Sweat ran down Brigitte Lindholm’s brow, and she wiped it away with the end of a towel slung over her shoulders. She stood, her chest rising and falling in quick shallow breaths, as her friend and Overwatch partner, Brok Ferroson, lifted some free weights. His biceps curled and popped in a display of strength and perfect form. He was one of the few that could give her a run for her money in the gym.

Brok stood a full head taller than Brigitte—a feat in and of itself. His short-cropped black hair wilted from sweat and physical activity. Scars marked his glistening tanned skin where his forest green tank top didn’t cover. She had been with him when he received some of them, and her own made themselves known in sympathy.

Firm, sculpted muscles popped Brok’s damp shirt and peeked out from his loose black shorts. He outclassed Brigitte in mass for sure, yet she always managed to keep up. Their work—and their exercise routines—kept them in tip-top shape. While he didn’t go out into the field as much as her, being a mechanical engineer, he was no slouch in combat.

The longer Brigitte watched, the more her breathing leveled out. Her thighs burned from her set of squats, but she lost herself in the rhythm of Brok’s curls. They had been at it for an hour and a half now, and neither showed any signs of exhaustion. Of course, they had trained years and years for their jobs. This was nothing but a nice refresh after a long day.

A lop-sided smile curled the corner of Brigitte’s mouth. “Don’t you think you’re just showing off a little now?”

Brok snorted, his onyx eyes tilted toward Brigitte. “What, jealous?” He continued his set, unperturbed, waiting for her response.

“You know I can match you anytime, anywhere. Name it, and I’ll show you.” Despite her aggression and bravado, Brigitte couldn’t help but grin at her friend.

After one more curl, Brok lowered his weight to the floor and let out a huff of air. “All right.” He glanced at Brigitte, and a thoughtful expression came over his face. “How about we bench? Go rep for rep and see if you can live up to your talk.”

“You’re on,” Brigitte said, clapping her hands together. “Get up and let’s go.”

Brok shot to his feet to put his dumbbell back on the rack. It clattered, metal on metal, as Brigitte turned from him. She strode over toward the nearest bench press. Even though it wasn’t that late, they had the place to themselves. This wasn’t the first time. They were the only ones crazy enough to spend so much time here.

Brigitte hit the weight stand and grabbed the big forty-five. She hoisted with no issue and slapped it on the end of the barbell. Brok swept past behind her, and she flashed him a smirk. He returned her gesture as he rounded her and began to load up the other side as she did this one. More and more they stacked, showing off.

“You can tell me to stop anytime,” Brok said with a devious grin.

“Why would I do that?” Brigitte asked as they reached both of their limits. “You’re going first.”

Brok snorted as he added the last plate. “If that’s how you want to be, I’ll show you how it’s done.”

Without hesitation, Brok stepped up to the side of the bench and swung his leg over. Brigitte stared at him as he did so, shifting behind the machine to spot for him. He tilted back, adjusting his potion, and brought his arms up. His gloved hands wrapped around the abrasive grip, and his eyes met hers.

Brigitte inhaled a deep breath. Something about the way Brok looked at her sparked something inside her. She dismissed it as nothing more than anxiousness bubbling up as she waited for her chance to prove herself and outdo him. No matter how many times they did something like this, the thrill excited her to no end.

“Watch and learn,” Brok said, popping the hefty bar out of its holder.

A humph escaped Brigitte. She tipped forward and guided her hands within a couple scant inches of the shaft to make sure it didn’t slip. Brok would never flounder, not after such little exertion, but it paid to take things serious. With the weight they were working with, they could get hurt and taken out of the action for a long time or worse.

Brok inhaled through his nose as he let the weights bear down on him. As the metal almost touched his bulging pecks, he flexed and exhaled. The rod hefted with slow, practiced motion. He could go faster, but that would defeat the whole purpose of the exercise. His reps would continue at this steady, ponderous pace for however long he could manage.

“Is that all you got?” Brigitte asked, rising and falling with Brok’s motions to stay within range. Her yellow sports bra chafed her skin with each motion.

Laughter bubbled out of Brok, but he didn’t waver. “I got a lot more left in me.” His nostrils flared as he kept his breathing in line with his exertion. “I hope you’re prepared for the pressure of going second.”

“Of course. Then, I know what I have to do to beat you.” Stray strands of her auburn hair fell into her face, but she ignored them.

Brok smirked, but he began to slow down by the twentieth rep. “I guess I should,” he breathed sharp, “do a couple more to make sure you have to work for it.” Despite him slowing, his arms remained solid.

“If you want to be like that, sure, go ahead.” Brigitte’s fingers bumped into Brok’s as he pumped several more times.

One. Two. Three. Brok exhaled in a huff and returned the barbell clattering to its home. Brigitte helped it settle before she glanced down at him. Sweat ran from his brow, and his chest rose and fell in shallow bursts. A sigh escaped him, and he caught her eyes. He might be one of the best she knew, but he still had his limits.

“All right,” Brok lingered for a moment as he sat upright before springing up to his feet, “It’s all yours.”

Brigitte eyed the damp spot on the material and raised an eyebrow. “You gonna leave that there?”

“We’ve shared each other’s sweat before. Didn’t think you minded.” Despite his words, Brok whipped his towel from his shoulder and cleaned off the surface as Brigitte stepped close to him.

“Oh, I don’t. Just bustin’ your balls.” Brigitte slapped Brok on the arm and switched places with him.

Brok shook his head, slung his washcloth back around his neck, and took Brigitte’s place at the back. She straddled the seat before sitting and leaning on her back. A droplet of sweat dripped past her, near her head, and she glared up at him. He smirked and wiped his brow before taking position.

With a deep breath, Brigitte reached up and grabbed hold of the barbell. She grunted and popped it free. Her arms shook for the briefest of seconds as they got used to the sudden increase in weight. She exhaled and brought it to her chest. Softness squished beneath before she steadied and pushed back. The first rep came easy, and she dipped down into the second.

