1.2 Commission: Overwatch: Perspective by fizzer You awaken from your sleep. It's not too far off from midnight, you just got to bed maybe an hour or so ago, you can't remember. All you do remember is that you had found some pictures of a particular Cockney woman, one you were a big fan of, and let out some steam in order to assure a good night's rest. You go to look at your smartphone, checking the time, only to find it isn't where you had left it. Looking at your nightstand, you move your hand about frantically to get a feel for it, but to…
1.2 Her Reality by Kallie Symmetra sat, cross-legged, in the precise centre of her bed. The hotel room the Vishkar Corporation had booked for her was very nice. Very neat. Symmetra could picture every detail of it, even with her eyes closed. Vishkar knew her needs, and with their riches China was no different to anywhere else. In here, anyway. Down on the streets it was so busy, so disorganised. It reminded her of home, and not in a good way. She preferred to remain in her hotel room, her private sanctuary, where she co…
0 Overwatch: Work Efficiency by Eloy Chapter 3: D.Va’s concerns Mercy noticed that D.Va suspected that there is something off with the new morale boosting initiative and started to snoop around, surely she wouldnt find anything incriminating but precautions are in place. With widowmaker's help Angela planted some subliminals in the Korean's mech, making her slightly more agreeable. After some time Mercy scheduled a visit with the morale officer regarding D,Vas recent behavior in the usual room containing the strong …
0 Overwatch: Work Efficiency by Eloy Chapter 1: Widowmaker, the founders Mercy sat at her clinic, the blonde read the report on the discovery of Talon's brainwashing program and the result of a research on reverting it, the possible cure for Widowmaker may have been found. Zeigler tapped her desk a few times when the intercom took her attention, she took in the information and responded. "Perfect, bring her in ASAP." The blue skinned assassin struggled as she was lead into the room, a sack over her head and…
0 Overwatch: Work Efficiency by Eloy Chapter 2: Tracer’s attitude adjustment The next day, Mercy sits and observes the computer, monitoring the data while widowmaker is off sucking off some lower rank soldiers as a part of the new morale initiative. The lower rank personnel is efficient enough with the prospect of such an exclusive reward. Suddenly, a pop up on her screen drew her attention, first high enough ranked person that signed up for one on one with Widowmaker. The doctor now awaits the morale officer to ret…
0 Overwatch: Work Efficiency by Eloy Chapter 4: Mercy’s relief Widowmaker adjusted her clothes before knocking on Mercy's door. Hearing the call to come in she walked through, hips swaying from side to side as she gave the Swiss Doctor a brief smile before taking a seat at the desk. "You wanted to see me Doctor? I assume you want to hear about how well my Initiative is going no?" "Indeed Amelle, how did you two last subjects go through? How are they performing now?" Mercy turned from her desk returning t…
0 Overwatch: Work Efficiency by Eloy Chapter 5: Negotiating with Symmetra Satya Vaswani was representing Vishkar Corporation as an envoy to Overwatch, she negotiated selling some of the light based technology with dr. Zeigler for the Swiss to use in unknown purpose, the indian was intrigued by the said purpose. After the long day of negotiations Symmetra was offered a stay for a night at Overwatch, which she accepted. As she moved to her offered accommodation for the night, the subliminals crafted for the brown skin…