English for Sinners by TheDjinn All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
A/N: Many people have been noting that the girls' names causes some confusion. Firstly because they all start with the same letter, and secondly because I often work their names down to just a th…
All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
There is nothing worse than being awoken from a deep, peaceful, sleep by the ringing of a phone. An alarm is one thing, and often the alarm is even more obnoxious sounding - but that's by choice so I can't sleep through it. No, a phone ringing is worse, because when I wake up in the morning, especially abruptly, I don't want the first thing I have to do to be talking on the phone. My hand slapped at my nightstand, finally finding the phone after a few items were knocked off the surface. Instinctively, I swiped at the screen to reject the call, but my sleep addled mind swiped left instead of right.
My head half buried in a pillow, my eye shot open when I heard a voice speaking to me. "Hello?" the slightly muffled from the distance, and small, voice called out. "Mr. Harper? Hello?" I managed to pick up the phone and lay it on the side of my face, the side not being cradled by the cool pillow, just when the man said, "Are you there?"
"Sorry, sorry," I stammered out, clearing my throat for more important words to follow. "I'm here. Who is this?"
"This is Kevin Oslow, of the Superintendent's office." That woke me up better than all the cups of coffee I had ever drank in my life.
"The Superintendent's office?" I asked, surprised, hoping the panic didn't translate through the phone.
"That's right. We understand you've had some issues with some students in your class this semester," he explained, beginning the process of stopping my heart. "Superintendent Cross would like to speak to you about the matter, to resolve the issue quickly, Mr. Harper."
I had never met Superintendent Cross, but the stories I heard were not pleasant. Cross managed many schools, so it was rare for any school to receive a visit. Yet the effects of the rulings handed down were often swift and brutal. Scorched earth. Needless to say, this was not someone I wanted to dismiss, even out of the fear that I could lose my job if I went, because I knew I would lose my job if I didn't.
"Oh, ah, al-alright. When, um, when should I..." I mumbled through asking when the meeting was. Maybe part of me was hoping if I delayed long enough, or sounded pathetic enough, the whole matter would be dropped out of impatience or pity, respectively.
"Today, Mr. Harper. 10 AM. Sharp," he confirmed, emphasizing the need for punctuality, either to appease his boss or to warn me of the dangers of being late.
"That's, uh..." I trailed off, bringing my phone down to check the time. "..That's in 30 minutes!" I exclaimed before even bringing the phone back to my ear.
"That's right, Mr. Harper," he said, muffled, again by the distance from my ear. "So I suggest you leave now so you aren't late." With that final warning against delaying my arrival, he hung up the phone. I simply dropped my onto the bed and launched myself out of the haphazardly laid sheets.
Once I got up, I realized I had been alone in my room this whole time. The candles were all gone. The bed was damp, though that could have been from the sweat of a nightmare and not the sweat of a fervent sexual encounter. Had it all been a dream? It was certainly fantastical enough to reasonably think so. The things she did, the power she displayed. It couldn't have been real. I remembered, I had arrived home from the tutoring session (something I was certain did at least happen) and almost immediately went to sleep. So it must have been a dream, it all added up.
I'd be lying if I said I was completely relieved. In fact, I think I was only somewhat relieved, but only because it afforded me the chance to avoid a conversation that could delay my departure further. Of all the stupid and irresponsible choices I had made concerning those girls, last night, in my room, was the first one where I could honestly say it would all be worth it, even if I got caught. This, despite the warning Vivika gave me about the dangers of being caught. Then again, it had been a dream, so we never spoke about such things.
I wish I had been able to skip a shower, to just throw on some deodorant, clothes, and run out the door. However, I still smelled of the sweat from my bed and, far more damning, of sex from the tutoring session prior to my rest. The shower would have to be quick. I brushed my teeth while in the shower, not wanting to ruin my first impression with Cross by having offensively bad breath.
Cleaned and dried off, I threw on the first decent set of work clothes I had in my closet. Suit pants, suit jacket, button up shirt, and a tie to be dealt with in the car. My hair would just have to air dry for now. I hobbled into the kitchen while putting on my shoes, as best I could while moving, and despite falling down only two times, I entered the room to find my keys with time to spare. That was until I saw a rather large obstacle that could cause me to not just be late, but to not arrive at the meeting at all.
There she stood, wearing one of my dress shirts, which only reached down to half-way cover her pert bum. When I slid into the room, she turned around to greet me with a smile and a plate of French toast. "Well good morning, Mr. Harper," she sweetly said. "I trust you slept well."
"Vivika!" I blurted out, failing to cover up my shock and panic. "What are you doing here?"
"Answering stupid questions, it seems," she jokingly mocked. "Come, I've made you some toast and orange juice," she offered, holding the plate toward me and picking up the glass of orange juice. "I don't know about you, but a cool glass of orange juice does a better job of waking me up than a hot cup of coffee." She set the two items down on the table, now within my reach, and stepped closer to me. Her hands, one warm from the toast and the other cool from the juice, slid up my chest and behind my neck, softly locking my head in place while she advanced. "Besides, I think we both know you could use the vitamin replenishment, Mr. Harper. Not to mention that drinking plenty of juice..." she trailed off, putting her trivia on pause so she could lean even closer and whisper into my ear, "...makes your cum taste even better," she finished off saying, her lips brushing against my ear.
For a moment, I forgot why I was even trying to rush out of my house and away from such a wonderful way to greet the morning. The danger of being late alerted me to why I was in such a rush. "Vivika, I-I can't stay. I have to go," I said, pushing her back. "Now!" I rummaged through the kitchen, looking for the keys I had set there last night in blind exhaustion.
"Now where could you be off to that's more important than staying here to eat strawberries off my naked body," she asked, posing more scenarios that threatened to make me do something stupid like ignore Superintendent Cross. In the brief moments she caught my eye during my hurried search, I could see her pouting, hand on a cocked hip with the other slowly undid buttons that kept my borrowed shirt concealing her naked torso beneath.
"I have a meeting with the superintendent," I bluntly put, having no mental capacity or time to think up a lie - though I don't know why I would need to lie to her. "And I cannot be late," I added, stressing the idea of how detrimental it would be if I were.
Vivika stood upright, both hands on her hips and chest puffed out - the three buttons she had undone caused a V in the shirt so deep that it plunged below her breasts, though, for the most part, it remained close enough to keep her from being entirely nude - though nothing it could do to obstruct her bare pussy and neatly trimmed fireball of hair above it. "My, well that is important," she said, giving me hope that she would let me leave, or, even better, help me find my keys. "I guess you should get going, then," she said, stating the obvious, no doubt for her own amusement.
"Yes, I should," I said while opening drawers and overturning plates, "but first I need to find my," I stopped when I saw what she was holding, "keys." She held them aloft, jingling them like a lure to come over to her. I had no choice, though I was sure there was a good chance she would find a way to ensnare me if I got within arm's reach of her again. Hell, who was I kidding? I needed only glance at the way she looked and I was done for. I approached quickly, reaching out for the keys, but she was far more swift than I had anticipated. Again she looped her arms behind my neck and gazed in my eyes with her stunning amber hues.
"Relax," she said calmly, keeping my gaze so I could think of nothing else than the words she was saying. "You're going to be fine. Now that you're mine, I won't let anyone take you away," she reassured, though it was a tad alarming that she said you're mine. That was a conversation I don't remember having. Then again, Vivika seemed to decide most things, even for other people, on her own.
I was actually feeling at peace. Maybe it was her calming gaze, her soothing voice, or the sweet fragrance that surrounded her, but I was no longer worried about the meeting, even though I was standing still and not actually rushing off to it like I should have been. I smiled for the first time that morning and nodded. "Thank you, Vivika," I said with an exhale. "That helped, really."
"Good!" she spritely said, and released her grip on me so she could back up and toss me the keys. I found myself still awestruck and frozen in her presence. It took her saying "Go!," with fervor and affection, to break me free of the spell. Snapped back to reality, I gave a confirming nod, and even decided to take a quick swig of OJ and grab the toast to eat in the car. After all, she had gone through all that trouble.
Half way out the door, she called out to me. "Mr. Harper!" I turned, hand still on the knob and one foot out the door. "Don't forget - you are mine, and mine alone." This time the statement was less affectionate and more statement of fact, almost with a hint of warning. With that haunting reminder, I left one of my students, half naked and alone, in my home, got into my car, and raced off to a meeting that was undoubtedly about how I was fucking her, and two other, students under my care. Still, it was really good toast.
I arrived in the Board of Education parking lot with only a minute to spare, and that would have to be used to navigate my way to the superintendent's office, wherever that was. I knew of the building, but I had only needed to visit once to get my teaching license. Yet, five seconds were stolen from me when the sight of Principal Daley's car caught my eye. Shit, was he the reason this meeting was happening? He seemed oblivious to what was going on, but maybe he finally sniffed out all the sex that was happening under the school's roof between me and my students. Then again, maybe he was just here as part of the mandate that school principals had to be present at meetings between the superintendent and their employee. The two were not mutually exclusive, so I hoped it was the latter because I don't know if I would be able to lie and weasel around the accusations if they were being thrown at me from two sides. I was never very good at lying, and I never had a reason to 'weasel out' of something. Even so, as I raced up the stairs to the superintendent's office, I was constructing lies upon lies, and more lies to support those lies if they get called out, to keep my ass out of jail.
I arrived at the waiting room, and there sitting before two large, beautifully carved, double doors was the secretary I had spoke to on the phone. He was young, blonde, well built and looked incredibly tired and more nervous than me. Still, when I arrived, he was right on point with his duties of welcoming me and leading me to the doors.
