“And for my next trick, I now pronounce you--” Lyralei’s full, bowed and soft pink lips curved in a smile that quickly became a grin, flashing her pearly teeth as her fingers reached back to her quiver. The next arrow she pulled from it began to glow even before her fingers touched it, its shape shimmering and shivering; her magic turned its solid shaft into something far more pliant and rope-like, its ordinary colors becoming white-gold. Its sharp arrowhead and its fletching became little more than weighted balls. 

“Oh, balls,” Sven the Rogue Knight grunted, lowering his massive greatsword to reach for his belt. He pulled his much-beloved Blink Dagger from where it hung, giving it a brisk shake. It remained dull, lacking the telltale sheen that signalled it was ready for use. Unfortunately for Sven, shaking it did not make the artifact’s magic replenish itself any faster. He had used it to ambush the Radiant side’s troops. One swing had been enough to send four of them to an early grave. Fighting for the Dire was hardly an honorable cause, but he took whatever work paid and always gave it a hundred and twenty percent of his effort. It wasn’t like the soldiers would stay dead -- soon enough, the magic of their Ancient would bring them back to life and send them once more marching forward and into battle.

They weren’t dying for the fuck of it: the bounties on their heads would go a long way towards funding the enchanted items that would boost Sven’s legendary strength to unimaginable levels. For the last hour, he’d been trying to save up for the most important (and expensive) alchemical component of the mythical Heart of Tarrasque, one of the demonic axes known as a Reaver. But over and over again...

“Not again,” the Rogue Knight groaned from behind his massive helmet, glancing up through its visor just in time to see Lyralei throw her Shackleshot at him, her arrows-turned-bolas that she didn’t even shoot, much to everyone’s irritation. He had no time to dodge it. The worst part came in the immediate moments before impact, however, when the quick moving, quick shooting and quick talking redhead finished her favourite taunt.

“--Man and tree!” Lyralei proudly declared, laughing gaily as the magical bola bound Sven tightly to his literally willowy bride. “Jeez, Sven, if you like trees so much, you should just throw out your sword and fight with a branch.” Just as quickly as she made and threw the bola, she had another arrow nocked and ready to go.

Unfortunately for Sven, the Windranger had been waiting for her chance to ambush him, having watched his advance through cleverly-placed Observer wards. Right after that first swing, she had used her own Blink Dagger to put herself in perfect position for that Shackleshot, ensuring there would be something behind Sven to shackle him to. The only remaining member of the squad, a terrified village boy turned archer, watched on with traumatized eyes. His fingers quivered as he lifted his bow, an arrow already nocked, and shot it little more than two feet in Sven’s direction. Neither hero noticed him.

This was the ninth time in a row Lyralei had interrupted the Rogue Knight’s farming, and he was no closer to completing his Heart of Tarrasque than when he had begun. “Shut up and get this over with, you soulless ginger wench,” he growled at his frequent enemy-slash-ally. In the neverending cycle of the War of the Ancients, Lyralei could be an astonishing asset to whatever side was lucky enough to have her services -- but her jokes, her overly-chipper attitude -- they were just a little much, and far more grating when one was against her.

“Aw, but I like having a captive audience,” the talented, wind-blessed archer let her grin lapse, if only to fake a pout at the towering knight who always made her feel so damn small in comparison. “Have it your way!” Before the Radiant’s rank-and-file archer could fumble out another arrow, she had shot an arrow into Sven’s armor. By the time the man’s fingers even touched a shaft, she had fired three more, peppering and needling the blue knight with arrow after arrow, quickly turning him from an imposing figure into her personal pincushion.

Sven tried to conduct himself honorably. He did, he truly did. As the bastard of a Vigil Knight raised in the Shadeshore Ruins, he had little more than his honor -- mostly because he had joined his father’s chivalric order for the explicit purpose of destroying it in an act of revenge, as they had murdered his father for the simple act of partaking in his conception. He was known as the Rogue Knight for a reason, and was only beholden to himself. His honor was a flexible thing, and lapsed often, particularly when he found himself pecked to death by the two-legged, bow-slinging feminine equivalent of a woodpecker.

“Fucking-- terrible-- jokes--” Sven growled as his armor ate shaft after shaft, each one seeming to puncture deeper through it than the last. His herculean muscles strained against the magical ropes that held him tight, but even his strength could only push so far against magic. His supporting hero had chided him time and time again for refusing to abandon his quest for a Heart of Tarrasque instead of simply spending the gold he earned on a more affordable and far more useful Black King Bar, which would give him the magical immunity he needed to defeat Lyralei each time she attacked him. Just when he was feeling that regret most keenly, he said the thing he should have started with if he wanted it over with quickly: “Flat-chested bitch,” he howled.

Lyralei froze mid-draw, flinching like she always did when someone pointed out her obvious weakness. In that time, her bindings on Sven began to fade, and the arrow-studded knightley stud began to lurch forward despite how much blood was currently leaking out of the many holes she had put in his armor and his flesh, roaring his rage, bolstering himself with a war cry that would galvanize even the most cowardly soldier, were he not hunting for gold alone behind enemy lines. His shout almost didn’t seem to end, only getting angrier as it carried on. 

The Rogue Knight had his own magic, too -- and his magic turned his armor red and made his already massive build bulge even more. The metal that protected him creaked in protest as he amplified his strength and brought his oversized greatsword around with one hand, wielding it as easily as a dagger. He’d show Lyralei why he was so unstoppable in melee combat, and how he had shattered the Vigil Knights’ sacred helm.

Just as he was closing in, just as he was coming within blade’s reach of her -- Lyralei snapped back into action, her pretty lips pursing into a tight line. She swiftly lifted her bow and pulled back her bowstring with all the strength her lean but toned arms could possibly muster, and the wind aided her in pulling it back even further. Her Shackleshot was far from the only magical arrow in her repertoire; the one she had nocked began to glow, but kept its shape and form as she channeled her mana into it, quickly growing hot in her fingers, so hot that it threatened to burn her. The wood of her bow groaned in protest, but she didn’t have time to mind it. Taking quick aim, she let her Powershot fly just as Sven swung his blade.

It took him dead-center in the chest. It should have killed him, should have sent him flying back and left him dead in the dirt, but fueled by rage and adrenaline, the Rogue Knight clung to life and his chance at getting his revenge against the flat-chested whore. Whether or not he consented, she had just married him to a FUCKING TREE -- she loved to brag about how she was an ordained minister in no more than seven of the land’s twenty-two religions. As Sven’s rage-filled scream reached its peak as he brought his blade down upon her with his godly strength, giving the normally lightning-quick and wind-swift archer little time to react. 

Lyralei’s eyes widened, hearing her heart pound away in her chest. Was this it? Would all of her work keeping Sven down come to naught, right here and now, because he made her feel insecure about her little titties? After all the times she had killed him, the bounty she had built up would give him more than enough gold to purchase two Reavers, which may as well be handing him two Hearts. It would have led to the Radiant side’s imminent defeat; with all that strength, he could probably rip one of their towers out of the ground and wield that as his sword, smashing the Radiant ancient and its heroes with the construction that had been created to protect them.

Then the cowardly Radiant rank-and-file archer released his bow’s string. It twanged, and  though there was little strength behind it, his arrow’s head found the little gap between Sven’s armor, biting into his flesh and doing what Lyralei’s pause had stopped her from finishing. The Rogue Knight’s emboldening war cry ended with an abrupt gurgle as he met his end. 

All the momentum seemed to leave him at once as the Dire Ancient’s magic seized him, preventing his mortal flesh from sustaining any more damage. Though the Dire Ancient fought its war through the summoned undead, most of whom had lost a body part or two, its heroic champions would be little good to it resurrected that way. The Rogue Knight’s blade halted just shy of Lyralei’s swan-like neck before the magic affected it, too, and then together Sven and his sword fell.

“... Yikes,” Lyralei breathed out, staring forward with wide eyes and slowly lowering her bow. It had all happened so fast that she didn’t have a chance to see her life (this one, anyway, the War of the Ancients got messy) flash before her eyes. Goosebumps suddenly swept up her skin and she shuddered, lowering her bow. “Yikes, yikes, yikes,” she whispered, her heart still pounding like mad, as though it were fairly certain she should have been gushing blood in the worst sort of way. “Holy frickin’ yikes.” She slung her bow over her shoulder, briskly rubbing her hands together and then rubbing at her cheeks.

That seriously just happened. Holy fucking YIKES, Lyralei thought to herself, more willing to be a little crass in her head than out loud. It just wasn’t in her to cuss like a sailor around other people.

“D-did I…” the traumatized Radiant archer gaped at where Sven’s lifeless body lay very still, not even twitching. It would stay there until the Dire Ancient could finish bringing him back to life, repairing all the damage that Lyralei had done to him during the impromptu wedding ceremony. “Did I just-- did I just kill the-- oh my Zeus, I just killed Sven.” He laughed in disbelief, dropping his bow from his hand. “I killed Sven! By all the gods above, I may as well be a hero now myself!”

Another shudder took Lyralei, a foreboding feeling -- but she ignored it, not wanting to ruin the far-from-heroic soldier’s big moment. She turned towards him as her body calmed, though the little hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end and the wind took an ominous turn that no one but her was likely to notice. “Yeah,” she told him, her winsome smile returning full-force. She was happy for him, and really fucking glad he was there, even if it meant she would earn far less gold from killing Sven (not that he was worth much after dying nine times in a row). 

