Tifa stared at the door. An awkward silence ensued, soon broken by Yuffie’s giggling nervously. “Uh… you know what they say! All’s well that ends well, right?” she asked.

Miss Tifa Lockhart was not one of those people. She was pretty on the fence about whether or not the old saying was true, and her answer would change from day to day depending on her circumstances. And in THESE circumstances…? THESE unbelievable circumstances?

Slowly, the busty brunette brawler turned her head, careless of how her cum-covered face smeared white male goop against Yuffie’s modest breast. Usually, she was pretty careful about even the littlest mess– she had to worry about surprise visits from New Midgar’s health inspectors, after all! 

Now, though, what she got cum on was the furthest thing from her reeling mind. There was just too much of it on her. It clung to her face, hot and heavy, but felt normal; the damp trails where Yuffie had licked their lover’s spunk off her skin stood out more to her. Tifa looked up at Yuffie, slowly blinking big brown eyes at the little ninja. There’s no fucking way. The alcohol was helping her keep calm. The relaxing wave of the orgasm, too, and the sheer shock of what had been posited to her. 

Yuffie grinned down at Tifa, flush-cheeked. It was a very awkward, very guilty grin, paired with a bashful duck of her chin and a helpless shrug of her shoulders. Her short hair was tousled, face otherwise in such a similar state to Tifa’s, just slathered in the spilled seed of strangers. Maybe a bit worse, considering Tifa hadn’t gone at her friend and roommate’s face like one cat grooming another, all to just… “Holy fuck,” she whispered, realizing something, those big brown eyes widening even further. “Did we– kiss?”

Somehow, that was even more jarring than the revelation that Yuffie had been lying to her all this time about going to school. Or maybe it was just far more preferable and easier to believe, too. A subtle tension released from Yuffie’s slight, lightly-toned frame and she breathed out in evident relief, more than happy to avoid the far more serious topic. Her grin slimmed down to a smile, bottom lip bitten briefly. “We sure did,” she said, voice breathy, minx-like, and her tongue flicked over her lips in a long, wanton drag. “Want to do it again?”

Tifa’s eyes widened further. “... Oh, fuck me,” she whispered once more, eyes catching on the brief appearance of her friend’s cock-loving muscle of love. “I licked cum off that.” Perhaps if she were slightly more coordinated and slightly less intoxicated, she would have been pulling away from Yuffie at that moment. The soft warmth of Yuffie’s tit seemed like as good a place to retreat as any, however, and she buried her face against it, groaning. “Oh my fucking Planet, I licked cum off your tongue. We… open-mouthed…”

“Yeah,” Yuffie readily giggled once more, recovering with swift aplomb from what very well might have been her certain demise. “We sure did,” she assured Tifa, cooing the words now. She gave her fellow brunette a soft squeeze. At first, her hands had grabbed at her own forearms, but now they started to meander along Tifa’s skin, tracing through the light layer of sweat built up through the simple act of getting pounded to kingdom come. “... You wanna do it again?” Yuffie asked again.

She kissed a stranger too, but that felt like a tiny thing. Tifa had kissed other females before in her adult life, sure. Absolutely. Not a huge deal. Because they had all been very chaste kisses by their very definition. Like, Marlene’s cheek. There had never been a moment in her life where Tifa felt the need to give a similar smooch to another woman, let alone a full-on kiss. Not once in Tifa’s adult life had she ever had the urge to do anything remotely close to giving another lady a full-on kiss, and yet she had done that. With Yuffie. With Yuffie fucking Kisaragi, who wasn’t just her friend but also her MOST ANNOYING AND FRUSTRATING FRIEND.

It didn’t matter to Tifa that Yuffie started it. “I think I’m gonna throw up,” she moaned against Yuffie’s titty, her own arms lax, fingers lightly curling and digging into the sheets beneath them. Cum! In her belly! Straight off Yuffie’s tongue! It didn’t matter that it came off Tifa’s face before then.

“C’mon,” Yuffie giggled, dipping her already ducked head to press her face against Tifa’s thick hair. “It wasn’t that bad, was it?” she asked, nails lightly pressing in against Tifa’s skin as her fingers went. At first, it might have been an aimless touch, but all paths on Tifa’s body led to one inevitable destination. “You wanna kiss me again, don’t you?” she asked as her hands found the star attractions of Tifa’s bar. “I bet it’s all you can even think about,” Yuffie tittered impishly. She only cupped Tifa’s tits at first, lifting them and kneading them as though it were nothing more than one friend kindly checking over the other. “A little more tongue and a little more of that tasty cum…”

For Tifa, getting her breasts massaged was a nice distraction from the existential horror that kissing Yuffie probably shouldn’t have invoked in her. It wasn’t like it was a bad kiss or that Tifa didn’t want any of it to happen, but even so. She didn’t even think about biting back on the moan that started to slip out of her mouth. It let her feel like she was actually as miserable as she wanted to be. “Just kill me now,” she whispered, knowing that she’d never be able to look any of her former party members in the eye again. Too many of them had tangential trauma to even consider a formal ‘reunion’, but still! She’d see them eventually!

