Consider supporting me on Patreon!Buy me a Ko-fi!Follow me on Twitter!Follow me on Hentai-Foundry! 1.2
Consider supporting me on Patreon!Buy me a Ko-fi!Follow me on Twitter!Follow me on Hentai-Foundry! 1.2
Luna and Mortred testing out the capabilities of Monkey King’s Bar, which is rumored to have a 75% orgasm chance.Picture made possible and voted for by my Patrons!Consider supporting me on Patreon!Buy me a Ko-fi!Follow me on Twitter!Follow me on Hentai-Foundry! 1.8
DotA - Luna & Mirana“Sticky Situation”1080pMy first ever piece with any of the DotA characters, plus my first time doing something wild like this. The author of the idea requested to make it look as slutty and dirty as possible, but I think I might have overdone it with the body fluid.Enjoy ! Commissioned and Approved by Anonymous at Patreon & Commissions 0.6
Secret Santa 2018’s finally been revealed, and Moon Girls gift you their holes to use all you want! This went to anon.—Want more of stuff like this, want to decide what I draw and get monthly art packs with some exclusive stuff? Consider supporting me on Patreon! <3 0.6
Another bi-weekly Picture, chosen by my Patrons! Wanna participate in my polls or just support me? Click this Patreon link and do it right away! 0.6