Yennefer settled back in the scented water and sighed. Petals were scattered on the surface of her bath, and steam filled the small, stone chamber, which rapidly heated up as she let the tension soak out of her limbs. At last, she gestured to her megascope. The magical device dominated one wall of the chamber: she’d spent a great deal of time and effort calibrating the crystals to ensure a perfect, one-way connection to just about anywhere in the world. Now the crystals lit up: she poured magic into them, felt them hum and resonate. Soon, the whole device buzzed with power: all it needed was a destination. Yen closed her eyes and pressed her lips in a thin, straight line, reaching out across stark miles in search of a connection…

There! Many miles from here, someone else’s magic searched for her own. The instant they made contact, the megascope shone – projecting an unfocused image into the chamber. It took some fiddling, but at last Yen managed to focus the image. Standing before her bath was Triss Merigold, looking exhausted and…exposed. She wore nothing but lingerie, and her tits and face were coated with spunk.

“Having fun without me?” Yen asked, stretching a leg over the edge of the tub. “You’re been hard at work.”

Triss’s mouth moved, but no sound came through. The redhead scowled and made a gesture, adjusting some fault on her end. Then she cleared her throat and tried again: “All for your supposed recipe. How much do you intend on paying me?”

“That depends on the quality of the ingredient.”

Triss seemed flustered. She looked away, arms crossed under her breasts, and said, “He’s everything you asked for. A well hung, high-virility virgin.” She wiped a line of cum from her chin and licked her fingers. “You should be careful with this one. He might be too much for even you to handle.”

“Too much for you to handle, maybe.” Yen sat straighter in the tub, lifting her big, perky tits out of the water. They glistened gorgeously. Triss seemed distracted by the sight – and Yennefer smirked at her as she emerged from the tub, her tight tummy, wide hips, and shapely legs all on display, easily outmatching the redhead’s own body. Yen grabbed a pink towel and started to dry herself. “I’m coming over. Do make sure he’s still a virgin when I get there, won’t you?”

Triss rolled her eyes. “Sure, if you hurry. Oh – I think he’s ready to go again…” With a wink, Triss turned and walked out of the megascope’s view.


Yennefer spent an hour doing her hair and applying perfume. After a visit to Toussaint, she owned quite the selection – scents to drive a young man wild with lust. At last, she made her way to the palace stables and took Friar’s reigns. She never had her stallions gelded: where others liked their horses meek and easy, she preferred them monstrous, like thunderbolts between her thighs. Friar whickered and tossed his mane as she swung up into the saddle, stomping the damp stone of the courtyard. He’d been cooped up here for days, and now, more than anything, he wanted to run free. He cantered recklessly around the courtyard while the guards opened the gate. At soon as the way was clear, he wheeled about, kicked the stone, and became thunder. Yen held on for dear life, grinning madly as Friar stormed down the ramparts and out the portcullis, nine-hundred kilograms of demonic speed made flesh. The wind lashed Yennefer’s dark hair out like a shroud. She squeezed with her legs and pressed herself almost flat to Friar’s mane. There was no commanding Friar, no more than one could command the ocean waves. All she could do was hold on and – with a little magic – suggest where he might like to run. She passed through villages in a flash, caused merchants to scramble out of the road when they saw the dust-cloud approaching. It was good to get out of the palace. Nilfgaardian politics had never been Yen’s rhythm. Under the fancy outfits, they were just a bunch of boring old men and greedy upstarts who would soon be boring old men. Yennefer yearned to be in the centre, the rush of things. For that reason, she’d taken up a personal project: brewing a potion to amplify magic, increasing the rate she could channel Chaos. The theory was sound, and prototypes had shown favourable, if incredibly temporary, results. There was only one ingredient left to gather…

Soon, a village reared up in the distance. Yennefer touched Friar’s head and injected a shot of soothing magic directly into his central cortex. She made him feel the strain in his muscles, the sagging exhaustion of his run. He began to slow down…and was moving at a sluggish canter by the time he reached the village square. Yennefer dismounted and led him to the hitching post beside the tavern. Her thighs and tailbone stung something awful, but it would all be worth it. She turned to the tavern porter and said, “Bring my horse water and a feedbag. I’m staying the night.”

