When Mercy came downstairs and re-entered the common area around which the bulk of the Halloween party was being held, she did so as a very disappointed woman. She had hoped to encounter someone, anyone, whom she could jump in the halls to sate her burning desire, but instead made the lonely journey alone. As she leaned against the archway and took in the sights of everyone enjoying themselves in costume, Mercy gnawed on her bottom lip and not-so-subtlety squeezed her thighs together to help relief the itch between her legs. A large stain had formed at the crotch of her extremely tiny shorts that, if not for the long flaps of her dress, would have been obvious to anyone looking in her direction.

As she stood there wiggling her hips nonchalantly, Mercy surveyed the room for the next potential target of her Halloween marathon. Reinhardt and Torbjorn were both taking turns bobbing for apples, surrounding by a crowd of lower-ranking agents cheering them on. The two men, known for anything but their grace, went after the apples voraciously without the slightest bit of finesse, but each failure only made Reinhardt puff up his chest more, give a rousing speech with booming laughter to hype up his next attempt, and generally showing off for the junior agents. His innocent bravado made Mercy laugh, and she made a mental note to try running into him alone later in the night.

Commander Morrison had already rejoined the others by now and was conversing casually with Ana Amari by the punch bowl. He gave a polite nod from across the room when they made eye contact, which Mercy returned by with running her tongue over her ruby red lips and mischievously flipping aside the front of her dress to briefly flash her soaked crotch. Jack's face immediately flushed red and his gaze lowered to the ground, obviously not willing to be so publicly flagrant about their personal affairs as she, but Mercy delighted in making him squirm, even found it a tad adorable. Speaking of which, she also spied the irrepressible youngster Lena, known as Tracer, talking a mile a minute at a coworker nearby. Tracer always had far more energy than she knew what to do with, and Mercy often found herself mentally exhausted after dealing with her unstoppable pep, but in a good way. The organization could always use more enthusiasm.

That left Reyes, Genji, and McCree, none of whom Mercy saw among the crowd. That was hardly a surprise as the trio had established themselves as Overwatch's resident loners, and so she didn't expect to find them mingling so readily with the others. However, while both Genji and Reyes were more aggressive in their choices to brood apart from the others, McCree always stood out as someone who didn't necessarily mind spending time with the others but rather just had his own way of doing things. It took some effort, but Mercy eventually spotted the rugged American standing outside on the patio, gazing into the night with his back to the party. The wall he was leaning against obscured most of his body through the sliding glass door, the better to hide himself and prevent any unwelcome interruptions, but with a devious smile Mercy sought to do just that.

The lone gunslinger didn't flinch at the crisp sound of the sliding door announcing her arrival, nor did he even seem to acknowledge Mercy's presence as stepped out into the cold autumn night. She gently closed the door behind her and glanced up at McCree's steely gaze, still focused far into the distance across the Overwatch grounds. Undeterred, Mercy walked toward the waist-high railing surrounding the small patio then turned to lean back against it as she faced her only company. "It's quite chilly out here."

"Sure is," replied McCree coolly. Mercy noted with amusement that rather than his typical cigar, the thin white stick of a lollipop jutted out between his lips, and he moved it about with all the typical cowboy swagger as if smoking the real thing. After a lengthy silence, his eyes finally flitted over toward the blonde doctor, and Mercy was quite pleased to see his gaze immediately fall down to take in her scantily-clad body. "Thought you'd be used to the cold, being from the mountains and all."

Mercy smiled, glad to finally have him talking. "Not all of Switzerland is in the mountains, you know." She leaned further against the railing, making sure to arch her back just enough to push out her tantalizing cleavage toward McCree. "Of course, being from the southwest, I thought you'd be the one most adverse to the cold."

He shrugged. "Not really. It gets pretty chilly in the desert on nights like these."

Another brief bout of silence, and this time Mercy took it upon herself to break it. "I like your costume. It's very stylish. Van Helsing, I presume?"

