Demarcations by agnikai58 “I can take that off if you want you know.”
The two of them were sitting in the kitchen as Fareeha set the ingredients for dinner on the counter. Angela had put on a pair of boyshorts but she wasn't wearing anything else except for the karada harness that Fareeha had tied on her.
“No thank you.” said Angela as she rubbed her fingers against the ropes running along the middle of her chest. “This is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be and it's pretty.” She leaned forward on her …
Hey, ya'll! This is another image-inspired story, for this image by leeterr. I promise I'll be doing some non-image related works next, and this will be my last one for a while! I just greatly enjoy putting words to piece of visual art!
If you enjoy this, I'd love it if you followed my Patreon and Twitter!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Ashe had no idea where she’d learned that phrase, but she honestly didn’t care. She’d never been big on literature, and now wasn’t the time to start, not when she had a plan to put into practice.
Getting absolutely curbstomped by Jesse had done more than wound her pride and reduce her standing in the eyes of the rest of the Deadlock Gang. It hadn’t just dealt a blow to her unflappable confidence in her own skills, though she’d never show that in front of the rest of the crew.
No, more importantly, seeing that Jesse was happy, even after all the time that had passed since they’d parted ways, was doing more to piss her off than getting hogtied like a Snidely Whiplash victim, minus the train tracks. Clearly, if he was out of the gang, he had to have been doing worse off than when he was in it. There wasn’t any other way a man like him, who chafed against rules and strained on restrictions whenever possible, could be happy in the organized world.
The possibility that he had grown up, learned some lessons and found out how to reconcile his opposition to authority with the comforts of structured living never seemed to occur to her. It wasn’t just that she hadn’t really needed to confront such changes herself, but more like she’d never seen a wider use for them. Ashe knew what she liked, and what she liked doing, and didn’t let her ambition creep past what she could grab.
But that brought her back to Jesse. His relaxed gait, the twinkle in his eye that told her that he was having a blast, ticked her off just thinking about it. She had to get back at him, remind him what he’d been missing out on, and make him feel miserable that he didn’t have it any more. There was certainly nothing unhealthy about this, not in the slightest.
Nor was there anything unusual about her solution. Namely, that since McCree had fucked her while he was in Deadlock, reminding him that he no longer had the chance was the simplest way to get him down. She’d gotten his holo-number from one of her contacts, and wanted to make good use of it before he realized he’d have to change it.
And what better way to do that than to blow a couple of guys?
“Uh, Miz Ashe, I’m not so sure about this.”
“Shaddup, P.T.” She snapped as she shoved him onto his back and undid his zipper. “You wanna get back at McCree for showin’ you jus’ how much of a fool you are, doncha?”
“Uh, ya, but I don’ think that—”
“I said shut it. Ya ain’t here ta think, P.T, just’ to gimme this.” Ashe made a big show of shoving his pants down, letting his dick flop out into open air, partially erect and quickly hardening under her hands as her fingers cupped his balls and stroked up and down the length of his shaft. “Terran, Zeke, you gettin’ this?”
“Sure thang, Ashe!” One of the triplets answered—she still couldn’t tell them apart without glancing at their tattoos—with one hand on a digital camera and the other scratching his crotch. He and the third brother had already stripped themselves down, leaving the slow one to be the first to be subjected to Ash’s misguided attempt at revenge. Bob and Bars weren’t in attendance: her butler wasn’t exactly interested in the woman he’d raised, and Bars was inclined more towards fellas. “We’re green an’ runnin’!”
“Good! I don’ want ya ta miss a single bit, ya hear me? It’s real important that everythin’ gets recorded. All the suckin’, all the strokin’, the whole shebang. And get some good shots of the outfit.” Said outfit was a number that she’d busted out for this occasion, a pink overcoat with gold studdings and shoulders over a snow-white suit, gloves and leggings.The plush fur collar padded out her neck and was more than a little homey, which didn’t make a lot of sense given that she was leaning over a naked guy with her hands on his dick. It was also the most expensive thing she owned, which was saying a lot for a rich heiress, even one who’d ditched the family in question.
