Orgasm Torture by J-Cal Despite my fatigued protests – perhaps encouraged further because of them – the two demonesses smiled quite pitilessly as they got the new toys into position. The first thing was a rubber and steel – it looked like – construct in the shape of an egg, which was fastened to a few swing- and turnable rods that connected the contraption to the underside of the “throne”. Relishing in my horrified, if drained look, Ceri lubed up the egg and started pushing it into my ass. My sphincter closed up all o…
Better late than never, but better sooner than later?
Greetings, readers! Sure has been quite a ride, and a wait, to get this story done. When I first submitted the first chapters of Orgasm Torture way back in 2010(!!!) I had no idea it would garner such a loyal and devoted fanbase. You, readers, have been wonderful and your feedback has helped get this story to its inevitable conclusion; I only apologize for taking so long to finish it. As always, I hope you'll leave a comment after reading, and I sure hope you enjoy this, the titular chapter of the story, and I hope the ride was worth it!
Love, J-Cal
Any thoughts of backing out or refusing – and I had many spinning in my head at this point; it came crashing down on me with dreadful force that this machine had killed the last guy the demonesses had meant to make their lord – was immediately and efficiently rooted out by Krissa when she touched my shoulder, sending a jolt of magic through my body which paralyzed me.
But before I could flop like a gutted fish to the sandstone floor, she grabbed me and hoisted be up in both arms in front of her, and in a moment of crippling self-awareness I realized this probably did not come across as my most manly of moments – not that the demonesses cared, to them such a thing was commonplace.
“I am sorry, my love, but we have had other candidates freak out on us before,” Krissa said, sounding uncharacteristically apologetic as she carried my limp body over to the fantastical contraption dominating the bottom floor of the ominous coliseum. “I will give back control of your body once we have you secured in the machine. We have come too far not to go through with this now. I hope you can forgive me.”
And I hope you prove up to the challenge, she added silently, fearing for my life but knowing there was no choice but to press on. Either the demonesses would have a new lord thirty hours from now – one they needed badly – or Krissa would face a year of servitude to the next demoness tasked with finding a suitable mortal.
Being carried towards my final test of which I had heard so much ever since I arrived here, now fully realizing why it was such a well-kept secret, I tried pushing down my rising terror, only succeeding in doing so when I recognized familiar faces in the throng of mostly naked, hungry-looking demons surrounding me on all sides, their exited chatter filling my ears from all around.
At the first ring of the coliseum above, directly in front of the machine-contraption, stood Arielle, gleeful as ever, her tail wagging excitedly behind her. However, the apprentice’s large, perky breasts and grinning, gorgeous face was not enough to completely hide the twinkle of nervousness hiding beyond her purple eyes. She was biting her lip between broad smiles, and her eyebrows changed her expression from conflicting emotions of expectation and anxiety.
To the left of the machine, on the second tier, stood the two guards who I had been introduced to as a punishment for telling Krissa “no”, the spiky white-haired vixen Saya, and the ravishing brunette, Ceri. That first time, in the cell where I had been denied orgasm by a machine for more than four hours before their arrival, they had looked upon me like I was an amusing curiosity, like a stray puppy or a funny-looking kid. Now, while they still had that air of superiority about them in their half-armoured figures, it was all too clear that they, too, were apprehensive about what was about to happen.
Slightly to my right, at the first tier, was Rav and her sister Vere, the last two demonesses of the old generation, giantesses among regulars. They sat, regally despite being naked, with their legs crossed and their hands folded in their laps, massive breasts gently falling and rising with their breathing, but not even their natural, alluring demeanours could remove the mask of uncertainty they felt.
Behind me, on the third tier, leaning over the rails as they bit their lips nervously, were the uncommonly submissive apprentices Trin and Soria. As a form of “gift”, Krissa had left me alone with the raven-tressed beauty Soria and the gorgeous, fair-skinned redhead Trin, urging me to do whatever I liked with them. They had, for a reason I still did not know, decided to submit to me, to be my willing sex-slaves, and wore nothing but simple black leather collars to illustrate this.
Also to my right, at the third tier, stood several of the young ones Krissa had “trained” with me on a couple of occasions, and wherever I looked there were familiar faces, even if I couldn’t name them all.
Approaching the machine on the raised dais in the centre of the huge, roofless room, Krissa was joined by Lina – a woman I was still not sure whether or not hated or loved me – and together they put me down in the chair-part of the contraption and started strapping me in.
