Demarcations by agnikai58 “I can take that off if you want you know.”
The two of them were sitting in the kitchen as Fareeha set the ingredients for dinner on the counter. Angela had put on a pair of boyshorts but she wasn't wearing anything else except for the karada harness that Fareeha had tied on her.
“No thank you.” said Angela as she rubbed her fingers against the ropes running along the middle of her chest. “This is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be and it's pretty.” She leaned forward on her …
Finally, a new chapter! This one was jogged by good old Yeero's piece here, though I've been wanting to write a follow-up for a while now.
Jesse McCree awoke one evening from uneasy dreams to find his head throbbing in the most curiously painful manner.
That kind of discomfort wasn’t a new phenomenon. McCree tossed back enough booze that hangovers were almost his expected state of awakening, and his cigar huffing left him lightheaded when he didn’t properly control his inhalation. Perhaps noticing his headache was less important than taking stock of the fact that he was tied to a chair. His inability to immediately break free of his bonds was cause for concern, even with the added power of his mechanical left hand. More shockingly, he had been stripped naked.
The gunslinger blinked, trying to recall the circumstances under which he’d been placed in such conditions. Knowing his lifestyle, it could have been any number of things, and he didn’t have the patience to run through them all in his head. It still hurt to look around, much less think. As far as he could tell he was in some sort of cell, or at least a room where one of the walls was made entirely out of evenly placed steel bars with a gate in one corner. McCree had known enough folks who thought “utilitarian” meant “make it look as dull as possible”. Houses were meant to be lived in and not to look like prisons, dammit.
“Well, lookie here.” A voice echoed out into the cell from around the corner. McCree saw a shadow cast into the hallway in front of him, but he didn’t need to see the details of their outline or listen too hard to how their boots clicked against the concrete floor. That voice was hard to misplace. “Looks like we got ourselves a lil’ visit from one of our boys.”
“Ashe,” McCree rolled his eyes, struggling briefly with the rope bonds before giving up, “I know no one’s there with ya. Don’t gotta play all ‘us’ and ‘we’ on me, now.”
“Shaddup, McCree.” Ashe stepped into view, separated from him by a line of steel bars. She was exactly as lissome as she’d been when he’d last seen her, long-limbed and tall with hips that flared out in spite of her almost gangly build. He knew she was less fragile than she looked: beneath the leather and fabric, her thighs were muscular and quite capable of kicking a man in the shins hard enough to take them out of commission for a good long while.
Of course, the last time he’d laid eyes upon her was when she’d sent him photos of her blowing some of the other members of Deadlock that she could get her hands on. Quite literally, given that so many pictures involved her stroking some fella’s dick or grabbing his nuts. Perhaps that was why he was naked.
“Been a while, Ashe.” Not really. Before she’d tried to send him enough porn to make even a man as weathered as he was quirk an eyebrow, Ash had been hogtied thanks to his quick shooting. So she didn’t come out looking good in either situation. “I s’pose I’m naked for th’ same reason ye decided to show Zeke, P.T. and Terran a good time?”
“I said shut yer trap, McCree.” Ashe strode into the cell, slamming the gate behind her hard enough for it to swing back inward, half-open. She didn’t seem to notice, or didn’t care that she’d clumsily left a getaway open for him if he somehow broke free and he didn’t see a need to point it out. “I oughta shoot ya right now, dumbass. Teach ya to abandon yer crew, to leave yer ol’ boss out in the lurch in the middle o’ nowhere…”
McCree tried not to look bored. He knew Ashe wasn't going to kill him, or she would have already. She didn’t even have her gun or her jacket full of ammunition and she’d already made it clear how batshit stupid she could be when it came to getting back at him. Even so, if he had it right she was about to do something so colossally moronic that it’d wrap right back around into hilarious.
Ashe was in front of him now, looking down at him beneath the shadow of her maroon hat. He wasn’t wearing his, which was the most humiliating damn thing about this whole ordeal, and if that didn’t say a heckuva lot about how utterly unthreatening Ashe was... Still, he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to provoke another outburst from her. And sure enough, once she saw he was compliant she followed up not with a slap, or a strike, or any sort of physical punishment, but with her hands on the zipper and buckle of her waistcoat. A tug on each fastener left the gold-trimmed leather loose enough for her to shrug it off, giving her the space to undo the top buttons on her shirt. It wasn’t much of a striptease, but it was enough to give McCree a look down Ashe’s new valley of cleavage, nestling her tie between her half-covered breasts.
“Ye disappointed me, Jesse. And I thought ye’d know by now that if’n there’s one person ye don’t wanna piss off in yer ol’ crew, it’s the boss. An’ that’d be me, buddy.” Her words trailed off into a throaty, eager chuckle as she got on her knees in front of the chair he was tied to. “It’s clear ye didna get th’ message, so lemme give ye another reminder ‘bout what ye threw away. An’ I s’pose it’ll make ye more cooperative when time comes to findin’ out how to really pay us back.”