Her arms went behind her, shoulders pulling back with them and her chest pushing out lightly. Sven wasn’t wrong -- Lyralei was flat, but that just meant she had to know how to put a little bit of emphasis behind what she had. She had to make ‘em look a little bigger than they really were. In the past, she had tried wearing a bra (she normally didn’t) and stuffing the cups with a pair of Linken’s Spheres, but it only made her covered tits look uncannily spherical. 

“I couldn’t have made a better shot myself! You’re my hero now,” she added flirtatiously, mischievously, tossing him a teasing wink, wanting to really make his day -- not that she was the slightest bit interested in him. Not that way, at least. She just wanted to give his ego a little pump. Moreover, she wanted him to give her a good leering, for him to look at her like she was a piece of eye candy. A little objectification would go a long way to mending her unfairly attacked self-confidence.

It was a pose Lyralei adopted often, one she had spent hours perfecting in the mirror to ensure she looked at her most beautiful and alluring during it, her eyelids hanging heavily over her eyes, their long lashes turning her green gaze into that of a temptress. One that, in her humble opinion, rivalled even the most smouldering stare that Akasha the Queen of Pain was capable of. 

Though the wind continued to warn her, it stirred gently behind her to amp her up just that little bit more, breezing through her wavy red hair, only kept orderly by way of her ponytail. It made her look like the heroine of a novel, but she knew she was a bit more alluring right then and there than just that. The thin fabric of her yellow-green top hugged tight to her chest, and well -- the ups and downs of the last handful of minutes had a physical effect on her. She didn’t find danger arousing, per say, but her nipples protruded prominently, their stiffness visible through her top. They were sure to catch his eye and get her exactly what she wanted.

The Radiant archer smiled briefly at her, though he didn’t even look at her tits for more than a second and only looked at her face for a moment longer. Seeming far less traumatized with his accomplishment behind him, he seemed like he was on top of the world -- and he was pretty disinterested in Lyralei. “Yeah, you’re welcome,” he told her, leaning down to grab his bow. “Well,” he said as he straightened up, grinning, full of new purpose, “Let’s go destroy an Ancient, huh?”

As he stood tall, Lyralei shrinked a bit, her shoulders sagging. “Yeah,” she replied, deflated, briefly lifting her hands to touch at her lacking chest, just to make sure it wasn’t her imagination making her think she had pebbled nipples. She pinched at them through the fabric, gently biting down on her bottom lip. They were there -- he just didn’t give a fuck about them. Once again, the Windranger’s small boobs left her wrapped up with all sorts of anxieties and self-pity. She’d just have to kill Sven a few more times to get over it, since it didn’t seem like a single man on the battlefield wanted to make her feel like a woman. Releasing her bottom lip from its capture, she let out a sigh, reluctantly moved her hands away from her breasts and reached for her belt where her own Blink Dagger hung, shining with magic and ready for use.

“-- Oh, wow,” the lone surviving archer of the cleaved squad gasped. “Look at those tits, those are fucking perfect,” he uttered. Lyralei perked up as quickly as she slumped, unable to stop her full and bowed lips from forming a smile that she would dare to call salacious. She was more than ready to be objectified, to be made to feel like a woman and not just a girl. Her hands were already shooting back up to her chest with as much speed and as one of her Powershots. Forget about alluring and being a temptress; if he wanted to be that brazen about it, she’d act the part of a wanton whore for him, if only for a moment. They were alone, after all, and no one would ever believe him if he said Lyralei acted that way.

“What, these tits?” Lyralei asked, palming her breasts from beneath as though she were trying to jiggle them, her smile once again flashing pearly teeth. Much to her dismay, she immediately realized that the man she was now groping herself for… wasn’t even looking at her. No, his eyes were set towards the side shop, the path there laid bare by the Powershot that had not just widowed Sven of his willowy wife, but had destroyed a long stretch of trees. There, another archer stood shirtless, changing out her previous top of leather armor for a Robe of the Magi. “... Oh, those tits,” she whispered, her smile dying and her shoulders once again slumping. She tried not to sulk, but well, that’s exactly what she did.

There was no denying it: Traxxex the Drow Ranger had an amazing pair of tits. Though she was known as the Drow Ranger, the blue-tinted elf was not one of the short, trollish people that raised her after her parents were killed by bandits. Since she didn’t conform to the Drow standards of beauty, she considered herself hideous -- but pretty much everyone who lived above ground would readily agree that she was a bombastic beauty, her blue body sleek and slender with spry limbs. And that wasn’t even touching on her elegant facial features, her snowy but silky hair, or even the lush nature of her purple-tinged lips. 

If one tossed in her measurements, she had it all: wide hips to match with a tiny waist and a perky ass, plus an impressive rack, full and almost fat enough to get in the way of her archery. By all rights, she should have had them wrapped up in bandages to keep them tightly taped down. The only reason that Lyralei herself didn’t tape down her tits for her archery was because… because… well, she was fucking flat. That was pretty much it; she didn’t even need a bra. Traxxex certainly did, but the proud breasts that she herself seemed to find so disgusting showed no sign of sag despite their lack of support. 

She cared so little about her gorgeous femininity that she thought nothing of her nudity, often not even bothering to fix her attire after her frequent wardrobe malfunctions, only fixing them when her fellow heroes complained (and only then, begrudgingly). That must have been why she so casually got changed in the lane within sight of them, her purple nipples tight as ever, kept that way by the cold that seemed to follow her and her arrows wherever they went. Lyralei stared bitterly for a moment. They were everything Lyralei’s breasts weren’t, and they unfairly perky despite that fact. “They’re not that great,” she grumbled to herself as Traxxex finished putting on the robe, grabbing her Blink Dagger.

“What?” the Radiant rank-and-file archer laughed, already speaking as he turned to give Lyralei a look of utter disbelief. “You’ve got to be kidding me, those are--” But Lyralei was already gone, just a few blue motes of magic left in her place as she disappeared into the forest to pity herself. The archer shrugged and turned back towards the shop, but before he was even halfway looking towards where he last saw the Drow Ranger, one of her arrows claimed him, her precise marksmanship putting an immediate end to him.


The rest of the War didn’t go much better for Lyralei, who spent the rest of it avoiding her teammates. She loved them, she did -- she enjoyed spending time with each and every one of them, and there wasn’t a soul amongst them that she wouldn’t readily fight with again and again. Unfortunately, she was on an all-female team, and being on an all-female team meant that at least one person (i.e, Lyralei) was going to be the flattest of them all. They didn’t treat her poorly or anything like that, but they did treat her like she was more of a younger sister. From behind and from the neck up, she was just as beautiful as any of them -- hell, she was more beautiful than some of them.

Mirana the Princess of the Moon and Rylai the Crystal Maiden had taken up residence on the bottom side of the battlefield. The latter was slow as fishing in the icy waters of her much beloved Icewrack, one of the shorter human heroines. It wasn’t her short limbs that made her slow, her elegance or her complete lack of physical training. Not in Lyralei’s eyes, at least. It had to be her enormous breasts and her ass, made all the bigger by simple proportions. Mirana’s curves were almost as voluptuous as the blonde’s, though her tall and well-toned body -- and the fact she rode around everywhere on a fucking lion -- made them seem smaller than they actually were.

The few times Lyralei neared them, they always changed subjects. Out of pity for her, she sadly supposed. The one time she got close enough to hear before they realized her presence, they were talking about the best place to get a well-fitted bra. When Lyralei announced herself, they were all too happy to bring her into their discussion on how tasty mangos were, and it wasn’t even a fucking euphemism.

On the top side of the battlefield was Lina the Slayer and Luna the Moon Rider; under ordinary circumstances, Mirana and Luna would have rode into battle together. Though Lina and Rylai were sisters, they mixed as well as fire and ice -- probably because they may as well have literally been fire and ice, by far two of the greatest specialist mages of their generation. Lina hadn’t gotten as lucky with the genetic draw as the blonde, but she was taller for it. 

Though her tits and hips and ass might have been smaller, the Slayer knew exactly how to make her assets count, her every movement fluid and effortlessly sensual. Lyralei had copied her poses from the pyromancer, in fact. And Luna? The Moon Rider was a touch shorter than Mirana, but no less stacked. Though the Priestess of the Moon showed far more skin, Luna’s skintight catsuit left absolutely nothing to the imagination. She was the most dressed on the team, yet somehow the least modest.

Unsurprisingly, the hotheaded pyromancer and the veteran warrior’s chatter was far from innocent. They were less guarded about Lyralei’s presence when they knew she was around, openly and casually discussing which of the male heroes made for the best fuck (getting punished for her ‘foul sorceries’ by Anti-Mage for Lina, and literally shockingly Zeus for Luna). It made for strange conversation amidst such a pitched battle, but they were all used to it by now. The heroes hardly found it harrowing, not the way their soldiers did. Lyralei listened to them with flushed cheeks and a nibbled-upon bottom lip, right up until Lina turned to her fellow redhead and asked, “So, Windybitch. You get that cherry popped yet?” she asked with a smile, floating close to her friend’s side.

“Y-yeah,” Lyralei lied readily. “Ages ago. I’ve fucked like-- so many of the guys,” she claimed, her cheeks only growing darker for her fibbing. She averted her eyes from the other ladies, keeping her green eyes pointed directly down the lane lest they meet her eye and suss out the falsehood. Though Lyralei was friendly, confident and always ready to laugh -- her discomfort and self-doubt over her own body was her perpetual worst enemy, keeping her from even having the smallest of affairs. She hadn’t even kissed.