After a pause, Yuffie stilled her hands, simply resting them upon the massive mammaries in a passive hold. “Okay,” the little ninja breathed out lightly, reluctantly. “If you ask me to give your big, honking hooters a honk-a-donk, I’ll do it. Only because you clearly need me to,” she clarified, managing a surprising sternness considering her usual attitude and outlook on life. “And only if you ask VERY nicely.”

“Go fuck yourself,” Tifa told Yuffie instead in an actually miserable moan, denied the gentle pleasure visited upon her tits. Withoutit, her displeasure was a clear and stark thing. Even drunk, even reeling, she saw the trap put before her. “You’re such an ungrateful little bitch,” she mumbled, starting to stir within the squeeze of Yuffie’s arms. “When I get home, I’m gonna… I’m gonna throw all your stuff out front, ‘cause I’m so fucking through with you–”

One at a time, Yuffie’s legs slid up and around Tifa, ankles crossing over her belly to establish a four-limb cling well before the busty brunette brawler could figure out how to extradite herself. “Nuh-uh, I don’t think so. This is the furthest thing from ungrateful,” she said as she gave Tifa’s tits a lazy bounce that set them jiggling. Tifa made a face. “I’m thanking you by curing you of your big, fat pussyism. My paper is on exposure therapy, remember? So it’s basically two birds with one stone,” she said, already forgetting that someone had told Tifa the truth of her academic track.

Tifa had, too. “Lemme up,” she grumbled, but Yuffie’s cling on her body only tightened. Annoyed, she tried to lean forward and just start crawling off the bed, heedless for if Yuffie remained on her, but her limbs were lazy in the wake of her orgasm. It felt like far too much effort to lurch all the way forward. “Will you let me go if I say it?” she mumbled.

“Yeah,” Yuffie promised, still giving Tifa’s tits those little jiggles, not nearly as enjoyable as the full-on fondle she was receiving prior.

“Fine,” Tifa sighed, then told Yuffie what she was so keen to hear, trying not to sound like she actually wanted it. “Please, Yuffie, give my big honking hooters a honk-a-donk then fucking kill me.” The last part was a bit ad hoc, sure. Not because she really did want her friend to do the evil deed but because she’d just called her proud tits hooters. It felt awful. Kind of hot, like she was splooshing a little just from the admission. Tifa glanced down in concern, but quickly realized that it was just the sperm of the stranger who inseminated her leaking out. 

What a relief that was! And what a fucking bag of worms to unpack later!

Regardless, Tifa got her not-wish promptly, breath catching as Yuffie’s fingers sank roughly into the warm, pliant flesh, squeezing them hard and doing everything in her power to make the brunette’s breasts fit within her far smaller hands. “I don’t even know why you wear a bra. Or a shirt. If I had these,” Yuffie sighed wistfully, bringing the two titan-sized titties half-clapping together in a way that made Tifa hiss. “I’d be skipping around town with them bouncing proud and free. Even if they ended up slapping me in the face any time I jumped or started going up some stairs–”

“Stop that,” the fighter whined plaintively, though she was already sinking back against Yuffie, all thoughts of escape subsiding. “Be gentler.”

Yuffie stopped on the dime and Tifa relaxed, though she soon realized her folly when Yuffie smacked a hand down on her tender breasts. While Tifa yelped and stiffened, Yuffie started to giggle, slapping down again. “That’s not what you were saying when whatshisface was trying to murder these bad boys, and like choking you, and fucking you like you were his stepmom–” she said, starting to wriggle her hips, haphazardly humping at Tifa’s backside. “You were all, ‘fucking fuck me, Yuffie was wrong and I’m actually a slut, put your big dick in me and make me cuuuuum!”

“It– wasn’t like that,” Tifa gasped out. “I said– like a slut! Not that I was– stooop,” she complained, though she still didn’t try too hard to make her escape plan work. “Yuffie, fuck offffff.”

“Not ‘till you lemme kiss you again. Or…” Yuffie’s voice pitched lower. The titty slaps came to an unceremonious end, though the overall abuse didn’t; Yuffie’s fingers found her nipples and began tweaking at them.“If you don’t want me to kiss your mouth, why don’t you let me kiss your sloppy, sperm-spurting dickpocket and get some of that yummy spunk?” she suggested crudely, the waggle of her eyebrows downright fucking audible in its audacity. “How’s that for a compromise, huh?” the impish little pest probed. “C’mon.”

