Catching-Scavenger-Star-Wars by Cambrian “You there! Freeze!”
AJ-009 whips up his blaster rifle, ready to put a hole in the mysterious intruder if they force him to by ignoring his order. Thankfully, they stop dead in their tracks, allowing AJ to stride forward and quickly come upon them. He’s even more glad he didn’t have to kill them, when he catches sight of the intruder’s face and realizes it’s a young woman.
Letting out a sigh, AJ lowers his rifle a little bit, shaking his head.
“Do you understand th…
“Hey, Tifa. What’d you need me for?”
Biting her lower lip, Tifa Lockhart turns to her comrade in arms, Jessie Rasberry. The both of them are members of Avalanche, together with Barret, Biggs, and Wedge. But like herself, Tifa knows that their last mission shook Jessie a bit. The explosion was more than anticipated, even Jessie had admitted as much, and she was supposed to be their technical expert, the one who built the bombs in the first place.
She could only hope that the other woman would be willing to help her out on this… but then, she’d seen the way Cloud and Jessie flirted, so she didn’t expect this to be too hard of a sell.
“… It’s like this. You remember that Cloud Strife character Barret hired on our last mission?”
Jessie blinks, and then smiles as she nods, her eyes drifting off to the side. She clearly does remember. She remembers quite well. Tifa resists the urge to snicker as Jessie refocuses her attention back on the buxom bartender.
“Yeah, I remember tall, blond, and handsome. What about him? Barret thinking of hiring him full time?”
Letting out a sigh, Tifa shakes her head and crosses her arms under her chest.
“No, and that’s just it. Barret promised Cloud way more than we have readily available. So now, he’s planning on skipping out on the bill by ghosting Cloud.”
Jessie’s eyes widen at that, and the brunette takes on a distinct look of outrage on Cloud’s behalf.
“What?! He can’t do that! Just how much did Barret even offer anyways?!”
Tifa names the sum, and Jessie goes from angry and outraged to white-faced and blanching in an instant.
“O-Oh… oh my. Barret… Barret’s an idiot, isn’t he?”
Tifa solemnly nods along with her fellow female comrade. Yes, Barret was an idiot. Which was why it fell to her and Jessie to make up for his mistakes. There was certainly not ulterior motives to her plans, no sir.
“Yep. So that’s the situation. Cloud is a good fighter, and he’d make an excellent long term operative. But Barret is right about one thing, finding out that we aren’t paying him his due for the last job will sour our relationship with him entirely. Still, trying to ghost the guy is just going to cause problems… not least of which because of my prior relationship with him.”
Nodding slowly in response, Jessie’s eyes light up and she snaps her fingers as she points at Tifa.
“That’s right, you two knew each other before you were in Avalanche, didn’t you? Man, Barret really wasn’t willing to take that into account?”
Letting out a low sigh, Tifa just shakes her head, sidestepping that particular conversation.
“This is why I need your help, Jessie. Given how much Avalanche owes Cloud, we’re going to have to do an awful lot to make it up to him. Just one of us, just me… it wouldn’t be enough. Which is why I want us to team up and show Cloud a good time. No, not just a good time, a great time. If we work together, we can hold Cloud’s interest and fix Barret’s mistake in one fell swoop.”
Jessie’s eyes widen as she catches the underlying meaning to what Tifa is saying. A light blush spreads across the brunette’s face and she blatantly eyes Tifa up and down.
“Hold on… you’re asking me to…”
Tifa blushes too and looks away for a moment as she answers.
“… Yes.”
“I’m in!”
Whipping her head back around, it’s Tifa turn to stare at Jessie wide-eyed and mouth agape. That was way easier than she thought it would be! Jessie just laughs at Tifa’s facial expression, skipping over… and laying a big fat kiss on the other woman’s lips as she hugs her close. Tifa lets out a yelp, but Jessie has trapped her arms against her sides and isn’t letting her go. Their tongues end up tangling together for a long moment, and it’s not long before Tifa is kissing Jessie right back, the two gorgeous young women making out right then and there.
