English for Sinners by TheDjinn All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
A/N: Many people have been noting that the girls' names causes some confusion. Firstly because they all start with the same letter, and secondly because I often work their names down to just a th…
All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
I looked, dumbfounded at Superintendent Cross, the woman I had just fucked less than an hour ago, and then back to her daughter, one of the three students I had been fucking for some time. I searched for any clue that Vivika knew what I had done, or if Cross would tell her. Judging by the older woman's smile, it wouldn't be the latter, at least not right away. Perhaps she wanted to toy with me; it certainly wouldn't surprise me. I was getting used to it.
"You're Vivika's mother?" I asked surprised, already giving Vivika a reason to suspect something was wrong. "But, your last name is Cross, and I thought Vivika's last name was Briarheart."
"It is," they said in unison, and then shared a giggle. Val answered the riddle for me while the mother and daughter shared their amusement. My attention turned to Val, whom I hadn't had a chance to get a good look at as Superintendent Cross entered the room so abruptly. Val wore a tight, bright green, sports bra, clearly visible underneath her black mesh tank top. It all left her defined abs visible behind the net and unobstructed as it stopped inches below her modest chest. Wide hips filled out her tight, black, denim shorts well, not that there was much fabric there to fill out. She had undone the button and folded down the hem, baring her pelvic bone but still denying visage of her tight, shaved, pelvis. The cuffs of the shorts were only a couple inches away from the hem, so both of her legs were entirely on display. It wasn't until her tennis shoes that any skin was hidden again. She sat crudely, with her athletic legs spread apart, one foot on the floor and the other resting on the couch cushion she sat on. This pose allowed me to see the beginning curve of her ass poking out of her barely-there shorts. As I always do, I admired the tattoos that were inked into her dark skin. I had learned them well as she had made sure I had cum on each one at least once. Her many piercings didn't sparkle in this dimly lit room the way they did under the school's far brighter lights, but the silver still stood out against her caramel coloring.
"Desirae is Vivika's step mother. She changed her name back after-" Val was interrupted once the giggling stopped.
"After I was no longer married to Vivika's father. I didn't want people to think I was advancing in my position thanks to some wealth they attached to me as soon as they heard my last name," Desirae explained. "And do I need to remind you that you are to address me as Ms. Cross, Valentina, or do you need another lesson?" Ms. Cross threatened. I had never seen fear in Val's green eyes, but there it was. She straightened up and pursed her lips in silence, something that I had been trying to get her, or really any student, in my class to do on command.
"Mr. Harper," Vivika said softly, leaving my side to stand in front of me, catching my gaze and holding it with her own. "Remember what I said about you having nothing to worry about? It still applies, so relax."
"Yes, Mr. Harper," Ms. Cross said with amusement in her voice before taking a sip from her glass of dark liquor, "you seem tense. Is something wrong?" She teased, knowing very well what was wrong.
Vivika turned my head back toward her, and gave me a peck on the lips to narrow my focus further onto her. "Don't worry, Mr. Harper. I know about you and my mother."
"You do?" I asked, shocked and unnerved. My eyes leaped from woman to woman, and their faces all conveyed that they knew far more than I did - something else I had grown accustomed to.
"I do. I know you fucked my mother - in fact that's why you're here," she explained. So this would be the place of my execution then, or so I thought. "And I'm so delighted that you did!" she surprised me further with. "Was he as good as I said, mother?"
"Better," Cross said with lust on her tongue. "You girls trained him well."
"Oh, he was really good even at the start, Ms. Cross," Nessa chimed in with a compliment about my sexual performance. Another girl whom I neglected to properly look over when I had arrived. There was no way to begin a description of Vanessa without first mentioning her breasts. I thought to compare their size and perkiness to Ms. Cross's, and I came to the conclusion that they were roughly the same size, though Cross had brown nipples whereas Nessa's were bubblegum pink. Speaking of bubblegum, Nessa was chewing on yet another piece, something she often liked to enjoy. She said it was because she had an oral fixation, and if she wasn't sucking on a titty or a cock, she had to be chewing some gum or licking a lollipop. Back to her breasts, once again Nessa's outfit did nothing to convey modesty about their size; quite the opposite in fact. The faded blue rock tee was stretched beyond its limit, as holes had been naturally torn in the fabric in a few spots around her milky tits. While not as toned as Val's, her tummy was still quite flat, though still with a bit of softness, as was found all over her body. While Val had worn a pair of shorts that would be considered too small to be worn in any public place, Nessa wore a skirt of the same category. Though longer than Val's shorts, she showed the same amount of skin thanks to how she sat, her torn-stockinged-legs crossed, but her body turned slightly so I could see the skirt riding up, and spot the start of her baby blue panties. She wore no shoes, even though I'm sure she arrived wearing some. She just must have taken them off when she came in. Nessa was quite considerate like that.
"Eh, he was alright," Val contradicted, as was her nature to do. She gave me a wink and licked her lips, letting me know she just liked to tease and actually agreed with Nessa.
"Wait, so, you wanted me to have sex with her?" I asked Vivika. "With your mother?" I clarified, just in case she thought I meant someone else, though I don't know how she could. I was just so set off balance by the whole affair that I had to confirm things I used to believe were obvious.
"No, I wanted you to fuck my mother after I told you not to," the vivacious redhead replied, pressing a red painted nail against my chest. The metal, large gap, bracelets clattered together from the sudden show of force from her arm. "It was just another test on your road to becoming completely corrupted. That you would betray my trust after I made it clear I didn't want you being with anyone else, just so you can get off, in more ways than one?" She made a show of being sad, disappointed. Hugging her arms around her midsection, just below her creamy breasts, only half covered by a black and red corset, which in turn only covered half of her stomach. Her low cut black leather pants, seemingly painted on, didn't help matters - exposing much of her pelvic bone and the lace at the hem of her red panties. "Why, it made me so proud!" she exclaimed. "Mmm, just thinking of you banging my mother in her office," she swayed on the spot, her dark-red shadowed eyelids closing softly over amber eyes, and a red smirk forming on her face. "I hope you thought of me, Mr. Harper, while you fucked my mother in the ass."
I looked over to Ms. Cross after Vivika mentioned the anal sex. Cross just smiled and gave a shrug. "There can be no secrets between mothers and daughters, Mr. Harper," she rationalized before closing her dark lips over the rim of her glass, taking another sip of dark liquor.
"I knew I chose well when I picked you, Mr. Harper," Vivika whispered into my ear, following up with a sharp bite, digging her incisor into my earlobe. I lurched back from the sudden pain and my determination to get some answers.
"Okay, this has gone on long enough," I said, standing my ground. "I've been kept in the dark for far too long and I really need to know what's going on here before my heart stops."
"Of course, Mr. Harper," Nessa said, sounding so sweet and genuinely concerned.
"All you needed to do was ask," Val teased, sounding so sarcastic and questionably concerned.
Vivika took me by the hand and led me over to the love seat that sat 90 degrees from the couch where Ness and Val were seated. She slid into my lap, hooking her legs over the right arm rest while her back rested on the left, her ass grinding into my lap until she got comfortable. Even though it was clear Cross didn't care if her daughter was sexually active, with me of all people, it still felt odd to be felt up by a woman whose mother was looking right at me - even if it was with desire in her violet eyes. "Alright, Mr. Harper, what would you like to know?"
I was hoping she would just lay it all out there, beat by beat, and I could just listen. It was never that easy with any of these women, though. I had to ask specific questions to get specific answers, so there was a chance I would still be left in the dark on something if they chose not to add in that information. So, I decided to ask about what had confused me last: the mention of corrupting me. "You talked about a test, on 'the road to becoming corrupt.' What did you mean?" My question was set up to get two answers that I wanted, just in case she had some strict limit on how many inquiries I could make.
"Well, Mr. Harper," Vivika started, tracing shapes on my chest with her finger, studying her invisible art work while she answered me. "We needed you to become corrupt, sinful, selfish and perverse in order to become the perfect lover: an incubus."
I should have known any answer she gave would just raise a million more questions for me to ask.
"An incubus? Isn't that like a demon?"
"If you like," she said with a shrug. "It's not a demon in the sense that you may know, and it's not some life stealing monster, either. But 'incubus' and 'demon' are the best ways to describe what it is in words you would understand."
I played along, for now. Having Vivika in my lap, caressing my body, did put me at ease, made me more comfortable with all this new information. It wasn't like she had just tossed me into this strange new world in that moment. Vivika had already demonstrated that she, and possibly the other women in the room, had some sort of magical powers, so I supposed demons wouldn't be too farfetched if I were believe in magic.
"And how would me fu- having sex with you all make me into this demon?"
"An incubus, and it wouldn't, not directly," Vivika clarified. "See, we needed to corrupt you, to make you into the proper vessel for an otherworldly power. That's what will turn you into an incubus."
"You want me to become possessed by some kind of spirit?"
Vivika gave a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes at my choice of words. "See, this is why I find it easier to keep most things a secret. You start applying your own negative assumptions to something new and wonderful. I never said 'possessed' and I never said 'spirit.'"
"Sorry," I said, doing my best to appease her and convince her to continue. "I just...I'm not very clear on all of this. It's all very new to me, you understand. Just tell me whatever you think I need to know," I asked of her. Hopefully that would clear up any more secrets that I didn't know about, and thus couldn't ask directly about.
Vivika looked to cheer up from that, now that I was asking the right questions. "Well, first off, there is no heaven and hell, so don't start thinking this 'demon' is some kind of fiery hellspawn that wishes to devour your soul."
"Yea, Mr. Harper," Val piped in. "We're the only ones who will be eating you up." Another wink later, and since she was too far away to pounce on me, she decided to pounce on the attentive Nessa and playfully chomp on her neck with a growl. Nessa yelped and giggled when Val started licking her 'wound.'
"When you die, you go to one of two places. If you lived for others, selflessly, and sought to expand your spirit and your mind, you go to a place where you will forever learn new things, fill your heart with new kinds of love, and embrace the beauty of the spirit and mind!" Vivika explained, making a big show of how wonderful it actually sounded. Then she dropped her head back down from speaking up into the sky, her face now with an unamused scowl. "It's terribly boring."
"And lame," Val added between nibbles on Nessa's neck.
"And not fun at all," Nessa agreed.
Honestly, it sounded quite nice. Though she said heaven and hell didn't exist, her explanation of this afterlife sounded just like what I imagined heaven would be. I didn't want to tell them that, as they all seemed quite against the idea of it.
"And the other place?" I asked.
Vivika smirked and gave her lip a quick bite at the thought of it. "Well, if you lived for yourself, sought to expand your definition and perception of pleasure and pain, test the limits of the human form and feel all the known and unknown pleasures this realm has to offer us? You go to the other realm. The Realm of Flesh."
Ms. Cross must have seen the concern on my face, as she decided to clear a few things up before I ran out of the mansion screaming. "Vivika speaks very colorfully, but more or less what she says is true. While alive, if you sought to expand your mind and spirit, when you die you enter into a realm with others who did the same. If, instead, you preferred to sample the pleasures of the flesh, you go, well, to the Realm of Flesh." My brows still furrowed in concern, so Ms. Cross added, "Don't be confused, though, Mr. Harper. As Vivika said, there is no heaven and hell, and the Realm of Flesh is not some divine punishment for evil people, no more than the other is a divine reward for the good. Good and bad alike occupy both planes of the afterlife. Both act as new realities to ascend to, where you can continue to pursue what you found most important in life."
She had answered my concern directly. With the mention of demons, and corruption, and the afterlife, plus all the guilt and taboo activities these girls had convinced me to take part in, I had become concerned they were talking about some kind of hellscape. Though, she hadn't addressed all my unspoken questions, so they had to come out verbally on my own terms.
"So, then why choose me to be this 'vessel?' I'm not exactly the kind of person who...pursues the 'pleasures of the flesh,'" I said using their vernacular. "I mean, I'm an educator, I do believe in the pursuit of, and betterment of self and others through, knowledge."
"True, you weren't. But, after these past few months, we've certainly molded you into someone who does prefer the former," Vivika corrected. "After all, fucking your students? That's a very taboo activity, Mr. Harper. To risk losing your job, ruining your reputation, and going to prison just to get some easy pussy? If that's not someone who loves the pleasures of life, I don't know who is. Plus, have you even read a book this year? Used a lesson plan that wasn't prepackaged? Done anything to 'expand your mind'? Or have you just been thinking about fucking us three?" She drove home the point by grinding her supple ass into my raging erection.
"Fair point," I admitted. "But then why not just get someone who was already like that? Some...sexual deviant who would happily go along with this? Why take the time and trouble to... corrupt me?"
"Because it's fun," Val again felt the need to interject, still playing with Nessa's body, her hands now massaging her huge tits, and Nessa cooing quietly and losing more and more interest in the conversation.
"Yes," Vivika said coldly to Val, upset that she had interrupted her thought, "but mostly because we needed to corrupt you, Mr. Harper. Not find someone who was already a 'sexual deviant' like us. To become a vessel for this power, the person must first be a person of mind and spirit. A just soul who lives in the service of others and selflessly does whatever they can to aid in the betterment of mankind, as well as their own mind through the acquisition of knowledge. Boring stuff," she said, summarizing her point with two curt words. "Then that person must become corrupt. They must become someone who lives only for themselves, someone who will do whatever it takes to increase their own pleasure, even to their own detriment, or to the detriment of others, if need be. They can't just be in that state from the start. They have to become corrupted. And who better as our moral, upstanding, knowledge-seeking citizen than a celebrated teacher whom the students and staff love and admire? The more uncorrupt a person is, the more corrupt they can become, and thus become a larger vessel for more power."
