A gasp of new breath filled Rylai's lungs. The Crystal Maiden, the guardian of Icewrack and Witch of the Blueheart glacier, floated above the overgrown stone tiles. Her fur-trimmed dress and cloak wafted in a cold breeze, the blue silks seeming to drip icicles and bring snowflakes from nowhere. She stood on a raised dais, overlooking a vast, lush green forest with three roads carved out in separate directions. But what dominated her view was the Radiant; a mystical shard of some alien intelligence that had built itself a fortress out of limestone and nature itself. Its twin, the Dire, stood some distance away, looming over a blackened and desolate wasteland.

 Rylai exhaled slowly. The fountain had brought her back to fight again, as it always did. She'd almost gotten used to the sensation of dying. Almost. She tossed her staff from hand to hand and pushed forward –it wasn't really walking if she was floating, right? How did Lina get used to this…?- with a determined look on a beautiful face framed by wavy blonde-


 Rylai gasped with new breath. A minor setback, but-


 She grumbled and glided off to the side, trying to peer around the corner of the gap in the round wall encircling the-


 "Stop that!" She shouted, throwing her staff to the ground and pouting. The five figures loitering outside the fountain roared with laughter, but none laughed louder than the tall man in purple robes. Nortrom, the Silencer and bane of casters everywhere, smirked at her as he hefted his large three-pointed glaive.

 "Having trouble, Maiden?" He taunted.

 "This isn't fair! You've already won, so why are you keeping us in here?" She looked over at the battlefield. The ring of defences around the Radiant was still intact, but the Dire heroes had evidently pushed past and sat outside the fountain, just waiting to kill her and her four companions. Over and over again.

 "This slaughter amuses Axe!" The red-skinned Mogul Khan leant against the Radiant, grinning from ear-to-ear.

 "I take no joy from this war," intoned the Outworld Devourer, "but I do take joy from this."

 "Least you could do is let me pull some of ‘em out." The fat abomination known as Pudge smacked his greasy lips, "This one's got a nice bit of meat on ‘er."

 Rylai let out an indignant noise, folding her arms over her chest and looking away. She did not have ‘a bit of meat!' Damn Lina and her stupid slender body and stupid perky breasts… her sister always had to make her look bad! It wasn't Rylai's fault Icewrack was cold enough to warrant a bit of bulk on her frame. Her cheeks reddened as the Dire heroes laughed again. The fountain was empty aside from her, which probably meant all of her companions had re-spawned and died before she'd come back. Or she was coming back a lot faster than they were, which was… possible. The fighting hadn't gone terribly well early on. Still, it wasn't over until the fat lady-


 Rylai rubbed her pale temples. All these deaths were giving her a headache. Or, something like it. Her head definitely felt odd, but it didn't feel… bad. It was hard to think clearly like her head was shrouded in a light mist. Her spells seemed harder to cast than they had a few hours ago as well. Her freezing field refused to come out! What was going-


She groaned, closing her eyes and concentrating. Now her head felt really weird. Like something was emptying it of-


-everything. Like her brain was getting lazier, or her thoughts-


-like, slower and slower? She scrunched up her face and tried to remember how to freeze people. She looked over at Nortrom who just grinned back as he hefted his glaive. Was he doing some-

Thunk! Thunk! Thunk!

When she came back this time, she was on her knees. She blinked, cocking her head from side to side. Her head felt… empty. But not, like, completely? Like there was a cloud floating around in there and squishing all her thinking to the back where it couldn't do anything. She scrunched up her face and tried to think about something. Anything! But it was super hard. Why did she even want to, anyway? Not like she had anything to think about now. Stupid Dire being all mean to her and her team.

"I have taken all I can from them," Nortrom said, "This battle bores me."

"But Axe is not done chopping!" Mogul pouted.

"There shall be other wars," The Outworld Devourer said. Almost casually, he turned and hurled a blast at the Radiant. Like heated glass thrown in the snow, it shattered. A trill of brass instruments sounded from far away as the remaining, plant-infused minions collapsed. "Let us find new foes."

"Another victory under my belt!" said Magina, the anti-mage, as he materialised with a flash of black and purple.