Both of them didn’t wear anything apart from very skimpy, very tight black panties – apart from Lina’s slender black choker and the silver rings in her nipples – so I was at least treated to their warm, soft and silky skin brushing and pushing against me as they set to work.
After a few minutes, I was secured in the chair, about as restrained as I had ever been. The reclined seat consisted only of two padded bits for my thighs to rest on, leaving my ass and crotch exposed. My back was leaning into comfortable pads, and my legs were, though spread wide, also comfortable and slightly raised, bending down at the knees. My arms pointed down, but bent at the elbows, my hands placed somewhere beneath my butt. Thick, brown leather straps held me down all over, robbing me of being able to attempt any sort of freeing gestures, and it seemed half the restraints were utterly redundant.
The straps secured me diagonally across my shoulders, above and below the elbows, around the wrists, diagonally up the insides of my thighs – crossing my hips – above and below the knees and around the ankles.
Thus secured, Krissa undid whatever spell she had used to immobilize me – and for a moment before I realized the demonesses simply liked the look of physically restraining their victims – I wondered why they bothered with all the straps and ropes.
The only thing I could move with any success was my head, but I found it was far more comfortable to keep it back, resting on the form-fitting groove in the padded back. Despite the tight restraints and despite my pose – sitting reclined so much that my knees were nearly level with my chest and my legs spread and my arms pointing downward – the position felt good on every part of my body. Not a single limb was under any stress, and my back agreed a lot with the reclined back of the seat.
Before addressing Krissa, feeling I needed to vent some of my anxiety, I for the first time looked around the chamber from this seat, and it was a disconcerting sight to be sure.
Like an ant being scrutinized by countless giants towering above the anthill, I felt utterly small and insignificant in the centre of this chamber, all the demonesses in this new world arranged all around me, looking down at my naked, exposed body, those who saw me for the first time judging me, those who had been with me recalling with glee the time spent. Eyes sparkled and glinted in the light from the sun coming down from the open roof –
Yes, the sun. I had noticed it when we first entered the chamber, but only now did I have the chance to really take in that I was witnessing the sky of this strange world for the first time. In an auburn morning canopy, beautiful golds and orange hues cascading in the cloudless sky like a gorgeous stream, the white sun bathed the open coliseum in brilliance, but it was a soft glow, one that did not blind, but instead simply illuminated and warmed.
The one singular thought every one of the some two thousand demonesses – taking in my naked, helpless self – shared, was a desperate desire for me to survive the ordeal to come. They did not wish to spend another year without a lord.
“I’m scared,” I finally managed to say to Krissa as she and Lina stood next to me.
Krissa’s expression was full of worry and care, and it was obvious that she too was afraid. “It will be fine, sweetie,” she whispered, leaning in to run a hand through my hair and caress my chest with the other. “We have trained you well. I know you can do this.”
I found little comfort in her words, but I had no choice but to go through with it. Even if I threw the biggest tantrum of my life, even if I panicked all my reason away, they would not let me go. One way or another I was coming face to face with a continuous thirty hours of having my poor manhood milked.
Lina held up a soft, leather bit-gag. “Even though we have had our differences, no matter how I initially felt about you, I too want this to succeed. We need a man back in our lives. I am done being bitter about my previous failure, and if you succeed in this, I will be as devoted to you as I would have the man I chose a year ago.”
“Thanks,” I said, confused, but nonetheless grateful for her words.
“Open up,” she said, and secured the gag in place. The soft leather had plenty of give, and was most likely one of the more comfortable gags I had worn, but it would silence me just as well as other kinds.
Giving me a final, worried look laced with affection, Krissa shed her apprehensive demeanour, adopting the persona of a demoness-queen about to fulfil the sorely needed destiny of her people.
Turning to face the crowd, spreading her arms as she did a theatrical pirouette to see all the demonesses, and in turn let them see her, Krissa opened her mouth and said in a voice powerful enough to echo through the vast chamber.
“Now we begin!”
The demonesses cheered and hooted – apart from, I noticed, Rav and Vere, who remained too dignified to holler like a drunken crowd – at Krissa’s proclamation, all of them eager to get down to business and, hopefully, be left with a Demon Lord to call their own thirty hours from now.
“Before we bring the machine to bear on you, though,” Krissa whispered as she leaned in close, “we need to get you hard.”