When they finally pull apart, Tifa is flushed and panting, her large bust heaving for air. Jessie is similarly red-faced, but also grinning like a maniac.
“I thought you’d never ask, Tifa.”
… Tifa is beginning to realize just how much of a thirst-monster her comrade is. But in the end, this can only be good for her purposes, right?
Cloud blinks at the knock on his door. Cocking his head to the side, the Ex-SOLDIER makes his way over, every fiber of his body thrumming with potential for violence if the authorities have come for him or something. He had after all just helped a terrorist organization destroy a mako reactor. However, when he opens the door, its not Shinra’s security forces… its his childhood friend Tifa, and one of her comrades from Avalanche, Jessie.
Both look somewhat flustered, though it seems worse for Tifa, while Jessie has a big wide smile on her face, beaming at him as she pushes Tifa forward, causing her to yelp as she collides with his chest.
“A-Ah, sorry! Hi Cloud, m-may we come in!”
Blinking slowly, but definitely enjoying the feeling of his old friend’s sizable bust pressing into his pecs, Cloud slowly nods, stepping back and pulling Tifa with him for a moment before letting her stand on her own two feet. Jessie slips in behind the dark-haired woman, still grinning, even as her eyes sweep over the small room he’s currently calling home, before ultimately focusing back on him.
“Hey again, Cloud. Good to see you~”
Smiling a little at the brunette’s flirtatious attitude, Cloud gives Jessie a nod, even as he feels like he’s being inspected like a piece of meat. Only, that feeling isn’t just coming from Jessie… it’s coming from Tifa as well. Turning his attention back her way, the Ex-SOLDIER lifts a single blond brow.
“Tifa? What’s all this about? Do you have my Gil? Will you be needing me for more missions?”
The smile falls away from Jessie’s face, and Tifa blanches and looks down at her feet.
“Um… please take a seat, Cloud. S-So we can talk.”
Cloud lifts his second eyebrow to join the first at that but does as he’s told. Only to stare in uncomprehending incredulity as Tifa and Jessie (they must have rehearsed it) both drop down to their knees and prostrate themselves before him as they apologize in unison.
“We’re sorry!”
Blinking at them both owlishly, Cloud scratches the back of his head through his spiky blond hair.
Lifting their heads up and scooting forward, the two girls are suddenly right in front of his legs, looking up at him beseechingly, with Tifa doing the talking.
“The truth is, Cloud… we don’t have your money. Avalanche has never had that sort of money. I think… I think Barret thought he could abuse our mutual past and friendship. B-But it’s okay! Because Jessie and I thought we might pay you back in another way!”
Cloud opens his mouth, anger rising in his chest (mostly directed at Barret) but before he can get truly furious, something out of left field happens. At least, it feels out of left field to him. Suddenly, Tifa and Jessie aren’t just in front of him, they’re between his legs, spreading his knees wide open. As Tifa works open his belt buckle and his pants, Jessie is pulling up Tifa’s top… and letting his childhood friend’s absolutely gorgeous milky pale jugs bounce free of their confines.
With the Ex-SOLDIER’s brain momentarily short-circuiting, by the time he manages to actually get some sort of response formulated, it’s a bit too late, because Jessie has also removed her top, having not come in her standard metal armor, and both girls are topless as they work on his cock together, determined looks on their faces. Though, shock and wonder is starting to enter their eyes as he grows bigger and bigger by the moment under their ministrations.
The SOLDIER treatments hadn’t just made him a skilled fighter. They’d altered his physiology in a number of ways, and one of them, embarrassingly enough, was his cock size. Cloud can only blush as both Tifa and Jessie gaze upon his fully erect length in awe.
“What the hell?! Tifa, what is this?!”
