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“This is your room?!”

Cloud’s jaw almost dropped as he stared at the master suite given to Tifa and Aerith, how large it was compared to any hotel room he had ever experienced in his life. The walls were a pinkish color, almost salmon in tone, with a king sized bed in the main sleeping area. That large space may as well be as large as the average living room within Midgar, though it wasn’t the only locale within such a suite.

The whole hotel room might as well have been an apartment, as it not only contained the room and a hot tub built for half a blitzball team, but its own kitchen and workout space as well. Cloud was envious that the girls were getting such a space, though Barrett seemed more impressed with what the girls were given.

“Not a bad upgrade, if you ask me,” said the Avalanche leader. “I guess your womanly charms worked well on Johnny if he could give you this much space for less charge.”

“Who knew that a seaside inn would be this luxurious?” Aerith asked, admiring the flowery scent. “I never thought I’d get to live such a high life.”

“You and me both,” Cloud muttered under his breath. “At least one of us is getting that dream.”

“Cheer up, Cloud,” Tifa said as she patted his back, “you’ll get yours in due time. It just so happens this is ours!”

“Until we have to move on, sure,” Cloud sighed. “I guess you guys can go ahead and enjoy it while it lasts.”

“Just a shame there ain’t more room,” Barrett said. “We could share the whole thing.”

“Yeah, but would you guys really be better off sleeping on the floor?” Tifa asked. “Trust me, if there were more beds we could do something about that. But you two already have a room.”

“I guess,” Cloud shrugged. “Just that with Barrett’s size…”

The Avalanche leader cackled. “You’re just mad because I take up so much space. Don’t worry, buddy, I can spoon up to you if you want.”

The others laughed, only for Cloud to roll his eyes. “Yeah, no thanks,” Cloud said, “I had enough of that shit with Don Corneo for a lifetime. Let’s just get back to our room and get changed for the beach.”

“Oh yeah! The beach!” Aerith shouted with excitement. “I was so excited to see all of this, I almost forgot about that part of the resort!”

Cloud cocked his eyebrow at the flower girl. “You’re mocking us, aren’t you?”

Aerith scoffed. “Oh, Cloud, you’re so silly.”

“Thanks, I think.” Cloud patted Aerith’s shoulder, much to her annoyance, before he and Barrett left the suite for their own room. Once they were on their way to get changed for the beach, Tifa and Aerith let loose a little, with the former bartender collapsing onto their massive bed, her mouth touching the comforter as it comforted her head.

“Oh my goddess, this is so soft!” Tifa’s muffled voice said through the thread count. “I’ve never known such softness!”

“Really? Have you never felt your own boobies before?” asked Aerith, who was met with a raised middle finger by her roommate.

Once Tifa lifted her face from the mattress, she stood up to slip off her suspenders, then rolled her shirt off to reveal her hardened abs to the flower girl. “You know who I’ve wanted to let touch them for some time? Cloud.”

“What a surprise,” Aerith said mockingly, removing her jacket before slipping off her dress. “It seems like I’ve dropped every subtle hint his way without actually saying, ‘go ahead and fuck me sideways already’. It’s so annoying…”

As Tifa studied her buff naked body in the mirror, she teased her nipples with her fingers while humming from her own stimulating touch. “If you think that’s annoying, you should try chasing after him as long as I have. I’ve been at this for more time than you, and I’m only now getting tired of the chase!”

As Aerith stood next to Tifa in the mirror, bumping her breasts up to the brawler’s for comparison, she hummed deeply at the ideas forming in her head. “Well, we’ve pretty much been competing against one another ever since we knew about each other’s existence,” she said. “Maybe we should just call a truce on Cloud, then. It looks like he’s not at all interested in anything regarding women, anyway.”

“What, you think he’s in for Barrett?” Tifa asked.

Aerith handed off Tifa’s bikini top to her. “Just not interested at all. What’s the term for that? Aero?”

“The magic spell?”

“Sure, let’s go with that.”

As the girls dressed up for the beach, they heard moving around in the background somewhere. When they pivoted around to find their feral friend was still present, it took them by surprise, as they had forgotten he was even around.

“Red! Hey,” Tifa said nervously. “Sorry, I forgot you were even in here.”

“I was … testing the water bowl.” Red said, his eyes shifting as he looked for an excuse. “I did overhear you both speaking of Cloud, but don’t worry. I don’t have any reason to gossip with him about your concerns.”

“That’s a relief,” Aerith said, double checking her bikini in the mirror. “Although, could we still make use of your tongue? We could use some styling for our hair.”

Tifa’s eyes shot wide open. “Wait, what?! Aerith, didn’t you hear where his tongue’s been?”

“Yeah, in the water bowl.”

“That’s … not a water bowl,” sighed Tifa, pointing to the bathroom.”

“Oh. Well that has to be one heck of a bidet.”