Sharing a knowing look – a look that told me, were there any lingering doubts that the two of them were indeed equals despite how Lina had lived the past year – Krissa and Lina walked between my legs, sliding their fingers up my inner thighs as they approached, then kneeled facing my flaccid cock.
Without another word, they brought their mouths and tongues to bear on me, to the increased jubilation of the spectators. Krissa sucked my cockhead and Lina slurped my balls, and despite my mortal fear of how this day might turn out, they were simply too good not to make me erect in no time, their deliciously slick and warm saliva coating me.
They were not, however, doing this to either deny me or make me cum, they were simply making me hard. I knew the demonesses had plenty of tricks to make me hard without any direct stimulation, mostly through their demonic powers, but I suspected this hands-on approach – or was that “mouths-on” approach? – was part of the ritual.
Straining and dense as wood, my cock stood up as if to greet the crowd watching, as if announcing that it was ready, and in a rare moment of self-narration, I thought to myself that my cock would come to regret its eagerness once milking started. I might have gotten “used to” being milked in the time I had spent with the demonesses, but no matter how used to it I was, I knew I was going to reach a point where post-orgasmic hypersensitivity would come back to haunt me with a severe vengeance.
The demonesses were not so concerned about what my mind was going on about. Instead they beheld my cock with obvious glee, biting and/or licking their lips.
Retreating from between my legs to stand on either side of me, Krissa on my left and Lina on my right, they something I could not clearly see, but it sounded like they were hitting some buttons somewhere on the flanks of my seat.
I had no trouble seeing the thing raising from beneath the machine to my left, however.
Rising on a series of steel rods on flexible joints, a slick, slender metal tube hovered closer towards my cock, the puckered, tight, fleshy opening already dripping with lubrication. On one hand I was looking forward to feeling its awesome insides, on the other I knew once that thing slid down on me, it was not coming off for thirty hours.
It was enough to make me sweat, but I already was, and it was not because of the heat from the sun.
“You have experienced many milkers, my boy,” Krissa stated as she grabbed my cock and pointed it straight up, waiting for the tube to come into position. “Many have been about as intense as you could possibly have imagined, but I promise you they all pale in comparison to this thing.”
“For the first half hour it is not going to make you cum,” Lina explained as the machine descended, starting to sheathe my throbbing manhood in the warm interior. “It is going to use this time to get ‘calibrated’, to learn everything it can about your sensitive spots and pressure points. It will bring you close to orgasm several times during this period, but until it is satisfied that it knows all your nerves by ‘heart’ and thus can make you cum with but a touch, it will not give you any release.”
The machine was now pressed all the way down, my cock already in heaven from feeling the tightness, the innumerable little bumps, the warm lubrication. Even the heartbeat in my meat felt awesome inside the machine, and against better judgement, I wanted to bust a nut right then and there.
Abruptly I felt suction on my nipples, and noticed there were two smaller suckers in place, simple metal spheres barely larger than thimbles, but it felt like they had a spongy, lubed interior with something moving within like tongues. Within seconds my nipples were about as hard as my cock, and that’s when I groaned from feeling something sucking on my testicles.
Knowing I couldn’t see what was going on there on account of my posture, Krissa explained “There are two suckers like the ones on your nipples, but larger obviously, one for each ball. The milking machine,” she tapped on the tube on my cock, “controls all of these in unison. Like with your cock, it will use these instruments to stimulate you as much as possible.”
It all felt beyond amazing already, and the actual milking machine hadn’t even started yet. But that was not to last.
“Here we go,” Krissa said, touching the metal cylinder with a finger and giving it a jolt of energy. Then she fixed her red eyes on me and added “Good luck.”
I was begging for orgasm after five minutes. They had explained what the machine would do, but still it felt completely impossible that it had more to learn about me. It felt like it already knew all there was to know about my sensitivity and my nerves, and working in unison with the smaller devices sucking on my nipples and balls, my body felt electric to their touches, and I was about ready to burst my bonds and force the damn thing to make me cum.
But it wouldn’t, not for another twenty-five minutes. It was sheer torture. I was sweating, panting and tossing my head from side to side, begging with my eyes and groans as best I could for relief, be they Krissa or Lina, or any random demoness in the tiered levels of the coliseum whose eyes met mine.