Tifa bit down on her bottom lip and closed her eyes, swallowing her need to correct Yuffie once more and point out that her cunt wasn’t spurting out sperm. It was just leaking cum! One was natural. The other would have necessitated a pneumatic pussy! Big difference. “Do you promise to never refer to a vagina as a dickpocket again? That’s so gross.” Tifa mumbled, hating that she didn’t absolutely hate any of this. Not even having her lady parts referred to as a, you know, dickpocket.

“Sure,” Yuffie assured Tifa, blithe as could be. “Never again,” she promised. “Pussy swear and everything,” she added with about as much seriousness. Her ankles uncrossed and her hands reluctantly released the crowning glories of Tifa’s already glorious glories. She lifted her face a fraction from where it had parked against Tifa’s brown locks and paused, blinking down at the cum left in it. “One sec,” she whispered, head dipping right back down, her long, lewd tongue flicking out in shameless style.

“Are you chewing on my hair?” Tifa stiffened, confused at the feeling but recognizing enough to get an idea as to what was being done to her. “Yuffie, you better not be chewing on my fucking hair–”

“Mmmnot,” Yuffie promised mid-lick, though since Tifa gave her the idea and she was in the neighborhood anyway, the impish brat snuck in a little nibble. It certainly wasn’t like Tifa was having a great hair day, mussed and wayward after all that pulling and contact with sweaty skin. “Just had a little– don’t worry about it. C’mon, scoot back–”

And so the two women traded places. Tifa squeezed her thighs tight together as she scooted back against the bed’s headboard. As tight as her legs were willing to let her twitch them, at least, which wasn’t much. They were trembling with the tiresome, needless exertion– and the far more blase need to just spread wide and let things happen. She hugged her knees close to her chest, trying to hide her breasts behind them and her arms. She tried to hide her pussy with her feet, the heels of her feet put flat on the messy bed’s mattress, but unwittingly only managed to frame it with her ankles. 

Yuffie, in the meanwhile, had gotten on all fours where Tifa had been, insistent hands prying at her arms and knees. For all her strength in ordinary circumstances, the well-fucked brawler only managed token resistance against the little ninja’s pesky hands. 

“C'mon, don’t be so shy,” she laughed at Tifa, rough and careless with how she pulled at Tifa’s body. If Tifa put up a bit more of a fight past the point of it being obvious it was pointless? It definitely wasn’t because she was getting all hot and bothered by what rougher hands had been doing to her not ten minutes prior. All so terribly shameless, using her slutty body for pleasure without an ounce of concern about relationships or feelings, or–

“Oh!” The alcohol might have been rocking Tifa’s world a little harder than she realized; she didn’t notice that Yuffie had won the day and had dipped down until she felt her friend’s breath tickling over her slutty folds, still left slightly open courtesy of the young stud who pumped her womb full of himself. “Y-Yuffie,” she gasped out, as though it were surprising she’d have her face down there after they made an explicit agreement for Yuffie to eat her out. Tifa stared down at the dark, messy head of hair obscuring her view of her own pussy, one arm blindly stretching out behind her and grabbing on to the headboard.

“Wow,” the muff-diving girl from Wutai tittered again, ass raised high while her head and body dipped low. Her rump swayed playfully behind herself while her hands alighted on Tifa’s thighs, fingers reaching to spread the slit of her sex even wider. “With how dry your twat has been, I can’t believe you were shaving all this time,” she cooed, pressing a lazy kiss right against Tifa’s clit. Tifa sucked in her belly and groaned softly, eyes lidding, not quite shut enough to miss the long glance Yuffie gave up at her. “I can respect doing it just because you like how it feels, though,” she teased, before running one side of her tongue down along Tifa’s thirsty mound.

“S-shut the fuck up, I’m still kicking you out,” Tifa forced her voice into a mumble, biting on the side of her cheek to try and keep it down and her moans within. “You’re an asshole! It’s– just… hair, anyway–” Her body told a far different story with how it twitched and how her hips shifted, thighs moving too to ease Yuffie’s access. Just biting on the inside of her mouth wasn’t enough to do the trick, though; Tifa’s free hand lifted to her mouth and she nipped hard on the side of her finger, eyes squeezing shut. For a few moments, the only sound in the room was the sound of Yuffie’s tongue flicking over already slick skin, moving much slower and taking her time when it found wayward cum. Yuffie hummed softly, happily, enjoying the sexual leftovers all the more for whence it came.