"I was the first choice!" Nessa perked up to say, and for the first time felt more interest in the topic than the foreplay.
"Yes, even with that body made for sin, rumors led me to believe that Nessa was as pure as the driven snow," Vivika elaborated."I had chosen Vanessa before you because of what I knew of her. She was sweet, innocent, on all the charity clubs, and a proud virgin. Or so I thought."
"Blowjobs don't count!" Nessa exclaimed, defending herself.
"They count enough for my purposes, though!" Vivika snapped back, as if they had had this argument before and she didn't want to get into it again. "Oral sex aside, she was also vain, and only interested in helping others because she loved the admiration she got for doing so. Of course, by the time I had learned that, I had already recruited Val to seduce her and bring her to our side. Half way through that process, we learned she was not pure enough to begin with to create a large enough 'vessel'."
I looked to Vanessa who could only shrug and smile innocently, like a child who had been caught doing something they knew they shouldn't have.
"But then I learned about you. The dear Mr. Harper. Teacher of the Year nominee on only his second year of teaching, beloved by the students for his diligence in making sure each student was tended to with their specific needs and strengths. Not many teachers go to those kind of lengths for their students, Mr. Harper. You were special. You were also single. I learned you spent so many late nights working on special lesson plans and tutoring sessions that you couldn't possibly have had a very active sex life. You were perfect. We would corrupt you, and you would become the ideal vessel for the power."
"And this...power? What is it exactly? I know it's not a spirit, like you said, but...?" I trailed off in my question, hoping she would fill in the blanks.
"In the Realm of Flesh, sex is a constant. They have orgies that can go on for eons. All that lust and desire builds up and becomes an ethereal power that can be pulled into the Realm of the Living, and placed into a proper host body. This makes them a kind of avatar of lust and desire. An incubus. Or succubus if it's a woman," Vivika explained, her hips twitching eagerly on my lap as she thought about the orgies and beings of raw sexual energy walking the earth.
Finally, I had reached my limit. I had played along long enough, but I couldn't act like I believed another word of it all. I had kept asking questions because I was hoping she would give some explanation that would turn me around on the idea. After all, I had already decided I wanted to stick with these women, despite the consequences, but if this is what it was all for, I didn't know if I could keep my mouth shut forever.
"Vivika, I have to be honest, I-"
"Find this all hard to believe?" she finished my thought for me. "We thought you might say that. I mean, why wouldn't you? Demons, an afterlife of nothing but sex, becoming some kind of vessel for some kind of 'sex power'? That's alright, though, because we're confident we can convince you. Mother?"
The moment she was called into action, Cross had finished her drink and set the glass down, causing the remaining ice cubes to clink against the inside of the glass, creating the only noise that pieced through the sudden silence of the room. Even Nessa and Val, who at that point seemed inseparable once Val got her hand up Nessa's shirt, sat back to watch Ms. Cross somehow convince me this was all true.
Cross began by running her hands through her thick, ebony, locks. Her head fell back in a sleepy, happy moan. Her body stretched and cracked, as if she had just awoken from a deep sleep. When her digits reappeared, thin trails of purple steam lifted off them. Desirae, which was a beautiful name I would never address her as, lest I gain the same kind of fear Val did when she made that mistake, ran her violet-emitting hands down her neck and gripped the collar of her jacket. After it fell to the floor, she locked her eyes with mine while she undid each button with torturous slowness. With each small circle of plastic unlocked from the silk fabric, she seemed to thrust her chest out a little more. Soon, all that stood between our eyes and her naked breasts was a lacey bra the same color of her half-lidded eyes.
Next came the skirt. Cross made sure to turn her back to us for this garment, all so we could see her perfectly shaped rum spill out from the too-tight skirt as the fabric was pulled down. Her thong panties came half way down with it, the covering having been wrapped so snuggly around her. Stocking-covered feet carried her over to where Val and Nessa were sitting attentively. First, her left leg was offered up to Val, who reach forward to unclip her stocking from her garter belt. Then, she enjoyed the attention as long as she could by taking her time in peeling the stocking off her long, pale, stem. Nessa was offered the same opportunity with Cross's right leg after the first stocking was removed. Sweet Nessa was never one for patience, though, and removed the stocking far faster than Val did. Her eagerness caused a tear to form in the stocking. Cross gave her a playful scold, pursing her lips, wagging her finger, and giving a "tsk tsk tsk" sound to the ashamed blonde. In return, the older woman dragged her bare foot nimbly along Nessa's inner thigh. With astounding agility and precision for someone standing on one leg and using the other for her delicate task, Cross flipped Nessa's skirt up and immediately pressed the top of her foot against her blue panties. Then she dragged her foot up from the crotch and pulled away when her big toe came to the entrance of the valley between her heaving breasts. Behind her foot she left a fleeting trail of purple sparks. All the while, Nessa was in a tortured state of heightened arousal. I say tortured because when Cross's foot returned to the floor, Nessa was panting heavily, but clearly hadn't come as she continued to grind her hips into the couch and grip eagerly at her own clothes.
Cross then turned her attention to me, locking her eyes with mine once more. Her hands started on her cheeks, with a pinky between gently bitten by her perfect white teeth between pouty dark lips. She wanted to make sure I saw where her hands were going, as they would cause the biggest show of all, so far. Delicate but powerful hands ran down her body, and when they touched her bra, garter belt, and panties, the fabric became enflamed with purple fire.
I leaned forward in a panic, worried for her safety. Purple or not, my assumption was always that fire was hot and quite dangerous if it's burning directly on your clothes. Vivika kept me pinned down, not wanting me to spoil the show. Quickly I saw that Cross was not in any kind of pain. Quite the opposite. She let out a delighted squeal when the fire had completely engulfed her underwear, burning away the expensive fabric. The fire faded with each thread it burned away, until only candle-sized flames remained on her nipples and clit. They too, however, vanished without much delay.
A powerful show, to say the least, though if that was to prove that demons exist, I remained unconvinced (though very aroused). My answer came within seconds after the striptease had ended. Cross stood, legs apart, and arms lifted slightly from her sides, as she let the transformation begin. Purple steam was no longer the main magical element, nor was purple fire. Now, violet electricity crackled across her skin. Wherever the sparks landed, a patch of her skin would turn pale white - paler than Vivika would ever hope to achieve, no matter how much she avoided the sun. When her entire body had been painted white, a new shade was added: black. It began at the tips of her fingers and toes all at once. A black liquid looked to form on her skin, and dripped upward as if gravity had been reversed and was pulling the liquid toward the ceiling. It wasn't as if
there was some substance on her skin, though. It was as if her skin was being stained by an invisible liquid, leaving only black. The magical substance stopped and left her hands and feet completely covered in pitch black, and then turned into tendrils, and then droplets, of black from halfway up her forearms to just below her elbows for her arms, and from half way up her shin and just below her knees for the legs.
Cross made a pained moan as the next step was started, though it did look as if she enjoyed it despite the obvious pain. From behind her I started to see the tip of a pointed tail peek around. Longer and longer the tail grew, until it could easily reach the floor from the small of her back where it started. It, instead of being part white and part black, was entirely black.
The show was complete when Cross released her lip from her teeth and opened her eyes to me, showing that her purple irises had given way and now her entire eyes were pure, electrifying, purple. The color was slightly brighter where her irises would have been, so it wasn't impossible to tell she was still looking directly at me. Convinced I had seen it all, Cross then turned her attention to Val and Nessa. As she had with her legs, she held out an arm for each girl, and each took her ebony hands and were lifted up with her. While they hungrily kissed, licked, sucked, and nibbled on Cross's black and white flesh, caressing her curves and admiring her shape, Vivika broke through the chorus of moans and whimpers.
"You see, Mr. Harper, Nessa was only partially right when she said she was the 'first choice,'" Vivika revealed. While she spoke, her eyes never left the scene of her friends getting undressed so they could press their young, naked bodies, against her mother's demonic, nude, form. "While I had picked her before I did you, she was not the first person whom I tried to make into a vessel."
"I assume the first person was your mother, then?" I theorized, never once taking my eyes off the show of lesbian affection going on in front of me.
"No, the first person was me," she corrected. My eyes darted quickly to her, to see if she was serious, though I found my eyes immediately drawn back to the three naked women when I heard a particularly elated squeal met with a throaty and long moan. "Remember that story I wrote for you in class, Mr. Harper? About the demon who visited a woman in her bed?"
"How could I forget?" I said with a slight smirk on my face, having just seen Cross's head fall back when both girls took one of her dark nipples between their suckling lips.
"It was not a work of fiction. It happened, all of it. To my mother." Again my eyes snapped back to Vivika, to show I was at least still paying attention, but she did not seem to mind, or blame me, when they went back forward instead of remaining on her. "When I first summoned the power of Lust, I intended for myself to be the vessel. I wanted to take my pleasure to new heights, and my research into such things led me to learn of the Realm of Flesh. However, in my eagerness and impatience, I failed to learn about how the vessel must be properly corrupted before it can accept the power of Lust. Luckily, rather than punishing me for being an unfit host, it found a fitting one nearby within my home: my mother."
Now Vivika too turned her attention to the threeway that was starting on the floor. Both girls on their knees, butts thrust back toward us, fingers from one girl dipped into the pussy of the other, and both their salivating mouths working over Cross's pussy while her hands massaged either the backs of their heads or her heavy breasts. "My mother was a very sweet woman when she married daddy. She came from nothing and was very humble with all the money she had gained by marrying into my family. She didn't know how to enjoy it at first, so most of it she used on other people, gave it to charity and other pointless acts of selflessness. Eventually, she got used to her surroundings and started to use some of her newfound wealth on herself. To say the least, it went to her head. She sampled all the finer pleasures she could not afford before she met daddy. Expensive food, clothes, vacations, massages, everything. Soon even daddy's love was not enough for her. She turned to fucking the help, other members of the upper crust, any cock or pussy she fancied she would have. Naturally, daddy learned of her promiscuous ways and tightened the leash he had on her. Mother didn't appreciate that. Did you?"
After a long and massaging wail, Cross opened her eyes to look to and answer Vivika. "I loved your father, Vivika, I truly did, but I could not go without all the pleasures I had come to enjoy. He was an excellent lover, but I needed more than any one man could provide. My tastes were evolving, and he simply wanted to stay still. He had to be disposed of."
I gave an agape look of shock at the admission that Cross had killed her husband, but Vivika spoke up to reassure me, turning my head so I was forced to look at her, so I would believe the words she said if I could only look into her eyes when she said them. "It's alright, I've forgiven her. She was right. Daddy was too rigid. Couldn't even be bothered to fuck his own daughter, if you can believe that." She knew that would get a rise out of me and giggled at my reaction. "So, a woman who was once so sweet and pure and charitable, who had become corrupted by her love of pleasures of the flesh, became a perfect vessel for the power, and so she became the succubus you see before you."
"So you want me to become like her?"
"Yes, though you'll keep your male form, with some added definition, of course," she said, pressing her hand against my chest to feel what muscle I did have. "Not that I'm complaining now."
"You explained what the power is, but you never said how it will affect me. I know you said it wouldn't 'possess' my mind, but how will it...well, affect me?"
"It won't change your mind, Mr. Harper, don't worry," Vivika reassured me of. "You will still have complete control of your mind and body. You'll just become capable of feats no mortal could ever achieve."
"How do I know that for sure," I asked, giving my first direct inclination of distrust in Vivika.
She seemed a bit hurt by the accusation that she was lying to me, but not at all surprised given her history of lying to me. "Some things I can't prove to you, Mr. Harper. Some things you just have to trust me on."
I wanted to believe her, I did. The power, the women, it did sound all very appealing, but I was understandably unsure. Vivika sensed this and made me an offer.
"Let us try to convince you of how much fun you will have if you accept, and if you still don't want to do it, I'll drop it." I didn't 100% trust her that she'd drop it. The way she had explained things, she had put a lot of time and effort into this corruption process in order to make me into the ideal vessel, an avatar of lust, as it were. Still, I suppose it couldn't hurt to see how she would try to convince me. Sure enough, it didn't hurt at all, except in some good ways.
After I gave an accepting nod at her offer, Vivika slid off my lap and carried herself over to her mother and two friends, all of whom had made quite a sticky mess on the floor beneath them. She was able to get their attention with a simple tap to their shoulders. Without a word, they knew they had been asked to convince me of Vivika's plan. Vivika stayed with Nessa and Val, who seductively began to work her clothes off her body, kissing wherever new flesh was bared. Cross, however, left the three teenage goths and sauntered over to me, making exaggerated sways of her hips to show off how wide they were and how narrow her waist was. She pointed a finger at my crotch, and after a small purple flame appeared on the tip of her finger, a similar ember appeared at my zipper. Though startled at first, I saw she was not trying to immolate me. Her finger traced down in the air, and with it the zipper began to be pulled down. The same was done to my belt buckle and top button. With a flick, all flames vanished and the rest would be done manually.
Cross descended gracefully to her knees, keeping her back straight the whole time and never once letting her pure purple eyes leave my intrigued stare. I could feel how pleasurably warm her fingers were when they grazed my skin, hooking into my pants and yanking both it and my boxers down to the floor. "I simply must return the tender attention you gave to me in my office," she cooed. Her voice had become as different as her body - different, but still similar in all the right ways. It was otherworldly, darker and came with a whispering echo behind each syllable that escaped her black, shiny, lips. A sound underlain her words, something between a growl and a purr, but definitely bestial. Though much of her body had changed colors, I saw that her red-pink tongue remained the same as it was dragged up the side of my cock, flicking at my head before retreating behind plump tiers. Soon to disappear like her tongue was the head of my shaft, reappearing with a pop from her puckered lips.
