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Weekly Short Story Poll Winner for: May - Week #2

Chapter Tags: [Bad End] [Futanari] [Group Sex] [Big Dicks] [Oral] [Vaginal] [Anal] [Breeding] [Cum Inflation] [Mind Break]

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Lara groaned as she pulled her billowing scarf over her face and adjusted her goggles. It was another sandstorm. If there was one thing she hated more than anything, it was searching for treasure in the desert. Every now and then she’d find herself in the mountains overlooking the vast, sweeping seas of inhospitable deserts, searching for sacred, forgotten relics of the past. But most days were exactly like today. The unyielding sun beamed down upon her while she surveyed a half-buried city that was in constant ebb and flow of the sand eroding the remaining structures. She was unlikely to find anything here, not to mention the constant hot, dry air was terrible for her skin. When the sun would set it was absolutely freezing. There was no “fun time” in the desert.

As per usual, the British woman found herself alone in her journeys. It wasn’t that she couldn’t afford help, or that she didn’t need it. She just didn’t want to share the glory for her discoveries. Lara had been burnt too many times by loose lipped assistants that would blabber to the wrong people, who would then swoop in and claim her treasures. Not anymore!

As the sand rushed around her, Lara hunkered down behind a pillar and waited for the storm to pass. Closing her eyes to get a little rest in the meantime, she wondered just how long she’d been searching this site. It had been a few days by now—maybe a week even? She couldn’t keep track.

The winds died down, leaving her with a clear, sunny day once again. Pulling the scarf from her face, she wiped the sweat from her brow. Pacing her hands on her hips, she glanced around, wondering what she should do next. Something was different, though. She blinked and rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn’t imagining things. After all, she had been in the sun for a while today…

Making her way toward the previously unseen structure, Lara couldn’t believe how well-preserved it was compared to everything else in the area. Slowly spinning around, she tried to reason why there was no hint of this building before now. Even the largest and most violent of sandstorms would have never unearthed an edifice as large as this. It was roughly the size of a mid-size house, which was paramount to a small temple by comparison to every other structure in this area.

Lara placed a hand upon the thick, stone doors and barely pushed, causing them to open wide on their own. Light from the open roof shone through, illuminating the spacious, spotless area. The brunette slowly shook her head. There was absolutely no way this was here without being completely full of sand, much less being this immaculate and untouched. Every hieroglyphic on the wall was in perfect condition, complete with the original colors that looked as if it had been painted the day before.

She narrowed her eyes. Was this a trick? There was no way she stumbled upon an impressive archaeological discovery like this by accident. Cautiously wandering a bit deeper into the structure, she noticed a door at the far end. There were some more hieroglyphics above the door and a small, stone riser with a scepter-like object merely laying upon it.

“Hm,” Lara approached, careful of any traps as she picked up the item by the handle and curiously inspected it. It appeared to be a sistrum—a kind of musical rattle forged from metal and thought to have a cleansing and purifying effect for sacred places. If anything, a relic in this condition would easily fetch a fortune, making the trip and these troubles worth the discomfort thus far. Never mind that she only seemed to be scratching the surface of what was in this place…

With a wide smirk, she glanced at the hieroglyphics above the door. She got the gist of the meaning without consulting her notes. “Resting place of Hathor,” she recited with a bit of reluctance in her voice. That didn’t make sense at all. Gods weren’t buried, considering they didn’t die. Maybe the symbol meant ‘temple’ instead of ‘resting place’? It hardly mattered—she would bring in an Egyptologist when she’d finished staking claim to this discovery and have them figure it out. After all, Lara couldn’t be expected to know everything…

She gave the sistrum a few little shakes, surprised the ancient thing still jingled and clanged about. Much to Lara’s surprise, the door rumbled as it slid open to complete darkness. Arching a brow, she peered inside from a safe distance. As tempting as it was, there was no way she was going in a pitch black room that mysteriously opened. The brunette was adventurous, not stupid.

In the darkness, there were vague flickers of muted light. Lara arched a brow. “Fireflies?” she muttered to herself before realizing that would be impossible in this region of the world. The climate was far too dry. More lights turned on, swaying in the shadows, flickering off and on in pairs. “…Eyes?” Lara glared as she took a few steps back. The yellow lights remained open as the terrible, unknown entities focused on Lara, growing closer at an alarming rate but staying within the shadows. The brunette hadn’t been expecting to need to defend herself, but her fingers hovered over the handle of her pistol just in case. She was unsure if this was a situation that would require more fight or flight. Lara’s expression softened from apprehension to visible confusion as she witnessed the form of a human woman stepping into the light.

