Cassandra woke up in even rougher shape than Tim had, knocked unconscious only after a scuffle, which had left her head racing and her adrenaline pumping at the very height of when she was knocked over. And for a while she couldn't even remember what had happened to her or what she was doing for a moment, as her dizzy eyes shifted back into focus slowly, and she looked up. She was strapped down to a table, the reinforced bindings keeping her in there even as she struggled.
Harley had dressed for the occasion in the time it took for Black Bat to wake up. She was no longer just prepped for domination, but she was dressed like it too, stepping out in high heeled leather boots that went up to her thigh, and a corset that clung to all of her curves so eagerly, emphasizing her figure and framing her bared pussy adoringly as she strutted forward. "Looks like you finally woke up. I was startin' to get worried about if you were gonna wake up or not. I didn't want my new toy to get broken before I could even take it outta the box." She stepped forward, holding a riding crop that she can slowly along Black Bat's jawline. Her mask had already been tugged off, leaving her face vulnerable to the back and forth of the flat leather tip. "Even if you still ain't a B-Man or my Puddin'. I can't believe my luck, gettin' stuck as the babysitter for a couple of bat brats instead."
It all came back to Cass as she listened to Harley talk, her mind slowly focusing back on what had happened. Tim went MIA chasing Harley, and Black Bat had been dispatched to try and make heads or tails of what had happened to him, as Batman had managed to get things under control when Robin finally showed up to help out, as well as some Birds of Prey backup to justify sending Cass off in another direction. But what she got was of little help as she had been jumped by Harley, who had been able to crack into Red Robin's communications and listened in for news of Black Bat's arrival. Harley's hyenas had been the ones to really trouble Black Bat, and one of them managed to get his teeth into her side, not enough to bite her, but it had left a large section of her hip and waist exposed when the suit was torn away, a tear that ran up the side and spread out to leave a significant amount of skin beneath her left breast exposed.
"What did you do with Red Robin?" she yelled, thrashing about and trying to kick her way into freeing herself, but to no avail. Whatever this table was meant for, it wasn't something to restrain normal people, as even her strength was helpless against the bindings.
"Calm down, Bat Broad, I haven't hurt your little birdy yet. He's recoverin' from all the fun we had earlier. I'll show him to you in a little bit and you'll see he's fine, but for now, I wanna spend some time with you." She ran the riding crop down Black Bat's neck, along her outfit, down to the exposed skin and making her hiss and yell as she struck her with the leather end of it. "But I don't wanna have fun with someone who doesn't know how to have fun, so first, we gotta change things up a little bit."
Another strike of the riding crop into Black Bat's side made her twist harder against the table, almost convulsing from the impact. She was used to pain, and could handle harder blows, but it wasn't about the damage it left. It was about the fact that she was already weak and tired, buttered up by a long night of fighting now capped off by being struck with a riding crop full force by Harley in a spot already a little more sensitive than she'd have liked. But she was helpless to stop it as another strike landed onto her side. She was in a horrible position to muster up any kind of attack, and she couldn't get the leverage to even try to get to a lock pick. Did this even take locks? She couldn't see or feel out from this angle. The whole thing was a disaster.
"Come on, unwind and have some fun. Little Bird was having so much fun that he was almost beggin' me before you woke up to stick my tongue up his ass again, and I'm sure you're an even bigger freak, running around in that gimp suit." She ran her fingers along Cassandra's bare skin next, feeling for a moment the scar tissue there. A brief moment of panic stopped her as she wondered if the marks were from her dogs, before seeing how old they were. She saw plenty of old scars from her time as a psychiatrist, seeing the self harm marks from decades old self-inflicted wounds and suicide attempts. And she recognized these as old enough that, given her face, she would have been very young when she got them. A brief moment of empathy surged within Harley as she snapped back into reality, her expression tightening and cheering up. "And I can tell you've been through a lot in your life, so I'm gonna make sure that once you're ready to have fun, you're super happy!"
Cassandra winced against the fingers touching her body. She was a complicated girl, and she felt so incredibly, unbearably touch starved that the mere brush of fingertips along her mid chest was enough to ignite within her things that she had no desire to feel while strapped to a table. "Harley, please, let me see him. I just want to know that he's okay."