It also didn’t clean out cheaply or easily. Ash wasn’t the best when it came to thinking ahead, but that didn’t really surprise the Deadlock Triplets.
“He’s gettin’ everythin’, Ashe! We’re all set!” The third spoke up, the spiked sickle-shaped ink on his shoulder tagging him as Zeke, which meant the one with the camera was Terran. She really should work on making them differentiate themselves. How hadn’t that caused more problems before now? Fuck if she knew. Maybe they were used to people being confused, and had just sort of rolled with whatever she called them.
Now she felt like an asshole. And she was about to do something totally and unimpeachably justified, so she might as well forget about such a depressing thought. P.T. seemed to agree, albeit more because her gloved hands were stroking his dick and tugging his balls, and not because he had any understanding of her wider, enigmatic mental machinations.
Which all boiled down right now to Fuck you, McCree.
Ashe tugged at P.T.’s cock, rolling his nuts between her fingers as he fully stiffened up and groaned. His hands curled into fists, but she was fully confident that he knew that to touch her without her permission invited something far worse than an awkward, impromptu handjob. Still, he was holding himself together well, if the evenness in his breathing was any evidence, the rise and fall of his chest steady and unwavering as P.T. maintained his composure. If she wanted the big pictures, the shots that would get McCree’s blood boiling, she’d have to try harder.
“Guess I won’t be needin’ this.” She mumbled, slipping her hat off her head and slapping it onto P.T.’s. He bit his lip and nodded, but didn’t say a word as Ashe readjusted herself so she was leaning the upper half of her body over his crotch, her lips hovering above the head of his cock. “Terran, get ready, this is gonna have to be a good one.”
“You got it, Ashe.” Terran nodded, fingers at the ready even as his own shorter length stood out at full mast, a drop of fluid rolling down the folds of skin before dripping down the floor. He obviously wanted a piece of what his brother was having, and Zeke looked similarly uncomfortably as he leaned to the left and right on his feet. Ashe would have to take plenty of pictures, so they’d get their chance. There was absolutely no way she was trying to elaborately justify blowing three dudes. Not at all.
With a lick of her lips and a took P.T.’s cock between her lips, letting her tongue graze over the tip as it sank inside, forcing her tongue underneath the intruding girth. However uncomfortable it might have been to keep her tongue down, it certainly felt good for him, the soft muscle pillowing his length as more and more slid between her lips. Balancing her hands on his thighs, she grunted and Terran took the hint, sliding into a kneel to snap a shot of her sucking his brother’s dick. Her eyebrows curled in an expression of taunting incredulity, Ashe was completely confident that she was projecting an aura of self-assuredness that would shame McCree for passing up the chance to get Ashe to slurp on his shaft. The idea that she instead looked like a prettied-up tart blowing one of her underlings with fairly flimsy justification never seemed to enter her mind as a distant, even hypothetical possibility.
Some might call it a delusion, but Ashe would have considered it a matter of perspective, and the difference really didn’t matter when she called the shots and brought results. In her eyes, Jesse would feel nothing but disappointment, remembering all the times he’d fucked her face and knowing he’d never do so again.
The memories flitted back and forth in her mind alongside her steady determination to put on a show and keep working P.T. Occasions where Jesse McCree had shoved her to her knees, pulled his other gun out and slammed his hips forward while she sputtered and slobbered on his dick. He’d always ended with his cum filling her mouth or belly, or painting her face and hat white. Sometimes, she’d turn the tables and slam her throat onto his shaft, using him to bang her mouth on her own terms.
The recollection nearly brought her out of the present, of the sweat and thickness of P.T. in her mouth, between her lips and knocking on the back of her throat.
“G-gun’s gonna go, Ashe! Hol’ on, boss!” He sputtered behind her, and she allowed herself to smile as the rod in her mouth tensed and twitched. Good: cumshots were a great way to get her point across.
Humming around his dick, Ashe alternated between winking, closing her eyes serenely, and flashing a smile at the camera while Terran dutifully caught in all on camera. Zeke was now openly masturbating, stroking his dick so hard that his balls swung forward on the upstroke in tandem with the clicks of his brother’s camera, a symphony of snapping, squelching and sputtering that had only one result.