A wide, pleased smile crossed the mysterious woman’s lips as she surveyed the area. An ornate and jeweled headdress adorned her skull with two obsidian horns curling up from near her temples and pointing straight up. Her striking, emerald eyes displayed a level of merriment and surprise. Little else that she wore could be considered clothing since it hardly hid her flawless, tanned skin. Slim, black pauldrons with golden trim graced her shoulders, attached by black leather straps. The same style of black metal adorned her chest, hardly covering her truly impressive and gravity-defying breasts. Her flat stomach was a perfect balance of toned with just a bit of padding to it. Her wide hips flared, accentuating her round ass and just how little covered her lower half. Only a golden, jeweled belt hung loosely around her waist with nothing covering her smooth, hairless pussy. Ornate, golden rings and chains connected to her wrists and ankles, jingling with every step she took.

The black-haired woman looked surprised to see Lara, her smile widening as she inspected the British woman from afar. She paused for a moment and her expression turned to a scowl of concentration, as if trying to comprehend a difficult concept. It lasted only a split second before the wide, cheery smile returned, though.

“I certainly expected more fanfare upon my homecoming, but you,” she paused again to take a more detailed and wanton look at the British woman, “you are quite the treat.”

“Who are you?” Lara glared as she stopped in her tracks, wholly uncertain if this woman was her competition in this dig site, or something altogether different.

The woman’s green eyes widened with alarm and she briskly turned around to motion to the hieroglyphics, as if it was more than obvious. “Who am I?! You dare ask such a silly question within my sanctum?” Her laughter was high-pitched as she covered her mouth and tilted her head back. “Look at you. So bright and curious, but also so absolutely dull. Did they send an offering of such low education that it can’t read?”

Lara couldn’t help but feel a little insulted by the mysterious woman. “How am I supposed to understand ancient writings?” The brunette arched a brow as she admitted her lack of comprehension of the various pictographic symbols.

“Hmm,” the woman narrowed her eyes, further inspecting the British woman’s appearance. Her attire was quite different than what she would have expected. “Ancient? I find that term insulting. No matter how many years have passed, your goddess has finally returned.”

“Hathor?” Lara arched a brow, asking the question to herself more than cautiously addressing the strange woman.

“Ah, so you are aware of my dominion over you. Now,” she smirked, looking Lara over with nothing but lust and desire, “I must thank you for attending to my needs…”

“Excuse me?” the brunette stepped back again, quickly glancing over her shoulder to see the entrance still wide open. “But, I’ve not done anything.”

“Oh,” Hathor smirked as the entrance doors slammed shut in an instant. “You will,” the goddess happily sighed. Previously unlit braziers ignited with fire, filling the chamber with green-tinted smoke that billowed up through the opening in the ceiling.

Lara was surprised by how fast the smoke built up around her, quickly forcing her to move underneath the opening to get any semblance of fresh air. By doing so, she had to approach the supposed goddess, though. Covering her face with her scarf, she coughed and cautiously watched the smiling, unaffected woman. “If you really are a goddess, then what do you need me for?” the British woman said between coughs while trying to formulate a plan of escape.

“You just answered your own question, girl. I am a goddess. I have little need for you. But, if it has been as long as you say it has, then I’m sure my attendants would love to make your acquaintance,” Hathor patiently crossed her arms over her expansive chest.

The dull, flickering lights from the darkness beyond Hathor’s chamber brightly illuminated and advanced toward the center of the room. With the smoke still making it incredibly difficult to see, it took Lara even longer to recognize the shapes as they approached. Her eyes widened in shock and she stumbled backward, falling onto her ass and scrambling backwards. Even coughing from the smoke was preferable to the horrors that approached.

Human figures, wrapped in dusty, crumbling cloth staggered forward with a complete lack of coordination. The supernatural beings’ yellow eyes glowed behind the tight bandages that covered their heads. Lara wasn’t sure which was worse—being murdered by killer mummies or dying of smoke inhalation. With a shaky hand, she finally grabbed her pistol and aimed at one of the creatures. Just before she pulled the trigger, the gun crumbled to dust. Stunned and confused, Lara continued to move back while smoke and incense filled her lungs.

“My sanctum is not a place of violence,” Hathor’s voice called out, almost mockingly.

Lara seriously doubted the sincerity of that statement, especially as the mummies continued to approach. They weren’t impeded by the fumes or lack of visibility. The creature was almost upon Lara when she watched dust float away from the mummy, much like her gun had done just moments earlier. With her heart racing and smoke causing her to uncontrollably cough and gasp, the British woman had to wonder if the mummified attendants had been defeated by something else—perhaps a miracle? But, as the dust continued to fly away, Lara was able to see the creature’s skin underneath.

