Tresdin scowled and threw her sword to the ground. Being dead was one thing, but this? Coming back to find the Radiant –the ancient power she had been protecting!- as nothing more than a pile of rubble? That was humiliating. The sting made far worse by the underhanded, cowardly tactics her opponents had used. What kind of dishonourable wretches killed a warrior as they respawned? It was unthinkable!
She huffed, pulling off her heavy bronze helmet and pressing a hand to her temple. That Nortrom had ripped his way through her companions like they were made of butter, and whatever foul magic he'd used had given her a headache. She picked up her sword and surveyed the rubble. From the way everything had settled, it looked like the battle had been won some time ago. Perfect. Of course, she'd been dead for the final fight. And some time afterwards. She kicked the edge of the fountain, before descending down the dais. The creep corpses were still fresh, the leaves on their bodies barely withered.
If this were any other battle, she'd be worried her enemies were close. But from the derisive comments, the dismissive attitudes and general lack of chivalry, she suspected they were long gone.
She sighed and ran a hand through her short crop of brown hair. That needed a trim. The Bronze Legion had survived on discipline, and what kind of example was she setting with wild hair? Her bronze armour clinked as she made her way along a dirt road and into the forest that dominated the battlefield. Her allies were likely long gone as well or were still waiting to return. How the fountain chose when you returned she didn't know, but she wasn't going to question it. Her battle had been going well, and she had taken longer to come back each time. That last death to the abomination known as Pudge had probably cost them the battle.
Stupid, stupid! She punched a nearby tree, making all the birds in the area squawk and fly away. Beating herself up wasn't going to help anyone. Not now, at least.
The dappled sunlight felt good on Tresdin's dark skin. She'd almost forgotten what it was like to relax, given how much she'd been fighting. She dragged a hand across the equipment on her belt; all-powerful artefacts that had aided her before, but now were little more than dead weight: A small, blue and white dagger, a red stone that almost seemed to bleed, and finally a golden rod topped with a golden ram's skull. That one had nearly saved her several times. She knew one of the secret shopkeepers was in the area, so perhaps he'd offer her a-
Her world vanished. Nothing but inky blackness remained. It wasn't panic that gripped her heart, it was anger; she'd seen this before. Recently.
She returned to the material world as quickly as she'd left it, collapsing onto the forest floor. She shook her head, sitting up and scowling as a black staff slowly levelled itself at her face.
"Our fates entwine once again," intoned the Outworld Devourer. His voice was distorted and deep, as alien as his very body. A half-organic centaur of sorts, with wings and a head of monstrous granite. Veins of cyan coursed over him, pulsing with arcane power.
"Coward!" Tresdin spat.
He laughed. The sound was grating like he was mocking her very existence. He probably was, given his contempt thus far. "You should be grateful it is I who found you. Your companions are less fortunate."
"So you've come here to fight me alone? Hah! I'm not scared of a floating rock!"
"Then you are more foolish than you know."
The two tips of his staff pressed against her forehead, the stone somehow both cold and full of throbbing energy. The cyan light at its centre was almost blinding.
"Go ahead! Finish me off!" Tresdin snarled.
"You are not fated to die this day," The Outworld Devourer said.
"Oh? And what are you going to do? Brand me? Beat me into submission?"
"In a manner of speaking."
His grip tightened, and a flash of pale blue filled her vision. No, not just her sight; her mind itself seemed to feel the pulse. Like her very thoughts had been bombarded. And then there was another and another. Coming quickly over and over. She cried out as her mind was rent apart over and over, her thoughts jumbled and broken and sapped away. Her struggles intensified as the blinding light stung.
And then they slowed. Gradually, her eyes widened, and her protests stopped. Her mouth hung open as shuddering, gasping breaths left her. Her mind was… emptying. Each pulse of light breaking away mental walls like they were paper, each thought of resistance slowly drained away. She blinked in time with each blast. Her body went slack. Slowly her tongue fell out of her mouth, a line of drool dropping behind it as her eyes rolled back.
Pulse. Pulse. Pulse.
Away went her thoughts. Away went her fears. Away went everything.
The grip on her arms dropped away, and she knelt, looking up into the light. The last dregs of sense in her head reached for the artefact at her belt. Some warrior's instinct still remaining. Her fingers curled around the golden rod, and with a small force of will, it activated. A sharp sound and she was surrounded by yellow light. But it felt… wrong. Not like it had in battle; there she had grown in size, towered over the battlefield invulnerable to magic. But something the Devourer had done had corrupted the sensation. There was an itch at her scalp, a sudden tightness at her chest.