Intent eyes met Brigitte’s. She held Brok’s gaze as she lifted up and down. Her left pant leg rode up as she went, but she ignored it. His hands came near hers with every up-down. Something about him being so close—despite having been in this situation countless times before—caused her to breathe harder. Her heart beat faster in time with her efforts.

“Doin’ pretty good,” Brok said as he watched Brigitte work at her relaxed pace. “But you’ll be going a long time to beat me.”

“Shut,” Brigitte inhaled through her nose, “up. I didn’t distract you.”

Brok’s smile only broadened. “Distracted, huh? By what?” Amusement, mixed with something else, danced in his dark eyes.

Brigitte’s gaze flicked away from his, and her immaculate form wavered. She tried to focus on her rhythm, the flex of her muscles, yet she couldn’t help but stare at Brok’s body. Even just standing there, above her, he was impressive. She shook the thoughts from her head. They were nothing more than buddies that enjoyed working out together, and she had to best him.

“You talking.” They always shot back at one another while lifting, so Brigitte knew her lie wouldn’t stick. However, he didn’t press her. He smiled.

As she approached Brok’s count, Brigitte paced herself. Her chest burned, and her breathing began to flounder. She need only do a handful more to match him. A brief pause and a deep breath, and she pushed on. Sweat trailed from her forehead down the side of her face. Her feet bounced against the strain.

“C’mon, push it. Just a couple more.” Brigitte’s brow furrowed more, and Brok smirked. “Unless you want to call it and say I win.”

“Absolutely”—Brigitte grit her teeth, struggling and exhaling through her mouth—“not.”

Pride spread across Brok’s face as Brigitte pushed past his count. He might enjoy talking himself up and teasing her, but he never once tried to put her down or downplay any of her accomplishments. She smiled, breathing hard, and slipped. The bar rushed down toward her, but her arms seized up, and he caught it.

Panic subsided, and Brigitte helped return the barbell to its holster. She grinned up at Brok, blushing. It might not have been the first time she needed help, but it never got easier. “Thanks,” she said, her breath thin and wispy.

“No problem.” Brok eased back, circled the bench, and extended his hand to her. “You got me. By one.”

Brigitte sat up, her abs straining, and took Brok’s hand. “Yeah, I guess I—” He hauled her up on her feet, and she swayed within a couple inches of him. “Did.”

Brok clasped Brigitte’s shoulder with a big hand, and her eyes flicked down before returning to his. “Good job. I guess I’m going to be hearing this one for a while.”

Blood pumped through Brigitte’s veins, and her heart hammered in her breast. She sucked in a few shallow breaths before responding: “Maybe. I did have to have some help, so how about we call it even?” Her hand raised, extending toward Brok.

A confused expression flitted across Brok’s face, but his gaze dipped to Brigitte’s bust. “All right.” He grabbed and shook her hand but lingered before letting go. “Guess we need something else to push each other over.”

Something blossomed deep inside Brigitte. She caught Brok peeking at her, and she found herself doing the same to him. His perfect, sculpted muscles stuck out in just the right way, glistening. His clothing clung tight to him and left little to the imagination. She imagined she appeared similar, her sweaty, toned body on almost full display.

Nothing like this had ever struck Brigitte before. Not about Brok. They had been buddies and partners since the very first days she became a part of the organization. He always pushed her to do her best and vice versa. Maybe it was the rush, the physical activity causing her blood to pump strong and fast, but she ached for something more.

“I can think of something,” Brigitte hesitated, eyes locking as she drifted closer to Brok, “if you’re game.”

To Brigitte’s surprise, and delight, Brok curled a finger under her chin and tilted her head further up. He leaned down and pressed his rough lips to hers. She let out a soft noise of encouragement and enjoyment, kissing him back. Their hands found one another, and she ignored his sweatiness. His fingers danced along her bare midsection, which tickled her.

Excitement surged through Brigitte, and she deepened their kiss. Brok groaned, grabbing her and pulling her to him. Her softness pressed against his unyielding chest, but the rest of her didn’t give. She glided her touch over the rippling muscles of his back. They had both honed their bodies for work and duty—it was time to take pleasure in them.

Heat flared between Brigitte’s legs. She moaned against Brok’s mouth and pushed. He wavered a step before he stood and reached down to her backside. His meaty hands cupped her firm cheeks and gave them a strong squeeze. Her heart hammered in her chest, and her breath began to thin. She wanted more.

Pulling back, Brigitte broke away. Brok’s head craned forward as she withdrew, attempting to keep her close and smooching. She smiled, aroused and amused. Hunger shone in his eyes, and a shiver ran down her spine. She desired to see him, to have him, without anything between them. Not that his attire obscured much.

A pungent odor reached Brigitte’s nose, causing it to wrinkle. Whether it belonged to him or her, she didn’t know, nor did it matter. She had one thing on her mind. “I think we should wash up before we continue.”

Brok cracked a smirk. “I guess we do stink a bit. I’d be honored to clean that perfect body of yours, Brig.”

Brigitte’s cheeks flushed and she sought Brok’s hands. Their fingers intertwined, and she resisted the urge to take him then and there—cleanliness be dammed. “You’re not so bad yourself. Let’s,” she squeezed him and teased the bottom hem of his tank top, “show off for one another.”

“I thought you were against showing off.” Despite how clear his attraction was, Brok couldn’t help but crack a joke.

Annoyance flashed across Brigitte’s face, but she couldn’t be mad at Brok. Not when they were so close to taking their relationship to the next level. “I think it’ll be all right. Just this once.” She grinned and pushed him toward the showers.

The door burst open as they hurried inside, and Brigitte couldn’t stop touching Brok. She teased his firm bottom, slapping it for good measure. He tried to return the favor, but she pressed him forward. Her fingers caught his shirt and started pulling up. His rippling back muscles came into view, and she began tracing them the moment the troublesome article slipped away.

Brigitte guided Brok to one of the stalls. It proved to be big enough for the both of them, if a little tight. He leaned in and turned the knob, ushering the streams of steamy water. As he shifted back, she went to remove her sports bra. He stopped her, replacing her hands with his. His fingertips popped underneath, and he tugged the garment up.