Ashe’s crimson nails dragged along McCree stomach, pressing lightly against the skin, not sharp enough to pierce but definitely capable of causing pain if she tried hard enough. She probably thought it was threatening, and she’d have been right if she was dealing with anyone other than McCree. He knew her too well: when she got her mind on something, she focused on it hard, usually to the detriment of any other direction. She wanted to tease and torment him, and for some reason that meant giving him what was pretty obviously going to be a blowjob. Why she thought this would be something he wouldn’t welcome, he had no idea… but if this was her idea of getting back at him, then he didn’t see much point or profit in turning her down. She’d convinced herself her plan was brilliant, and he wouldn’t be able to do much to change that.
For all her impulse, Ashe knew what she was doing when it came to making use of those ruby-red lips. She went at him with slow, deliberately drawn-out licks, circling her tongue around his cockhead and smiling while one hand wrapped around the base of his cock, the other pressing against his pelvis. When she pressed her tongue into the slit of his dickhead, McCree couldn’t restrain a groan and Ashe’s open-mouthed grin deepened. She pushed harder, forcing out a clear, shimmering drop of precum onto her tongue, withdrawing the organ to drag it down the underside of his shaft and leaving a trail of saliva in her wake until her nose bumped against the swollen tip of his dick.
Her breath was warm, whistling out from her nostrils onto the head of his cock, and then she went even lower, encircling her lips around one of his balls as the top of his length pressed against the underside of her hat. She was quite a sight, sucking on his left testicle with his cock draped across her face, blocking her right eye while her thumb brushed against the bridge of her nose, still wrapping around his shaft. Even when McCree looked away, it was hard not to notice how good it felt: she hadn’t lost her touch in the years since he’d last had her on her knees in front of him. She still masterfully squeezed and caressed the base of his cock with little pulses and twitches of her fingers, practiced from long hours of accurate shooting in high-stress situations. It didn’t hurt that she was now slurping on both his nuts, applying delicate-but-powerful force to all the sensitive folds of his ballsack, and when his thighs tensed in response, her hair brushed the skin, reminding him that this was real, and it was happening.
He didn’t fantasize about fucking Ashe anymore, but there were times when he was reminded of taking her ivory-white locks in his grip and using it as a handlebar, either to fuck her face or slam into her from behind. She’d always enjoyed getting her hair pulled, and they’d only ever had rough sex. The memory of it had coaxed more than a few orgasms out of him on lonely nights.
Okay, so maybe McCree did still have fantasies about fucking Ashe. Sometimes. When he wasn’t fucking a certain someone else. But it was different from the real thing, from the grace and precision that she was now bringing to bear on his cock and balls. McCree was definitely building to a finish, just so long as she didn’t stop. His exhaled sharply and tensed his shoulders. The pressure started to crest, and…
...She stopped. When Ashe felt him tensing even more, his legs tightening against her face and his wrists straining at the bonds, she fucking stopped. Instead of continuing, she released his cock, removed her lips from his nutsack with a pop, and spoke, drool still dripping down her chin and precum dotting her forehead from where it had leaked out as she sucked his balls.
“What was in th’ package, Jesse?”
“Wha—are ye fer real, Ashe? C’mon!” McCree groaned. He couldn’t reach his dick to jerk himself to completion, and without her touching him the pleasure was starting to ebb. Even seeing her right in front of him, so close to his dick, wasn’t enough to get him over the edge.
“Dead serious, Jesse. What was th’ package?”
“Fer fuck’s sake, Ashe! Yer askin’ me that now?” McCree protested, but it was no use. He wasn’t getting soft, but the urgency to cum was nearly faded. He’d fallen out of the rhythm, and his body couldn’t keep itself revved up without stimulation.
“No better time, Jesse! Now, one more time. What was th’ package that ye stole from us, an’ where is it now?”
“I stole it? Are ye fergettin’ where ye got it, Ashe? Aw, fer the luv of…”
“In our business, it’s finders keepers, Jesse. Have ye been playing nice so long that ye’ve fergotten that? An’ are ye gonna answer th’ questions?”
“Hell no, Ashe. Like I said, ain’t none of yer business.” McCree’s desperation had boiled over into frustration. The imminent need to let loose had definitely gone, even if he wasn’t softening. She’d gone too long without touching him, and peppering him with questions and reminding him that this was an interrogation and a punishment didn’t exactly keep him excited.
She tsked. “I ain’t surprised. I would say that I’d hope ye’d be reasonable, but I’d be lyin’.” Ashe’s smile took on a harder edge, and her laugh was lower and more threatening. “I been lookin’ forward to this, cowboy.”
Before McCree could understand what was happening, Ashe moved something circular and cool around his cockhead, then forced it down on his length until it rested against his pelvis and above his ballsack. It was a gold-colored ring, just wide enough to fit around the tip of his dick but tight enough to apply a little uncomfortable pressure to the girth of his shaft. He clenched his jaw, recognizing it before Ashe spoke up again.
