The-Bad-End-Adventures-of-Lara-Croft by TiffyBell [ PATREON ] [ TWITTER ] [ DISCORD ]
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Anyone can suggest future story prompts for the Patreon poll, even sequels to past prompts! Hit me up on Discord, Twitter, or just leave a comment here! :D
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Weekly Short Story Poll Winner for: April 2021 - Week #3
Chapter Tags: [Futanari] [Oral Sex] [Vaginal Sex] [Anal Sex] [Cum Swapping] [Ri…
Become a Patron for as little as $1 and have early access to all stories, as well as having a voice in future story topics!
Anyone can suggest future story prompts for the Patreon poll, even sequels to past prompts! Hit me up on Discord, Twitter, or just leave a comment here! :D
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Weekly Short Story Poll Winner for: March 2021 - Week #4
Chapter Tags: [Bad End] [Futanari] [Oral Sex] [Vaginal Sex] [Messy] [Cum Vomit] [Petrification] [NO DEATH THOUGH, BTW! TECHNICALLY!]
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Lara pulled herself onto the ledge of the ancient stone catacombs before looking back over the edge. Dust floated down from where she had just been on the questionably stable wall. There was no turning back at this point. She still felt her heart racing from the adrenaline pumping through her veins. There was nothing quite like a brush with mortality to really turn her on. Most people in her line of work were cold and calculating, doing research and planning these trips so far in advance that nearly any of their competitors might have already snagged the treasure.
The British woman had learned from experience that it was more fun to test the limits of her skills and simply do the research later. With more than a few death-defying feats under her belt at this point, Lara soon realized she was a bit of an adrenaline junkie. She lived for the next rush to keep her going. Everything else was boring and a waste of time. The more addicted to danger she became, the more she started to get off on it as well. Sometimes she couldn’t even wait to get out of the situation before she had to drop what she was doing and masturbate.
She could already feel that today was going to be one of those days. She held her breath as she squeezed and shimmied through the tight space leading into the next room. Her breasts were compacted against her chest as she moved and each sideways step caused them to drag across the stone wall. She felt her nipples harden as they rubbed against the wall through the fabric of her top and sports bra. The brunette had to wonder if she was already horny or if the tight, enclosed space was enough to push her into depravity.
Lara held off masturbating for now, though. She couldn’t even reach her wet pussy as she slid along the old, forgotten bricks. Taking a long, labored breath, she finally saw the dark, shadowy room at the end of this nearly impossible path. The British woman hurried until she was finally able to take in a full, albeit stale, breath of air.
This hidden chamber had no light aside from the meager torchlight that carried in from the previous chamber. Lara was used to this scenario, though. She lit a flare and held it up as she stared around the rather unimpressive room. There was a puddle near a wall with a slow and constant trickle. There was some type of moss growing along the corners of the floor and ceiling. To the opposite side of that wall was a dark, shadowy entrance to a hallway that brought a smirk to the brunette’s lips. Needless to say, she knew exactly where she was headed next.
With the flare to guide her way, she stepped into the hallway and wondered just how long it was. Even as she squinted her eyes, she couldn’t discern anything aside from more darkness. A few steps later and she turned around, noting she couldn’t see anything from the way she had come from either. Sighing, she shrugged and carried on. The sense of the unknown dangers ahead only further excited her. After following the corridor for so long she realized there was no chance she was even remotely close to the ruins of the castle anymore.
A sudden flicker in the distance caught Lara’s eye and she smiled. Whether it was something treacherous or not didn’t concern the eager woman. Her pace quickened until she entered a dimly lit, circular room. Old, moss-covered statues adorned the various alcoves lining the walls with unlit sconces positioned between each. In the center of the room was a circular altar bathed in daylight as it streamed in from the center of the domed ceiling.
“Extraordinary,” Lara muttered out loud as she admired the architecture while trying to place just how old the structure was.
“I’ll say,” a husky voice called out from behind the distracted woman.
Lara’s eyes widened and her first reaction was to grab her pistol as she spun around, still holding the flare in the other hand. As she aimed the gun at the person’s head, she was absolutely shocked. “Who…? Wh-what are you…?”