Bouncing free, Brigitte’s breasts dropped from their confines. They jiggled for a moment before Brok’s meaty hands swept up and cupped them. His fingers sank into her supple flesh, and she moaned. Despite how strong and aggressive he could be, his touch remained gentle, tender. She inhaled, bit her lip, and pawed at his shorts.

Loose fabric yielded as Brigitte tugged Brok’s clothes down. They slipped down his hips and then his thighs. She thought to save his boxers for later, but she decided against it. They both longed to be naked, and in the shower, as soon as possible. His lower half was stripped bare, and his manhood sprang free.

Brigitte’s breath caught in her throat. Much like the rest of him, Brok’s cock impressed her. He stood tall and proud, pointing at her belly button. She wanted to take him in her grasp, guide him to her, and let him do as he pleased. The back of her hand bumped into his shaft, and he jumped. Excited surged and blood rushed south.

“Please,” Brigitte breathed as Brok’s heat pressed to her pelvis. “Keep going.”

Brok groped Brigitte several more times, struggling with the very thing she found herself on the cusp of failing. His hands ran down her front over each ab to her tight pants. She sucked in a sharp breath and grabbed his arms as he hooked his fingers into the waistband. His biceps flexed, and he stripped her naked.

Cooler air rushed in to replace the warmth of Brigitte’s gym attire, but that didn’t last. Brok wrapped around her and pressed himself to her, dick sandwiched between them. His length seared itself above her womanhood. She ached, moaned, and grinded. He grunted at her motions and walked her back into the shower.

Hot water cascaded over Brigitte’s ass, back, and shoulders. Rivulets trailed over her, tingling her skin, before dousing her head. Her hair sagged and plastered to her, but she didn’t mind. Brok locked eyes with her as the water now streamed over them both. She closed the gap and picked up where they left off.

The second their lips pressed together, Brigitte slipped her tongue into Brok’s mouth. He groaned at the intrusion, twitching against her, and returned her gesture. Her touch glided up and down his back, sides, and arms. She deviated here and there, coping a feel of his ass. He did the same to her, but she craved something more.

Brigitte stopped her caressing and teasing to reach back behind her. She grabbed Brok by the wrist and guided his hand back around front. He didn’t resist or put up a fight, knowing where she led him. She arched her back and angled her hips backward. He slid down her abdomen between her legs. Fat fingers ran over her little button and parted her drenched folds.

A huff of a moan seeped out of Brigitte, muffled. She bucked into Brok, and his hard manhood stabbed at her. If she raised but a little bit, he might slide right in. However, she failed to move. He rubbed up and down her pussy, teasing her swollen clit with the heel of his hand. She mewled and writhed and shifted positions.

Heat seeped, and Brigitte wrapped her fingers around Brok’s girth. The tips hovered but a fraction of an inch apart. He grunted and thrust, forcing her grasp to the base where it flared out more. She stroked up and down, their skin wet and slippery. The ridges of the head caught her and prevented her from slipping off as she worked slow and steady.

Brok pulled back, breaking their kiss. They inhaled sharp, needy breaths and gazed into each other’s eyes. “Going right for what you want, eh, Brig?” He slipped two mischievous fingers into her womanhood, and she yelped.

“I could say the same”—Brok struck her g-spot, and she moaned—“to you.” Her grip tightened around his member, her hand working faster.

“Just trying to keep up with you but perhaps we should slow it down and do a little washing first.” Despite his words, he continued to pump his digits in and out of Brigitte’s tight cunt.

The idea of Brok’s hands all over her body, stroking and caressing and cleaning, thrilled Brigitte to no end, but she craved a little release first. “I need it. A quickie before we clean up and continue?”

“You read my mind.” Brok throbbed in Brigitte’s hand, and he fingered her faster. Pleasure ratcheted her growing desires. “I’m pent up, too. Let’s relieve this tension together. Turn around.”

A giggle bubbled out of Brigitte. Brok might have agreed and told her to move but he didn’t stop teasing her womanhood. “I will as soon as you pull your fingers out of me.”

“Sorry, the noises you make are too cute. And you’re really gripping me.” Brok pressed up against the ribbed hood of Brigitte’s pussy, and she mewled. He smirked. “Are you sure you want me to stop?”

“No.” Brigitte cursed, the heat in her cheeks flushing. “I mean, yes. I want this,” she ran her hand down to the root and then back up to the head in one slow, deliberate motion, “inside me. Now.”

“Okay.” To Brigitte’s shock, Brok listened, and his digits slipped out of her. A void grew as he left her, and her hips drifted forward to keep him inside a second longer.

Before Brigitte realized, Brok grabbed her by the waist and spun her around. The shower washed over her face, and she basked in the simple joy…and the anticipation of what was to come. Her hands slapped on the slippery tile wall as he held her waist. Something hot and hard prodded at her backside, and a thrill ran down her spine each time.

Brok’s cock slipped between Brigitte’s legs and prodded her eager entrance. He leaned in, planted several kisses on her neck, and teased her earlobe. “Ready?”

“Give it to me,” Brigitte blurted out in a fog of excitement and lust. She wanted this more than anything right now.

“As you wish.” Brok thrust, and his dick sank into Brigitte’s pussy.

A groan escaped Brigitte. Her insides tightened around Brok’s length the further he penetrated her. He grunted against her resistance, and she arched her back, sticking her ass out more. The new position allowed him easier, deeper access. He took it with gusto, plunging inch after amazing inch into her without issue. Her head tipped back, and she moaned his name.

“God, Brig,” Brok whispered, his lips brushing her ear. “You feel so good. You’re so tight.”

The mere mention of how good she made Brok feel caused her to tighten up more for him. She coiled around his cock, claiming him as her own. “So do you. I want it all. Fuck me.”

Scratchy pubic hair tickled Brigitte’s bottom as Brok hilted inside her. She whimpered, delighting in being stuffed. He pressed himself harder to her, pinning her up against the wall and sinking deeper. Her tits squished on the tile, sensitive nipples teased by the grouting. She peeked back over her shoulder and caught his gaze.

