
“Hey, Lina. Are we there yet?” Lyralei the Windranger sing-songed at Lina, one redhead to another. Lina ignored her, of course. She had to. If she didn’t ignore half the shit that came out of Lyralei’s mouth, she would use Laguna Blade several dozen times a day, and the Slayer liked her friend with benefits a little too much to do that. The floating pyromancer’s silence made Lyralei puff out her cheeks, making the tall and lissome archer resemble a squirrel more than a woman for a moment. They continued on their way for a few minutes before Lyralei sing-songed again. “Leeeee-nah. Are we there yet?”

Again, Lina ignored her, though she already knew where this was going. Lyralei didn’t just puff her cheeks this time. She huffed and grumbled something Lina didn’t quite catch, something Lina didn’t care to catch. It was probably some dumb joke about her being the hottest ice queen Lyralei had ever met, or something along those lines. Lyralei loved her dumb jokes. The pyromancer was all but certain that she kept a tiny book full of terrible dad jokes tucked where her tits weren’t. “El-eye-en-aye,” the Windranger tried next. The other redhead just shook her head and continued forward on their path.

Where were they going, again? Lina paused. Weren’t they… looking for something? No, they were looking for someone. Her brows knit. That felt right... and this all felt far too familiar to her. A serious sense of deja vu washed over her, enough that it cracked the icy mask one would expect on her sister Rylai, not on her. She turned towards Lyralei, her fuck buddy, her best friend, the frown on her face enough to tell Lyralei this was serious. “Hey. Do you remember where we’re going? I… I can’t.”

“Yeah,” Lyralei chirped back, her voice like a songbird in the woods. She bounced a step closer to Lina, making the other redhead flinch back reflexively -- but hero of the Ancients or not, Lina’s reflexes and agility were nowhere near Lyralei’s. The archer took half a step around Lina, laughing gaily before cracking out with her wrist. As the Windranger, Lyralei was known for her windrunning, but she could do far more with her ‘parent’ than just run fast. She could put the wind behind her fist when she cared to.

Lina had only seen her do it once before, when they were tossing back shots at a roadside tavern a year or two back and someone she was flirting with got a little too handsy with her, thrusting his hand down between her thighs to grab at her red-thatched pussy with a crude remark, his grimy digits moving like he was trying to finger fuck her honeypot through her leather breeches. 

Her punch left his jaw broken, left him unconscious on the floor, left the entire bar silent after seeing a whip-thin hot bitch lay out a bulky lumberjack with one punch -- at least until Lyralei started whining and whimpering a moment later, rubbing her equally broken knuckles. Lina howled with laughter right up until she had Lina back up in their room and had massaged a healing salve over the bones, letting the magical medicine do its work. It was pretty obvious why she didn’t make a habit out of using the wind for anything but running or her deadly Power Shot.

But Lyralei sure as hell put the wind behind her hand when she slapped Lina’s ass, making the pyromancer babe yelp in a mixture of pain and surprise, her body jolting away from the blow. It didn’t just make her ass sting. It disrupted Lina’s concentration, ending her levitation, making her fall forward and to her hands and knees on the dusty dirt road-- no. It wasn’t a dirt road. Cobblestones? Why was the road made out of cobblestones? They were on a dirt road, weren’t they? This wasn’t -- her foggy thoughts were disrupted by one of Lyralei’s feet plopping down on the cobblestones before her, but they weren’t wearing what they should have been. Lyralei’s boots were more a combination of legwarmers and footpads than footwear, leaving her toes and heels bare. Supposedly, it was easier for her to run in them than conventional shoes.