“A cock ring. Pretty handy for a rowdy fella like ye, wouldn’t ye say? Don’ worry, I’ll be gentle…” She wrapped her hand around McCree’s length, fingers pressing into the skin just above the cockring. “...I jus’ won’ let ye cum till ye answer my questions!”
Of fucking course. Only Ashe would have thought of something so devious, so gratuitous, and so overly complicated and sexual as orgasm denial for his punishment. Why was he surprised? She wasn’t dumb, just too fucking focused on getting back at him in the most absurd ways possible.
“Do yer worst, Ashe.”
“Oh, I inten’ to.”
She made good on her threat, jerking his cock gently with her right hand, moving her left to cradle his balls in her fingers while she took his cockhead between her lips. Her tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft as she sucked him down, dragging her teeth along the skin and gripping his nuts and dick whenever he looked away, forcing him to take it all in. The warmth and wetness of her mouth pressed down on every side of his shaft, heating up in time with her gently squeezing grasp. Ashe’s eyes, unusually and strikingly crimson, met McCree’s as he was forced to watch her pleasure him with her hands and mouth. The sight of her lips around his cock, of her fingers stroking and grabbing at him while she winked and smiled would have been too much in combination with the pressure and slickness she was bringing to bear...if not for the cock ring.
Every time McCree felt his orgasm start to build, his dick protested, unable to swell or pump the cum it so desperately wanted to let loose out from the other side of the vice made by the cock ring. It was a vicious cycle where he started to feel the urge to blow his load thanks to Ashe’s skilled ministrations, only to have the pleasure staved off by the discomfort that followed the rising tide of his orgasm. She was good at leading him right to the edge, then letting him carry himself forward only to be disappointed. Every so often, she’d pull off of his dick to breathe and ask questions, always kneading his nuts, stroking his dick, and staring into his eyes hungrily while leaving the head of his cock on her tongue as she awaited his answer. She couldn’t have looked more eager for him to give in if she’d tried...though the image she put off was that of a woman more interested in the fruit of his release, rather than his information. The message was quite clear, but she articulated it anyway after a particularly difficult round of questioning.
“I want yer cum, McCree, more ‘n I’ve wanted anythin’ in a long time. I missed feelin’ ya cum on my face, between my lips… dontcha miss that? I know you wanna cum, McCree. Answer me, an’ we can both get what we want.” Ashe’s soft tongue pillowing his dick, her spit-shined lips a hairs breadth from his cockhead, her hands on his shaft and tandem with that thirsty, longing gaze, it was almost enough to get McCree to give up the ghost and sputter out an answer. If only to see those pretty lips and cheeks coated in his cum, to hear her swallow it down and ask for more.
“N...never!” But he couldn’t give in. McCree’s resolve was admirable, given the circumstances.
Ashe sighed and finally released him, leaning back. He was a sweaty, tired, strained mess, but unbroken. He’d held out, and Ashe seemed to have given up for now, even if she wasn’t moving away.
“I s’pose we’ll hafta try again later, Jesse. Maybe an hour or two in this cell will make ye more liable t’ help. See ye ‘round.”
Ashe stood up and started to turn away. McCree nearly cried out in hope for a second chance, even if he knew it was pointless.
And then...the cock ring slid off. No, not exactly: it was pulled off by fingers he couldn’t see. He held his breath and Ashe quirked an eyebrow as the ring clattered to the floor.
“What the…?” Whatever she was going to say died in her throat as someone made themselves visible. The purple side-cut and violet makeup against brown skin coupled with a high-collared leather coat meant that it could only be one person. The entire sequence of events leading up to McCree’s current situation came rushing back, and he couldn’t help but let loose a low, rolling laugh.
“¿Me extrañaste?”
“Who the fuck are you, and how…?” Ashe sputtered, fumbling for a weapon before remembering that she’d forgotten to bring one. Ashe was normally never the type to make a mistake like that...but must be emphasized that Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe, a sharp and driven woman who defined herself by her ability to control chaos, was really fucking stupid when it came to getting revenge on McCree.
“Me llamo Sombra. And you must be the Ashe I’ve heard so much about.”
“The fuck?” Ashe took a step towards the gate, still facing Sombra, but the hacker tut-tutted the white-haired woman and dashed forward faster than Ashe could react. The cowgirl was forced to the ground, her arms moved behind her back and secured together with a purple hardlight cuff. Something Sombra had innovated on or stolen, no doubt.
“Now now, Ashe. If you wanted to suck on mi novio’s cock, then you coulda just asked!”
“Get offa me!” Ashe squirmed and fought, but it was no use. Sombra was holding her down by the shoulders, and the more agile hacker was surprisingly strong.
“Don’t think so, chicha. But don’t worry, we’ll give you what you want!” Smiling broadly, Sombra pulled Ashe upwards and shoved her right back over to McCree, the man still restrained but now free of the accursed cock ring. “Aquí, ¡ábrete!”
