There was one silver lining to fighting Lux and her incredible irritating light magic; seeing the way she looked at her. It was almost sad how poorly the Demacian hid her feelings, as the mere sight of the redheaded Noxian assassin lit her face up in a light shade of pink that a well-placed remark from Kat could turn into a deep red. It made clashing with her on the Field almost enjoyable, and she couldn't help but wonder what embarrassments she could further coax from the little mage. It couldn't have been more obvious to her what it was; the forbidden 'bad girl' crush.
Luxanna Crownguard. The plucky, pretty, pristine mascot of the Demacian military, fitting the very ideal of what her people should strive to be and coming from a family with high standing and connections into every corner of life. She must have been raised for this very role and primed for a life of this. A stuffy life, full of the righteousness that Katarina always appended an eye-rolling "self" in front of. But with restrictions often came temptation, and in her case, things had apparently settled onto Katarina, and the redhead could not have been more elated. How many levels must there have been to it? The defiance of her parents' likely chosen suitor for her, probably a stuffy, crumbling to dust old noble who would improve their standing, by choosing a woman was the least of the issues that must have been burning up inside of her. Katarina presented freedom and rebellion, a vicious and bitter enemy of Demacia, in many ways the Noxian equivalent of Lux.
But for as much as Katarina understood how the stuffy restrictions of Lux's upbringing, of restrictions unbacked by the trials of fire and punishment that life as a Noxian military brat had instilled in Kat, she didn't let that soften her disposition as she thought about the blonde. As she thought about her naivete and her innocence. Despite her sudden crush on what she perceived as a 'bad girl', Lux must have had no idea what she was thinking of, the mental image of what could have been so much different from the stark reality of the real woman and her very real, twisted appetites. And unfortunately for her, Katarina was not the kind of soft and caring woman who would simply tell her that and let her down.
Katarina was going to break her.
How could she not? The opportunity before her to take the precious little gem of the Crownguard family and turn her into a depraved, crazed slut who would fall so far from grace she would leave a deep crater in the reputation of her family was too good to pass up, and she could even get a plaything out of it. There was no way she could pass up that sort of opportunity. Not to mention the blow it would be to have it come out that the bright-eyed mage girl on all of the recruitment propaganda, the poster child for military enrollment and devotion, would turn out to be the kinkiest whore to ever walk the streets of Demacia. Sure, it was thinking highly of herself to think she could do that, but she didn't get where she was by not having utter confidence in what she could do.
Charming Lux into her chambers could not have been easier if she tried. Katarina had used her assets and her beauty for kills before, schooled in the art of seduction and its use in intrigue, which made it almost pitiful to get her to where she needed to be, simply penning a letter that found its way to Lux, so trite in its sentiments of star-crossed love and warring families that she nearly dry heaved as she penned it, but despite loathing every last word she put down to the paper, the florid and foolish scrawlings were easy to spill out, even some of it was aimless nonsense. She didn't care, as she implored Lux in the letter to come to a specific inn and visit a specific room with a key sent in the envelope, that for the moment they could only be lovers in secret, but that hopefully she would be okay living for a little while in the shadows.
And then, she waited. Not long, which didn't surprise Katarina at all. She'd sent the letter by personal courier, and in less than an hour, Lux was knocking on the door. It was hardly even the turn of noon yet, and already she was right there and ready. "Hello?" she asked. Her voice sounded higher and peppier than usual, which Kat had not thought possible until she heard it chirping at her door. "I think I have the right room, is this--"
"Yes, it is my room," Katarina called. "Or, I guess I should say it's our room. Come in quickly, and do not broadcast my name." She drew in a slow, deep breath and readied herself for this. It was time.
Lux fumbled a little bit with the door as she slipped the key in, a little bit too eager for what was about to happen as she walked quickly into the room, turning to close the door so quickly that she didn't even notice for a moment what was on the bed, turning back around and letting out a surprised, "Eek!' as she nearly stumbled back into the door in shock. Lying on the bed, Katarina wore nothing but rose petals. More of them lay scattered across the bed, but the particular ones drawing her eye were the two that covered up the nipples on her sizable and otherwise bare breasts, and the fallen cluster neatly arranged to leave her mound covered while her thighs spread out to reveal the long, supple legs completely bared.
"Was I too forward/" Katarina asked, doing her best to put on a warm and friendly smile even as it hurt her face. "I'm so sorry, Lux, I thought that this was--"
"No, it's good! It's good!" She was talking even faster, voice just a slight bit higher still, like she was being magically sped up by her own nervousness. "You look really good I just wasn't expecting you to be so naked when I came in is all, but you look exactly like I imagined you would and i--oh no I don't think I was supposed to say that was I? I--" She had not been interrupted or told to stop speaking, but instead cut off as Katarina rose up off of the bed, the petals falling from her pale skin and showing off the pink nipples topping her breasts and the slightly puffy and neatly shaven mound already damp with excitement. "I..." she started again, trailing off as her eyes guiltily stared.