Well, she had, but it was her pillow and it was just for practice, just for when the day came that a guy who could appreciate her small breasts popped up and put some moves on her. It didn’t count, even if she had tried to give it a little tongue (which was just weird and gross and stopped her from ever doing it again). No one knew about that; it may as well have been Lyralei’s greatest secret. However, almost every other hero knew about her virginity. Whether they were naturally inclined to the Radiant or Dire side, the heroes fucked freely and regularly. Even Drow, who hated her body so much more than Lyralei hated hers, got laid on the regular, thinking nothing of accepting what was ‘clearly’ a ‘pity fuck’ from some equally ugly guy (who was handsome and studly to anyone but a Drow).

Behind Lyralei’s back, Lina and Luna exchanged a grin before the latter spoke in her thick accent. “Oh yeah? Well then! Let’s hear it. Who was your favourite?” she asked, leaning forward in Nova’s saddle and giving all the Radiant soldiers behind them quite the treat at how she more or less presented her callipygian ass for their viewing pleasure. “Don’t go sayin’ Slark, for Selemene’s sake. C’mon now, don’t be shy.”

Lina almost had to bite her hand to stop herself from laughing. There was just a hint of a giggle in her voice when she did her own probing. “Was it-- whatshisface? Phantom Lancer, whatever his name is? You let him give you a one-man gangbang yet?” she asked, grinning, but not grinning as wide as Luna, who absolutely had and enjoyed it (though not as much as she enjoyed destroying the spear-wielder’s alternate selves in battle with her bouncing glaives).

“N-no,” Lyralei muttered, redder than a hellbear. “M-my favourite was, uh... “ She wracked her mind, trying to think of someone she hadn’t heard any of her girlfriends ever bring up before. Sven was immediately out of the question, for he was the only guy that Rylai would ever speak of. “I-- Rooftrellen?” The Treant Protector. Digging herself a hole, she could only dig herself in deeper. “You’ll never believe what he can do with that, um-- that leech seed?” She only understood how absolutely fucking ridiculous of a claim she had made when, after a moment of prolonged silence, the other two heroines roared with laughter, Lina grabbing on to Lyralei’s arm for support and Luna almost falling out of Nova’s saddle.

Humiliated, she blinked out not that long afterwards. The heroes fighting for Dire Side also drove her insecurities deeper and deeper. The hero ostensibly supporting Sven (but had long since abandoned him out of agitation with his stubborn focus on acquiring a Heart of Tarrasque) was Vengeful Spirit, who was the most uncomfortably sexy spirit that Lyralei had ever encountered. The fallen princess’ dress left little to the imagination, including her breasts. Her fucking breasts. It wasn’t fair that a ghost had big, perky tits.

Out of anyone on the enemy side, she was certain Axe might say something crude about her. A while back, he had shouted a compliment about Lyralei’s ass and wanting to bury his axe in it that made her glow for days (though it was less a compliment and more an outraged scream, not unlike Sven). After killing Sven a sixteenth time, she sought him out and just as quickly ran the fuck away when she saw Akasha already with him, showing him the Counter Helix she could do with her tongue. That left only one hero who might properly objectify her.

And Ezalor, the Keeper of the Light? He wasn’t going to do that. He’d flatter her beauty, but he wouldn’t objectify her. Also, he was like-- literally as old as the universe, and looked like it. She would have avoided him even at her most desperate. Finally giving up, Lyralei resolved to end the War as quickly as she could, encouraging her fellow heroes to bait everyone on Dire over to one side of the battlefield so she could lead a force into their base on the other side of the map. 

It went fantastically, right up until Akasha showed up via a portal scroll, blinking right up in Lyralei’s face and grabbing her jaw in one hand, her grip tight yet soft. The succubus was the very image of seduction and sensuality, her natural sexuality enough to stagger even someone like Lyralei, who was as straight as her arrow shafts. “Aw,” the Queen of Pain pouted softly, raising her eyebrows as her eyes roved over Lyralei’s face. “Does the little flatty think she can take our base alone?”


The answer was yes. Suffice to say, it was not a good time to taunt Lyralei about her breasts. Even so, six hours later, the Windranger was still fuming about it, storming around the town that the Radiant side had occupied as its base of operations. The War of the Ancients would recommence within a week in another location, but with how wild and lively the celebration was, one would think the returning soldiers (mostly conscripted from the village) had returned from a years-long campaign to their waiting loved ones. The redhead didn’t have it in her to join them, or the heroines back in the inn they had rented out for their exclusive use.

She was still far too sore about what happened. Plus, Sven was there. When Lyralei left, Rylai was sitting in his lap, all but grinding herself against his little greatsword. For the way he was laughing and groping her body, one would think he was on the winning side of the battle, and that Rylai was enamored with his accomplishments. Lyralei could still hear her blonde friend giggling away like little more than a hussy, her flat hand exploring the muscles of Sven’s flat chest while her lips kissed against his helmet, which he refused to take off even while making out. It was stupid.

If Lyralei had stayed with them, sure, she could have drank away with Lina and Mirana. Luna had immediately retired to her room with Axe upon their return, the red-skinned barbarian arriving with the blue knight. It was a little too much for her to listen to the less-than-quiet fuckbuddies moan and grunt, however, with Luna’s riding skills making Axe shout like he was spinning on the battlefield with his eponymous name. It wasn’t like the other redhead and the brunette would have stuck around with her for long, anyway. Apparently, Lina had a hot date lined up with Demnok Lannik the Warlock, and Mirana (in a most un-princesslike display!) showed great interest in what his Fatal Bonds spell could do outside of combat.

The more Lyralei stormed around, and the more people she saw kissing or ducking into homes or alleyways, the more she regretted not taking a bottle with her. She wanted… something. That objectification, that feeling of being sexy and feminine and not wanted but needed. And she wanted to be too deep in a cup to care about her personal hang-ups; even if she didn’t get eye-fucked by the end of the night, she would count getting black out drunk as a victory. 

Slowly but surely, her footsteps took her to the only tavern in town. There was a sign on the door saying that it was for soldiers only tonight, but she ignored it. She was basically a soldier. A flat-chested heroine, yes, but basically a soldier. She had fought in the war! Why, she had practically WON the war singlehandedly, regardless of how small her breasts were.

The men inside sounded like they were having a fantastic time, their laughter and shouting audible even through the closed door, music pouring out from a cracked open window near it. Certain that this was a better place to get a drink than the inn, she took a second to calm her anger, breathing evenly and slowly for a few moments before opening the door and sauntering inside with a swing of her hips, smiling brightly as she let the door close behind herself.

One thing became immediately apparent to her as she took stock of the bustling room. The sign wasn’t kidding when it said that it was soldiers-only tonight. “Oh, wow,” she murmured well below the lively noise, even louder inside the tavern. It was just soldiers, and not a single one of them was one of the few female soldiers who had joined them on the battlefield. Lyralei had been there the day before for lunch; she would have figured the fine-but-motherly bartender and the buxom sisters who wore low-cut blouses as they served customers would have stuck around for this. 

Not even the tavern’s owner was around, a free-for-all feast instead laid out over several tables along one wall in a sort of buffet, right alongside tapped kegs of ale. It was an utter sausage fest, with strapping young men wrestling, rough-housing, getting sloshed and bragging about what they had accomplished that day. The rank-and-file archer who had gotten the last hit on Sven’s ninth death was up on a table, regaling everyone with the story of how he had seen a heroine’s tits.

Lyralei perked up, just a hint of a blush starting on her neck and cheeks, smiling with a sudden surge of pride. He had noticed, hadn’t he? “And let me tell you, boys,” he cried out, “I’ve never wanted a blueberry muffin more in my entire life.” Those listening howled with laughter, but Lyralei’s smile trembled and then fell apart. Of course he was talking about Drow. “So when she saw me, the horny little blue bitch lifted her skirt and showed me what she was hiding under it. Not a hair on her, and she was just sodden for Radiant cock--”

“Hey,” Lyralei’s feminine voice cut through the room like one of her Powershots, suddenly injecting the testosterone-fueled party with a dangerous and unexpected burst of estrogen. “That’s totally not what happened, you goofball. Like, two seconds after I left, she shot you. She sure didn’t flip her skirt for you,” the redheaded ranger said, continuing even though the room had gone dangerously quiet, with all eyes turning towards her, most of them drunk and with compromised (if not entirely vanished) inhibitions. 

“Even if she did,” Lyralei continued, lifting her finger and pointing it at him, as sure as any of her arrows, “you wouldn’t have seen her hairless. She doesn’t trim her bush whatsoever, you flaming-pants fibber,” the wind-blessed archer finished, lowering her hands and setting them on her hips, beaming brightly and pleased with herself. “And trust me, I’d know! I’ve bathed with her before.” It wasn’t even bullshit, though the thing about elves was that they barely had any body hair at all -- Traxxex’s ‘bush’ was little more than a few wisps of white hair.

Now she was participating in story time -- and she was defending Traxxex, to boot, who was one of her closest friends, the whole titty thing from that afternoon notwithstanding. The Drow Ranger never seemed to warm up to Lyralei, always treating her like an annoyance and refusing to engage even the slightest bit in her shenanigans, but Lyralei knew. She knew that the blue-skinned beauty treasured what they had together and wouldn’t change it for the world (which was true, at least in part, but only in the sense that Traxxex would never, ever see herself as Lyralei’s friend -- the shared bath was only out of pure necessity, for instance).