The inside of her mouth was as warm, wet, soft, and inviting as any of the three girl's pussies - and Cross's mouth had the added benefit of her flexible and attentive tongue. "Mmm, Mr. Harper," she moaned against my cock, "You taste so good. I can't imagine how good it'll taste when you accept this wonderful gift we're offering you," she added while nuzzling the side of my dick against her warm cheek.
" If," I corrected her. " If I accept."
"That's right, if," she agreed after sliding half of my dick out her mouth. "Though, I'm sure by the end of this, you'll be asking when," Cross confidently purred before engulfing even more of my cock, without a single sign of resistance due to its size. A perk of being a sex demon, I was sure. I groaned deep when she went deep enough to press her nose against the groomed patch of hair above the base of my shaft. When I opened my eyes, I could see Vivika had become completely disrobed, though remained standing with her two partners in crime. The three of them traded kisses and shared gropes, their eager bodies grinding against each other's legs, causes breasts to press into each other.
The succubus, meanwhile, had started to work her hands into the equation. One stroked up on my cock when her mouth pulled back, and down when it wanted to return. The other cradled and massaged my balls with perfect amounts of tenderness and firmness. My eyes drifted down from the three nude women carrying themselves to the couch to continue, back to Cross. I peered down her smooth, arched back, and to her tail-capped ass, her bum sat on the heels of her feet. The tail swung back and forth idly, like a cat's, occasionally beating against my leg to let me feel the soft texture of the demonic appendage. Perhaps it was Cross's inherent skill, or some extra power granted to her by being a succubus, most likely both, but sooner than I had with any of the other girls, or any women I had ever been with, I came. I did not even have time to warn her as it came on so fast and strong. The sex demon between my legs did not seem to mind. In fact, she happily and immediately began to gulp down ever spurt, licked clean every last drop that had remained on my cock when she pulled back, and caught every strand that hung from her lips with her fingers and sucked it back into her hungry mouth.
I was surprised I was still hard. With the V-girls, there was no problem with getting hard minutes after I had come, but here I had not gone soft for even a second. Cross was quick to confirm the suspicion I had as to why. "Another benefit of being a succubus, dear. Increased stamina for all her active lovers. Of course, the same power would be granted to you, an incubus."
"That's a really handy ability," I admitted with a smirk.
"One that we should not let go to waste," Cross added. She sat upright, though still on her knees, her bum resting on her feet. She turned her head over to the girls. "Vanessa, be a dear and come help me with Mr. Harper." Nessa's head popped up from between Vivika's legs when called upon. Val, too, perked up from behind Nessa, with a pout to contrast Nessa's beaming smile. Her meal was being taken away, but it did free up a fresh course in Vivika.
Nessa crawled over to us, her large breasts swaying with her hips. Cross then had to readjust where I was before she and Nessa could continue. She led me to sit no longer on the love seat, but against it and on the floor. Now there was room for Cross and Nessa to kneel on either side of me. "Why don't we treat him to our ample assets, Ms. Smithfield?" With that, they both began to reposition themselves so they were laying on either side of me, and moved so they could rest their breasts on my bare thighs.
The two busty women approached each other so they could engage in a passionate lip lock, their equally pouty lips sliding against one another. There were moments where I could see their tongues wrestling between their mouths. Their hanging tits knocked against my upright cock when their kissing became more fervent. Cross had to break the kiss, reminding Nessa that she had called her over for me, not her (though I honestly didn't mind). Nessa followed her friend's mother's lead and brought her chest to half warp around my cock, so now four breasts were squeezing around my shaft.
First, they worked in tandem. Up and down together they went, though with their size, they never had to go far to completely cover up my privates. While they pleasured me, they were obviously enjoying the feel of each other, too. Cross purposefully rubbed her nipples against Nessa's, and Nessa did her best to do the same to Cross. Then they started to work in opposite directions. Cross would go up, and Nessa would go down, and back and forth they continued, so I couldn't possibly see my organ they were pleasuring. Cross was on her knees, leaned forward, her ass hoisted in the air, tail flipping more wildly now that she was getting pleasure back from her partner. Nessa lay on her stomach, her cute feet kicking softly in the air, and occasionally stopped when she locked her ankles together. There was actually some contrast between their equally sized tits. Cross's skin was warmer to the touch, while Nessa's was a bit more cool. Perhaps it was from the air hitting all the saliva that had been left on her recently assaulted tits by Vivika and Val moments prior.
"Come for us, Mr. Harper," Cross purred. "Don't be shy. We're very hungry, after all."
"Yea, Mr. Harper," Nessa cooed. "Cum all over our fat tits," she repeated of Cross, though putting a cruder spin on it.
Their racks pressed as tightly together as they could manage, so they could lean forward again and lock lips. Nessa was bouncing her hips on the floor, eagerly hoping for something to pleasure her between her legs. Sadly, her hands were occupied keeping her immense breasts tightly sealed around my pole. She would have a chance to release me soon, however, as I was soon to release myself. Right around when I saw their nipples flick against each other, a drip of mixed saliva escaping their locked lips and landing on the head between their cleavage, a shared moan from either woman colliding between their mouths, and then Vivika wailing out as Val worked her studded tongue against her clit, I came for a second time that day - though I suppose third if I count back in the office. So rather, for the second time today, I covered an erogenous zone of a woman with my seed. Two, in fact.
Cross quietly admired the bubbling puddle of cum forming in her and Nessa's cleavage, and Nessa squealed when a single spurt managed to force its way out from between their pressed skin. True to Cross's word, they acted as if they were quite hungry and began to lap up my liquid. Cross cleaned off Nessa and Nessa returned the favor to Cross. Even after that wonderful fantasy fulfilled, my cock still remained hard.
The succubus stood, taking me by the hand to help me onto my feet as well. Once upright, my shirt was taken off with care by Ms. Cross. Nessa noticed a glob of cum still remained between her breasts, and with a delighted squeal she scooped up the surprise left-over treat. "Don't be greedy now, Vanessa. Share with your friends." Nessa was disappointed at the order Ms. Cross gave, but she did not argue. She split the cum between fingers on either hand and walked over to let Vivika and Val suck her fingers clean. Taking me by the hand again, Cross led me to the couch, being sure to walk slowly so I had a chance to watch her ass moved as she walked. "Vivika, Vanessa?" she called. "Val and I need the couch for Mr. Harper." While Vivika looked quite relaxed, she happily got up from her lounging position and followed Vanessa over the love seat that was now free. Val stayed on the couch as requested, seated at the far end and looking at me with hungry eyes, licking her chops. "Lie down, Mr. Harper," Cross asked of me. Though it was hardly a request when she pushed me onto the furniture. Again, I had no reason to resist, so I re-positioned myself so my head lay on one end and my feet lay between Val's spread legs.
"Val, remind Mr. Harper that if he leaves us, he'll be missing out on fucking your tight, toned, ass," Cross suggested to Val, who all too happily agreed and began to crawl towards my lap. "In the meantime, Mr. Harper is going to be a dear and give my tight rump some attention."
"Hold on," I interjected. "I've never been one for oral, uh... there." It was true. While I didn't mind fucking a girl in the ass when she asked for it (though I had only started when I met the V-girls and now Ms. Cross), I still had my reservations. I could never disassociate the ass from, well, what its intended purpose was. So when Cross slung her leg over my head and aimed her ivory backside down at my face, I felt compelled to speak up.
"You'll find you're going to be into all sorts of new things once you become the vessel, Mr. Harper," she countered with.
"But I still hav-" Before I could protest that I hadn't yet agreed to become anyone's anything, my vision became nothing but succubus ass. Her cheeks were warm, and her thighs rubbed gently against my ears. As I thought of what to do to pass the time, Val was finding her own way to have fun. Though my cock had already be sucked numerous times, she still felt it necessary to lube it up. Given where Cross told her to put it, I can't blame her. Of course, being Val, she only used enough to get me through that first inch. After that, she preferred the struggle. It was a form of strength and resistance training for her.
When Val's cheeks met with my legs, I had grown accustomed to Cross's ass on my face. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it wasn't bad at all. Of course, it could have been yet another side effect of her transformation, that she would smell so fragrant and inviting, even back there, but I didn't mind. So after Cross had really begun to grind her hips down, trying to get me to give her a taste, I decided that they all had done plenty for me - and perhaps some of it they might not have even wanted to. I started off with a tickling tap of my tongue. Surprising, for Cross, judging by her quick hop when I made contact. I have to admit, I didn't hate it. In fact, I really liked it. To enjoy a part of a woman I had never tried in this fashion - it was exciting. Even in the midst of an orgy with a demon, I found eating out said demon's ass to be the exciting part.
Fingernails tapped on my chin accidentally while Cross massaged the outside of her pussy lips. Val began her rigorous bouncing once she had stretched out enough to accommodate me. Val was always the loudest during sex, so I could hear her well even while Cross made me use her thighs as ear muffs. My hands firmly gripped Cross's thighs, just below her hips, driving her down harder onto my face so my tongue could explore more. I had become intoxicated by her. When her pussy juices crept down across her taint and into my mouth, I went wild.
"Oh, YES!" Cross cried out. "You catch on fast, Mr. Harper," she complimented me. Her words came in abrupt stops and starts. She had begun light bounces on my face. A mild discomfort as payment for a wonderful pleasure. Half way through my meal, I erupted into Val without ceremony. Though she paused while I filled her up, she started back up again as soon as I finished. I had become like her, now. Neither of us were satisfied with what most would be fine with. We wanted more. Val was always eager to start fucking again right away, but previously I didn't have the ability to stay hard and ready right after climax. I would have to fill the time by eating her out or watching her play with one of the other girls if they were present. Now I had fulfilled her fantasy of fucking her in her cum-filled ass, without ever fully pulling out of her. The feeling was amazing.
My chest had become damp from Cross's spray of her own cum, her fingers having brought herself to orgasm, though I like to think my tongue and lips helped in some part. That had been enough for Cross, as moments after she settled down, she slid herself off my face. She looked down at me with proud eyes, then over to Val to admire how happy she looked. Mouth agape, pierced tongue beginning to loll out, and all sorts of obscenities framing her fucking.
"Fuck me, Mr. Harper! Fuck me harder!" she panted.
"You heard the girl, Mr. Harper," Cross aided in Val's request. My hands were already on her hips when she did. My hips were lifting up off the couch and I brought her hips back down with my hands. For the first time since I met her, I was starting to tire Val out before she did me (though I was working up quite a sweat, all the same). Val's arms could no longer support herself, and she fell forward onto my chest. At the start, she did all the work, bouncing her tight body onto my cock. Now she was too tired to continue, but when she whispered "don't stop" into my ear, I did not want to disappoint. I got as much leverage as I could in my position and thrust harder and deeper into her. I did what she loved best and began to spank her ass whenever I didn't need to grip her with both hands to keep her from flying off of my cock. The piercings on her head, nipples, and belly button rubbed vigorously against my skin to the beat of my pounding.
When I came again, the cum was too much for her cavity and began to spill out even before I slid my still erect cock out. Val gathered what strength she had left to push herself up on her arms, and give me a deep and thankful kiss. While Val and I had kissed before, it was rare and often just to increase the passion in our fucking. And it was never like this, with a soft moan, no tongue. Just a kiss followed by a "thank you" whispered against my lips. Her wobbly legs carried her over to Vanessa, who now sat alone on the loveseat, and collapsed with an equally exhausted Nessa. Looked as though Vivika had worn out her own V-girl. I, too, was about to get up, when Cross extended a black hand and pushed back down on my chest.
"Please, Mr. Harper. Stay. We're not done with you yet," Cross said with amusement. Again she joined me on the couch, near my head, though this time she was seated behind me. She had let me sit up some so I could move a little further down the couch and she could sit where my head previously lay. Now my head lay in her lap, and her legs wrapped around my head and reached across my torso. She lovingly played with my hair, and I did my best to see her face past her very large, yet very perky, breasts. Watching her caused me to not see Vivika approach and take the spot where Val once was.
"I hope you're not done yet, Mr. Harper," Vivika asked, knowing full well the answer. "If you're going to give some to them, you should have brought enough for the rest of the class," she teased, hovering her dripping lips over my soaked cock. Aiming my head up toward her, she slid herself gently down. While whatever spell Cross cast on me kept me erect and full of cum, the sensitivity of my skin was still quite high after all this activity. Vivika was sensitive to this and so she progressed slowly at first.
She rode me with slow, deliberate, ascents and descents. I could feel the heat of Cross's crotch on the back of my head, gradually rising as the heat between Vivika's legs grew hotter and hotter. Soon Vivika had worked herself up to a healthy stride, raising herself up so half of my cock was in her and half out, and then back down so she was completely filled with me. My arms were pinned down by the position Cross and I were in, so I couldn't reach up to massage her bouncing breasts, to ease the strain of having those handfuls of tit flesh hop on her chest.
I have to admire just how beautiful and perfect Cross's legs were, stretched out against me, her feet rubbing against my skin. I began to feel her knuckles bump into the back of my head. Then when the fingers were pulled up from behind me, they were lowered down to just above my lips. I opened my mouth and accepted the steady drips of the succubus cum onto my parched tongue.