Rather than answer him… Tifa swallows his cockhead whole, sliding those pouty lips of hers a few inches down his length as she begins to bob up and down his cock, all while maintaining eye contact. Instead, it’s Jessie who pipes up, with a shit-eating grin on her face as she strokes one hand through Tifa’s hair and caresses and fondles his balls with the other.
“I think it’s pretty simple what’s happening here, Cloud. Avalanche owes you a huge debt that we can’t afford to pay. Tifa here, on the other hand, has long had a MASSIVE crush on you. So, she’s using the debt as an excuse to fuck you, rather than simply begging you to forgive us and relying on your past relationship like Barret initially expected.”
Cloud can tell that’s NOT what Tifa and Jessie discussed, because Tifa stops halfway through and tries to pull back off of his cock as her eyes whip over to Jessie, a muffled denial leaving her throat… but Jessie firms up her grip on Tifa’s hair and grins wickedly as she shrugs in Cloud’s direction.
“She’s in denial, as you can clearly see.”
After a few moments of struggling, Tifa gives up and her shoulders slump as she looks up at Cloud with puppy dog eyes. Said eyes never failed to get her what she wanted, back when they were younger… and now he was receiving the full force of those eyes while Tifa was wrapping her lips around his massive cock. Breath hitching, Cloud slowly nods, even as he looks over at Jessie.
“And I suppose you’re here to be Avalanche’s actual payment.”
Grinning like a loon, the obviously thirsty brunette bobs her head up and down in a nod.
“Got it in one!”
Looking between Tifa’s imploring gaze and Jessie’s big wide grin, Cloud lets out a slow sigh and shrugs.
“Guess I’ll just go with the flow then.”
Jessie lets out a cheer, and Tifa begins to suck him off even more enthusiastically then before. Honestly, his childhood friend feels like a damn vacuum around his cock. But it’s going to take more than her mouth to get him off. With a growl, Cloud pulls Tifa from Jessie’s grip quite abruptly, and yanks the busty dark-haired woman off of his member. Before Tifa can so much as protest, he’s stood, turned around, and tosses her face first onto his bed.
He’s atop her a moment later, flipping up Tifa’s short black skirt even as her exposed tits get smooshed into the bed. The SOLDIER treatments hadn’t just given him a big dick… they’d given him a big libido too. It’d taken Cloud an awful long time to suppress that libido and get himself under control, so he wasn’t thinking about fucking all the time. He’d worked hard to learn that self-control… and now, Tifa and Jessie had gone right ahead and stripped it all away.
With a growl, he thrusts into his childhood friend from behind, penetrating Tifa on the spot, causing the bartender to squeal in joy and pleasure as he starts fucking her right then and there. Meanwhile, Jessie takes the time to get fully naked before she climbs onto the bed behind him, pressing her much smaller chest into his back and wrapping her arms around him as she murmurs in his ear.
“That’s right, big boy. Give it to her. Fuck her hard, Cloud. But save some for me because I’m next!”
Cloud snorts derisively. If Jessie only knew… ah, but she’d learn soon enough. With a low growl, Cloud keeps on fucking Tifa, plowing her from behind. Her gorgeous toned behind claps and slaps as his crotch smacks into it, and her inner walls tighten and squeeze around his length sporadically as she cums again and again along his mako-enhanced shaft.
He’s the biggest man she’s ever had, Cloud can say that with certainty, because he’s fairly sure Tifa has never been with a SOLDIER before. Not Jessie either. If they had, they’d have known better… they would have brought a third, or even a fourth girl with them for this. Still, Tifa IS his childhood friend, and if he’s her long time crush, then she’s his as well. So, he’ll go easy on them and not break their minds too badly.
Counting them out in his head, Cloud lets Tifa experience half a dozen explosive, mind-melting orgasms around his cock before he finally allows himself to cum inside of her. He then pulls out of her, letting her collapse face down on the bed, and grabs Jessie by the wrist, dragging her out from behind him. A deep, tongue-filled kiss to her mouth as he grips her hair, and then Cloud is pushing her down onto the bed right beside Tifa, her ankles coming up to next to her head as he folds her and thrusts in, taking her in a vigorous mating press.