Then Yuffie squeezed herself in a little closer to Tifa’s body, using just one hand to keep that pussy spread. She all but pressed her face against it, no longer content with just the outer parts. Tifa’s muffled noises of pleasure pitched high and hard. While she didn’t manage another word, the way that she started to whimper was saying a great deal. None of Tifa’s would-be paramours had much interest in going down on her; not Cloud and certainly not Rude or any other guy she had tried to date. And yet, Yuffie ate her out like her snatch was a fucking delicacy to be savored. Tifa watched her closely, ill-focused eyes soon squeezing shut.  

She had made out with Yuffie. She’d swallowed cum fresh off Yuffie’s tongue. And now, Planet fucking help her, Yuffie was eating cum right out of her snatch and it was going to make Tifa cum again. She had to resist the overpowering urge to cry out, to bring her hand down on the back of Yuffie’s head and just keep her friend held down there. Tifa’s knees twitched together, longing to wrap her thighs around the ninja’s head and lock her in. Something distracted her from both orgasm and all the auxiliary, though– a little something poking against Tifa’s other exposed hole down there, tensing tight in reflexive denial.

Cocksucking, sure. Getting fucked or riding up top, yeah. Getting eaten out? That was a first, and so was anything anal for Tifa– whether it was surprise or expected. “Whaaaathefuck,” the busty brawler squeaked out loudly, stiffening, her limb’s finally finding the energy and wherewithal needed to stiffen up. Yuffie didn’t lift her head, though, and as Tifa’s hips started to move to dislodge her, she pushed down roughly with her spreading hand to keep her friend pinned down. “Stop, stop– fuck, oh–”

It was more the shock of it than anything else. A bit of discomfort and an intense awareness of its presence, but not so much any pain. Tifa’s body tried to deny Yuffie’s finger. It did not have the slightest bit of success, her intoxication keeping even her body’s stiffening from amounting to much. Tifa pulled her hand away from her mouth. “Yuffie, don’t you fucking dare make me cum like this I’m gonna fucking kill you–” Tifa whined out, desperation in her voice building and building until she was crying out the words, “Oh fucking Planet, fuck–fuck!” Then there was a second finger inside her, and then Yuffie’s lips were back on her clit and staying there, tongue and lips working in tandem–

Tifa didn’t realize just how loudly she screamed. Mostly, she realized she knocked her head back against the headboard hard. It hurt a little bit, but it didn’t subtract from the mind-melting goodness that spread through her body like wildfire, every single one of her muscles seeming to tense savagely and before melting straight into shivering delight. Her empty cunt twitched devilishly, and while it still didn’t spurt sperm per Yuffie’s claim, far more came leaking out. “Oh… oh…” poor Tifa panted, her fingers on the headboard having squeezed so hard as to crack the wood at the height of her orgasm.

At least in its immediate wake, all of Tifa’s problems– being at a college party, having fucked strangers, getting kissed and fucked by her five-years-younger (and incredibly annoying) friend? –seemed so much smaller than they were a moment ago. She slumped back, breathing hard, eyes still squeezed shut. The hand she’d been biting on had unwittingly fallen to her tit, squeezing into it with all the power she could consciously muster, the way she wished Yuffie had. “Oh my fuck,” she groaned, knees starting to press tightly together. “Fuuuuck.”

Drunk two-times over courtesy of too-much alcohol and another orgasm, it didn’t occur to Tifa that she shouldn’t have been able to do that with Yuffie still there, or that the overwhelming presence of fingers in her ass had disappeared. All she had and wanted in life was that heady, hanging pleasure. The sound of Yuffie quickly sproinging off the messy bed’s mattress didn’t quite register in her ears.

Tifa thought pleasant thoughts, eased by her social lubrication (and ample natural lubrication). Yuffie was right, obviously– and this hadn’t turned out so bad. Maybe Tifa would let her stay. Maybe… maybe they could make a regular thing of this. Not the guys necessarily, but Tifa was starting to wonder if maybe she wasn’t quite as straight as she once thought she was.

If she had opened her eyes, though, she would have noticed the absence quite quickly. Grinning merrily, Yuffie was already on the other side of the room. Another thing slipping Tifa’s notice was the sounds– not her friend darting across the room, for even in the aftermath getting her pussy pounded thrice, Yuffie Kisaragi was trained in the art of stealth. The noises the two of them were making within the room were one thing.