The doors opened like I was about to enter a throne room, and when I saw inside, I may well have. The interior was huge, far larger than it had any right to be for a school administrator, regardless of the schools they oversaw. The walls were covered in beautiful renaissance era artwork of battles between heaven and hell. Though, on second consideration, as well done as they were, they were rather intimidating for the office of a school employee. The room was lit solely by the twin, tall, windows against the back wall, on the right and left of the desk that sat in the center. Behind the desk was a large stone mural, once again depicting some kind of battle between good and evil. If I hadn't already known Superintendent Cross's reputation, my first impression of this office gave me a good idea of what it would be.
Seated behind the wide wooden desk, a type of wood I'm sure I've never heard of because it would cost me an arm and a leg just to read about it, was Superintendent Cross. Perhaps it says something about how I view the world, or just my experience with school administrators, but I had assumed Cross would be a man. Men were often the administrators, and women were often the teachers. Yet here I stood, a male teacher, looking at a female administrator. While I'm not too humble to admit that, as far as male teachers go, I was on the higher side of average attractiveness, Superintendent Cross was well and beyond the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
Vanessa, Vivika, and Valentina all exhibited individual traits that appealed to any and all common fetishes concerning the female body. Nessa with her large, heaving, breasts, big doe eyes, and platinum blonde hair. Val with her perfectly sculpted and athletic body, including a defined midsection, an ass you could bounce a quarter off of, and thighs that you wanted nothing more than to wrap around your waist. Vivika, exuding a classical yet seductive beauty, enchanting eyes and the most kissable lips I've ever seen and had the pleasure to experience, and a perfectly proportioned and curvy frame. Yet Ms. Cross seemed to combine all those traits into one womanly form.
Her hair was a deep black, and long enough to curtain across her shoulders and down her back, and with enough volume to look like it was pushing back against gravity; a heavy half curtain draped over one side of her face, nearly covering her right eye. Her skin was paler than Nessa's, but darker than Vivika's, and I think I even spotted a few freckles dusted across her cheek bones. Her eyes were purple. Honest to god, purple. Electrifyingly purple. Her lips were dark crimson, closer to black than they were to red, and so inviting, even when pulled into her almost-villainous smirk. Following her swan-like neck down, even when dressed professionally she couldn't hide the size of her breasts and the swell of her cleavage, lifted up against her purple blouse with each inhale. Sadly, my initial examination and admiration of her body stopped there, as, sitting behind a desk, I couldn't very well see any more (though I very much hoped I would). I had momentarily forgotten that this woman had a ruthless and vicious reputation, given how enticingly beautiful she was and how inviting her curvaceous features were.
She was definitely an older woman, perhaps older than me, but her physical appearance did nothing to convey that. In fact, she looked barely out of college, closer to 30 than to 20 but still behind that milestone. It was the level of authority and power she exuded, even just by sitting there and staring me down, that told me she had more years on this earth than I did. It was the kind of strength that only came from years of experience and the stepping on one opponent's throat after the next.
Her voice broke my inappropriate staring, though it had its own allure that cast another spell over me. It was feminine, but had a smoky quality to it; a soft gravel at the pit of her throat that only came from years of drinking hard, expensive, liquor and enjoying the occasional smoke after sex. "Sit down, Mr. Harper," she began with a command, which seemed very much in place for her character, at least that much I had assumed from just looking at her and her reputation. "I'm sure you don't want to waste any more of your time and you certainly don't want to waste any more of mine."
Without a moment to consider or respond, I fell back into the very comfortable, yet dwarfed compared to hers, chair. After I settled, I heard some rustling, maybe movement, coming from her end of the desk, though she hadn't seem to have moved at all. She sat still, like a gorgeous but intimidating statue. It was likely just a sound I made, myself, when sitting in the chair. My nerves and the acoustics in the office were playing tricks on me.
"So, Mr. Harper, why are you here today?" she asked. She knew why I was here. I thought I knew why I was here. She wanted me to say it though. She wanted me to confirm any suspicions she had of my guilt before another moment was passed. It was a power play, pure and simple. Sadly, I had not read up on any business tactics books to know how to counter such a maneuver. I didn't know whether to tell the truth and accidentally incriminate myself of a crime she wasn't even aware of, or lie and get caught in it, thereby cementing my guilt.
"B-Because of, um-" I shakily began, before she cut me off.
"Do not stammer, Mr. Harper. You are an educator, behave like you have an education," she scolded. If she wasn't actually older than me, she certainly acted like it.
"I'm here because of the three new students in my class," I confidently said after collecting myself in the few precious seconds I had before she would likely snap at me again. I even ditched the 'because' at the start of my answer just in case she would lecture me on my grammar. "Vivika, Vanessa, and Valentina."
"That is correct, Mr. Harper," she said, finally relaxing a bit after her successful intimidation, and settled back into her chair a bit. A satisfied smile crawled across her face before vanishing as quickly as it appeared.
"Valentina Pellegrino, Vanessa Smithfield, and Vivika Briarheart," she added to their names, demonstrating just how much she already knew. "Principal Daley tells me you've complained of behavioral misconduct from those three within your class, and you have, thus far, been unable to corral this disruptive behavior. Is that correct?"
I had about a dozen lies I could feed her in that moment, all created when I was driving to this meeting, yet I found myself unable to lie to her in that moment. "Yes, that's correct."
"So what, Mr. Harper, would you like me to do about them?"
Even though I already showed she was not interested in any wasted moment in a conversation, I took a few just to ponder my next action. If I remained true to the story that the girls were trouble, that they had made my life hell and would send me to an early grave, it could get me out of any future entanglement. But, they could just as easily rat me out. More importantly though, I didn't want them to leave my class. After last night, I had finally come around to what they wanted from, and for, me. Damn the consequences, I was going to ride this wonderful train, even if it killed me.
That confirmation of the path I wanted to take gave me just enough confidence to lie to this very intimidating authority figure. "Well, originally I wanted to have them removed from my class," I started my lie off with some honesty, "but after working with them I don't believe they will be any more of a problem in my class." I ended with a half truth. I hoped they wouldn't be any more trouble, now that they had me on their side, but knowing them that could very well only be the start of the real trouble in my future. Plus, the work I was implying was not the work I had actually done."So I'd like to keep them in my class, for the remainder of the year."
"Really now?" she asked, looking perplexed. "The way Principal Daley made it sound, you were at your wit's end, ready to toss in the towel, all because of three teenage girls," she said, poking holes in my story. "I must say this is a rather rapid turnaround, Mr. Harper."
The lies I was holding at the ready fell out of my trembling hands, and I was unable to find one that worked after she had started to poke holes in my story. She had outplayed me and was catching me in my dishonesty.
She need only dig further and would find where the bodies were buried. All I could do was hope to pivot the conversation away from me.
"Is Mr. Daley going to be here for this?" I questioned. "I believe the principal is supposed to be present in meetings between a superintendent and his employee," I quoted directly from the rule book.
"Principal Daley will hear all about this, Mr. Harper, don't worry." She caused her chair to turn with her slightly, and again I heard some movement under her desk, no doubt the inside of her desk being hit by the spiked heel she would soon drive into my chest. "You know, Mr. Harper," she began, turning back around to face me directly, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've taking a liking to these girls. An inappropriate and unprofessional liking." I was frozen now, stuck in a bear trap with no hope but to chew my own leg off so I could escape. With nowhere to escape, and faced with a swift and ferocious predator, so I just had to sit there and watch as my reputation, career, and freedom were executed in front of my eyes.
Cross stood up from her desk as she continued her accusations. "In fact, this meeting wasn't to talk about how much trouble you were having with the girls," she started off, slowly walking along the length of her desk to come around to my side. My eyes were locked to her, unable to look away; after all, she held the axe that would soon crash upon the cutting block and send my head into a bloody basket. "And after speaking with you, Mr. Harper, I believe you did do something with those girls. Something very unprofessional and extremely inappropriate."
I thought nothing. I felt nothing. I had become a shell of what I was and my spirit was already leaving my body. Just enough was left of my mind to understand what she was saying to me and watch as she drove the sword in deeper. Then she came around to my side of the desk, and feeling returned to my body, though it was undoubtedly the most inappropriate reaction given the circumstances. While I had suspected before, sure enough I could confirm that she was just as perfect below the waist as she was above. She was simply poured into this suit. Her black skirt reached only a quarter down her thigh, showing me the start of her dark, silk, stalkings whenever she moved a leg forward. Judging by her profile when her side was to me, her ass completed the set of perfect physical features. If only I had met this woman, this woman whom I could actually sleep with without the risk of a prison sentence, before I met those infernal girls.
"So what it is about them, Mr. Harper? Their age? Their innocence? The ease in which you can manipulate them to fulfill your sick desires?" she accused more boldly now, standing in front of me with her arms crossed under her full and unyielding breasts. "Was it just them you were attracted to, or was it all of your female students? Hell, was it even just these three girls you abused or have you left many more broken women in your wake?" I couldn't even look at her now. The shame and fear I felt overpowered how attracted I was to her and how much I wanted to stare at her forever. "I bet if I checked your phone, you'd have all sorts of illicit pictures of your students on there, wouldn't you?" That accusation cut especially deep. While all the things she had said were quite damning, they were still just her assumptions and theories. She had no evidence to back any of it up. Her tone had made all this circumstantial evidence sound factual. It took her coming close to some actual evidence to make me realize that. If she checked my phone, she would in fact find a naked photo on there of one of my students. A photo dating all the way back to when I first met the girls, before I had even done anything with them and the relationship was completely one sided.