Lina had her doubts, but she understood. It wasn’t like she wore shoes either. She liked to feel the wind on her soles as she floated along, and really didn’t wear that much more than Lyralei on her feet. But Lyralei wasn’t wearing her ‘boots’. Her green-painted toes peeped out of a pair of the tightest and tallest black high heels that the pyromancer had ever seen, decorated only with thin silver chains. If the Windranger’s usual footwear was chosen for its practicality, these had to be chosen for their exact impracticality. They would be impossible to run in, and those chains would surely catch on any small snag that her feet passed. Unless the wind itself carried her feet, Lyralei wouldn’t be able to run more than a few steps without tripping and falling flat on her face.

“W-what?” Lina mumbled, slowly glancing up, her gaze trailing up Lyralei’s long, bare legs, flicks and splats of cum dotting the archer’s skin. Her mind was getting… so, so much foggy by the moment. Lyralei should have been wearing her trousers, her jacket. She wasn’t wearing either. In fact, all she was wearing was the scantiest thong Lina had ever seen. Calling it a thong at all was wrong, she dumbly realized. Though it resembled one, it only served as a framing for Lyralei’s thoroughly fucked pussy, sodden wet and flushed, leaking cum. It didn’t cover her at all. 

The little red thatch of hair that should have topped her cunt, the one that Lina was so fond of tugging on just to be a bitch when she was dominating Lyralei, was gone. In its place, someone had begun to keep score, tallying something out with what seemed to be kohl or a dark lipstick. Seven separate sets of four vertical lines, each striked through, with three verticals on their own. Forty three… what? Somehow, Lina knew the answer to that. Lyralei was the proud, lewd recipient of forty three loads of orc cum. “Ly… Lyralei?”

Her glassy amber eyes lifted higher, taking in Lyralei’s cum-splattered appearance as a whole. She was a fucking mess, and it didn’t get any cleaner from the hips up. Her belly was painted, her modest tits were dripping with it, and of course her face had received its fair share of jizzy white ropes from orcish dicks. The Windranger’s lips were swollen from the abuse that went along with it, used as dick-pillows by each orc that cared to fuck her face like it was her cockquiver, and her facial features were still red with the strain that went along with all of that. Her long red hair was a wild, tousled mess from the clearly vigorous exercise she had been getting, the only part of her that didn’t have at least a dollop of cum staining it. 

Lyralei’s green eyes lidded with lewd satisfaction as Lina finally met her gaze, smiling like a well-sated slut as she licked her lips -- no, as she flicked her tongue out to catch some dripping cum. Her eyelids fell heavily over her gaze as she swallowed it, moaning her soft contentment before they reopened. “Hey,” she murmured breathlessly. “Lina. Are we there yet?” she asked, for what must have been the millionth time that day. But for the life of her, Lina couldn’t remember where they were supposed to be going or what they were doing. She could only tell that something was very wrong here. Something very wrong that somehow felt very right in spite of it.

Her mouth dry, Lina parted her lips. Her voice was far more raspy than it had been before, hoarse, like she had been screaming and screaming. She pushed through her discomfort and whispered up to her cum-slapped friend with benefits, hoping Lyralei could help her. “Where are we going?” she asked, desperate for an answer, feeling a very real fear pushing behind the fog that was clouding her mind. “Lyralei,” she all but whimpered, squirming and trying to reach forward, trying to grab at her high heeled shoe and ensure she couldn’t go anywhere without answering her -- but her arms weren’t moving. They were somehow now bound behind her back, her wrists tied together. When did that happen?

“Our destiny, silly,” Lyralei laughed, sliding her hand down her body and towards her crotchless thong, tucking her fingers into her used and abused pussy, removing them with the addition of a fresh dollop of cum. “We’re going to our destiny,” she repeated, licking her fingers mostly clean with what might have been a fresh load, or might have been the first of her twenty two. Thumping footsteps started behind Lina, heavy footfalls on the cobblestones that made the hair on the back of her neck raise up and made goosebumps spread across her skin. 