Adoration, hunger, and lust danced in Brok’s eyes. He dug his nails into her hip and withdrew. Her body rocked, following him, as her pussy clung to his shaft. He stretched her with every inch that escaped her before her lips snapped back into place. His cockhead rubbed just the right spots, and she quivered.

The tip teased Brigitte’s entrance, threatening to flop out. She eased back to make sure that didn’t happen, but Brok never intended to. He thrust, burying himself back in her expectant cunt. The force pushed her forward and slammed her into the surface, but she didn’t mind. Ecstatic pleasure shot through her, and she cried out in bliss.

Again, Brok pulled out, only to deliver another commanding, feverish slam. Brigitte could take everything he gave her, and she yearned for more. He worked himself up to a steady rhythm. Each time he drove into her, she pushed back against him. Their flesh clapped together, slick and wet, and echoed in her ears. He split and filled her so well she never wanted the sensation to end.

“Brok,” Brigitte breathed, managing to remain auditable above the running water, slapping, and joyous moans. “Your cock is so good. I’m in heaven.”

Brok twitched as he plugged away at Brigitte. He groaned and moaned as much as she did, and she gyrated her hips when she could. “I should have expected, but you’re the best, Brig. Keep throwing that hot body back at me.”

Brigitte’s breath caught in her throat, but she obeyed Brok’s demand. She shoved off the slick surface with increased vigor to match his. He rammed deeper with every strike, and her legs trembled. She stared at him, noting the myriad of emotions playing across his face, and focused in on the wild, lost expression of pure ecstasy.

“Kiss me,” Brigitte bid Brok, angling her spine to face him. He didn’t hesitate.

Their lips joined in a passionate, if sloppy, kiss. Brok continued to pound Brigitte from behind while she threw her everything at him. The force, the lurching, the rocking caused them to slip off one another, but they hurried to re-engage. Her heart pounded in her chest, beating faster and faster with each passing moment.

Something built deep within Brigitte, ratcheting higher every time Brok buried himself inside her tightness. She didn’t know how much longer she could last until climaxing. Their work out and playing around worked her up. That, and not having had a chance to relieve herself on her own. He, too, appeared to be approaching his limit with uncharacteristic haste.

Brigitte tilted her head to the side enough to break their kissing. “I,” she sucked in a harsh breath between moans, “I’m going to cum. Keep pounding me.”

“So soon?” Brok asked with a slight and brief smirk. His breathing came heavy, and his motions began to waver.

Throaty laughter bubbled out of Brigitte. “Don’t act like you’re not getting close. I can feel you throbbing in me.”

Brok planted his lips on Brigitte’s and pulled her closer. His hips never stopped. “You got,” he grunted, holding on, “me.”

Desire surged through Brigitte, and she let herself go. Her pussy clamped down on Brok’s cock. He continued to piston in and out of her as she climaxed. An unbecoming squeal escaped her, her body convulsed, locking up, and she squirted. Euphoria bloomed within her, and tingles danced along her wet skin.

More juices gushed from Brigitte’s happy pussy, washed away in the steady cascade of the shower. Her walls milked Brok while he ploughed her. She pressed her forehead to his, and her gasping mouth brushed against his rough lips. He groaned and shuddered and twitched—he wouldn’t last long in her constricting depths.

Tension rushed out of Brigitte with a shaky sigh. “Cum outside.”

Without a second of delay, Brok pulled out in a rush of scraping and clinging. Brigitte gasped as his cockhead popped out of her, and her canal spasmed as it shrank down without him splitting her. Her muscles gave, causing her to slump. His heat slapped between her asscheeks and jumped.

Hot ropes of seed spurted out on Brigitte’s lower back. She quavered with each shot as she basked in her own orgasmic pleasure and Brok’s. He moaned as his nails sank into her flesh. His weight leaned on her, forcing her further against the wall. Adoration and contentment filled her, yet she didn’t believe either of them was done.

Teeth nibbled at Brigitte’s earlobe, and she let out a huff. “You came so much. Guess I got the best of you, huh?”

“I guess you could say that.” Brok embraced Brigitte, pulling her close. Hardness twitched against her backside. “But you got off pretty hard yourself.”

“Yeah, your cock felt great.” With a twist, Brigitte peeked over her shoulder and caught Brok’s caring, hungry gaze.

A smile spread across Brok’s face, and he leaned in and pressed his lips to Brigitte’s. She kissed him back for a moment before he pulled away. “Why did you want me to cum outside?”

Brigitte grinned, an ache, a craving for more burning between her legs. “We got a little caught up and skipped some things. I figured we could start over and do things properly.”

“What are you—”

Pushing off the wall, Brigitte shoved her ass back into Brok’s crotch. His semi-erect manhood slipped in between her checks. She continued to shove until he took the hint and backed off. Water cascaded down their bodies, washing away whatever mess he left behind. As she had hoped, and expected, he could be coaxed into more without question.

Brigitte spun around when she had the room. Curious yet lustful eyes met hers, and she smiled. Her gaze flit about until she spotted something useful. She reached up, grabbed Brok’s hands, and pulled him with her. A wide bench sat nearby, perfect for what she had planned. She knew he would love her idea.

“Lay on your back,” Brigitte said as they drew closer to her goal. Brok glanced at it, recognition flashing across his face. “I’m going to get on top of you, and we’re going to have a little fun.”

“What we did in the shower wasn’t enough for you?” Brok asked with an amused grin. Despite his ludicrous question, his dick twitched back to life. Brigitte shook her head and tore her eyes off the tantalizing sight.

“No, and don’t tell me you had enough either with,” fever hot and hard man-meat filled Brigitte’s grasp as she wrapped her fingers around Brok, “this thing looking so lively.”

The smirk drained from Brok’s face, and he placed his hands on Brigitte’s hips, tender. “I can’t help it; you’re so gorgeous.” It returned. “And so very hot when you’re going after what you want.”