"Oi! You didn' do anythin'. Just ‘it creeps for a bit!" Pudge said, his voice fading quickly as the group walked off into the forest.

Rylai huffed, slowly picking herself up. Well, that was no fun! She crossed her arms and peered around the wreckage; her companions hadn't respawned yet. It might be a while, especially for the stronger ones. So there wasn't much point in her moping about around the ruined ancient. It'd probably be back soon, anyway. Magic was weird.

She walked down the many steps and daises and onto the simple dirt road to the east, idly aware that there was something… off about her. That feeling of having a cloud in her head was still there, smooshing away anything super complicated. It was so hard to try and remember her spells, but otherwise, she didn't feel… bad. It was kind of nice, actually; a little warm and fuzzy and giggly, a bit like being dizzy but without the-

She stumbled and fell into the dirt road. Rubbing her head, she looked back to see her bare feet tangled up in one of the long pieces of her cloak. She pouted; the silly thing was useless if she wasn't floating. She stood and dusted herself off, fingering the fine silk of her dress. It was so pretty, all those blues and whites fading into one another. But if she kept going like this, then it'd just get all dirty! She tapped her chin and waited for an idea to hit her. How could she keep it from getting all worn and-

She grinned and pulled the dress off and over her head. There, she thought as she slung it over her arm, it couldn't get all mucky if she wasn't wearing it! Rather proud of herself for having such a brilliant idea she turned back down the road, humming to herself. Why did people, like, wear so many clothes anyway? Rylai thought. Back in Icewrack it was too cold, but here the breeze was gentle and cool on her naked skin. And people were always trying to see her with fewer clothes on anyway. Like, that one time Donte had tried to get her to join him in a hot spring!

Not that she could blame them all. She really did like the way she looked naked; all curves and soft, smooth skin. Her ample tits, arse and thighs all jiggling as she walked. So much sexier than her stupid stick of a sister.

The thick clumps of trees, tall green grass and irregular flagstones were filled with the sounds of nature; bird calls, rustling, the swaying of branches… Rylai preferred the cold and the white snow, but this was pretty too. After some time walking the trees opened up into a clearing, and there stood a small collection of wooden buildings. Must be away from the battlefield, she thought.

As she drew closer, she noticed a lone figure working the soil. A young man, tall, broad, and tanned, dressed in a simple smock and hose. He stood and wiped the sweat from his brow, a few strands of short black hair sticking stubbornly. Rylai bit her lip; oh, he was cute. Really cute. Absolute ‘grab me by the hair and fuck me hard' material. She giggled; where had that come from? Jeez, she wasn't usually this horny.

She called out to him and waved, bouncing on the balls of her feet. He turned and smiled for a second before his jaw dropped, and his cheeks flushed bright red. Guess he thought she was cute too, huh?

"Heya!" She said as she bounded over, "I'm Rylai!"

"U-um, I'm... Alek. A-are you okay ma'am?"

"Huh?" She stopped. "I think so? Why?"

"Because you're, uh…"

"Oh! Yeah, my dress was so pretty I didn't want it to get dirty! Wanna see?"

Before he could even protest, she was skipping towards him, unfurling the dress from her arm. Her foot caught on something –a rock, a fencepost?- tripped over herself, and, in an act of bizarre coincidence, managed to land in front of Alek and tug his britches down in one movement.

Rylai rubbed her head; she wasn't usually this clumsy! She knelt up and pouted, turning to her new friend before- oh. She blinked, staring right at the stunned farmer's crotch. He was half-hard at least, twitching into life right before her eyes. Her mouth slowly hung open. Her heartbeat was getting faster. And for the first time in a while, the fluffy cloud in her head let a single solid thought through to the front of her mind;


Big, hard cock. Throbbing, pulsing, tasty cock.

She was barely aware that she was drooling and even less aware of Alek apologising profusely. All of her senses were focused on the dick in front of her; it's length, its girth, it's smell… Her cunt was starting to warm up, her thighs squeezing together. He bent down to pull his britches up and, with a single moment of thought, she lunged forward and swallowed his cock whole.

