Demarcations by agnikai58 “I can take that off if you want you know.”
The two of them were sitting in the kitchen as Fareeha set the ingredients for dinner on the counter. Angela had put on a pair of boyshorts but she wasn't wearing anything else except for the karada harness that Fareeha had tied on her.
“No thank you.” said Angela as she rubbed her fingers against the ropes running along the middle of her chest. “This is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be and it's pretty.” She leaned forward on her …
She dashed across the hall and into the spare bathroom, pausing just long enough to shut and lock the door behind her. Fareeha shoved the shower curtain to one side and stepped inside, not even bothering to undress before turning the lever.
Water burst from the faucet, seeping through Fareeha's clothes until they were clinging to her skin. Her legs trembled beneath her and she braced herself with both hands on the walls next to her as she panted. The lever was twisted to its lowest setting and couldn't get any colder but it scarcely served to dampen the burning sensation in the pit of her stomach. Even with her eyes open she could still see a blonde woman touching her most intimate parts in front of her.
Fareeha shook her head from side to side trying to banish that image from her mind, lovely as it was. Not to mention that sound Angela had made, carnal in nature yet somehow still managing to seem celestially divine. As she stood there one of her hands, seemingly of its own accord, was creeping down towards the waistband of her pants. Fareeha growled in frustration as she yanked it back and firmly set it back against the wall. “No!”
“She's a client. She might be more fun than the rest of them but she's still just a client and you're a professional. You just have to enforce your boundaries, you made them for a reason. This is a business arrangement, nothing more.”
Fareeha turned the lever once again to shut the water off before getting out, her socks squishing with each step. Unfortunately for her the bar next to the shower stood empty and there was no towel in the bathroom for her to us. Fareeha hit her forehead with the heel of her hand, now remembering she had taken it to her room earlier that day. There was nothing for it, she would just have to drip water for a little bit until she could change. She opened the bathroom door only to find her way blocked.
A woman wearing a fluffy white bathrobe was standing on the other side of the door, her hand raised as if to knock. The doctor's fist hung in the air before lowering as she took in Fareeha's impression of a drowned rat. “Oh! Let me get a towel!”
“That's not -” Fareeha was too slow as Angela was already darting to what was apparently her linen closet and pulling out a towel and an identical bathrobe to hers. “-necessary.” Her words passed by seemingly without notice as Angela was already patting her down, soaking up as much water as she could.
“You must be freezing! Let's get you of those, they're dripping on the carpet.”
Angela shooed her back into the bathroom where the floor was tile, which could be mopped up. Fareeha shivered but didn't react as Angela pulled the wet shirt off and dropped it to the floor. Everything she had just told herself in the shower flew out the window and it wasn't until Angela was reaching around to undo her bra that Fareeha responded. “Hey... stop that, I don't need your help to take that off.”
“Sorry, I wasn't thinking.” Angela pulled her hands back and turned around to give Fareeha some privacy. Fareeha pulled her bra off and dropped it on the floor as she stripped naked, acutely aware of Angela's presence the entire time before she pulled on the bathrobe.
“So.” began Fareeha, as she turned to face Angela. “I have some things I need to say. Can we go to the living room? This isn't a good place for a serious conversation.”
Angela swallowed, seeing the all too serious look on Fareeha's face and she fidgeted with the belt holding her robe shut. “O-okay.” She headed back into the hallway then down the stairs, Fareeha dogging her heels until they were seated on opposite ends of the couch. “So what did I do wrong? You ran out of my bathroom awfully quickly not to mention you used a safeword.”
“I think we need to go over the rules of our arrangement here again. We're here because you hired me because I'm a dominatrix and you wanted to be my bottom for a month. This whole scenario is about your gratification and I'm willing to work with you to make sure that happens. Tying you up, using dildos or vibrators on you, spanking you with things and so on. I'm happy to do all of that. To you. This is about you, not me. I'd prefer it if we not bring me or my personal life into this again and kept the focus on you. Any nude pictures from now on should be yours and we should be trying to make you orgasm, not me. ”
“I can understand wanting to keep sessions focused on me.” said Angela. “But we're going to be living together for the rest of the month. I'll try not to pry if that's what you want but it's not reasonable to expect that we won't ever talk about you at all during the coming weeks.”
