The face staring back at her grimaced as she dragged a brush through the damp tangled mess that passed for her hair at the moment. Angela set the brush down and took a stray lock in hand, leaning towards the mirror as she did so. Split ends. She yanked a drawer open, her hand digging through it to grab a pair of scissors but Angela stopped short just before closing the metal blades on said lock of hair. The scissors wavered for a brief moment before she set them down next to the sink. Of all the things to worry about today.
Angela laughed, more of a quiet snort really, and shook her head before making eye contact with her twin in the mirror again. “Come on Angela, you've performed open heart surgeries before. This is nothing compared to that.” she muttered. Yet her twin didn't appear convinced by the argument. She had ruminated over this dozens of times and yet a sizable portion of her was bearing the opinion that forceps and reddened pieces of gauze would be less stressful than the task she had set for herself this day.
Her hair was still damp by the time she set foot outside, but the sun was shining overhead and the drive was long enough for her hair to dry by the time she arrived. Angela shoved the last few bits of zopf into her mouth as she opened the door to her car and got inside. The engine hummed briefly then her car was lifting off the ground and gliding down the road. Thirty minutes later and Angela's car had pulled up to her destination's entrance, a plain unmarked corrugated steel door. A red LED on the wall mounted camera lit up for a moment before blinking off and the door rumbled upwards as it opened.
Afterwards she wouldn't quite remember what happened next. Parking in the garage, speaking to the Omnic stationed behind the front desk, descending in the elevator. It all blurred into a near indecipherable haze. One moment she was outside the building, the next she was in its depths standing outside the door where she was waiting. They had only met once before, and just for a short period of time, but that brief span of time still had managed to sear itself onto her frontal lobe. It had regularly visited her dreams during both night and day over the past six months. At times Angela had found herself with one hand drifting between her legs while taking a shower as the memory had resurfaced without her intentionally summoning it. Now she was here once again, just meters away from the one person who had been able to see past her title and all the accolades, to see what Angela really wanted.
She swiped the keycard in her hand and stepped inside.
The woman in question was sitting at the small table in the room like she had been the last time. There was a kettle sitting atop a cloth pot holder in the middle of the table and two steaming cups of tea completed the ensemble. Fareeha rose from her seat and she pulled the other chair away from the table. “Please have a seat Doctor Ziegler.” Angela lowered herself to sit on the chair and Fareeha moved it back towards the table before returning to her own chair. Fareeha pushed one of the cups towards Angela. “Tell me what you think of this. It's a popular tea from Egypt known as Koshary.”
Small green leaves floated on a rosy liquid and there was a minuscule cube of sugar gradually dissolving at the bottom. Angela lifted the cup from its saucer and sniffed at the aroma wafting from it. Mint. She took a small sip before setting it back down. “This tastes good to me but I don't know much about tea really. I usually drink wine or rivella, sometimes coffee if I'm in the mood for caffeine.” said Angela.
Fareeha wrinkled her nose and she was only partially successful at suppressing a gag of revulsion. “Rivella? That's the soda made from milk whey, isn't it? I tried that once but I couldn't finish the bottle. But that's not why you're here is it? I was actually surprised to see your name on the schedule today. After six months I didn't think you were going to come back for another session. Do you have anything in mind that you want me to do to you?”
Angela slowly shook her head and took another gulp of tea to buy her a few extra seconds before having to respond. “I'm not actually here for that, at least not right now anyways.” She set the cup back down and reached into her jacket for a piece of paper tucked into an inner pocket. “I actually have something of a proposal for you.” She laid it down on the table before continuing, though not without a noticeable waver to her voice. “I've been thinking about what we did last time and I'd like to do it again but for more than an hour.”
“What do you mean Doctor Ziegler? An all-day or an overnight session?” asked Fareeha after taking another sip. “That's possible but you would have to schedule another appointment to book me for that long and it would cost a lot more.”
“No, that's not what I mean.” Angela said with a vigorous shake of her head. “I own a villa in east Switzerland, that's a picture of it there.”
Fareeha picked up the photograph when Angela pushed it towards her and glanced at it briefly before setting it back down. “I'm sorry Doctor Ziegler but I'm not following you. What are you asking of me?”
Angela took a deep breath and smoothed out some wrinkles in her jacket that weren't there. She had been planning this for months but now that the moment had arrived her words were lodging themselves in her throat. She swallowed once and began blurting out what she had come here to ask. “I want you to come stay with me there. My session with you was fantastic but it was too short so I want to do it for longer. One month of being a slut instead of one hour.”
Fareeha's eyebrows raised as high as they physically could and she started to interject but Angela cut her off before she could get a word out. “I know this is a weird request but I'm willing to pay for it. I don't know what you earn here in a month but I'll double it. Triple if I have to.”
“Can you? I know you're a renowned surgeon but... ah I see. Nano-biotics.” Fareeha realized mid-sentence. “I didn't know you were making any money from those. The news sites said the United Nations was paying for the manufacturing costs.”