The pyromancer couldn’t take her eyes off Lyralei, though, not even as she flicked the last of that cum down and made it splatter on Lina’s face, making her flinch. Lyralei scooped out another fingerful of cum, tossing that down on the cobblestones right before Lina’s nose. The unlucky mage found her mouth beginning to water, a hungry and perverse need rising in her body, starting at her hips but quickly spreading through her. Something is wrong. Wrong, wrong, WRONG. But it felt right. Why did it feel so right?

“I don’t understand,” Lina groaned rawly, suddenly aware of a warm wind tickling the lips of her sopping wet fuckhole. She wasn’t on her hands and knees - but she was before, it didn’t make any sense - but instead, her cheek was pressed down to the cobblestone, her heavy breasts squeezed down against the cold stone as well. Her knees were spread wide and her hips were raised up, baring her vulnerable holes to any passerby, open for business and free to use. “Lyralei, help me--”

Lina’s pleading words were cut off by a sudden gasp as her body jolted forward, thick fingers spanking her delicate pussy without a care for the gentle treatment it deserved. “So,” their owner chuffed as he squatted down behind Lina, roughly thumbing at her clit for no other reason than to work her up - why was that so obvious to her? what was going on? - having absolutely no interest in actually giving her cunt what it so desperately wanted. “You ain’t learn the rules yet, have ya, brat?” She didn’t know the orc, but he sounded so familiar to her. Why was that, and why couldn’t she remember where they were going? She whimpered and groaned as he started spanking her ass, leaving enormous red hand prints across the fair skin of her thick bottom. “That’s fine. I ain’t mind. Not for today, at least.”

It wasn’t sore before. She felt fine before. But with each time he spanked her ass, Lina became more certain that she wouldn’t have been able to stand up if she tried -- even if her knees weren’t shaking and her thighs weren’t quivering. “Lyralei,” she begged, trying again to reach for the redhead’s shoe, her ankle, anything, but only managing to squirm closer to the little splat of orc cum left on the cobblestones.

Lyralei only smiled, her teeth flashing brightly with humour. Or-- was it malice? Lina couldn’t tell. Her bisexual friend with benefits turned and sashayed away. The pyromancer always loved watching Lyralei walk away, with her taut and toned ass perfectly complementing her long, lean body. With the Windranger wearing heels, watching her go became more of an experience. She couldn’t help but notice the brand just over Lyralei’s ass; a jagged skull with strange characters beside it. Somehow - how, how, how? - she knew it signified the orc’s ownership over her body.

The spanking stopped abruptly.

The assfucking started just as quickly, the orc’s monstrously thick meat spearing into Lina’s narrow asshole, making her cringe and squeeze her eyes shut. With her throat so raw and hoarse, Lina’s first scream was little more than a gasp of surprise. It was so uncomfortable, but to her surprise it didn’t hurt at all, even as the force of his rough fucking pushed her against the unyielding stone. No, it didn’t hurt at all. In fact, it was feeling good - but I don’t like anal sex, I never have, it’s not fun - so good that she was going to cum. She opened her hazy eyes, her mouth falling open with a wanton moan. Lyralei was gone, but there was still something in front of her. 

Without a hint of hesitation - why am I doing this? He’s not even making me - she began to lap the cum right off the cobblestones, delighting in its sweet and addictive taste. With it lingering on her taste buds, she didn’t even mind that the orc fucking her ass pulled out when she was on the verge of orgasm. She already knew what he was going to do, squatting down in front of her and jerking himself off, shooting his load all over her face and the cobblestones before her. Somehow, she squeaked like her throat hadn’t been hurting at all and giggled joyfully, feeling deeply grateful - this is WRONG - as he forced her to keep licking his mess until it was all gone.

Until he was hard again.

Until he could give her another load of his perfect cum, the only thing Lina needed in her life. 

Until he could start to tally her up just like they were tallying Lyralei. Until she could start going around and showing all the other fuckslaves in the town how much more cum she was getting than they were. Until she could dethrone her slutty bitch of a sister as the town’s queen slut and - what? Where is this coming from? This isn’t - No, this was wrong. This was so wrong. Lina blinked her eyes several times, forcing them into focus, groaning as she tried to shrug off the fog blanketing her mind and the heat in her pussy.