The other was decidedly female, based on her curvaceous, nude body. Lara blushed as she stared at the woman’s large breasts and shapely hips. The most confusing part, other than finding someone naked in an ancient, hidden room underground, was her light purple skin. The British woman’s first thought was that it was her eyes playing tricks on her due to the low light of the room mixed with the vibrant illumination of the flare, but the closer the stranger approached, Lara realized there were a few more odd features she’d failed to notice.
“Who… am I?” the woman repeated, as if somewhat confused by the words themselves. She paused for a moment, her smile widening as she now seemed to comprehend the question. “I am… free… now that you have found me.”
While the woman’s massive tits were certainly distracting, with her hard nipples baring a slightly darker shade of the same purple hue, Lara still found herself looking at the approaching figure’s yellow eyes. The playful, flirtatious grin on the woman’s lips was more than a bit alarming.
Lara arched a brow, cautiously backing up to keep her distance from the inhuman woman. The more the brunette stared, the more she realized this woman couldn’t possibly exist. Her hair, previously thought to be black, was actually a darker shade of purple as well. Lara narrowed her eyes as she stared, finally noting the small, purplish-pink horns at the crown of her head.
There was no way this was happening. Hurrying backward, Lara looked over her shoulder to the direction she had entered from, only to see a solid stone wall behind her with two inlaid statues at the sides, much like the rest of the circular room. Furrowing a brow in confusion, Lara quickly spun around in desperation as she searched for the entrance. None of this made sense. The brunette turned around again, only to see the woman standing directly in front of her, still smiling. Gasping, Lara jerked away, only for her back to push against the ancient brick wall.
“You are quite excitable,” the woman said as her eyes lecherously wandered over Lara’s body. “I have been here for so long. I started to wonder if anyone would happen upon me again. And then you come along. Such a wonderful treat…!” The woman placed her hands against the wall and leaned forward, never touching Lara as she deeply inhaled her scent.
Lara’s hand shook as she raised her pistol once again. Knowing the danger she was in, she didn’t hesitate as she fired three rounds into the purple woman’s stomach. Her yellow eyes went wide with surprise while the gunfire echoed against the walls of the chamber. She stepped backward, glancing to her flat stomach and curiously poking at the trio of wounds while dark, black sludge trailed down her stomach and over her thighs. The woman brought her hand to her mouth, licking the black slime away with her abnormally long tongue.
“Interesting,” she commented while the seeping muck reversed course up her stomach and back into the wounds before closing up, as if they were never there at all. “Oh, how things have changed. And yet the reason behind the impulse remains the same...”
“Y-you’re not human…” Lara said in disbelief.
“Was that ever in doubt?” the creature arched a brow as she continued to look Lara’s exquisite body over. “I’ve been here longer than most simple humans can even begin to comprehend. Today, I’ll have served my terms of my imprisonment, though. I look forward to learning what I’ve missed…”
Lara continued to stare in fascination and horror. She finally saw something swaying behind the woman, though. Noticing the way the brunette stared, the creature let the appendage swing into view before wrapping around her own thigh. “This catch your attention? It’s just a tail. Nothing at all to worry about. But, I’m simply dying to know,” the purple woman nibbled her bottom lip as she changed the subject, “…why you’re here.”
Lara didn’t know what to make of the creature’s attempt at small-talk. She just wanted to get out of here and quickly as possible. “I’m in search of artifacts that were lost to time.”
The creature arched a brow and scoffed. “A grave robber, then? A plunderer?”
“It’s for historical purposes,” Lara suddenly became defensive, wondering why she was having this conversation with an ancient, magic being. “What I find helps us understand past civilizations that were lost and forgotten.”
“Your scent betrays your intent. I’ve known many scholars and they never smelled like you do right now… Although, I certainly appreciate the effort to be remembered,” the being gave a sinister chuckle. “Did you stop to think that not all forgotten things should be recalled?”
“I am beginning to change my mind about it, yes…” Lara still aimed the gun at the creature, as if it would have made a difference at all. She certainly noticed how the creature hadn’t actually touched her yet, and then wondered if it was even able to. “How do I get out of here? …if I just-so-wanted to forget what I’ve found?”
“You would leave me alone again?” the creature playfully pouted, followed by a hearty laugh. “The only way out is up there, little one.” She pointed to the hole in the center of the domed ceiling.