Brigitte’s stomach fluttered, and she wanted to pounce on Brok right then and there. “Lay down, mister.” She stroked his cock several times before letting it slip from her hand. “I’m going to rock your world.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Brok said, obeying without hesitation.

As Brok took his position on the bench, Brigitte strode beside him. While every one of his muscles delighted and captivated her, she only had her mind set on one thing right now. His manhood stood tall between his legs as he tipped backward. She salivated, licking her lips. Wetness ran down her thighs—from the shower or her arousal she didn’t know.

Brigitte wasted no time. The second Brok’s head hit the surface, she threw her leg over, straddling him. Hands came up and pawed at her before sliding up to her backside. She didn’t mind. Whatever and wherever he wished to touch her, he could. After coming this far and getting so close to what she craved, she wouldn’t stop him.

Wood creaked as Brigitte settled down on Brok. Her legs came up around his head, and she rested her chest on his lower abdomen. His dick stabbed up an inch in front of her face. Her heart caught in her throat. While she had already taken him inside, seeing it this close stole her breath. It looked so big.

Hot air blew over Brigitte’s soaked womanhood, and she shivered. Brok massaged her ass, his thumbs hitting all the right spots. She moaned under his ministrations and arched her back to fill his grasp better. He continued without slowing, but he neglected her more intimate parts. She had expected him to dive right in when she shoved it in his face.

“Please, Brok,” Brigitte breathed as she took hold of his wonderful manhood. Throbs ran his length, and she played with him.

“Oh, you want me to kiss it better now?” Brok cracked, pressing his cheek against her inner thigh.

A huff of annoyance rushed out of Brigitte. Under normal circumstances, she would appreciate his humor, but she needed him to devour her. Now. “Yes, it needs a bit of gentle loving after you pounded it so relentlessly. Is that what you want to hear?”

Laughter bubbled out of Brok, only teasing Brigitte more as his breath tickled her eager pussy. “I would be lying if I said no, but I know you can handle so much more. However, it does look quite delicious and in need of some worshipping.”

“Just like this thing here,” Brigitte said, tightening her grip on Brok’s shaft and slapping it against her cheek.

Neither of them could hold back any longer. Brigitte craned forward and wrapped her lips around Brok’s cockhead. He filled her quite well, and she suckled. Groans eked out of him as he planted a trail of tender kisses up her muscled thighs toward her cunt. She shivered with each but didn’t allow that to stop her.

Brigitte teased the underside of Brok’s member with several playful lashes. He bucked underneath her, forcing more of him into her while causing her to shift back into him. The tip of his nose bumped into her wetness, and she yelped around his girth. They chuckled and relaxed, sinking into savoring one another.

Brok’s mischievous tongue slipped into and parted Brigitte’s drenched folds. She whimpered at his ministrations, sensitive from having cum on his cock not too long ago. He didn’t appear to share her sensitivity. His dick remained rigid and unyielding no matter how much she sucked. There was only one thing to do.

Inhaling through her nostrils, Brigitte pushed herself forward. Inch after inch of man-meat vanished into her, hitting the back of her throat. She suppressed the slight gag that accompanied Brok’s penetration and swallowed more of him. Her jaw strained the slightest bit. The fullness he imparted into her delighted her, yet there remained more to go.

Licks assaulted Brigitte’s vulnerable pussy as Brok went to work. He lapped up all the juices he coaxed out of her and pressed his lips to hers in sweet, loving kisses. Suction pulled her folds into his mouth for brief moments as he sucked and tugged. Despite his gentleness, or perhaps because of it, she quavered and moaned.

Before she hit the base, Brigitte drew back. She bobbed on half Brok’s length several times, coating him in a healthy sheen of saliva. Desire spurred her on. She pushed the rest of the way, impaling herself. He twitched deep inside her and sucked in a sharp breath. She kissed his pelvis, and she kept herself there.

“Brig,” Brok moaned and dove back into her womanhood.

Lips pressed against Brigitte’s. Brok lapped at her slit one last time before he curled his tongue and stuffed it into her narrow, eager canal. She groaned, lost her focus, and withdrew. Not all the way; she retreated halfway. He pushed into her, exploring her depths where his fingers and dick had been before.

A shudder of pleasure ran through Brigitte. She forced herself back to motion, working up and down. Brok delved deeper, smushing his face into her pussy. The attention, the affection, he gave her drove her wild, and he had only begun. They seemed so compatible that she couldn’t believe it had taken so long for something like this to happen.

Brok withdrew to Brigitte’s dismay. However, he wrapped his hands around her thighs and lifted. Her body angled, spine bent, allowing him to do as he wished. She continued to focus on his cock, lavishing it with love and her tight throat. Soft smacks and kisses sounded between her legs as he inched lower and lower.

Brigitte froze while Brok smooched her little button. She sucked on his cockhead, ridges flaring against the insides of her cheeks. It took all her concentration not to lose herself then and there and to make sure he didn’t do all the work. Her left hand slipped down from his pelvis, and she cradled his heavy ballsack.

With tender motions, Brigitte squeezed and massaged Brok. He bucked and grunted but didn’t tell her to stop. She devoured him in one swift motion while continuing to play with and tease him. His tongue lashed her swollen clit before he sucked it into his mouth. A yelping cry escaped her, muffled around his shaft, and she spasmed.

A snap rang out as Brok eased away from Brigitte. She wiggled, the rush of ecstasy too much to contain. She never imagined she wanted it rough, but she couldn’t deny the delight it caused her. If not for his manhood plunging into her throat and her endless need for it to continue that way, she would have told him to do it again.

To Brigitte’s surprise and elation, Brok didn’t need her to vocalize her needs. Not now. He dove back in, kissing, sucking, and licking her clit. Her legs shook as he assaulted her weak point, but she wouldn’t let him win. As he continued to go after her, she did similar to him. Squelching and gagging eked out of her as her pace turned frantic.

Fingers brushed Brigitte’s twitching cunt. She let out a happy, little noise to encourage Brok and coax him on. His testicles contracted in her hand, and she relaxed. She pulled back, only blowing a quarter of his length, and took in a deep breath. While she slacked on sucking, her other hand came up to worship him.

