Apparently Amazonians sweat tastes like that of a liar. Big Barda should have used the Lasso of Truth. Anal/vaginal/bit gag/breast bondage/spanked ass and CLIP/PSD files on my Patreon #bondage #DC #JusticeLeague #WonderWoman #Zatanna #BDSM #lesbian #yuri #femdom #NSFW #rule34 13.8
Little Light confiscated Support me on for Patreon exclusive content and more works! #League_of_Legends #Lux #Katarina #bondage #bdsm #femdom #LOL #女攻め #緊縛 #拘束 2.4
7.2 Demarcations by agnikai58 The face staring back at her grimaced as she dragged a brush through the damp tangled mess that passed for her hair at the moment. Angela set the brush down and took a stray lock in hand, leaning towards the mirror as she did so. Split ends. She yanked a drawer open, her hand digging through it to grab a pair of scissors but Angela stopped short just before closing the metal blades on said lock of hair. The scissors wavered for a brief moment before she set them down next to the sink. Of all th…
7.2 Demarcations by agnikai58 “So shall we consult my all knowing pad to see what we're going to be doing today?” Angela shook her head. “No, I don't think so. I want to take the day off from bondage and do something else.” Fareeha raised an eyebrow, taken aback at Angela's decision. “Did I do something wrong? I know yesterday was frustrating for you but I didn't think you were actually angry or anything.” “No, no, no. Well sorta. My nerves still feel frayed at getting denied over and and over so I need to unwind. Do …
12.6 Demarcations by agnikai58 Angela Ziegler stared at the building through the window of her car. There was nothing on the outside of the building. No windows or murals, nothing that even hinted at the name of this place. The whole thing was plain, unassuming and completely non-indicative of the things that happened here which is exactly how Overwatch patrons would want it. The entrance also made more sense if total anonymity was the case. There wasn't much to see out front, just a call-box, camera and a short curving driv…
1boy 1girls atlus dominant-female domination dominatrix elbow-gloves female female-on-top femdom 33.6
Tifa showing a guy who's boss. Better quality here: Models by @MustardSFM (Tifa), Arhoangel (dude) and @Vinny_arts (collar) 12.6
00:02 A quick re-render of my #Brigitte animation to make the looping a little smoother (shoutout to @sh4de17 for giving me advice here) Redgifs: Uncompressed on my website: #overwatch #rule34 #femdom 2.4
9 Demarcations by agnikai58 Ordinarily having a car that drove itself was a tremendous luxury but it left Angela in something of a bind in this particular case. If she had been driving the car then she could have used that as an excuse to not pay attention to Fareeha. But as it was both women were left to sit in silence as the vehicle drove the fifty kilometers back to Angela's vacation home. From time to time one of them would glance at the other out of the corner of an eye only to look away before being noticed. The c…
8.4 Demarcations by agnikai58 If it had been up to her then Angela would have headed straight for the bunker in the basement after putting the groceries away but Fareeha brought her into the living room instead. Once the two of them were seated on the couch Fareeha got the ball rolling as she opened up the kinks app she had gone through with Angela prior. “Since this is our first session here I don't want to do anything too intense, let's make this one something of a warmup, something light. What do you think of just doing …
4.8 The Bad, The Bitchy and The Cock-Hungry by Lewdsmokesoldier Hey, ya'll! This is another image-inspired story, for this image by leeterr. I promise I'll be doing some non-image related works next, and this will be my last one for a while! I just greatly enjoy putting words to piece of visual art! If you enjoy this, I'd love it if you followed my Patreon and Twitter! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Ashe had no idea where she’d learned that phrase, but she honestly didn’t care. She’d never been big on literature, and now wasn’t the time to start…
Apparently Amazonians sweat tastes like that of a liar. Big Barda should have used the Lasso of Truth. Anal/vaginal/bit gag/breast bondage/spanked ass and CLIP/PSD files on my Patreon #bondage #DC #JusticeLeague #WonderWoman #Zatanna #BDSM #lesbian #yuri #femdom #NSFW #rule34 6
Download: 9 more renders are available on #r34 #femdom #pregnant #fetishart 1.2
6.6 Demarcations by agnikai58 She dashed across the hall and into the spare bathroom, pausing just long enough to shut and lock the door behind her. Fareeha shoved the shower curtain to one side and stepped inside, not even bothering to undress before turning the lever. Water burst from the faucet, seeping through Fareeha's clothes until they were clinging to her skin. Her legs trembled beneath her and she braced herself with both hands on the walls next to her as she panted. The lever was twisted to its lowest setting an…