Her fucker circled back around again and started to plow her ass again, just as merciless as before. It felt twice as good. Lina the Slayer, fiery redhead and infamous pyromancer, threw away any thought of resistance. She finally gave in, submitting herself fully to being this orc’s personal fucktoy. She didn’t care about dethroning her sister and she didn’t care about becoming the most-used trio of holes in the town. She didn’t even care about finding her sister anymore and saving her - right, that’s why I’m here, that’s where we were going

“Yes,” Lina gasped out breathlessly, her submission heralding her orgasm. The orc behind her grabbed a thick handful of her hair and shoved her face back down against the cum-slick cobbles, pinning her cheek against the cold stone. She didn’t care that he was just one of many orcs. She didn’t care about anything so long as he kept fucking her. So long as she was getting more cock -- so long as she was getting more cum -- she didn’t care anymore. 

“Don’t stop,” she whined like the needy whore that she was, desperately pushing her hips back against his thrusts whenever she could, loving the pain and pleasure that flared through her body whenever he hilted his cock deep in her ass. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop, please, please--”

It was happening. She was going to cum. She was going to…!

“Wake up,” someone grunted down at her, his voice deep and annoyed by the terrible inconvenience. Out of nowhere, a half-chubbed orc cock plopped down on her cheek and slapped it, distracting her from her impending orgasm… but that was fine by Lina. A dick in her mouth would make her cumming all the better. She lifted her head, not even wondering where the orc’s hand in her hair went, and caught the orc’s cock between her lips, closing her eyes as she began to worship his captured crown with her tongue. If she was lucky, perhaps the vibrations of her moaning would make him cum at the same time.

“Ugh,” the owner of that cock hissed in disgust, pulling his cock away from her needy lips. When she sought to chase it, it slapped her cheek again and made her blink, then blink again. With each bat of Lina’s lashes, the thick dark green dick looked smaller and thinner. “I swear, you stupid fucking sluts have nothing on your minds but the next dicking you’re going to get,” the owner of the dick grumbled. “If you’re going to pass out, at least pass out where I don’t have to find you.”

Lina blinked again, and then shook her head, shaking off her… her dream? Reality came crashing back down around her as the fog surrounding her mind dissipated. She was laying on her side, not face down with her ass up. There wasn’t a cock in her ass, though she was painfully aware of how sore her stretched-out hole was and her hips ached like a treant had smashed into them. And the cock she had just been sucking wasn’t a cock at all. Her eyes were still a little glassy as she stared at the fingers. Their skin wasn’t even green. They were almost pinkish, human-sized, dexterous like hers but decidedly masculine. They belonged to a human - a man, but she didn’t bother glancing up at his face.

The pyromancer drew in a long breath, then let it out in a drawn-out groan and squeezed her eyes shut again. She remembered what happened now. She could remember sneaking out of the inn and witnessing the debaucherous depravity taking place in the town -- Lyralei, being gangbanged by a small horde of orcs. She could remember seeing Rylai being led around the town in a leash and collar, her ass and pussy agape and oozing cum. 

And of course, Lina could remember what happened to her; she was caught by an orc. Though she was confident her magic would quickly destroy him, the first and only spell she tried to cast amounted to nothing more than a shower of sparks. He rambled something about the rules to her, then pushed her down and fucked her ass, coming damn close to making her cum. When he was done, he dropped his load on the road and made her lick it up -- something she ended up loving, even though she knew it should have disgusted her. Even now, she could still taste a little bit of it on her tongue. He left her on the road afterwards, barking at her about learning the rules before trudging off, not even bothering to untie her wrists with her torn skirt.

Barely able to walk after her brutal assfucking, Lina tried to stumble and crawl on her knees back to the inn, to some vestige of safety -- and hopefully, something she could use to free her wrists. New clothes were a dim afterthought. After what happened, though, she lost her orientation and couldn’t figure out what way would take her back. 