Slickness greeted Brigitte’s grasp, and she worked up and down Brok’s saliva-coated shaft. He followed suit with additional stimulation and slipped his digits into her. She moaned around him and drove faster. Her hips gyrated under his assault as her insides parted for him. She didn’t want to deny him, and neither did they.

An excited murmur rumbled out of Brigitte and vibrated along Brok’s length. She pushed down him further and further. Her hands jerked him off, but her greedy, hungry lips enveloped him with increased speed. He bucked, and her grip slipped from his slick girth. As she devoured him once again in his entirety, she glided over his muscled thigh.

Fingertips curled and rubbed Brigitte’s g-spot. A moan ripped from her lungs, muffled by his cock deep down her throat. Brok pumped in and out of her pussy, making sure to hit her weak point each time he drove back inside. She shifted back against him to make him go deeper, faster. His mouth suckled and kissed her little button while he fingered her.

Spasms began to wrack Brigitte. Her breaths came quick, sharp, and shallow, nostrils flaring. Brok had her close to another orgasm, and she yearned to embrace it with all she had. However, she also wanted him to cum for her again. His frantic motions, thrusting, and heavy breathing signified his closeness. She had to endure for a little while longer.

Twitches ran through Brok’s dick every time Brigitte swallowed him whole. Pride swelled in her chest, and she caressed his muscles more. They had both put so much time into working on their bodies, and it showed. She loved every ripple of muscle and each powerful flex, yet they didn’t compare to the delightful thing she blew.

Brigitte’s legs pinched in around Brok’s head and trembled. She couldn’t hold on much longer. Despite not wanting to, she pulled back. His manhood popped out of her mouth with a wet smack, and she sucked in a deep, sharp breath. She craved to express herself, how close she was, but she didn’t want to be away from pleasuring him too long.

“Brok,” Brigitte huffed, fighting the urge to dive back onto his member. “I’m going to cum. Tell me you’re close, too.” Without waiting a second for him to respond, she devoured him and resumed her ministrations.

A grunt eked out of Brok as Brigitte kissed the root. “God, you’re so good, Brig. Any second now.” He smooched, licked, fingered, and sucked her leaking womanhood.

Desire coursed through Brigitte. She downed Brok over and over while massaging his balls, coaxing him on to finish inside her. His digits pistoned in and out of her tightening pussy, eager to please her. He did everything she wanted him to and more. Each wild but precise movement set her off. Nothing could keep her from climaxing any longer.

Impaling herself on Brok’s cock one last time, Brigitte convulsed and squealed. She clamped down on his invading, wonderful fingers and gripped him tighter. He bucked up into her, and his dick jumped. As her happy cunt squirted to shower him in love juices, he burst. Thick, hot ropes of seed spurted straight down into her stomach.

Brigitte writhed in ecstasy. Tingles danced along her skin as her muscles locked up, failing her. Brok stopped his ministrations, lost in his pleasure, but he didn’t pull out or away. His gasping lips brushed and caressed her womanhood while his fingers still lanced her. She swallowed the excess cum as it began to back up into her esophagus.

Bittersweetness danced on Brigitte’s taste buds. She reveled in the delightful flavor, savoring it, but also drinking the rest down. His testicles continued to contract as she shot more and more into her. For having came not too long ago, he gave her a lot. Not that she was complaining. She delighted in seeing how much he wanted to flood her.

Tension rushed out of Brigitte, and she slumped against Brok. His manhood pulsed here and there, but his load diminished to little more than a mere taste. She inhaled, satisfied with all he shot out, and withdrew. He groaned as her lips—still wrapped tight to his softening shaft—traveled up to the head and slipped off.

Brok’s cock flopped forward, spent and shrinking. A smile curled Brigitte’s lips as she savored the last bit of spunk lingering. He planted another kiss on her happy pussy and retreated himself, breathing deep. His digits pumped several more times, slow and tender, before slipping out of her. She shuddered and whimpered.

“You came so much,” Brigitte managed between catching her breath and sighing in satisfaction. “Did it feel that good?” A knowing, lop-sided smile quirked her mouth as she craned her neck, peeking over her shoulder.

Brok shifted, and his half-lidded eyes came into view. Brigitte’s grin broadened. “Of course it did; you’re amazing, Brig.” His hands drifted up her thighs, and she shivered.

“You’re pretty good yourself.” Brigitte wiggled her backside in Brok’s face, cheerful.

Kisses trailed up Brigitte’s inner thigh, and she mewled and quavered. “I can see that. You tried to drown me back here.” Wetness glistened on Brok’s nose, cheeks, and chin, and he smirked. “Seems like we’re evenly matched.”

Something burned deep within Brigitte. The mere mention of being on the same level coaxed out her competitive side. That, combined with the aching hunger rising inside her, sent a thrill down her spine. Brok always strived to outdo her; perhaps it was her opportunity to show him he stood no chance…by making him cum his brains out.

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” Brigitte cradled Brok’s semi-erect manhood and waggled it in her hand. “I bet you wouldn’t last five minutes with me in charge.” She flashed a grin.

Amusement played across Brok’s face, and hunger shone in his eyes. “Oh, yeah? Try me.”

Brigitte licked her lips as Brok’s cock twitched back to life. As much as she wanted to blow him again, she had something else in mind. However, their current accommodations weren’t sufficient. She thought a moment before an idea came to her. They always pushed one another out on the gym floor, why not use that to their advantage?

Without warning, Brigitte let go of Brok and swung off the side of him. Her feet slapped against the ground, and her legs wobbled. He stared up at her, smiling, but didn’t attempt to rise to follow her. She steadied herself and extended a hand to him. He swiveled and took it, his still slick with her excitement. Anticipation bloomed.

Brok popped up to his feet with Brigitte’s help. They stood eye to eye, less than a couple inches from one another. His now-almost-erect dick stabbed at her thigh. He smirked as she bit her lip, trying her best not to take hold of him right then and there. She intertwined her fingers with his instead and lead him back out to the machinery.