Jessie’s eyes bulge out of her skull as she finally gets to feel his entire length slamming home into her cunt, thrusting up against her cervix and ultimately breaking right through into her womb itself. But even as he penetrates that most sacred of places, Cloud doesn’t let up on the brunette. She wanted this, so she’s going to get it.
He fucks Jessie until Tifa lets out a low groan and slowly finds the strength to roll over on her back. By that point, the brunette’s eyes are rolled back in her head and her tongue is lolling out of her mouth. With a grunt, Cloud creampies Jessie just as he did Tifa… and then moves back over to his childhood friend, placing the head of his cock at her pussy once more as she freezes, looking between him and his still-erect member with wide eyes.
“Ready for Round Two, Tifa?”
Honestly, if she’d shown even a hint of fear or worry, he might have stopped right then and there. But while Tifa does have an indecisive look on her face for a moment as she bites her lower lip in thought… in the end, she nods, and as he fills her with his member once again, he leans forward and Tifa happily wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down into a kiss, the two of them making out quite aggressively, even as Cloud fucks her for a second time.
It won’t be the last either… if Barret really isn’t going to pay him, if he really is going to stick around and keep helping Avalanche out in spite of that… then Tifa and Jessie have a lot of making up to do with their bodies. They’ve awakened the beast that Shinra put in him with the SOLDIER treatments… but out of consideration for his past with Tifa, Cloud will do his best to rein in the worst of it.
Still, both girls have a lot of work cut out for them if they think they’re going to satiate his hunger…
Biting her lower lip, Tifa Lockhart turns to her comrade in arms, Jessie Rasberry. The both of them are members of Avalanche, together with Barret, Biggs, and Wedge. But like herself, Tifa knows that their last mission shook Jessie a bit. The explosion was more than anticipated, even Jessie had admitted as much, and she was supposed to be their technical expert, the one who built the bombs in the first place.
She could only hope that the other woman would be willing to help her out on this… but then, she’d seen the way Cloud and Jessie flirted, so she didn’t expect this to be too hard of a sell.
“… It’s like this. You remember that Cloud Strife character Barret hired on our last mission?”
Jessie blinks, and then smiles as she nods, her eyes drifting off to the side. She clearly does remember. She remembers quite well. Tifa resists the urge to snicker as Jessie refocuses her attention back on the buxom bartender.
“Yeah, I remember tall, blond, and handsome. What about him? Barret thinking of hiring him full time?”
Letting out a sigh, Tifa shakes her head and crosses her arms under her chest.
“No, and that’s just it. Barret promised Cloud way more than we have readily available. So now, he’s planning on skipping out on the bill by ghosting Cloud.”
Jessie’s eyes widen at that, and the brunette takes on a distinct look of outrage on Cloud’s behalf.
“What?! He can’t do that! Just how much did Barret even offer anyways?!”
Tifa names the sum, and Jessie goes from angry and outraged to white-faced and blanching in an instant.
“O-Oh… oh my. Barret… Barret’s an idiot, isn’t he?”
Tifa solemnly nods along with her fellow female comrade. Yes, Barret was an idiot. Which was why it fell to her and Jessie to make up for his mistakes. There was certainly not ulterior motives to her plans, no sir.
“Yep. So that’s the situation. Cloud is a good fighter, and he’d make an excellent long term operative. But Barret is right about one thing, finding out that we aren’t paying him his due for the last job will sour our relationship with him entirely. Still, trying to ghost the guy is just going to cause problems… not least of which because of my prior relationship with him.”
Nodding slowly in response, Jessie’s eyes light up and she snaps her fingers as she points at Tifa.
“That’s right, you two knew each other before you were in Avalanche, didn’t you? Man, Barret really wasn’t willing to take that into account?”
