00:01 gfycat Got kinda bored with that TA one but I might finish it some time. This one required a lot of juggling with sfm’s... 0
Have some potato gifs! or you can watch them in 1080p here (but beware of volumetric light flashes on each loop):... 0
Have some potato gifs! or you can watch them in 1080p here (but beware of volumetric light flashes on each loop):... 0
01:00 (Preview deleted by Tumblr) Came out a little off but hope you like it anyways! Render time was super long which is why I took a... 0
00:13 Hey guys! Sorry haven’t been so active lately. Bit busier than usual. Another windrunner animation. I’m thinking of doing... 0
00:11 This is an old animation (1 month or so old) that I touched up this week. I’m leaving behind my wips that I was working on... 0