She wandered for what felt like hours, though most of that time was spent with her hiding, her pulse racing as she waited for orcs and their fucktoys to pass her by. There was no telling what would happen to her if she was caught again, as much as her pussy begged her to shout for them to come fuck her. Eventually, exhausted from her ordeal, she passed out in an alleyway behind a crate. Until… fuck, Lina realized. I’ve been here all night. It was a wonder an orc didn’t find her and drag her off by the ankle.

Lina groaned in equal parts dismay and discomfort, her eyelids flickering and her dark lashes fluttering. Her cunt was still aching and dripping with need. If the man hadn’t woken her up, would she have gotten what her assrapist denied her? Maybe. His patience expended, the man grunted and shook his head, rising from his crouch and turning away, starting to limp down the alleyway.

… a man. The only human man she had seen in this place. The only other human that wasn’t a willing plaything for the orcs. Lina’s eyes flew open, her heart beginning to race as she watched him go. “Wait,” she croaked, voice still scratchy from all the screaming she did while the orc was introducing her to the joys of green dick. “Can you… can you help me?”


A little more than ten minutes later, the only human man in the town, the only human period who wasn’t obsessed with orc cock, passed Lina a mug of tea. She accepted it gratefully, though she shifted her hips uncomfortably on the hard wooden chair that only worsened the problems left by yesterday’s assfucking. It was far too large for her, made for an orc’s arse. He had helped her peel out of what remained of her dress and gave her a blanket to cover herself with, though Lina would have been sitting in the nude. Even as he helped her out of her ruined clothing, he paid no interest to her stiff nipples or her dripping cunt. She got the sense whether or not he swung her way, he had been in the town long enough that horny women were old hat to him, no matter how beautiful they were.

She appreciated the thought behind the gesture immensely, already aware he might be one of the few friendly faces she’d have around town. The orcs seemed to have few expressions that weren’t grumpy, violent, or horny. “Thanks,” she mumbled, sipping at the tea. It tasted fucking awful, but at least its gentle warmth soothed her throat on its way down. She had already explained to him the events that led up to his discovery and erroneous assumption that she was just another woman lost to orc cock.

“Don’t mention it,” he told her as he sat down across from her. They were in his workshop. A single glance around the place told Lina everything she needed to know about what that work entailed. He was a cobbler, a shoemaker. Hefty boots and sandals littered the place, practical and clearly meant for orcish feet. Less practical shoes were kept with far more care along the shelves that ran from wall-to-wall, each like the staggering heels Lina had seen while scouting out the town yesterday -- the height of fashion. What she would expect to find on a noblewoman’s feet in the world’s great cities, not on good-for-nothing orcish fucksluts. 

Lina looked back towards him, catching his stare -- not that he was leering at her. His brows knit before he smiled apologetically to her. “I’m sorry. It’s hard to get over-- well.” He paused, reaching for his own cup of tea and taking a sip while he picked his words with due care. “When someone shows up here, it doesn’t take very long for them to lose themselves. A day, at most. I’ve been here for years, and I’ve never met a woman who could go more than a minute without talking about orc cock. Not after one of our ‘masters’ broke them in.”

The Slayer bit down gently on her bottom lip, wanting to tell him she had a hard time thinking of anything but getting fucked. That sheer horny need must have been clear on her face; he seemed to recognize it on the spot, clearing his throat and glancing away for a moment. Lina squeezed her thighs together, grazing her teeth off her lip and swallowing before speaking. “It’s fine,” she assured him, adjusting her fingers around the cup -- though it was kind to call either of their mugs cups of tea, made of roughly-shaped clay and shaped for orcs. “You’ve been here for years? Can you tell me what this place is?”