After twenty minutes I was sure this was about as far as any man had come in this final test. I refused to believe there was a single person who had undertaken this test whose heart had not given out before the actual milking started. I had been teased and denied and edged before, but this was inhuman even by demonic standards. I was constantly on the precipice of orgasm, constantly hovering by the edge where just a light breeze would have been enough to set me off, but still the damn machine didn’t let me. It was maddening and incomprehensible, and it still was not done learning me.
After what felt like thirty hours – or so I wished – the machine switched off with an audible click, and to my surprise the chamber was as still as an empty amphitheatre. Apparently the only things that had been making noise for the past half hour was me, but under the demonic touches of the calibrating machine, I had effectively shut the rest of the world out. Which was quite the achievement, considering there were two thousand horny demonesses watching my every struggle.
“It knows you now”, Krissa said, no emotion in her voice betraying what she truly felt at the current moment. “Twenty-nine and a half hours to go, and only now we are getting started.”
I meant to shoot her a quizzical look, as if to ask if the past half hour hadn’t been bad enough, but with another click the machine started up again, and it made me cum in five seconds.
No longer was the inside of the machine slowly churning, testing its fleshy bumps against me in order to figure out which micro-inches of me where the most sensitive. It knew all of that now, so now it turned all of that knowledge against me, immediately thrusting me into one of the most violent orgasms I’ve experienced whilst under the care of the demons.
Churning like an overflowing river, hoovering with extreme force, pumping and thrusting like a jackhammer, lube spattering every which way, my nipples and balls receiving an increase in the sucking stimulation as well, the machine made me explode all right, and nearly made me blind, deaf and dumb from the sheer force of it.
Howling behind my gag, eyes closed shut, every fibre of my body turned to steel as I came enough to fill a bathtub, or so it felt like. Where my seed went I did not know, but knowing the demonesses, it was being stored somewhere.
Heaving for breath, my body covered in enough sweat to fill a bathtub – there was that same allegory again, but it was too fitting to give up – my muscles suddenly relaxed as though they were melting off my bones.
But the machine wasn’t stopping, nor would it until the time was up. It worked me with that same impossible mechanical precision and intensity all through my orgasm, which felt like it lasted a full minute. In fact, the first orgasm didn’t have time to recede completely until I came again.
The first half hour had felt long, but it was dawning on me that twenty-nine and a half hours would feel like a lifetime.
I must have cum something like twenty times per hour. For the first four hours, thanks to the training I had received – while it still was intense as anything I had ever experienced – I was still able to enjoy my consecutive, hard-hitting orgasms, coming to me like food at a sushi restaurant with those conveyor belts you helped yourself from. But somewhere during the fifth hour – I did not know whether to thank or curse Krissa and Lina for letting me know how much time had passed on the hour – my cock was starting to get enough of the constant stimulation. Naturally, there was no respite in sight, and my cock’s increasing sensitivity made me moan louder and sweat harder.
Every hour Krissa and Lina removed my gag only long enough to give me a drink of water, and throughout my ordeal they remained by my side, caressing my hair and my body, at times offering verbal encouragements and lustful murmurs.
From the spectators’ spots above us, the demonesses watched with as much interest now as when the test had started, but I was barely even aware of their presence anymore. All that mattered to me was the insidious machine on my cock, and my cock’s growing hypersensitivity as I came and came again.
Overhead, the sun was moving in the sky, but that too I was not aware of.
After ten hours, my heart was still beating as fast and hard, and I was sure there had to be demons waiting in the wings with mops to clean the floor of the sweat that had rolled off me. I was barely able to groan anymore, and my mind felt like it was comprised solely of scrambled eggs.
My cock was a lightning rod, but the too-intense-to-be-pleasurable sensations visited upon it by the milking machine was still not enough to keep it from cumming again and again.
A little past the ten hour mark I actually thought I was home free, because I could feel my cock getting limper in the machine. It had reached the absolute limit, and no amount of stimulation would keep it erect.
Unfortunately for me, the machine was equipped to deal with this sort of pesky attempt at escape. I could feel the fleshy interior clamp around the base of my cock, like the machine was now also a cock-ring, and with a start I felt something cool, with the help of lots of lubrication, slip into my ass. It wasn’t large, but more than large enough for me, and the dildo soon found and pressed against my prostate, giving it vibrations and small, magical jolts to help it along.
Within seconds I was as hard as I had ever been before, and with my prostate now added to the other parts of my body under direct stimulation – cock, balls and nipples – I came even quicker and even harder, if that was at all possible.