Outside the room? Quite another. There was still a house party going on out there, after all. Yuffie cracked open the door and shamelessly poked her cumstained, sploosh-splashed face out there. She peeked one way and then another. It didn’t take her long to catch eyes, and without a care for any man’s looks or attitudes, she grinned and lifted a finger to crook in invitation at just about anyone who seemed open to helping her with Tifa’s ‘exposure therapy’. Not daring actual words quite yet, she lifted a slick finger to her lips to urge silence, then stepped backwards, opening the door wide and letting them inside. Most of them were regulars at these parties and knew Yuffie well (at least in a carnal sense), but they were all grinning to see that her busty, muscle MILF friend was there too, in clear need of more dick.

Of course, with the door open, the sounds of the party going on outside the room were no longer muffled or easily forgotten. By the time Tifa finally slowed her breathing and opened her eyes to look and see what was going on, though, it was too late. She was surrounded. Men ringed the bed on every side. Some were getting naked, shirts coming off to reveal bodies in all conceivable shapes and sizes. Others just unzipped their pants and whipped their things out, and hell– the same could be said of the cocks. It was practically a cornucopia of cocks. “Uh.” She stared at them in bewilderment, knees slowly falling away from each other, exposing every part of her once more. Tifa wasn’t quite seeing double, but she wasn’t feeling up to counting either. There were, suffice to say, a lot of dicks. “Uh… what? I… huh? Where–”

The most dicks that Tifa had ever seen at one time was four, and that wasn’t because she was in the habit of letting guys run trains over her. It was just poor timing walking into the Highwind’s showers. This was definitely more than four cocks. … What the fuck have you done, Tifa?

“Is this the cock-fearing pussy that you were telling everyone about?” one of the guys asked Yuffie as she squeezed past him and another man, crawling back up and onto the bed. He gave her ass a swat as she went.

All those pleasant thoughts Tifa was having? Gone in an instant.

“Oh!” Yuffie gasped out sharply, though she just as quickly gave him a grin over her shoulder and wiggled her bottom, sticking it out to accept another that came as quickly, excitement lining her face as she fixed her eyes on his stiffness. “You betcha. We’re making good process, so unless she pussies out now–”

“I’m not a pussy!” Tifa snapped out defensively, taken by a second sudden wind. “Fuck you, Yuffie,” she said as she worked her shoulders and hips, getting her back off from the bed’s headboard. The mattress shifted beneath her as she got to her hands and knees, crawling forward and all but shoving Yuffie away from the guy fondling her, just a few moments from giving the Wutai’s cooch a crash course in cock. “I’ll prove it again if I have to,” she said as she angrily stole that dick, grabbing it roughly but handling it much gentler as she brought it to her mouth, cheeks flushed.

Though Yuffie yelped at the shove and landed on her side, she was just as quick to spring back up to her knees. “Okay, pussy,” she chimed at Tifa, grin resurfaced, eyes brimming with lewd energy. She swung her head to face the nearest guys to her, her messy bob of hair swinging up with the speed of it. “Well? Gonna wait for an invitation?” she demanded. “Or are you going to help me with my paper and help her prove herself, huh?”

She got an answer in short order, courtesy of the nearest guy cockslapping her hard enough to make Yuffie squeak out. “Are you still pretending you do anything but party and get fucked?” he asked with a roll of his eyes, climbing up on the bed and grabbing two fistfuls of Yuffie’s hair. “You’re so fucking weird, Kisaragi,” he said as he drove himself into her mouth, wasting no time in slamming his pelvis to her lips and stretching her warmed-up throat out anew with his cock. 

The little ninja gurgled around his length, but she was feisty and evidently more than used to the guys throwing her around; her tongue slipped out of her mouth, squeezed out under his cock, starting to run along his balls as he humped her face. Others quickly closed in too, grabbing her wrists and filling Yuffie’s dexterous hands with eager dicks. She pumped away at them with skill and finesse for all of thirty seconds before it just became wild, frantic movement, almost panicked as she gagged on the cock shutting her up.

On her side of the warfront, two girls versus a small horde of guys, Tifa had seized the initiative that eluded Yuffie. She started sucking the guy’s dick like she started most other blowjobs, meeting his eyes and focusing on his cock’s crown, tongue working it over while she cradled his meaty shaft with both hands. 

Given her state and everything leading up to it, the blowie was a little more sloppy and uncoordinated than most of hers, risking a little more throat than usual. The guy wasn’t having it for long, though, pulling back sharply enough on Tifa’s hair to make her grunt as he vacated her mouth. Just as quickly, he was shoving her face forward, forcing her lips against his sweaty ballsack. “That’s a better use for your whore mouth,” he jeered down at her, whacking his shaft down against the side of her face, his dampened crown making sharp cracks of flesh-on-flesh whenever it struck her brow.