The brunette blinked as she found herself staring at the attendant’s body, almost as flawless as the goddess’ herself. She was suddenly more intrigued than frightened as the hand was reaching out toward her. Lara hardly even noticed that the smoke had stopped and dissipated, much less that her own clothing was disintegrating as well, leaving her naked on the floor.

Lara stared into the beautiful attendant’s piercing, yellow eyes as a soft, powerful hand wrapped around her ankle, uncomfortably dragging her back toward the center of the room. The brunette found herself upon a series of large, floor pillows arranged on the smooth, stone tiles. She had been staring at the attendant’s round ass the entire time, though. Lara didn’t even question the fact that her thoughts had strayed so far in such a short amount of time.

Sitting there, the brunette looked up at Hathor, who continued to stand there, unmoving like a statue. The four attendants approached and surrounded her, and Lara’s eyes flickered with confusion. How had she not noticed that before? Each of the women had the thickest, most perfect dicks she had ever seen! Her mouth opened in awe as she glanced between each of them, her desires quickly urging her toward the attendants.

All thoughts of resistance were soon forgotten as one of the servants approached. Lara pushed herself onto her knees and she happily wrapped her fingers around their dick. She was surprised by the way the impressive cock was still limp. It didn’t take much for it to harden in the brunette’s grasp, though. She greedily wrapped her lips around the head and bobbed back and forth upon it. The others didn’t hesitate as they took up their own positions, moving beneath and behind her.

With her mouth full of cock and unable to glance down, the British woman felt herself forced to straddle a dick as it was rubbed up and down her slit. Delicate but powerful fingers gripped her hips and tugged her down until the massive member was completely buried within her dripping, wet pussy. Her eyes rolled back and she moaned against the cock in her mouth while she dutifully continued to suck it off.

A third servant moved behind Lara, a hand roughly slapping her ass before the thumb ventured between her ass cheeks. As her rear was forcefully spread, she soon felt a sudden pressure against her rear. However, even with the slightest bit of pressure the attendant’s cock had already pushed halfway inside, leaving her rear already feeling extremely slippery. Lara clenched her rear but the slim resistance to the oil covering the woman’s cock was a waste and only urged the horny servant to continue pushing forward.

Lara groaned and attempted to slide forward in an effort to escape the plunging dick into her asshole, but the other attendant’s firm grip on her hips limited how far she could move. Slowly but surely, the thick, lubricated length of cock pushed into her anus. She felt so full from the penetration, especially as the two cocks rubbed back and forth within her. More whorish moans poured from her mouth, her noises only muffled by the dick between her lips.

Despite her apprehension, the brunette already aided the two attendants as she bounced and ground against their cocks. She moved with their thrusts, allowing them to fill and stretch her to capacity. The one taking her ass reached around, grabbing Lara’s breasts and roughly squeezing and tugging her hard, sensitive nipples. A little gasp of alarm escaped the brunette’s lips as she attempted to pull away and voice her concern. The attendant claiming her mouth held her in place while her thrusts became rougher and more domineering.

“Yes,” Hathor chuckled as she watched. “Use her as you see fit. Prepare her for her new life.”

Lara had forgotten the goddess was even there. She glanced in that direction, only to see the fourth attendant upon her knees between Hathor’s slightly spread legs. Her mouth pressed against the goddess’ pussy, hurriedly licking and sucking at the woman’s divine clit. The brunette groaned with jealousy, wishing she could be part of that. She’d have given anything to have a mouth fervently licking her pussy, or even shoving her face between the goddess’ thighs instead. She didn’t care which at this point.

The skilled fingers of the one attendant continued to tease her erect nipples, sending more pulses of pleasure through her body. Lara knew she couldn’t hold out for much longer. Bobbing her head on the dick in her mouth, she sloppily took the head as far as she could until her eyes flickered and tears trickled from the corners of her eyes. Back and forth, she fucked her own throat on the servant’s cock until saliva and pre-cum dribbled from her lips and down her chin. 

The British woman’s whole world was on the verge of going blank, and the servants came to a sudden, jarring stop. Lara desperately tried to keep sucking the one attendant while the others removed themselves from her. Her pussy and asshole gaped wide with a hopeless need for fulfillment. Nibbling her bottom lip, she glanced between the three of them, and then at Hathor and her wide, smug, judgmental grin. The one servant was still between her legs, her mouth tightly plastered to the goddess’ pussy.

Lara wanted to know what she needed to do to earn release. She didn’t care what she had to trade in exchange for her climax at this point. The brunette even knew that simply taking care of it herself would never be enough. She needed these servants and their cocks to bring true pleasure and ecstasy.