With a gurgling cry, P.T. came, jabbing his hips upwards and filling Ashe’s mouth with the warm, off-white and thin splatter of his cumshot. His shaft pulsed with every pump of fluid in between her lips, coating her tongue in the salty taste of his orgasm. Yet more was forced back into her throat, shooting into her stomach before pressure began to build in her sinus, and she realized some was being forced through her nostrils, shooting out onto P.T.’s thigh. For such a gangly guy, one of three twiggy brothers, he certainly came a lot.
She almost forgot about the camera, so caught up was she in the sensation of her face being blasted full of spunk, until she heard Terran snapping more pictures. It took all of Ashe’s focus to smile again with the cum trickling down her face and her mouth on a dick, but when Terran got the image she pulled off of P.T. with a sigh. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, P.T.’s seed dripping down onto her chin and soiling the front of her expensive coat: a sort of money shot, meant for the benefit of the two other brothers and, most importantly, to needle McCree.
P.T. leaned back, chest heaving, sweat dotting his limbs.
“Well I’ll be, P.T.” Ashe said after swallowing down the ejaculate he’d pumped into her. “That wasn’t half bad. This’ll work wonders, I bet.”
“Boss…” Zeke interjected. “Terran and I, we, uh, we still haven’t gotten a chance, an’ I was wonderin’...”
“Do you take me for as big of an idiot as ya’ll are?” Ashe snapped, taking some small joy in the way the two other brothers recoiled. “O’ course I’ll work you also! I sure as hell don’t expect Terran here got every shot he could’ve. We’re gonna need more takes!”
“We gotcha, boss!”
“Good.” She slid off of the table that P.T. had been lying on. Snatching the camera from Terran, she plopped it onto P.T.’s chest, leaving him yelping at the sensation of cold metal on his skin. “Zeke, Terran, getcher dicks over here.”
Her underlings scrambled to obey, their nutsacks swinging in time with their lengths as Ashe got into a kneeling position. The sight of two such rods, one short and thick, the other longer than P.T.’s, albeit a bit thinner, was enough to get her mouth watering. At the idea that it’d piss off McCree, of course. Not the idea of having them on and in her, licking and suckling on them like a tramp.
“P.T., make sure you get one of the two o’ them with their cocks on my forehead! Z and T, c’mere.” She raised her hands to wrap them around their rods, smiling as the men nervously glanced across her at each other. “Remember, Deadlock’s the only family you got right now. But don’ worry. Momma always takes care of her boys…even if that means gettin’ back at ones that go astray.”
Ashe planted a kiss on Zeke’s cockhead, gave Terran’s a sharp, hard stroke, and allowed a smirk to cross her features. And all the while, P.T. snapped away on the camera.
Jesse McCree groaned, rubbing drowsiness out of his eyes and turning in the bed, towards his holo-phone. When it had buzzed and snapped him out of sleep, he’d tried to shake it off, assuming it was a lone ping he could ignore from one of his contacts. But then it had started a flood of vibrations, one after another, too many to be anything but somebody sending him messages en-masse.
He glanced over at the clock. 3 a.m. He’d only been asleep for eight hours. Who could be reaching him at this hour?
“Vuelvas a dormir, querido...”
He smiled and reached a hand back, feeling the soft, bronze skin of the woman he’d been fucking until midnight beneath his fingers. Muscles, even when relaxed from sleep, still tensed beneath his fingers as he stroked her shoulders. “Sorry, pumpkin’. I got a call. Jus’ be a sec.”
“¿Madre de dios, a este hora?” She huffed and turned away from him, pulling some of his covers over herself. Jesse grinned lazily and picked up the phone, snapping through the biometric lock.
He nearly choked when the messages came through. Image after image, dozens of them, all of them depicting the same kind of thing.
