQD ————————————— Find me on Twitter at: @wunder_stashYou can find me on Discord at: Wunder#9062 You can check out our /rule34/ server (440+ members!) at: https://discord.me/r34 For notifications sent right to you, Join the steam group at: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/wunderstash Side Node: Basically all of my posts are being marked as NSFW. Now, I know they are, but it would be a great help if you could reblog or like these posts. A little help goes a long way! 3
00:11 Trick Or SuckGyfcat / UploadirNo Watermark:720p | 1080p | Frames + 4K StillBest friends hold your hair.Also, happy Halloween!Patreon | Models | Ask me 3
00:12 Pharah X Lucio1080p: uploadir / MEGA / GfycatPlease support me @ Patreon for Watermarkfree contents, WIP updates and .blend files. 3.6
00:03 Mercy pov animation… Not very satisfied with this one but still want to share it with you :( 720p / 1080pCredit to ArhoangelSupport me here to get watermark-free version, WIP , 1080p animations and 4k images! I will open polls & commissions if there are enough people supporting me! 0.6
00:04 “Pharah Overwatch Tryouts” ANIMATION #9Infiltrate Talon Agents have reveal a little secret about Pharah. She was enlisted to become an Overwatch agent before it was disbanded. But It wasn’t because of her perfect record, or her dogged persistence and tactical prowess. It was actually because of a recommendation of an old friend of her mother. It was her prowess in other more intimate subjects that brought the young girl into Overwatch.Hope you enjoy it.Credits to @metssfm for the awesome Pharah Model.LinksPharahGfycat // UploadirFrostbite PharahGfycat // UploadirPatreonDiscordCommission Link 1.2
“Une balle, un mort…” hope you like it!Credit to Blizzard, Arhoangel, VismundWatermark-free version & WIP here:https://www.patreon.com/Setarcos04My other websites:https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=20810951https://setarcos04.tumblr.com 1.2