"Doesn't help that you are single, you know," she continued to press. "People's imaginations run wild when you can't prove you're attracted to women your own age by being with a woman your own age. If only there was some way you could prove to me that you're attracted to women your own age...if not older.."
That certainly got my attention and pulled me out of the deep pit of despair I was in. It was as if I was one shovel strike away from reaching the top of Hell, when she threw down a rope. I looked up at her, puzzlement on my face, and then surprise. Her jacket had come unbuttoned, and no longer were her breasts thrusting their way past the deep V, though they were still hidden by her silk, purple, blouse. Her hands rested on the edge of the desk she was leaning against. As soon as I made eye contact with that lustful stare, she propped her expensive heel down onto my chair, right between my legs. In this moment of yet another beautiful and incredibly sexy female propositioning me for sex, I could think of only one thing: Vivika. Specifically, what she had said to me before I left for this meeting.
You are mine, and mine alone slammed against the inside of my skull, reminding me of the feeling of ownership Vivika had cast over me in the morning. Short of saying "don't you dare cheat on me," she had made it very clear that I was not to stray from her. Why should I? She, Nessa and Val gave me more than enough affection and stress to last me a lifetime. Yet here I was, being offered an olive branch in the form of a long, toned, leg, and with it - a way out of this mess.
"Well go on, Mr. Harper. Prove me wrong," she challenged, her voice becoming all the more laced in lust and desire, "and fuck me." That was all the confirmation I needed my theory was right. While it pained me to betray Vivika's trust, this looked to be the only way I was going to get out of this mess. Still, that was only part of why I stared back at her with desire in my eyes, keeping the gaze while I lovingly ran my hands up her impeccably toned stem. The other part, a major part I should confess, was that I just really, really wanted to fuck her. Even if she hadn't made it clear that she was onto me, even if this meeting had ended amicably with a promise of no further investigation, I still would have tried to proposition her, even if it would ruin all the good the meeting had done. The only thing that would relieve my guilt was that she asked me, and I could clearly see this was the only way to end this witch hunt.
Cross must have decided she had had enough of her legs being massaged, her head rolling back and forth as she hummed a breathy moan during the caress, when she took her foot back down. Black nails dug underneath her tight skirt and ripped it up with speed that conveyed she didn't like having her time wasted during sex, either. I was surprised to see she wore no panties, and that her lips, nestled under a well cared for triangle of pitch black hair, were already red, puffy, and clearly wet. It was as if she had been having sex the entire time we spoke and only paused to switch partners. With equal speed of removing her skirt, she pushed herself up onto the edge of her desk and sat there, one leg dangling off the table and the other propped up on the desk itself, displaying her impressive flexibility.
I rose to attention, but half way between sitting and standing, she stopped me. "No no, Mr. Harper. I need you on your knees, not your feet," she said with a delighted smirk, licking her lips as if she was just presented a meal. I suppose I should have known. A woman with this kind of power and authority needed to have them work for her in every aspect of her life. Though, it's not like the task before me was an unenviable one. With a smirk and a nod, I stopped my ascent and began my descent onto my knees, moving a few inches closer so I could reach her.
My hands rested on her upper thighs, keeping her aligned with my approaching face. I spent little time traveling to the source of the primal heat I felt against my cheek, not wanting to make her impatient, but I at least took the time to alternate kisses and bites along her raised thigh on the way there. She seemed to enjoy that, giving an amused laugh behind her smirk, and drumming her fingers along her exposed cleavage after those same fingers pulled the V open more.
I began with a few gentle licks, testing the waters and watching her face to see just what spot caused the best reaction. Finding the proper location and pressure, I continued there, forcing her to dampen even more and possibly ruin her desk with the juices that dripped onto the expensive wood. Kisses and suckles, nuzzles of my nose and the occasional thin exhale of air to send cool air against the hot wetness between her legs, the contrast in temperature eliciting a shivering moan from up above. All this done before I had even touched the cherry on top of her lips.
The V-girls had spend two hours one day at my home teaching me the best way to eat them out. They said that I was good, but they wanted better - that they "deserved the best." So with their lesson plan still fresh in my mind, I utilized the skills they had taught me to best manipulate the sensitive nub with tongue, lips, and now fingers (added so I could use my tongue and lips elsewhere at the same time). While each girl was different and each would give pointers that conflicted with those from another, Cross didn't seem to find any complaints, from what I heard, worth mentioning when I tried out the pantheon of tricks that had been instilled into me. Before long, I heard her heel scrape off her desk and felt the leg drape over my shoulder, forcing my body and head closer. Then the other leg came around to lock ankles with the other, and her stockinged thighs squeezed tight.
To show I was not afraid of the increased closeness of my position, my hands left her thighs and reached around to cup at her back, pulling her in even closer to me, and allowing my salivating mouth to cover her dripping lips. Not interested in letting me dictate any action, she reached back to take my hands, when I had begun to lower them to try and cup her supple cheeks, and pulled them up to her flat tummy, felt through her blouse. She laid them there only momentarily, long enough to rip open her blouse and scatter the remaining buttons she had not already undone. My palms were then filled with her warm and heavy breasts. I could feel that her bra had been pulled down to allow me full access. Stiffening pebbles pressed against my palms while I massaged her more than ample bosom. When her breasts were pulled from me slightly, though quickly I moved my hands to hold them again, I knew she was leaning back slightly on the desk. I couldn't hear very well with her legs squeezing against my ears, but I was able to hear some muffled and rapid moans, cries, and swears coming from above me.
By this point, I would have made either of the V-girls cum once or twice, but Cross seemed to only just be heating up. My jaw began to ache, and there was no chance I would be able to pull back for a minute to relax. So I had to press forward. I knew she would be a difficult woman to please, though the process would be very fun. As much as it pained me to do, I pulled a hand away from her breast, though I tried to make up for its absence by beginning to pinch, pull, and roll her nipple with my free hand, alternating between tits whenever it sounded like her moaning was becoming less frequent. My hand freed, I managed to squeeze it between my lips and hers, using nimble and practiced fingers to bury themselves inside her. After fitting two digits inside, I turned my hand and curled my fingers, looking for, successfully, her G-spot. She may have far greater stamina, and a higher threshold for pleasure before reaching climax than I was used to, but I doubted she'd be immune to the charms of that hidden pleasure center.
While it was clearly meeting with high praise, I regretted using that play. Pushed to a new level of arousal, her legs squeezed even tighter around my head, and my nose pressed even more against her pelvis. Oxygen was scarce and I was honestly afraid my skull would crack. I used my free hand on her tit to push her back, but that just stirred her on further. I tried to pull it away but she just grabbed it and pressed it back into the soft embrace of her breast. While her hips had been rotating before, slowly, in soft gyrations that were natural reactions of her body in heat, she was grinding them hard against me now. I stopped any movement from my tongue and fingers, focusing on trying to grab whatever air I could when her thighs parted just enough to let some in. Plus, I figured I had done all I could and she didn't need me to do more; just be a hard surface to grind against until she obtained the orgasm she was violently fighting for. I was wrong, however.
"Don't stop! Keep going!" she panted out. She must have yelled it, as I heard her quite clearly. So, I redoubled my efforts and helped her reach that finish line I desperately needed her to cross. When my vision began to blur, and my lungs began to ache, she finally reached her tipping point. A flood of sexual juices came flooding into my mouth, and her thrusting hips kept me from ever closing my lips to stave off the invasion. As sweet and addicting as the taste was, I still coughed up a fair amount of it when she finally relaxed her legs and let me drop to my hands.
I took a moment to catch my breath, to gather my faculties, but she wouldn't afford me more than but that one moment. "On your feet, Mr. Harper," she commanded. I looked up at her, standing over me, pussy still dripping and nipples still hard. She was sucking something off her fingers, perhaps her own cum she swiped from herself after I fell to the ground. Her fingers exited from between her dark tiers with a pop, and she continued to command, reminding me, "I told you to fuck me, Mr. Harper, not just eat me out."
With a heavy gulp, and just enough strength to stand up, I rose to my feet and met her gaze. She looked me up and down and smiled, then turned her back to me. Her jacket slipped easily off her slender shoulders and dropped between us. The blouse came next, and then the bra, which was tossed across the room to hang on some expensive bust. Gracefully, she bent at the waist, keeping her legs completely straight and apart, and pressed that perfect ass into my aching groin. She peered at me over her shoulders, after flipping her hair from blocking her view.
With the same speed that she had disrobed her skirt, I too removed my pants and kicked them aside. Without another moment to spare, I pressed my cock head against her soaked lips. Then she halted my progress. "What are you doing, Mr. Harper?"
"I'm...fucking you?" I said, confused, using her own terminology to confirm that I had heard what she told me to do.
"You've already pleasured my pussy, Mr. Harper," she reminded me. "Now I want you to fuck me in the hole that hasn't yet been attended to."
As I blinked away my shock and stood, mouth agape, she reached down to her pussy and pumped her fingers inside one, two, three times. Then she moved those wetted fingers to the orifice I had been ordered to fill, spreading the juices around the rim. Once again she sucked her fingers clean of any remaining cum, and then again moved her fingers to pump inside of her - though this time it was the other entrance, albeit with more resistance than the first.
Her hands planted down on the desk, I knew she was ready and so this time I pressed the head of my aching cock to her slightly lubricated hole. Slowly, to minimize discomfort and maximize teasing, I pressed into her, inch by inch. After the ring closed around the head of my cock, I heard her let out a surprised and pleasured moan, stifled near the end when she bit her lip and looked back at me, telling me, with her eyes, to keep going. My hands roughly gripped her hips, to her audible pleasure, and pulled her closer as I pushed further in. The tightness and heat were indescribable. I ended my rest within her, taken after I had pushed half way in, as far as her current tightness would allow, when she started to rock her hips side to side, spurring me to start moving again. My hips pulled back, and then pushed back slightly faster. With each return, I was able to loosen her a bit more and drive a little deeper. When my hips met with her cheeks, I upped my tempo considerably.