"An interesting reaction…" The Outworld Devourer said, pulling his staff away.
Tresdin swayed back and forth on her knees for a few seconds. She felt… funny. A weirdly lovely kind of funny. A sort of... carefree feeling she hadn't had before. Like she didn't need to worry about anything ever again. Like the very worry of thinking had been stripped from her head. She brought a hand to her temple, and slowly pulled it back; her hair was longer. Much longer. Full and luscious. She looked down at her reflection in her sword blade and stared. She looked… good. Pretty. She'd never felt pretty before.
Tresdin giggled. That was new. She didn't giggle, she was a soldier. Why was she a soldier again? Urgh, her armour was so… tight. Who had fitted this?
"What did you... do to me?" She mumbled.
"Your intellect is mine," The Outworld Devourer said, "You had no need for it."
"Why didn't the... the thing…?"
"I do not know. But your new state may be responsible," He snorted, "Perhaps you are stuck like this now. The other changes it has made seem permanent."
"Nngh…" Tresdin pawed at the bronze breastplate. Argh, it felt so wrong! She felt like she was being crushed. She fumbled with the buckles before violently yanking her gauntlets off. Such stupid things… Finally, the cuirass fell off, the back and its heavy banners clanking to the ground as Tresdin sighed with relief. The padding beneath looked weird. Bulbous and misshapen. Like something was… She took a deep breath, and one of the buttons snapped away.
She poked at her chest. There was a lot more… well, more to it than she remembered. Was there? She fumbled with the gambeson, pulling it away. Yep, her tunic was definitely stretched. Jeez, what had happened to her body? A few seconds of fumbling later and her breasts jiggled free, her nipples hardening in the breeze. She hefted them, looking down. They were bigger. Much bigger. She hadn't been small before, but these were… wow. She giggled, giving them a squeeze. They were huge. Big, soft, jiggly titties. She pressed them between her elbows and shook her chest, watching her new flesh.
"Simpleton…" The Outworld Devourer sighed.
"Well sorry! I'm not the one who did all this to me." She furrowed her brow. "Why… did you do it?"
"I had hoped to find it amusing." That sounded like annoyance.
Tresdin stood up, her legs shaky and head still fuzzy. She was almost used to it now. Like her head was made of clouds. Every now and then a thought would appear like a lightning bolt, but otherwise, it was just soft and empty and gently, gently floating. She giggled as she stumbled, the weight of her new chest throwing her off. "So big…"
"Perhaps others will find you entertaining." Heavy wingbeats signalled his exit, the great stone wings carrying him away.
Tresdin opened her mouth to say… what? She was sure there was something she wanted to do to him. Like… hit him? Oh! She had a sword, didn't she? She looked around and hefted the blade. Hmm… That felt nice. Having something solid in her hands. She lightly stroked the haft, giggling to herself. There was something else she wanted to do, wasn't there?
She looked down at her discarded armour. Well, she certainly wasn't going to get any more use out of that. Not with her new assets. Maybe she could find someone to sell it- duh! She rolled her eyes. Shopping! That's what she'd been planning to do. She knew there was a shopkeeper around here somewhere…
Tresdin stood tall and proud, examining herself in the large mirror the shopkeeper had dragged out from his tent in the forest. He was a small man, kinda lean and gangly, but he'd been a huge help in picking out her new outfit. Most of her old armour had been sold off, but she'd decided to keep the boots and pauldrons. They still looked great, after all. The rest, however… well, she loved the way her new crimson thigh-highs showed off her long, muscular legs. Her tits were barely contained by a skimpy bikini top, the matching bottoms showing off a firm arse she had worked hard on. And her abs… she knew for sure she was gonna grab attention with those. She ruffled her hair into a sensual mess and bit her lip. Oh yeah, she looked good. Strong and slutty.
"I'll take it!" She said.
"Wonderful!" The shopkeeper smiled, "And with your other, items… ah, here is your gold."
Tresdin looked down at the bag of gold he'd dropped in front of her. She'd made a lot of money today, but there was something else she wanted. Something in the back of her head that was nagging her. She looked back in the mirror, turning this way and that, watching her body move and the muscles ripple. And then she saw it; the shopkeeper. Or, more accurately, where his gaze was falling. He couldn't keep his eyes off her, flicking between her heaving bust and her thighs. A little smile curled onto her lips, and she dragged her hands up her sides. Yep, he was watching very intently.
Suddenly, a thought occurred to her. She'd never had a thought like this before –had she? Her brain still felt brand new- but it seemed like such an obvious thought to have.
"How much is this outfit going to cost me?" She asked.