Then again this was a machine that continuously proved to me that what ought to be impossible was hardly even a challenge.
At some point it didn’t even register with me when Krissa and Lina told me how much time had passed. I had noticed that it was dark outside, and somewhere in the back of my tormented mind I supposed the glowing sphere in the night sky would be the demoness’ moon. I was sure I had orgasmed more in this machine than I had throughout the entirety of my stay with the demons, not to mention the rest of my life. My cock was begging for it to end, but I was past being able to. Strapped down and helpless, a slave to my still erect, still assailed manhood, I was unable to do anything but lie there and take it.
And for the first time I genuinely believed I was nearing the end of my rope. There was no way I could keep going much longer.
My vision dimmed.
Ass fucked, balls sucked, nipples licked and cock pumped. The sun was back up. It was all a haze. I thought I had gone deaf, because I couldn’t hear anything. Through my blurred vision I knew things were still going on, but my mind was unable to process the sounds. All that mattered was my poor cock, worked raw by the machine, sucked with what amounted to gallons upon gallons of lube, having produced what was sure to be an oil tanker of cum, or at least that was what it felt like.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I had lost consciousness at some point, perhaps more than once. My cock was so overworked it somehow didn’t feel like it was part of my body anymore.
This was it, I knew it. Tendrils at the edge of my vision told me I was nearly spent. My body was limp as a sack of rice, a mere vessel for the organs inside. My pulse, which had raced and hammered for so long and with such vigour a marathon-runner would never experience it, was now barely beating. My breathing came slow and irregular. Some times when I exhaled I didn’t know if I would be able to draw another breath again.
But still I came.
Still I came.
…still I came…
Somewhere, far away, a dull voice reverberated weakly within me.
“Thirty! Switch it off!”
My head felt like it was being crushed by a hydraulic press.
My limbs felt alien, like they were not meant to be attached to me.
My vision was swimming. My hearing was muffled.
I had no voice
My cock…
My cock felt completely fine.
With a start I realized I was awake, realized I was lying in a soft, fluffy bed with clean white sheets. I sat up, planting my hands on the soft mattress to support myself. As the covers slid off my naked chest, my head paid the price for the abrupt change in elevation. Groaning in pain, I pressed the heels of my palms to my temples and shut my eyes tight.
The pounding was like someone striking at my brain on either side of my head with fur-covered hammers – it softened the blows, but it didn’t help one bit.
Biting back curses, waiting as the pain subsided, I carefully opened my eyes, the brightness of the sun reflecting off the immaculate white sheets hurting them until they adjusted.
Looking around through squinting eyes, I found myself in a large bedroom, upon a huge bed with a gorgeously wrought wooden headboard and frame. The wall ahead was line with a quad of closed cabinets, and between a vanity and a mirror both taller and wider than myself on the wall to my right was a wooden door with a gold knob. On my right, gossamer curtains flowed into the room on the breeze, like waves gently washing ashore. Beyond the opened, double glass doors was a balcony with waist-high, marble handrails. It was too bright to see what the view was like, but the sweetness of the fresh air did wonders for my demolished body.
At first I had trouble recalling where I was, but as I woke and my senses adjusted, I recalled the past events, and the ultimate test that had ended with…
I actually had no idea. Had I passed? Had I perished?
Was this the afterlife? Had I really died under the relentless machine-milking? It was not difficult to believe. In fact I had been sure I was going to die during those hellish hours. If I had, it was the most understandable thing in the world.
A condensation-coated pitcher of water stood on a small, stone-topped wooden end table next to the bed. Ignoring the goblet, I grabbed the pitcher with both hands and voided its contents, letting out a long, guttural “oh yeah” after I had finished it, feeling the coolness of the water spread to every inch of my body.
Putting the pitcher down – next to me in the bed – I got out of bed and wobbly feet, my bare toes finding the furry carpet covering most of the polished stone floor quite agreeable to tread on. Supporting myself on the frame of the bed to keep my balance, I slowly went through the stages of teaching myself how to walk again, feeling more lucid by the moment, and eventually managed not to stumble through the open door to the balcony.
Hobbling over to the handrails, taking a deep breath of the crisp air, I opened my eyes fully and let them slowly adjust to the sunlight, and the sight that revealed itself to me was enough to take away my deep breath again.