8.4 Demarcations by agnikai58 “I can take that off if you want you know.” The two of them were sitting in the kitchen as Fareeha set the ingredients for dinner on the counter. Angela had put on a pair of boyshorts but she wasn't wearing anything else except for the karada harness that Fareeha had tied on her. “No thank you.” said Angela as she rubbed her fingers against the ropes running along the middle of her chest. “This is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be and it's pretty.” She leaned forward on her …
6 The Bad, The Bitchy and The Cock-Hungry by Lewdsmokesoldier Finally, a new chapter! This one was jogged by good old Yeero's piece here, though I've been wanting to write a follow-up for a while now. Jesse McCree awoke one evening from uneasy dreams to find his head throbbing in the most curiously painful manner. That kind of discomfort wasn’t a new phenomenon. McCree tossed back enough booze that hangovers were almost his expected state of awakening, and his cigar huffing left him lightheaded when he didn’t properly control his inhalation. Perhaps no…
You are nothing more, but a a dirty, sloppy, wet, desperate cunt to be used (Tomie) [Femdom Waifu] 1.8
Download: 9 more renders are available on #r34 #femdom #pregnant #fetishart 1.8
🔞NNN is irrelevant. You nut whenever your Queen tells you to💕 💃by @arhoangel 720p preview: 4K & 1080p on Pooptreon: Enjoy!🥰 #Dva #overwatchlewd #rule34 #femdom 3
9 Demarcations by agnikai58 Fareeha opened her eyes as a beeping from the car's navigation system woke her from her slumber. Outside her car window was more of the seemingly endless green fields that dominated the landscape in the eastern reaches of Switzerland. Ahead of her the road rose steadily as it climbed up a hill a few kilometers ahead. A grove of trees crowned the hill's peak and she could see what looked like a gravel road leading into them off the motorway. Once her car automatically turned onto the unpaved r…
7.2 Demarcations by agnikai58 Fareeha's eyes fluttered open and she groggily rolled over to look for her phone. For a split second she felt a spike of alarm before realizing why the room didn't look familiar. She was hundreds of kilometers from Geneva in another woman's vacation home. Fareeha picked up her phone to check the time, almost nine in the morning, before getting out of the bed. She had picked out an outfit for today but the rest of her clothes were still in her boxes and unpacking them was a chore for later. Fare…
8.4 Wild Ride At Gunpoint by AlexMarkov What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck!? Nico darted along narrow cobblestone roads. Stone buildings loomed above him, their terracotta roofs vibrant in the sun. He glanced over his shoulder every few steps, heart pounding. Were they still following? What even were they? The smell of sea salt lapped at his senses as he turned a tight corner. Go to our home country, they said. Appreciate your heritage, they said. Well, no one had fucking told him there were fucking monsters! He stumbl…
I can't imagine anything but gentle femdom between these two 🙏 Mirror: Tifa: @MustardSFM Cloud: @datquil #FF7R #FFVIIRemake #Tifa #Cloud #CloTi #r34 4.2
Tifa in charge, PoV version. Better quality: Models by @MustardSFM (Tifa), @Vinny_arts (collar) and Arhoangel (male) 4.2
Download: 9 more renders are available on #r34 #femdom #pregnant #fetishart 1.2
00:44 And here it is, the #pov #femdom #cunnilingus from Lara's Capture ^^. 2K/4K versions for supporters. #TifaLockhart Model @MustardSFM Voice @_PixieWillow Sound design @Luriminati #3dporn #nsfw #Rule34 #r34 #FinalFantasy Have a nice Week-End and take care 😉 . 2.4
Ashley doms Liara~ 4K | No watermark - Models @Rigid3d @Vinny_arts @Blender_maker @morally_immoral Support me: #MassEffect #rule34 #nsfw #liara #ashleywilliams #yuri #femdom 9.6
6.6 Demarcations by agnikai58 Angela's eyes slowly fluttered open as the dream she had been immersed in vanished, replaced by the sight of a black television screen. She blinked once as she looked around the living room then down at herself. The last thing she remembered was seeing a woman forced to perform, and quite miserably at that, opera at venues across the country. The pillow beneath her head and the blanket covering her were new though. Her lips tugged upwards for a moment at what clearly must have been Fareeha tuck…
8.4 Demarcations by agnikai58 Angela started as the phone in her pocket buzzed once indicating a text message had been received. She set her grater down on the cutting board next to the pile of shredded potatoes before fishing the phone out. The number wasn't familiar but it was easy to guess who was messaging her. 'I'm interested in your proposal Doctor Ziegler but I would like to meet and discuss the matter before agreeing to anything. Do you have somewhere we can talk in private or do I need to rent an office?' Angel…
01:07 Preview of what I'm working on. First longer animation, in the 3 minute range. Still have animation passes to do, final lighting, lotsa polish, etc (and audio!) but it's going well. I'll share another preview before it's out. I think Brig makes a good Dom; tough but loving.😚 7.2
00:24 Here we have it, #Zarya eating some fresh ass! God I Wish That Were Me. (1080p for $3 patrons!) #Overwatch #rule34 #nsfw 3