Triss awaited her inside. Dress up neat and tidy, she sat by a window and nursed a mug of ale. When Yennefer stepped through the door, Triss’s wasn’t the only head that turned. She tended to attract gazes wherever she went, and here was no exception. A violet-eyed goddess among peasants and scoundrels was bound to get some attention. She sat elegantly before Triss, who met her gaze with an ironic twinkle in her own, green eyes. The barkeep approached, and Triss raised a red eyebrow at Yen, who shook her head. The barkeep went away again.

“Eager to get started, are you?” Triss asked, leaning forward and resting her chin on her palm, her elbow on the table. “How was your ride over?”

“Bumpy,” said Yen. “Of course, I could have used a portal, but I wanted to give you time to clean up…and our young man time to recover.”

“Unnecessary,” Triss said with a grin. “You don’t need to worry about him. He recovers within minutes of ‘firing’.”

“Oh? I shall have to meet him.” Yen turned in her seat and squinted around the tavern. “Who is he? All I see are crusty old drunks – no offense to crusty old drunks, of course, but they don’t make for the most virile partners, even in the best of circumstances.”

“He’s upstairs.” Triss rose from her seat and adjusted her pants. “Let’s go, shall we?”

“We shall.” And so Yen followed Triss to the stairs, and the combined hip-swaying of two attractive sorceresses drew a fresh bout of hungry stares. The ceiling was lower upstairs, the floor rickety. Yen detected the flowery scent of a bath and knew this place must offer ‘special services’ to the discerning gentleman. “Really, Merigold, you chose this place? The people downstairs must think we’re whores.”

“How else would you describe what we’re doing here?”


Triss snorted. “Sure. Alchemy.”

“I get the distinct impression that you’re making fun of me.”

“Never! Me?”

Yennefer rolled her eyes. At last, they came to a store-room door. Triss knocked sharply. A moment later, there was the sound of the latch-string shifting, and the door opened to reveal a nervous-looking young man. When he saw the two sorceresses, his lips parted in a shocked ‘o’ – a usual response to seeing two cleanly, curvy, utterly gorgeous women after a lifetime of looking at filthy peasants. Triss glanced at Yen before sliding into the room, brushing the swells of her breasts on the young man’s arm. Yen followed, but instead of moving around him, she walked straight forwards. He backed away from the taller woman, his eyes flickering up and down between her face and her chest – until his back touched the wall and nearly knocked a sack of oats from the shelf. Yen heard Triss lock the door behind them.

“Now, then,” said Yennefer, placing her hands on the wall beside the young man’s head. Her breasts brushed over his chest. “I’ve heard good things about you. I hope you won’t disappoint…”

The young man looked panicked. He glanced at Triss over Yen’s shoulder, and the redhead smirked. “Don’t worry; she doesn’t bite. Show her.” Then his expression changed: he chewed his lip and reached down to the string that tied his britches. Yen leaned back just a little, giving him space to manoeuvre as he undid his britches and tugged them slowly down. What he unveiled shocked Yen, though she controlled her expression well.

“My, my,” she said, squatting down agilely – bringing her almost level with the boy’s exposed cock. It hung down his thigh like a slab of tough meat, heavy and veiny, almost grotesque in its dark, bulbous form. Not the kind of thing she’d expected to see attached to a human – more like a troll or ogre. She cupped a slim hand beneath his dick and lifted it, felt the weight on her arm. She let it sprawl down her forearm and was shocked to see how, even half-erect, it almost reached her elbow. And the smell… She was dizzy just breathing his musk. Yes…something had to be done about this. She glanced up and met the boy’s eyes with a ferocious, catlike glare. “Are you a virgin?”