Aerith and Tifa felt quite confident in their swimwear, making their way down the stairwell with a saunter while all eyes were slowly gluing onto them. They heard the annoyed groan of Yuffie somewhere behind them, but when they looked back at her, she was nowhere in sight.

That was no matter for the other two members of the fugitive group that left Midgar, though most people at the Seaside Inn likely had no clue who they were. While they made their way to meet with Cloud and Barrett, the former wearing swim trunks while the latter curiously wore a sailor’s uniform, they couldn’t help but notice two of the men gawking at them as they passed by.

Tifa and Aerith felt gorgeous, like runway models with all the attention they were getting just from their outfits alone. The brawler was quite certain that she was getting a lot of affection for her toned body, as her muscles suited the ratio of her breasts compared to her buff size. But as she looked over at Cloud at the nearby bar, how indifferent he seemed about their beauty and bikinis, she was reminded rather quickly that it wasn’t his affection that she and the flower girl were fighting over anymore. It basically went towards whoever was the most interested in taking them to the suite for a little fun.

But first, a little sun.


The day had gone on for quite a long time, with Tifa and Aerith mostly going around on their own while Cloud, Barrett, Red, and Yuffie all went about with their own different ventures. The brawler and the flower girl stayed quite close together, never separating for more than a few minutes at a time for snacks or drinks.

As the sun finally reached dusk at the Seaside Inn, Tifa and Aerith were ready to hit their room and relax for a change, though they weren’t about to go back empty-handed.

“Since we’re in agreement about Cloud,” Tifa yawned, “how about we find ourselves some other boy toy to play with?”

“How about boy toys, plural?” Aerith suggested. “One for each of us.”

“Not in the mood to share?”

“Maybe we can swap around. But right now … mmm…” Aerith bit her finger as she took admiration in the sight of two rather buff men coming towards them, recognizing them as the two boys that were trying to flirt with them on their way down the steps to the sandy ground of the inn.

“Settled on the main course?” Tifa said, her eyes in the same direction as the flower girl.

“You could say that…”

“What’s up?” asked one of the two men, his beefy arms adorned in tattoos. “You guys have been turning heads all day, haven’t you?”

“Have we?” Tifa asked teasingly. “I swear, I hadn’t even noticed.”

“We’ve definitely noticed,” said the friend of the tattooed man, his eyes behind his shades as he casually unbuttoned his shirt. “We also saw your friends were pretty disinterested in most of you. But I think we know how to show our affection for you better than they ever could.”

Aerith curled her finger around her hair, feeling a heat rising from his words. “Do tell.”

“Well,” said the tattooed one, “you might notice we’ve been packing some extra floatation devices with us recently.”

The one wearing shades patted down his thigh, with the girls looking down at his knee-length swim trunks. They were baggy for their effect, though it seemed to do that duty well, as it hid the bulge that would have otherwise been present if his legwear was any tighter.
Aerith and Tifa could see just from that sight of their bulging cocks going against their swim trunks that they were impressively hung. Perhaps they weren’t going to go all the way through them or push up against their stomachs, but they were certainly going to be satisfied by the effort they put into their giant dicks.

The brawler looked back at Cloud and Barrett, just to be certain that this wouldn’t be the last chance they had in having him be with them. But the blonde swordsman was still at the bar with the Avalanche leader, even with his eyes looking their way for a brief second. After that, it was clear that he wouldn’t be the one to have his chance with the bartender or the flower girl. Thus, Tifa stood between the two gentlemen, hooking her arms around theirs as they headed up the stairs back into the hotel proper.

“Your place, or mine?” Tifa teased. “Oh, wait, I know the answer to that already.”

“Tifa, don’t hog them both!” Aerith shouted, following behind the rest.


When they arrived at the master suite, Tifa and Aerith were quick to undress their lower halves, with Tifa peeling her bikini bottom off her legs before kicking them off into the far corner of the bedroom. While their guests stared in awe of the size of the hotel space, themselves lacking in such square footage, Aerith let her skirt drop off her body, showing off the bikini she had been wearing under it throughout the day.

“You know,” Aerith said, purring as the tattooed man fondled her breasts through the bikini top, “I considered going bottomless for a bit today.”

“Oh yeah?” asked the tattooed man, intrigued with such knowledge.

“Yeah, but Tifa talked me out of it. She thought I’d be too indecent, even when I argued that nobody was going to pay attention to me.”

Tifa sighed, helping the snazzily dressed man on the foot of their bed. “I still think you were wrong about that…”

“Gotta live somehow,” Aerith replied in a sing-song voice.