Vivika leaned back, one hand gripping the back of the couch and the other hand being gripped by her gnawing teeth, a finger trapped between the rows of pearls, taking on the brunt of her heated moans. Her hips began to swivel, clockwise to counterclockwise - whichever she needed to get my shaft to rub against all the right places within her. Since she was no longer bouncing, I began to thrust up into her. She gave a surprised squeak when I did, but went right back to her constant chorus of moans and groans when her hips began to move on her own accord again.
Cross's juices tasted like some kind of forbidden candy that was deemed too sweet and addictive to go to market. Yet here I was, sampling just a drop a minute of the most delicious substance in the world. With each splash of it upon my tongue, I fucked her daughter even harder. Though my experience fucking Vivika was limited, having just fucked her for the first time the night prior, she was definitely acting differently today. Granted, when I did have sex with her, she was roleplaying, and here she was as just Vivika. Still, compared to her usual confident and composed movements, this Vivika, in the throes of passion, was more wild and untamed. Her mane of fiery red hair whipped all around her. Her pale tits, dusted with freckles, bounced with abandon. Hands rubbed and groped all over her body, searching for more ways to heighten her pleasure.
Her final moan was breathless and voiceless. Eyes wide, staring up into the heavens, and mouth dropped open in a quiet cry. Her tight body spasmed and shook, then stiffened near the end of her orgasm. Before she finished, I too came. Erupting inside of her and filling her up with an amount of cum that betrayed the fact that I had came numerous times before in the past hour or so. This caused her to start shaking again, and bite down her lip as she seemed to climax again from the warm feeling spreading throughout her.
Like Val before her, she fell forward, though deliberately and controlled, rather than succumbing to exhaustion. She immediately sought out my lips with her own and pulled me into a wild and passionate kiss. Tongues explored every inch of each other's mouths. My hands finally felt free enough to roam over her body and massage every soft curve they found. I didn't even notice that Cross has left my head to lay on the couch, the heat of her crotch now outside my sensory field.
"When you two are done," I heard over the flurry of Vivika's and I's lip assault, "Come join us." Vivika broke the lip lock, so that I could see what awaited me. Cross, knelt on the floor with Nessa and Val at her sides. As tempting an offer as that was, I didn't feel there was any rush and was fine just staying with Vivika's embrace. She, on the other hand, couldn't wait to show me what came next. After she left my lap to kneel with the others, I followed suit.
I knelt down across from them, and Nessa and Val helped to lay me down onto my back. Nessa and Val each took an arm and laid them out perpendicular to my body, so I looked like I had been laid out on a cross. Vivika sat behind my head, as her mother had done before her. Speaking of her mother, the demon-form superintendent moved to straddle my hips, my hard cock being pressed between her supple cheeks.
Even after all the sex acts that were performed that day, we all still found time for more foreplay. One palm was cupped against Nessa's heavy tit, and my other hand squeezed Val's firm cheeks. Cross rose and fell slowly, keeping my cock between her cheeks with her hand behind her. Vivika bent down to kiss my chest while I suckled on her hanging breasts. When the moans, groans, squeals and shrieks reached a fever pitch, we truly got started. Both of my hands were now between Val and Nessa's legs. Either girl sat on my upward facing hands so my fingers could delve into Nessa's puffy pink lips and Val's tight, forbidden, hole. Vivika, the sweet dear, decided to hang back and let my head rest in her lap, idly playing with my hair, so I could watch her demonic mother slide my member into her heat.
Never had there been a more perfect fit. Cross was truly the culmination of all the most attractive features I found in a woman. That didn't make me any less attracted to any of the other women in the room, though. They all had their own personalities, styles, and ways that made them special. I believe I was truly in love the moment Cross's hips met with mine and she began to slowly rotate them to let us both get a feel for each other. Not just with her, but the V-girls as well. They had made my life hell, turned me into a nervous wreck, and for months made me scared of what would come next. But if it was a cost to be paid to lead me to this point, it was all worth it. In fact, I felt I underpaid, given this experience.
Nessa massaged her breasts, and Val fingered her pussy while I fingered both of them. Both came within moments of each other, though I think Nessa was first. It was hard to tell as my eyes were so transfixed on Cross running her hands through her black locks and moaning in a sound that sounded like sweet music. I was surprised how quickly the demon came. I assumed she could hold out for as long as she wanted, but then I thought, Why would she want to hold out? She lifted herself up until only my head remained inside of her. She stroked fingers from both hands along my coated shaft. After she sat back all the way down onto my cock, she offered her fingers to Nessa and Val, who sucked her digits clean while all three of them continued to ride my fingers and member. Both girls came again while cleaning Cross's fingers.
I greatly admired the show of Cross bouncing on my lap, massaging her heavy tits and bringing a dark nipple to her darker lips and sucking on it, her purple eyes locked to mine. Vivika had waited long enough, though, and wanted to join in. As her mother had done before her, she moved to hover her body over my face, though this time I was directed to eat her pussy and not her ass. I was saddened to no longer be granted a view of her mother riding me, but at least I could still hear and feel her, as well as all the other girls who joined in her choir of sex sounds.
Since Cross had granted me seemingly infinite stamina, I came without any more delay. My biggest load of the day, if not ever. I thought I would never stop. Vivika pulled herself off my sticky face after she came along side mine, so I could see the thick substance flowing out of Cross's pussy, overflowing with seed. And I was not done yet.
Vanessa I had ride me next. Just me and her. I wanted to watch her bouncing tits, grabbing them when I could no longer help myself. She held my hands against her breasts so I could never move my hands away. She cooed and whimpered, and made little, abrupt, "uh" sounds whenever I thrust up into her. After she came once or twice, I alerted her that I too was ready to come, and to get on her knees. I wanted to completely coat her chest in my seed, marking her as mine forever. She looked up at me with her big, blue, doe eyes and thanked me before I let one last rope lash across her face. What cum she didn't massage into her skin she gobbled up greedily, sending it all down with big gulps to her stomach, to meet with the cum she had eaten earlier.
Val and I both wanted the same thing, so when it came time for her, she was already bent over the couch. I thrust into her pussy first. I wanted to make her come through my cock and with no help from her hands. They, after all, were too busy gripping the fabric of the couch, doing her best to keep steady. Of course, I had to spank her. She would have been disappointed if I didn't. Each slap was followed up by a gentle cupping by the striking hand, easing the sting in her flesh and causing more pleasure to flow through her. Val bit into the couch when her throat became horse from all the screaming and yelling, listing off every curse word she knew and I think she even invented a few to properly explain how good she felt. After I had proven I could make her come with just my cock, I switched holes. She opened her mouth wide again, releasing the couch, and started up with her song of "fuck me," "god damn," "harder, you bastard," "so fucking good," "punish my tight ass," and "oh god" again. When she grew too exhausted to stand, we moved to the floor, where she laid there, head against the carpet, and her ass hoisted up into the air so I could keep fucking her. Half of my load was inside of her anal cavity, and the other half I left on her reddened cheeks.
Vivika I turned to with power and lust in my eyes. I wasted no time and lifted her up off her feet and carried her to the nearest wall that didn't have too much stuff on it. Her back slammed up against it and I invaded her mouth with my tongue. She, in turn, did the same, doing her best to keep up with my pace. I firmly gripped her thigh and lifted her leg up, prompting her to wrap it around my waist, and then do the same with the other. The only thing keeping her up was my body pressed against hers. Her young breasts pressed against my chest, teeth digging into my shoulder, red hair brushing against my face, all while I thrust forcefully into her dripping snatch. Red tracts were made on my back by her red-painted nails. She nearly made me deaf in one ear with her moans and yelps, louder than I had ever heard out of her. I pushed her head off of my shoulder and back against the wall, so I could look into her wide, amber, eyes, and then lock my lips with hers again. Our lips became red and swollen from all the pressure, sucking, and biting, by the time we had finished. Her tight pussy walls contracted during her climax, squeezing around my cock and milking me of all of my sperm my own orgasm. I carried her back over to the loveseat, draping her across the armrests, and letting her sink back into the cushion.
I looked at Val, just now regaining her strength to sit up, and Nessa, fully cleaned but skin still red from all the deep blushing, spanking, and gropes. I shared a knowing smirk with Cross, who had taken pause to fix herself a half-time drink. She and I both knew I wasn't finished yet. Not with any of them.
It turned out, however, Cross had not given me infinite stamina, just an immense about. So several hours later, I had finally reached my limit. I felt drained, soft, and nearly broken. We were all lying on the floor. Vivika laid on my chest, her head nuzzled into the crook of my neck. Val and Nessa had returned to either one of my arms, like before, and squeezed them tight against their bodies while they rested. My head rested in Cross's lap. I looked up to her, and saw that she had reverted back to her human visage. Perhaps she could only hold the form for so long, or perhaps it was just her way of saying she was as finished as we were, though she didn't look tired at all. When she caught me looking up at her, she returned my loving gaze and smiled.
"So, Mr. Harper," she said, breaking the solitary noise of deep, heavy, breathing and light snoring, "Have we convinced you to join us?"
A quarter way through the event, I had completely forgotten about why they were doing this: to convince me to become a sex demon, like Desirae Cross. I had to think about it. Certainly they had proven the benefits, but I wanted to think about what I would be giving up. I thought about my life, and how lonely it had been before I met Vivika, Vanessa, and Valentina. I never had time to date, and I was never good at asking women out, anyway, even if I did find the time. I thought about my job, and how disappointing it had become. Though I had many students who admired me, it was, for the most part, a thankless job. I didn't hate it, but I could easily give it all up for more of what was lying all around me.
"And then some," I replied, finally giving her the answer she wanted to hear.
"Vivika, dear, wake up," She called down to her daughter, who awoke with half lidded eyes. "Mr. Harper has agreed to become the vessel." That revelation snapped her awake much better.
"Oh, Mr. Harper!" she exclaimed, and then pressed her lips against mine in a firm and sweet kiss. "Val, Nessa, wake up. Mr. Harper is going to be our incubus!"
Nessa gave a gasp and a "yay!" but that had used up all the energy she had gained through her brief nap, and her head fell back down to rest on my shoulder. Val just made a grunting noise and gave a thumbs up before doing the same as her blonde friend.
"So, what comes next?" I asked. I knew what they wanted me to become, I just didn't know how they were going to accomplish that. I just hoped it would be as fun as what we just did to fill our afternoon.
Vivika turned over so she was laying stomach to stomach with me, and folded her arms over my chest. She lifted her head and explained just what would come next. "Well, next..." she paused a moment to consider her next words. "Actually, first I should say, we didn't just choose you because you were such a good man," Vivika admitted with a coy smile. I braced myself for whatever next big revelation she had for me that day. I had had my fill, to be honest, but it didn't look like I had a choice. "We had been scouting you out for some time. Learned of your accomplishments, your selflessness, your complete surrender to your duty to bettering the lives of your students. And then we heard about your transfer." I gave a gulp. "Transferred to a class well below your skill level was an obvious demotion and punishment, given just what class it was. We were worried you had done something stupid, something selfish and that you weren't the pure soul we thought you were." I eagerly awaited a but, since even with that reservation, I was still here, so something must have convinced them to pursue me still. "But then we heard why you were transferred," she added. I knew the real reason why, but I assumed she meant what was the reason I gave for why I had to be demoted, but it turns out she meant the former. "Ms. Hewett." Another gulp.
I knew all too well what she meant, who she meant, but Cross saw fit to remind the awake parties just what I had done. "The girls came to me with their concerns, that you weren't who they thought you were, but I knew the real reason you were transferred, and why this wasn't a cause for worry, but celebration. I told them the real reason you were transferred. Ms. Hewett was having an affair with a student, and changing his grades as well. The affair they kept under the radar quite well, no one suspected a thing, well except me - but I found it so delicious that I didn't want it to stop. The grade changing, however, was a red flag. The boy was a dullard. Cute, but stupid, and that kind of jump in grades was suspicious. But just as the hounds were nearing, you stepped up. You took responsibility because you didn't want to see her get fired and sent to prison. You took the blame, claiming you changed his grades so he could continue to play football. You'd be punished, and you were, but at least not as harshly as Hewett would have been. You did it all to protect her, because you had feelings for her. Yet after all that, you still couldn't bring forth the courage to ask her out. To tell her how you felt. She had no idea. Well, her loss is our gain."
"How...how did you know?" I asked of Ms. Cross.
"Please, Mr. Harper. You just had sex with a demon and three magically-gifted young women, and you are surprised I knew about what was going on in one of my schools? Come now," she teased.
"Alright...So what does Ms. Hewett have to do with all of this?"
"She is going to be part of your last step to full corruption," Vivika answered. "It's a very specific stage, and must be done."
"You must break someone's heart," Cross completed.
"My mother did it," Vivika picked up the conversation again with. "Albeit, unknowingly, when she killed my father." Now I was definitely worried. I was willing to give up a lot, but I didn't know I would have to kill someone, let alone someone whom I still had feelings for. Vivika put that fear to rest. "Don't worry, though, you won't have to kill her," Vivika said. "Just betray her undying love and devotion to you."
"And you want that person to be Ms. Hewett?" I asked of both of them.
"Who better? What better way to finalize your corruption than to break the heart of the woman you love, all so you can experience pleasures of the flesh you never thought possible? Betray the heart and pledge yourself to the flesh," Cross said, with almost chanting like beats for the last line.
I looked around, at the vast room, of the vast estate, I was lying in. The ruined and stained furniture, the paintings we had knocked off the walls, and to the three women clutching at my body, spent and worn out from the hours of sex that I had just been at the center of. Could I really cause that kind of suffering to a woman I cared about, all so I could continue living in this way?
Yes I could.