Fareeha closed her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Fine, how about this, you can ask me one question per day and I'll decide whether it's too personal or not.”
“Okay...” Angela glanced away for a few seconds while deciding what a good first question would be. “When you were talking to Julian you said you run a website where you talked about old movies and shows. Were you making that up or is that something you actually do?”
“Actually yes, though I was lying about Hollywood contacting you obviously but it's only a matter of time until they actually do Angela. If I had to guess I'd say there's already screenplays about you floating around right now.”
“You're changing the subject back to me.” Angela pointed out. “What interests you about old movies?”
“The history aspect of it I guess, the way cinema evolved over the years until it became what it is today. My site is basically just a place for me to geek out about them. It doesn't make me any money but it's still one of my favorite hobbies.”
“So as someone who watches old movies what would you say is the best film ever made?” asked Angela.
“Citizen Kane.”
“Citizen Kane? That sounds a little familiar but I'm not sure why to be honest.” Angela tapped on her chin as she tried to recall where she had heard that title before.
“Well we can watch it if you want to. I just have to connect my pad to your TV. Would you mind?”
“No, go ahead. I've tried to connect my phone to the TV but it has never worked for me.” Angela gave the television a glare as if it was purposefully trying to spite her.
A few seconds later and the television turned on, its screen a mirror of Fareeha's pad. “Okay I'm going to ask you something and please try not to be offended. How did you invent nano-biotics if you're so bad with computers? The things are basically miniature robots if I understand it correctly.”
Angela looked away for a moment before answering. “I didn't invent nanotechnology obviously. What I did was adapt them for medical purposes. I had to modify their designs so they could perform surgery or other medical functions then program them to be able to do it autonomously.”
“Programmed them? Like computer programming? You can program nano-bots to operate on people but you can't connect a phone to your television?” Tears started leaking from Fareeha's eyes as she doubled over laughing, arms holding her stomach.
The doctor's face turned so red that Fareeha half expected steam to come out of her ears but all Angela did was huff and cross her arms. “I'm sorry, I'm not trying to call you stupid. It's just really, really funny. Anyways, Citizen Kane.” Fareeha tapped on her pad and the movie began playing on the screen.
“It's all gray? There must be something wrong with my TV, let me try to find the remote.”
“There isn't anything wrong Angela, Citizen Kane was filmed in black and white. They had Technicolor back then but serious dramas didn't use it.”
“Orson Welles?” Angela read the name off the screen. “Just how old is this movie exactly?”
“Well it was filmed in nineteen-forty-one so it's pretty old. Anyways no talking during the movie okay?”
Angela glanced towards the kitchen. “Actually do you want some brunsli first?”
Fareeha's brow furrowed as she tried to remember what that word meant. “Brunsli... those are brownies right? I thought they were a Christmas thing.”
“Traditionally yes, but I don't think anyone will care too much if we eat them today.” Angela hopped up to her feet and headed to the kitchen momentarily before returning with a plate of chocolate confections and two glasses of milk. She set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch before plopping down next to Fareeha. “Okay. What makes this movie so good that you're calling it the best ever after all these decades?”
“There's a bunch of stuff Welles did that was really innovative at the time. The movie wasn't chronological, they planned out all of the shots weeks ahead of time instead of a few days, Welles used camera lenses that kept everything in focus, the lightning, all the prosthetics Seiderman made. Honestly I could talk about this for hours if you let me. You should just watch and see for yourself.” Fareeha pressed a button on her tablet and the movie began to play again.
Two hours later and the camera was slowly zooming in on a group of men hurling wooden objects into an open furnace roaring with flame. One lifted a sled, tossing it into the furnace and the camera's focus changed once again. The paint on the sled's top was swiftly melting away in the scorching heat but the word 'Rosebud' could still be clearly seen before the film cut away to the ending shot. Fareeha turned her head to see Angela's reaction but the doctor must have fallen asleep earlier without Fareeha noticing. The blonde's head wasn't resting on her shoulder but it had still gotten rather close and she was leaning in Fareeha's direction. Fareeha tapped on her pad once more, ending the movie's playback before turning towards the doctor.