"If you wanna see Bird Boy, then I wanna see the puppies," Harley said, smiling as she reached for Cassandra's suit and ripped it a bit more, exposing her mid chest entirely as she broke right through the leather. Then up to her tits, tearing away bit by bit, almost teasing herself with revealing Black Bat's body bit by bit to her hungry eyes. Taut, toned skin was a wonderful treat and she would occasionally stop to run her fingers down her body, adoring her with her touch briefly before running her fingers back up again. It was a rough taunting, one that made Cassandra squirm as she felt not the violence of an aggressive approach but the steadily creeping excitement of being undressed, something that she hadn't wanted to actually feel so strongly, but which each new stretch of skin left her more and more excited for. Her body was heating up utterly against her wishes and she felt helpless to stop it.
Slowly, the costume was torn up enough to reveal the undersides of Cass's tit, and all of Harley pulled her fingers back and reached once more for the riding crop. "I really wanna look back at the goods again, but I think I'd also like to hear you yell some how, so how about I give you a lil' bit of modesty for another minute, but I get to slap you sill with this?" She stood there silent for a moment, head tilting as if she sought an answer as she held the riding crop up high, but as Cass began to say something, she cut her off with, "Nah, just jokin'! Whaddya think this is, a democracy? I'm wearin' this corset and that means you're my toy, not my equal."
Harley smiled wide as she brought to riding crop down along Cassandra's bared midsection, this time relishing in the spread of coverage she was able to get She toyed with the tip, running it slowly along her body, tracing along the lines of defined muscle and along each and every scar, careful not to place her strikes onto the many lingering injuries her body had as she sought instead to leave the stinging red marks on new spots like a good and proper domme should. She went erratically, always spending just a tiny bit longer toying with each successive strike, except for the occasional double tap to keep things fresh. There was no specific pattern for Cassandra to understand as she was struck with the crop, which made it all the more frustrating as she tried and failed to predict when to brace herself. It was maddening.
Maddening was Harley's game, and she played it expertly, watching Cass's face as she gave her a nice, steady lashing before finally placing it down and saying, "Doesn't bein' undressed seem a whole lot better now? I think it's a lot less painful than bein' flogged." She smiled wide, the demented perkiness absolutely haunting as she clung so steadily to the goal she held firmly in mind of breaking Black Bat down. Her hand grabbed at the torn up end of Cassandra's costume and once more ripped, this time greedily revealing her breasts entirely and tearing away so much that it left only sleeves and the back attached, Cassandra's upper body entirely stripped at the front. "Oh hey, cute tits, Bat Bird," Harley said.
"I hope you don't mind that I'm not going to thank you for the unwanted compliment," Cassandra snidely responded, trying to keep sarcastic and fiery as she was touched every which way, but it was getting harder by the minute to hold back against what Harley was doing to her, as the pain had elicited a strange response of excitement within her, and now she found herself crying out as fingers dug into her tits, the clown princess eagerly fondling her as she worked her over steady and slow.
Fingers pressed adoringly into Black Bat's breasts, but Harley needed more, smiling wide as she moaned and leaned her face in quickly, getting her lips around one of her nipples and sucking eagerly on it, her eyes smiling wide as her head moved about wildly, making the pigtails her hair was pulled up into sway about wildly. She seemed as unhinged as could be, riding a wave of depravity as far as it would take her, but this particular motion finally got the reaction she'd been seeking from Black Bat. The wince of guilty pleasure, the tightening of a body beneath her touch and the biting of a shuddering lower lip. "There it is," Harley crooned, pulling back happily. "You wanna moan, but you don't wanna let me know you want to fuck me. But it's progress!"
"If saying that helps your self-esteem then sure, go with that." Defiance wasn't doing much for Cass, but each time she tried to kick out, she failed to do much of anything.
"What makes me feel better is when you tell me how bad you need it, but it's okay. You'll beg eventually, just like your bird boyfriend did." She bit down on the nipple before pulling back and reaching for something off to the side, pulling a pair of nipple clamps out and placing them down onto the sensitive nubs, making Cassandra yelp as they were tightened down on and held in place. "Here, wear these for now," she said with a smile, fingers dancing in back and forth swirls down her stomach before she started to tear more at her costume, seeking to reveal her pussy next. She delighted in the way that Cassandra squirmed and hissed as she did, as the nipple clamps tightened down and left her surging with agony.
Harley's smile broadened as she watched Black Bat squirm, tearing away with impatience as she ripped further and further down, fingers running along her waist and down further, reaching in to the tight suit so that she could feel Black Bat's twat before she even got all the way to exposing it. "Wow, that's pretty wet for someone who ain't gettin' off on this. But maybe you really like it more than you wanna tell me." She smiled, cupping Cassandra's mound and pressing down firmly on it, letting her twist about in frustration a little bit before sinking a pair of fingers into her cunt, feeling even further down into the slick, sticky wetness.