Lara glared as she looked at the exit. She wished she could find the way she had originally entered, but she was just eager to escape any way she could at this point. “Thank you for your hospitality. I’ll be sure to send a postcard…”
The creature arched a brow, not having a basis of understanding for mail in general, thus missing the quip. She stood in place as she watched the brunette cautiously walk past her and pull out a rope and some climbing gear. The purple woman placed her hands on her hips. “You’re a smart girl. I know you’ve figured it out—that I can’t touch you. You have access to my wealth of knowledge and yet you choose to run away? I can tell you things that would confound you for days. Don’t you want to know a little more about me?”
Lara certainly was curious. She suspiciously narrowed her eyes as she stood at the intricately carved stone altar. Still, she affixed the grappling hook to the length of rope before effortlessly swinging the rope for momentum and tossing the hook through the aperture in the dome on her first try. Giving the rope a tug and making sure her exit was secured, she turned her attention back to the creature. “Okay, so spill it… Tell me who and what you are and why I should stick around and listen?”
The creature smiled. “You’re a smart girl. As for my name, I am Suada. You probably have ideas about what I am. Considering how feared I was, I’d be surprised if a few tales didn’t survive the ages. I am the last of the Lilin. They called us ‘succubi’ at one point, but that terminology was always so reductive and closed minded. As if I’m always on the bottom? Truth be told, I rather prefer being on top…” the demon grinned as she eased closer to Lara.
Lara huffed and rolled her eyes. “Because ‘succubus’ means ‘to lie beneath’… I get it.”
“Smart and voluptuous. Maybe I’m not the last of my kind,” the creature chuckled. “I was imprisoned here by a cadre of holy men from various faiths, all working together for once instead of slaughtering one another. I’m certain they went right back to that as soon as I was out of the way. So, as I’m sure you can imagine, I’ve been patiently waiting, wondering if I would ever be free. I started to lose hope but then you came along!”
“Oh,” Lara smirked, “I don’t think I’ll be assisting you. I draw the line at the supernatural… usually. I assume those holy men put you here for a reason…”
“You say that as you enter my domain, dressed in little more than the rags of a harlot, proving to me that the world has changed. Tell me, girl, how many times have you been persecuted for showing your god-given flesh? Punished for partaking in natural urges simply because men are jealous of your pleasure and freedom? I know little of what goes on in the world above, but you can’t deny that you would suffer my fate or worse if you were alive during that time. Instead, you were lucky enough to inherit your current world.”
The words rang true. So many travesties took place just because of man’s insecurities and evil desire for control. In the outside world, this demon would probably fit in perfectly. Lara crossed her arms. “So, let’s say I was interested in helping. What’s stopped you from climbing out of here on your own?”
“For starters, my jailers didn’t leave me with rope and a hook,” the purple demon smirked. “Simply told, this chamber is sealed with divine energy that won’t allow me to leave… or directly interact with living creatures. The lovely artwork I’ve been left with,” she motioned to the eleven statues in the recesses of the walls, “are the sacrifices given to the gods.”
Lara blinked as she took a closer look at the nude statues, noting their rather awkward expressions and stances. Approaching one, she narrowed her eyes and tilted her head. “I thought they were just statues, right? How would—?”
“Oh, they most certainly were once flesh and blood,” the demon chuckled. Lara grimaced at the grizzly revelation while the creature continued on. “Every curse, ritual, and superstitious spell was cast upon this place to keep me here. Only one worked.”
“They killed these people to keep you here?” Lara regretfully asked.
“Yes,” the demon sighed. “And every day I gaze upon their faces, haunted by their cries...”
The British woman noted the ambient light from the center of the room grew dimmer, signaling the lateness of the afternoon. She had no intent upon finding her way through the forest after dark. “Well, again—it has been a pleasure,” Lara said with an apathetic shrug before she started to climb the rope… except she suddenly felt so weak. She made it a few feet up before she had to let go, her boots slamming to the stone floor again. She quickly tried again, not wanting to spend any more time than she needed to with the demon—except she fell again, not even making it a full foot up the rope.
“Are you tired?” the demon smiled. “Maybe you want to rest? You can lay your head on my lap and maybe try again after a little nap?”
“D-don’t be daft. I can’t touch you even if I wanted to,” Lara glared at the creature.
“Oh, that’s true. Sometimes I forget. I don’t have many visitors, after all,” Suada shrugged while that sinister smirk remained.