With her bikini bottom removed from her body, Tifa helped her suitor out of his swim trunks, just so she could get a look at the snazzily dressed man’s genitals. When the swimsuit was pulled down far enough, the bartender was taken by surprise as his cock sprung to life, showing off how erect it became just on the trip from the beach to their hotel room. The bartender was quite shocked, her hand to her mouth as she admired the length he had kept from her, though she knew just by looking at it that he wouldn’t be able to ride her so easily, at least not at the start.

Humming, Tifa had a good idea on how to start things off between them, without stuffing the meat into her mouth out of fear that she might choke on it. Gently, she sat on top of his lap, pushing her breasts against his shirt and coat while her bikini top kept them secure from his nearly exposed chest. However, he could feel the nipples growing erect against the moistened fabric, her enjoyment already rising up to skin level.

Tifa then began rocking her hips against his lap, holding onto his shoulders as she tried to keep her eyes locked onto his while wrapping her arms around his neck. She was in admiration of the size, her pussy growing damp as she felt herself gliding against the inches while her vaginal fluids oozed from between the labia. His shaft grew wet and slick as she kept riding against him, his eyes shut as he felt the throbbing in his rod once it reached full mast.

Despite being as stiff as it could get, Tifa continued to ride against the man’s rod, just to make sure he was well lubricated for her pussy. The thickness may not have been life threatening to her canal or anything, but it was still in her mind that he could be too much for her to handle, thus her concern about getting the most out of her labia and the juices that seeped out of them to lubricate him for her pleasure.

“Goddess be damned, this is the good shit, eh, Ronny?” asked the man as he removed his shades from his eyes. He only then noticed that his tattooed friend was fondling at Aerith’s nipples while clumsily leaning into her breasts while playing with them through her bikini top. The flower girl exchanged for pleasure by tugging away at his shaft, helping him grow fully erect by tugging at the member with both hands.

“Man, out of all the hot honeys we could have gotten with, I’m glad it’s these two, Cleese.” The tattooed Ronny gave his friend a clear thumbs up, his lips returning to Aerith’s bikini-covered breasts to fondle them with his tongue. His breath brushed up against the fabric, with the flower girl barely feeling the air going against her skin as it condensated through her top and onto her skin to moisten it up. She was barely doing any work, and yet the sweat was forming on her skin over what dampness was left by the water she swam around in at the beach.

As Tifa continued to tease Cleese with her pussy juices, she noticed his eyes pivoting towards her chest, as any straight man would want to do with her physique. Despite her toned physique, her boobs were still large, her most notable asset compared to her abs. She knew that her partner wanted to have his face stuffed between her mounds, pulling him into them while her arms were still locked around his neck.

Though Cleese was taken by surprise at the sudden pull into her covered breasts, he was still more than happy with his current position, taking the time to appreciate the surprising softness of her mounds. The comforting groan that came from his muffled mouth reminded Tifa of her own feelings earlier in the day, when she was face down on the comforter to feel quickly at ease over the tension the last few days provided her.

As Cleese’s face sat proudly on top of Tifa’s tits, he felt an overwhelming urge to do something with this notion, as he rarely ever met a pair of melons in quite a fashion. He rubbed his head back and forth against the brawler’s boobs, motorboating them even as he felt the friction of the bikini top going against his face. The bartender was keeping them shielded for reasons he didn’t understand, but the fact she was so inviting to letting him rub his face against her mounds like this was quite satisfactory. It was a result of his erect cock still throbbing from her constant grind, unable to hold himself back from the urge to stuff his dick inside her and give her the breeding she deserved.

Tifa bit her lip as she held Cleese’s head close to her chest, pausing his motorboating as she tensed up on his lap. She quivered as she tried to resist any means of erupting into a climax herself, her hips shifting from side to side while finding her place of comfort before returning back to that urgency so soon. The young man took note of this, coming up with an idea to satisfy her for a change without her doing any of the effort.

“Here,” Cleese said, pulling his head out from under Tifa’s arms, “you’ve already done enough for me. Lemme show you how I like getting my girls off.”

Cleese rolled Tifa off of his lap, helping her to lay back on the bed while he knelt at the foot of the mattress. One look at her pussy while he held her legs open told him just how wet she had been as a result of her grind, with a quick shot of vaginal juices shooting onto his chest before he went in close. The brawler was holding herself back, barely holding a poker face to show that she was keeping it all together. Cleese could tell otherwise that she was hardly doing even that, whimpering as she held herself back from cumming.

While she wouldn’t say it out loud, Tifa was clearly begging him to get it on with her, even if she wasn’t saying it out loud. Cleese then leaned into Tifa’s pussy, using his tongue to lick at the labia to start. He tasted her fluids, humming in delight at the flavor while his fingers squeezed into her thighs, massaging them in his grip while he took enjoyment over feasting on her lubricants.

“Ahhhhn…” Tifa rested her head on the bed, her eyes shut as her feet shifted onto the edge. She let Cleese munch away at her box, humming in delight at the motions he made with his tongue after it slipped its way inside of the labia. She had never experienced someone so eager to dive right in and please her in such a manner, especially since she felt she hadn’t reciprocated him in kind.