Cassandra's hips bucked and rocked upward as she was penetrated by the eager digits, having not been ready to handle it in the least. "Let me see him!" she cried out, struggling to keep herself focused on everything even halfway sane even as Harley's fingers pressed into her firmer and deeper, toying with her excitedly. She couldn't stop squirming against the probing fingers, and Harley seemed all too eager to subject her to deeper and faster as her arousal was built and dragged out into the light by Harley with the very clear goal in mind of embarrassing her through pure arousal.
But Harley didn't give an inch to Black Bat's demands as she withdrew the fingers, soaked now and dripping with Cassandra's own juices, and pushed them right into Black Bat's mouth, pushing in and watching with a broad smile as the lips wrapped around them and started to suck. "There's a good girl," she moaned. "I knew you were gonna give in, I just had to wait. You can pretend all you want, but this'll be a lot more fun if you admit you love it. I ain't showin' you your bird boy toy until I know you're gonna have fun with us." Her other hand tore with a greedy, aggressive finality at her suit as she exposed Cassandra's pussy at last, having made quick and efficient work of the Black Bat costume so that now it was little more than sleeves and long socks for all the good it did to her.
"Aw, what a cute little pussy," Harley said, snapping forward and pressing a big, wet kiss onto her puffy mound. "And it's so wet. I'm startin' to think you like havin' clamps on your nipples. But it's okay, you don't have to admit it, I've got other ways of makin' you talk." She licked all over Cassandra's mound, sucking and even nibbling on her labia as she slowly positioned herself better to come in from below, gripping a pair of muscular thighs as she licked her way up the wet slit and right to her clit, which she got her lips onto and began to suck on. An excited, aggressive sucking on the little nub that immediately began to make Cassandra yell.
The pleasure was immediate, and it was eight kinds of completely undeniable. Her fingers tightened into her palms, clenching into fists as she stared down at Harley past the bright red nipple clamps pinching down the very sensitive bundles of nerves. Pain and pleasure were mingling in ways that felt so thoroughly wrong to Cassandra, but she was utterly powerless to stop the crazed clown from working her evil on her. It was an intense feeling, one that burned deep within her as she saw the crazed eyes peeking back up at her eagerly, wanting to see her break. And she wasn't sure she could hold out much longer against it.
Maybe it would be better to give in, she told herself, groaning and biting down on her lip, going harder still as she found some raw delight in the digging of teeth into her lip that only grew as said grip tightened, proof that she was definitely slipping further and further away. She was in a hopeless position here, and maybe if she gave an inch to Harley's wicked touch, she could ease into something a little bit more opportune, surrendering on her own terms and holding onto herself, not to mention being able to see Tim. And all she had to do was give in to the pleasure already so strongly surging through her.
So she gave in, head rolling back as she felt Harley still dutifully sucking away on her clit, fingers pumping rapidly in and out of her. "You're right," Cassandra moaned, dragging her tongue along her lips. "Nngh, I can't fight it anymore. It feels so good, Harley. I need your fingers in me so badly, please, don't stop."
"I knew you wanted it! You bats are all such crappy liars about how much you don't wanna fuck me, but I can tell where your eyes all go!" She pulled up happily, fingers working overtime to pump rapidly into Black Bat, who let out a very honest moan as she felt all the pleasure. "But forget my fingers, I've got somethin' much better for you than that." She smiled as she slunk off, looking even more sultry and excited now that she had Black Bat wrapped around her finger, and this time, she sucked the fingers clean herself, moaning as she sampled another taste of Cassandra's cunt on her way over to her table full of toys. slipped quickly into the harness of her double-ended strap-on, guiding the interior end into herself as she climbed back onto the table and held onto the thick, ready phallus. "Whaddya think, Bat Broad? Whole lot better than fingers, right?'
A genuine shudder of need worked its way up Cassandra's spine, and she moaned, "Yes," with far too much intent behind it. She was in an embarrassing position now and she hadn't the least bit of an idea how to get out of it, but the pleasure was burning her up. But she couldn't let that stop her now; there was no real surrender in fretting the whole time about actually surrendering. She needed to give in to the pleasure and to the gorgeous, crazed criminal clown wanting so badly to fuck her. It was a rare opportunity to unwind and cut loose if nothing else. "Please fuck me, Harley."