Spreading out before me were rolling plains of gold and green, vibrant and exotic, tall grass and willows dancing in the morning breeze. Beyond the shores of a calm ocean spread out to infinity, the blue melting with that of the cloudless sky. To my left, foothills elevated the geography towards towering, grey peaks capped with snow in the distance, and if the rules of wherever this was followed those back on earth, the mountains were to the east, as the sun had cleared the tallest summits not too long ago,
Taking in this beautiful vista, for a moment deciding I didn’t really care where I was if it was this scenic, I then turned my head to look to my right, and had it confirmed to me that I had, in fact, not perished during the final test.
The building I was in was part of an immense, crescent structure built into the side of a long, arching hillside. At first glace it was quite reminiscent of ancient Roman architecture, with marble walls and balconies, columns and flagstone paths, interspaced with gardens, pools built in the shape of natural lakes, and trees planted to offer shade. The roof of the grand structure was the top of the hill, the natural stone and vegetation making even a construct of this size blend seamlessly in with nature.
All around on the balconies, the paths and some of the few pools and gardens, demonesses – all in different states of undress – were frolicking and interacting. They all seemed cheerful and content, mild laughter and melodic voices carrying up to where I was standing on the breeze.
As soon as one of them caught eye of me, standing on the balcony that seemed to be at the top of the far right of the overall structure – if one stood down in the plains, looking back at it – the news spread with inhuman speed through the crowd until they were all aware of my presence.
And only then did I realize I was actually completely naked.
But what did that matter?
The demonesses called me, waved at me and threw kisses, some gesturing lewder things they had in mind. Among the gathering congregation I noticed several familiar faces. Rav and Vere were the easiest to spot, standing head and shoulders and breasts taller than most of the other demonesses. They smiled maternally and waved at me, genuinely pleased to see me on my feet.
Further down, standing to her knees in one of the ponds, Arielle was waving at me with both hands, her bare breasts bouncing as she hopped up and down.
Appearing from one of the lush gardens further up, Lina came into view. Leaning against the trunk of a slender tree, she gave me a close lipped smile as she folder her arms, her expression telling me that she was very glad to see me.
When I waved back to them all, feeling like I had to do something but ignorant as to what would be the right thing to do, cheering but lustful voices washed over me, the raw power of their joy moving me to tears.
“Are you doing your first public appearance already?”
I turned to look who just stepped from the bedroom and onto the balcony, though I recognized Krissa’s voice without having to see that it was her.
She was dressed only in a pair of skimpy panties, but these were pink, a rather flamboyant colour for someone I had only ever seen wear black before. Still, it looked sexy on her. Her big breasts jiggled enticingly as she approached.
“Does this mean I passed?”
Krissa grinned, pressing herself up against me to steal a kiss – and once again the all-female crowd beneath roared.
“Barely,” she said, but still all smiles. “Your heart actually gave out twice. But we managed to keep you in the game.”
“Thanks,” I muttered, confused. It seemed like I had technically died during the monumental milking session.
Krissa shook her head. “Don’t believe you passed because of us giving you a little extra help. It was your fortitude – brought about by your training – that saw you through to the end.”
I turned back to the beautiful scenery below us, the cheers from the crowd still drowning out the serenity of the morning.
“So,” I had to think about what to ask first. “What now?”
Krissa smiled with her black lips closed, then stood next to be, putting her head on my shoulder. “Now, my lord, you assume your reign over this world and your very loyal, very obedient demonesses.”
So here I was.
I had been so worried about the final test, the mystery of what it was and why people did not survive it, that I hadn’t had time to think about what I would do if I actually passed it.
Not being able to help myself, I grinned. “Call me that again.”
Krissa purred sensually, speaking slowly. “My lord.”
I felt my cock waking, starting its climb .
“So what can I do?”
“Anything you want.” She pressed herself between me and the handrails, making a big show of pushing her chest against mine.
“So if I wanted to, I could put you on your knees and titfuck you in front of all of them, down there?”
Krissa growled with lust. “If you wanted to.”
Looking into her deep, mysterious and gorgeous red eyes, my gaze momentarily shifting to the still jubilant and rowdy throng, I felt a wicked grin spread.
“Then kneel.”
“Yes, my lord.”
Greetings, readers! Sure has been quite a ride, and a wait, to get this story done. When I first submitted the first chapters of Orgasm Torture way back in 2010(!!!) I had no idea it would garner such a loyal and devoted fanbase. You, readers, have been wonderful and your feedback has helped get this story to its inevitable conclusion; I only apologize for taking so long to finish it. As always, I hope you'll leave a comment after reading, and I sure hope you enjoy this, the titular chapter of the story, and I hope the ride was worth it!