I wasn't sure how she'd react, some women like it, some don't, but the last three women I've slept with all loved it, to varying degrees between each, but regardless I had to do it, I had to spank that perfect ass. Thankfully, it was met with celebrated cries. So, I continued to add some color to her cheeks. In all honesty, spanking was the most violent action I had ever taken during sex, the only time I had intentionally done something that would cause pain to my mate (though only when they allowed it). Cross, on the other hand, wanted me to push past that limit.
When I had reached under her to grope her swinging breast, she took me by the wrist and pulled my hand up higher. She began to stand up slightly so I could reach her delicate neck. Her hand closed around mine, forcing my fingers to do the same around her neck. I definitely uncertain about if I should actually leave my hand there. Then again, she seemed a far more experienced lover than me, and obviously knew what she wanted. Plus, I was certain if I did something out of line, she would let me hear about it, and likely punish me for being so bold. So while one hand squeezed her plump ass check, the other squeezed her slender neck.
Cross's moans and cries were now stifled by my choking hand, but they sounded more frequent than before, something I hoped was a result of my choking her, at least. It did feel good, though, to enact this level of power over a woman this intimidating and actually powerful. The size of her office meant the sound of our sex echoed throughout, creating a chorus for reverberating moans and expletives for us to fuck in rhythm to. It even got to the point where it sounded like there was a third person in the room, whimpering throughout our sexcapades.
After her ass was sufficiently reddened, hopefully sending the delightful stinging sensation through her that Valentina often talked about, I pulled her up, prompting her to rise up on her own, as well, when I tugged on her hair. A bold choice, and one she could have easily objected to, but I rolled the dice and came out on top. Still leaning forward slightly, but standing more than leaning now, I was able to look over her shoulder and down at her bouncing breasts. Droplets of sweat leaped from her erect nipples with every hard push made from behind. As breath taking a sight that was, I still succumbed to my baser instinct and just grabbed at her tit, pawing it with tender but firm affection. She mimicked my actions on her other breast, and her other hand played with her clit.
Another incalculable passage of time later, and Superintendent Cross exploded forth, spraying her juices across her desk and (undoubtedly) important papers. She grew limp, and so I eased her back down to rest on the desk. Her hands reached forward to grip the side opposite me. Looking back over her shoulder, she gave me a look that I immediately understood. With a kind of vigor not shown since the days of cavemen claiming their mates in a cave, I pounded away at her taboo orifice. All this time I had only seen her scowl and smirk. Now, however, she was smiling, mouth agape, closing it only so she could chew on her pouty lip.
I thought about how her heavy breasts were pressed down against the table, her swollen nipples running back and forth against her papers stained with her own honey. I thought about her tight stomach going into knots from the pleasure she was feeling. I thought about how amazing her ass felt and how delicious her pussy tasted. I thought about how her sexual juices invigorated me to new heights when she forced it all down my throat. Then I thought about how I was betraying Vivika's belief that I belonged to her and only her. And then I came.
Instinctively I pulled out, though judging by her whimper perhaps I should have came inside her. Still, the sight of her reddened ass, covered in streaks of white, swaying back and forth as if looking for my member; it was worth giving her that moment of disappointment. I stumbled back, keeping myself from falling only by the grace of the sturdy chair I grabbed hold of. Cross saw this and laughed, amused by how much she had worn me out, yet she looked like she could go another seven rounds, run a 5K, and then come back to make it a baker's dozen. As I watched her massage my cum into the skin on her rear, giving a throaty groan and rocking her hips, I actually worried she wanted to do just that. I was a bit relieved when she threw my pants at me.
Gone was her sexually charged vocabulary when she started speaking again. Her authority and dignity seemed no less diminished, even when she lightly struggled to work her tight skirt over her wide, semen-covered, ass. "Well done, Mr. Harper," she said, as if she had just given me a performance review. "There's room for improvement, and had I more time to give this meeting I might be able to give you a lesson or two. As it is, our time is up."
I stood, half confused and half nervous, a feeling I had grown quite accustomed to, as I redid my belt. "So...what about...the girls?" I asked, kicking myself for even reminding her of the matter, but I still had to know. I had to know that I wouldn't have to worry about being turned in, at least not by her.
After putting on a fresh blouse she pulled from a closet in her office, she returned to her desk to sit, brought her chair back to the edge, and began to organize the sex-ruined papers. "As far as I'm concerned, Mr. Harper, any man who has been fucking three teenagers would not have the stamina you just displayed." It was an odd way to prove my innocence, but I would take it.
"Besides, Mr. Harper," she called out to me as I was walking down her impossibly large office to the impossibly large double doors, "even if you were fucking those girls, I doubt they'd have any reason to complain." A dark and salacious comment to make, to say the least, though it seemed perfectly apt coming from a woman like her.
As I pushed open the door, I noticed a familiar grey tweed jacket hanging on the coat rack. Just when I began to wonder when Daley had arrived here and why he would have left without his jacket, I heard, softly, behind me, "I hope you learned a thing or two." I looked back at her, but she was just working on her papers, completely oblivious to the fact that I still existed. Again, I didn't want to risk the out I had just been granted, so rather than investigate further, I left, not even bothering to return the goodbye Cross's secretary gave me.
I arrived swiftly in the parking lot, though my pace slowed when I saw who was waiting for me by my car. Vivika. Once again she surprised me by turning up in my path, though this time she was considerably more dressed than when she was in my kitchen.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, eyes darting left and right, looking for any sign of someone who could recognize either of us and piece together the odd occurrence of a teacher meeting his student in the parking lot, here.
"Well you had left in such a panic this morning, and I wanted to come by to see how it went," she sweetly replied, occupying the time before her next response by fixing my disheveled collar and tie. "So how did it go?"
I was frustrated and angry with her, that she would show up here, of all places, and start touching me affectionately, out in the open, immediately after I had a meeting about possible inappropriate behavior with my students. Her eyes disarmed me, though, as they always did, and I immediately forgave her.
"It was...intense," I admitted, "but it went fine. No problems."
"See? I told you you'd be fine. Now come here," she asked, and before I could stop it from happening, she planted a firm congratulatory kiss for making it through the lion's den. When she pulled back, she licked her lips and smiled, looking me over once more to find more parts of my clothing that had gone askew. "So did you fuck her?"
While she could put me at ease with her eyes, she could also put me at the edge of an early grave with her words.
"How...Do you know Superintendent Cross?"
"I don't, not really. I just know of her. She came by the school one year, I think just on some tour of the premises, back when I first started going there, and before you worked there. I think it was her first day too," she explained innocently enough. "I just remember her well because of how gorgeous she was. So that's why I want to know: did you fuck her?" she asked of me again.
I stared at those disarming, enchanting eyes, and lied directly to them. "No," the easiest lie to employ. "Of course not. Don't be ridiculous," I said with a laugh, hoping she would agree with my tone that the very notion that I fucked the boss of my boss was absurd.
Her amused giggled told me my lie had worked. "I know, I'm being silly. Just, now that I have you, I don't want to lose you, you know?" Again she punctuated her remark with a kiss, though this time it was simpler and on the cheek. "Come on, I'll drive you home."
"That's alright, I mean I drove here, so-"
"Come on, I want to do this for you. Please?"
I was too exhausted to argue. "Alright." Hell, maybe Principal Daley had gotten a ride home from a student, too, and that's why his car was there but I never saw him inside the building. Wouldn't that be amusing?
My house isn't far from the Board of Education building, so it didn't take me long to figure out we were going the wrong way.
"Uh, Vivika?"
"Hm?" she simply responded, keeping her eyes on the road.
"I thought you said you were taking me home?"
"I am. My home," she revealed.
"What?! Why?!"
"Don't you remember?" she asked with some concern. "I told you, I want you to meet my mother."
I did remember that, I just hoped it didn't really happen, or she at least would give me enough time to prepare for this terrible idea. "Vivika, I really don't think this is a..." I wanted to say I didn't think it was a good idea, that it was a very stupid idea, but I caught myself and pivoted to a gentler objection, "...good time. I mean, I just had that meeting. I'm pretty tired. I think we should just reschedule."
"Hmmm," she considered. "Maybe you're right, Mr. Harper." I was so relieved, at least for a moment. "But, we're already here, it'd be silly to turn back now."
My focus was so heavily directed at finding a way out of this that I hadn't been looking at where we were going. She drove her expensive car up the long driveway to her illustrious mansion. I knew the kids at the school were often rich, private school students usually are, but Vivika looked to be on another level. I continued to be dumbstruck even as she led me by the hand into her house and into a sitting room.
My focus was only broken when I was greeted by two familiar voices. "Hey, Mr. Harper," Nessa and Val said, drawing out the greeting as if it were a tease. Even in the middle of this nightmare, they looked so inviting, sitting there on the couch, a space between them just large enough for me to snuggle into with them. The only thing that could remind me that this was as a nightmare, was Vivika reminding me why I was here.
"Val, where's my mom?" Vivika asked, standing by my side in the doorway.
"She's in the kitchen, or something," Val said.
"Oh! Here she comes now," Nessa added.
"Hello, again, Mr. Harper," said Superintendent Cross. "My daughter has told me so much about you."