“Fuck you too, buddy–” Tifa managed to growl out, but a combination of his forcefulness and her willingness and her open mouth ensured he got those nuts where he wanted them. Once again embracing the sluttiness of it all, she sucked and licked at the skin, feeling a plain and depraved delight at the masculinity of it on her taste buds. Her hands reached out to grab at his thighs for support, but others standing nearby took the opportunity, intercepting her fingers and ensuring they wrapped around them instead. Well before she could establish a rhythm with her threefold pumping and sucking, the first guy released her hair and another yanked on it, jerking her body towards them.

Another stranger’s nuts slapping her in the face? Rude. Not the guy, just in general. She found herself liking it, though– finding a thrill in it, not too dissimilar to a good sparring match. Tifa shifted on her knees to better face him, and unlike the first man he didn’t need to bury her face and nose against his nuts. She did that of her own volition, equally enamored, releasing his cock to grab at the one left behind. Someone’s hands grabbed her massive mammaries and began trying to maul them; she didn’t try to figure out who. It was good enough for her that it was happening. Far too soon, the third guy was wresting control of her head. “Choke on this, you mouthy bitch,” he growled, ramming into her throat.

She did. Loudly, but far from complainingly. One of the other two guys stepped in closer, dropping his cock atop her head and half-humping along it, just for the sake of still bouncing and rubbing his sweaty sack against her face; Tifa occasionally grimaced at his roughness, but just as readily tried to lean into it too. Getting her face fucked made that really hard, though, and she tried to give the guy content with just her hand an equal share of the love. “Yuffie’s so full of shit,” he chortled. “Her roomie is way more of a slut than she is,” he announced to the room.

– And that, Yuffie couldn’t have. She might have flunked out of university but if she had one claim to fame (other than, y’know, saving the world) it would always be Sluttiest Slut of New Midgar University.

The only guy (at least of this set!) to get in her mouth was just pulling back, giving the girl from Wutai a much-needed opportunity to gasp deep, face flushed and eyes watery from the strain of it all. “C’mon,” she half-panted, half-hissed at two of the guys still just milling around, cocks out. Her throatfucker pounded his cock as she glared at them, head partially turned towards them. “Do you see any dicks in my other holes? C’moooon,” she said, lifting her hips, leaning forward to raise them higher. That inadvertently had her face smacking into the jerked cock just as he was spouting off. She squeaked and closed her eyes just in the nick of time. “Dude,” she groaned in a breathless complaint, eyelids weighed down by spunk.

And that, the guys couldn’t have. The complaining and invitations, that is– they didn’t provide Yuffie with an emergency towel to mop off her eyes. As her handjobs faltered, the others reached out to grab her body. In their minds, they were obviously and inarguably first in line for any open hole, and they growled things to that effect as they promptly manhandled her. Yuffie squealed out, thrown from her knees to her back then flipped and pulled again; the guys didn’t exactly plan out what they were doing to her. More than motivated, however, they figured it out quickly. 

Still reeling, hands awkwardly hovering in the air, Yuffie found herself straddling one of them, his hands ensuring her hips slapped down and fully impaled her on his cock in one breath. That got Yuffie squealing again, but she was a seasoned enough slut to know what was coming next. Her hands fought to find some form of steadiness as her pussy’s new guest guided her to bounce her hips. With a willing bend, she angled her bottom just so and reached back with both hands, clawing them into her ass and prying its cheeks wide. 

There wasn’t much prep leading up to it, but that was fine. Yuffie had long since gotten into the habit of wearing a lubed-up buttplug on any day she attended a house party, and she only took it out when she got there. Usually left it hidden around the house, just to freak the permanent residents out later. Her ass put up a fight against the cock being shoved and squeezed through its tight opening, giving Yuffie plenty of reason to squeal even more. Once he was lodged inside, one of her hands flew down to claw at the chest of the guy she was atop of– the other, her reamer pinned to her back. His other hand grabbed a fistful of her hair and yanked it back, aligning her slack-jawed face forward just in time for someone to start thrusting into her mouth.

Usually, Yuffie made guys wear protection, but… in the heat of the moment, when things were getting this spicy? It was the furthest thing from her mind. All she wanted was the debauchery and debasery, and to share those things with Tifa. Poor Tifa, who obviously and desperately needed the dicking they were in the midst of receiving.

For her part, Tifa was largely unaware of the competition that Yuffie had just kicked off. Her world was all cocks and balls, hands treating her tits like stress balls, and another set of fingers to play with her pussy. Once again, she eschewed everything she built up to fully embrace this chance to try what she had missed out on: being a huge fucking slut, and getting fucking fucked. Each of the guys shoved against her face tasted so different, but they became a blurred melange of forbidden flavors in her mind. “Let me–” she gasped our breathlessly when her face-fucker gave her a chance to refill her poor lungs, but with the way he whacked at his cock, his intent was clear.