"I can tell that you have never done something like this before," she said, her voice a low and sultry rumble as she stepped forward, her hips swaying with each motion as she did everything she could to make herself an utter feast for the eyes. "And there is no shame in that. We were all virgins once upon a time." Lux backed slowly into the door, and it didn't slow the redhead at all. "So just take a deep breath, and let me guide you through it, okay?" Her fingers reached tenderly forward, brushing their fingertips together, threading her fingers through Lux's and easing her slowly off of the wall and close up to her body.
Lux followed, shuddering and nervous as Katarina pulled her in close, as she felt the callused fingertips brushing along the backs of her hands in the tight grip. Her cheeks were flush and she could barely form words, stammering her way nervously through every second of trying to figure out what to do or what to say, if there was even anything she could say. Completely out of her element and surprised by the mere fact that she was even standing there, she was pulled in until she was tight up against Katarina, still fully clothed against the naked woman coming onto her. "I..." She still couldn't get out anything more than that.
"Shh, it's okay," Katarina said, smiling as she let Lux ease her way slowly and nervously into her kiss. She welcomed it, purring as the lips met hers, as she held back to give the chastest, most passive kiss of her life. Everything she did was an act, but it was one that she had perfected, a dangerous chameleon when she had to be, when it meant getting closer to a target. She had no intention of killing Lux, knowing she could do more damage with her alive, but it was the same idea; she needed to make sure she was trusted before she went in to execute the real plan. "Don't worry about any of that, my dear. I will take care of you, I promise."
Lux's arms fell limp at her sides as her hands were released, her eyes steady on Katarina as she simply stared. What else could she do? She felt disoriented, her head spinning wildly as hands ran up her body, tender and adoring. Nobody had ever touched her with the kind of adoration than Kat was now showing her. The soft and tender caress that the blushing virgin needed to help be soothed all of her worries, harnessing her embarrassment into something as she shivered and finally found words again. "I want to kiss you," she said, staring into Katarina's eyes, not paying much attention to the lips rubbing together.
"Then kiss me," Katarina said, smiling a little wider, as she smacked her lips together, careful not to run her tongue along them or disturb the coating atop them. It wasn't poisonous, but she had coated it with an aphrodisiac paste she had developed an immunity to herself, but each kiss Lux pressed against her lips was the promise of another dose, another push into what the wicked assassin had planned for her. "Kiss me as many times as you'd like to, Lux. I've thought about it so many times, wondered how you would kiss me. It's filled my dreams, and I simply must know." Her stomach twisted in disgust as she offered up such saccharine sap to the girl she was charming. It was a credit to her skills that she could keep herself poised for this even as she wished for an end to this prelude.
Nodding eagerly, Lux leaned forward, excitedly pressing forward and laying her lips right down on Katarina's, brimming with a certain nervous kind of boldness, she didn't really have much confidence behind her kiss, just moving on blind, dumb instinct and trying her best to find some semblance of steadiness or sense amid the way her head began to spin. "Kat," she said between kisses, realizing she was going for one after another, unable to slow down now as her hands ended up on the forearms of the woman she held in close and simply refused to stop kissing. she wasn't able to do anything other than kiss her, and the tingling of her lips that should have been the tip-off that was wrong, but instead left her squirming happily.
"So eager," Katarina purred, finally pulling her head back, licking her lips as she stared at the sweet blonde. "I know you're excited, but you have a lot more kissing to do, and I think we should get you where you belong." She took Lux by the hand again and led the girl down to the front of the bed. Her next breath was a sharp one as she knelt down in front of Lux, eye lever with her midriff as she began to undress her, moving piece by piece to take off every article of clothing she had. As she did so, she dotted the fit body of the perky mage with kisses, each one loaded with that tingling little sensation that made Lux twist happily about, moaning and growing wilder, more desperate, until finally the girl was stripped down to her panties.
"How cute," she said, struggling to keep her voice from coming out dry as she stared down at the girl's underwear, a bright and plain pair of yellow and white striped panties.
Lux whined in embarrassment. "I didn't have time to run back to Demacia and find something better to wear."
"No, it's okay, I like it this way." Katrina's eyes slowly closed as she leaned forward, gently spreading Lux's thighs apart and planting a little kiss onto each of them before one final peck onto her mound through her underwear. "Keep it this way." She wasn't lying, although it wasn't because of how 'cute' she found it; it was a little factor of innocence for Lux to cling to, feeding into how filthy it was when she turned Lux into a complete whore to have her keep wearing such underwear. She listened to the whimpers and the whines, the embarrassment tempered by the pleasure of being kissed between her legs for the very first time, and Katarina followed it up with fingers, teasing along her mound and humming into her thigh.