There is nothing worse than being awoken from a deep, peaceful, sleep by the ringing of a phone. An alarm is one thing, and often the alarm is even more obnoxious sounding - but that's by choice so I can't sleep through it. No, a phone ringing is worse, because when I wake up in the morning, especially abruptly, I don't want the first thing I have to do to be talking on the phone. My hand slapped at my nightstand, finally finding the phone after a few items were knocked off the surface. Instinctively, I swiped at the screen to reject the call, but my sleep addled mind swiped left instead of right.
My head half buried in a pillow, my eye shot open when I heard a voice speaking to me. "Hello?" the slightly muffled from the distance, and small, voice called out. "Mr. Harper? Hello?" I managed to pick up the phone and lay it on the side of my face, the side not being cradled by the cool pillow, just when the man said, "Are you there?"
"Sorry, sorry," I stammered out, clearing my throat for more important words to follow. "I'm here. Who is this?"
"This is Kevin Oslow, of the Superintendent's office." That woke me up better than all the cups of coffee I had ever drank in my life.
"The Superintendent's office?" I asked, surprised, hoping the panic didn't translate through the phone.
"That's right. We understand you've had some issues with some students in your class this semester," he explained, beginning the process of stopping my heart. "Superintendent Cross would like to speak to you about the matter, to resolve the issue quickly, Mr. Harper."
I had never met Superintendent Cross, but the stories I heard were not pleasant. Cross managed many schools, so it was rare for any school to receive a visit. Yet the effects of the rulings handed down were often swift and brutal. Scorched earth. Needless to say, this was not someone I wanted to dismiss, even out of the fear that I could lose my job if I went, because I knew I would lose my job if I didn't.
"Oh, ah, al-alright. When, um, when should I..." I mumbled through asking when the meeting was. Maybe part of me was hoping if I delayed long enough, or sounded pathetic enough, the whole matter would be dropped out of impatience or pity, respectively.
"Today, Mr. Harper. 10 AM. Sharp," he confirmed, emphasizing the need for punctuality, either to appease his boss or to warn me of the dangers of being late.
"That's, uh..." I trailed off, bringing my phone down to check the time. "..That's in 30 minutes!" I exclaimed before even bringing the phone back to my ear.
"That's right, Mr. Harper," he said, muffled, again by the distance from my ear. "So I suggest you leave now so you aren't late." With that final warning against delaying my arrival, he hung up the phone. I simply dropped my onto the bed and launched myself out of the haphazardly laid sheets.
Once I got up, I realized I had been alone in my room this whole time. The candles were all gone. The bed was damp, though that could have been from the sweat of a nightmare and not the sweat of a fervent sexual encounter. Had it all been a dream? It was certainly fantastical enough to reasonably think so. The things she did, the power she displayed. It couldn't have been real. I remembered, I had arrived home from the tutoring session (something I was certain did at least happen) and almost immediately went to sleep. So it must have been a dream, it all added up.
I'd be lying if I said I was completely relieved. In fact, I think I was only somewhat relieved, but only because it afforded me the chance to avoid a conversation that could delay my departure further. Of all the stupid and irresponsible choices I had made concerning those girls, last night, in my room, was the first one where I could honestly say it would all be worth it, even if I got caught. This, despite the warning Vivika gave me about the dangers of being caught. Then again, it had been a dream, so we never spoke about such things.
I wish I had been able to skip a shower, to just throw on some deodorant, clothes, and run out the door. However, I still smelled of the sweat from my bed and, far more damning, of sex from the tutoring session prior to my rest. The shower would have to be quick. I brushed my teeth while in the shower, not wanting to ruin my first impression with Cross by having offensively bad breath.
Cleaned and dried off, I threw on the first decent set of work clothes I had in my closet. Suit pants, suit jacket, button up shirt, and a tie to be dealt with in the car. My hair would just have to air dry for now. I hobbled into the kitchen while putting on my shoes, as best I could while moving, and despite falling down only two times, I entered the room to find my keys with time to spare. That was until I saw a rather large obstacle that could cause me to not just be late, but to not arrive at the meeting at all.
There she stood, wearing one of my dress shirts, which only reached down to half-way cover her pert bum. When I slid into the room, she turned around to greet me with a smile and a plate of French toast. "Well good morning, Mr. Harper," she sweetly said. "I trust you slept well."
"Vivika!" I blurted out, failing to cover up my shock and panic. "What are you doing here?"
"Answering stupid questions, it seems," she jokingly mocked. "Come, I've made you some toast and orange juice," she offered, holding the plate toward me and picking up the glass of orange juice. "I don't know about you, but a cool glass of orange juice does a better job of waking me up than a hot cup of coffee." She set the two items down on the table, now within my reach, and stepped closer to me. Her hands, one warm from the toast and the other cool from the juice, slid up my chest and behind my neck, softly locking my head in place while she advanced. "Besides, I think we both know you could use the vitamin replenishment, Mr. Harper. Not to mention that drinking plenty of juice..." she trailed off, putting her trivia on pause so she could lean even closer and whisper into my ear, "...makes your cum taste even better," she finished off saying, her lips brushing against my ear.
For a moment, I forgot why I was even trying to rush out of my house and away from such a wonderful way to greet the morning. The danger of being late alerted me to why I was in such a rush. "Vivika, I-I can't stay. I have to go," I said, pushing her back. "Now!" I rummaged through the kitchen, looking for the keys I had set there last night in blind exhaustion.
"Now where could you be off to that's more important than staying here to eat strawberries off my naked body," she asked, posing more scenarios that threatened to make me do something stupid like ignore Superintendent Cross. In the brief moments she caught my eye during my hurried search, I could see her pouting, hand on a cocked hip with the other slowly undid buttons that kept my borrowed shirt concealing her naked torso beneath.
"I have a meeting with the superintendent," I bluntly put, having no mental capacity or time to think up a lie - though I don't know why I would need to lie to her. "And I cannot be late," I added, stressing the idea of how detrimental it would be if I were.
Vivika stood upright, both hands on her hips and chest puffed out - the three buttons she had undone caused a V in the shirt so deep that it plunged below her breasts, though, for the most part, it remained close enough to keep her from being entirely nude - though nothing it could do to obstruct her bare pussy and neatly trimmed fireball of hair above it. "My, well that is important," she said, giving me hope that she would let me leave, or, even better, help me find my keys. "I guess you should get going, then," she said, stating the obvious, no doubt for her own amusement.
"Yes, I should," I said while opening drawers and overturning plates, "but first I need to find my," I stopped when I saw what she was holding, "keys." She held them aloft, jingling them like a lure to come over to her. I had no choice, though I was sure there was a good chance she would find a way to ensnare me if I got within arm's reach of her again. Hell, who was I kidding? I needed only glance at the way she looked and I was done for. I approached quickly, reaching out for the keys, but she was far more swift than I had anticipated. Again she looped her arms behind my neck and gazed in my eyes with her stunning amber hues.
"Relax," she said calmly, keeping my gaze so I could think of nothing else than the words she was saying. "You're going to be fine. Now that you're mine, I won't let anyone take you away," she reassured, though it was a tad alarming that she said you're mine. That was a conversation I don't remember having. Then again, Vivika seemed to decide most things, even for other people, on her own.
I was actually feeling at peace. Maybe it was her calming gaze, her soothing voice, or the sweet fragrance that surrounded her, but I was no longer worried about the meeting, even though I was standing still and not actually rushing off to it like I should have been. I smiled for the first time that morning and nodded. "Thank you, Vivika," I said with an exhale. "That helped, really."
"Good!" she spritely said, and released her grip on me so she could back up and toss me the keys. I found myself still awestruck and frozen in her presence. It took her saying "Go!," with fervor and affection, to break me free of the spell. Snapped back to reality, I gave a confirming nod, and even decided to take a quick swig of OJ and grab the toast to eat in the car. After all, she had gone through all that trouble.
Half way out the door, she called out to me. "Mr. Harper!" I turned, hand still on the knob and one foot out the door. "Don't forget - you are mine, and mine alone." This time the statement was less affectionate and more statement of fact, almost with a hint of warning. With that haunting reminder, I left one of my students, half naked and alone, in my home, got into my car, and raced off to a meeting that was undoubtedly about how I was fucking her, and two other, students under my care. Still, it was really good toast.
I arrived in the Board of Education parking lot with only a minute to spare, and that would have to be used to navigate my way to the superintendent's office, wherever that was. I knew of the building, but I had only needed to visit once to get my teaching license. Yet, five seconds were stolen from me when the sight of Principal Daley's car caught my eye. Shit, was he the reason this meeting was happening? He seemed oblivious to what was going on, but maybe he finally sniffed out all the sex that was happening under the school's roof between me and my students. Then again, maybe he was just here as part of the mandate that school principals had to be present at meetings between the superintendent and their employee. The two were not mutually exclusive, so I hoped it was the latter because I don't know if I would be able to lie and weasel around the accusations if they were being thrown at me from two sides. I was never very good at lying, and I never had a reason to 'weasel out' of something. Even so, as I raced up the stairs to the superintendent's office, I was constructing lies upon lies, and more lies to support those lies if they get called out, to keep my ass out of jail.
I arrived at the waiting room, and there sitting before two large, beautifully carved, double doors was the secretary I had spoke to on the phone. He was young, blonde, well built and looked incredibly tired and more nervous than me. Still, when I arrived, he was right on point with his duties of welcoming me and leading me to the doors.