Lara glared at the demon for a moment as she breathed heavily. For as little effort as she just exerted she shouldn’t have been out of breath. The British woman was in impeccable shape. She had spent the whole morning leaping over trenches and scaling walls with nothing more than her bare hands. A vertical rope climb should have been a cakewalk. Still catching her breath, she stared upward while placing her hands on her hips and wondered why she couldn’t do something that should have been so easy.
“Is there a problem?” the demon nibbled her bottom lip.
Lara gave an accusatory glare. “It’s you, isn’t it? You’re why I can’t get out…”
The purple woman faked a gasp of surprise while still grinning. “Such hurtful words…”
“But you can’t touch me. How are you doing this?” The British woman’s breathing never quite settled. Even standing there, she constantly felt as if she had just finished a marathon. Every muscle ached and her body grew hotter while sweat dripped from her brow.
“I can’t touch you, but that hasn’t stopped me from feeding on you,” the creature laughed. “From the moment you entered my prison, I knew you were a unique one. The others required every bit of seduction and cunning to lure them into a state where I could strip them of their essence. You walk in, already so perfectly poised to surrender. I was worried you might escape. You… probably should have climbed out while you still had the strength to…”
Lara swallowed hard as her body grew hotter and her muscles ached. She shook her head and grabbed the rope, still determined to get out. Fighting through the pain, she made it a bit further up than before, but a few feet higher wasn’t much of an improvement. Her arms and legs burned as she grunted and groaned, ultimately unable to make it any further up the rope. Even in her current state, it should have been an easy climb but fear and anxiety only forced her to expend more energy as she gripped harder and used terrible form, ultimately dooming her to failure.
Drenched in sweat, Lara was at the bottom of the rope again, hatefully glaring while true fear plagued her mind. It wasn’t an emotion the adventure-seeking woman was accustomed to experiencing. With the exhaustion came a new sensation of discomfort upon her skin. Her wet, sweat-soaked top felt itchy against her skin, and her shorts felt too tight, as if they were digging into no matter how she squirmed or adjusted herself. Nothing felt right, and she knew all of it was due to the demon. “You… you deserve to be here…” Lara huffed between deep, exhausted breaths.
The purple woman only stood there in silence, watching as the brunette suffered. Much like her exhaustion, the sensation of her clothing against her skin grew more irritating. With shaky, fatigued arms, she reluctantly grabbed her shirt and yanked it from her body and dropping the heavy, drenched garment to the ground. It wasn’t enough, though. Unclasping her belt, she dropped her holster and pulled down her shorts and panties, kicking them away with the first bit of relief she’d felt so far.
The demon licked her lips as she inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent of the woman’s dripping, wet pussy. She intently watched as Lara’s bra was the next piece of clothing to go, leaving her completely naked aside from her boots and socks, which didn’t last much longer. Completely naked, the British woman took a long and labored sigh now that she didn’t feel so restless and irritated.
“This is my favorite part,” the demon’s eyes rolled back and her mouth gaped open, as if she was savoring the most delicious morsel.
Lara clenched her hands into tight fists. She didn’t care if the demon couldn’t touch her. As angry as she was, the brunette was at least going to attempt to strike the creature. Still sweating profusely, Lara’s skin shimmered in the low light of the chamber. With a quick pivot of her hips, she pulled her fist back and lunged forward with a heavy blow aimed toward the purple bitch’s face.
As if Lara had been moving in slow motion, the demon raised a hand and caught the fist in her palm. The feel of the demon’s warm hand covering hers was somewhat shocking, but it was nowhere near as alarming as the wide, wicked grin covering Suada’s mouth. “I guess it’s more accurate to say I can’t touch you… first. But now that you’ve touched me…”
That drained feeling assaulted the brunette even more, but it quickly turned to a tingling desire throughout her body. It wasn’t a slow and gradual sensation, but a rushing desire that flooded her mind. Lara’s focus turned from anger to lust as her already-dripping pussy flowed with an unnatural amount of arousal. Even her eyes couldn’t pull away from the demon’s giant tits. The British woman only wanted to squeeze the massive mounds of flesh and wrap her lips around the hard, purple nubs.
“That’s right, girl. Give in to your desires. Go on. Touch them,” the demon said in such a sweet tone.