“I–…I–…the red-haired miss put her mouth on it–”

“Doesn’t count.” Yen smiled. “Well, what am I to do with this disgusting thing? Well…first, it needs a good…cleaning…” She lowered her mouth to his shaft and started to polish it with her lips, dragging her plush velvet mouth up and down his bumpy rod from head to root. He gasped and squirmed, unable to comprehend the elegant skill of Yen’s sucking. She rolled her tongue out to complement her lips, wriggling her slick pink muscle under his shaft, along his pumping cumvein – and making thick globs of pre drool from his tip. She gathered his goop in a palm – and finally, drawing away from his cock, she cupped her hand to her lips and slurped his thick, smelly, near-yellow semen. She wrinkled her nostrils and groaned as she swallowed, eyes going out of focus. Tears trickled down her cheeks just from the taste. “That is – vile!” she hissed, but only after she’d licked her hands clean. “Was your mother cursed? Or maybe you’re part demon…” She rolled her nails down his dick and grasped a heavy, palm-filling testicle, squeezing in a slow massage. The pressure seemed to force more sewage-gunk up his cock: he yelped as he spurted – spurted – a rope of precum larger than most men’s entire orgasms. Yen’s eyes went wide, her chest coated in spunk. Very slowly, as Triss giggled behind her, Yen started to stand. She had to undress before she dealt with this boy any further: he was too dangerous.

Before she could stand, she felt Triss’s hand on her shoulder, forcing her back down to her knees. She glanced up at the redhead with a fearsome frown, but Triss only smiled and winked. “You can’t hesitate now,” she said. “Not after you came all this way…” She pressed Yen forwards, and Yen found herself rubbing her face along the boy’s cock, groaning under a barrage of musk and heat. He was growing bigger by the second.

“Fine,” she said, shrugging off Triss’s hand and grasping the boy’s cock tightly. “When you put it that way, I suppose I can’t.” She smushed her nose almost flat against the boy’s obscene fuckmeat and snorted deeply, shooting her lungs full of intense musk. Immediately, the world seemed to wobble and spin around her. She horked a deep breath of air, only to be hit by another shock of musk. Unable to think straight, she grasped his root in a two-handed squeeze – barely able to fit her fingers all the way around – and pulled her lips back to his very tip, which she kissed hungrily. “Nngh…” As the boy whined and bucked like a wild beast, Yen spread her lips around his tip and suckled angrily, bobbing her head, stuffing her cheeks so they bulged around his girth. Meanwhile, her hands raced up and down his pole at speed, jerking thick splutters of disgusting jizz down her flexing throat. His grimy cockhead smushed against her tonsils, altogether too large to force its way inside. She was almost glad about that…

“Hey,” said Triss, her voice distant to Yen. “Did you remember to bring a container? If not, you’ll have to collect the ‘sample’ in your stomach…”

Yen had barely processed Triss’s words before the redhead grabbed a fistful of her sable-black hair and CRAMMED her forwards, driving her head and mouth and throat forth on that brutish monstercock. Her gullet stretched, and Yen gargled in horror as the young man’s hips grew nearer and nearer – until her chin smacked his balls, and his cockhead lodged somewhere deep inside her. She croaked on his base, every inch of vile, bulbous, musky meat wedged in her mouth and throat. It felt like he was as deep as her stomach, a pressure on her lungs and heart, spurting dense, guttering tides of pre directly into her gut. The boy yelped and bucked, slamming his hips into her face and making her spurt drool through her nostrils. Her violet eyes rolled back, and she grabbed his thighs in a vice-grip as he hammered her throat on instinct. His musk penetrated her brain, made her shiver and arch in orgasmic shudders of revulsion.

“That’s one way to clean a cock,” said Triss, still tugging on Yen’s hair. She crouched and slipped an arm around Yen’s waist, pressing on her upper belly and crooning when she felt the bump of the cock inside her. The touch must have set the young man off: he tensed up and wailed as he came. Yen silently cursed Triss when she felt the first shot smack her stomach. Blast after blast of near-solid splooge flooded her gut, a vile tide of semen filling her to the brim and beyond. Seed rose back up her throat and sprayed from her nostrils, waterfalling down her chin and splattering on her clothed breasts. All the while, Triss panted beside her ear, getting way too horny from the display. Yen actually thought she heard Triss masturbating, a hand in her britches working furiously.

At last, the young man spent his load. He leaned against the wall, wheezing for air as Yen practically slid off his dick, inch after inch of throat-slimed meat schlooorking free from her lips. At last, his cockhead plopped out of her mouth and she fell sideways, gasping, clutching her neck in horror. She felt a sudden rise, and turned onto all fours as she puked jizz on the store-room floor. Touching her belly, she realised it was bloated, straining the fabric of her expensive, now-ruined shirt. She’d never been so full.