I looked, dumbfounded at Superintendent Cross, the woman I had just fucked less than an hour ago, and then back to her daughter, one of the three students I had been fucking for some time. I searched for any clue that Vivika knew what I had done, or if Cross would tell her. Judging by the older woman's smile, it wouldn't be the latter, at least not right away. Perhaps she wanted to toy with me; it certainly wouldn't surprise me. I was getting used to it.
"You're Vivika's mother?" I asked surprised, already giving Vivika a reason to suspect something was wrong. "But, your last name is Cross, and I thought Vivika's last name was Briarheart."
"It is," they said in unison, and then shared a giggle. Val answered the riddle for me while the mother and daughter shared their amusement. My attention turned to Val, whom I hadn't had a chance to get a good look at as Superintendent Cross entered the room so abruptly. Val wore a tight, bright green, sports bra, clearly visible underneath her black mesh tank top. It all left her defined abs visible behind the net and unobstructed as it stopped inches below her modest chest. Wide hips filled out her tight, black, denim shorts well, not that there was much fabric there to fill out. She had undone the button and folded down the hem, baring her pelvic bone but still denying visage of her tight, shaved, pelvis. The cuffs of the shorts were only a couple inches away from the hem, so both of her legs were entirely on display. It wasn't until her tennis shoes that any skin was hidden again. She sat crudely, with her athletic legs spread apart, one foot on the floor and the other resting on the couch cushion she sat on. This pose allowed me to see the beginning curve of her ass poking out of her barely-there shorts. As I always do, I admired the tattoos that were inked into her dark skin. I had learned them well as she had made sure I had cum on each one at least once. Her many piercings didn't sparkle in this dimly lit room the way they did under the school's far brighter lights, but the silver still stood out against her caramel coloring.
"Desirae is Vivika's step mother. She changed her name back after-" Val was interrupted once the giggling stopped.
"After I was no longer married to Vivika's father. I didn't want people to think I was advancing in my position thanks to some wealth they attached to me as soon as they heard my last name," Desirae explained. "And do I need to remind you that you are to address me as Ms. Cross, Valentina, or do you need another lesson?" Ms. Cross threatened. I had never seen fear in Val's green eyes, but there it was. She straightened up and pursed her lips in silence, something that I had been trying to get her, or really any student, in my class to do on command.
"Mr. Harper," Vivika said softly, leaving my side to stand in front of me, catching my gaze and holding it with her own. "Remember what I said about you having nothing to worry about? It still applies, so relax."
"Yes, Mr. Harper," Ms. Cross said with amusement in her voice before taking a sip from her glass of dark liquor, "you seem tense. Is something wrong?" She teased, knowing very well what was wrong.
Vivika turned my head back toward her, and gave me a peck on the lips to narrow my focus further onto her. "Don't worry, Mr. Harper. I know about you and my mother."
"You do?" I asked, shocked and unnerved. My eyes leaped from woman to woman, and their faces all conveyed that they knew far more than I did - something else I had grown accustomed to.
"I do. I know you fucked my mother - in fact that's why you're here," she explained. So this would be the place of my execution then, or so I thought. "And I'm so delighted that you did!" she surprised me further with. "Was he as good as I said, mother?"
"Better," Cross said with lust on her tongue. "You girls trained him well."
"Oh, he was really good even at the start, Ms. Cross," Nessa chimed in with a compliment about my sexual performance. Another girl whom I neglected to properly look over when I had arrived. There was no way to begin a description of Vanessa without first mentioning her breasts. I thought to compare their size and perkiness to Ms. Cross's, and I came to the conclusion that they were roughly the same size, though Cross had brown nipples whereas Nessa's were bubblegum pink. Speaking of bubblegum, Nessa was chewing on yet another piece, something she often liked to enjoy. She said it was because she had an oral fixation, and if she wasn't sucking on a titty or a cock, she had to be chewing some gum or licking a lollipop. Back to her breasts, once again Nessa's outfit did nothing to convey modesty about their size; quite the opposite in fact. The faded blue rock tee was stretched beyond its limit, as holes had been naturally torn in the fabric in a few spots around her milky tits. While not as toned as Val's, her tummy was still quite flat, though still with a bit of softness, as was found all over her body. While Val had worn a pair of shorts that would be considered too small to be worn in any public place, Nessa wore a skirt of the same category. Though longer than Val's shorts, she showed the same amount of skin thanks to how she sat, her torn-stockinged-legs crossed, but her body turned slightly so I could see the skirt riding up, and spot the start of her baby blue panties. She wore no shoes, even though I'm sure she arrived wearing some. She just must have taken them off when she came in. Nessa was quite considerate like that.
"Eh, he was alright," Val contradicted, as was her nature to do. She gave me a wink and licked her lips, letting me know she just liked to tease and actually agreed with Nessa.
"Wait, so, you wanted me to have sex with her?" I asked Vivika. "With your mother?" I clarified, just in case she thought I meant someone else, though I don't know how she could. I was just so set off balance by the whole affair that I had to confirm things I used to believe were obvious.
"No, I wanted you to fuck my mother after I told you not to," the vivacious redhead replied, pressing a red painted nail against my chest. The metal, large gap, bracelets clattered together from the sudden show of force from her arm. "It was just another test on your road to becoming completely corrupted. That you would betray my trust after I made it clear I didn't want you being with anyone else, just so you can get off, in more ways than one?" She made a show of being sad, disappointed. Hugging her arms around her midsection, just below her creamy breasts, only half covered by a black and red corset, which in turn only covered half of her stomach. Her low cut black leather pants, seemingly painted on, didn't help matters - exposing much of her pelvic bone and the lace at the hem of her red panties. "Why, it made me so proud!" she exclaimed. "Mmm, just thinking of you banging my mother in her office," she swayed on the spot, her dark-red shadowed eyelids closing softly over amber eyes, and a red smirk forming on her face. "I hope you thought of me, Mr. Harper, while you fucked my mother in the ass."
I looked over to Ms. Cross after Vivika mentioned the anal sex. Cross just smiled and gave a shrug. "There can be no secrets between mothers and daughters, Mr. Harper," she rationalized before closing her dark lips over the rim of her glass, taking another sip of dark liquor.
"I knew I chose well when I picked you, Mr. Harper," Vivika whispered into my ear, following up with a sharp bite, digging her incisor into my earlobe. I lurched back from the sudden pain and my determination to get some answers.
"Okay, this has gone on long enough," I said, standing my ground. "I've been kept in the dark for far too long and I really need to know what's going on here before my heart stops."
"Of course, Mr. Harper," Nessa said, sounding so sweet and genuinely concerned.
"All you needed to do was ask," Val teased, sounding so sarcastic and questionably concerned.
Vivika took me by the hand and led me over to the love seat that sat 90 degrees from the couch where Ness and Val were seated. She slid into my lap, hooking her legs over the right arm rest while her back rested on the left, her ass grinding into my lap until she got comfortable. Even though it was clear Cross didn't care if her daughter was sexually active, with me of all people, it still felt odd to be felt up by a woman whose mother was looking right at me - even if it was with desire in her violet eyes. "Alright, Mr. Harper, what would you like to know?"
I was hoping she would just lay it all out there, beat by beat, and I could just listen. It was never that easy with any of these women, though. I had to ask specific questions to get specific answers, so there was a chance I would still be left in the dark on something if they chose not to add in that information. So, I decided to ask about what had confused me last: the mention of corrupting me. "You talked about a test, on 'the road to becoming corrupt.' What did you mean?" My question was set up to get two answers that I wanted, just in case she had some strict limit on how many inquiries I could make.
"Well, Mr. Harper," Vivika started, tracing shapes on my chest with her finger, studying her invisible art work while she answered me. "We needed you to become corrupt, sinful, selfish and perverse in order to become the perfect lover: an incubus."
I should have known any answer she gave would just raise a million more questions for me to ask.
"An incubus? Isn't that like a demon?"
"If you like," she said with a shrug. "It's not a demon in the sense that you may know, and it's not some life stealing monster, either. But 'incubus' and 'demon' are the best ways to describe what it is in words you would understand."
I played along, for now. Having Vivika in my lap, caressing my body, did put me at ease, made me more comfortable with all this new information. It wasn't like she had just tossed me into this strange new world in that moment. Vivika had already demonstrated that she, and possibly the other women in the room, had some sort of magical powers, so I supposed demons wouldn't be too farfetched if I were believe in magic.
"And how would me fu- having sex with you all make me into this demon?"
"An incubus, and it wouldn't, not directly," Vivika clarified. "See, we needed to corrupt you, to make you into the proper vessel for an otherworldly power. That's what will turn you into an incubus."
"You want me to become possessed by some kind of spirit?"
Vivika gave a heavy sigh and rolled her eyes at my choice of words. "See, this is why I find it easier to keep most things a secret. You start applying your own negative assumptions to something new and wonderful. I never said 'possessed' and I never said 'spirit.'"
"Sorry," I said, doing my best to appease her and convince her to continue. "I just...I'm not very clear on all of this. It's all very new to me, you understand. Just tell me whatever you think I need to know," I asked of her. Hopefully that would clear up any more secrets that I didn't know about, and thus couldn't ask directly about.
Vivika looked to cheer up from that, now that I was asking the right questions. "Well, first off, there is no heaven and hell, so don't start thinking this 'demon' is some kind of fiery hellspawn that wishes to devour your soul."
"Yea, Mr. Harper," Val piped in. "We're the only ones who will be eating you up." Another wink later, and since she was too far away to pounce on me, she decided to pounce on the attentive Nessa and playfully chomp on her neck with a growl. Nessa yelped and giggled when Val started licking her 'wound.'
"When you die, you go to one of two places. If you lived for others, selflessly, and sought to expand your spirit and your mind, you go to a place where you will forever learn new things, fill your heart with new kinds of love, and embrace the beauty of the spirit and mind!" Vivika explained, making a big show of how wonderful it actually sounded. Then she dropped her head back down from speaking up into the sky, her face now with an unamused scowl. "It's terribly boring."
"And lame," Val added between nibbles on Nessa's neck.
"And not fun at all," Nessa agreed.
Honestly, it sounded quite nice. Though she said heaven and hell didn't exist, her explanation of this afterlife sounded just like what I imagined heaven would be. I didn't want to tell them that, as they all seemed quite against the idea of it.
"And the other place?" I asked.
Vivika smirked and gave her lip a quick bite at the thought of it. "Well, if you lived for yourself, sought to expand your definition and perception of pleasure and pain, test the limits of the human form and feel all the known and unknown pleasures this realm has to offer us? You go to the other realm. The Realm of Flesh."
Ms. Cross must have seen the concern on my face, as she decided to clear a few things up before I ran out of the mansion screaming. "Vivika speaks very colorfully, but more or less what she says is true. While alive, if you sought to expand your mind and spirit, when you die you enter into a realm with others who did the same. If, instead, you preferred to sample the pleasures of the flesh, you go, well, to the Realm of Flesh." My brows still furrowed in concern, so Ms. Cross added, "Don't be confused, though, Mr. Harper. As Vivika said, there is no heaven and hell, and the Realm of Flesh is not some divine punishment for evil people, no more than the other is a divine reward for the good. Good and bad alike occupy both planes of the afterlife. Both act as new realities to ascend to, where you can continue to pursue what you found most important in life."
She had answered my concern directly. With the mention of demons, and corruption, and the afterlife, plus all the guilt and taboo activities these girls had convinced me to take part in, I had become concerned they were talking about some kind of hellscape. Though, she hadn't addressed all my unspoken questions, so they had to come out verbally on my own terms.
"So, then why choose me to be this 'vessel?' I'm not exactly the kind of person who...pursues the 'pleasures of the flesh,'" I said using their vernacular. "I mean, I'm an educator, I do believe in the pursuit of, and betterment of self and others through, knowledge."
"True, you weren't. But, after these past few months, we've certainly molded you into someone who does prefer the former," Vivika corrected. "After all, fucking your students? That's a very taboo activity, Mr. Harper. To risk losing your job, ruining your reputation, and going to prison just to get some easy pussy? If that's not someone who loves the pleasures of life, I don't know who is. Plus, have you even read a book this year? Used a lesson plan that wasn't prepackaged? Done anything to 'expand your mind'? Or have you just been thinking about fucking us three?" She drove home the point by grinding her supple ass into my raging erection.
"Fair point," I admitted. "But then why not just get someone who was already like that? Some...sexual deviant who would happily go along with this? Why take the time and trouble to... corrupt me?"
"Because it's fun," Val again felt the need to interject, still playing with Nessa's body, her hands now massaging her huge tits, and Nessa cooing quietly and losing more and more interest in the conversation.
"Yes," Vivika said coldly to Val, upset that she had interrupted her thought, "but mostly because we needed to corrupt you, Mr. Harper. Not find someone who was already a 'sexual deviant' like us. To become a vessel for this power, the person must first be a person of mind and spirit. A just soul who lives in the service of others and selflessly does whatever they can to aid in the betterment of mankind, as well as their own mind through the acquisition of knowledge. Boring stuff," she said, summarizing her point with two curt words. "Then that person must become corrupt. They must become someone who lives only for themselves, someone who will do whatever it takes to increase their own pleasure, even to their own detriment, or to the detriment of others, if need be. They can't just be in that state from the start. They have to become corrupted. And who better as our moral, upstanding, knowledge-seeking citizen than a celebrated teacher whom the students and staff love and admire? The more uncorrupt a person is, the more corrupt they can become, and thus become a larger vessel for more power."
"I was the first choice!" Nessa perked up to say, and for the first time felt more interest in the topic than the foreplay.