With whorish haste, Tifa lunged for his cock, wrapping her lips around his crown just in time to ensure his cum ended up on her tongue rather than on her face. She wanted to taste it, swallow it. He grunted and seemed poised to pull back, but it was too late; Tifa found her mouth laced with his cum, so much sweeter than what she had off Yuffie’s face. She swallowed it down and ran her tongue over his cum-shooting slit before letting him finally withdraw from her. Tifa then twisted to face towards the other two men she’d been tending to, demanding, not begging, for them to… “Fuck my mouth.”

They both leapt at the opportunity, climbing atop the bed for it. It was a big problem from their perspective; one cock, one hole. That just made sense, and they started to bicker about which of them would get go first. It was not a problem for Tifa, however, who meant what she said. 

Although the hands playing with her body made it difficult, she got up to her knees and brought their cocks together, lips spreading wide before she dived down on them. With their sizes and the way everything fit together, neither man was going to get inside her throat– but she just wanted to truly taste them at the same time. She moaned thickly around them and worked her tongue back and forth over their two crowns. It put an end to their bickering, with Tifa wrapping her arms around their thighs to keep herself steady as she worked on them, knelt and back-arched. 

The hands that had been playing with her body slipped away. She missed them, but they weren’t gone for long; the bed near her shifted as the person they belonged to climbed up behind her. He grabbed hold of Tifa’s body and started to manipulate it. Keeping the two dicks in her mouth required some delicate, precise and definitely precarious positioning. For each little way the person behind her moved her, she shifted in one way or another to keep things steady, until finally, she was raised on her spread knees, ass pushed out.

Whoever was back there, he didn’t waste any time. Evidently not caring that Tifa’s pussy was sloppy seconds, he drove into it, getting the busty brunette bitch to moan raggedly around the cocks filling her mouth, cunt clenching reflexively, hardly relaxing as it started to get plowed. Each thrust was a rough, full-body bump made her ass jiggle and threatened to send her falling forward, but her grip on the two men she was sucking kept things steady enough.

It didn’t take long for any of them to cum. Yuffie did, numerous times, though she was never quite allowed to vocalize it with an unmuffled voice. Although she had a good mouth on her, most of the guys she slept with loved to fuck her face just because it kept her from being smarmy. It didn’t always stop her from trying to speak with dick in her mouth, though. “Mmhmphmmphhhh!” she whorishly wailed around it, time and time again. 

Getting her ass fucked was never a problem, but three cocks at once was always a little too much for the self-proclaimed Sluttiest Slut of NMU. The guy who left her bottom gaping pulled out to cum on her back, while the guy she was riding got the honor of filling her womb. Her fresh throatfucker left another coat of cum across her poor face. One guy, denied a chance to squeeze in anywhere, just left his load in her hair. He was more of a dick than his actual dick.

One by one, they all pulled away and left the room, until finally, a cum-covered and cum-dripping Kisaragi was left laying half-curled on her side. Yuffie had managed to wipe her eyes off and had licked the cum off them, and now those fingers were tucked between her thighs, playing with her sperm-squelching snatch. Eyes glassy, wearing naught but spunk and a satiated smile, she watched Tifa go.

Neither of the guys in Tifa’s mouth wanted to cum in it, but one did before the other. Even in the midst of her own orgasm, she made sure there wasn’t an ounce of that thick white stuff left on either cock before letting him pull out. The remaining man twisted up handfuls of her hair and started to hammer into her face like he was one of New Midgar’s civic engineers breaking new ground, eventually pulling out to freshen up her face with his filth. Soon after, the guy inside her pussy topped it off in similar fashion and pulled out, soon on his way out the door as well.

It was the perfect time for Tifa to slump and to finally relax, but…

Well, the guys didn’t bother to close the door, and the traffic flowing in and out of the room (not to mention the unmistakable noises coming from it) got attention. Well before the busty bitch could recover, there were new guys coming in, and… well, what else was Tifa going to do when presented with a stranger’s cock, left hard by the slutty sight of her? Not suck the tasty-looking dick? That might as well not have been an option. 

And so the night dragged on, with more and more people coming and going from the room. Not everyone participated. Some people were too high or drunk for that, or just didn’t want to stick their dick in a stranger (or get their cunt licked by one, whichever). Others just wanted to hang out, commenting and cheering. Of course, more than a couple of loving couples claimed a part of the room to do their own deed. New couples were even cemented throughout.