"Wh-what?!" Alek cried, suddenly jumping back.

Rylai held him by his thighs and pushed her lips further down his shaft until she kissed his hips. He twitched in her mouth, and as she pulled back a drop of salty pre oozed onto her tongue. She moaned between wet slurps and lewd pops as she sucked him, occasionally pulling back to tease his tip. She let out a little, disappointed noise as he pulled her off his cock with a pop.

"What are you doing?!"

Rylai looked up at him. "Huh?"

"You can't just… I've not…!" Alek spluttered.

"… Oh!" She perked up, grinning. "Whoopsie! You wanted to play with my big boobies first, right?"

"I- what?"

Rylai bounced on her knees, squeezing her chest between her elbows. "My tits! See? They're so big and jiggly and soft. And, like, super fun to play with."

"I, um…" Alek blushed, looking away. "They are very nice."

"Yay!" She giggled. With a little flirtatious smirk, she sandwiched the still slick cock between her ample breasts, the tip barely poking out of her cleavage. "Oooh, you're so hot… Do you wanna fuck them, huh?"

The farmer swallowed. Rylai giggled again, slowly bouncing her tits along his shaft. She pulled him closer, building up a massive mouthful of saliva and slathering his tip with it. He was so cute when he trembled like that! Before long his hips were thrusting, and he really was fucking her chest. She cooed over him, her legs squeezing tighter and her hips wriggling. Fuck, he was big. And thick. And he was taking so long! She bet he could fuck her for hours, and hours, and-

With a strangled cry Alek thrust forward, pulses shooting up his cock as rope after rope of cum splattered across Rylai's face and chest. She squeaked as molten droplets stuck to her skin. Wow, that was a lot. It oozed and dripped and pooled over her face and between her breasts. She felt like a sweet roll that'd been glazed. Probably looked about as tasty too.

"Ah, um I… sorry about that." The farmer said.

Rylai giggled. "It's so sticky! And warm…"

She scooped up a fingerful from her cheek and popped it into her mouth. Salty and bitter, but very tasty. And the smell... it was everywhere. Surrounding her with the scent of sex and pleasure and making her skin tingle all over. Her libido was screaming and begging, and her cunt was egging it on as the semi-hard cock bobbed in front of her face.

 She needed more.

 Rylai looked up at her new friend and whined. "I'm so horny…!"

 "Huh?" Alek snapped out of the trance her cum eating had put him in.

 "Horny!" She wrapped a hand around his cock. "I wanna fuck!"

 "I-I can take you inside if you need to calm do-"

 She shoved him to the ground and straddled his waist. She could feel the heat coming off his cock as she ground along it, panting and needy. Fuck it felt so much bigger like this… She held him by the base and slammed herself down with a cry of pleasure. Her knees went weak, and her thighs quivered. He was so deep…!

 Alek swallowed as Rylai dug her fingers into his shoulders. One or two slow bounces to savour the feeling of being full, and then she let her lust overtake her; slamming herself down over and over on his hard cock, her arse smacking against his thighs. She groaned and squealed, toes curling and eyes rolling back as his girth stretched her out and brushed along every sensitive spot. She needed this! Needed more! She whimpered as the pressure built, her pace faltering. Alek's hands were on her hips and helping her keep time, his face either screwed up in concentration or staring right at her bouncing breasts.

 Her clouded mind suddenly filled with a flash of white as pleasure ripped its way through her body. She shook and shivered, crying out with delight as she ground down Alek's cock. Everything was tensing, squeezing, shuddering with aftershocks. They faded slowly, leaving her to whimper as an exhausted haze settled over her.

 Rylai moaned, sliding off of Alek's cock and watching his cum leak out. He was splayed out beneath her, panting and glistening with sweat. She was so exhausted… and so happy. Her head was still all foggy and slow, but she knew one thing even without thinking it; she really, really loved his cock. She slumped atop him with a contented sigh, and dimly wondered if he had any friends he could share her with.
 It wasn't until much later she realised her dress had been draped in the dirt the whole time.

This text is part of a set with 1 other file.

Intelligence Steal by AlexMarkov


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