"With pleasure!" she yelped, climbing up onto Cassandra and smiling as she slammed the strap-on deep into Cass with a single stroke, moaning as she filled her pussy up with the thick plastic cock and immediately got to thrusting into her with all of the speed and unfettered madness that seemed exactly what Harley would have done in this situation. She yelled in delight as she pulled the clamps off at long last and began to suck once more on Cass's nipples, drawing weak moans from her as the relief from pain began to wash over her, only for her to be so overly sensitive that the agony resurged as lips and teeth aggressively seized the nub.
As Harley feverishly slammed down and thrust into Cass with a needy swell of energy and excitement, the bound heroine squirmed about hotly, moaning as the intense pressure of what was being done to her began to catch up with her. There was so much about what Harley was doing to her that felt amazing, and being so harshly and quickly fucked was providing a kind of thrill that she didn't know where to even begin trying to deal with. The moans that she let out were so genuine and frank that they almost disturbed her, and she was enjoying this all far too much for comfort, as Harley went at her mercilessly. "More," she moaned, jaw trembling as she stared down at Harley, and she didn't feel like she was only saying that to play along.
As she fucked Cassandra with her strap-on, the interior end of the dildo worked Harley's own pussy over, pressing up against her g-spot and leaving her with all the reasons in the world to go all out as it rubbed up against that sensitive spot on the roof of her own twat. "I'm startin' to think that all of you runnin' around the city at night in spandex and leather is leavin' you all way too repressed for you own good," she says, getting analytical even as she sucks on Cass's sore nipples. "Because that's two of you annoying tykes I've broken in tonight and I'm not even really tryin' that hard."
All she got in response were moans, but that was all she wanted, confident in what she was doing and the power she held so powerfully over Black Bat in that moment, subjecting her to an absolutely merciless round of all out fucking. She hadn't yet had her fill that night even after all the stuff she had subjected Tim to, still only getting started as the excitement of having two of Batman's sidekicks with her began to send a million ideas through her mind that she wanted to do right there and then, too impatient to wait or want to pace things out as she toyed with them thoroughly. There was something addictive about being able to take two troublesome heroes who had given her years of trouble, and turn them into sexual toys begging for her touch.
The steady back and forth of a relentless and needy clown was more than Cassandra's body was ready to handle. Repression was underselling her issues, and she was being touched in ways so vulgar and intense that she didn't know what to do with them. This wasn't her fingers running along her body, and for all of the torment that followed, all of Harley's sadistic impulses inflicted upon her, was only fueling something twisted. She wanted to give in to it all, not just in submission to Harley, but in general. To embrace pain and pleasure all in unison and to let all of the craziness come together into a massive swell of endless indulgence. It was so much more than she knew what to do with, and it transcended the immediate moment of being strapped down to a table.
Harley gave both abused nipples a thorough sucking before licking her way up Cass's neck, stopping every inch or so of flesh to bite down on her, loving the feeling of Cass tensing against her, each hiss and wince giving her new life as she made her way up to Black Bat's lips, finally locking up with hers and giving her a frantic, sloppy kiss. She shoved her tongue into Cassandra's mouth, aggressive and dominant, and the delight she felt when Black Bat kissed her back and accepted submission, accepted her place as Harley's plaything. The passion behind the desperate way the heroine kissed told Harley so much all at once about the sorry, needy state that she must have struggled with constantly, and it almost left her wanting to sympathize, but only through wanting to quell her loneliness and frustrations through the same kind of fun she was already having.
The steady back and forth of the fake cock in and out of her pussy made Cassandra just lose herself, moaning loudly into the messy kiss as she gave herself up utterly to everything being done to her, recklessly throwing herself into the crushing delight of just being taken. It was a feeling both thorough and totally depraved, but she wanted both of those things far, far too much to find a single reason to complain, and it was only getting better as her body crept closer and closer toward the edge, and she took the impending release far better than she would have ever thought she could.
With a needy howl, Cassandra came, hips bucking up off of the table as she lost herself, thrashing against her bindings now not out of anger and a desire to escape, but out of pure delight as her body surged with wave after wave of intense sensation hitting her from every direction. It was dizzying and mind blowing as it was took her utterly by surprise. It felt so good. So twisted and guilty, but good. Better than her fingers could have ever hoped to make her feel, and the touch starved heroine felt the swelling need for intimacy grow within her that she knew was going to leave a mark and an emptiness when she found some way out of here.