Still, as Cleese’s tongue swirled its way around inside her canal, she felt blissfully relaxed, as was the intended goal of such a luxurious resort. She felt an urge to squeeze her thighs in on the guy’s head, just keep him there until the muscles were too weak to handle it. And with the endurance it took to build up such strong legs, that could take an ample amount of time.


Tifa was startled when she heard the cry of Aerith right next to her, followed by the bed quaking under her. She saw that the flower girl had been pushed down on her hands and knees, with Ronny kneeling next to Cleese. With his hands on the brunette’s behind, the tattooed man pulled her ass into his face, as his tongue was ready to lick away at her sphincter.

When Aerith felt Ronny paint her asshole with his saliva, she tensed up, eyes rolling back as she trembled from the sudden nature of the situation. She did her best to look back at the tattooed man, her angle a bit obscured by how he hid his face inside her ass, as she wished to avoid any further surprises coming from him.

“Oh, maaan…” Aerith moaned, resting her head against her hand. “I never thought my butt would be munched on like this, like, ever.”

“How does it feel?” Tifa asked, reaching for Aerith’s hand to hold onto for support.

“Different,” said the flower girl. “It’s not what I expected, I’ll be honest … but I like how it feels, at least!”

Ronny pulled away from Aerith’s backside, licking his lips of the saliva that bridged her hole. “Glad we can supply you some variety,” he said, giving the flower girl’s behind a smack that surprised her. “How could anybody say no to that ass?”

Aerith exhaled as she thought about Cloud. “Hard to really say…”

As Tifa and Aerith continued to squeeze their hands together, Rony and Cleese continued to take enjoyment in feasting on the sexual parts of the women’s bodies, showing a sense of worship that the girls longed for from a certain swordsman. It was easier for the brawler to look at Cleese while she had him eating her out, aware of just how juicy it had become after her work to get him hard. It had been leaking out for so long, that the built up nectar was getting all over his cheeks and chin. When they grew intimate later on, she would have to make a note to lick his face, just to see how she tasted for herself.

“Hmmmmgph…” Aerith’s head lowered onto the bed, her thumb rolling between Tifa’s fingers as Ronny’s tongue motions expanded, starting down from her clit and rolling its way up to her ass crack. As the flower girl shivered from such a long stretch of a lick, her teeth clenched down while her toes curled in, as she had never been used to this much effort into teasing her. She shifted her ass up in the air, just to feel Ronny follow along with her, even if that made her leave her knees from the bed.

“Feeling good?” Tifa asked, her voice accidentally cracking as Cleese’s tongue managed to jam its way deeper into her canal.

“Y-Yeah! It’s good,” Aerith whimpered. “It’s very good…”

“You’re not holding back, are you?” Ronny asked, giving Aerith’s behind a squeeze. “Come on, don’t worry! You can cum on me!”

“Are you sure?” Aerith asked, a shudder in her voice as an eyelid fluttered. “I don’t want to get you wet.”

“Lady, we just came off the beach,” Ronny laughed. “You’ve got nothing to worry about!”

“Okay, well, here goes … GRAAAAAAAHPPPPH!”

Near the end of her surprisingly loud growl, Aerith managed to bite down the bedsheets, grinding at the fabric just as her fluids shot out of her pussy and onto Ronny’s chest. The tattooed man was left in a shock at how powerful the spritz became right out of the gate, almost worried what would happen if he was hit in the face at this distance. While it never touched any of his tattoos, it was still impressive that such an innocent looking flower like her could ever hit so hard when reaching climax.

“Oh! Goddess! Goddess!” Tifa cried out, sitting upright as she squeezed her thighs in on Cleese’s head. “Stay right there! You’re going to be in for a … HNNNNNNGH”

Cleese tapped vehemently on Tifa’s thick thighs, as though begging for his life, right as her fluids shot into his face. The young man held his mouth wide open in the hopes of catching her juices and gulping it down, though he soon realized how quickly he had to act, lest he drown in the sexual substance. Tifa’s eyes rolled back as she remained surprisingly stationary on the bed, not at all left a quivering mess like the flower girl, who fell flat on her stomach back atop the mattress once she completed her orgasm.

Ronny wiped his face of Aerith’s substance, then studied his wet hand closely. He licked at the fluids that sopped on his skin, studying the flavor for himself before giving a big, hearty thumbs up to Cleese as he came up for air. Tifa looked at the young man, stunned as she realized he had been down there for too long, without any oxygen there to help keep him alive.

“Oh! Sorry!” Tifa laughed nervously. “I didn’t overdo it, did I?!”

“I, uh, gotta be honest,” Cleese replied, “I didn’t know just how badly you girls needed to cum.”