Love, J-Cal
Any thoughts of backing out or refusing – and I had many spinning in my head at this point; it came crashing down on me with dreadful force that this machine had killed the last guy the demonesses had meant to make their lord – was immediately and efficiently rooted out by Krissa when she touched my shoulder, sending a jolt of magic through my body which paralyzed me.
But before I could flop like a gutted fish to the sandstone floor, she grabbed me and hoisted be up in both arms in front of her, and in a moment of crippling self-awareness I realized this probably did not come across as my most manly of moments – not that the demonesses cared, to them such a thing was commonplace.
“I am sorry, my love, but we have had other candidates freak out on us before,” Krissa said, sounding uncharacteristically apologetic as she carried my limp body over to the fantastical contraption dominating the bottom floor of the ominous coliseum. “I will give back control of your body once we have you secured in the machine. We have come too far not to go through with this now. I hope you can forgive me.”
And I hope you prove up to the challenge, she added silently, fearing for my life but knowing there was no choice but to press on. Either the demonesses would have a new lord thirty hours from now – one they needed badly – or Krissa would face a year of servitude to the next demoness tasked with finding a suitable mortal.
Being carried towards my final test of which I had heard so much ever since I arrived here, now fully realizing why it was such a well-kept secret, I tried pushing down my rising terror, only succeeding in doing so when I recognized familiar faces in the throng of mostly naked, hungry-looking demons surrounding me on all sides, their exited chatter filling my ears from all around.
At the first ring of the coliseum above, directly in front of the machine-contraption, stood Arielle, gleeful as ever, her tail wagging excitedly behind her. However, the apprentice’s large, perky breasts and grinning, gorgeous face was not enough to completely hide the twinkle of nervousness hiding beyond her purple eyes. She was biting her lip between broad smiles, and her eyebrows changed her expression from conflicting emotions of expectation and anxiety.
To the left of the machine, on the second tier, stood the two guards who I had been introduced to as a punishment for telling Krissa “no”, the spiky white-haired vixen Saya, and the ravishing brunette, Ceri. That first time, in the cell where I had been denied orgasm by a machine for more than four hours before their arrival, they had looked upon me like I was an amusing curiosity, like a stray puppy or a funny-looking kid. Now, while they still had that air of superiority about them in their half-armoured figures, it was all too clear that they, too, were apprehensive about what was about to happen.
Slightly to my right, at the first tier, was Rav and her sister Vere, the last two demonesses of the old generation, giantesses among regulars. They sat, regally despite being naked, with their legs crossed and their hands folded in their laps, massive breasts gently falling and rising with their breathing, but not even their natural, alluring demeanours could remove the mask of uncertainty they felt.
Behind me, on the third tier, leaning over the rails as they bit their lips nervously, were the uncommonly submissive apprentices Trin and Soria. As a form of “gift”, Krissa had left me alone with the raven-tressed beauty Soria and the gorgeous, fair-skinned redhead Trin, urging me to do whatever I liked with them. They had, for a reason I still did not know, decided to submit to me, to be my willing sex-slaves, and wore nothing but simple black leather collars to illustrate this.
Also to my right, at the third tier, stood several of the young ones Krissa had “trained” with me on a couple of occasions, and wherever I looked there were familiar faces, even if I couldn’t name them all.
Approaching the machine on the raised dais in the centre of the huge, roofless room, Krissa was joined by Lina – a woman I was still not sure whether or not hated or loved me – and together they put me down in the chair-part of the contraption and started strapping me in.
Both of them didn’t wear anything apart from very skimpy, very tight black panties – apart from Lina’s slender black choker and the silver rings in her nipples – so I was at least treated to their warm, soft and silky skin brushing and pushing against me as they set to work.
After a few minutes, I was secured in the chair, about as restrained as I had ever been. The reclined seat consisted only of two padded bits for my thighs to rest on, leaving my ass and crotch exposed. My back was leaning into comfortable pads, and my legs were, though spread wide, also comfortable and slightly raised, bending down at the knees. My arms pointed down, but bent at the elbows, my hands placed somewhere beneath my butt. Thick, brown leather straps held me down all over, robbing me of being able to attempt any sort of freeing gestures, and it seemed half the restraints were utterly redundant.