And then the servant between Hathor’s legs pulled back from an impossibly thick and long dick. The sound emitting from the servant’s throat was a sloppy, slurping noise, followed by a heavy cough and hack to clear her throat. Lara blinked. It didn’t make sense that the attendant had been deepthroating a cock that impressive almost the entire time. And there was no way the goddess had a dick when she first emerged from the darkness. Lara had stared quite thoroughly at Hathor’s crotch. But now, the brunette had completely forgotten about the servant’s cocks as she stared at the goddess’ saliva-drenched python…

“Have you been thoroughly prepared?” Hathor cutely asked while finally approaching.

Lara’s eyes were only focused on that dick as she nodded. Every bit of her body tingled in anticipation of that monster cock pushing her body to the limits. Already, she moved onto her back and spread her athletic thighs for the goddess. Her pussy and asshole still gaped obscenely, but it hardly mattered. Lara wouldn’t have even cared which hole Hathor picked. Just touching that magnificent dick would have been enough to satisfy her needs and send the brunette over the edge.

The British woman held her breath as the goddess descended upon her. She felt the impossibly thick, hard head of Hathor’s dick rubbing against her dripping slit. Lara’s eyes flickered and she gave a pitiful moan. The grinning deity placed her hands on either side of Lara’s diminutive body to brace herself before easing her hips forward. As the head of the gigantic dick plunged into her pussy, the brunette gasped and an overjoyed smile crossed her lips. Her toes clenched against the bottoms of her feet while an intense orgasm rippled through Lara’s mortal body. The adventurer could hardly comprehend the pure pleasure and ecstasy assaulting her senses as her climax seemed to roll onward, building into a chain reaction of mind-breaking bliss… and no more than a third of the goddess’ cock was inside of her. 

Hathor laughed at Lara’s expression, fully aware of the effect her cock had on mere humans. Slowly, she continued to ease the rest of her impossibly huge god-cock deep into the woman’s clenching, spasming pussy. With as much as could fit inside, Hathor then pulled back, much to the same mind-breaking effects. Drool trailed from the corner of Lara’s mouth while she whimpered and muttered incomprehensibly as the goddess pushed the brunette closer to a beautiful and rapturous madness with each passing second.

“Now you understand,” the goddess leaned in close, whispering into Lara’s ear. “Your greed and lust has cost you dearly, but… you will certainly enjoy yourself.”

Lara groaned, still not particularly of sound mind as Hathor slammed her hips forward, forcing another endless series of orgasms upon the cumming, stupefied woman. Her mind simply couldn’t keep up with the pleasure. Even after the goddess pumped into the brunette’s moaning, drooling body, Lara was still only just then processing the pleasure of Hathor’s initial insertion.

But, it had been so long since the goddess had been able to feel this again. It would be a waste of such a delicious offering if she simply stopped. “Hm,” she chuckled into Lara’s ear, her soft voice only adding to the endless string of sensations the adventurer was yet to process, “Perhaps just a bit more…”

Hathor hammered into Lara’s body, plunging her thick cock into the brunette’s fit and toned form with the strength and stamina that one could expect from a goddess. The light from the ceiling eventually turned shades of red and purple before the divine entity grunted with release. Her thick, throbbing dick erupted with cum, flooding the woman’s pussy until her stomach obscenely bulged and wobbled. Lara was covered in sweat. Even as the goddess had stopped, hoarse moans of pleasure came as whimpers through her lips.

The goddess still smiled, barely a sheen of exertion covering her immaculate body as she pulled out of the mortal. A heavy rush of jizz cascaded from Lara’s gaping pussy, covering the pillows beneath. The brunette's body twitched mindlessly as climax after climax continued to assault her mind without pause.

Hathor sighed and glanced to the entrance, finally allowing it to open once more. By magic, the goddess’ dick had already disappeared as if it had never been there at all. With a vain and condescending scoff, the deity made a flippant motion toward Lara. “Gather her, I suppose. I am curious how long it takes such a dull creature to fully appreciate my blessing. I certainly hope she’s with us again before she gives birth…”

Two of the attendants picked up Lara’s groaning, unresponsive body. The shift in position allowed more cum to flow from her well-fucked hole as it oozed down her thighs. As she was dragged between the two attendants, a seemingly never ending trail of cum dripped along the cooling sand.

Hathor stood with her hands on her hips, staring across the near infinite sea of sand, only to spy the vague lights of a city in the imperceivable distance. The grin never left her face. “So many blessings to dispense. I suppose we’ll start there…”

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This text is part of a set with 2 other files.

The-Bad-End-Adventures-of-Lara-Croft by TiffyBell


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