Letting out a low sigh, Tifa just shakes her head, sidestepping that particular conversation.
“This is why I need your help, Jessie. Given how much Avalanche owes Cloud, we’re going to have to do an awful lot to make it up to him. Just one of us, just me… it wouldn’t be enough. Which is why I want us to team up and show Cloud a good time. No, not just a good time, a great time. If we work together, we can hold Cloud’s interest and fix Barret’s mistake in one fell swoop.”
Jessie’s eyes widen as she catches the underlying meaning to what Tifa is saying. A light blush spreads across the brunette’s face and she blatantly eyes Tifa up and down.
“Hold on… you’re asking me to…”
Tifa blushes too and looks away for a moment as she answers.
“… Yes.”
“I’m in!”
Whipping her head back around, it’s Tifa turn to stare at Jessie wide-eyed and mouth agape. That was way easier than she thought it would be! Jessie just laughs at Tifa’s facial expression, skipping over… and laying a big fat kiss on the other woman’s lips as she hugs her close. Tifa lets out a yelp, but Jessie has trapped her arms against her sides and isn’t letting her go. Their tongues end up tangling together for a long moment, and it’s not long before Tifa is kissing Jessie right back, the two gorgeous young women making out right then and there.
When they finally pull apart, Tifa is flushed and panting, her large bust heaving for air. Jessie is similarly red-faced, but also grinning like a maniac.
“I thought you’d never ask, Tifa.”
… Tifa is beginning to realize just how much of a thirst-monster her comrade is. But in the end, this can only be good for her purposes, right?
Cloud blinks at the knock on his door. Cocking his head to the side, the Ex-SOLDIER makes his way over, every fiber of his body thrumming with potential for violence if the authorities have come for him or something. He had after all just helped a terrorist organization destroy a mako reactor. However, when he opens the door, its not Shinra’s security forces… its his childhood friend Tifa, and one of her comrades from Avalanche, Jessie.
Both look somewhat flustered, though it seems worse for Tifa, while Jessie has a big wide smile on her face, beaming at him as she pushes Tifa forward, causing her to yelp as she collides with his chest.
“A-Ah, sorry! Hi Cloud, m-may we come in!”
Blinking slowly, but definitely enjoying the feeling of his old friend’s sizable bust pressing into his pecs, Cloud slowly nods, stepping back and pulling Tifa with him for a moment before letting her stand on her own two feet. Jessie slips in behind the dark-haired woman, still grinning, even as her eyes sweep over the small room he’s currently calling home, before ultimately focusing back on him.
“Hey again, Cloud. Good to see you~”
Smiling a little at the brunette’s flirtatious attitude, Cloud gives Jessie a nod, even as he feels like he’s being inspected like a piece of meat. Only, that feeling isn’t just coming from Jessie… it’s coming from Tifa as well. Turning his attention back her way, the Ex-SOLDIER lifts a single blond brow.
“Tifa? What’s all this about? Do you have my Gil? Will you be needing me for more missions?”
The smile falls away from Jessie’s face, and Tifa blanches and looks down at her feet.
“Um… please take a seat, Cloud. S-So we can talk.”
Cloud lifts his second eyebrow to join the first at that but does as he’s told. Only to stare in uncomprehending incredulity as Tifa and Jessie (they must have rehearsed it) both drop down to their knees and prostrate themselves before him as they apologize in unison.
“We’re sorry!”
Blinking at them both owlishly, Cloud scratches the back of his head through his spiky blond hair.
Lifting their heads up and scooting forward, the two girls are suddenly right in front of his legs, looking up at him beseechingly, with Tifa doing the talking.
“The truth is, Cloud… we don’t have your money. Avalanche has never had that sort of money. I think… I think Barret thought he could abuse our mutual past and friendship. B-But it’s okay! Because Jessie and I thought we might pay you back in another way!”