“They are but I own the patents on nano-biotics so every hospital that uses them pays me five euros and there's thousands of hospitals in the world.” explained Angela. “I give most of the money to charities and medical research but there's still more than enough left over for me so being able to pay you isn't an issue.”
Angela pushed her chair away from the table as she stood up. “I know it's an unusual request but I'm quite serious about this. Take as long as you need to think about this and when you make a decision you can call or text me at the number on the back of this photo.”
Then she was gone in the blink of an eye leaving Fareeha alone in the room with the cups of tea and a decision she hadn't expected when waking up that morning.
People who visited the club did so through a garage up on the surface but that wasn't where the workers entered and left. Several buildings in the immediate area had points of access where Fareeha and the others could discreetly gain entry to say nothing of the supplies and equipment that this place needed. It was one of these buildings that Fareeha exited to find the clouds had opened up and were dripping water on the city below. She shivered at the touch of the chilly air on her face as she pulled the hood of her jacket up while heading for her car. The inside of her vehicle wasn't much warmer than the air outside but it was dry at the very least. Fareeha pulled her phone out and tapped on its screen several times until a ringing sound was coming out of it. “Hello?” said an older woman's voice.
“Hi mother, it's me. Just got off work and wanted to see if you minded me coming over for a visit right now.” said Fareeha as she hit the ignition switch.
There was a brief pause from her mother accompanied by the sound of water running from a faucet. “That's fine dear. I'll have some tea ready by the time you get here. See you in a bit.” said Ana before hanging up.
Fareeha tapped on the dashboard console with her other hand to select a destination before settling back to wait as the self-driving car took off. Typically she would be reading a novel or looking out the windows at the city rushing by but this time all she could see was a golden haze blocking everything else out.
Her mother must have spotted Fareeha's car pulling up because she had opened the front door and embraced Fareeha before her daughter even had a chance to ring the bell. “Hello dear, it's good to see you. Come in, come in.” The white haired woman let go and beckoned her inside while closing the door behind her.
“Is Jack not around?” asked Fareeha, not seeing the grizzled American veteran there to greet her.
“Oh he's sleeping right now.” said Ana with a meaningful glance at the ceiling as Fareeha seated herself on the living room's couch. “You know how he gets when March comes around Fareeha.”
“Right. Indiana basketball.” Fareeha said with a chuckle. “Has Jack managed to convert you into a fan yet? It's been a few years since he moved in with you.”
“No but I watch Indiana's... what did he call it... postseason games simply because he loves it so much. Though he has been even more excited this year than usual. Something about playing a school called Kentucky, in the elite four or something like that.” Ana disappeared into the kitchen briefly before coming back out with a tray laden with teacups and kettle. She set it on the coffee table before settling next to her daughter. “So tell me dear, what brings you here today? You look... troubled.”
Fareeha picked one of the cups up and took a drink before answering. “I am kinda. It's a client from work.”
“Let me guess. Yet another client was so impressed by your handiwork that they've fallen head over heels for you.” said Ana, though not unkindly, more vaguely amused at the thought of that happening again.
“Not exactly. This client visited me a few months ago and everything went about as well as it could for a first-timer. They expressed an interest in coming back for more and showed up again today. I thought it was for a session when I saw the appointment had been scheduled but I was wrong.” Fareeha sighed as she set the cup of tea down and rested her elbows on her thighs. “This person wanted to hire me. To live with them for a month and you can guess what we'd be doing that whole time.”
Ana's cup stopped halfway en route to her mouth and she stared at her daughter for a moment. “Surely you said no. I know you do unusual stuff for that job but that's far too much for someone to ask of you.”
“That's just it. I don't know if I want to say no. Most of my clients are politicians or bankers and if it had been any one of them then I would have turned them down. I'd try to be nice about it but I'd say no. But this person... is different. You know I can't tell you who it is of course but they've done more to help people than all the others combined, and they offered to pay me triple my monthly salary so there's that too.”
“Does this client of yours know how much you make in a month?” asked Ana, her implication obvious.
“No they don't... I don't want to take advantage of them by doing that though.”
Ana took another drink before setting her own cup down and turning towards her daughter. “I'm not sure what to tell you that you don't already know. This client of yours might be a fantastic person but they're still a client. You can make a lot of money off this but the question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you can keep things professional in this sort of situation. Ultimately though you're a grown woman and I support whatever you decide dear.”
Fareeha frowned to herself as she weighed her mother's words. “I guess I'll have to figure it out when I get home. How are you and Jack doing?”
Her mother gave a small smile and visibly relaxed at the change of subject. “Where to start?”

This text is part of a set with 10 other files.

Demarcations by agnikai58


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