“No. I’m sorry, Lina,” he admitted candidly with a sigh and a shake of his head, putting his tea aside. “I wish I could, but I don’t know myself. Sometimes the orcs leave and come back with new women or loot, but no one ever sees how they leave. Here’s what I can tell you. Everyone they don’t drag back here has the same story. They go to sleep in the inn, then wake up and show up wherever we are,” he said, gesturing with his hand. 

“You’ve seen what happens to the women. There’s a few other men like me. Masters of their trade. We get forced to work,” he continued, nodding towards one of the shelves of shoes. “And for the most part, they leave us alone. Plenty of wet and willing women around,” he added with a sad little crook to his smile. “After a few weeks, we all start forgetting who we were before coming here. I know I had a wife and children and a name, but now I’m just the Shoemaker. Everyone calls me Shoe.”

Lina felt her shoulders sag slightly, though she did her best to show Shoe an appreciative smile. “I see. Thank you, Shoe.” She took another sip of her tea, closing her eyes and focusing on its taste, wishing it was orc cum instead. She was here for Rylai, and she had Lyralei to think about. They had to be her first priority, but she felt incredibly grateful to Shoe. “Listen,” she told him as she opened her eyes and set the mug aside. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m going to get to the bottom of it, and I promise you, I’ll get you back to your family.”

Shoe’s smile dimmed, though he kept it up for her. “Of course you will,” he assured her. They were probably words he had heard before from countless men and women before Lina, and clearly words he expected to hear again. In any other circumstance, she’d probably get pissed off at his attitude and how he had accepted his new lot in life, but she was far too tired and sore to get angry with her new friend. All she wanted was to get fucked by a nice, fat orc cock and then sleep in a bed for a few more hours.

… Shit. Lina reached for her tea again, hoping its bitter taste would drive back her lust. 

Before her fingers reached it, the door swung wide open with enough force that it hit the wall and rattled the nearest shelf, knocking shoe after high-heeled shoe to the floor. A burly orc stomped inside, grinning toothily. “Oi, Shoe,” he shouted unnecessarily. “Where th’fuck are my fuckin’ new boots, you damn humie?” He froze two steps into the room, eyes narrowing and mouth shutting, the same way Lina and Shoe froze up and stared at him with similar, startled reactions -- though the redhead’s reaction was far wetter and far more carnal. 

Lina could feel it. This was the quiet before a coming storm.

“Th’fuck is this, SHOE?” the orc bellowed as he stormed inside, kicking over a table with a half-finished boot set aside. His heavy footfalls seemed to shake the house’s floor, each seeming to carry the same force he used to fling the door nearly off its hinges. Each of his stomping steps took him closer and closer to Lina, until he was within arm’s reach of her. 

If it wasn’t for the fact she already knew her magic wouldn’t work, she would have turned him to ashes with a Laguna Blade long before he reached out and ripped the blanket away from her body, almost sending her spilling to the floor. “SHOE, you FUCKIN’ FUCKER,” the boot-needing orc shouted as he threw it to the floor, pointing at Lina’s legs. “She ain’t got a uniform! Are you fuckin’ her? I swear to fuckin’ fuck, I’ll fuckin’ cut off your fuckin’ fuckrod and your fuckin’ cumsack!”

“N-nobody ever gave me a fucking uniform,” Lina couldn’t stop herself from snapping back, rising to her shaking hips. She knew her magic wasn’t going to work, but that didn’t stop her from trying now that the orc was shouting and screaming and a moment away from doing something, hands lifting, ready to summon her Dragon Slave. Her reflexive lip made him sneer, and before she could even make a harmless shower of embers, he gave her a sharp smack with enough force that she fell over with an indigitant shriek. 

Shoe was on his feet now, stepping towards the orc with something in his hand. Lina twisted, lifting her hand to wave him back. “Don’t,” she gasped raggedly, not wanting him to pay the ultimate price when he raised his hand in violence against one of their orcish ‘masters’. Ignoring the stinging pain across her cheek, she looked up at his weapon… then dropped her hand to the floor, and her cheek with it, groaning, feeling ridiculous.