It took her a few seconds to clue in on the extended silence, during which her smile ebbed awkwardly. Lyralei’s perceptive eyes ticked one way and then the other. Literally everyone was looking at her, and the only one who seemed close to talking was the rank-and-file archer who had killed Sven. Even then, his lips were just opening and closing, borderline sputtering as he tried to get his story straight. Someone else broke it, though, a man nearing blackout drunk, half-sprawled out over a table in the corner. “How--how th’fuck would YOU have bathed with a babe like her?”

It was a mixed bag for Lyralei. The attention had her feeling awkward and self-conscious, but having so many men staring at her made her feel wanted. Not quite needed, not in the way that she wanted, but it was a start. Once again, her nipples stiffened beneath her shirt, pressing pointedly against it. At the same time, though, she could already feel them comparing her to the likes of Traxxex. Sure, the two were the same height and had equally long legs, but for so many men, it was the tits that mattered. They didn’t even recognize her--

“That’s Lyralei, you dolt! The fuckin’ woman who destroyed the Dire Ancient for us,” the man’s drinking buddy scowled, reaching over and giving his friend a slap against the back of her head. “And for all I fuckin’ care, she’s one of us for that,” he declared with the same confidence that the redhead revealed the state of her fellow ranger’s pubic hair. “Ain’t she, fellers? Ain’t she?”

Lyralei didn’t pick up the subtle emphasis on that word. She only heard the men suddenly clamor for her, shouting greetings and thanks to her, welcoming her as one of their own. The man who urged them to accept her sat back and took a long swallow from his tankard, satisfied. As much as he loved his friends, their party was decidedly missing something. ‘No women allowed’ excluded some of their female fellow soldiers, sure, but it spared a lot of them the nagging and worrying of significant others and female family (which he considered bullshit, but whatever, he was a soldier today but he’d go back to being a stablehand tomorrow). Many of the other men had come to that realization, but he was the one to point out the obvious: there was no reason to kick Lyralei out.

Her smile returned readily. Soon enough, Lyralei found herself sitting in a prominent spot within the tavern, surrounded by men who clung on to her words just as readily as they listened to their friend lie about fucking Traxxex. They discussed everything -- the battle, her, her experiences, her adventures. Their town, their lives. Lyralei relished in their attention, and her body did too. Her nipples certainly didn’t grow any softer, and she could feel her panties begin to become damp. 

All around her were men, some of them sitting far closer to her than she had allowed any man to get in some time. It certainly smelled like a room full of drunk soldiers, too, and that aroma had quite a ways to go before it became a bad thing. She might not have had any ‘encounters’ with guys, but she had always appreciated the sight of a guy fresh from the battlefield or the farm field or whatever else.

Now Lyralei knew she appreciated the smell of them, too. They put tankard after tankard of ale before her, and she readily drank each, paying little mind to the lessons she had learned about alcohol over the years. Namely, for all her heroism and all her ability to run endlessly, she wasn’t going to be winning any drinking competitions any time soon. Tall or not, she was slender. Even just two tankards put a serious dent in her sobriety, but the ranger didn’t care about that. This was what she wanted, after all. She wanted a good time and these guys were giving her that, even if they weren’t quite objectifying her.

She got comfortable, shucking off her green jacket and her cape-slash-scarf, left in just her thin yellow-green top. Though it covered her breasts, it didn’t cover much else, thin straps looping over her shoulders and keeping its fit proper. Its short hem left her lean belly exposed. Not long after peeling it off, she worked off her wrist wraps too, 

Halfway through her third tankard, the room full of manly soldiers might as well have turned into a yard full of gossiping girls. Lyralei rolled her eyes and sighed, taking another swig from her tankard. They wanted to know about the other heroines. They wanted to really know about the other heroines. “I shouldn’t,” she protested, though she wanted to indulge them -- these guys were really great, after all. “Really.” By the time she had finished the third and they were thumping down the fourth one, though -- “Oh, what the heck. I-- hic --I trust you guys,” she decided.

And then Lyralei told them all about the other heroines. The girls gossiped as freely as they fucked, so even though Lyralei could never really participate and it always made her blush, she knew plenty. No one believed her that before Rylai began dating Sven, she was seeing Sniper -- and that the aged keen had persuaded her into a threesome with Rattletrap, letting the smaller humanoids ram her face and her pussy from both ends. Not a one of them was surprised to learn that the legendary Legion Commander would fuck anyone who challenged her to a sex duel, no matter how hideous or monstrous their appearance might be. They were baffled that Luna, whose ass was almost as mythical as her skill with her glaives, only lost her anal virginity recently (and to Disruptor, at that). Surprisingly, they seemed to accept the fact that Lanaya regularly rode Riki in stride.

For a moment, Lyralei was left wondering why that seemed normal to them, but she didn’t dwell on it.

Long before Lyralei could exhaust her hoard of gossip, they turned their conversation towards the heroine’s bodies, specifically their breasts. The bright smile that contrasted Lyralei’s unfocused gaze vanished, just like that. “N-no, I don’t want to get into that, guys. Their boobs are so unfair,” she grumbled, sulking against the table. “They make me feel like I’m just a kid, it sucks so much,” she whined, nothing like her usual self, and she kvetched, and--

The fourth tankard was the one that really pushed her over the edge. When she looked back on the night later, Lyralei couldn’t quite remember what exactly led to the moment, other than it happened in the middle of her extended tirade about Akasha’s slutty succubus tits. Lyralei slapped her empty tankard down with startling force, her hands flying to her sides and pinching the hem of her top. With zero ceremony, she tugged it up and off her body in one fluid motion, her long red hair rising fluidly as it dragged it up and then falling as she pulled it away from herself entirely, slapping it down beside the tankard. “I don’t CARE if these are small,” she lied, “they’re just as good as hers!” she lied even more, face flush from the alcohol, the arousal and now the inherent embarrassment that came with her exposure. 

She didn’t sulk. She sat straight and let them all get a good look at her boobs, unhidden. It was wrong to say that she was flat, but Lyralei wasn’t far off from it, her bosom little more than scant slopes on her chest that could easily be overlooked depending on the perspective from which one viewed her. The room went quiet for one heartbeat, everyone staring at her tits in pleased surprise, before someone had the bright idea to ask, “Can we touch ‘em?”

Another heartbeat, more silence. Another and another. Lyralei just blinked, looking around, trying to figure out which of her many new best boyfriends had asked. “Uhh… sure,” she said, shucking away the faint nervous feeling that nagged at the back of her mind. She lifted her hand and pointed at the guy she was pretty sure said it. “C’mon, you can go first. J-just, tell everyone how great they are after you do.” Lyralei couldn’t help but grin drunkenly at how all her boys exploded with loud approval, clapping their hands and stomping their feet. Not a single one of them was caught up on the size of her tits. Everyone sitting or standing near the lean ranger kept their hands to themselves, letting their friend slash cousin slash brother get what the heroine had offered them.

It would have been fairer to say that Lyralei’s chest was a handful rather than her breast. It was easy for him to lay his hand across her tit and spread his fingers wide across it. While it might not have been anywhere near the fullest tit that man had held, it was still soft. It was warm. It was a tit, and like every other guy in the tavern, he really didn’t give a fuck that they were tiny -- he was just appreciative that Lyralei was letting him do this, and that she was very clearly enjoying it. Lyralei groaned softly, her teeth grazing at her bottom lip, gazing with a drunken vacancy up at the man’s face, watching him blankly. She had never let anyone touch her before, but even just a few seconds into this initial groping? She could tell she had been missing the fuck out. 

“Hey, can I--”

“Yeah,” Lyralei released her lip to reply before he could even finish asking the question, her voice far throatier, her pleasure plain. “You can. Y-you-- c’mon, please do it.” She didn’t need to beg for him to get started, already sitting right beside her. Having one man was better than groping her own tits, and it went to figure that having two different men play with her bosom was twice as good. 

The newcomer to her boobs focused on her nipple instead of her tit, squeezing and tweaking it, carefully testing the waters and watching Lyralei’s reaction to it. She enjoyed every second of it, but her eyelids fluttered and then squeezed shut when he got a bit harder and a bit rougher with the tender buds. When he graduated to a harsher pinch and squeeze, she gasped accordingly -- and then bit down savagely on her bottom lip, pushing her shoulders against the back of her chair and arching her back to push into the cruel fingers. Virgin or not, Lyralei went through a great deal in her day-to-day life of adventuring and fighting in the War of the Ancients, and it had clearly colored her sexual preferences in a way she hadn’t realized.

That might have been why, despite her attempts to the contrary, she had never even orgasmed before. Lyralei was always soft and gentle with herself, almost to the point that she felt timid in how she explored her own body. What was being done to her now was a sharp contrast to that. The other guy, realizing how into the rough play Lyralei seemed to be, lifted his hand off her tit, then rudely slapped down it, the crack of skin on skin crystal clear in the quiet room, everyone watching the redhead with rapt interest. Her whole body seemed to jolt with the strike, and she matched the sound of her struck skin with a sharp cry of her own -- but her eyes didn’t open, and she didn’t get up. Instead, her hands went to the seat of her chair, clutching its edges. “You want me to do that again?” the slapper asked, smirking.