As Aerith rolled onto her ass to sit next to Tifa, the two girls shared a glance with each other. “Wait,” Aerith said, “have you…”

“Have … you?” Tifa asked, cocking her eyebrow with extra effort.

“Wait, we’re not dealing with virgins, are we?” Ronny laughed. “Dude, that would explain so much! No wonder you were cumming so hard!”

The girls bite their lips in embarrassment. They hadn’t realized that they had been saving themselves up for Cloud for so long, that their urgency to cum from the touch of a guy would be as pent up as it was.

Tifa sighed. “Well, I can only hope that it’s not as messy after that,” she said, crossing her arms against her chest. “I can’t imagine the hotel enjoying the mess it would make.”

“Says you,” Aerith giggled. “I’d want them to see what they missed out on!”

“Hey, you guys are paying for luxury,” Ronny said. “You might as well live in it!”

Shrugging, Tifa decided to accept that part of the matter. “You’re right. Half the payment is going to their cleaning room, anyway.”

Aerith chuckled. “Well, you’ve given us our fun,” said the flower girl, “how about we help you out next?”

“I thought you’d never ask!” Ronny met with Aerith, helping to push the brunette back on the bed, so that her entire body was on top of it and not just hanging off. This gave the tattooed man his own chance to properly mount the flower girl, bumping his crown against her clit. He looked her in the eyes as she stared back at him, licking her lips in anticipation for the cock to sheathe itself inside her. All the while, whatever fluids were still on his face from her climax rolled down his nose, dripping off onto her the more he shifted in motion on top of her.

Cleese was a bit more direct and eager compared to his friend, as he leaned Tifa onto her side while lying behind her in the same direction, holding her leg in the air as they faced away from Aerith and Ronny. His cock bumped into her labia, though he was quick to apply pressure without using his hands in order to penetrate her directly.

“Guhhhh-” Tifa held her hand to her mouth, muffling her audible gasp as her eyes went wide from the sheathing that occurred inside her canal. She felt herself stretch out from the girth that he provided, as it was hardly able to fit itself in so generously compared to the toys she had been practicing with. As Cleese bumped away at her waist to help fit his shaft inside her, Tifa’s body tensed up, her leg resting on the bed folding in while her toes curled from the sensation.

“Too much?” Cleese asked.

“J-Just a little,” Tifa said, inhaling through her nostrils while fanning her face. “It’s fine, it’s fine! I’ll manage to work with it…”


Tifa tried to look back at Aerith, unable to see for herself how the flower girl handled being deflowered by Ronny. As their backs were turned to them, it was hard to get a glimpse at what was occurring, though thankfully you aren’t the ones following her perspective entirely.

Ronny rolled Aerith’s legs over his shoulders as he folded them over her head, watching her eyes widen as he repeatedly bucked the tip of his shaft against her folds. It only took a matter of seconds for it to finally poke its way through the folds, with the flower girl taken by surprise at how thick it felt inside her snatch. Aerith trembled under the weight of the tattooed man kneeling over her, his hips rearing back as he prepared to pump at her body for his dick to slide away inside her tunnel.

“Oh! Goddess! Fuck! It’s so much!” Aerith was unable to look away from Ronny while he bucked into her behind, her thighs and skin jiggling with every thrust. Her fluids were slowly oozing out of her pussy, despite how tight and snug the shaft was inside her canal, with the tattooed man’s cock growing damper. It was lubricated by her heat as the arousal kept her in such a state of pleasure, though she kept her lips shut even when she was whimpering from the excitement of being reamed by such a good cock.

Ronny rested his hands on top of Aerith’s covered breasts, squeezing in on them through the bikini top while bucking harder into her snatch. As she continued to lay on her back, the flower girl tried to wrap her ankles around his head, though it was difficult to do while she endured such an internal pummeling by this stranger she just met. Even as he rubbed his thumbs against her nipples while sweat collected on her top, it was still much more intense for her to take the hard reaming from the tattooed man than anything else he could potentially do.

Tifa sucked on her lips while she held onto Cleese’s hand across her stomach, her eyes shut while she allowed him to ride against her cunt. As he was of much larger size than she ever thought possible, she could already feel his staff punching away at her cervix. As she bit down on her thumb, she rolled her eyes back, her leg shaking and kicking in the young man’s grip while he rode away at her rear in order to fit his full length inside her to begin with.

“Uuurgggh! Pound meeeee!” Tifa begged, with Cleese running his hand down her clavicle just to feel the toned nature of her toned muscles. He leaned into her neckline to peck away at it, admiring the texture of her skin after it had been in the sun for so long. While it didn’t seem that she had experienced a tan for the amount of time she had spent out on the beach, there was still a hint of red coming to the surface of her body.