"Yes, even with that body made for sin, rumors led me to believe that Nessa was as pure as the driven snow," Vivika elaborated."I had chosen Vanessa before you because of what I knew of her. She was sweet, innocent, on all the charity clubs, and a proud virgin. Or so I thought."
"Blowjobs don't count!" Nessa exclaimed, defending herself.
"They count enough for my purposes, though!" Vivika snapped back, as if they had had this argument before and she didn't want to get into it again. "Oral sex aside, she was also vain, and only interested in helping others because she loved the admiration she got for doing so. Of course, by the time I had learned that, I had already recruited Val to seduce her and bring her to our side. Half way through that process, we learned she was not pure enough to begin with to create a large enough 'vessel'."
I looked to Vanessa who could only shrug and smile innocently, like a child who had been caught doing something they knew they shouldn't have.
"But then I learned about you. The dear Mr. Harper. Teacher of the Year nominee on only his second year of teaching, beloved by the students for his diligence in making sure each student was tended to with their specific needs and strengths. Not many teachers go to those kind of lengths for their students, Mr. Harper. You were special. You were also single. I learned you spent so many late nights working on special lesson plans and tutoring sessions that you couldn't possibly have had a very active sex life. You were perfect. We would corrupt you, and you would become the ideal vessel for the power."
"And this...power? What is it exactly? I know it's not a spirit, like you said, but...?" I trailed off in my question, hoping she would fill in the blanks.
"In the Realm of Flesh, sex is a constant. They have orgies that can go on for eons. All that lust and desire builds up and becomes an ethereal power that can be pulled into the Realm of the Living, and placed into a proper host body. This makes them a kind of avatar of lust and desire. An incubus. Or succubus if it's a woman," Vivika explained, her hips twitching eagerly on my lap as she thought about the orgies and beings of raw sexual energy walking the earth.
Finally, I had reached my limit. I had played along long enough, but I couldn't act like I believed another word of it all. I had kept asking questions because I was hoping she would give some explanation that would turn me around on the idea. After all, I had already decided I wanted to stick with these women, despite the consequences, but if this is what it was all for, I didn't know if I could keep my mouth shut forever.
"Vivika, I have to be honest, I-"
"Find this all hard to believe?" she finished my thought for me. "We thought you might say that. I mean, why wouldn't you? Demons, an afterlife of nothing but sex, becoming some kind of vessel for some kind of 'sex power'? That's alright, though, because we're confident we can convince you. Mother?"
The moment she was called into action, Cross had finished her drink and set the glass down, causing the remaining ice cubes to clink against the inside of the glass, creating the only noise that pieced through the sudden silence of the room. Even Nessa and Val, who at that point seemed inseparable once Val got her hand up Nessa's shirt, sat back to watch Ms. Cross somehow convince me this was all true.
Cross began by running her hands through her thick, ebony, locks. Her head fell back in a sleepy, happy moan. Her body stretched and cracked, as if she had just awoken from a deep sleep. When her digits reappeared, thin trails of purple steam lifted off them. Desirae, which was a beautiful name I would never address her as, lest I gain the same kind of fear Val did when she made that mistake, ran her violet-emitting hands down her neck and gripped the collar of her jacket. After it fell to the floor, she locked her eyes with mine while she undid each button with torturous slowness. With each small circle of plastic unlocked from the silk fabric, she seemed to thrust her chest out a little more. Soon, all that stood between our eyes and her naked breasts was a lacey bra the same color of her half-lidded eyes.
Next came the skirt. Cross made sure to turn her back to us for this garment, all so we could see her perfectly shaped rum spill out from the too-tight skirt as the fabric was pulled down. Her thong panties came half way down with it, the covering having been wrapped so snuggly around her. Stocking-covered feet carried her over to where Val and Nessa were sitting attentively. First, her left leg was offered up to Val, who reach forward to unclip her stocking from her garter belt. Then, she enjoyed the attention as long as she could by taking her time in peeling the stocking off her long, pale, stem. Nessa was offered the same opportunity with Cross's right leg after the first stocking was removed. Sweet Nessa was never one for patience, though, and removed the stocking far faster than Val did. Her eagerness caused a tear to form in the stocking. Cross gave her a playful scold, pursing her lips, wagging her finger, and giving a "tsk tsk tsk" sound to the ashamed blonde. In return, the older woman dragged her bare foot nimbly along Nessa's inner thigh. With astounding agility and precision for someone standing on one leg and using the other for her delicate task, Cross flipped Nessa's skirt up and immediately pressed the top of her foot against her blue panties. Then she dragged her foot up from the crotch and pulled away when her big toe came to the entrance of the valley between her heaving breasts. Behind her foot she left a fleeting trail of purple sparks. All the while, Nessa was in a tortured state of heightened arousal. I say tortured because when Cross's foot returned to the floor, Nessa was panting heavily, but clearly hadn't come as she continued to grind her hips into the couch and grip eagerly at her own clothes.
Cross then turned her attention to me, locking her eyes with mine once more. Her hands started on her cheeks, with a pinky between gently bitten by her perfect white teeth between pouty dark lips. She wanted to make sure I saw where her hands were going, as they would cause the biggest show of all, so far. Delicate but powerful hands ran down her body, and when they touched her bra, garter belt, and panties, the fabric became enflamed with purple fire.
I leaned forward in a panic, worried for her safety. Purple or not, my assumption was always that fire was hot and quite dangerous if it's burning directly on your clothes. Vivika kept me pinned down, not wanting me to spoil the show. Quickly I saw that Cross was not in any kind of pain. Quite the opposite. She let out a delighted squeal when the fire had completely engulfed her underwear, burning away the expensive fabric. The fire faded with each thread it burned away, until only candle-sized flames remained on her nipples and clit. They too, however, vanished without much delay.
A powerful show, to say the least, though if that was to prove that demons exist, I remained unconvinced (though very aroused). My answer came within seconds after the striptease had ended. Cross stood, legs apart, and arms lifted slightly from her sides, as she let the transformation begin. Purple steam was no longer the main magical element, nor was purple fire. Now, violet electricity crackled across her skin. Wherever the sparks landed, a patch of her skin would turn pale white - paler than Vivika would ever hope to achieve, no matter how much she avoided the sun. When her entire body had been painted white, a new shade was added: black. It began at the tips of her fingers and toes all at once. A black liquid looked to form on her skin, and dripped upward as if gravity had been reversed and was pulling the liquid toward the ceiling. It wasn't as if
there was some substance on her skin, though. It was as if her skin was being stained by an invisible liquid, leaving only black. The magical substance stopped and left her hands and feet completely covered in pitch black, and then turned into tendrils, and then droplets, of black from halfway up her forearms to just below her elbows for her arms, and from half way up her shin and just below her knees for the legs.
Cross made a pained moan as the next step was started, though it did look as if she enjoyed it despite the obvious pain. From behind her I started to see the tip of a pointed tail peek around. Longer and longer the tail grew, until it could easily reach the floor from the small of her back where it started. It, instead of being part white and part black, was entirely black.
The show was complete when Cross released her lip from her teeth and opened her eyes to me, showing that her purple irises had given way and now her entire eyes were pure, electrifying, purple. The color was slightly brighter where her irises would have been, so it wasn't impossible to tell she was still looking directly at me. Convinced I had seen it all, Cross then turned her attention to Val and Nessa. As she had with her legs, she held out an arm for each girl, and each took her ebony hands and were lifted up with her. While they hungrily kissed, licked, sucked, and nibbled on Cross's black and white flesh, caressing her curves and admiring her shape, Vivika broke through the chorus of moans and whimpers.
"You see, Mr. Harper, Nessa was only partially right when she said she was the 'first choice,'" Vivika revealed. While she spoke, her eyes never left the scene of her friends getting undressed so they could press their young, naked bodies, against her mother's demonic, nude, form. "While I had picked her before I did you, she was not the first person whom I tried to make into a vessel."
"I assume the first person was your mother, then?" I theorized, never once taking my eyes off the show of lesbian affection going on in front of me.
"No, the first person was me," she corrected. My eyes darted quickly to her, to see if she was serious, though I found my eyes immediately drawn back to the three naked women when I heard a particularly elated squeal met with a throaty and long moan. "Remember that story I wrote for you in class, Mr. Harper? About the demon who visited a woman in her bed?"
"How could I forget?" I said with a slight smirk on my face, having just seen Cross's head fall back when both girls took one of her dark nipples between their suckling lips.
"It was not a work of fiction. It happened, all of it. To my mother." Again my eyes snapped back to Vivika, to show I was at least still paying attention, but she did not seem to mind, or blame me, when they went back forward instead of remaining on her. "When I first summoned the power of Lust, I intended for myself to be the vessel. I wanted to take my pleasure to new heights, and my research into such things led me to learn of the Realm of Flesh. However, in my eagerness and impatience, I failed to learn about how the vessel must be properly corrupted before it can accept the power of Lust. Luckily, rather than punishing me for being an unfit host, it found a fitting one nearby within my home: my mother."
Now Vivika too turned her attention to the threeway that was starting on the floor. Both girls on their knees, butts thrust back toward us, fingers from one girl dipped into the pussy of the other, and both their salivating mouths working over Cross's pussy while her hands massaged either the backs of their heads or her heavy breasts. "My mother was a very sweet woman when she married daddy. She came from nothing and was very humble with all the money she had gained by marrying into my family. She didn't know how to enjoy it at first, so most of it she used on other people, gave it to charity and other pointless acts of selflessness. Eventually, she got used to her surroundings and started to use some of her newfound wealth on herself. To say the least, it went to her head. She sampled all the finer pleasures she could not afford before she met daddy. Expensive food, clothes, vacations, massages, everything. Soon even daddy's love was not enough for her. She turned to fucking the help, other members of the upper crust, any cock or pussy she fancied she would have. Naturally, daddy learned of her promiscuous ways and tightened the leash he had on her. Mother didn't appreciate that. Did you?"
After a long and massaging wail, Cross opened her eyes to look to and answer Vivika. "I loved your father, Vivika, I truly did, but I could not go without all the pleasures I had come to enjoy. He was an excellent lover, but I needed more than any one man could provide. My tastes were evolving, and he simply wanted to stay still. He had to be disposed of."
I gave an agape look of shock at the admission that Cross had killed her husband, but Vivika spoke up to reassure me, turning my head so I was forced to look at her, so I would believe the words she said if I could only look into her eyes when she said them. "It's alright, I've forgiven her. She was right. Daddy was too rigid. Couldn't even be bothered to fuck his own daughter, if you can believe that." She knew that would get a rise out of me and giggled at my reaction. "So, a woman who was once so sweet and pure and charitable, who had become corrupted by her love of pleasures of the flesh, became a perfect vessel for the power, and so she became the succubus you see before you."
"So you want me to become like her?"
"Yes, though you'll keep your male form, with some added definition, of course," she said, pressing her hand against my chest to feel what muscle I did have. "Not that I'm complaining now."
"You explained what the power is, but you never said how it will affect me. I know you said it wouldn't 'possess' my mind, but how will it...well, affect me?"
"It won't change your mind, Mr. Harper, don't worry," Vivika reassured me of. "You will still have complete control of your mind and body. You'll just become capable of feats no mortal could ever achieve."
"How do I know that for sure," I asked, giving my first direct inclination of distrust in Vivika.
She seemed a bit hurt by the accusation that she was lying to me, but not at all surprised given her history of lying to me. "Some things I can't prove to you, Mr. Harper. Some things you just have to trust me on."
I wanted to believe her, I did. The power, the women, it did sound all very appealing, but I was understandably unsure. Vivika sensed this and made me an offer.
"Let us try to convince you of how much fun you will have if you accept, and if you still don't want to do it, I'll drop it." I didn't 100% trust her that she'd drop it. The way she had explained things, she had put a lot of time and effort into this corruption process in order to make me into the ideal vessel, an avatar of lust, as it were. Still, I suppose it couldn't hurt to see how she would try to convince me. Sure enough, it didn't hurt at all, except in some good ways.
After I gave an accepting nod at her offer, Vivika slid off my lap and carried herself over to her mother and two friends, all of whom had made quite a sticky mess on the floor beneath them. She was able to get their attention with a simple tap to their shoulders. Without a word, they knew they had been asked to convince me of Vivika's plan. Vivika stayed with Nessa and Val, who seductively began to work her clothes off her body, kissing wherever new flesh was bared. Cross, however, left the three teenage goths and sauntered over to me, making exaggerated sways of her hips to show off how wide they were and how narrow her waist was. She pointed a finger at my crotch, and after a small purple flame appeared on the tip of her finger, a similar ember appeared at my zipper. Though startled at first, I saw she was not trying to immolate me. Her finger traced down in the air, and with it the zipper began to be pulled down. The same was done to my belt buckle and top button. With a flick, all flames vanished and the rest would be done manually.
Cross descended gracefully to her knees, keeping her back straight the whole time and never once letting her pure purple eyes leave my intrigued stare. I could feel how pleasurably warm her fingers were when they grazed my skin, hooking into my pants and yanking both it and my boxers down to the floor. "I simply must return the tender attention you gave to me in my office," she cooed. Her voice had become as different as her body - different, but still similar in all the right ways. It was otherworldly, darker and came with a whispering echo behind each syllable that escaped her black, shiny, lips. A sound underlain her words, something between a growl and a purr, but definitely bestial. Though much of her body had changed colors, I saw that her red-pink tongue remained the same as it was dragged up the side of my cock, flicking at my head before retreating behind plump tiers. Soon to disappear like her tongue was the head of my shaft, reappearing with a pop from her puckered lips.