There was one, with Ashe throating a gangly man’s dick while winking and smiling at the camera. Another, where one shaft occupied each of her hands while she held them close to her mouth and licks at the tips. Yet another, this one of her on her hands and knees while three, one of which belonged to the cameraman were positioned around her face and cumming on her, coating her milky skin and hair an even milkier white. They went on, all showing Ashe slurping on or jacking off the same set of cocks.
Confusion came to the fore of Jesse’s mind. Why was Ashe sending him her stop-motion sex tape? More importantly, how did she get his number?
His eyelids drooped, and he found that he truly didn’t care. Whatever questions he had could be answered in the morning. He’d keep her unblocked for now, to see what she might do and maybe torment her with the possibility that he hadn’t received her amateur porn. Now that he thought about it, he recognized the bodies belonging to those three men. If she was blowing and stroking the Deadlock Triplets, she must have been some kind of desperate.
Oh, well. Not like it really bothered him. He shut the phone off and turned back in bed, once playing the big spoon for the woman who was with him right now. His cock brushed up against the curve of her ass, but she didn’t press it back against him and he didn’t grind against her. As evidenced by the cum drying in her asshole and cunt and on his balls, they’d already had their fill for the night.
His lady started to drift back off alongside him, her sidecut tousled and squashed in the pillow as McCree reclaimed some of the blanket she’d stolen. She had some idea of what might have prompted such a massive spike in communications.
Sombra had known that giving McCree’s ex-boss and ex-girlfriend his current number wouldn’t likely lead to anything but trouble, but she had quite a bit of confidence in his ability to deal with it. And besides, she liked making a little trouble every now and then, even for the guy who banged her better than anyone else had before.
She could be nice, but as her thoughts turned to dreams, Sombra reflected on just how much more fun playing naughty could be.
If you enjoy this, I'd love it if you followed my Patreon and Twitter!
Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
Ashe had no idea where she’d learned that phrase, but she honestly didn’t care. She’d never been big on literature, and now wasn’t the time to start, not when she had a plan to put into practice.
Getting absolutely curbstomped by Jesse had done more than wound her pride and reduce her standing in the eyes of the rest of the Deadlock Gang. It hadn’t just dealt a blow to her unflappable confidence in her own skills, though she’d never show that in front of the rest of the crew.
No, more importantly, seeing that Jesse was happy, even after all the time that had passed since they’d parted ways, was doing more to piss her off than getting hogtied like a Snidely Whiplash victim, minus the train tracks. Clearly, if he was out of the gang, he had to have been doing worse off than when he was in it. There wasn’t any other way a man like him, who chafed against rules and strained on restrictions whenever possible, could be happy in the organized world.
The possibility that he had grown up, learned some lessons and found out how to reconcile his opposition to authority with the comforts of structured living never seemed to occur to her. It wasn’t just that she hadn’t really needed to confront such changes herself, but more like she’d never seen a wider use for them. Ashe knew what she liked, and what she liked doing, and didn’t let her ambition creep past what she could grab.
But that brought her back to Jesse. His relaxed gait, the twinkle in his eye that told her that he was having a blast, ticked her off just thinking about it. She had to get back at him, remind him what he’d been missing out on, and make him feel miserable that he didn’t have it any more. There was certainly nothing unhealthy about this, not in the slightest.
Nor was there anything unusual about her solution. Namely, that since McCree had fucked her while he was in Deadlock, reminding him that he no longer had the chance was the simplest way to get him down. She’d gotten his holo-number from one of her contacts, and wanted to make good use of it before he realized he’d have to change it.
And what better way to do that than to blow a couple of guys?
“Uh, Miz Ashe, I’m not so sure about this.”
“Shaddup, P.T.” She snapped as she shoved him onto his back and undid his zipper. “You wanna get back at McCree for showin’ you jus’ how much of a fool you are, doncha?”
“Uh, ya, but I don’ think that—”
“I said shut it. Ya ain’t here ta think, P.T, just’ to gimme this.” Ashe made a big show of shoving his pants down, letting his dick flop out into open air, partially erect and quickly hardening under her hands as her fingers cupped his balls and stroked up and down the length of his shaft. “Terran, Zeke, you gettin’ this?”