Tifa’s eyes widened as she had realized she nearly forgot about her goal while allowing Cleese to get so close to her face, awkwardly turning her head to meet her gaze with his. She stuck her tongue out to lash away at his face, using it to clean off the juices that still stained his skin. She moaned through her open mouth while Cleese continued to ram into her behind, his grip on her leg squeezing in as he continued to put as much impact onto her cervix as he physically could. He had his goals, but so did Ronny.

“Uph! Ahph! Gnh! Hoo! Wow! Ahp!” Aerith continued to make unusually violent sounds at a high pitch, her mouth open all the while as Ronny became aggressive with her body. Holding onto her legs against his shoulders, he squeezed in on them tightly while she held her chest, gripping the bikini top over them while taking joy and pleasure in riding her out. He could feel the cervix pushing against his crown, grunting through clenched teeth as he tried his best to invade the tiny space.

Deciding to take the effort in a different direction, Ronny shifted Aerith’s legs from his shoulders to his sides, grabbing hold of her ass before lifting her off the bed. The flower girl was taken by surprise as he deadlift her off the mattress, holding onto her while his shaft remained sheathed inside her muff. The brunette gripped his shoulders for dear life while her legs scissor locked around his torso, practically clinging to dear life while she sat on his hands.

“Goddeeeess!” Aerith cried out. “I could never have dreamed of getting reamed like this! It’s incredible!”

As Ronny chuckled, it was clear to Aerith that Ronny also still had some of her juices on his skin, opting to clean it up with her lips and tongue in an effort to distract her from the constant thrusts made against her cervix. She was also feeling a little dehydrated, her expulsion of fluids leaving her a little dry from such an intense climax created by someone that wasn’t herself. This would be the next best thing for her until she showered, but as her fluids were being pumped from her snatch by the tattooed man, it was clear she had a lot to endure from him. It was still worth it to be given this level of satisfaction from a stranger, however.

Tifa felt Cleese running his lips down her neckline, caressing the skin with his mouth while he tried his best to continue ramming into Lockhart from such an angle. The brawler was infatuated with his passion, just as he seemed equally enamored with her abs. His hands were running up and down the washboard degree of workout Tifa put into her body, the bumps going against his digits while his cock came so close to feeling them from inside her snatch. As he realized his friend had gone to different lengths with his partner, it soon became clear to the young man that he should be trying to do the same.

Thus, Cleese shifted his body from behind Tifa to sit up near her groin, still holding onto her leg as she remained on her side. The young man bucked away at her snatch while hooking her leg over his shoulder, hopeful that this position would be just what he needed in order to accomplish his goal of breaking through her cervix. The bartender held onto the sheets for dear life, as Cleese was being more aggressive than she could handle with a cock that was still very tight inside her snatch.

“I hope you’re okay,” Cleese said to Tifa.

“Yes! Yes, I’m good,” Tifa moaned, smiling while her head bobbed from every thrust. “It’s just a lot more than I expected! I didn’t know it was so easy to fuck me like this, like, everrrrrrr! OOOOOUGH!”

Tifa was now holding onto her leg, managing to stretch it against the length of her torso right as Cleese paused his movements against her body. Even the young man realized what he had done, as his crown now occupied the space of her womb after punching through the cervix. While it was a feeling that left her tense and convulsing at the same time, the sudden spurt of juices coming from her muff was a good tell that she was indeed taking pleasure out of such deep exploration.

“Man, this girl still hasn’t had it,” Ronny said out of envy.

“Lower your hands a bit, dude,” Cleese said to him.

Ronny did just that, with Aerith immediately burying her face into his shoulder while her lips sucked on the skin. Her voice could be heard, muffled by the shoulder, while clinging onto the tattooed man for dear life. Her cervix had been spiked with just that extra special hit of an inch, now feeling the similar occupation within her womb. It was a beautiful agony that she felt from the penetrative effort succeeding at long last, almost sniffling from the beauty it entailed.

“Are you okay?” asked Ronny.

“I’ll be fine,” Aerith replied. “I’ll be fine. Just … nnnngh. Give me a minute, please.”

While Tifa and Cleese were still going with the sound of skin slapping skin, Ronny took the time to comfort Aerith from such a mind-shattering experience. The sounds of Tifa getting railed by the other young man didn’t deter the flower girl, but it did give her an idea of just what the bartender was going through while she took a break while keeping Ronny’s dick warm all the while.

As for the brawler, she let go of her leg at long last, feeling the throbbing veins of Cleese’s cock pumping against her canal walls. The faster pacing of spurts from her snatch made it clear that she couldn’t hold back for much longer, though the young man saw it as well. Even as he bucked at her snatch while his balls swung against her body, he had to wonder if he should get out of the way once she was ready to explode again.