"Oh, not much! A few hundred, at most…" The shopkeeper jumped in place as Tresdin slammed her hands down on the table in front of him. "Um… madam?"
"And what if, like, there was another way to pay?" Tresdin purred, licking her lips. The shopkeeper's eyes flicked down to her amplified cleavage.
"Madam, I'm not certain I can-" He started, before Tresdin grabbed his hands and forced them onto her chest.
"I want these clothes. You want to touch me. I want your cock. You want to fuck me," she said. "Seems fair to me."
The shopkeeper swallowed, but his hands still groped her chest. She cooed, leaning closer to let him get a good, firm squeeze. It felt wonderful! All sorts of delightful little sensations bubbling up in her mind as he pulled and poked and rolled her nipples between his fingers. She climbed over and onto the table, sitting up enough to let him shove his face into her new cleavage. This was so much fun!
Tresdin trailed a hand down the shopkeeper's front, quickly untying his britches. There was something nice and hot and hard hiding under there, and she wanted –no, needed!- to get to it. She gasped as her fingers brushed the bare skin of his cock, her hand immediately wrapping around it and pumping up and down. It didn't take long for the pre-cum to start flowing, all sticky and slick under her fingers.
She yelped as the shopkeeper pulled away and rolled her onto her front, her tits squished into the wooden table. She giggled, feeling his hands along her exposed curves and his cock grinding between the cheeks of her arse. A gasp of delight as his hand struck her. And again, and again. She moaned, her thighs rubbing together as her cunt throbbed and ached. Who knew being punished could feel so good?
"You like that?" The shopkeeper growled.
"Uh huh!" Tresdin said, "Harder! Ah!"
Her thong-like lower garment was pulled away and the shopkeeper's cock ground against her pussy. She pushed back against it, whimpering with need, but a sharp spank put her back in place. She silently begged for it, her heart pounding as he took hold of her hips. Finally, her eyes rolled back as she felt the tip pressing against her, harder and harder until it pushed deep inside.
Fuck, he felt so much bigger than he had in her hand.
Tresdin let out a low moan as inch after inch of hard cock filled her cunt. And not just her cunt; it seemed to push right through into her mind, filling it with yet more lurid thoughts. Cocks and cum and fucking and sucking. Her empty head suddenly flooded with new desires, new purpose. She was going to find every hard cock she could and fuck it senseless! She giggled, her head pulled back as the shopkeeper grabbed her by the hair and slammed into her. Hard, throbbing cock roughly fucking her tight little snatch.
The shopkeeper wasted no time in getting up to speed, Tresdin's arse slapping against his hips as he fucked her as deep as he could. She moaned, wriggling her hips as her eyes rolled back. He was hitting so many spots, stretching her out. The table creaked beneath her. Her hands tightened around the edge. She pushed herself upwards, her ample chest swaying beneath her with every thrust. Her arse turning redder and redder with each hard smack. She was a moaning, writhing mess on his cock and she loved every second of it.
Her only warning was grunt behind her, before the shopkeeper slammed against her, his cock twitching inside. Tresdin cooed as something warm and sticky spurted inside her cunt, leaking out as the shopkeeper withdrew. A curious hand of hers found the cum dripping down her thigh. She felt good, but… not good enough. Her fingers found her clit, and she stroked along it, rubbing herself even as more and more spunk leaked out of her. She moaned and whimpered, pushing herself back to the edge she'd been inching towards. She needed a cock. More cocks! Lots and lots of cocks, all fucking her cunt and mouth and arse and-!
Her legs clamped together as her foggy head was filled with white, pleasurable spasms wracking her body. She let out a strangled moan, her tongue lolling out as she almost crushed her fingers between her thighs. A few aftershocks followed, keeping her legs shaking and her cunt throbbing.
She came down slowly, hearing both herself and the exhausted shopkeeper behind her panting heavily. Tresdin pulled her hand from her cunt, watching the strands of cum –his and her dripping juices- as they hung between her individual fingers. Curious, she licked them clean. Salty, with a chalky taste and a slight metallic tang. She could get used to that. Giggling she stood on shaky legs, looking around for her sword and soaked panties.
Sure, she may have cum, but her head was still full of cocks. And the need for cocks. And cum, and sucking, and fucking and having her big, beautiful tits groped again! She needed more. More! And she was going to go find it. Maybe she'd get lucky and find a whole bunch of cocks just waiting to plough her senseless. Tresdin licked her lips, strutting back into the forest with cum oozing down her leg and her bare chest jiggling in front of her.
She felt like she could fuck her entire legion.