The inside of her mouth was as warm, wet, soft, and inviting as any of the three girl's pussies - and Cross's mouth had the added benefit of her flexible and attentive tongue. "Mmm, Mr. Harper," she moaned against my cock, "You taste so good. I can't imagine how good it'll taste when you accept this wonderful gift we're offering you," she added while nuzzling the side of my dick against her warm cheek.
" If," I corrected her. " If I accept."
"That's right, if," she agreed after sliding half of my dick out her mouth. "Though, I'm sure by the end of this, you'll be asking when," Cross confidently purred before engulfing even more of my cock, without a single sign of resistance due to its size. A perk of being a sex demon, I was sure. I groaned deep when she went deep enough to press her nose against the groomed patch of hair above the base of my shaft. When I opened my eyes, I could see Vivika had become completely disrobed, though remained standing with her two partners in crime. The three of them traded kisses and shared gropes, their eager bodies grinding against each other's legs, causes breasts to press into each other.
The succubus, meanwhile, had started to work her hands into the equation. One stroked up on my cock when her mouth pulled back, and down when it wanted to return. The other cradled and massaged my balls with perfect amounts of tenderness and firmness. My eyes drifted down from the three nude women carrying themselves to the couch to continue, back to Cross. I peered down her smooth, arched back, and to her tail-capped ass, her bum sat on the heels of her feet. The tail swung back and forth idly, like a cat's, occasionally beating against my leg to let me feel the soft texture of the demonic appendage. Perhaps it was Cross's inherent skill, or some extra power granted to her by being a succubus, most likely both, but sooner than I had with any of the other girls, or any women I had ever been with, I came. I did not even have time to warn her as it came on so fast and strong. The sex demon between my legs did not seem to mind. In fact, she happily and immediately began to gulp down ever spurt, licked clean every last drop that had remained on my cock when she pulled back, and caught every strand that hung from her lips with her fingers and sucked it back into her hungry mouth.
I was surprised I was still hard. With the V-girls, there was no problem with getting hard minutes after I had come, but here I had not gone soft for even a second. Cross was quick to confirm the suspicion I had as to why. "Another benefit of being a succubus, dear. Increased stamina for all her active lovers. Of course, the same power would be granted to you, an incubus."
"That's a really handy ability," I admitted with a smirk.
"One that we should not let go to waste," Cross added. She sat upright, though still on her knees, her bum resting on her feet. She turned her head over to the girls. "Vanessa, be a dear and come help me with Mr. Harper." Nessa's head popped up from between Vivika's legs when called upon. Val, too, perked up from behind Nessa, with a pout to contrast Nessa's beaming smile. Her meal was being taken away, but it did free up a fresh course in Vivika.
Nessa crawled over to us, her large breasts swaying with her hips. Cross then had to readjust where I was before she and Nessa could continue. She led me to sit no longer on the love seat, but against it and on the floor. Now there was room for Cross and Nessa to kneel on either side of me. "Why don't we treat him to our ample assets, Ms. Smithfield?" With that, they both began to reposition themselves so they were laying on either side of me, and moved so they could rest their breasts on my bare thighs.
The two busty women approached each other so they could engage in a passionate lip lock, their equally pouty lips sliding against one another. There were moments where I could see their tongues wrestling between their mouths. Their hanging tits knocked against my upright cock when their kissing became more fervent. Cross had to break the kiss, reminding Nessa that she had called her over for me, not her (though I honestly didn't mind). Nessa followed her friend's mother's lead and brought her chest to half warp around my cock, so now four breasts were squeezing around my shaft.
First, they worked in tandem. Up and down together they went, though with their size, they never had to go far to completely cover up my privates. While they pleasured me, they were obviously enjoying the feel of each other, too. Cross purposefully rubbed her nipples against Nessa's, and Nessa did her best to do the same to Cross. Then they started to work in opposite directions. Cross would go up, and Nessa would go down, and back and forth they continued, so I couldn't possibly see my organ they were pleasuring. Cross was on her knees, leaned forward, her ass hoisted in the air, tail flipping more wildly now that she was getting pleasure back from her partner. Nessa lay on her stomach, her cute feet kicking softly in the air, and occasionally stopped when she locked her ankles together. There was actually some contrast between their equally sized tits. Cross's skin was warmer to the touch, while Nessa's was a bit more cool. Perhaps it was from the air hitting all the saliva that had been left on her recently assaulted tits by Vivika and Val moments prior.
"Come for us, Mr. Harper," Cross purred. "Don't be shy. We're very hungry, after all."
"Yea, Mr. Harper," Nessa cooed. "Cum all over our fat tits," she repeated of Cross, though putting a cruder spin on it.
Their racks pressed as tightly together as they could manage, so they could lean forward again and lock lips. Nessa was bouncing her hips on the floor, eagerly hoping for something to pleasure her between her legs. Sadly, her hands were occupied keeping her immense breasts tightly sealed around my pole. She would have a chance to release me soon, however, as I was soon to release myself. Right around when I saw their nipples flick against each other, a drip of mixed saliva escaping their locked lips and landing on the head between their cleavage, a shared moan from either woman colliding between their mouths, and then Vivika wailing out as Val worked her studded tongue against her clit, I came for a second time that day - though I suppose third if I count back in the office. So rather, for the second time today, I covered an erogenous zone of a woman with my seed. Two, in fact.
Cross quietly admired the bubbling puddle of cum forming in her and Nessa's cleavage, and Nessa squealed when a single spurt managed to force its way out from between their pressed skin. True to Cross's word, they acted as if they were quite hungry and began to lap up my liquid. Cross cleaned off Nessa and Nessa returned the favor to Cross. Even after that wonderful fantasy fulfilled, my cock still remained hard.
The succubus stood, taking me by the hand to help me onto my feet as well. Once upright, my shirt was taken off with care by Ms. Cross. Nessa noticed a glob of cum still remained between her breasts, and with a delighted squeal she scooped up the surprise left-over treat. "Don't be greedy now, Vanessa. Share with your friends." Nessa was disappointed at the order Ms. Cross gave, but she did not argue. She split the cum between fingers on either hand and walked over to let Vivika and Val suck her fingers clean. Taking me by the hand again, Cross led me to the couch, being sure to walk slowly so I had a chance to watch her ass moved as she walked. "Vivika, Vanessa?" she called. "Val and I need the couch for Mr. Harper." While Vivika looked quite relaxed, she happily got up from her lounging position and followed Vanessa over the love seat that was now free. Val stayed on the couch as requested, seated at the far end and looking at me with hungry eyes, licking her chops. "Lie down, Mr. Harper," Cross asked of me. Though it was hardly a request when she pushed me onto the furniture. Again, I had no reason to resist, so I re-positioned myself so my head lay on one end and my feet lay between Val's spread legs.
"Val, remind Mr. Harper that if he leaves us, he'll be missing out on fucking your tight, toned, ass," Cross suggested to Val, who all too happily agreed and began to crawl towards my lap. "In the meantime, Mr. Harper is going to be a dear and give my tight rump some attention."
"Hold on," I interjected. "I've never been one for oral, uh... there." It was true. While I didn't mind fucking a girl in the ass when she asked for it (though I had only started when I met the V-girls and now Ms. Cross), I still had my reservations. I could never disassociate the ass from, well, what its intended purpose was. So when Cross slung her leg over my head and aimed her ivory backside down at my face, I felt compelled to speak up.
"You'll find you're going to be into all sorts of new things once you become the vessel, Mr. Harper," she countered with.
"But I still hav-" Before I could protest that I hadn't yet agreed to become anyone's anything, my vision became nothing but succubus ass. Her cheeks were warm, and her thighs rubbed gently against my ears. As I thought of what to do to pass the time, Val was finding her own way to have fun. Though my cock had already be sucked numerous times, she still felt it necessary to lube it up. Given where Cross told her to put it, I can't blame her. Of course, being Val, she only used enough to get me through that first inch. After that, she preferred the struggle. It was a form of strength and resistance training for her.
When Val's cheeks met with my legs, I had grown accustomed to Cross's ass on my face. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, it wasn't bad at all. Of course, it could have been yet another side effect of her transformation, that she would smell so fragrant and inviting, even back there, but I didn't mind. So after Cross had really begun to grind her hips down, trying to get me to give her a taste, I decided that they all had done plenty for me - and perhaps some of it they might not have even wanted to. I started off with a tickling tap of my tongue. Surprising, for Cross, judging by her quick hop when I made contact. I have to admit, I didn't hate it. In fact, I really liked it. To enjoy a part of a woman I had never tried in this fashion - it was exciting. Even in the midst of an orgy with a demon, I found eating out said demon's ass to be the exciting part.
Fingernails tapped on my chin accidentally while Cross massaged the outside of her pussy lips. Val began her rigorous bouncing once she had stretched out enough to accommodate me. Val was always the loudest during sex, so I could hear her well even while Cross made me use her thighs as ear muffs. My hands firmly gripped Cross's thighs, just below her hips, driving her down harder onto my face so my tongue could explore more. I had become intoxicated by her. When her pussy juices crept down across her taint and into my mouth, I went wild.
"Oh, YES!" Cross cried out. "You catch on fast, Mr. Harper," she complimented me. Her words came in abrupt stops and starts. She had begun light bounces on my face. A mild discomfort as payment for a wonderful pleasure. Half way through my meal, I erupted into Val without ceremony. Though she paused while I filled her up, she started back up again as soon as I finished. I had become like her, now. Neither of us were satisfied with what most would be fine with. We wanted more. Val was always eager to start fucking again right away, but previously I didn't have the ability to stay hard and ready right after climax. I would have to fill the time by eating her out or watching her play with one of the other girls if they were present. Now I had fulfilled her fantasy of fucking her in her cum-filled ass, without ever fully pulling out of her. The feeling was amazing.
My chest had become damp from Cross's spray of her own cum, her fingers having brought herself to orgasm, though I like to think my tongue and lips helped in some part. That had been enough for Cross, as moments after she settled down, she slid herself off my face. She looked down at me with proud eyes, then over to Val to admire how happy she looked. Mouth agape, pierced tongue beginning to loll out, and all sorts of obscenities framing her fucking.
"Fuck me, Mr. Harper! Fuck me harder!" she panted.
"You heard the girl, Mr. Harper," Cross aided in Val's request. My hands were already on her hips when she did. My hips were lifting up off the couch and I brought her hips back down with my hands. For the first time since I met her, I was starting to tire Val out before she did me (though I was working up quite a sweat, all the same). Val's arms could no longer support herself, and she fell forward onto my chest. At the start, she did all the work, bouncing her tight body onto my cock. Now she was too tired to continue, but when she whispered "don't stop" into my ear, I did not want to disappoint. I got as much leverage as I could in my position and thrust harder and deeper into her. I did what she loved best and began to spank her ass whenever I didn't need to grip her with both hands to keep her from flying off of my cock. The piercings on her head, nipples, and belly button rubbed vigorously against my skin to the beat of my pounding.
When I came again, the cum was too much for her cavity and began to spill out even before I slid my still erect cock out. Val gathered what strength she had left to push herself up on her arms, and give me a deep and thankful kiss. While Val and I had kissed before, it was rare and often just to increase the passion in our fucking. And it was never like this, with a soft moan, no tongue. Just a kiss followed by a "thank you" whispered against my lips. Her wobbly legs carried her over to Vanessa, who now sat alone on the loveseat, and collapsed with an equally exhausted Nessa. Looked as though Vivika had worn out her own V-girl. I, too, was about to get up, when Cross extended a black hand and pushed back down on my chest.
"Please, Mr. Harper. Stay. We're not done with you yet," Cross said with amusement. Again she joined me on the couch, near my head, though this time she was seated behind me. She had let me sit up some so I could move a little further down the couch and she could sit where my head previously lay. Now my head lay in her lap, and her legs wrapped around my head and reached across my torso. She lovingly played with my hair, and I did my best to see her face past her very large, yet very perky, breasts. Watching her caused me to not see Vivika approach and take the spot where Val once was.
"I hope you're not done yet, Mr. Harper," Vivika asked, knowing full well the answer. "If you're going to give some to them, you should have brought enough for the rest of the class," she teased, hovering her dripping lips over my soaked cock. Aiming my head up toward her, she slid herself gently down. While whatever spell Cross cast on me kept me erect and full of cum, the sensitivity of my skin was still quite high after all this activity. Vivika was sensitive to this and so she progressed slowly at first.
She rode me with slow, deliberate, ascents and descents. I could feel the heat of Cross's crotch on the back of my head, gradually rising as the heat between Vivika's legs grew hotter and hotter. Soon Vivika had worked herself up to a healthy stride, raising herself up so half of my cock was in her and half out, and then back down so she was completely filled with me. My arms were pinned down by the position Cross and I were in, so I couldn't reach up to massage her bouncing breasts, to ease the strain of having those handfuls of tit flesh hop on her chest.
I have to admire just how beautiful and perfect Cross's legs were, stretched out against me, her feet rubbing against my skin. I began to feel her knuckles bump into the back of my head. Then when the fingers were pulled up from behind me, they were lowered down to just above my lips. I opened my mouth and accepted the steady drips of the succubus cum onto my parched tongue.
Vivika leaned back, one hand gripping the back of the couch and the other hand being gripped by her gnawing teeth, a finger trapped between the rows of pearls, taking on the brunt of her heated moans. Her hips began to swivel, clockwise to counterclockwise - whichever she needed to get my shaft to rub against all the right places within her. Since she was no longer bouncing, I began to thrust up into her. She gave a surprised squeak when I did, but went right back to her constant chorus of moans and groans when her hips began to move on her own accord again.