And throughout it all, Tifa got fucked. Her tits got fucked. Her hands got fucked. Her pussy got fucked. Her mouth got fucked. It didn’t matter what got fucked; it  was all welcome. Some filter in her had simply switched off. It didn’t matter to her that she had become the evening’s main entertainment and activity, or that she didn’t know anyone’s names. When a stray dick not-so-accidentally slipped into her ass, it barely even blipped on her radar. She was completely immersed in the mood and vibe of the party. Whatever was asked of her, she did without thinking– things she would have blanched at, even just right after the first threesome. 

Right there through it all, Yuffie was on the bed with her. For all her seasoned sluthood, she struggled to keep up with Tifa’s unleashed libido. Considering the guys did most of the work when their tongues or fingers weren’t involved, though, it was possible. Even if she was a bit overwhelmed by how wanton things had become, Yuffie was always willing to take commands in the bedroom. When they wanted her riding Tifa’s face, making out with her or any number of perverse combinations, she complied.

Tifa did, too, and with unabashed enthusiasm. Even when it meant she was clumsily rimming or eating Yuffie out, kissing or licking cocks that were plowing into her or what-have-you, she did it. And at that point, she really didn’t mind the cum-trading kisses, whether or not it was just both of their lips meeting while they both tried to wrap them around the same cock. A lot of the kisses, she started.

Not even their heroic endurance could last forever, however. … Though it didn’t matter too much, considering the guys (and occasional girl!) could just keep on doing much of the work. Tifa and Yufife only let themselves fade out when the last man willing to fuck them gave the pair a final helping of his cum, sharing one last filthy kiss before passing out amidst the ruined bed.


And after all that…

Things got back to normal. At least, normal insofar as Tifa very hastily scheduled a check-up with her doctor and spent a few days on a herculean amount of painkillers for a woman for her size. She went about her business as usual, as normal, albeit with the addition of ignoring Yuffie even harder than ever before. Successfully, even. Inwardly, Tifa was mortified by what she had let herself get goaded into doing.

It was going to take some time for her to really process it all. Though she was a passionate woman at heart, Tifa didn’t want to rush into any hasty decisions thereafter. So much happened in so little time, and she could only remember so much of it clearly– coherently, even. The first part of the night, just her and Yuffie and the two guys? Certainly that, but everything after that was mixed and muddled, an endless parade of debauchery quite unlike herself. Each time TIfa tried to sort things out, she quickly began to feel a migraine coming on. It was easier to pour herself a shot of whatever she was about to serve up to a customer and push past it. But, well. She had the gist of it. The soreness that Tifa felt throughout her body ensured that.

Things might have stayed ‘normal’ for some time thereafter, too. Not just for Tifa, but for Yuffie too. The little ninja continued to be a blithe little pest and nuisance to Tifa, all but blind to the reality of Tifa’s newfound stubbornness in ignoring her. She took Tifa’s things without permission. She touched Tifa’s things without permission. Teased and taunted her, too, not quite realizing how much Tifa was holding back. 

There was a reason why Yuffie had flunked out of her psych course at the university: she just wasn’t very good at reading people, and was downright spoiled by people putting up with her shenanigans. So many simply sighed, rolled their eyes and shook their heads at her immaturity rather than deal with it directly, if her mischief wasn’t anything major. Theft of valuable materia, for instance. In those cases, Yuffie knew to fuck off quickly if she wanted to keep her illicit gains.

It was not a lesson she had learned when it came to sexual mischief. Yuffie had learned quite the opposite there, in fact. Being a pest often got her bent over and her ass reddened, if not fucked in some other irate way that left her bones feeling downright gooey instead of solid. For a week, she kept pushing Tifa’s buttons, trying to get her friend to crack and take another stab at that ‘exposure therapy’ Yuffie had introduced her to… or a crack at her.

Alas, neither Tifa’s patience nor tolerance for Yuffie’s shenanigans were infinite things. That she endured Yuffie’s presence in the apartment above Eighth Heaven for another week spoke to her compassion for her friends. Also, probably her sheer level of shock over just how much and how hard she’d gotten fucked in one night. It all came crashing down on Yuffie over something that seemed innocuous to her. A stray touch to Tifa’s tit with an impish grin and wiggling eyebrows—

And that was when Tifa had enough. She could mind her strength when she needed to, but she held little of it back when she gave Yuffie a well-deserved clocking in the jaw that left the girl from Wutai out cold. Yuffie wasn’t unconscious for long, but it was still long enough for Tifa to have most of her shit out on Eighth Heaven’s porch by the time she awoke, ready to whine and pout and get her way, per usual. 

Rather than give in, however, Tifa just slammed the bar’s door behind her and locked it tight, having decided just because things ended well did not mean they were well. And no amount of sooking from Yuffie would change that.

Not until she learned some fucking boundaries.

This text is part of a set with 2 other files.

Exposure-Therapy by niteynyx


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