“I’m sorry,” the young man panted, barely able to stand. “I couldn’t…stop it…”

“Now you’ve been properly introduced,” said Triss, looking down on Yen with an undeniable smirk, “why don’t you get serious? Oh…looks like there was a cup after all.” She reached past the young man and plucked a beaker from the shelf, turning it over in her hands curiously. “Sorry, Yennefer; I think you’ll need to collect another sample…”

Yen got up on her knees, still breathing heavily. She wiped her jizz-dangling lips and flicked a lock of hair back over her shoulder – then unbuttoned her shirt in a hurry. Triss lifted a red eyebrow as the raven-haired beauty shrugged the fabric off her shoulders, exposing her impressive, perky breasts and womanly figure from her neck to her navel. At last, she rose to her feet – regaining her composure after the intense throatfuck. She spat cum to the side. “Well, then,” she said primly. “I suppose I shall, Merigold. It’s a pain, but a necessary one.” Her violet eyes fell on that twitching monstrosity once again – fully erect for her, spitting ropes of precum to the floor as the young man squirmed and gasped in tender passion. Yen swirled her finger around his tip. “You found something truly depraved. Did you simply follow the smell, or..?”

“I heard rumours.” Triss stepped up beside Yennefer, neither of them looking at the young man’s face – discussing his cock as though it wasn’t attached to a person. “In a village where most people bathe in the river…word gets around. Once I got here, it wasn’t hard to find the source of all the fuss. I was shocked when I finally got his britches off, though…”

“I’d wager you were. How much did you manage to get down, anyway? I can’t imagine a skinny thing like you taking a slab of pork like this.”

Triss shot her a dangerous glare. “I took plenty, thank you very much. You’re lucky I softened him up before you got here. You wouldn’t want to face him at full strength…”

“Full strength, you say? And I suppose his current state is ‘weak’..? In that case, why don’t you get down on all fours and take it up your arse, if he’s so puny?”

“I…wouldn’t say ‘puny’...”

“Aha! Giving up so easily?” Yen curled her lips in a sultry, predatory smile. “Then I’ll take responsibility. This stud needs an education, and I’m the only one suited to give it to him.” She stepped closer, wrapping her silky hand around the young man’s cock and pumping it roughly, making him yelp and groan in ecstasy as her fingers wrung up and down his shaft, milking thick squirts of pre against her stomach and the undersides of her breasts. At last, his cock was pressed between their torsos, squeezed up against her athletic navel and his own slim stomach – her breasts engulfing his face in perfumed heat. She rocked back and forth as he moaned into her titties, working his cock with subtle flexes of her midriff, crooning over his shock of dark hair, trickling her nails down his arms… It looked like she was claiming his body with her own while Triss looked on in sizzling jealousy, fidgeting with her clothes as Yen took all the liberties she liked. Yen stroked a hand between their bellies to gather his dense, disgusting jizz in her palm – and lathered it into her skin like a lotion, confident he wouldn’t run out anytime soon. At last, Triss touched Yen’s arm. The raven-haired sorceress looked back with a, “Hmm?”

“Anyone could grind against that thing. You’re a sorceress – the boy must be disappointed he’s getting something so dull.”

Yen looked down at the young man. “Is that true?” she purred, stepping back so her breasts parted from his face. His cheeks were bright red, eyes wide and wavering. “Are you disappointed?”

“N-No, ma’am!” he breathed. “P-Please…don’t stop!”

“Did you hear that? He wants me to keep going.” Yen finally grasped her beaker tight and squatted down, slotting the glass container between her breasts. “Okay, boy,” she said, fondling his balls – and letting him feel her fingernails biting his sack. “I hope there’s plenty more in these things. You need to fill this beaker to the brim, understand?”

“I-I don’t know if–”

“I said, understand?”

“Yes, ma’am!”

“Don’t be so hard on him,” Triss said, crouching beside Yen.

“What do you think you’re doing?”

The redhead flashed a sly smile. “You talk a big game, but I saw you gasping on the floor. There’s no way you can handle this cutie by yourself. So I’m helping out.”