With one of her clawed-gloved hands on Ashe’s shoulder, Sombra used the other to prop the cowgirl’s bright red lips open. Shocked, Ashe didn’t resist when Sombra shoved her forward, forcing her mouth onto McCree’s dick.
He hissed, gripping onto the chair as the tables were turned and Ashe found her mouth being used as a cocksleeve, being pushed onto and off of McCree’s dick without her say by an energetic and licentious hacker. Unwittingly, she puckered her lips and flicked her tongue onto the shaft being pushed into her mouth, swallowing as much of him as she could. Sombra giggled as drool oozed down from Ashe’s chin and pool onto the tie between her tits.
“There, that’s not so bad! It’s what you wanted: I was here the whole time, after all, so don’t complain now that you’re getting it! Here, lemme help you out!” Sombra moved the hand she had holding Ashe’s mouth open to the back of the woman’s head, pushing her more strongly from behind. Ashe gagged powerfully each time McCree’s cockhead push against the back of her throat and her nostrils pressed against his pelvis, his full, churning nuts flush against her spit-soaked chin.
As much as she might have denied it, Ashe did want this. She’d missed having McCree’s cock down her throat, missed having him tangle his hands in her hair and fuck her face until he met a gooey, creamy end. Now, another woman was guiding the facefucking, but Ashe couldn’t get enough of the thick, meaty cock pounding away at her mouth. Her tongue flicked wildly against the underside of his shaft and she dragged her teeth along the skin, eager to use the heat and pressure and slick, sweet friction to get him off with Sombra’s help.
Sombra laughed, winking up at McCree. “Doing great, isn’t she? Good, because if I know your pinga like I think I do, you’re about to give her everything she might have hoped for. You ready, ¿vaquero?”
McCree was having the time of his life. He was still restrained, but now not only was Ashe blowing him with no restrictions to his orgasm, Sombra was helping her along hard and fast enough that she’d be right on target. His sometimes-girlfriend, sometimes-fuckbuddy was the naughtiest, most ingenious woman he knew, and at times like this it definitely showed.
And most of all, she was right. Feeling Ashe’s tongue and lips and throat struggle to accommodate his cock as she was thrust onto it, seeing her gaze hungrily up at him through tear-stained eyes while Sombra controlled the motions with a hand on Ashe’s was all too much. He barely had time to grunt out an affirmative reply to Sombra before he was letting loose, his load firing off into Ashe’s mouth as Sombra pulled the cowgirl’s head back. Thick, hot shots of semen, all the creamier and gooier for his extended edging, filled her cheeks and splattered her throat, some squirting out from her nostrils onto his pelvis. Ashe struggled and her eyes rolled back from the torrent of fluid, but Sombra held her down until McCree groaned and felt the second wave come on. The hacker released the restrained woman, who immediately slipped off of McCree’s cock and kneeled helplessly as he coated her face in yet more of his sticky seed. His orgasm didn’t stop until great gobs of semen painted Ashe’s cheeks, hat, and her pretty features, dripping down onto her shirt and half-covered breasts.
Sombra howled with laughter, moving the hand on Ashe’s shoulder to grasp the base of McCree’s cum-and-spit-soaked cock and swing it from side to side, using the dick she’d just helped Ashe service to slap the cowgirl’s face with sticky, hefty blows. The helpless Deadlock leader was left groaning and gasping with each smack of McCree’s heavy dick, and when Sombra released his shaft Ashe listed to the side, glassy-eyed and panting.
“Yup. That puta’s well and truly cock-drunk. Muy bien, vaquero. You really did a number on her.” She undid his bonds and helped him up. He rubbed his wrists, cracking his neck and shoulders and trying not to acknowledge how much his butt ached from sitting under such conditions for so long.
“Thanks, Sombra. Knew I could count on ye. Never doubted ye for a secon’.”
“You forgot that I was coming, didn’t you?” Sombra stuck her tongue out at him. He’d just cum onto and into Ashe’s face, but god damn, Sombra was nearly getting him raring to go again…
Also, she was right. “Yep. Completely forgot. My bad, pumpkin.”
“No te preocupes, novio. Glad we could teach your old boss a thing or two. I guess B.O.B. hit you harder than you thought when you turned yourself in, eh?”
“Must’ve. Speaking o’ which…?”
“Taken care of. He’s got good encryption, but I’m the best in the business. Didn’t cause me any trouble.” Sombra tilted her head towards the exit. “We’re all clear to go. I got your clothes outside. Pero, una cosa más…”
Sombra prodded Ashe on the back with her foot. The prone woman responded by babbling incoherently.
“Need...need cock, need dick, need…” McCree didn’t know how much longer she’d be out like this, but being mouthfucked silly was a good look for Ashe. Sombra turned back to him and smirked: she seemed to agree with his assessment.
“Which one of us is better?”
He scoffed and reached a hand out to wrap around her shoulder as they stepped out of the cell. They would have been quite the sight: him, naked with a swinging, shining wet dick, and her completely covered without a spot of fluid on her. “You, o’ course. What kinda question is that?”