The doors opened like I was about to enter a throne room, and when I saw inside, I may well have. The interior was huge, far larger than it had any right to be for a school administrator, regardless of the schools they oversaw. The walls were covered in beautiful renaissance era artwork of battles between heaven and hell. Though, on second consideration, as well done as they were, they were rather intimidating for the office of a school employee. The room was lit solely by the twin, tall, windows against the back wall, on the right and left of the desk that sat in the center. Behind the desk was a large stone mural, once again depicting some kind of battle between good and evil. If I hadn't already known Superintendent Cross's reputation, my first impression of this office gave me a good idea of what it would be.
Seated behind the wide wooden desk, a type of wood I'm sure I've never heard of because it would cost me an arm and a leg just to read about it, was Superintendent Cross. Perhaps it says something about how I view the world, or just my experience with school administrators, but I had assumed Cross would be a man. Men were often the administrators, and women were often the teachers. Yet here I stood, a male teacher, looking at a female administrator. While I'm not too humble to admit that, as far as male teachers go, I was on the higher side of average attractiveness, Superintendent Cross was well and beyond the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
Vanessa, Vivika, and Valentina all exhibited individual traits that appealed to any and all common fetishes concerning the female body. Nessa with her large, heaving, breasts, big doe eyes, and platinum blonde hair. Val with her perfectly sculpted and athletic body, including a defined midsection, an ass you could bounce a quarter off of, and thighs that you wanted nothing more than to wrap around your waist. Vivika, exuding a classical yet seductive beauty, enchanting eyes and the most kissable lips I've ever seen and had the pleasure to experience, and a perfectly proportioned and curvy frame. Yet Ms. Cross seemed to combine all those traits into one womanly form.
Her hair was a deep black, and long enough to curtain across her shoulders and down her back, and with enough volume to look like it was pushing back against gravity; a heavy half curtain draped over one side of her face, nearly covering her right eye. Her skin was paler than Nessa's, but darker than Vivika's, and I think I even spotted a few freckles dusted across her cheek bones. Her eyes were purple. Honest to god, purple. Electrifyingly purple. Her lips were dark crimson, closer to black than they were to red, and so inviting, even when pulled into her almost-villainous smirk. Following her swan-like neck down, even when dressed professionally she couldn't hide the size of her breasts and the swell of her cleavage, lifted up against her purple blouse with each inhale. Sadly, my initial examination and admiration of her body stopped there, as, sitting behind a desk, I couldn't very well see any more (though I very much hoped I would). I had momentarily forgotten that this woman had a ruthless and vicious reputation, given how enticingly beautiful she was and how inviting her curvaceous features were.
She was definitely an older woman, perhaps older than me, but her physical appearance did nothing to convey that. In fact, she looked barely out of college, closer to 30 than to 20 but still behind that milestone. It was the level of authority and power she exuded, even just by sitting there and staring me down, that told me she had more years on this earth than I did. It was the kind of strength that only came from years of experience and the stepping on one opponent's throat after the next.
Her voice broke my inappropriate staring, though it had its own allure that cast another spell over me. It was feminine, but had a smoky quality to it; a soft gravel at the pit of her throat that only came from years of drinking hard, expensive, liquor and enjoying the occasional smoke after sex. "Sit down, Mr. Harper," she began with a command, which seemed very much in place for her character, at least that much I had assumed from just looking at her and her reputation. "I'm sure you don't want to waste any more of your time and you certainly don't want to waste any more of mine."
Without a moment to consider or respond, I fell back into the very comfortable, yet dwarfed compared to hers, chair. After I settled, I heard some rustling, maybe movement, coming from her end of the desk, though she hadn't seem to have moved at all. She sat still, like a gorgeous but intimidating statue. It was likely just a sound I made, myself, when sitting in the chair. My nerves and the acoustics in the office were playing tricks on me.
"So, Mr. Harper, why are you here today?" she asked. She knew why I was here. I thought I knew why I was here. She wanted me to say it though. She wanted me to confirm any suspicions she had of my guilt before another moment was passed. It was a power play, pure and simple. Sadly, I had not read up on any business tactics books to know how to counter such a maneuver. I didn't know whether to tell the truth and accidentally incriminate myself of a crime she wasn't even aware of, or lie and get caught in it, thereby cementing my guilt.
"B-Because of, um-" I shakily began, before she cut me off.
"Do not stammer, Mr. Harper. You are an educator, behave like you have an education," she scolded. If she wasn't actually older than me, she certainly acted like it.
"I'm here because of the three new students in my class," I confidently said after collecting myself in the few precious seconds I had before she would likely snap at me again. I even ditched the 'because' at the start of my answer just in case she would lecture me on my grammar. "Vivika, Vanessa, and Valentina."
"That is correct, Mr. Harper," she said, finally relaxing a bit after her successful intimidation, and settled back into her chair a bit. A satisfied smile crawled across her face before vanishing as quickly as it appeared.
"Valentina Pellegrino, Vanessa Smithfield, and Vivika Briarheart," she added to their names, demonstrating just how much she already knew. "Principal Daley tells me you've complained of behavioral misconduct from those three within your class, and you have, thus far, been unable to corral this disruptive behavior. Is that correct?"
I had about a dozen lies I could feed her in that moment, all created when I was driving to this meeting, yet I found myself unable to lie to her in that moment. "Yes, that's correct."
"So what, Mr. Harper, would you like me to do about them?"
Even though I already showed she was not interested in any wasted moment in a conversation, I took a few just to ponder my next action. If I remained true to the story that the girls were trouble, that they had made my life hell and would send me to an early grave, it could get me out of any future entanglement. But, they could just as easily rat me out. More importantly though, I didn't want them to leave my class. After last night, I had finally come around to what they wanted from, and for, me. Damn the consequences, I was going to ride this wonderful train, even if it killed me.
That confirmation of the path I wanted to take gave me just enough confidence to lie to this very intimidating authority figure. "Well, originally I wanted to have them removed from my class," I started my lie off with some honesty, "but after working with them I don't believe they will be any more of a problem in my class." I ended with a half truth. I hoped they wouldn't be any more trouble, now that they had me on their side, but knowing them that could very well only be the start of the real trouble in my future. Plus, the work I was implying was not the work I had actually done."So I'd like to keep them in my class, for the remainder of the year."
"Really now?" she asked, looking perplexed. "The way Principal Daley made it sound, you were at your wit's end, ready to toss in the towel, all because of three teenage girls," she said, poking holes in my story. "I must say this is a rather rapid turnaround, Mr. Harper."
The lies I was holding at the ready fell out of my trembling hands, and I was unable to find one that worked after she had started to poke holes in my story. She had outplayed me and was catching me in my dishonesty.
She need only dig further and would find where the bodies were buried. All I could do was hope to pivot the conversation away from me.
"Is Mr. Daley going to be here for this?" I questioned. "I believe the principal is supposed to be present in meetings between a superintendent and his employee," I quoted directly from the rule book.
"Principal Daley will hear all about this, Mr. Harper, don't worry." She caused her chair to turn with her slightly, and again I heard some movement under her desk, no doubt the inside of her desk being hit by the spiked heel she would soon drive into my chest. "You know, Mr. Harper," she began, turning back around to face me directly, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you've taking a liking to these girls. An inappropriate and unprofessional liking." I was frozen now, stuck in a bear trap with no hope but to chew my own leg off so I could escape. With nowhere to escape, and faced with a swift and ferocious predator, so I just had to sit there and watch as my reputation, career, and freedom were executed in front of my eyes.
Cross stood up from her desk as she continued her accusations. "In fact, this meeting wasn't to talk about how much trouble you were having with the girls," she started off, slowly walking along the length of her desk to come around to my side. My eyes were locked to her, unable to look away; after all, she held the axe that would soon crash upon the cutting block and send my head into a bloody basket. "And after speaking with you, Mr. Harper, I believe you did do something with those girls. Something very unprofessional and extremely inappropriate."
I thought nothing. I felt nothing. I had become a shell of what I was and my spirit was already leaving my body. Just enough was left of my mind to understand what she was saying to me and watch as she drove the sword in deeper. Then she came around to my side of the desk, and feeling returned to my body, though it was undoubtedly the most inappropriate reaction given the circumstances. While I had suspected before, sure enough I could confirm that she was just as perfect below the waist as she was above. She was simply poured into this suit. Her black skirt reached only a quarter down her thigh, showing me the start of her dark, silk, stalkings whenever she moved a leg forward. Judging by her profile when her side was to me, her ass completed the set of perfect physical features. If only I had met this woman, this woman whom I could actually sleep with without the risk of a prison sentence, before I met those infernal girls.
"So what it is about them, Mr. Harper? Their age? Their innocence? The ease in which you can manipulate them to fulfill your sick desires?" she accused more boldly now, standing in front of me with her arms crossed under her full and unyielding breasts. "Was it just them you were attracted to, or was it all of your female students? Hell, was it even just these three girls you abused or have you left many more broken women in your wake?" I couldn't even look at her now. The shame and fear I felt overpowered how attracted I was to her and how much I wanted to stare at her forever. "I bet if I checked your phone, you'd have all sorts of illicit pictures of your students on there, wouldn't you?" That accusation cut especially deep. While all the things she had said were quite damning, they were still just her assumptions and theories. She had no evidence to back any of it up. Her tone had made all this circumstantial evidence sound factual. It took her coming close to some actual evidence to make me realize that. If she checked my phone, she would in fact find a naked photo on there of one of my students. A photo dating all the way back to when I first met the girls, before I had even done anything with them and the relationship was completely one sided.
"Doesn't help that you are single, you know," she continued to press. "People's imaginations run wild when you can't prove you're attracted to women your own age by being with a woman your own age. If only there was some way you could prove to me that you're attracted to women your own age...if not older.."