“Y-yeah,” she whimpered. This time, the other man followed suit, the two timing their slaps together. Lyralei’s mouth opened and she let out a squealing shriek, flinching back but just as quickly pushing her chest forward again, eager for more. Was this what the other heroines did? Lyralei, who had never been in a fist fight or even a cat fight in her life, who could run from all her problems both to solve and avoid them, only knew from their examples that getting slapped or hit in the tit was supposed to suck.

So why did it feel so good? Her nipples seemed to get harder than they ever had before, her panties soaking straight through. Lyralei couldn’t come up with an answer for that question in the several seconds she had before the men slapped her small tits again in tandem. Once again the redhead squealed, digging her fingernails against her chair so roughly that they threatened to break against it. Then another man was pressing up close against the back of her chair, his fingers curling around the low part of her ponytail and pulling on it tightly, making the virgin redhead tilt her head back further, her neck practically bent over the back of her chair, her face angled towards the ceiling. Her eyes opened slightly, and she stared up at the man who had seized her with confusion in her green gaze and slightly parted lips.

“‘Ey,” he growled, looking every part the lumberjack he was when he wasn’t conscripted into the War of the Ancients, his cheeks flushed from all the alcohol he had tossed back up until that point. Even so, he sounded downright sweet and shy when he asked her, “Can I kiss you? You’ve got some nice fuckin’ lips,” he slurred to her, though that sweetness and shyness was a farce. He just wanted to get a chance to shove his tongue into her mouth before she had between one to three dozen men’s cocks inside it. Even that early on in the marathon that would follow, everyone short of Lyralei herself could tell where the night was going to end.

Lyralei’s reaction was much more in line with how she probably should have acted when they asked if they could grope her, if they could slap her. Her face turned fully red, fuller than a hellbear and redder than Axe’s skin. “You want to-- you want to kiss me?” she asked like it was something scandalous, her heart skipping a beat in her chest. “But I haven’t-- I’m-- I-- I guess-- ow!” 

Another squeal in the middle of the exchange was just inevitable, as the men’s hands came clapping down on her poor tiny titties once more. She sucked in a sharp gasp and closed her eyes briefly, her lips closing as she swallowed. Oh, gods, do I want my first kiss to be with this guy? To-- to be here? Is anyone else going to want to kiss me? She had always imagined her first kiss would be with a handsome, dashing hero -- and the time she slipped her pillow a little tongue absolutely didn’t count. 

The redheaded ranger barely noticed the men around her grousing at the pair who had been hogging her tits, with those two men reluctantly easing off to let two new fellers take over her with her titties. A third and fourth joined them this time, not quite close enough to grab her boobs but close enough to whack at them in the immediate moments after their fellows got their slaps in, easily doubling the shocks of pain that assailed Lyralei -- but quadrupling her pleasure. After her next squeal, undisguisedly wanton, in nature, the man who held on to her hair decided he had waited long enough when he technically already had an answer. ‘I guess’ was a sort of yes, after all. 

He bent, claiming her mouth upside-down. Unlike the two conscripts who had started with Lyralei’s tits though, he didn’t fuck around. He didn’t ease into it. Seeing how she reacted to those slaps told him everything he needed to know about Lyralei, a great deal of which Lyralei herself hadn’t realized yet.

Heroine or not, Lyralei was naturally a submissive slut, one who didn’t truly want to have an opinion or say in what happened to her body or what was done to it. Where other heroes were famous for their cunning, their skill, their strength -- she was most famous of all for running. For being able to pick and choose the danger she put herself in, and for that reason her greatest satisfactions could only be found in having those choices taken from her. While Lyralei was still reeling in whorish glory from her four quick successive tit slaps, she then found her gasping mouth covered with his lips, his beard tickling her face in a way that almost made her want to sneeze. Oh… oh my gods, I’m being kissed. This is my first kiss, she panicked, drunk or not. And ohmygods that’s his tongue. 

It pressed into her mouth with feckless bravado, finding hers and picking a fight with it, making the redhead shiver at the foreign sensation, so unlike anything else she had experienced in her life. She never felt so vulnerable before, so intimate. He bullied her tongue like they bullied her tits, his lips working hard against hers, snogging her like she was a two-gold harlot.

Suffice to say, he was a better kisser than the pillow. After that incident, Lyralei had figured ‘kissing with tongue’ was a joke, or at least vastly overrated -- but now that she wasn’t licking a pillow case, now that her tongue was getting treated like this man’s willing bitch, just like she was? It was so much better. One of her hands released the chair and reached back and upward with a shaking hand, seeking to steady herself by looping her arm around the neck of her first kisser. On some deeper level, she couldn’t help but relish the way he tugged at her hair, treating it like a little leash or like the scruff of a sex kitten’s neck, subtly urging her more and more to throw aside all her cares and just give in.

It wasn’t even a choice for Lyralei. It was just what she did, seeing and wanting no other option, not even thinking about it. The slaps at her breasts continued, but now her reaction to those were more muted, the sounds of her moans swallowed up by her kisser’s mouth. Each time her body flinched, but each time she just as eagerly stuck her chest back out, even as her chest grew increasingly red from the hard abuse it received. The hand that she reached up to curl around her kisser’s neck never quite reached him; another hand grasped her bare wrist and pulled it away. 

Too distracted by everything that was happening to her, she didn’t give it any further thought. Men were touching her body for the first time, and she was being kissed for the first time, too -- it stood to figure that someone wanted to hold her hand for the first time, right? The very thought of it almost cut through her lusty haze, the simple act so very lewd in her naive mind. She could picture the way their fingers would interlace, the way his fingers would squeeze hers and vice-versa, and it was almost too much to bear.

The man’s fingers slid up the back of her wrist and over the back of hers, though they didn’t try to interlace with hers like Lyralei thought they might. Instead, they slowly but surely made the archer close her long, elegant and deft fingers around something that was hot and stiff but a little squishy. Straight, too, like an arrow shaft, but not quite that solid. 

For a second, her slender eyebrows began to pinch together -- then the combination of hands abusing her breasts and the tongue dominating her mouth made her forget all about solving that one particular mystery. “Hey, hero, you wanna--” the man controlling her hand began to ask. Once again Lyralei said yeah thoughtlessly, though it was in the form of a wordless moan. “Fan-fuckin’-tastic,” he laughed, slowly guiding her fingers to stroke whatever she now held back and forth until she began doing it of her own volition, gradually speeding up.

Lyralei’s other hand was still clutching at the chair, but it wasn’t left there unmolested for long. “Get me too,” another man demanded, grabbing her wrist and giving it the tug she needed to release her lifeline. Within a few seconds, she was gripping whatever it was he put her hand around too. Oddly enough, it wasn’t identical to the first -- actually, it even felt a little crooked to her compared to how straight the first one was, and there was already a slick something smeared along it. Rather than question it, though, she enjoyed her kiss and her tit slapping, her hands jacking away without question. Her eyes opened to bare slits when she lost her kisser, but they soon closed again, another man taking over. 

He was even rougher with Lyralei’s mouth than the first, not just going straight for her tongue but biting at her bottom lip too. In that time, the men had begun taking turns with her tits, one slap or round of gropes apiece. For all their roughness and all their drunkenness, the fuckers had managed to form an orderly line for it, far more organized here than they had bothered being for the War of the Ancients.

“--Fuck,” one of the men grunted, one of the ones who had guided Lyralei’s hand to their whatevers. He made a far baser noise that was like music to her ears, cutting through all the other noise and chatter in the room, and she felt -- something in the thing she held. Less than a second later, she felt something warm and wet hit her stomach, splattering across her fair skin. She shivered, and she could tell the guy was shuddering too. 

The other guys jeered at him and got snitty with him for not warning them, for almost getting something on them, and he placated them by pointing out it hadn’t and that they were getting uppity over nothing. The red-haired ranger paid it no mind, sliding her hand up to feel the closest part of the thing she held. It was even more squishy than the rest of it, and as she ran the pad of her thumb over the damp slit topping it, the man let out a gasp as though she tickled him.

Emboldened and curious, Lyralei’s other hand went to the furthest part of the other man’s thing. Her hand flattened against something covered with coarse hairs, but she shifted her fingers and guided them down in a brave exploration, finding what was there to be different, too -- hanging, wrinkling, and hairy. … Wait, wait wait wait wait WAIT. 

Though Lyralei may have been a virgin, she still had her ears filled with all sorts of filth from the other heroines on a regular basis, and she brought a trunk full of trashy romance novels to every War of the Ancients that she participated in. She was surrounded by a horde of drunk guys. She had her top off, they were playing with her breasts -- they were kissing her, they were pulling on her hair -- so those things? Oh fuck. That splash on her stomach? Ohhhh, fuck. 

The guy who came on her belly was heckled away by his peers. It was sure as fuck nothing like Lyralei imagined her first contact with cock would go, but -- she had already gone far, far too down this rabbit hole to feel any kind of regret. Their assertiveness, the hand pulling on her hair and the inclinations she didn’t even realize she had ensured she wasn’t going anywhere despite her epiphany. 

Windranger or not, this wasn’t something she would run from, not that even she could escape a room full of horny, handsy guys. “You’re going to cramp up her neck, arsehole,” someone grunted, their voice deeper, older and more gravelly than those of his peers. The second man to ever kiss Lyralei reluctantly backed off, releasing her hair. She realized just how right the older man was as she let her neck return to a neutral position, gasping breathlessly from the prolonged snogging.