Sombra smiled and pecked him on the cheek as they left Ashe behind, still facefucked mindless on the floor. “Aw, isn’t that sweet?”
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Jesse McCree awoke one evening from uneasy dreams to find his head throbbing in the most curiously painful manner.
That kind of discomfort wasn’t a new phenomenon. McCree tossed back enough booze that hangovers were almost his expected state of awakening, and his cigar huffing left him lightheaded when he didn’t properly control his inhalation. Perhaps noticing his headache was less important than taking stock of the fact that he was tied to a chair. His inability to immediately break free of his bonds was cause for concern, even with the added power of his mechanical left hand. More shockingly, he had been stripped naked.
The gunslinger blinked, trying to recall the circumstances under which he’d been placed in such conditions. Knowing his lifestyle, it could have been any number of things, and he didn’t have the patience to run through them all in his head. It still hurt to look around, much less think. As far as he could tell he was in some sort of cell, or at least a room where one of the walls was made entirely out of evenly placed steel bars with a gate in one corner. McCree had known enough folks who thought “utilitarian” meant “make it look as dull as possible”. Houses were meant to be lived in and not to look like prisons, dammit.
“Well, lookie here.” A voice echoed out into the cell from around the corner. McCree saw a shadow cast into the hallway in front of him, but he didn’t need to see the details of their outline or listen too hard to how their boots clicked against the concrete floor. That voice was hard to misplace. “Looks like we got ourselves a lil’ visit from one of our boys.”
“Ashe,” McCree rolled his eyes, struggling briefly with the rope bonds before giving up, “I know no one’s there with ya. Don’t gotta play all ‘us’ and ‘we’ on me, now.”
“Shaddup, McCree.” Ashe stepped into view, separated from him by a line of steel bars. She was exactly as lissome as she’d been when he’d last seen her, long-limbed and tall with hips that flared out in spite of her almost gangly build. He knew she was less fragile than she looked: beneath the leather and fabric, her thighs were muscular and quite capable of kicking a man in the shins hard enough to take them out of commission for a good long while.
Of course, the last time he’d laid eyes upon her was when she’d sent him photos of her blowing some of the other members of Deadlock that she could get her hands on. Quite literally, given that so many pictures involved her stroking some fella’s dick or grabbing his nuts. Perhaps that was why he was naked.
“Been a while, Ashe.” Not really. Before she’d tried to send him enough porn to make even a man as weathered as he was quirk an eyebrow, Ash had been hogtied thanks to his quick shooting. So she didn’t come out looking good in either situation. “I s’pose I’m naked for th’ same reason ye decided to show Zeke, P.T. and Terran a good time?”
“I said shut yer trap, McCree.” Ashe strode into the cell, slamming the gate behind her hard enough for it to swing back inward, half-open. She didn’t seem to notice, or didn’t care that she’d clumsily left a getaway open for him if he somehow broke free and he didn’t see a need to point it out. “I oughta shoot ya right now, dumbass. Teach ya to abandon yer crew, to leave yer ol’ boss out in the lurch in the middle o’ nowhere…”
McCree tried not to look bored. He knew Ashe wasn't going to kill him, or she would have already. She didn’t even have her gun or her jacket full of ammunition and she’d already made it clear how batshit stupid she could be when it came to getting back at him. Even so, if he had it right she was about to do something so colossally moronic that it’d wrap right back around into hilarious.
Ashe was in front of him now, looking down at him beneath the shadow of her maroon hat. He wasn’t wearing his, which was the most humiliating damn thing about this whole ordeal, and if that didn’t say a heckuva lot about how utterly unthreatening Ashe was... Still, he kept his mouth shut, not wanting to provoke another outburst from her. And sure enough, once she saw he was compliant she followed up not with a slap, or a strike, or any sort of physical punishment, but with her hands on the zipper and buckle of her waistcoat. A tug on each fastener left the gold-trimmed leather loose enough for her to shrug it off, giving her the space to undo the top buttons on her shirt. It wasn’t much of a striptease, but it was enough to give McCree a look down Ashe’s new valley of cleavage, nestling her tie between her half-covered breasts.
“Ye disappointed me, Jesse. And I thought ye’d know by now that if’n there’s one person ye don’t wanna piss off in yer ol’ crew, it’s the boss. An’ that’d be me, buddy.” Her words trailed off into a throaty, eager chuckle as she got on her knees in front of the chair he was tied to. “It’s clear ye didna get th’ message, so lemme give ye another reminder ‘bout what ye threw away. An’ I s’pose it’ll make ye more cooperative when time comes to findin’ out how to really pay us back.”
Ashe’s crimson nails dragged along McCree stomach, pressing lightly against the skin, not sharp enough to pierce but definitely capable of causing pain if she tried hard enough. She probably thought it was threatening, and she’d have been right if she was dealing with anyone other than McCree. He knew her too well: when she got her mind on something, she focused on it hard, usually to the detriment of any other direction. She wanted to tease and torment him, and for some reason that meant giving him what was pretty obviously going to be a blowjob. Why she thought this would be something he wouldn’t welcome, he had no idea… but if this was her idea of getting back at him, then he didn’t see much point or profit in turning her down. She’d convinced herself her plan was brilliant, and he wouldn’t be able to do much to change that.