That certainly got my attention and pulled me out of the deep pit of despair I was in. It was as if I was one shovel strike away from reaching the top of Hell, when she threw down a rope. I looked up at her, puzzlement on my face, and then surprise. Her jacket had come unbuttoned, and no longer were her breasts thrusting their way past the deep V, though they were still hidden by her silk, purple, blouse. Her hands rested on the edge of the desk she was leaning against. As soon as I made eye contact with that lustful stare, she propped her expensive heel down onto my chair, right between my legs. In this moment of yet another beautiful and incredibly sexy female propositioning me for sex, I could think of only one thing: Vivika. Specifically, what she had said to me before I left for this meeting.
You are mine, and mine alone slammed against the inside of my skull, reminding me of the feeling of ownership Vivika had cast over me in the morning. Short of saying "don't you dare cheat on me," she had made it very clear that I was not to stray from her. Why should I? She, Nessa and Val gave me more than enough affection and stress to last me a lifetime. Yet here I was, being offered an olive branch in the form of a long, toned, leg, and with it - a way out of this mess.
"Well go on, Mr. Harper. Prove me wrong," she challenged, her voice becoming all the more laced in lust and desire, "and fuck me." That was all the confirmation I needed my theory was right. While it pained me to betray Vivika's trust, this looked to be the only way I was going to get out of this mess. Still, that was only part of why I stared back at her with desire in my eyes, keeping the gaze while I lovingly ran my hands up her impeccably toned stem. The other part, a major part I should confess, was that I just really, really wanted to fuck her. Even if she hadn't made it clear that she was onto me, even if this meeting had ended amicably with a promise of no further investigation, I still would have tried to proposition her, even if it would ruin all the good the meeting had done. The only thing that would relieve my guilt was that she asked me, and I could clearly see this was the only way to end this witch hunt.
Cross must have decided she had had enough of her legs being massaged, her head rolling back and forth as she hummed a breathy moan during the caress, when she took her foot back down. Black nails dug underneath her tight skirt and ripped it up with speed that conveyed she didn't like having her time wasted during sex, either. I was surprised to see she wore no panties, and that her lips, nestled under a well cared for triangle of pitch black hair, were already red, puffy, and clearly wet. It was as if she had been having sex the entire time we spoke and only paused to switch partners. With equal speed of removing her skirt, she pushed herself up onto the edge of her desk and sat there, one leg dangling off the table and the other propped up on the desk itself, displaying her impressive flexibility.
I rose to attention, but half way between sitting and standing, she stopped me. "No no, Mr. Harper. I need you on your knees, not your feet," she said with a delighted smirk, licking her lips as if she was just presented a meal. I suppose I should have known. A woman with this kind of power and authority needed to have them work for her in every aspect of her life. Though, it's not like the task before me was an unenviable one. With a smirk and a nod, I stopped my ascent and began my descent onto my knees, moving a few inches closer so I could reach her.
My hands rested on her upper thighs, keeping her aligned with my approaching face. I spent little time traveling to the source of the primal heat I felt against my cheek, not wanting to make her impatient, but I at least took the time to alternate kisses and bites along her raised thigh on the way there. She seemed to enjoy that, giving an amused laugh behind her smirk, and drumming her fingers along her exposed cleavage after those same fingers pulled the V open more.
I began with a few gentle licks, testing the waters and watching her face to see just what spot caused the best reaction. Finding the proper location and pressure, I continued there, forcing her to dampen even more and possibly ruin her desk with the juices that dripped onto the expensive wood. Kisses and suckles, nuzzles of my nose and the occasional thin exhale of air to send cool air against the hot wetness between her legs, the contrast in temperature eliciting a shivering moan from up above. All this done before I had even touched the cherry on top of her lips.
The V-girls had spend two hours one day at my home teaching me the best way to eat them out. They said that I was good, but they wanted better - that they "deserved the best." So with their lesson plan still fresh in my mind, I utilized the skills they had taught me to best manipulate the sensitive nub with tongue, lips, and now fingers (added so I could use my tongue and lips elsewhere at the same time). While each girl was different and each would give pointers that conflicted with those from another, Cross didn't seem to find any complaints, from what I heard, worth mentioning when I tried out the pantheon of tricks that had been instilled into me. Before long, I heard her heel scrape off her desk and felt the leg drape over my shoulder, forcing my body and head closer. Then the other leg came around to lock ankles with the other, and her stockinged thighs squeezed tight.
To show I was not afraid of the increased closeness of my position, my hands left her thighs and reached around to cup at her back, pulling her in even closer to me, and allowing my salivating mouth to cover her dripping lips. Not interested in letting me dictate any action, she reached back to take my hands, when I had begun to lower them to try and cup her supple cheeks, and pulled them up to her flat tummy, felt through her blouse. She laid them there only momentarily, long enough to rip open her blouse and scatter the remaining buttons she had not already undone. My palms were then filled with her warm and heavy breasts. I could feel that her bra had been pulled down to allow me full access. Stiffening pebbles pressed against my palms while I massaged her more than ample bosom. When her breasts were pulled from me slightly, though quickly I moved my hands to hold them again, I knew she was leaning back slightly on the desk. I couldn't hear very well with her legs squeezing against my ears, but I was able to hear some muffled and rapid moans, cries, and swears coming from above me.
By this point, I would have made either of the V-girls cum once or twice, but Cross seemed to only just be heating up. My jaw began to ache, and there was no chance I would be able to pull back for a minute to relax. So I had to press forward. I knew she would be a difficult woman to please, though the process would be very fun. As much as it pained me to do, I pulled a hand away from her breast, though I tried to make up for its absence by beginning to pinch, pull, and roll her nipple with my free hand, alternating between tits whenever it sounded like her moaning was becoming less frequent. My hand freed, I managed to squeeze it between my lips and hers, using nimble and practiced fingers to bury themselves inside her. After fitting two digits inside, I turned my hand and curled my fingers, looking for, successfully, her G-spot. She may have far greater stamina, and a higher threshold for pleasure before reaching climax than I was used to, but I doubted she'd be immune to the charms of that hidden pleasure center.
While it was clearly meeting with high praise, I regretted using that play. Pushed to a new level of arousal, her legs squeezed even tighter around my head, and my nose pressed even more against her pelvis. Oxygen was scarce and I was honestly afraid my skull would crack. I used my free hand on her tit to push her back, but that just stirred her on further. I tried to pull it away but she just grabbed it and pressed it back into the soft embrace of her breast. While her hips had been rotating before, slowly, in soft gyrations that were natural reactions of her body in heat, she was grinding them hard against me now. I stopped any movement from my tongue and fingers, focusing on trying to grab whatever air I could when her thighs parted just enough to let some in. Plus, I figured I had done all I could and she didn't need me to do more; just be a hard surface to grind against until she obtained the orgasm she was violently fighting for. I was wrong, however.
"Don't stop! Keep going!" she panted out. She must have yelled it, as I heard her quite clearly. So, I redoubled my efforts and helped her reach that finish line I desperately needed her to cross. When my vision began to blur, and my lungs began to ache, she finally reached her tipping point. A flood of sexual juices came flooding into my mouth, and her thrusting hips kept me from ever closing my lips to stave off the invasion. As sweet and addicting as the taste was, I still coughed up a fair amount of it when she finally relaxed her legs and let me drop to my hands.
I took a moment to catch my breath, to gather my faculties, but she wouldn't afford me more than but that one moment. "On your feet, Mr. Harper," she commanded. I looked up at her, standing over me, pussy still dripping and nipples still hard. She was sucking something off her fingers, perhaps her own cum she swiped from herself after I fell to the ground. Her fingers exited from between her dark tiers with a pop, and she continued to command, reminding me, "I told you to fuck me, Mr. Harper, not just eat me out."
With a heavy gulp, and just enough strength to stand up, I rose to my feet and met her gaze. She looked me up and down and smiled, then turned her back to me. Her jacket slipped easily off her slender shoulders and dropped between us. The blouse came next, and then the bra, which was tossed across the room to hang on some expensive bust. Gracefully, she bent at the waist, keeping her legs completely straight and apart, and pressed that perfect ass into my aching groin. She peered at me over her shoulders, after flipping her hair from blocking her view.
With the same speed that she had disrobed her skirt, I too removed my pants and kicked them aside. Without another moment to spare, I pressed my cock head against her soaked lips. Then she halted my progress. "What are you doing, Mr. Harper?"
"I'm...fucking you?" I said, confused, using her own terminology to confirm that I had heard what she told me to do.
"You've already pleasured my pussy, Mr. Harper," she reminded me. "Now I want you to fuck me in the hole that hasn't yet been attended to."
As I blinked away my shock and stood, mouth agape, she reached down to her pussy and pumped her fingers inside one, two, three times. Then she moved those wetted fingers to the orifice I had been ordered to fill, spreading the juices around the rim. Once again she sucked her fingers clean of any remaining cum, and then again moved her fingers to pump inside of her - though this time it was the other entrance, albeit with more resistance than the first.
Her hands planted down on the desk, I knew she was ready and so this time I pressed the head of my aching cock to her slightly lubricated hole. Slowly, to minimize discomfort and maximize teasing, I pressed into her, inch by inch. After the ring closed around the head of my cock, I heard her let out a surprised and pleasured moan, stifled near the end when she bit her lip and looked back at me, telling me, with her eyes, to keep going. My hands roughly gripped her hips, to her audible pleasure, and pulled her closer as I pushed further in. The tightness and heat were indescribable. I ended my rest within her, taken after I had pushed half way in, as far as her current tightness would allow, when she started to rock her hips side to side, spurring me to start moving again. My hips pulled back, and then pushed back slightly faster. With each return, I was able to loosen her a bit more and drive a little deeper. When my hips met with her cheeks, I upped my tempo considerably.