Not that it was that much of a priority for himself, either. His cock had been hard for longer than Tifa’s last orgasmic release, and the urge to fill her up was starting to spike in Cleese’s head. The same could be said of Ronny, who was dropping Aerith down faster as his hips began to thrust into her. The flower girl was finally at ease with her cervical insertion, ready to take whatever came her way from his cock, the veins throbbing hard within her flesh sheath. The two men nodded at one another, understanding it was time for them to finally let it out and fill them up.


Tifa’s chin curled into her chest as she pulled the sheets to her forehead, her teeth clenching as she felt the release of semen inside her womb. Her hand dragged down her face before biting down on the fabric, her eyes shut as she felt the surprisingly hard explosion of seed inside her reproductive organs. While it caused her to gush out her own juices onto Cleese’s waist, the close space between them causing the fluids to splash about, Lockhart couldn’t help but hold onto her stomach, as she felt a strange increase in size coming from within. She opened her eyes to see swelling coming over her abs, as though the injection of seed was too much for a normal human to handle.

Aerith had a similar reaction to Ronny, her lips locking with his as she trembled in his grip. Her hips shifted about after every string of seed made its way into her womb, waiting to meet with the fallopian tubes to inseminate with the eggs that begged for breeding. All the while, her juices exploded onto Ronny’s dick, the tattooed man feeling the long drip of fluids from her snatch to his balls. As sweat formed on her body, Aerith felt bliss for the first time, more than happy with their trip to the beach and the truce the girls made.

Tifa shivered as Cleese’s cock left her canal, finally allowing her to roll onto her back. She stared at the ceiling for a brief moment, thinking about how intense the climax was between them both. Aerith was dropped next to her by Ronny, the two girls panting as they took a moment to recover from such an experience. The bartender lifted her head to look at the flower girl, noticing the light bulge on her end.

“I guess we both got it pretty good,” Tifa laughed.

Aerith ran her hand over her stomach. “It looks nice, doesn’t it? I can’t believe these two even had that much pent up.”

“Speaking of people needing release,” Tifa said, her tongue stuck out from her mouth at their suitors. “You made fun of us for how we were squirting earlier, but at least we can tell we’re not the only ones that need it.”

Ronny and Cleese nodded their heads silently, though they were musing to themselves about the new size of the girls’ stomachs. “What do you think?” asked Ronny.

“They don’t look pregnant enough,” Cleese laughed. “How about we swap partners and see if we can make them look bigger?”

“I’m loving that idea,” Ronny said, clicking his tongue as he pointed a finger gun at his friend.

The two men helped the girls back to their feet, aiming to do more with them before their fun could come to an end. As Tifa found herself pivoted around by Ronny, she finally saw out the large window of their master suite, noticing that the color of the sky changed from a clean blue to a fade into light orange. The sun had been setting throughout, leaving the brawler to wonder just how much time had passed since they came back to their room.

Rather than bend Tifa over the bed, Ronny picked her up off the ground, folding her legs against her body as he left her on display to the other two in the room. His cock went right back into her leaking pussy, plugging it back up as he bucked her against his shaft. Wincing, the brawler felt the crown spike its way into her cervix, though this time around it was hardly as painful as it felt the first time around.

As Tifa rode Ronny, Cleese raised Aerith’s leg until she was balancing on one while leaning towards the bed, hugging her like a bear as his member pushed its way inside her rectum. The flower girl sucked on her lip as her eyes rolled back, her body likely still quaking even in the tight lock of the young man’s arms. It was a new one for her, though she still felt the enjoyment of having her rectal cavity pumped into while the creamy fluids Ronny left behind in her snatch. It was a slow and trickling trail, but it still highlighted just how much was inside her if it managed to spill from her cervix.

Ronny had Tifa pointed in the direction of Aerith and Cleese, barely able to see over her shoulder while they observed the other pair and their aggressive intimacy. Cleese was in control while he hugged the flower girl, licking her cheeks clean of the sweat that formed on her skin, while her hands were barely able to rub at her hips while being held in such a tight position. That mattered so little to the flower girl, however, as the pumps into her ass were still keeping her stimulated while she looked over to see how Tifa was given a front row seat by the tattooed man, still standing up to meet with their performance.

The harder Ronny rammed into Tifa, the more he managed to churn out the fluids that belonged to his friend and the bartender, his cock a mess of sex as it trailed its way to his balls. The black haired brawler could tell that there was a difference between the tattooed man and Cleese, even if it wasn’t immediately apparent. But it seemed that they were treating the girls differently when they were in their grasp, such as how her recent partner was now hugging Aerith while folding one leg up against the side of her torso.

Aerith’s time in Cleese’s arms soon stopped, as he let go of her body. While his cock was still inside of the flower girl, he was quick to grab her arms before she fell over onto the bed, keeping her upper body parallel to it. HWith her leg on the ground now, she kept her balance on her toes while Cleese pulled her back into him by her arms. Her breasts jiggled under the bikini top, while her stomach sloshed about from the additional cum pent up inside her. While she stared at the headboard of the bed, she was actually staring off into space, her eyes glazed over as she felt the intense pumping inside her anus.