“Here’s your boots, Master Dumag,” he told him humbly, presenting the rough, ironshod footwear with a flourishing bow that would have made more sense if Dumag was a prince, not just another orc. Grumbling, the orc took it and continued to give Shoe the stink eye. The Shoemaker straightened from his bow and smiled, deferential in the face of the brute’s violence with practiced ease. “She’s here for a fitting. I was about to go fetch the Tailor for her stockings.”

He was lying. He probably lied a lot to the orcs. Either way, it saved their asses.

“Oh,” Dumag grunted, his ire deflating as easily as it inflated. He glanced down at where Lina was still laying on the floor, then leaned down and grabbed a handful of her hair, yanking and dragging her over to him as she yelped. “Well, you get goin’. Her mouth ain’t bad,” he mused as he plopped down in the chair Lina had just been occupying. 

Shoe bowed again and made himself scarce. Dumag didn’t spare him a second glance as he pulled Lina over to kneel between his splayed knees, only releasing her hair once she was situated before him. The fiery redhead glared up at him, unshed tears glistening in her eyes from the slap. It wasn’t very often someone hit her and far less often someone got to pull her hair, but it seemed like she would have to get used to both if she was going to survive this town and save herself and the others.

“Well,” Dumag barked, “get th’fuck to work. I ain’t payin’ you to have a starin’ contest, brat.”

Lina didn’t bother pointing out that he wasn’t paying her at all. Instead, she lowered her gaze to the object he wanted her to bathe in her affections. Seeing the enormous bulge of his big green dick through his loincloth made her breath catch, and what the agitation she was beginning to feel before quickly faded. She knew she shouldn’t have been excited over giving this piece of shit a blowjob, but her mouth watered just as readily as her pussy dripped. In that moment, she wanted nothing more than to get him out and feel his cock in her hands. “S-sure,” she mumbled, her suddenly trembling fingers lifting to his loincloth.

“Not sure, brat,” Dumag grumbled at her, though he sat back and lifted the boots, ignoring her now in favour of giving them a close inspection. “Remember th’fuckin’ rules. You fuckin’ call me fuckin’ Master Dumag.”

Lina paused and dared to glance up at him, then cleared her throat. “Sure, Master Dumag,” she whispered. That seemed good enough for him. It took her a second to get the loincloth off him. She dropped it to the floor and left it on her knees, her eyes widening as she took in his cock. It’s majestic, she marveled to herself as she took his shaft in one hand, slowly stroking its stiffness with her hand, equally impressed at how small it made her digits look. Somehow, Lina knew she would say the same of any orc cock at this point, big or small. And there was just so much of him -- she barely knew where to begin with him.

After some consideration, which really just consisted of her staring gape-mouthed at his cock while she stroked his length, she decided to start at the bottom and work her way up. His balls dwarfed the testicles of any man Lina had ever fucked, and knowing how delicious Dumag’s cum would be she made sure to give them ample attention up front, arching her back and leaning in low to start kissing and licking his nuts. He barely paid attention to her until she took one of his nuts into her mouth and began sucking on it, continuing to slowly stroke his cock all the while.

Dumag glanced down at her, setting the boots aside casually, knocking over and shattering the awful mug of tea Shoe had given her without a thought. Lina was beginning to find her stride, her eyes falling shut as she left one of his balls alone and began to worship the other, barely noticing the shattering clay. “You ain’t ever suck before or somethin’, brat?” the thick orc grumbled, making Lina open her eyes wide and blink up at him with her lips still sealed around his nutsack, her fingers slowing to a stop. “Spit it out’n answer me,” he barked.

She didn’t spit him out. That would have been rude. Instead, Lina slowly drew back from her Master’s scrotum and broke the thin line of spittle that still connected her lips to him, taking a breath and swallowing the taste on her tongue -- a taste she never wanted to forget. Finally, she went to give Dumag her answer.