Cassandra whined as she came down from her high, only to feel Harley still fucking away at her gleefully, going all out as she slammed into her again and again, each roll of her hips feeling harder than the last as Harley took a bit longer to climax, but when she did, she let out a scream of pure delight as she buried the toy to the hilt inside of her. "You're gonna love being my new toy!" she howled, her expression blatantly aflame with pleasure as she refused to feel guilty about how unbearably good she felt in that moment, relishing in the thrill of pure satisfaction as her body surged with the intense thrill of getting off by fucking someone else.
Harley slipped out of the harness as she withdrew the phallus from Cassandra, grabbing hold of it and bringing it up to Cassandra's trembling lips. "Open wide," she said with a smile and shoved the fake cock into her mouth, briefly facefucking Black Bat with the dildo. "Suck your juices clean off of it, I don't want it to get sticky before I shove it back into Bird Boy's ass again." She gleefully worked it up and down, and watched as obediently, Black Bat did exactly as she was told, moaning as she serviced the cock eagerly. Once it was clean, she climbed back onto the table and straddled her face. "Now keep those lips open. I'm gonna show you your boyfriend in a minute, but first, I wanna give you a little something of his."
Cassandra gasped for air after the brief facefucking with the dildo, but she gladly kept her mouth open, shuddering with the masochistic bliss that left her feeling like she was developing eight new kinks all at once and didn't know how to deal with any of them, but she stared at Harley's pussy positioned over her mouth as the clown spread the lips apart. A trickle of Tim's cum drooled out of her leaking twat and fell right into Cass's mouth, and the heroine didn't even hesitate to swallow it and moan as she tasted it. The combination of Tim's saltiness and Harley's tart juices was an oddly enjoyable one.
"Tastes good, don't it?" Harley asked, biting her lip as she rocked back and forth, effectively humping the air above Cassandra's lips as she moved with an erratic grace. "Mm, just thinkin' about it makes me want some. Good thing I've got it on tap though. Hey, Bird Brain! You can come out now, you've been a great boy, but I'm thirsty!" She hopped off of the table and smiled as Cassandra turned her head in worry toward the shadows, hearing footsteps.
Tim stepped out, and he looked like a wreck. Bites and scratches and riding crop induced welts marked his muscular chest all over as he stood there wearing almost nothing at all. A muzzle over his mouth kept him from saying anything, his hands were clearly tied behind his back, and he had a vibrator strapped to his thigh and reached up into his ass, relentlessly buzzing inside of him and milking his prostate without end, which left him cumming again and again, drunk on orgasms as his cock emptied out into a tube laid over his cock head, which connected down to a jar strapped to his other leg. He was being milked and having his cum stored.
"Mm, you did so well stayin' quiet like that, even though I bet you came a whole bunch watchin' me fuck your girl. But don't worry, you'll get a turn with her too, I promise. But I'm gonna have a round in that nice butt while I do!" She slapped Tim's ass, made him groan with the kind of response that told Cass his rear must have been incredibly sore from all the abuse she'd given it through the night. Harley reached down for the jar, unscrewing the lid that connected the tube into it, all a very makeshift operation, but it was worth it as she held aloft the jar at last, full of warm cum that swished about as she swirled it, leaning her nose in and inhaling the scent of spunk like she was sniffing the bouquet of a bottle of fine wine.
Cassandra was stunned into silence as she looked at Tim, who had been tied up and looked so embarrassed and sore that she didn't even pay much mind to his cock or how well endowed he was, just worried about her teammate. She thought he would have been tied up in a back room, not bound like this and stuck with a vibrator. She wondered if Harley had broken him too much and he was now just given in to all of it. His eyes certainly held a certain blankness and surrender to them.
Harley didn't worry about any of that though, as she brought Tim's cum up to her lips and chugged it all down, moaning as the thick, salty spunk slid down her throat, mouthful after mouthful greedily drank. She didn't care how this looked or what they may have thought of her as she enjoyed her treat, letting out a happy gasp of delight when she had swallowed every drop, before throwing the jar carelessly off to the side. It noisily shattered against the wall as she shrugged. "Alright then, Bat Broad is broken in, Bird Boy's balls are still lookin' nice and full... Who's ready for a threesome? I'll bring over the fucking machine!" She sang as she pranced off eagerly to go get the bulky machine, not actually untying Cassandra in the process as she headed off.
Both of the sidekicks felt tired and sore, but things had only just begun for them.