To Aerith’s surprise, however, Cleese pulled his cock out of her anus, only to reposition himself against her labia. The flower girl curled her chin to her chest as she tensed up out of instinct, knowing how this would feel when it made its way inside her cunt once again. Once it slipped inside her, she felt oddly relaxed, as though her expectations of how it would pop into her womb for a second time had been relieved. She still felt the crown pumping its way against the womb, almost stretching it out until it fitted it like a condom. It was incredible in her mind, that she could be so lucky as to be reamed by such a good dick, even if she could hardly find much difference in the length and girth compared to Ronny.

Finally, Tifa had enough clarity in her head to realize the best way to ride their pair of gentlemen, even if she enjoyed having her buff, bloated body on display. “Hey, can you lay down on the bed?” she asked Ronny.

“Yeah, I don’t see why not!”

Ronny pivoted on his feet until his back went against the bed, then fell onto his back while keeping Tifa on his lap. The bounce that the collapse caused made the cock push against her womb, sending a jittering sensation up her spine that caused a light explosion of juices to escape around the dick. Tifa pivoted around, feeling the cock rubbing against her canal walls, until she was finally able to face Ronny, getting a good look at him and his tattoos while she took a moment to relax before moving onto the last bit of their time together, knowing she would be in full control.

The same happened with Cleese and Aerith, the young man laying back as he let Aerith shift her position on top of his lap. With Tifa and the flower girl now on top of their respective man, they felt an odd shift in their minds, as though the adrenaline were fixing them to be more aroused now that they were in such positions. Tifa bucked away slowly but roughly against Ronny, her muscles tightening her cunt on the shaft while feeling it move around in her canal and womb. Compared to her, Aerith was moving at a much faster rhythm, though she was lighter against Cleese in comparison to his tattooed friend.

While the girls were in charge, moaning wildly like sluts, Ronny and Cleese were groping their asses, getting a good feel for their behinds. Even as they squeezed in their cheeks, the two men could barely contain the aggression that the two girls were giving them, whatever the cause of their pent up sexual needs intensifying even after it could have subsided. Aerith couldn’t help herself, groping at Cleese’s chest as she grinned with a wicked nature in her head. She was happy to be on top of him, though she was growing intensely urgent in her need to be creamed.

“Yeah, that’s it, baby,” Aaerith said through short huffs, her smile still plastered to her sweaty face, “let that dick sit in my cunt Let me fuck it till I’m bred with your sperm! Maybe I can have twins with you and your buddy!”

Tifa’s dirty talk occurred simultaneously, though the speed at which she rode Ronny had intensified, as did the impactful claps of her ass against his lap. “Fuck me good, baby! Drill that dick in me!! Breed me with your slutty seed! Fuck! You’re going to give it to me so fucking good! I can’t wait for you to explode in me!”

“Damn, dude,” Ronny said to Cleese, “did you think we’d get this lucky with such a hot pair of babes?”

“Not at all,” Cleese replied. “I could go on forever with all of this if I wanted.”

“Is that so?” Tifa asked, looking at Aerith as they shared similar thoughts. “We can definitely make this one worth your while, then!”

The girls pumped their waists harder against the men, their grips on their asses no longer capable of holding the ladies back. Tifa’s bucking against Ronny was still louder than Aerith on Cleese, though she made up for that with faster thrusts. The young men were unable to hold themselves back for much longer, as the aggressive nature of the ladies took them by surprise. With their canals gripping their cocks, there was never meant to be any sort of escape for them, as they already accepted their fate. To their surprise, the women went on them for a long period, several minutes, before collapsing on top of their chests as they gushed their juices from an excited orgasm.

While the girls blasted their sex on their laps, Ronny and Cleese growled as they held their respective partner close, their seed blasting violently inside their wombs. They quickly noticed how the upper bodies of Tifa and Aerith rose up inch by inch, no doubt thanks to the expansion of spunk that occurred inside their reproductive organs. It was quite the output they presented, as when they let go of the ladies to sit back upright, they most certainly looked as though they were already pregnant with their next of kin.

“Yummy!” Aerith panted, fanning her face. “Just look at us, Tifa! Don’t you think Cloud will be jealous?”

“If he cared enough,” Tifa sighed, “he would be the one we were banging right now. But you two? You two are just what we needed.”

“Glad to help,” Cleese exhaled.

“Up for another round?” asked Tifa, a smug smirk on her lips. “You did say you wanted this to last forever, after all.”

Aerith sighed, slowly rocking against Cleese in the hopes she could get him erect once more. At least this still beats out being on the run from Shinra and the like.
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Commission-FF7-Out-of-Cloud by fizzer


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