“Sure thang, Ashe!” One of the triplets answered—she still couldn’t tell them apart without glancing at their tattoos—with one hand on a digital camera and the other scratching his crotch. He and the third brother had already stripped themselves down, leaving the slow one to be the first to be subjected to Ash’s misguided attempt at revenge. Bob and Bars weren’t in attendance: her butler wasn’t exactly interested in the woman he’d raised, and Bars was inclined more towards fellas. “We’re green an’ runnin’!”
“Good! I don’ want ya ta miss a single bit, ya hear me? It’s real important that everythin’ gets recorded. All the suckin’, all the strokin’, the whole shebang. And get some good shots of the outfit.” Said outfit was a number that she’d busted out for this occasion, a pink overcoat with gold studdings and shoulders over a snow-white suit, gloves and leggings.The plush fur collar padded out her neck and was more than a little homey, which didn’t make a lot of sense given that she was leaning over a naked guy with her hands on his dick. It was also the most expensive thing she owned, which was saying a lot for a rich heiress, even one who’d ditched the family in question.
It also didn’t clean out cheaply or easily. Ash wasn’t the best when it came to thinking ahead, but that didn’t really surprise the Deadlock Triplets.
“He’s gettin’ everythin’, Ashe! We’re all set!” The third spoke up, the spiked sickle-shaped ink on his shoulder tagging him as Zeke, which meant the one with the camera was Terran. She really should work on making them differentiate themselves. How hadn’t that caused more problems before now? Fuck if she knew. Maybe they were used to people being confused, and had just sort of rolled with whatever she called them.
Now she felt like an asshole. And she was about to do something totally and unimpeachably justified, so she might as well forget about such a depressing thought. P.T. seemed to agree, albeit more because her gloved hands were stroking his dick and tugging his balls, and not because he had any understanding of her wider, enigmatic mental machinations.
Which all boiled down right now to Fuck you, McCree.
Ashe tugged at P.T.’s cock, rolling his nuts between her fingers as he fully stiffened up and groaned. His hands curled into fists, but she was fully confident that he knew that to touch her without her permission invited something far worse than an awkward, impromptu handjob. Still, he was holding himself together well, if the evenness in his breathing was any evidence, the rise and fall of his chest steady and unwavering as P.T. maintained his composure. If she wanted the big pictures, the shots that would get McCree’s blood boiling, she’d have to try harder.
“Guess I won’t be needin’ this.” She mumbled, slipping her hat off her head and slapping it onto P.T.’s. He bit his lip and nodded, but didn’t say a word as Ashe readjusted herself so she was leaning the upper half of her body over his crotch, her lips hovering above the head of his cock. “Terran, get ready, this is gonna have to be a good one.”
“You got it, Ashe.” Terran nodded, fingers at the ready even as his own shorter length stood out at full mast, a drop of fluid rolling down the folds of skin before dripping down the floor. He obviously wanted a piece of what his brother was having, and Zeke looked similarly uncomfortably as he leaned to the left and right on his feet. Ashe would have to take plenty of pictures, so they’d get their chance. There was absolutely no way she was trying to elaborately justify blowing three dudes. Not at all.
With a lick of her lips and a took P.T.’s cock between her lips, letting her tongue graze over the tip as it sank inside, forcing her tongue underneath the intruding girth. However uncomfortable it might have been to keep her tongue down, it certainly felt good for him, the soft muscle pillowing his length as more and more slid between her lips. Balancing her hands on his thighs, she grunted and Terran took the hint, sliding into a kneel to snap a shot of her sucking his brother’s dick. Her eyebrows curled in an expression of taunting incredulity, Ashe was completely confident that she was projecting an aura of self-assuredness that would shame McCree for passing up the chance to get Ashe to slurp on his shaft. The idea that she instead looked like a prettied-up tart blowing one of her underlings with fairly flimsy justification never seemed to enter her mind as a distant, even hypothetical possibility.
Some might call it a delusion, but Ashe would have considered it a matter of perspective, and the difference really didn’t matter when she called the shots and brought results. In her eyes, Jesse would feel nothing but disappointment, remembering all the times he’d fucked her face and knowing he’d never do so again.