She painstakingly eased Angela's head down to the couch while standing up herself, hoping not to interrupt her slumber. Fareeha grabbed the empty plate and glasses, depositing them in the kitchen sink before heading upstairs to Angela's room. She grabbed the blankets and pillow off Angela's bed then headed back to where the doctor lay. Fareeha draped the blanket over the doctor and slowly eased the pillow beneath her head. “Sleep well Angela, you're going to have an interesting day tomorrow.”
Water burst from the faucet, seeping through Fareeha's clothes until they were clinging to her skin. Her legs trembled beneath her and she braced herself with both hands on the walls next to her as she panted. The lever was twisted to its lowest setting and couldn't get any colder but it scarcely served to dampen the burning sensation in the pit of her stomach. Even with her eyes open she could still see a blonde woman touching her most intimate parts in front of her.
Fareeha shook her head from side to side trying to banish that image from her mind, lovely as it was. Not to mention that sound Angela had made, carnal in nature yet somehow still managing to seem celestially divine. As she stood there one of her hands, seemingly of its own accord, was creeping down towards the waistband of her pants. Fareeha growled in frustration as she yanked it back and firmly set it back against the wall. “No!”
“She's a client. She might be more fun than the rest of them but she's still just a client and you're a professional. You just have to enforce your boundaries, you made them for a reason. This is a business arrangement, nothing more.”
Fareeha turned the lever once again to shut the water off before getting out, her socks squishing with each step. Unfortunately for her the bar next to the shower stood empty and there was no towel in the bathroom for her to us. Fareeha hit her forehead with the heel of her hand, now remembering she had taken it to her room earlier that day. There was nothing for it, she would just have to drip water for a little bit until she could change. She opened the bathroom door only to find her way blocked.
A woman wearing a fluffy white bathrobe was standing on the other side of the door, her hand raised as if to knock. The doctor's fist hung in the air before lowering as she took in Fareeha's impression of a drowned rat. “Oh! Let me get a towel!”
“That's not -” Fareeha was too slow as Angela was already darting to what was apparently her linen closet and pulling out a towel and an identical bathrobe to hers. “-necessary.” Her words passed by seemingly without notice as Angela was already patting her down, soaking up as much water as she could.
“You must be freezing! Let's get you of those, they're dripping on the carpet.”
Angela shooed her back into the bathroom where the floor was tile, which could be mopped up. Fareeha shivered but didn't react as Angela pulled the wet shirt off and dropped it to the floor. Everything she had just told herself in the shower flew out the window and it wasn't until Angela was reaching around to undo her bra that Fareeha responded. “Hey... stop that, I don't need your help to take that off.”
“Sorry, I wasn't thinking.” Angela pulled her hands back and turned around to give Fareeha some privacy. Fareeha pulled her bra off and dropped it on the floor as she stripped naked, acutely aware of Angela's presence the entire time before she pulled on the bathrobe.
“So.” began Fareeha, as she turned to face Angela. “I have some things I need to say. Can we go to the living room? This isn't a good place for a serious conversation.”
Angela swallowed, seeing the all too serious look on Fareeha's face and she fidgeted with the belt holding her robe shut. “O-okay.” She headed back into the hallway then down the stairs, Fareeha dogging her heels until they were seated on opposite ends of the couch. “So what did I do wrong? You ran out of my bathroom awfully quickly not to mention you used a safeword.”
“I think we need to go over the rules of our arrangement here again. We're here because you hired me because I'm a dominatrix and you wanted to be my bottom for a month. This whole scenario is about your gratification and I'm willing to work with you to make sure that happens. Tying you up, using dildos or vibrators on you, spanking you with things and so on. I'm happy to do all of that. To you. This is about you, not me. I'd prefer it if we not bring me or my personal life into this again and kept the focus on you. Any nude pictures from now on should be yours and we should be trying to make you orgasm, not me. ”
“I can understand wanting to keep sessions focused on me.” said Angela. “But we're going to be living together for the rest of the month. I'll try not to pry if that's what you want but it's not reasonable to expect that we won't ever talk about you at all during the coming weeks.”
Fareeha closed her eyes as she pinched the bridge of her nose. “Fine, how about this, you can ask me one question per day and I'll decide whether it's too personal or not.”
“Okay...” Angela glanced away for a few seconds while deciding what a good first question would be. “When you were talking to Julian you said you run a website where you talked about old movies and shows. Were you making that up or is that something you actually do?”