McCree nodded. "Right you are, doc. Can't say it's terribly original." Despite McCree's objections, what his costume lacked in so-called originality it certainly made up for in authenticity. A bandolier of silver bullets lined his torso and an old-fashioned crossbow, which Mercy had no doubt was fully functional, was slung over his shoulder. Still, every part of the costume appealed to McCree's carefully constructed cowboy aesthetic, which always managed to work for him, and it certainly got Mercy's engine revving. "I’ve got to admit, you're not looking too bad yourself."

"Oh? You like it?" asked Mercy. She pulled away from the railing and did a twirl in-place to show off the entirely of her witch's costume. Her gloved hands run down her sides to smooth out the tall stockings which came up nearly to her upper thighs. "Jack think it's rather skimpy," she said coyly.

"It is," said McCree in agreement, his voice steady.

"So you agree?" Mercy asked with a smile and a playful glint in her eyes. "Do you think it shows off my body too much?"

"It does," he said. "But seeing as how you've got a mighty fine one, can't rightly say that's a bad thing."

"I see." Mercy took slow, measured steps toward him, her large crooked hat bouncing with each step. "So you like looking at my body?"

The first signs of McCree's tough exterior cracking came with a faint lopsided smile, lollipop still sitting at the corner of his lips. "I think any red-blooded man would be a liar if he said no. And a fool."

"And what about you?" said Mercy, continuing with her pointed questions. She was closer now, close enough for her warm breath to tickle his shaggy beard. A dainty hand reached up to gently caress his covered jawline, then a little higher for a single fingertip to fall upon his lips. But quickly and without warning, those fingers grabbed the lollipop and pulled it free from his mouth. With a wicked smile, Mercy brought it to her own mouth and slowly, teasingly stuck her tongue out to lap at the polished, round candy. Strawberry, her favorite.

McCree kept his eyes on her, watching that pink tongue dance across the sucker coated in his own saliva. Her pert little mouth opened wide, those full red lips parted delectably, as she continued to lick it sensually. The implication certainly wasn't lost on the Blackwatch operative, who remained fixated on her sinful act at the detriment of anything else. Immediately he could feel his pants tightening as Mercy's lewd display had its intended effect upon his rapidly hardening cock. Through it all, her sultry eyes never stopped looking directly into his own, and they met once more when he finally tore away the visual torture and looked directly at her. "Are you going to play with that all day, or are you going to get on your knees for me?"

Overjoyed that he finally took the hint, Mercy put the lollipop back to his lips, which he accepted gratefully, as she knelt down to the floor and immediately began working at his large, trademark belt buckle. Admittedly, it was difficult to see exactly what she was doing while having to deal with black leather in the middle of the night, but Mercy's muscle memory and a natural talent for undoing a man's pants saw her through. With his pants now down and around his ankles, Mercy could immediately feel the heat radiating from his stiff manhood beneath the boxer briefs like a beacon in the cold night. So overwhelmed with arousal and unable to control herself, she immediately leaned in and nuzzled her cheek against hard cock outlined through the thin fabric. Her tongue even came out and licked against the cloth, unwilling to spare even the few seconds it would take to lower his underwear.

It wasn't until McCree took control of the situation and, by taking a firm hold of her blonde head and knocking her witch hat aside, pushed her away long enough to do the deed himself. His enormous, fully erect cock flopped out from its prison, slapping against Mercy's cheek and causing her to gasp out whorishly. With one hand wrapped around the base, she angled it upward so the mushroom-shaped head pointed directly at her mouth and began servicing it with her tongue as dutifully as she had the shared lollipop. The soft and spongy flesh of his cockhead tasted amazing on her taste buds and soon, unwilling to wait any longer, her entire mouth was wrapped around it as she suckled with the tip of her tongue dancing across the tiny slit.