“Fuck,” Lyralei gasped breathlessly, a rarity for her -- not that cussing out loud would remain an uncommon thing for her to do, not by the end of the night she was about to have. All of the kissing in that strained position had left her eyes a bit watery, and she quickly blinked back any prospective tears, her abused chest rising and falling as she sought to catch her breath. She had a few seconds of respite, the last set of slaps having landed only a few moments prior. 

The Windranger used that time to look around. First, she looked at all the men around her. The last time she really looked around, they were still all dressed. Now an increasing number of them were naked. Everywhere she looked, she could see well-built young men, most of them strapping lads who had spent their lives toiling away on farms. Of those that were clothed, a surprising number of them had their trousers down (or unbuttoned, if they had such a simple luxury), their cocks out and hard, engorged with blood and as straight as any of her arrows.

Hard for her. “... Fuck,” Lyralei whispered, feeling herself go cold with shock and yet finding herself hot all over at the same time, leaving her an almost baffled, drunken mess of a woman. After several seconds of blankly staring around, she glanced down at her belly. Her fair skin was soft, pristine, marked with little more than a few faint freckles that one would be hard-pressed to see without an up-close study. 

Tonight though, she had already taken a shot. The cum looked nothing like the way the other heroines or her books described it, nothing like a ‘thick load’. It just looked like a white, messy splatter that sullied her skin. Though they were horny and far from patient, the guys gave her a moment, chuckling as they watched her.

Slowly, she lowered a finger to the cum, tentatively touching it. Immediately, Lyralei understood why they all called it a thick load. It was somewhere between gooey and sauce-like, like-- egg whites. “Go on, give ‘er a lick,” one of the men called out, a notion many of the men hooted and hollered their support for. The redhead blinked and lifted her eyes, glancing back and forth between them. 

She hesitated, but only for a moment: she truly was gone far, far too down the rabbit hole to crawl back out now, and the headiness of the moment affected her as much as it affected them. ‘No’ wasn’t a word in her repertoire anymore: anything they asked her, she’d say yes to. The ranger lifted her cum-covered finger to her lips and did what she was told.

It might have looked like an egg white, but… “Oh,” she said, her eyes widening, thinking she was whispering but speaking far louder than she could have realized in her state. “That’s salty,” she told the men at large, and once again they erupted into laughter. Lyralei smiled blankly, happy in her drunken state to have gotten a rise out of them. She licked her finger clean, then looked towards her other hand, towards the cock and balls that she still palmed. It was so much bigger than she expected it to be, even after jacking it off for as long as she did -- and she wasn’t wrong about it being a bit crooked, but that only seemed to give it character. 

For a moment, Lyralei was mesmerized by the one-eyed snake, her breath quickening, shallow and swift. Then her eyes lifted to the man’s face, meeting his gaze with a flushed face. He seemed familiar -- because he was the one who had saved her from Sven, and had been bragging about bagging a secretive forest romp with Traxxex when she had entered. There was a bit of irritation on his face and in his smirk, though it didn’t matter to the ranger. What did matter was what he said next. “What, you want to give it a taste?” he asked her, though he didn’t wait for an answer to step forward and shove his dick right in her face while pushing her hand away from it, her new perspective making it seem even bigger to her.

Lyralei gasped softly at just the smell of it, of the utter masculinity assailing her, dropping her eyes from his face to stare with wide eyes at his cock. “... Yeah,” she said, again thinking she was whispering. “I wanna-- I wanna taste it,” she told him, daring a brief glance back up at his face. The men hooted and hollered once more, urging her to lick it, to take it into her mouth, and she began to do just that, parting her full lips to expose the sweet sanctuary of her warm, wet mouth and welcome the lying asshole into it. He didn’t show an interest in her body earlier, but this time, they’d see who would get the last laugh.

The answer was not Lyralei, of course. As she came closer and closer to licking his cock, hey eyes closing, any semblance of patience seemed to leave him behind. Careless for how he distressed her ponytail, the asshole reached down and grabbed two thick fistfuls of Lyralei’s hair and gave her what she had technically asked for, ramming his dick right into her mouth as though expecting her to be not just a heroic dicksucker, but a champion of deepthroating. She was, quite frankly, neither. Though Lyralei had of course pictured herself in the shoes of the other heroines when they discussed cocksucking, she had absolutely zero experience doing what was now being roughly foisted upon her. Her green eyes shot wide open; he didn’t just thrust into her mouth, but he also pulled her head towards him, quickening Lyralei’s first oral impalement.

Somehow, the taste of him was even more indescribably but clearly masculine, shoving along the wet length of her tongue and using it as little more than a doormat on its way deeper into Lyralei’s body. For a split-second, it was a distinct thing to her, demanding her attention and her enjoyment alike -- and she truly gave it both, but only for that split second. Then the head of the lying asshole’s shaft knocked into her tonsils and continued without pause to her throat. She gasped around him, then swallowed in her startled surprise, barely any time passing at all from her initial penetration to the moment he had himself hilted all the way inside of her. Lyralei always figured she had a cute chin, but he treated it like little more than a resting place for his balls, her silver-studded nose buried in and tickled by his short and curlies. Her lips were pressed up tight against those same hairs and his pelvis.

Lyralei’s eyes betrayed a hint of primal panic as she slanted them up to meet his gaze. The asshole’s smirk had only grown more smug for the fact that he had the woman who had won the War -- a real, genuine fucking heroine -- impaled with his dick. The ranger couldn’t help but gag around him, her body rightfully alarmed by the intrusion and fighting against it, even though her nipples stayed hard and her pussy kept leaking, no less aroused for her instinctive fears of choking on cock. “How’s that for a taste?” he goaded Lyralei, tugging on her hair as the redhead was forced to squeeze her eyes shut, whining around him. 

The vibrations it produced in her throat were far from a deterrent for him; they only made the experience all the more pleasurable for his cock and urged him onward, drawing almost all the way back, the crown of his cock just shy of popping out of his lips before he rammed her face. “How’s it fucking taste, Lyralei? C’mon, hero! Answer me. Do you like the taste of my cock? Do you like tasting Traxxex’s pussy on my dick?” Sure, it was another lie -- but he saw a chance to save face! Of course he was going to take it.

Though he demanded all of her attention, Lyralei did not neglect the men around her. Two more put themselves in her hands. This time, they didn’t need to close her fingers around them. She did that on her own, and wasted no time in jacking their cocks off even while she got her face fucked, her untested throat far from uncertain. It sucked -- but it sucked in a good way, because she did her damn best to suck in time with his thrusts, haphazard as it was. She was a hero. Even when she panicked, it was sort of her job to find the courage to fight through it, no matter how drunk she was (and actually, being sloppily drunk helped her here). The redheaded heroine moaned her reply to the asshole, unable to answer him until he popped his cock out of her altogether, jerking himself off right in her face. “Yeah,” she groaned breathlessly, practically told what to say and seeing no qualms with repeating it, “I love it. I love the taste of T-Traxxex’s pussy on your cock,” she said, opening her eyes to shaded slits and gazing up at him with debauchery-fueled sincerity.

Those beautiful green eyes of hers quickly squeezed shut again as he popped off to her admission, the first rope of cum hitting hard and fast and dangerously close to Lyralei’s eye. Though she yelped, the ranger proceeded to take the facial with little more than a flinch. Once she acclimated to the shower, she opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue to catch more of her new salty snack, but it was unfortunately too little too late for her; she had to lick the runnings off her freshly glazed face. Once she had a taste, Lyralei panted to catch her breath, continuing to jack off her young, hung studs. The lying asshole grinned to himself as he stumbled away.

One of them caught her wrist, pushing it off his cock and then stepping to take the asshole’s place, literally standing over her lap. He didn’t even bother asking the still-breathless ranger if he could fuck her face; they all knew what her answer was going to be. Though her lips were closed, he pressed his dick against them and then she almost immediately opened her mouth to accept him into it, just as thoughtlessly obedient in that sense as she was when it came to telling them yes. His cock was even thicker and longer than the asshole who had saved her, and she struggled far more to comfortably accommodate him in her throat. Suffice to say, he did not make it any easier for her, fucking her face vigorously while someone replaced him in Lyralei’s empty hand.

There were somewhere between two and three dozen men in the tavern, though, and only a small handful of them had gotten any form of intimate contact with the beautiful redhead thus far. A few contented themselves with palming, pawing and slapping at her breasts while she had her throat broken in and played handsies with their fellows, but the situation was simply untenable; more and more of the men were jerking off while they waited for their turn to go up to bat, but none of them wanted to wait long enough that they risked their gangbang turning into more of a circle jerk with a lucky few getting laid by the gorgeous heroine at its center.

Between her mouth and her hands, Lyralei’s attention was already spread dangerously thin. As sensitive as her feet were, kept delicate and petite by the wind’s grace, the ranger barely noticed one of the men removing her footpads to reveal them in their entirety. The man who took that brave step quickly slid into an awkward position that put part of himself under her chair and the man that was facefucking her, taking little time to admire how soft and princess-like Lyralei had managed to keep her feet, just running his thumb along her gently arched sole. She shivered slightly and gave a more pitched, wanton whine around the cock impaling her throat, briefly baffled as to why anyone was touching her feet -- but then that whine pushed her well-hung stud over the edge and he was burying his dick deep in her throat, grunting and growling as he shot his virile load straight down her throat.