Yennefer rolled her eyes. “So that’s how it’s going to go? You’re trying to upstage me? You should know better, Merigold; I can’t be upstaged.” Yen proceeded to plaster her lips over and around the young man’s cockhead, slurping his vile cream with a spiralling swirl of her tongue. She broke away only to swallow – at which point Triss leaned in and took her place, stuffing her cheeks full to the brim with his obscene dickmeat. She showed none of the fearful restraint that still lingered in Yen after her debauched cum-pumping, and stretched her lips happily around his girth, groaning and humming with lust and hunger. Yen, not wanting to lose ground, ducked her head and suckled the underside of the boy’s cock, running her lips up and down his pulsing shaft and lashing it with her tongue, gurgling in pure delight. She massaged the boy’s balls, filling her palms with his cumtanks and urging them to produce more gooey mess for them to swallow. And Triss did swallow: Yen heard her gargling and gulping, saw her green eyes roll back and water from the intense taste. “Stop hogging his spunk,” Yen murmured – and cupped Triss’s chin, pushing her back just enough to lock lips with her over the young man’s cockhead. Triss seemed shocked at first – but then she groped Yen’s boobs and kissed her back, spilling off-white slop into the beaker tucked between Yennefer’s perky tits. The dual assault of their lips was too much for the young man: he arched and wailed, unable to contain his lust for the two beauties. Yen broke the kiss only to pant and glare into Triss’s eyes, ropes of cum dangling between their sucking, blowing mouths. “Ah…ah…I think he likes the view.”

Triss gulped and said, “I never thought I’d wind up kissing a dog of Nilfgaard, nor my romantic rival.”

“Come now, Merigold. Even my greatest enemies never forget my kiss.”

Triss rolled her eyes. Idly, as they spoke, each woman wrapped a hand around the boy’s cock to jack it in slow, loving strokes. Now they returned to sucking, not focusing on his tip but his shaft, mouthing and mawing all over his vile dick. Occasionally their tongues swept together in their passion, oozing drool down to his clenching balls. Soon, their chins, tits, and hands were soaked with precum, and his cock twitched and bounced in muscular spasms, shooting full load-sized shots but holding back from the brink of orgasm, as though wanting to savour this for as long as possible. By now, the boy’s eyes were glazed over, his mouth parted and his hands twitching, lightly holding the sorceresses by the hair. When they plopped their lips off his cock and peered up expectantly, he blew a long, slow breath and met their gaze.

“We’re waiting,” said Yen softly. “Could it be I milked you too much?” She pressed a kiss on his very tip, just to tease him. She couldn’t possibly have anticipated the effect it would have. The boy cried out and squeezed Yen’s hair, driving her down hard. Drool sprayed from her lips and nose as she found her throat stuffed with cock once again. His hips smacked her face – but this time, he didn’t hold her down. The force of his orgasm hit her stuffed stomach and propelled her backwards: she burst off his cock puking semen, gargling on the near-solid cum hosing over her face and tits. In a primal rage, the boy jerked his cock two-handed, spraying the sorceress sluts with blast after blast of his stinking ballbatter. Yen and Triss were drenched, swallowing and choking on more cum than they’d ever seen in their lives, rubbing it into their tits, their arms – unable to believe the sheer volume he was producing. It went on for a long time, caking their slutty faces in layer upon layer of spunk – until the tide died down, and they panted for air, cum drizzling down their fronts in a raw cascade of ballgunk.

With trembling hands, Yen took the beaker from between her tits and peered at the contents. Full to brimming with yellow seed. Triss was watching her closely, equally dazed. Yen set the beaker aside and said, in a thin voice, “Th-there, I should really…get going now…” She looked up at the young man, who had just cummed himself crazy over two obscenely hot sorceresses. Slowly, he slid down the wall and sat back heavily, staring at nothing.

Triss wiped her mouth and said, “We should…make sure he’s okay. Maybe book a room.”

Yen kept staring for a long time. Eventually she cleared her throat, trying to look as refined as possible with several litres of jizz clinging to her face and boobs. “I think that’s a good idea.”

This text is part of a set with 1 other file.

Secret Ingredient (The Witcher) by Umbrelloid


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