Having lost any semblance of patience whatsoever, Dumag took his opportunity to grab Lina’s head and shove her parted lips down on his cock, catching her completely off guard. She barely started to squeak out her surprise before his thick piece of green meat filled her mouth, the head starting to push into her throat. “What fuckin’ orc,” he sneered down at her, forcing Lina to bow her head over his lap and pushing her further down his length in stops and starts, “wants a fuckin’ no good fuckslut to go slow? You only ever suck fuckin’ humie dicks ‘er somethin’?” he demanded, a question that seemed purely rhetorical at face value. 

The pyromancer didn’t even try to answer, quickly having to move her hand from Dumag’s cock to rest on his thigh, gripping the firm muscle there for support. He was far larger than the last man she deepthroated, testing the limits of her throat to stretch and forcing her to fight her gag reflex with tooth and nail. She was surprised to realize that she didn’t really care how she got his cock, so long as she got it -- getting roughly facefucked was just as good to her as getting to slowly worship him. Before long, he was deeper than that last man ever could have went, redefining oral sex for Lina just like the last orc redefined anal sex for her. 

“Well?” Dumag barked as he started to bob her head up and down his dick, yanking her hair for the former and shoving for the latter. Lina focused on keeping her lips sealed around her and focused on suppressing her gag reflex, trying to breath through her nose as her eyes watered from his rough use. She didn’t register the question at all until he lifted his voice and shouted it. “Fuckin’ give me a fuckin’ answer, you walkin’ pair of fuckholes.”

Feeling like a dumb whore that had disappointed their Master, she tried to groan ‘no’ around him, an answer he surely felt more than he heard. She sucked more than just human dicks in her time; at one particularly low, drunken point of her life she had even given Riki a blowjob, waking up with her head between his thighs the next morning. 

Lina swore never again on the spot. 

Even if he could hear it, it would have been muffled by his massive cock lodged in her airway, obstructing her natural airflow. “Yeah, fuckin’ right,” he snorted at her, his breathing gradually getting heavier. If the way he fucked her face before was rough, the way he started to use her throat after that was downright brutal and savage, pushing and pulling at her head with increasingly wild abandon as he neared his peak. Beginning to feel faint, Lina clutched his other thigh in addition to the first, knowing she couldn’t last much longer and knowing she didn’t have to.

At the last instant, he shoved her down several inches further than any time before, making her swallow more of his cock than she would have imagined herself capable of and holding her down as he started to shoot rope after thick rope of his cum right into her belly. Finally, in desperate need of air, Lina lost her fight against her gag reflex as the first of it splashed out. Her throat spasmed around him, trying to push him out but only succeeding in doing what the rest of her body wanted -- coaxing out as much cum from his delightful cock as Lina possibly could.

Until he was filling her belly, she didn’t realize how hungry she was -- or how licking the orc’s cum off the cobblestones had staved off her hunger. 

“There,” he grunted and growled as he pulled her up and popped her off his cock, lifting the poor woman right off the ground by her hair. “There’s your fuckin’ meal, fuckin’ fuckslut. You better be fuckin’ dressed right the next time I fuckin’.. Aw, fuck it, it ain’t worth wastin’ fuckin’ words on you.” He didn’t need to give her a second look to know Lina was an incoherent mess, quickly losing consciousness with a look of utter bliss on her face. Dropping the redhead in a limp and lewd pile on the floor, he shoved up to his feet and kicked off his old boots to put on his new ones. 

Soon afterwards, Dumag strolled out the door, whistling to himself and leaving Lina to be discovered again by Shoe… and the Tailor, if he really did leave to fetch another man, and not just to avoid watching the inevitable conclusion after the orc’s arrival: Lina getting fucked and just as quickly dumped.

This text is part of a set with 3 other files.

Ignorance-Aint-No-Excuse by niteynyx


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