It was faint, very faint, but she could just so slightly feel his cum sliding down the passageway, warm and thick. A little part of the heroine lamented the fact that he shot it there, that he didn’t paint her face or do any of it on her tongue where she could taste it. Before that lament could grow into a greater thing, he was pulling out of her throat, leaving her gasping for breath. The man below her caught her attention, bringing her petite feet around his cock and beginning to rub their soles up and down his shaft. 

Though her gaze was bleary with unshed tears from her facial abuse, Lyralei caught on quickly to what he wanted. “Oh,” she gasped softly, surprised -- before grinning her whorish delight. She did have famous feet, and they more or less were the main reason anyone knew her, a bigger part of her heroics than even her arrows. 

Biting down gently on her bottom lip, Lyralei began to move her feet independent of his hands, gliding them up and down his dick, first in tandem and then separately, her keen archer’s eyes forcing themselves into focus to study his reactions and adapt to them, figuring out what he enjoyed best and applying what she learned on the fly to it. This wasn’t the sort of thing any of the other heroines or her novels ever touched on, but she wasn’t surprised, and she certainly didn’t blame him. Some women might have been clumsy or haphazard in how they approached a footjob, but Lyralei was unsurprisingly a natural pro at it, graceful and elegant, effortlessly fluid despite her intoxication. 

It wasn’t long before another man came to pound their pelvis into Lyralei’s face. One of the men in her hands and the one whose cock was caught between her feet came around the same time, leaving both her right upper arm and her feet and lower legs further sullied by male seed. They were just as quickly replaced by men who hadn’t had a turn yet. By the time two more guys had cummed on her or down her throat, the wretched debauchery on display in the room had gone even further. 

Yeah, most women would find themselves hopelessly clumsy at giving a footjob, even if it was the only thing she was doing at the time. Lyralei was able to dedicate her petite feet to a cock apiece, spreading her toes to squeeze their shafts between her big toe and the next one over. Her feet were dexterous and agile enough to turn her footjobs into the superior equivalent of a handjob, using just her toes and her heel to do her dirty deed. It took some time, but finally the inexperienced ranger found a rhythm, and with it enough clarity of mind to take true stock of the situation.

Though Lyralei hadn’t counted how many men had ejaculated thus far, she was touching five separate cocks. Her smutty romance novels generally only went as far as their illicit love triangles leading to threesomes. To her memory, the most cocks any of the other heroines had ever dealt with at once was what -- Mirana, with four? There were others with four, but that was the first she could remember. Lyralei had five, and it was her first time having sex. And that’s when it really struck her, as odd of a revelation as it was when she already had several loads of spunk on her skin and a couple of more in her belly. She was having sex. Nothing had penetrated her virgin pussy yet, but --

Lyralei  laughed around the cock in her throat, though it was more of a groan that made her shoulders shudder along with it. A few seconds later, that stud pulled out to give her face a second coating of fresh cream glaze, though unlike the other men who had fucked her throat, he didn’t back away immediately afterwards. Instead, he slapped his still-stiff dick against her face while it remained hard, rubbing it against her skin and smearing the cum there into her skin. The skin beneath the white spunk glowed an angry red before long, the same as her poor tender breasts. They were being slapped and fondled less regularly now that several men’s cum had splattered or dripped down over them, but a couple of men had taken to whacking and grinding against them. At one point, she had seven cocks touching her at once.

One of the next men to claim Lyralei’s mouth didn’t give her his cock, but rather his balls, pinching her silver-studded nose until she opened wide and let him teabag her with both of them. She loved them and their taste every bit as much as she loved the cocks she had gotten to taste; the ranger-turned-slut didn’t even mind that he rested his cock along her face while she worked on his nuts, jerking off and eventually nutting in her hair. The other heroines raged about that kind of thing constantly (Mars, in particular, was on several of their no-fuck list for being rather terrible about it), so she knew it was a bad thing -- but she just didn’t notice.

The men had made good progress, but still, Lyralei had only pleasured some sixteen or seventeen of the two-to-three dozen men. Plenty of them still wanted a turn, and most of them wanted a second go at the willing whore who had unexpectedly shown up and turned their sausage fest into a celebration really worth remembering. Something had to change. One of the men -- the man who had spoken up to welcome Lyralei and make sure everyone else did with him -- stepped up to make sure every single conscripted soldier got their due.

His first order of business was to set aside the tavern’s biggest cup, for reasons Lyralei didn’t hear, not that she even saw the treasured chalice to begin with, too focused on all the cocks coming and going from her. She became vaguely aware of something happening when she felt a hand on her thigh, but it didn’t demand more of her attention until she felt cool metal briefly against her skin. The red-haired ranger opened an eye and tried to peek down at the side that felt it, though the cock currently ravaging her throat made it difficult. She blinked when she finally figured out what was happening -- partially because more and more of her skin could feel the cool air and the warmth of the men’s bodies.

They were cutting her tight leather pants off her with a pair of shears, slowly but surely leaving more and more of her long and shapely legs revealed. It occurred to Lyralei that they were the only pair of trousers that she had brought to the village, certain that this War of the Ancients would be a quick affair (and it was). It occurred to her that she should probably stop them, but that would have meant letting go of the dicks in her hands to try and push the guy fucking her face off, and that was simply unthinkable. Snip-snip, snip-snip, snip-snip. The scraps were pulled away and tossed aside, and her utterly sodden panties went next.

That was fine, though. She had other pairs and well, those ones were ruined. The man that did the cutting reached between her thighs, helping himself to the very first touch any of them had to her pussy, wetter than a waterfall and swollen with unmistakable arousal. Lyralei, who had never let anyone touch her there -- and certainly never as roughly or as rudely as he did -- grunted and then whined around the dick in her throat, easily overwhelmed by the first pair of fingers to even slot inside her pussy, more than warmed up and ready for any kind of penetration.

With almost half of the men still waiting for their shot at Lyralei? They needed the extra hole, and of those guys waiting for their second turn, none of them wanted to revisit her hand or mouth (particularly not when they got to their third turn, which none discussed but all assumed would happen). The eager and enthusiastic slut knew they were going to go even further now, but she groaned in dismay as each of the cocks she was servicing left her, each allowed to wrap up before the changeover happened.

It was brisk and efficient when it did. None of the muscular studs were heroes, but they were all strapping young lads (or strapping, middle-aged DILFs). Just one of them was more than enough to pick up Lyralei, who had just enough toning for it to be visible, but was otherwise slender wherever her natural femininity didn’t keep her soft. She yelped as she went up, clinging to the man with her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, unable to stop herself from slurring out, “But I like my chair,” at them. 

“You can take it with you when you leave the village,” one of them assured, who most certainly had zero affiliation with the tavern’s owner. Sloppy with cum, Lyralei was just in the middle of turning her head to grin at him when suddenly, she found herself plummeting -- or rather, the man holding her did, laying out on the floor. Several hands quickly grabbed at her, some more helpful than others when it came to positioning the ranger into just the position they wanted her in, straddling the man beneath her, the thick head of his cock deftly positioned at the entrance to her untouched cunt. She began to do what came naturally to her, putting her hands down to rest her palms flat against his pectorals -- but she wasn’t allowed to do that.

No, she had cocks to stroke. Lyralei took them as they presented themselves, and before the implications of her position could sink in, another cock was in front of her face; she dutifully opened her mouth and accepted another complete stranger’s bare cock, grunting and gagging around him in short order. The blunt tip of the cock pressed against her pussy shifted slightly and made her shudder, and for a moment -- just a moment -- the wind howled through the cracked-open window, warning its favored that something was about to harm her. 

But the wind was simply being the wind: it didn’t understand humans, not really. It recognized Lyralei was about to be hurt, but it didn’t know it was a hurt she was soon going to welcome. The man beneath her grabbed her wide hips and established a tight hold on them, then pulled them down in a single sharp and rough movement, unaware (and frankly uncaring) of Lyralei’s virginity as he forced her to take his entire cock in a single go with a wet but sharp clap of skin-on-skin when their hips meant. “Fuck,” her fucker groaned, “she’s damn tight, guys!” 

Ohhh, fuck. It just-- I just-- that’s a dick inside me, isn’t it? Oh fuck, oh fuck… Lyralei couldn’t help how her body reacted, her pussy clenching up tight around the sizable cock that filled her, as though it would prevent it from going any deeper despite the fact it had been almost immediately hilted inside her. She squealed around her oral invader, a brief but almost delayed pain flaring through her pelvis, but -- having already dealt with so many cocks at that point and having all of these guys focused on her? Lyralei was more than prepared for her first dick, just needing a moment to acclimate to it.

The gorgeous ranger did not get that opportunity, finding her clutched hips soon pulled back up as the man beneath her proceeded to fuck her like she was little more than a sleeve for his cock, not bothering to pump his hips so much as drag her up and down his dick, his hard-earned strength more than enough to force Lyralei’s body to follow through with the movement. Completely overwhelmed, the poor woman became a far less active participant in the face-fucking and cock-jerking departments. 

All of those horny men probably should have been understanding -- she’d already gotten so many of them off already! -- but they were not, far too impatient after being worked up so much. The man in her mouth went at her face like she owed him money, battering her cute chin with his balls and the two being held by Lyralei grabbed her hands and jerked themselves off with her hands while she started to writhe and shudder, tense all over. The one actually fucking her was no more gentle than any single one of them. He came far sooner than any of them, however, the first one of them to claim and mark Lyralei’s pussy as his -- as theirs.