I wasn't sure how she'd react, some women like it, some don't, but the last three women I've slept with all loved it, to varying degrees between each, but regardless I had to do it, I had to spank that perfect ass. Thankfully, it was met with celebrated cries. So, I continued to add some color to her cheeks. In all honesty, spanking was the most violent action I had ever taken during sex, the only time I had intentionally done something that would cause pain to my mate (though only when they allowed it). Cross, on the other hand, wanted me to push past that limit.
When I had reached under her to grope her swinging breast, she took me by the wrist and pulled my hand up higher. She began to stand up slightly so I could reach her delicate neck. Her hand closed around mine, forcing my fingers to do the same around her neck. I definitely uncertain about if I should actually leave my hand there. Then again, she seemed a far more experienced lover than me, and obviously knew what she wanted. Plus, I was certain if I did something out of line, she would let me hear about it, and likely punish me for being so bold. So while one hand squeezed her plump ass check, the other squeezed her slender neck.
Cross's moans and cries were now stifled by my choking hand, but they sounded more frequent than before, something I hoped was a result of my choking her, at least. It did feel good, though, to enact this level of power over a woman this intimidating and actually powerful. The size of her office meant the sound of our sex echoed throughout, creating a chorus for reverberating moans and expletives for us to fuck in rhythm to. It even got to the point where it sounded like there was a third person in the room, whimpering throughout our sexcapades.
After her ass was sufficiently reddened, hopefully sending the delightful stinging sensation through her that Valentina often talked about, I pulled her up, prompting her to rise up on her own, as well, when I tugged on her hair. A bold choice, and one she could have easily objected to, but I rolled the dice and came out on top. Still leaning forward slightly, but standing more than leaning now, I was able to look over her shoulder and down at her bouncing breasts. Droplets of sweat leaped from her erect nipples with every hard push made from behind. As breath taking a sight that was, I still succumbed to my baser instinct and just grabbed at her tit, pawing it with tender but firm affection. She mimicked my actions on her other breast, and her other hand played with her clit.
Another incalculable passage of time later, and Superintendent Cross exploded forth, spraying her juices across her desk and (undoubtedly) important papers. She grew limp, and so I eased her back down to rest on the desk. Her hands reached forward to grip the side opposite me. Looking back over her shoulder, she gave me a look that I immediately understood. With a kind of vigor not shown since the days of cavemen claiming their mates in a cave, I pounded away at her taboo orifice. All this time I had only seen her scowl and smirk. Now, however, she was smiling, mouth agape, closing it only so she could chew on her pouty lip.
I thought about how her heavy breasts were pressed down against the table, her swollen nipples running back and forth against her papers stained with her own honey. I thought about her tight stomach going into knots from the pleasure she was feeling. I thought about how amazing her ass felt and how delicious her pussy tasted. I thought about how her sexual juices invigorated me to new heights when she forced it all down my throat. Then I thought about how I was betraying Vivika's belief that I belonged to her and only her. And then I came.
Instinctively I pulled out, though judging by her whimper perhaps I should have came inside her. Still, the sight of her reddened ass, covered in streaks of white, swaying back and forth as if looking for my member; it was worth giving her that moment of disappointment. I stumbled back, keeping myself from falling only by the grace of the sturdy chair I grabbed hold of. Cross saw this and laughed, amused by how much she had worn me out, yet she looked like she could go another seven rounds, run a 5K, and then come back to make it a baker's dozen. As I watched her massage my cum into the skin on her rear, giving a throaty groan and rocking her hips, I actually worried she wanted to do just that. I was a bit relieved when she threw my pants at me.
Gone was her sexually charged vocabulary when she started speaking again. Her authority and dignity seemed no less diminished, even when she lightly struggled to work her tight skirt over her wide, semen-covered, ass. "Well done, Mr. Harper," she said, as if she had just given me a performance review. "There's room for improvement, and had I more time to give this meeting I might be able to give you a lesson or two. As it is, our time is up."
I stood, half confused and half nervous, a feeling I had grown quite accustomed to, as I redid my belt. "So...what about...the girls?" I asked, kicking myself for even reminding her of the matter, but I still had to know. I had to know that I wouldn't have to worry about being turned in, at least not by her.
After putting on a fresh blouse she pulled from a closet in her office, she returned to her desk to sit, brought her chair back to the edge, and began to organize the sex-ruined papers. "As far as I'm concerned, Mr. Harper, any man who has been fucking three teenagers would not have the stamina you just displayed." It was an odd way to prove my innocence, but I would take it.
"Besides, Mr. Harper," she called out to me as I was walking down her impossibly large office to the impossibly large double doors, "even if you were fucking those girls, I doubt they'd have any reason to complain." A dark and salacious comment to make, to say the least, though it seemed perfectly apt coming from a woman like her.
As I pushed open the door, I noticed a familiar grey tweed jacket hanging on the coat rack. Just when I began to wonder when Daley had arrived here and why he would have left without his jacket, I heard, softly, behind me, "I hope you learned a thing or two." I looked back at her, but she was just working on her papers, completely oblivious to the fact that I still existed. Again, I didn't want to risk the out I had just been granted, so rather than investigate further, I left, not even bothering to return the goodbye Cross's secretary gave me.
I arrived swiftly in the parking lot, though my pace slowed when I saw who was waiting for me by my car. Vivika. Once again she surprised me by turning up in my path, though this time she was considerably more dressed than when she was in my kitchen.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, eyes darting left and right, looking for any sign of someone who could recognize either of us and piece together the odd occurrence of a teacher meeting his student in the parking lot, here.
"Well you had left in such a panic this morning, and I wanted to come by to see how it went," she sweetly replied, occupying the time before her next response by fixing my disheveled collar and tie. "So how did it go?"
I was frustrated and angry with her, that she would show up here, of all places, and start touching me affectionately, out in the open, immediately after I had a meeting about possible inappropriate behavior with my students. Her eyes disarmed me, though, as they always did, and I immediately forgave her.
"It was...intense," I admitted, "but it went fine. No problems."
"See? I told you you'd be fine. Now come here," she asked, and before I could stop it from happening, she planted a firm congratulatory kiss for making it through the lion's den. When she pulled back, she licked her lips and smiled, looking me over once more to find more parts of my clothing that had gone askew. "So did you fuck her?"
While she could put me at ease with her eyes, she could also put me at the edge of an early grave with her words.
"How...Do you know Superintendent Cross?"
"I don't, not really. I just know of her. She came by the school one year, I think just on some tour of the premises, back when I first started going there, and before you worked there. I think it was her first day too," she explained innocently enough. "I just remember her well because of how gorgeous she was. So that's why I want to know: did you fuck her?" she asked of me again.
I stared at those disarming, enchanting eyes, and lied directly to them. "No," the easiest lie to employ. "Of course not. Don't be ridiculous," I said with a laugh, hoping she would agree with my tone that the very notion that I fucked the boss of my boss was absurd.
Her amused giggled told me my lie had worked. "I know, I'm being silly. Just, now that I have you, I don't want to lose you, you know?" Again she punctuated her remark with a kiss, though this time it was simpler and on the cheek. "Come on, I'll drive you home."
"That's alright, I mean I drove here, so-"
"Come on, I want to do this for you. Please?"
I was too exhausted to argue. "Alright." Hell, maybe Principal Daley had gotten a ride home from a student, too, and that's why his car was there but I never saw him inside the building. Wouldn't that be amusing?
My house isn't far from the Board of Education building, so it didn't take me long to figure out we were going the wrong way.
"Uh, Vivika?"
"Hm?" she simply responded, keeping her eyes on the road.
"I thought you said you were taking me home?"
"I am. My home," she revealed.
"What?! Why?!"
"Don't you remember?" she asked with some concern. "I told you, I want you to meet my mother."
I did remember that, I just hoped it didn't really happen, or she at least would give me enough time to prepare for this terrible idea. "Vivika, I really don't think this is a..." I wanted to say I didn't think it was a good idea, that it was a very stupid idea, but I caught myself and pivoted to a gentler objection, "...good time. I mean, I just had that meeting. I'm pretty tired. I think we should just reschedule."
"Hmmm," she considered. "Maybe you're right, Mr. Harper." I was so relieved, at least for a moment. "But, we're already here, it'd be silly to turn back now."
My focus was so heavily directed at finding a way out of this that I hadn't been looking at where we were going. She drove her expensive car up the long driveway to her illustrious mansion. I knew the kids at the school were often rich, private school students usually are, but Vivika looked to be on another level. I continued to be dumbstruck even as she led me by the hand into her house and into a sitting room.
My focus was only broken when I was greeted by two familiar voices. "Hey, Mr. Harper," Nessa and Val said, drawing out the greeting as if it were a tease. Even in the middle of this nightmare, they looked so inviting, sitting there on the couch, a space between them just large enough for me to snuggle into with them. The only thing that could remind me that this was as a nightmare, was Vivika reminding me why I was here.
"Val, where's my mom?" Vivika asked, standing by my side in the doorway.
"She's in the kitchen, or something," Val said.
"Oh! Here she comes now," Nessa added.
"Hello, again, Mr. Harper," said Superintendent Cross. "My daughter has told me so much about you."
This text is part of a set with 9 other files.
English for Sinners by TheDjinn
- Date
- 9 years ago
- http://www.hentai-foundry.com/stories/user/TheDjinn/17798/English-for-Sinners/54598/Chapter-8/Interacting-with-Administration?enterAgree=1
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