“Actually yes, though I was lying about Hollywood contacting you obviously but it's only a matter of time until they actually do Angela. If I had to guess I'd say there's already screenplays about you floating around right now.”
“You're changing the subject back to me.” Angela pointed out. “What interests you about old movies?”
“The history aspect of it I guess, the way cinema evolved over the years until it became what it is today. My site is basically just a place for me to geek out about them. It doesn't make me any money but it's still one of my favorite hobbies.”
“So as someone who watches old movies what would you say is the best film ever made?” asked Angela.
“Citizen Kane.”
“Citizen Kane? That sounds a little familiar but I'm not sure why to be honest.” Angela tapped on her chin as she tried to recall where she had heard that title before.
“Well we can watch it if you want to. I just have to connect my pad to your TV. Would you mind?”
“No, go ahead. I've tried to connect my phone to the TV but it has never worked for me.” Angela gave the television a glare as if it was purposefully trying to spite her.
A few seconds later and the television turned on, its screen a mirror of Fareeha's pad. “Okay I'm going to ask you something and please try not to be offended. How did you invent nano-biotics if you're so bad with computers? The things are basically miniature robots if I understand it correctly.”
Angela looked away for a moment before answering. “I didn't invent nanotechnology obviously. What I did was adapt them for medical purposes. I had to modify their designs so they could perform surgery or other medical functions then program them to be able to do it autonomously.”
“Programmed them? Like computer programming? You can program nano-bots to operate on people but you can't connect a phone to your television?” Tears started leaking from Fareeha's eyes as she doubled over laughing, arms holding her stomach.
The doctor's face turned so red that Fareeha half expected steam to come out of her ears but all Angela did was huff and cross her arms. “I'm sorry, I'm not trying to call you stupid. It's just really, really funny. Anyways, Citizen Kane.” Fareeha tapped on her pad and the movie began playing on the screen.
“It's all gray? There must be something wrong with my TV, let me try to find the remote.”
“There isn't anything wrong Angela, Citizen Kane was filmed in black and white. They had Technicolor back then but serious dramas didn't use it.”
“Orson Welles?” Angela read the name off the screen. “Just how old is this movie exactly?”
“Well it was filmed in nineteen-forty-one so it's pretty old. Anyways no talking during the movie okay?”
Angela glanced towards the kitchen. “Actually do you want some brunsli first?”
Fareeha's brow furrowed as she tried to remember what that word meant. “Brunsli... those are brownies right? I thought they were a Christmas thing.”
“Traditionally yes, but I don't think anyone will care too much if we eat them today.” Angela hopped up to her feet and headed to the kitchen momentarily before returning with a plate of chocolate confections and two glasses of milk. She set it down on the coffee table in front of the couch before plopping down next to Fareeha. “Okay. What makes this movie so good that you're calling it the best ever after all these decades?”
“There's a bunch of stuff Welles did that was really innovative at the time. The movie wasn't chronological, they planned out all of the shots weeks ahead of time instead of a few days, Welles used camera lenses that kept everything in focus, the lightning, all the prosthetics Seiderman made. Honestly I could talk about this for hours if you let me. You should just watch and see for yourself.” Fareeha pressed a button on her tablet and the movie began to play again.
Two hours later and the camera was slowly zooming in on a group of men hurling wooden objects into an open furnace roaring with flame. One lifted a sled, tossing it into the furnace and the camera's focus changed once again. The paint on the sled's top was swiftly melting away in the scorching heat but the word 'Rosebud' could still be clearly seen before the film cut away to the ending shot. Fareeha turned her head to see Angela's reaction but the doctor must have fallen asleep earlier without Fareeha noticing. The blonde's head wasn't resting on her shoulder but it had still gotten rather close and she was leaning in Fareeha's direction. Fareeha tapped on her pad once more, ending the movie's playback before turning towards the doctor.
She painstakingly eased Angela's head down to the couch while standing up herself, hoping not to interrupt her slumber. Fareeha grabbed the empty plate and glasses, depositing them in the kitchen sink before heading upstairs to Angela's room. She grabbed the blankets and pillow off Angela's bed then headed back to where the doctor lay. Fareeha draped the blanket over the doctor and slowly eased the pillow beneath her head. “Sleep well Angela, you're going to have an interesting day tomorrow.”
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Demarcations by agnikai58
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