In--inside me? Ohhh, fuck, this is-- this is… Lyralei was completely honest with herself, able to distinctly feel his seed amidst her sodden hole. This is amazing, she thought to herself, shuddering, her stomach tensed up tighter than any bowstring. Why haven’t I done this sooner? She almost spilled to the floor when the other three men came and they all eased out from their positions, but someone else grabbed a thick hold of her red hair and kept her on her knees while she coughed and gasped. “F-fuck,” she whispered, and then another two impatient guys were in her face, slapping her beautiful, cum-slathered face with their thick dicks. “Fuck,” she gasped, louder this time.

The two were arguing over her, over -- who would get to fuck her face? Someone pointed out the obvious solution and after a moment, they agreed to it, both men sticking their dicks into her mouth at once. They couldn’t both facefuck her at once, but Lyralei did her best to suckle and work her tongue over their cocks, trying to treat them like one unit. Neither complained about her sloppy skills,  Her jaw ached. It had been aching for a while, frankly, but she hadn’t noticed it up until that point -- but she didn’t want to ask them to give her a break, lest it spell the end of this. Once again, her hands were filled with short order.

It wasn’t very long until the man holding her hair forced Lyralei to arch her back and shift her position, forcing her to spread her knees and expose her backside. They didn’t hesitate to penetrate her cream-filled pussy with their cock, though she proved just as tight and resistant to him. Unlike the man that had used her more like a fucktoy, this man actually fucked her, pounding his hips against her ass while pulling on her hair, each of his brutal thrusts jolting her body forward and into the two men getting their cocks sucked, not that she could possibly swallow both of them at once. Her thighs increasingly quivered and grew as tense as her core, and she felt -- she felt something coming on, something that had happened to her before. Before its onset, one of the men filled her mouth with the cum she coveted earlier, and the other once again added to the mess on her face.

They withdrew, leaving her mouth empty. Lyralei, ever friendly, gregarious, and almost always having a quip at the ready, went very still, her empty mouth hanging open and her mind going blank. Outside, the wind started to howl again, but it had picked up enough of what was going on to just fuck off this time, not mad but disappointed in its child and the strange thing she was doing. Then it happened; all the tension in Lyralei’s body fled it at once, exploding outward, pleasure rolling through her like wildfire. Some people near the tavern gave it wary looks, suspecting the high-pitched scream they just heard from it was a murder.

And maybe there was, in a sense. Lyralei’s orgasm heralded the death of her innocence and naivete; the flood gates had officially been kicked wide open. The man fucking her was the only reason she didn’t collapse right to the floor face-first, his grip on her hair keeping her up, its harsh pull reinforcing her submissiveness. Her body and limbs shuddered and shivered uncontrollably for a few seconds as she experienced the pleasure she had never managed to find on her own, and her spasming cunt in particular egged on another orgasm, earning her a second load of cum in her pussy. “Fuck!” she squealed out, hands falling to the floor regardless of how she stayed upright, clawing at the boards. “Fffffuck,” soon followed, though it was far more satiated, a slurred purr of pleasure.

Once Lyralei’s lover was done pumping her full of his baby batter, he withdrew and released her hair, letting her sink to the floor. She didn’t stay there for long, though, soon grabbed by one guy and lifted up. Her eyelashes fluttered, and she found herself clawing at the chest of a man -- but not the one holding her. No, he was behind her, and his arms were keeping her legs spread wide. Held aloft, her feminine body was now squeezed between two masculine slabs of meat. “Fuck,” Lyralei groaned lowly, feeling one of them rub their cock against her pussy’s entrance. The other? She could feel him poking and prodding blindly around, trying to line his dick up with her other hole, the one that…

It didn’t matter. Saying ‘no’ did not occur to Lyralei. She didn’t just want this, she needed it. She had been denying herself this pleasure for far too long. Continuing to scratch at her front-facing lover’s chest with her short nails, the Windranger wound her other arm back and around the other stud’s neck and continued to cuss like she had never cussed before. “Fuck me,” she growled breathlessly, which may very well have been the magic password she needed to voice to take a cock up her ass. Within a second of her uttering those two words, he was lined up and squeezing into her. If her cunt had put up a desperate resistance around the first cock to claim it, then her ass might as well have been an impenetrable fortress, tight and utterly unyielding; the man’s ‘preparations’ for taking her asshole only extended to his precum.

Between its slow squeeze and the cock that far more freely pilfered her already thoroughly-fucked pussy, Lyralei was left gritting her teeth and groaning, straining and left uncomfortable by just him slowly spreading her little puckered hole wide. By the time someone thought to go grab him a bit of oil to slicken things up, he had gotten not just the head of his cock but several inches worked up in her bottom. They see-sawed through her holes in time with each other, both of them thick enough for her to feel them squeeze down on the thin wall that separated her cunt and her ass, just as merciless as every man before them.

It had taken so much to make Lyralei suffer through the delight of her first orgasm, but they alone proved to be enough to make her cum two more times before they even gave her ass its first taste of male spunk. The Windranger found it to be just as intoxicating as the ale she had slugged back and the spunk she had swallowed with both of her pairs of lips. She was still shuddering as those two men let her down, leaving her on all fours and seeming likely to sprawl out. “F-fucking keep fucking me,” she half-begged and half-demanded, barely able to do more than whisper the words.

They had every intention of continuing to do just that. As enjoyable as it was for two men to hoist her up like that, though, it just wasn’t tenable with all the cocks still waiting for their first and then second turns. Once again they grabbed Lyralei, and once again she found herself being treated like their plaything. She found herself fucked over and over again, her ass soon receiving all the abuse that had been aimed at her breasts earlier, turning redder and redder as the men took turns fucking her. 

The most reasonable position to keep Lyralei in turned out to be on her knees and bent, filling her mouth and her hands, and both her ass and her cunt. On several more occasions, she found two cocks being awkwardly crammed into her comparatively small mouth, but she did her best to get them both off, and always did. Any thought that Lyralei had about comparing herself to the other heroines or their sexual experiences vanished. How many of them could rightfully say that they had ever had six dicks to themselves at once? It was the kind of thing that even Akasha would be taken aback by, the kind of thing the succubus would have to call her a greedy little whore over.

It wasn’t all fun and games, though. One man wanted to fuck Lyralei’s thoroughly-used cunt doggy style, which didn’t exactly fit into the arrangement they had come up with. Not unless he decided to just double up with the cock that was already lodged in Lyralei’s cunt, so. That’s exactly what he did, much to the annoyance of the man that was already there. A fight very nearly broke out, but things calmed when Lyralei, her mouth lacking a cock for one brief moment, groaned and begged them to give her a cock in her ass to go with it, shuddering and almost sobbing. Having her cunt stretched that much -- it was so intense, and she knew having someone in her ass would make it even better.

She was right. The red-haired ranger wasn’t as fussy about having two men stretch out her asshole with just one in her cunt, but even that made her cum, tears of debauched pleasure running down her cheeks and intermingling with the fluids of most of the men. Every single conscripted soldier that had fought for the Radiant Ancient that day got more than just a taste of Lyralei’s body, every single one of them getting to fuck her twice, cumming wherever they wanted to inside or on her body. The once-innocent heroine was an utterly sloppy mess by the time they were finished well into the twilight hours, cum and sweat covering her. At some point, someone had accidentally ripped her ponytail’s scrunchie off, leaving her long, thick red locks hanging down toward the middle of her back, far more windswept than if she had been running with the wind itself. Countless loads had been pumped right into her waiting womb and her ass.

But even when the last of the men who wanted a third turn inside Lyralei were done, the men weren’t quite finished with her. At that point, she was almost insensate. They had to sit her up, and ended up propping the heroine against the tavern’s bar where she sat with her legs immodestly splayed, her gaping holes on careless display, leaking cum from each of the men. Her face was well-glazed, and her eyes were glassy and out of focus. 

There was no mistaking the vacant smile on her face: the red-haired slut was thoroughly satiated, and she was satisfied. She was content. She’d probably sleep for the next eighteen hours, and still wake up with a hangover, though it seemed unlikely she’d be walking anywhere for a week. Not after being fucked that many times in so short a time.

Not that Lyralei had any regrets. She had more than made up for lost time. Dully, she looked up as two of the men approached her, hoisting a large chalice. “Got you a little present as thanks for the good time,” they told her, smirking, carefully setting it down between her legs. Blinking slowly, the slutty ranger leaned forward and peeked down into the vessel, before letting out a breathless giggle. “‘Sides, the fellers jerking off had to cum somewhere when they couldn’t get to you.”

“So sweet of you boys,” Lyralei whispered. Even in her state, she was delighted to have more of her favourite snack. The chalice was absolutely full of cum. Twenty loads worth? Try forty or maybe fifty loads. There had been far too many guys for her to get to most of them in time, and so many of them stuck around for the third round. She glanced up at them, and though she was still in her daze, she gave them a sunny grin only muted by her sheer exhaustion. “I love all of you,” she told them, and in the moment, she meant it.

Then Lyralei picked up the chalice and began to swallow from it, her hands still shaking from the aftershocks of her last orgasm, but steady enough for this, if nothing else. One gulp after another, she swallowed the loads she hadn’t been able to get to. She had to lower it occasionally, coughing or clearing her throat or swallowing to force it down, but she never set it down. Not until it was empty and she could tilt the chalice to show her lovers that she had just consumed a lifetime supply of protein, smiling vapidly as she told them the same thing she said the first time around. “That’s salty,” she slurred, carefully setting the chalice down.

Within seconds, she was out like a light.

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