Lara’s tired and aroused mind knew better. She had already fucked up by trying to assault the demon. Even as she attempted to pull her hand away, the creature’s grip remained tight on her fist. Her willpower faltered more every second. The brunette’s eyes still hadn’t left the demon’s chest. Like a siren’s call, Lara leaned forward, shoving her sweat-covered face between the soft, squishy flesh of the demon’s cleavage. Her eyes bolted open as she realized her mistake immediately. The demon touching her hand had been enough to strip Lara of her willpower, but nuzzling against the creature’s big, purple tits was a complete overload to her already weakened mind.
The British woman moaned as a sudden and intense orgasm washed over her body. Her juices squirted from her cunt, fully coating the insides of her thighs and trickling down her calves. Her eyes rolled back as she leaned into the demon while more of her flesh made contact with Suada’s body. Lara’s other hand landed upon the demon’s hip, quickly easing further back and squeezing the woman’s plush rear.
Even the creature gave a soft moan of pleasure, although Lara wasn’t entirely certain it was due to their contact. She released Lara’s fist, considering her influence had already completely corrupted the girl. The brunette felt a familiar but unexpected prodding against her stomach. It was larger than any she had felt before, but even unseen, there was no denying that a big, warm dick was pressing against her stomach. Mustering the strength to pull away, she stared at the huge, purple dick, wondering if any of this was real at this point…
“Oh, it’s most certainly real,” the demon giggled as she wrapped her fingers around the length and gave it a few strokes. A thick bead of pre-cum enticingly dribbled from the tip. “And yes, to answer your question, I can hear your thoughts now that you’re under my control. It’s how my type can always give our victims exactly what they want.”
Lara stared at the monstrously big dick in front of her and licked her lips. It didn’t take much effort for the exhausted adventurer to drop to her knees in front of the demon. Her delicate fingers wrapped around the meaty cock, guiding it to her lips before she took the head into her mouth. She wasted no time as her cheeks hollowed around it and she bobbed back and forth. Lara energetically serviced the demon’s cock, her tongue lapping against the underside with each eager motion.
The creature was a being of lust, but it had been so long since she’d experienced this pleasure. She simply couldn’t last long with Lara so vigorously sucking her off. Much like before, her eyes rolled back and a sweet, unexpected moan spilled from her lips while her massive cock flexed. A heavy torrent of demonic spunk gushed into the brunette’s mouth. She swallowed, but the flow was just too powerful as jizz forced its way from Lara’s nose. The British woman gagged at first and attempted to pull away, but this display was simply too good for the severely undersexed demon. The creature grabbed her by the hair and held her in place while cum continued to erupt from Lara’s nose and sputter from the corners of her overstuffed mouth. The massive and creamy load trailed down the brunette’s chin, over her chest and stomach before forming a puddle beneath the woman.
Still, the demon’s inhuman cock continued to flex while her head tilted back and she continuously moaned. She nibbled her bottom lip as she gripped Lara’s head a little tighter and shoved her hips forward, shoving the head of her cock into the brunette’s throat. Hot jizz still splattered into her guts, filling her until her flat stomach bulged and sloshed with every panicked motion.
Finally happy, the demon let go of the girl’s head and pushed her backward. Lara wanted to take a deep breath, but she didn’t have a choice in what happened next. With wide, tear-streaked eyes, jizz gushed from her open mouth in a constant, unstoppable stream until the pressure on her stuffed stomach equalized. Even now, there was a roundness to her belly, signaling there was still so much spunk left inside. The whole front of her body was covered in cum while she coughed and sputtered as she struggled to breathe. Even as she took deep breaths, the first thing that came to mind was that mind-breaking, purple dick. Lara swallowed as she stared at the monstrous thing again, fantasizing about tasting it again.
Suada gave her just a bit more time to marvel at the massive, magical cock before she roughly picked Lara up and bent her over the altar. The British woman knew exactly where this was headed, especially as she felt the slick head of the creature’s cock rubbing against her wet cunt. She couldn’t wait to feel the thick, demonic length spearing into her. Lara knew she should hate the idea, but she was far past logical thought anymore. Arching her back, she pushed herself onto the demon’s dick, immediately feeling it stretching her pussy as it easily slid inside.