McCree leaned back against the wall and resumed his gaze out toward the distant tree line, but now with the slutty doctor on her knees eagerly sucking away at his cock, and a smile on his lips. The noisy sounds of her slurping filled the night air. Of course, this wasn't the first time McCree had Mercy's mouth around his dick, but it was the first time he'd been able to relax during the blowjob. Being a field operative, he didn't spend much downtime around the base, and their trysts typically only occurred on those rare occasions when they were on assignment together. Which usually meant rushed and sloppy fucking, fully clothed in battle armor with Mercy bent over a table or thrown up against a wall, lest they risk getting caught or, worse, failing a time-sensitive mission. The adrenaline rush was intense, and Mercy being more than willing to drain his balls with her body did wonders to ease any mission jitters, but McCree also saw the value in taking it slow to really enjoy the sensation, like a good cigar.

But that only served to remind McCree that having Mercy suck him off in the middle of the Halloween party would be 100 times better with a proper cigar, and once more he silently cursed Overwatch's strict no smoking policy. Suddenly feeling very frustrated, despite the eager doctor slurping away at his tool, McCree glanced downward with disappointment to find Mercy still playing with only the first few inches of his sizeable member. With eyes closed in pure carnal bliss, Mercy seemed entirely content at the moment to savor the tip of his cock, and while her mouth only enveloped nearly half of the shaft, she went at it with a ravenous thirst.

However, a loud shout from inside the building broke Mercy's concentration. With her eyes fluttering open and mouth still filled with cock, Mercy's sight drifted through the glass door to watch the bustling party within. At the center of cheering onlookers, Reinhardt towered high above them all, his arms raised triumphantly toward the sky and a bright red apple firmly wedged between his teeth. He beamed with the sort of pride one would have at the birth of their firstborn, and a muffled, indecipherable chant began in his honor. Unable to control herself, Mercy quickly pulled McCree's dick free from her mouth just in time for a bout of cheery laughter to emerge. "Reinhardt caught an apple," she explained.

"So what?" asked McCree, glaring down at her with disapproval. "I didn't say you could stop."

Mercy pouted innocently, and stuck her tongue out to give the tip a quick lick. "You're pretty mean for someone getting their dick sucked."

His scowled deepened. "Just don't have much patience for someone not willing to finish the job they started."

A soft giggle came from Mercy's throat. She clearly was not offended at all by his sudden aggressiveness. After all, she reasoned, no matter how cross he got it wasn't like he was about to end their dirty meeting without cumming down her throat, so she saw little harm in further cajoling him. "Are you always this crass to a girl when she's blowing you?"

"Just when I know they can take it." His fingers waved through her blonde locks, tightening against her scalp insistently. "Can you take it?"

"Oh yes," she whispered huskily, tongue licking her painted lips. "I most certainly can."

Without another word, McCree pulled her in forcefully. Mercy's mouth parted obediently as his cock sank into her moist depths without stopping. Aided by the firm grip on her head, McCree's cockhead pushed all the way past her tongue and lodged against the entrance to her throat. A loud gurgling came from the back of her throat, signaling the impeding penetration, and with another hard push and Mercy's eyes tightly screwed shut at the effort, the throatfucking began. 

Mercy's eyes shot open when her widely parted lips met the base of his cock, the bottom lip brushing against his heavy, wrinkled sack. She groaned loudly as McCree held her there with several inches buried down her throat. When finally he thought she had enough, McCree eased up and allowed her to back off just enough for the last few inches to rest against her tongue before once more violently shoving her back down. Mercy squealed as loud as possible, but all that came out were muffled moans. He pushed her down again and again, skullfucking her harshly and without the slightly bit of empathy, and Mercy's eyes rolled upward in absolute pleasure.

This continued for several moments with Mercy's arms obediently hanging at her sides as McCree used her mouth and throat for his own pleasure. Of course, Mercy was immensely enjoying the rough session, and a single hand fell between her legs to rub at her covered and absolutely soaked cunt. McCree started grunted loudly as he rapidly sought his own release. His rock-hard cock throbbed with anticipation, twitching uncontrollably against her tongue, and Mercy look up at him with big, pleading eyes like a schoolgirl begging for praise. Instead, what she got was her face once more shoved up against McCree's stomach, the tip of his cock firmly settled as deep as possible, and the first spurt of hot cum down her throat.