In her current, lust-addled state, Brigitte forgot all about the possibility of someone else being there. However, whenever they came, no one else ever seemed to be around. Not most times anyway. Tonight proved no different. Yet she had to admit the thought of being caught did excite her. What would they do, tell them to stop?

Brigitte scanned her surroundings. Very few pieces of equipment would suit their needs, no matter how creative they got. Something straightforward would work as long as she could be on top. One of the bench presses would do. She guided Brok toward the nearest one, the barbell still bearing weights from their earlier session.

“Lay down,” Brigitte said, letting her hand slip from Brok’s. “I’m going ride you and see just how much I can push you.”

Brok cupped a handful of Brigitte’s ass and squeezed. “So demanding.” He trailed his fingers around her hip and across her crotch, above her little button. “But we’ll see who gives first.”

Without hesitation, Brigitte slapped Brok’s firm backside as he broke away from her. The clap rang out in the otherwise empty room, and he shot her a playful glare. She beamed, following him the last couple paces to the seat. He slung his leg over it, plopped down, and reclined. His dick stood tall, still glistening with her saliva.

Brigitte had to stop herself from staring and drooling. She hopped up, straddling Brok, his cock pressed to her belly. Her eyes drifted from their lower halves up. She brought her hands up and made them follow. Abs rippled under her touch, which gave way to his sculpted pecks. A shudder ran through her. While she had similar, feeling him up turned her on.

“Oh, that’s good,” Brok breathed as Brigitte caressed and stroked his body. He drifted up her forearms and over her toned biceps. His manhood twitched against her, reminding her of what she set out to do. She leaned forward, still gliding over his muscles, and grinded her drenched pussy against his shaft.

A moan eked out of Brigitte, but she continued her ministrations. “You’re so hard.”

“Which thing are you talking about?” Brok asked with a smirk.

Brigitte smacked Brok on the chest, but she couldn’t deny she liked his teasing. “These,” she ran her fingertips all over him in a deliberate, steady bid to excite him, “and this.” Her thighs flexed, and she rose to the head of his dick. She locked eyes with him before she lowered and took him back inside.

“Shit, Brig,” Brok groaned as she sank on his thick length. “You’re still so tight. You might crush me.”

“I hope not. You’re supposed to—” Brigitte moaned, cutting herself off. Brok’s manhood impaled her at a steady pace, splitting her open. Her breathing turned ragged the lower she went, but she didn’t dare stop.

A chuckle bubbled out of Brok, and his hands glided up over Brigitte’s shoulders and down her bust. He cupped her breasts and squeezed. “I think I can endure it. For you.”

Brigitte’s heart fluttered in her chest, and her breath vanished. Her legs quivered, dropping her the last inch. Brok grunted as her wright landed on him, but his cock throbbed. She leaned further into his embrace, and he groped her. Desire and pleasure coursed through her. She wanted to do nothing else but ride him until they both came their brains out.

“Careful,” Brok warned with a smirk.

Annoyance mixed with Brigitte’s rush of emotions, but she didn’t waste any time. She shifted around, leaning against Brok more and readying herself for what she was about to do. Their eyes locked, and she lifted herself. Whimpering tumbled from her lips as his manhood scraped out of her, and he fondled her.

Nothing could stop Brigitte now. Each fleeting second saw her rise higher and higher up Brok’s length. Ecstasy surged through her, and her nails raked across his chest. He, for his part, twitched inside her and let her work. Her insides clung to him, desperate not to let him go, heedless of the delight to follow. He tweaked her stiff, sensitive nipples.

Brigitte cried out and lost her focus. She slammed back down into Brok’s lap with a loud clap, his dick lancing her. Moans escaped her, but she wouldn’t allow him to win. Her thighs flexed, and she rose once again, working herself up to a steady rhythm. Each slap brought higher pleasures, and they reveled in the ecstasy of one another’s bodies.

“You feel so good, Brig.” Brok thrust up to meet her downward momentum, splitting her even more. “Ride my cock.”

Perverse desires escalated Brigitte’s heartbeat. The urge to obey Brok’s command spurred her to action, not that she wasn’t already doing that. However, hearing him express such wants, thinking only of her, aroused and excited her. Their entire world narrowed down to just the two of them in this moment, and she loved it.

Up and down Brigitte went as she bounced along Brok’s wonderful length. Her walls split for him with ease before shrinking back down, only to be spread again in an instant. Euphoria filled her, and, from the expression on his face and how he thrust counter to her movements, it inundated him, too. She couldn’t believe he had this intimate side to him.

“You’re filling me up so good,” Brigitte managed as she continued to work herself over on Brok’s manhood. Squelching rose every time he impaled her. “I could fuck you for hours.”

Brok bucked and throbbed. His rough, calloused fingers sank into Brigitte’s softness, and she yelped in surprise. “You’re so hot, Brig. Keep fucking me.” He didn’t need to tell her twice, or even once.

Brigitte lifted her hands from Brok’s pecks despite how much she wanted to stay connected to him. She grabbed ahold of the barbell above him and eased forward. The metal creaked from her weight and force. Her change in position and newfound leverage allowed her to pick up her pace. She rode him, frantic, and mewled his name.

Ecstasy danced down Brigitte’s spine as Brok ploughed into her under her diligent, lustful ministration. No matter how she tried to wrap her head around it, she couldn’t understand why he felt so good. Perhaps she didn’t want to lament over the fact that they could have started doing this years ago and she missed out on so much delight and pleasure.

The rough handgrip dug into Brigitte as her grip tightened. If not for them getting distracted by one another and leaving the weights on, it would have shifted out of its resting place. Instead, she used the firm foundation to push and pull herself. Her speed only grew faster and more relentless.

Brock’s cockhead struck and rubbed Brigitte’s g-spot with each in-out. She moaned and shuddered and clenched her teeth. The ecstasy was overwhelming, but she wouldn’t, couldn’t stop lest she end their wondrous fucking premature or let him win. She held on despite her pussy gripping him so tight. He continued to fondle her, but his actions began to flounder.