A satisfied grin rose over her lips as the massive cock head bumped against the entrance to her womb. Even still, Lara hadn’t taken the entire thing yet. The demon’s powerful fingers dug into the girl’s hips, holding her in place as Suada brutally slammed into Lara. The brunette’s thighs bounced against the altar with every thrust while her cries of passion echoed within the chamber.
Lara’s was focused only on pleasure as that thick cock plunged into her, but she couldn’t help but notice the other statues. She hadn’t paid attention before, but each of the figures was a naked female. Of the ones she could see, two had their mouths open in what could only be described as ecstasy. Their stomachs were slightly rounded, which reminded Lara of the heavy load of cum still sloshing around in her own stomach with every thrust of the demon’s hips. Absently, she wondered why she hadn’t seen those details of the statues before—not that any of it mattered now.
The creature’s motions grew harder as her bitch-breaking length rearranged Lara’s body so the whole impossible length could fit inside of her cunt. The demon’s hips slapped against the brunette’s round ass, causing the supple flesh to jiggle with every savage impact. With a mighty growl of victory, the purple demon slammed forward until her hips slapped against the adventurer’s round, jiggling ass. There was a hot eruption of cum that quickly pumped into her pussy, filling every bit of space within her until the demon’s subsequent thrusts forced messy spurts of jizz to splatter outward and drip down the back of Lara’s thighs and the front of the Suada’s.
As the demon came, so did the brunette. Lara never felt happier as the massive cock spasmed and flexed inside of her. Her eyes rolled back and her mouth hung open as a low groan of pleasure spilled from Lara’s lips. Her pussy clenched around the pounding cock while more of their combined juices splattered onto the floor. The demon happily purred as she ground herself against Lara’s rear. Stepping back, the thick length pulled out, allowing the full deluge of jizz to rush out of the brunette’s gaping pussy while another orgasm was triggered within the moaning slut.
Whimpering and catching her breath, Lara gasped as the demon picked her up, carrying her away from the altar. She was too exhausted to fight back, even if she wanted to. Each touch from the creature was a divine blessing that triggered more pleasure within her lust-drunk mind. Lara suddenly winced as she felt the cold, stone wall against her back, realizing she was in an empty space where a statue should be. Confused and somewhat sobered by the odd actions of the demon, she tried to push Suada away, but the purple creature’s grip wrapped around Lara’s neck to hold her in place.
“Relax, girl. When you wake up everything will be different. By then you’ll have a change of heart,” the demon chuckled as she took one last look over the girl’s naked body.
Lara’s eyes widened and she weakly grabbed at the demon’s wrist. “N-no! I can’t die here…!”
“Silly girl,” the creature smirked, completely unfazed by the brunette’s struggles. “You’ll never die. You’ll live like the others, bound by the curse that holds this place together.” She idly glanced at the other statues. “But don’t worry. One day, when it’s your turn, some curious adventurer will take your place… just like you’ve taken mine. Until we meet again, girl.”
Before Lara could offer any weak struggles or resistance, the demon’s lips pushed against her own. Suada’s long, inhuman tongue swirled around hers before threatening to push down her throat. A sudden surge of pleasure welled up within the British woman’s core. Every muscle clenched as Lara climaxed again, sending another gush of femme-cum down her thighs while the demon made out with her. The pleasure fogged her mind, delightfully distracting her as she came down from her orgasmic high.
And the demon pulled away from the kiss and licked her lips as she stared at Lara’s half-lidded , blank expression of ecstasy with her mouth open, captured in stone. The creature nibbled her bottom lip as she looked the girl over as she felt the bonds of the spell lifted from her and transferred into the adventurer. The demonic cum would work its magic on Lara’s body for as long as she was imprisoned here. By the creature’s estimate, it would be at least a millennia or so, considering there were eleven other statues before her.
Suada looked at the transformed woman and a smirk crossed her face. It had been fun to trick this one. Maybe she would shorten Lara’s period of imprisonment by steering a few wanderers in the direction of the chamber…
She would do that later, she decided. Until then, Suada had a brand new world to experience…
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This text is part of a set with 2 other files.
The-Bad-End-Adventures-of-Lara-Croft by TiffyBell
- Date
- 3 years ago
- Source
- Hentai Foundry
- Popularity
- 24
- Views
- 347
- Tags
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