Mercy screamed and moaned as best she could while the first few tablespoons of his hefty load shot directly into her stomach. As much as she loved the roughness and utter helplessness of being held down and used like a cum receptacle, Mercy desired more than anything to pull free, allowing the cum to gather in her mouth where she could savor its salty richness. Luckily, McCree was more than happy to watch her debase herself further, and his hand fell from the back of her head. Immediately, Mercy eased back to let the tip rest against the roof of her mouth where it pulsed steadily as several long, thick ropes of cum emerged. Her lips formed an airtight seal around his cock as she hummed with joy, pooling the remaining cum against her tongue.

When the flow finally ended, Mercy pulled his cock free with a lurid, wet pop. She swirled the generous load about with her tongue, moaning delightfully as the taste sank into every corner of her mouth. McCree watched the scene with fascination, and when her eyes finally opened and their gaze met, Mercy leaned her head back, part her lips wide, and showed off the white spunk mixed with her saliva. Her tongue wiggled lewdly beneath the creamy seed before her mouth once again closed, she made a show of swallowing slowly, and then opened her mouth once more for inspection. Every drop was gone.

Afterward, she spent several seconds cleaning the tip of his soft, lipstick-covered dick, lapping up the last traces of his orgasm as they emerged from the slit. Mercy giggled with glee upon seeing the watermarks of where her lips had been, particularly the one all the way down at the root of his cock. "Delicious as always, Jesse."

"Glad to be of service, ma'am," he said with a courteous tip of his hat. "Of course, I should be thanking you. That sure hit the spot."

Mercy rose back onto her feet as McCree pulled his pants back up and got himself in order. "More refreshing than a tall glass, I bet?" she joked.

He chuckled in response. "Don't reckon I've ever been in a saloon offering that kind of satisfaction, so I'd say so."

"Hmm," she mused quietly. Mercy leaned into McCree, placing a gloved hand against his chest and once more getting as close as when she snatched away his sugary treat. "I'm assuming that means you'll end your lonely vigil out here and go rejoin the others."

McCree smirked, the rugged hairs of his beard pulling tight against the skin. "Was that your plan all along? Cool me off enough to stop sulking and enjoy the party?"

Mercy shrugged coyly, her eyes bright with mirth and lips pursed into a tight smirk of her own. "I have my reasons. Of course, I never turn down the opportunity to taste my favorite cowboy." Her expression softened a bit, turning from the red-hot lover she was just moments ago to the close friend and colleague. "But of course, as your primary physician, I do advise you to stop clinging to the shadows so much and try bonding with your teammates. Who knows?" she asked, "You might just end up accidentally enjoying yourself."

That prompted a long, deep laugh from McCree. "Yeah, I suppose you're right, doc." His hands fell down to his belt buckle, which he once again readjusted with swagger. As the lollipop turned over in his mouth, McCree once more drank in Mercy's lovely face with his eyes, until his gaze fell down to her marred and smeared lipstick. "As for you, you might want to get that taken care of before anyone starts asking you some very personal questions."

"Oh yes," said Mercy, her fingertips falling gingerly upon her lips. "Thank you, my dear. You're always looking out for me."

"Just being a gentleman, doc." McCree gave her a polite tip of his hat before pushing open the sliding door and sidling back inside.

As much as Mercy wanted nothing more to immediately rejoin the party and hunt down her next quarry -- after all her burning womanhood had yet to be satisfied due to her oral diversion -- she knew that the young man was right. And so Mercy hurriedly slipped quietly into the building and ducked quickly into a nearby hallway before anyone could look her way. Just a fast stop at the restroom to reapply her makeup and then Mercy would be free once more to seek satisfaction for her very urgent needs.

This text is part of a set with 2 other files.

The Overwatch Halloween Shuffle by PunishedVarmint


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