For all her impulse, Ashe knew what she was doing when it came to making use of those ruby-red lips. She went at him with slow, deliberately drawn-out licks, circling her tongue around his cockhead and smiling while one hand wrapped around the base of his cock, the other pressing against his pelvis. When she pressed her tongue into the slit of his dickhead, McCree couldn’t restrain a groan and Ashe’s open-mouthed grin deepened. She pushed harder, forcing out a clear, shimmering drop of precum onto her tongue, withdrawing the organ to drag it down the underside of his shaft and leaving a trail of saliva in her wake until her nose bumped against the swollen tip of his dick.
Her breath was warm, whistling out from her nostrils onto the head of his cock, and then she went even lower, encircling her lips around one of his balls as the top of his length pressed against the underside of her hat. She was quite a sight, sucking on his left testicle with his cock draped across her face, blocking her right eye while her thumb brushed against the bridge of her nose, still wrapping around his shaft. Even when McCree looked away, it was hard not to notice how good it felt: she hadn’t lost her touch in the years since he’d last had her on her knees in front of him. She still masterfully squeezed and caressed the base of his cock with little pulses and twitches of her fingers, practiced from long hours of accurate shooting in high-stress situations. It didn’t hurt that she was now slurping on both his nuts, applying delicate-but-powerful force to all the sensitive folds of his ballsack, and when his thighs tensed in response, her hair brushed the skin, reminding him that this was real, and it was happening.
He didn’t fantasize about fucking Ashe anymore, but there were times when he was reminded of taking her ivory-white locks in his grip and using it as a handlebar, either to fuck her face or slam into her from behind. She’d always enjoyed getting her hair pulled, and they’d only ever had rough sex. The memory of it had coaxed more than a few orgasms out of him on lonely nights.
Okay, so maybe McCree did still have fantasies about fucking Ashe. Sometimes. When he wasn’t fucking a certain someone else. But it was different from the real thing, from the grace and precision that she was now bringing to bear on his cock and balls. McCree was definitely building to a finish, just so long as she didn’t stop. His exhaled sharply and tensed his shoulders. The pressure started to crest, and…
...She stopped. When Ashe felt him tensing even more, his legs tightening against her face and his wrists straining at the bonds, she fucking stopped. Instead of continuing, she released his cock, removed her lips from his nutsack with a pop, and spoke, drool still dripping down her chin and precum dotting her forehead from where it had leaked out as she sucked his balls.
“What was in th’ package, Jesse?”
“Wha—are ye fer real, Ashe? C’mon!” McCree groaned. He couldn’t reach his dick to jerk himself to completion, and without her touching him the pleasure was starting to ebb. Even seeing her right in front of him, so close to his dick, wasn’t enough to get him over the edge.
“Dead serious, Jesse. What was th’ package?”
“Fer fuck’s sake, Ashe! Yer askin’ me that now?” McCree protested, but it was no use. He wasn’t getting soft, but the urgency to cum was nearly faded. He’d fallen out of the rhythm, and his body couldn’t keep itself revved up without stimulation.
“No better time, Jesse! Now, one more time. What was th’ package that ye stole from us, an’ where is it now?”
“I stole it? Are ye fergettin’ where ye got it, Ashe? Aw, fer the luv of…”
“In our business, it’s finders keepers, Jesse. Have ye been playing nice so long that ye’ve fergotten that? An’ are ye gonna answer th’ questions?”
“Hell no, Ashe. Like I said, ain’t none of yer business.” McCree’s desperation had boiled over into frustration. The imminent need to let loose had definitely gone, even if he wasn’t softening. She’d gone too long without touching him, and peppering him with questions and reminding him that this was an interrogation and a punishment didn’t exactly keep him excited.
She tsked. “I ain’t surprised. I would say that I’d hope ye’d be reasonable, but I’d be lyin’.” Ashe’s smile took on a harder edge, and her laugh was lower and more threatening. “I been lookin’ forward to this, cowboy.”
Before McCree could understand what was happening, Ashe moved something circular and cool around his cockhead, then forced it down on his length until it rested against his pelvis and above his ballsack. It was a gold-colored ring, just wide enough to fit around the tip of his dick but tight enough to apply a little uncomfortable pressure to the girth of his shaft. He clenched his jaw, recognizing it before Ashe spoke up again.
“A cock ring. Pretty handy for a rowdy fella like ye, wouldn’t ye say? Don’ worry, I’ll be gentle…” She wrapped her hand around McCree’s length, fingers pressing into the skin just above the cockring. “...I jus’ won’ let ye cum till ye answer my questions!”