The memories flitted back and forth in her mind alongside her steady determination to put on a show and keep working P.T. Occasions where Jesse McCree had shoved her to her knees, pulled his other gun out and slammed his hips forward while she sputtered and slobbered on his dick. He’d always ended with his cum filling her mouth or belly, or painting her face and hat white. Sometimes, she’d turn the tables and slam her throat onto his shaft, using him to bang her mouth on her own terms.
The recollection nearly brought her out of the present, of the sweat and thickness of P.T. in her mouth, between her lips and knocking on the back of her throat.
“G-gun’s gonna go, Ashe! Hol’ on, boss!” He sputtered behind her, and she allowed herself to smile as the rod in her mouth tensed and twitched. Good: cumshots were a great way to get her point across.
Humming around his dick, Ashe alternated between winking, closing her eyes serenely, and flashing a smile at the camera while Terran dutifully caught in all on camera. Zeke was now openly masturbating, stroking his dick so hard that his balls swung forward on the upstroke in tandem with the clicks of his brother’s camera, a symphony of snapping, squelching and sputtering that had only one result.
With a gurgling cry, P.T. came, jabbing his hips upwards and filling Ashe’s mouth with the warm, off-white and thin splatter of his cumshot. His shaft pulsed with every pump of fluid in between her lips, coating her tongue in the salty taste of his orgasm. Yet more was forced back into her throat, shooting into her stomach before pressure began to build in her sinus, and she realized some was being forced through her nostrils, shooting out onto P.T.’s thigh. For such a gangly guy, one of three twiggy brothers, he certainly came a lot.
She almost forgot about the camera, so caught up was she in the sensation of her face being blasted full of spunk, until she heard Terran snapping more pictures. It took all of Ashe’s focus to smile again with the cum trickling down her face and her mouth on a dick, but when Terran got the image she pulled off of P.T. with a sigh. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth, P.T.’s seed dripping down onto her chin and soiling the front of her expensive coat: a sort of money shot, meant for the benefit of the two other brothers and, most importantly, to needle McCree.
P.T. leaned back, chest heaving, sweat dotting his limbs.
“Well I’ll be, P.T.” Ashe said after swallowing down the ejaculate he’d pumped into her. “That wasn’t half bad. This’ll work wonders, I bet.”
“Boss…” Zeke interjected. “Terran and I, we, uh, we still haven’t gotten a chance, an’ I was wonderin’...”
“Do you take me for as big of an idiot as ya’ll are?” Ashe snapped, taking some small joy in the way the two other brothers recoiled. “O’ course I’ll work you also! I sure as hell don’t expect Terran here got every shot he could’ve. We’re gonna need more takes!”
“We gotcha, boss!”
“Good.” She slid off of the table that P.T. had been lying on. Snatching the camera from Terran, she plopped it onto P.T.’s chest, leaving him yelping at the sensation of cold metal on his skin. “Zeke, Terran, getcher dicks over here.”
Her underlings scrambled to obey, their nutsacks swinging in time with their lengths as Ashe got into a kneeling position. The sight of two such rods, one short and thick, the other longer than P.T.’s, albeit a bit thinner, was enough to get her mouth watering. At the idea that it’d piss off McCree, of course. Not the idea of having them on and in her, licking and suckling on them like a tramp.
“P.T., make sure you get one of the two o’ them with their cocks on my forehead! Z and T, c’mere.” She raised her hands to wrap them around their rods, smiling as the men nervously glanced across her at each other. “Remember, Deadlock’s the only family you got right now. But don’ worry. Momma always takes care of her boys…even if that means gettin’ back at ones that go astray.”
Ashe planted a kiss on Zeke’s cockhead, gave Terran’s a sharp, hard stroke, and allowed a smirk to cross her features. And all the while, P.T. snapped away on the camera.