“Don’t stop,” Brigitte huffed as she groaned and bounced. She leaned into Brok’s embrace more, puffing her chest out, to coax him on.

Tenderness groped Brigitte while Brok drove himself up into her tightness. A throaty moan escaped her, and she wavered for a moment. She gyrated her hips to make up for her lack of up and down, grinding against him. He pinched her hypersensitive nipples between his fingers and rolled them around. Ecstasy jolted through her, and she bit her lip.

A flicker of exhaustion sparked in Brigitte’s body. They both were used to strenuous physical activity but not like this. Pushing through strain was one thing; enduring the ceaseless assault of pleasure, another. Even if she could ignore the ache, the sluggishness, she couldn’t dismiss the euphoria coursing through her veins.

“These are so soft compared to the rest of you,” Brok said with a smile, his voice wispy. He squeezed Brigitte’s breasts more, which delighted her.

Brigitte grinned, meeting Brok’s gaze. “I’m glad you like them so much.” She sucked in a sharp breath and raised her voice above the slapping of their flesh. “You can be,” a moan eked out of her as she attempted to suppress it, causing her to end up whimpering, “rougher.”

To Brigitte’s surprise, Brok’s hands vanished from her chest. She let out a confused, dissatisfied noise, but he continued. He rounded her back, cradling her between her shoulder blades. As she crashed down on him, he grunted and swept upward. His mass bumped into her and knocked her off the barbell. Her arms shot around him to prevent her from falling.

“What are you—”

A joyous squeal escaped Brigitte as Brok wrapped his lips around her left tit and sucked it into his mouth. She moaned and fell further into his embrace. Her fingers glided up into his damp hair, locking in place and pulling him into her. His tongue lashed her excited nub, and she rocked back and forth, grinding against him and working herself back up to riding him.

“Oh, Brok. Suck my tits while I use your cock.” Brigitte didn’t intend to sound so demanding, so dominant, yet, in the moment, she lost all sense of inhibitions.

Brok nipped Brigitte’s nipple and pulled back with a wet smack. “You’re really,” he squished her breasts together and rested his chin in her cleavage, “getting into this, huh?” Amusement and delight shone in his intense eyes.

“Sorry,” Brigitte breathed as she gyrated and bounced in Brok’s lap, his manhood working in and out of her.

“Don’t be. I love this side of you.” Hands rand down Brigitte’s back to her bottom and squeezed.

Before Brigitte said a word, Brok tilted his head down and planted a series of kisses on her jiggling bosom. He teased and lavished her sensitive flesh before sucking the other breast. She wanted to lock lips with him, but she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed this as well. There would be plenty of time for making out later. Perhaps while they both came.

Leaning back, Brigitte flexed her thighs and hugged Brok tighter. She rose to the head of his cock before slamming back down. His girth split her with each bounce, and his head struck her g-spot. Moans tumbled from her lips. Ecstasy surged, and she arched her back as she worked harder, faster. Claps rang out every time their bodies came together.

“Brok,” Brigitte moaned, forcing him to suckle on her tit more. “I’m getting close.”

A throb ran through Brok’s length, and he bucked into Brigitte. He gave her more, his mouth working her over with frantic, wild ministrations. The tips of his fingers sank into her asscheeks. He gripped her tighter and aided her rise and fall on him. She didn’t need to hear him express his closeness, she felt it.

Brigitte threw her head back and fucked Brok in a frenzy. Her muscles drove her despite the fatigue seeping into her. Between their workout session and all the sex, she found her strength wavering. Still, she pushed herself. She wouldn’t have the climax of their wonderful time together be ruined by a little tiredness.

Tremors wracked Brigitte as she attempted to keep herself in one piece a little while longer. “Give it to me, Brok.” She tightened around his twitching shaft but didn’t go off. “Cum inside me.”

Pleasure coursed through them as they rushed toward their finish. Brok pulled back from Brigitte’s tit, letting it snap back into place with a wet smack. She huffed and mewled and bounced on his cock. His hot, heavy breath blew over her damp chest and up her neck. She tilted her head back down, eyes half-lidded, and lunged for him.

Their lips pressed together, and Brigitte forced her tongue into Brok’s mouth. He groaned against her and thrust up into her as she crashed down on him. She shrieked, muffled, and clamped down on him inside and out. Her body locked up and convulsions overtook her. He jumped deep in her depths and burst.

Ropes of thick, hot seed erupted in Brigitte’s happy pussy. She gushed as Brok flooded her, showering his crotch in her arousal and excitement. More jizz pumped into her with each pulse and tingles danced along her skin. Her toes curled and her fingers dug into the back of his head. Any thought she still had vanished in a chorus of perverse delights.

Tension rushed out of Brigitte, and they broke their kiss. Brok sucked in a deep breath. She slumped forward, leaning her forehead against his, and opened her eyes. His stared into hers. A satisfied, elated smile spread across both their faces. He continued to shoot more cum into her happy pussy—each new load causing the previous one to ooze out.

Brigitte sighed as her chest rose and fell in quick, shallow bursts. Weakness took her, and she melted into his strong embrace. “That was amazing.”

“This is not how I anticipated the night going,” Brok mused with a lop-sided grin. “It was so much better, and I’m glad.”

“So am I,” Brigitte said with a chuckle. She leaned in and kissed Brok, tender and sweet.

Fingers groped Brigitte’s backside before they traveled up her spine. Sweat ran down her body and some dripped on Brok. His skin glistened, too, and she allowed her hands to run down his back opposite his movements. Muscles rippled under her touch, and she shuddered. The aftershocks of her orgasm still coursed through and delighted her.

Amusement played on Brok’s face. His gaze wandered between their bodies, and his softening manhood twitched within Brigitte. “Looks like we need another shower.”

Brigitte straightened herself and cocked her head to the side, grinning. “My place?”

Author's note: Thank you for reading! If you like my work, consider supporting me on Patreon, Ko-fi or follow me on Twitter @MBPandaWirtes. I'm also available for commissions.

Gym-Buddies by MBPanda


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