Cross's juices tasted like some kind of forbidden candy that was deemed too sweet and addictive to go to market. Yet here I was, sampling just a drop a minute of the most delicious substance in the world. With each splash of it upon my tongue, I fucked her daughter even harder. Though my experience fucking Vivika was limited, having just fucked her for the first time the night prior, she was definitely acting differently today. Granted, when I did have sex with her, she was roleplaying, and here she was as just Vivika. Still, compared to her usual confident and composed movements, this Vivika, in the throes of passion, was more wild and untamed. Her mane of fiery red hair whipped all around her. Her pale tits, dusted with freckles, bounced with abandon. Hands rubbed and groped all over her body, searching for more ways to heighten her pleasure.
Her final moan was breathless and voiceless. Eyes wide, staring up into the heavens, and mouth dropped open in a quiet cry. Her tight body spasmed and shook, then stiffened near the end of her orgasm. Before she finished, I too came. Erupting inside of her and filling her up with an amount of cum that betrayed the fact that I had came numerous times before in the past hour or so. This caused her to start shaking again, and bite down her lip as she seemed to climax again from the warm feeling spreading throughout her.
Like Val before her, she fell forward, though deliberately and controlled, rather than succumbing to exhaustion. She immediately sought out my lips with her own and pulled me into a wild and passionate kiss. Tongues explored every inch of each other's mouths. My hands finally felt free enough to roam over her body and massage every soft curve they found. I didn't even notice that Cross has left my head to lay on the couch, the heat of her crotch now outside my sensory field.
"When you two are done," I heard over the flurry of Vivika's and I's lip assault, "Come join us." Vivika broke the lip lock, so that I could see what awaited me. Cross, knelt on the floor with Nessa and Val at her sides. As tempting an offer as that was, I didn't feel there was any rush and was fine just staying with Vivika's embrace. She, on the other hand, couldn't wait to show me what came next. After she left my lap to kneel with the others, I followed suit.
I knelt down across from them, and Nessa and Val helped to lay me down onto my back. Nessa and Val each took an arm and laid them out perpendicular to my body, so I looked like I had been laid out on a cross. Vivika sat behind my head, as her mother had done before her. Speaking of her mother, the demon-form superintendent moved to straddle my hips, my hard cock being pressed between her supple cheeks.
Even after all the sex acts that were performed that day, we all still found time for more foreplay. One palm was cupped against Nessa's heavy tit, and my other hand squeezed Val's firm cheeks. Cross rose and fell slowly, keeping my cock between her cheeks with her hand behind her. Vivika bent down to kiss my chest while I suckled on her hanging breasts. When the moans, groans, squeals and shrieks reached a fever pitch, we truly got started. Both of my hands were now between Val and Nessa's legs. Either girl sat on my upward facing hands so my fingers could delve into Nessa's puffy pink lips and Val's tight, forbidden, hole. Vivika, the sweet dear, decided to hang back and let my head rest in her lap, idly playing with my hair, so I could watch her demonic mother slide my member into her heat.
Never had there been a more perfect fit. Cross was truly the culmination of all the most attractive features I found in a woman. That didn't make me any less attracted to any of the other women in the room, though. They all had their own personalities, styles, and ways that made them special. I believe I was truly in love the moment Cross's hips met with mine and she began to slowly rotate them to let us both get a feel for each other. Not just with her, but the V-girls as well. They had made my life hell, turned me into a nervous wreck, and for months made me scared of what would come next. But if it was a cost to be paid to lead me to this point, it was all worth it. In fact, I felt I underpaid, given this experience.
Nessa massaged her breasts, and Val fingered her pussy while I fingered both of them. Both came within moments of each other, though I think Nessa was first. It was hard to tell as my eyes were so transfixed on Cross running her hands through her black locks and moaning in a sound that sounded like sweet music. I was surprised how quickly the demon came. I assumed she could hold out for as long as she wanted, but then I thought, Why would she want to hold out? She lifted herself up until only my head remained inside of her. She stroked fingers from both hands along my coated shaft. After she sat back all the way down onto my cock, she offered her fingers to Nessa and Val, who sucked her digits clean while all three of them continued to ride my fingers and member. Both girls came again while cleaning Cross's fingers.
I greatly admired the show of Cross bouncing on my lap, massaging her heavy tits and bringing a dark nipple to her darker lips and sucking on it, her purple eyes locked to mine. Vivika had waited long enough, though, and wanted to join in. As her mother had done before her, she moved to hover her body over my face, though this time I was directed to eat her pussy and not her ass. I was saddened to no longer be granted a view of her mother riding me, but at least I could still hear and feel her, as well as all the other girls who joined in her choir of sex sounds.
Since Cross had granted me seemingly infinite stamina, I came without any more delay. My biggest load of the day, if not ever. I thought I would never stop. Vivika pulled herself off my sticky face after she came along side mine, so I could see the thick substance flowing out of Cross's pussy, overflowing with seed. And I was not done yet.
Vanessa I had ride me next. Just me and her. I wanted to watch her bouncing tits, grabbing them when I could no longer help myself. She held my hands against her breasts so I could never move my hands away. She cooed and whimpered, and made little, abrupt, "uh" sounds whenever I thrust up into her. After she came once or twice, I alerted her that I too was ready to come, and to get on her knees. I wanted to completely coat her chest in my seed, marking her as mine forever. She looked up at me with her big, blue, doe eyes and thanked me before I let one last rope lash across her face. What cum she didn't massage into her skin she gobbled up greedily, sending it all down with big gulps to her stomach, to meet with the cum she had eaten earlier.
Val and I both wanted the same thing, so when it came time for her, she was already bent over the couch. I thrust into her pussy first. I wanted to make her come through my cock and with no help from her hands. They, after all, were too busy gripping the fabric of the couch, doing her best to keep steady. Of course, I had to spank her. She would have been disappointed if I didn't. Each slap was followed up by a gentle cupping by the striking hand, easing the sting in her flesh and causing more pleasure to flow through her. Val bit into the couch when her throat became horse from all the screaming and yelling, listing off every curse word she knew and I think she even invented a few to properly explain how good she felt. After I had proven I could make her come with just my cock, I switched holes. She opened her mouth wide again, releasing the couch, and started up with her song of "fuck me," "god damn," "harder, you bastard," "so fucking good," "punish my tight ass," and "oh god" again. When she grew too exhausted to stand, we moved to the floor, where she laid there, head against the carpet, and her ass hoisted up into the air so I could keep fucking her. Half of my load was inside of her anal cavity, and the other half I left on her reddened cheeks.
Vivika I turned to with power and lust in my eyes. I wasted no time and lifted her up off her feet and carried her to the nearest wall that didn't have too much stuff on it. Her back slammed up against it and I invaded her mouth with my tongue. She, in turn, did the same, doing her best to keep up with my pace. I firmly gripped her thigh and lifted her leg up, prompting her to wrap it around my waist, and then do the same with the other. The only thing keeping her up was my body pressed against hers. Her young breasts pressed against my chest, teeth digging into my shoulder, red hair brushing against my face, all while I thrust forcefully into her dripping snatch. Red tracts were made on my back by her red-painted nails. She nearly made me deaf in one ear with her moans and yelps, louder than I had ever heard out of her. I pushed her head off of my shoulder and back against the wall, so I could look into her wide, amber, eyes, and then lock my lips with hers again. Our lips became red and swollen from all the pressure, sucking, and biting, by the time we had finished. Her tight pussy walls contracted during her climax, squeezing around my cock and milking me of all of my sperm my own orgasm. I carried her back over to the loveseat, draping her across the armrests, and letting her sink back into the cushion.
I looked at Val, just now regaining her strength to sit up, and Nessa, fully cleaned but skin still red from all the deep blushing, spanking, and gropes. I shared a knowing smirk with Cross, who had taken pause to fix herself a half-time drink. She and I both knew I wasn't finished yet. Not with any of them.
It turned out, however, Cross had not given me infinite stamina, just an immense about. So several hours later, I had finally reached my limit. I felt drained, soft, and nearly broken. We were all lying on the floor. Vivika laid on my chest, her head nuzzled into the crook of my neck. Val and Nessa had returned to either one of my arms, like before, and squeezed them tight against their bodies while they rested. My head rested in Cross's lap. I looked up to her, and saw that she had reverted back to her human visage. Perhaps she could only hold the form for so long, or perhaps it was just her way of saying she was as finished as we were, though she didn't look tired at all. When she caught me looking up at her, she returned my loving gaze and smiled.
"So, Mr. Harper," she said, breaking the solitary noise of deep, heavy, breathing and light snoring, "Have we convinced you to join us?"
A quarter way through the event, I had completely forgotten about why they were doing this: to convince me to become a sex demon, like Desirae Cross. I had to think about it. Certainly they had proven the benefits, but I wanted to think about what I would be giving up. I thought about my life, and how lonely it had been before I met Vivika, Vanessa, and Valentina. I never had time to date, and I was never good at asking women out, anyway, even if I did find the time. I thought about my job, and how disappointing it had become. Though I had many students who admired me, it was, for the most part, a thankless job. I didn't hate it, but I could easily give it all up for more of what was lying all around me.
"And then some," I replied, finally giving her the answer she wanted to hear.
"Vivika, dear, wake up," She called down to her daughter, who awoke with half lidded eyes. "Mr. Harper has agreed to become the vessel." That revelation snapped her awake much better.
"Oh, Mr. Harper!" she exclaimed, and then pressed her lips against mine in a firm and sweet kiss. "Val, Nessa, wake up. Mr. Harper is going to be our incubus!"
Nessa gave a gasp and a "yay!" but that had used up all the energy she had gained through her brief nap, and her head fell back down to rest on my shoulder. Val just made a grunting noise and gave a thumbs up before doing the same as her blonde friend.
"So, what comes next?" I asked. I knew what they wanted me to become, I just didn't know how they were going to accomplish that. I just hoped it would be as fun as what we just did to fill our afternoon.
Vivika turned over so she was laying stomach to stomach with me, and folded her arms over my chest. She lifted her head and explained just what would come next. "Well, next..." she paused a moment to consider her next words. "Actually, first I should say, we didn't just choose you because you were such a good man," Vivika admitted with a coy smile. I braced myself for whatever next big revelation she had for me that day. I had had my fill, to be honest, but it didn't look like I had a choice. "We had been scouting you out for some time. Learned of your accomplishments, your selflessness, your complete surrender to your duty to bettering the lives of your students. And then we heard about your transfer." I gave a gulp. "Transferred to a class well below your skill level was an obvious demotion and punishment, given just what class it was. We were worried you had done something stupid, something selfish and that you weren't the pure soul we thought you were." I eagerly awaited a but, since even with that reservation, I was still here, so something must have convinced them to pursue me still. "But then we heard why you were transferred," she added. I knew the real reason why, but I assumed she meant what was the reason I gave for why I had to be demoted, but it turns out she meant the former. "Ms. Hewett." Another gulp.
I knew all too well what she meant, who she meant, but Cross saw fit to remind the awake parties just what I had done. "The girls came to me with their concerns, that you weren't who they thought you were, but I knew the real reason you were transferred, and why this wasn't a cause for worry, but celebration. I told them the real reason you were transferred. Ms. Hewett was having an affair with a student, and changing his grades as well. The affair they kept under the radar quite well, no one suspected a thing, well except me - but I found it so delicious that I didn't want it to stop. The grade changing, however, was a red flag. The boy was a dullard. Cute, but stupid, and that kind of jump in grades was suspicious. But just as the hounds were nearing, you stepped up. You took responsibility because you didn't want to see her get fired and sent to prison. You took the blame, claiming you changed his grades so he could continue to play football. You'd be punished, and you were, but at least not as harshly as Hewett would have been. You did it all to protect her, because you had feelings for her. Yet after all that, you still couldn't bring forth the courage to ask her out. To tell her how you felt. She had no idea. Well, her loss is our gain."
"How...how did you know?" I asked of Ms. Cross.
"Please, Mr. Harper. You just had sex with a demon and three magically-gifted young women, and you are surprised I knew about what was going on in one of my schools? Come now," she teased.
"Alright...So what does Ms. Hewett have to do with all of this?"
"She is going to be part of your last step to full corruption," Vivika answered. "It's a very specific stage, and must be done."
"You must break someone's heart," Cross completed.
"My mother did it," Vivika picked up the conversation again with. "Albeit, unknowingly, when she killed my father." Now I was definitely worried. I was willing to give up a lot, but I didn't know I would have to kill someone, let alone someone whom I still had feelings for. Vivika put that fear to rest. "Don't worry, though, you won't have to kill her," Vivika said. "Just betray her undying love and devotion to you."
"And you want that person to be Ms. Hewett?" I asked of both of them.
"Who better? What better way to finalize your corruption than to break the heart of the woman you love, all so you can experience pleasures of the flesh you never thought possible? Betray the heart and pledge yourself to the flesh," Cross said, with almost chanting like beats for the last line.
I looked around, at the vast room, of the vast estate, I was lying in. The ruined and stained furniture, the paintings we had knocked off the walls, and to the three women clutching at my body, spent and worn out from the hours of sex that I had just been at the center of. Could I really cause that kind of suffering to a woman I cared about, all so I could continue living in this way?
Yes I could.
This text is part of a set with 9 other files.
English for Sinners by TheDjinn
- Date
- 9 years ago
- http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/TheDjinn/17798/English-for-Sinners/54753/Chapter-9/PTA-Meeting?enterAgree=1
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