Of fucking course. Only Ashe would have thought of something so devious, so gratuitous, and so overly complicated and sexual as orgasm denial for his punishment. Why was he surprised? She wasn’t dumb, just too fucking focused on getting back at him in the most absurd ways possible.
“Do yer worst, Ashe.”
“Oh, I inten’ to.”
She made good on her threat, jerking his cock gently with her right hand, moving her left to cradle his balls in her fingers while she took his cockhead between her lips. Her tongue pressed against the bottom of his shaft as she sucked him down, dragging her teeth along the skin and gripping his nuts and dick whenever he looked away, forcing him to take it all in. The warmth and wetness of her mouth pressed down on every side of his shaft, heating up in time with her gently squeezing grasp. Ashe’s eyes, unusually and strikingly crimson, met McCree’s as he was forced to watch her pleasure him with her hands and mouth. The sight of her lips around his cock, of her fingers stroking and grabbing at him while she winked and smiled would have been too much in combination with the pressure and slickness she was bringing to bear...if not for the cock ring.
Every time McCree felt his orgasm start to build, his dick protested, unable to swell or pump the cum it so desperately wanted to let loose out from the other side of the vice made by the cock ring. It was a vicious cycle where he started to feel the urge to blow his load thanks to Ashe’s skilled ministrations, only to have the pleasure staved off by the discomfort that followed the rising tide of his orgasm. She was good at leading him right to the edge, then letting him carry himself forward only to be disappointed. Every so often, she’d pull off of his dick to breathe and ask questions, always kneading his nuts, stroking his dick, and staring into his eyes hungrily while leaving the head of his cock on her tongue as she awaited his answer. She couldn’t have looked more eager for him to give in if she’d tried...though the image she put off was that of a woman more interested in the fruit of his release, rather than his information. The message was quite clear, but she articulated it anyway after a particularly difficult round of questioning.
“I want yer cum, McCree, more ‘n I’ve wanted anythin’ in a long time. I missed feelin’ ya cum on my face, between my lips… dontcha miss that? I know you wanna cum, McCree. Answer me, an’ we can both get what we want.” Ashe’s soft tongue pillowing his dick, her spit-shined lips a hairs breadth from his cockhead, her hands on his shaft and tandem with that thirsty, longing gaze, it was almost enough to get McCree to give up the ghost and sputter out an answer. If only to see those pretty lips and cheeks coated in his cum, to hear her swallow it down and ask for more.
“N...never!” But he couldn’t give in. McCree’s resolve was admirable, given the circumstances.
Ashe sighed and finally released him, leaning back. He was a sweaty, tired, strained mess, but unbroken. He’d held out, and Ashe seemed to have given up for now, even if she wasn’t moving away.
“I s’pose we’ll hafta try again later, Jesse. Maybe an hour or two in this cell will make ye more liable t’ help. See ye ‘round.”
Ashe stood up and started to turn away. McCree nearly cried out in hope for a second chance, even if he knew it was pointless.
And then...the cock ring slid off. No, not exactly: it was pulled off by fingers he couldn’t see. He held his breath and Ashe quirked an eyebrow as the ring clattered to the floor.
“What the…?” Whatever she was going to say died in her throat as someone made themselves visible. The purple side-cut and violet makeup against brown skin coupled with a high-collared leather coat meant that it could only be one person. The entire sequence of events leading up to McCree’s current situation came rushing back, and he couldn’t help but let loose a low, rolling laugh.
“¿Me extrañaste?”
“Who the fuck are you, and how…?” Ashe sputtered, fumbling for a weapon before remembering that she’d forgotten to bring one. Ashe was normally never the type to make a mistake like that...but must be emphasized that Elizabeth Caledonia "Calamity" Ashe, a sharp and driven woman who defined herself by her ability to control chaos, was really fucking stupid when it came to getting revenge on McCree.
“Me llamo Sombra. And you must be the Ashe I’ve heard so much about.”
“The fuck?” Ashe took a step towards the gate, still facing Sombra, but the hacker tut-tutted the white-haired woman and dashed forward faster than Ashe could react. The cowgirl was forced to the ground, her arms moved behind her back and secured together with a purple hardlight cuff. Something Sombra had innovated on or stolen, no doubt.
“Now now, Ashe. If you wanted to suck on mi novio’s cock, then you coulda just asked!”
“Get offa me!” Ashe squirmed and fought, but it was no use. Sombra was holding her down by the shoulders, and the more agile hacker was surprisingly strong.
“Don’t think so, chicha. But don’t worry, we’ll give you what you want!” Smiling broadly, Sombra pulled Ashe upwards and shoved her right back over to McCree, the man still restrained but now free of the accursed cock ring. “Aquí, ¡ábrete!”
With one of her clawed-gloved hands on Ashe’s shoulder, Sombra used the other to prop the cowgirl’s bright red lips open. Shocked, Ashe didn’t resist when Sombra shoved her forward, forcing her mouth onto McCree’s dick.