Jesse McCree groaned, rubbing drowsiness out of his eyes and turning in the bed, towards his holo-phone. When it had buzzed and snapped him out of sleep, he’d tried to shake it off, assuming it was a lone ping he could ignore from one of his contacts. But then it had started a flood of vibrations, one after another, too many to be anything but somebody sending him messages en-masse.
He glanced over at the clock. 3 a.m. He’d only been asleep for eight hours. Who could be reaching him at this hour?
“Vuelvas a dormir, querido...”
He smiled and reached a hand back, feeling the soft, bronze skin of the woman he’d been fucking until midnight beneath his fingers. Muscles, even when relaxed from sleep, still tensed beneath his fingers as he stroked her shoulders. “Sorry, pumpkin’. I got a call. Jus’ be a sec.”
“¿Madre de dios, a este hora?” She huffed and turned away from him, pulling some of his covers over herself. Jesse grinned lazily and picked up the phone, snapping through the biometric lock.
He nearly choked when the messages came through. Image after image, dozens of them, all of them depicting the same kind of thing.
There was one, with Ashe throating a gangly man’s dick while winking and smiling at the camera. Another, where one shaft occupied each of her hands while she held them close to her mouth and licks at the tips. Yet another, this one of her on her hands and knees while three, one of which belonged to the cameraman were positioned around her face and cumming on her, coating her milky skin and hair an even milkier white. They went on, all showing Ashe slurping on or jacking off the same set of cocks.
Confusion came to the fore of Jesse’s mind. Why was Ashe sending him her stop-motion sex tape? More importantly, how did she get his number?
His eyelids drooped, and he found that he truly didn’t care. Whatever questions he had could be answered in the morning. He’d keep her unblocked for now, to see what she might do and maybe torment her with the possibility that he hadn’t received her amateur porn. Now that he thought about it, he recognized the bodies belonging to those three men. If she was blowing and stroking the Deadlock Triplets, she must have been some kind of desperate.
Oh, well. Not like it really bothered him. He shut the phone off and turned back in bed, once playing the big spoon for the woman who was with him right now. His cock brushed up against the curve of her ass, but she didn’t press it back against him and he didn’t grind against her. As evidenced by the cum drying in her asshole and cunt and on his balls, they’d already had their fill for the night.
His lady started to drift back off alongside him, her sidecut tousled and squashed in the pillow as McCree reclaimed some of the blanket she’d stolen. She had some idea of what might have prompted such a massive spike in communications.
Sombra had known that giving McCree’s ex-boss and ex-girlfriend his current number wouldn’t likely lead to anything but trouble, but she had quite a bit of confidence in his ability to deal with it. And besides, she liked making a little trouble every now and then, even for the guy who banged her better than anyone else had before.
She could be nice, but as her thoughts turned to dreams, Sombra reflected on just how much more fun playing naughty could be.
This text is part of a set with 1 other file.
The Bad, The Bitchy and The Cock-Hungry by Lewdsmokesoldier
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Jesse McCree awoke one evening from uneasy dreams to find his head throbbing in the most curiously painful manner.
That kind of discomfort wasn’t a new phenomenon. McCree tossed back enough booze that hangovers were almost his expected state of awakening, and his cigar huffing left him lightheaded when he didn’t properly control his inhalation. Perhaps no…
Hacked by Kallie Genji struggled to concentrate on the teachings of his master, Zenyatta, as he meditated. It was calm and quiet up here, in the mountains of Nepal. But for all the quiet and solitude, Genji was struggling to find inner peace. His room was practically bare - the only conceit was that it was built in the traditional Japanese way, with paper walls and tatami mat flooring. Yet still, he was distracted. For the hundredth time, Genji activated the diagnostics routine that Dr. Ziegler had built into h…

The Witch's Spell by NidoranDuran "How thankful are you?" the witch asks, her Swedish accent so soft and inviting as she sits on your legs, keeping them pinned down to the bed, but it doesn't feel like she's applying any weight to do so. "You did say last time we spoke that you owed me your life; you haven't gone back on that, have you?"
"No," you say, not having nearly as many questions as you should over the fact that Mercy is in your bedroom in the middle of the night, that she invited herself in through the open window…
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