"It feels really good," Lux said, voice shivering as she tried not to squirm too much, lying on the edge of the bed and feeling her pussy teased and tended to, left sensitive by her own excitement. She had not come over extremely horny, not even having thought about sex amid simply being able to be with Katarina, but now, that was rapidly changing, and she couldn't help herself as the sensations began to bubble up hotly within her. "Please, do it again."
Once more, Katarina kissed the front of Lux's panties, but this time she followed suit with some licks up and down the fabric, leaving it a little bit damp and pressing it tighter against her mound, the pressure becoming firmer, harder to ignore. Katarina rarely had to seduce or toy with virgins or do much to anybody who didn't like things rough. It was an interesting challenge to call on something more tender and sappy, romantic in ways she wasn't used to ever dealing with, but if anything it was easier in practice, the standards so low and non-existent that she could simply do as she wished with the knowledge that Lux would love it, simply for being contact.
But there was no reason to rest on her laurels, as Katarina pulled the panties down from the band, leaving them still holding tightly to Lux's ass as she exposed only her pussy, leaning forward and pressing her face right in, laying a single, heavy kiss right on the mound. It was puffy and adorable, but the untamed blonde hairs quickly drew her attention; that would have to go, certainly. But for now, she just focused on getting contact all over the pussy, spreading the real hit of the tingling, sensitivity-inducing sheen she had painted her lips with thinly.
"Oh wow, that--how is--ah!" Lux didn't realize as kisses pressed firmly into her clit that it wasn't only the mere presence against her lips that was doing her in, but that she was being hit with an aphrodisiac, pushed into a state of intense sensitivity that left everything being done to her much more potent. She couldn't help herself, letting out unchaste little noises she tried to control, but found herself completely incapable of holding back. It was there and it was almost bold. "Is this what I've been missing out on this whole time?"
"In a manner of speaking," Katarina said, pushing the panties back up until it covered her overgrown mound again, and then pressed her fingers firmly against it. She could already feel Lux getting wet as she went back at her, her other hand placing itself onto Lux's hip and guiding her up onto the bed properly, easing her into a place where her head was on the pillow and her legs were spread, Katarina knelt between her legs, rubbing at her pussy and kissing along her neck. "How much do you want me right now?"
Lux whined, the separation of her panties keeping Kat's fingers from pressing directly down on her mound doing little to diminish her eagerness and the fire burning up inside of her, the crazed need burning up within her. She could hardly tell where it was all coming from or how she could handle any of this, driven up the wall steadily by the creeping, twisting, shuddering excitement that knew no end. She was getting wetter, aching as her panties began to soak with desperation and her own needy juices. "So badly, Katarina. You're making me feel like I've never felt before! Please, don't stop, I can't get enough of this. It feels so good. I need you so badly."
"Good." Katarina purred, rubbing at her twat harder, pushing her further and higher up into her need, waiting until she saw all those signs she needed to see. The constant squirming of her legs, the roll back of her head, the rapid breathing that made her breasts rise and fall. Lux was close to climax, not surprising she was so easily manipulated and worked up like this. But just as soon as she had started, Katarina stopped, pulling her hand away quickly, reaching down underneath the bed for a pair of cuffs. She quickly slapped them around Lux's wrist, connecting the other to the headboard before the blonde could even process it.
"What are you doing?" Lux gasped, twisting about as her other hand followed suit, not strong enough to fight the physically intimidating Noxian in her forceful bondage. Both her hands were cuffed to the bed, leaving her whining and thrashing nervously as she looked with wide eyes at her. "Katarina?"
But the redhead was already lifting off of the bed, stretching her neck and smirking as she stepped carelessly away from the bed and went right for her discarded clothes. "You're not going to get off right now," she said cruelly, slipping her way back into her lacy, dark red panties. "If you're lucky, maybe you can cum in a few hours, but not now."
Eyes growing wide, Lux was beginning to wonder if maybe she was the victim of something cruel. 'I don't understand. Why?"
"Because the letter was a lie and everything I have said to you since you arrived, save for maybe the fact I like your panties, was all to get you right there. I don't want a sweet, forbidden lover I can peck little chaste kisses at between matches, you naive, stupid girl. I want a broken, obedient, crazed little fucktoy I can wrap around my finger and make do the most embarrassing things I could ever imagine. Do you understand?"
"I'll never be that for you," Lux said, shaking her head, defiant and slamming her hands against the bed. "You deceived me! Took advantage of my feelings, and--"
"And we'll see if you still talk so boldly in a couple hours' time," Kat said, slipping her pants back on and smirking, grabbing her top and pulling it on as well. "I'll bring dinner along, and let the aphrodisiac I've hit you with run its course. I think you're going to be singing a very different tune once it's had its way with you." And with that, she simply walk out of the room, leaving a whimpering, heartbroken Lux to do whatever she pleased. Cry, probably; Kat didn't particularly care, as long as she wasn't around for it.