He hissed, gripping onto the chair as the tables were turned and Ashe found her mouth being used as a cocksleeve, being pushed onto and off of McCree’s dick without her say by an energetic and licentious hacker. Unwittingly, she puckered her lips and flicked her tongue onto the shaft being pushed into her mouth, swallowing as much of him as she could. Sombra giggled as drool oozed down from Ashe’s chin and pool onto the tie between her tits.
“There, that’s not so bad! It’s what you wanted: I was here the whole time, after all, so don’t complain now that you’re getting it! Here, lemme help you out!” Sombra moved the hand she had holding Ashe’s mouth open to the back of the woman’s head, pushing her more strongly from behind. Ashe gagged powerfully each time McCree’s cockhead push against the back of her throat and her nostrils pressed against his pelvis, his full, churning nuts flush against her spit-soaked chin.
As much as she might have denied it, Ashe did want this. She’d missed having McCree’s cock down her throat, missed having him tangle his hands in her hair and fuck her face until he met a gooey, creamy end. Now, another woman was guiding the facefucking, but Ashe couldn’t get enough of the thick, meaty cock pounding away at her mouth. Her tongue flicked wildly against the underside of his shaft and she dragged her teeth along the skin, eager to use the heat and pressure and slick, sweet friction to get him off with Sombra’s help.
Sombra laughed, winking up at McCree. “Doing great, isn’t she? Good, because if I know your pinga like I think I do, you’re about to give her everything she might have hoped for. You ready, ¿vaquero?”
McCree was having the time of his life. He was still restrained, but now not only was Ashe blowing him with no restrictions to his orgasm, Sombra was helping her along hard and fast enough that she’d be right on target. His sometimes-girlfriend, sometimes-fuckbuddy was the naughtiest, most ingenious woman he knew, and at times like this it definitely showed.
And most of all, she was right. Feeling Ashe’s tongue and lips and throat struggle to accommodate his cock as she was thrust onto it, seeing her gaze hungrily up at him through tear-stained eyes while Sombra controlled the motions with a hand on Ashe’s was all too much. He barely had time to grunt out an affirmative reply to Sombra before he was letting loose, his load firing off into Ashe’s mouth as Sombra pulled the cowgirl’s head back. Thick, hot shots of semen, all the creamier and gooier for his extended edging, filled her cheeks and splattered her throat, some squirting out from her nostrils onto his pelvis. Ashe struggled and her eyes rolled back from the torrent of fluid, but Sombra held her down until McCree groaned and felt the second wave come on. The hacker released the restrained woman, who immediately slipped off of McCree’s cock and kneeled helplessly as he coated her face in yet more of his sticky seed. His orgasm didn’t stop until great gobs of semen painted Ashe’s cheeks, hat, and her pretty features, dripping down onto her shirt and half-covered breasts.
Sombra howled with laughter, moving the hand on Ashe’s shoulder to grasp the base of McCree’s cum-and-spit-soaked cock and swing it from side to side, using the dick she’d just helped Ashe service to slap the cowgirl’s face with sticky, hefty blows. The helpless Deadlock leader was left groaning and gasping with each smack of McCree’s heavy dick, and when Sombra released his shaft Ashe listed to the side, glassy-eyed and panting.
“Yup. That puta’s well and truly cock-drunk. Muy bien, vaquero. You really did a number on her.” She undid his bonds and helped him up. He rubbed his wrists, cracking his neck and shoulders and trying not to acknowledge how much his butt ached from sitting under such conditions for so long.
“Thanks, Sombra. Knew I could count on ye. Never doubted ye for a secon’.”
“You forgot that I was coming, didn’t you?” Sombra stuck her tongue out at him. He’d just cum onto and into Ashe’s face, but god damn, Sombra was nearly getting him raring to go again…
Also, she was right. “Yep. Completely forgot. My bad, pumpkin.”
“No te preocupes, novio. Glad we could teach your old boss a thing or two. I guess B.O.B. hit you harder than you thought when you turned yourself in, eh?”
“Must’ve. Speaking o’ which…?”
“Taken care of. He’s got good encryption, but I’m the best in the business. Didn’t cause me any trouble.” Sombra tilted her head towards the exit. “We’re all clear to go. I got your clothes outside. Pero, una cosa más…”
Sombra prodded Ashe on the back with her foot. The prone woman responded by babbling incoherently.
“Need...need cock, need dick, need…” McCree didn’t know how much longer she’d be out like this, but being mouthfucked silly was a good look for Ashe. Sombra turned back to him and smirked: she seemed to agree with his assessment.
“Which one of us is better?”
He scoffed and reached a hand out to wrap around her shoulder as they stepped out of the cell. They would have been quite the sight: him, naked with a swinging, shining wet dick, and her completely covered without a spot of fluid on her. “You, o’ course. What kinda question is that?”
Sombra smiled and pecked him on the cheek as they left Ashe behind, still facefucked mindless on the floor. “Aw, isn’t that sweet?”
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The Bad, The Bitchy and The Cock-Hungry by Lewdsmokesoldier
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