Cloud opens his mouth, anger rising in his chest (mostly directed at Barret) but before he can get truly furious, something out of left field happens. At least, it feels out of left field to him. Suddenly, Tifa and Jessie aren’t just in front of him, they’re between his legs, spreading his knees wide open. As Tifa works open his belt buckle and his pants, Jessie is pulling up Tifa’s top… and letting his childhood friend’s absolutely gorgeous milky pale jugs bounce free of their confines.
With the Ex-SOLDIER’s brain momentarily short-circuiting, by the time he manages to actually get some sort of response formulated, it’s a bit too late, because Jessie has also removed her top, having not come in her standard metal armor, and both girls are topless as they work on his cock together, determined looks on their faces. Though, shock and wonder is starting to enter their eyes as he grows bigger and bigger by the moment under their ministrations.
The SOLDIER treatments hadn’t just made him a skilled fighter. They’d altered his physiology in a number of ways, and one of them, embarrassingly enough, was his cock size. Cloud can only blush as both Tifa and Jessie gaze upon his fully erect length in awe.
“What the hell?! Tifa, what is this?!”
Rather than answer him… Tifa swallows his cockhead whole, sliding those pouty lips of hers a few inches down his length as she begins to bob up and down his cock, all while maintaining eye contact. Instead, it’s Jessie who pipes up, with a shit-eating grin on her face as she strokes one hand through Tifa’s hair and caresses and fondles his balls with the other.
“I think it’s pretty simple what’s happening here, Cloud. Avalanche owes you a huge debt that we can’t afford to pay. Tifa here, on the other hand, has long had a MASSIVE crush on you. So, she’s using the debt as an excuse to fuck you, rather than simply begging you to forgive us and relying on your past relationship like Barret initially expected.”
Cloud can tell that’s NOT what Tifa and Jessie discussed, because Tifa stops halfway through and tries to pull back off of his cock as her eyes whip over to Jessie, a muffled denial leaving her throat… but Jessie firms up her grip on Tifa’s hair and grins wickedly as she shrugs in Cloud’s direction.
“She’s in denial, as you can clearly see.”
After a few moments of struggling, Tifa gives up and her shoulders slump as she looks up at Cloud with puppy dog eyes. Said eyes never failed to get her what she wanted, back when they were younger… and now he was receiving the full force of those eyes while Tifa was wrapping her lips around his massive cock. Breath hitching, Cloud slowly nods, even as he looks over at Jessie.
“And I suppose you’re here to be Avalanche’s actual payment.”
Grinning like a loon, the obviously thirsty brunette bobs her head up and down in a nod.
“Got it in one!”
Looking between Tifa’s imploring gaze and Jessie’s big wide grin, Cloud lets out a slow sigh and shrugs.
“Guess I’ll just go with the flow then.”
Jessie lets out a cheer, and Tifa begins to suck him off even more enthusiastically then before. Honestly, his childhood friend feels like a damn vacuum around his cock. But it’s going to take more than her mouth to get him off. With a growl, Cloud pulls Tifa from Jessie’s grip quite abruptly, and yanks the busty dark-haired woman off of his member. Before Tifa can so much as protest, he’s stood, turned around, and tosses her face first onto his bed.
He’s atop her a moment later, flipping up Tifa’s short black skirt even as her exposed tits get smooshed into the bed. The SOLDIER treatments hadn’t just given him a big dick… they’d given him a big libido too. It’d taken Cloud an awful long time to suppress that libido and get himself under control, so he wasn’t thinking about fucking all the time. He’d worked hard to learn that self-control… and now, Tifa and Jessie had gone right ahead and stripped it all away.
With a growl, he thrusts into his childhood friend from behind, penetrating Tifa on the spot, causing the bartender to squeal in joy and pleasure as he starts fucking her right then and there. Meanwhile, Jessie takes the time to get fully naked before she climbs onto the bed behind him, pressing her much smaller chest into his back and wrapping her arms around him as she murmurs in his ear.
“That’s right, big boy. Give it to her. Fuck her hard, Cloud. But save some for me because I’m next!”
Cloud snorts derisively. If Jessie only knew… ah, but she’d learn soon enough. With a low growl, Cloud keeps on fucking Tifa, plowing her from behind. Her gorgeous toned behind claps and slaps as his crotch smacks into it, and her inner walls tighten and squeeze around his length sporadically as she cums again and again along his mako-enhanced shaft.
He’s the biggest man she’s ever had, Cloud can say that with certainty, because he’s fairly sure Tifa has never been with a SOLDIER before. Not Jessie either. If they had, they’d have known better… they would have brought a third, or even a fourth girl with them for this. Still, Tifa IS his childhood friend, and if he’s her long time crush, then she’s his as well. So, he’ll go easy on them and not break their minds too badly.
Counting them out in his head, Cloud lets Tifa experience half a dozen explosive, mind-melting orgasms around his cock before he finally allows himself to cum inside of her. He then pulls out of her, letting her collapse face down on the bed, and grabs Jessie by the wrist, dragging her out from behind him. A deep, tongue-filled kiss to her mouth as he grips her hair, and then Cloud is pushing her down onto the bed right beside Tifa, her ankles coming up to next to her head as he folds her and thrusts in, taking her in a vigorous mating press.
Jessie’s eyes bulge out of her skull as she finally gets to feel his entire length slamming home into her cunt, thrusting up against her cervix and ultimately breaking right through into her womb itself. But even as he penetrates that most sacred of places, Cloud doesn’t let up on the brunette. She wanted this, so she’s going to get it.
He fucks Jessie until Tifa lets out a low groan and slowly finds the strength to roll over on her back. By that point, the brunette’s eyes are rolled back in her head and her tongue is lolling out of her mouth. With a grunt, Cloud creampies Jessie just as he did Tifa… and then moves back over to his childhood friend, placing the head of his cock at her pussy once more as she freezes, looking between him and his still-erect member with wide eyes.
“Ready for Round Two, Tifa?”
Honestly, if she’d shown even a hint of fear or worry, he might have stopped right then and there. But while Tifa does have an indecisive look on her face for a moment as she bites her lower lip in thought… in the end, she nods, and as he fills her with his member once again, he leans forward and Tifa happily wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down into a kiss, the two of them making out quite aggressively, even as Cloud fucks her for a second time.
It won’t be the last either… if Barret really isn’t going to pay him, if he really is going to stick around and keep helping Avalanche out in spite of that… then Tifa and Jessie have a lot of making up to do with their bodies. They’ve awakened the beast that Shinra put in him with the SOLDIER treatments… but out of consideration for his past with Tifa, Cloud will do his best to rein in the worst of it.
Still, both girls have a lot of work cut out for them if they think they’re going to satiate his hunger…
This text is part of a set with 1 other file.
Paying-Their-Debt-Final-Fantasy-VII-Remake by Cambrian
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- 4 years ago
- Source
- Hentai Foundry
- Popularity
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He really hated doing this. Especially when the Cetra girl looks at him with those big green eyes of hers. Aerith Gainsborough was a strange girl to be fair, but Cloud had accepted the job to be her bodyguard when she’d asked it of him, so he was going to see it through. Even still…
“Oh? About what, Cloud?”
Sighing, Cloud runs a hand through the back of his head.
Zelda-and-Bokoblin-Legend-of-Zelda by Cambrian “N-No! Let me go! Link! Link!” But her hero does not come, and Zelda is in dire straits as it is. “Shut up! You no escape! You mine now!” She’d been caught, by a bokoblin of all things, with her pants down. Literally, she’d just been undressing to take a bath in the nearby river next to hers and Link’s camp, when the creature had come upon her. Before she’d even known what was happening, the bokoblin had her draped over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and was capering off with her, …
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