The straps secured me diagonally across my shoulders, above and below the elbows, around the wrists, diagonally up the insides of my thighs – crossing my hips – above and below the knees and around the ankles.
Thus secured, Krissa undid whatever spell she had used to immobilize me – and for a moment before I realized the demonesses simply liked the look of physically restraining their victims – I wondered why they bothered with all the straps and ropes.
The only thing I could move with any success was my head, but I found it was far more comfortable to keep it back, resting on the form-fitting groove in the padded back. Despite the tight restraints and despite my pose – sitting reclined so much that my knees were nearly level with my chest and my legs spread and my arms pointing downward – the position felt good on every part of my body. Not a single limb was under any stress, and my back agreed a lot with the reclined back of the seat.
Before addressing Krissa, feeling I needed to vent some of my anxiety, I for the first time looked around the chamber from this seat, and it was a disconcerting sight to be sure.
Like an ant being scrutinized by countless giants towering above the anthill, I felt utterly small and insignificant in the centre of this chamber, all the demonesses in this new world arranged all around me, looking down at my naked, exposed body, those who saw me for the first time judging me, those who had been with me recalling with glee the time spent. Eyes sparkled and glinted in the light from the sun coming down from the open roof –
Yes, the sun. I had noticed it when we first entered the chamber, but only now did I have the chance to really take in that I was witnessing the sky of this strange world for the first time. In an auburn morning canopy, beautiful golds and orange hues cascading in the cloudless sky like a gorgeous stream, the white sun bathed the open coliseum in brilliance, but it was a soft glow, one that did not blind, but instead simply illuminated and warmed.
The one singular thought every one of the some two thousand demonesses – taking in my naked, helpless self – shared, was a desperate desire for me to survive the ordeal to come. They did not wish to spend another year without a lord.
“I’m scared,” I finally managed to say to Krissa as she and Lina stood next to me.
Krissa’s expression was full of worry and care, and it was obvious that she too was afraid. “It will be fine, sweetie,” she whispered, leaning in to run a hand through my hair and caress my chest with the other. “We have trained you well. I know you can do this.”
I found little comfort in her words, but I had no choice but to go through with it. Even if I threw the biggest tantrum of my life, even if I panicked all my reason away, they would not let me go. One way or another I was coming face to face with a continuous thirty hours of having my poor manhood milked.
Lina held up a soft, leather bit-gag. “Even though we have had our differences, no matter how I initially felt about you, I too want this to succeed. We need a man back in our lives. I am done being bitter about my previous failure, and if you succeed in this, I will be as devoted to you as I would have the man I chose a year ago.”
“Thanks,” I said, confused, but nonetheless grateful for her words.
“Open up,” she said, and secured the gag in place. The soft leather had plenty of give, and was most likely one of the more comfortable gags I had worn, but it would silence me just as well as other kinds.
Giving me a final, worried look laced with affection, Krissa shed her apprehensive demeanour, adopting the persona of a demoness-queen about to fulfil the sorely needed destiny of her people.
Turning to face the crowd, spreading her arms as she did a theatrical pirouette to see all the demonesses, and in turn let them see her, Krissa opened her mouth and said in a voice powerful enough to echo through the vast chamber.
“Now we begin!”
The demonesses cheered and hooted – apart from, I noticed, Rav and Vere, who remained too dignified to holler like a drunken crowd – at Krissa’s proclamation, all of them eager to get down to business and, hopefully, be left with a Demon Lord to call their own thirty hours from now.
“Before we bring the machine to bear on you, though,” Krissa whispered as she leaned in close, “we need to get you hard.”
Sharing a knowing look – a look that told me, were there any lingering doubts that the two of them were indeed equals despite how Lina had lived the past year – Krissa and Lina walked between my legs, sliding their fingers up my inner thighs as they approached, then kneeled facing my flaccid cock.
Without another word, they brought their mouths and tongues to bear on me, to the increased jubilation of the spectators. Krissa sucked my cockhead and Lina slurped my balls, and despite my mortal fear of how this day might turn out, they were simply too good not to make me erect in no time, their deliciously slick and warm saliva coating me.
They were not, however, doing this to either deny me or make me cum, they were simply making me hard. I knew the demonesses had plenty of tricks to make me hard without any direct stimulation, mostly through their demonic powers, but I suspected this hands-on approach – or was that “mouths-on” approach? – was part of the ritual.
Straining and dense as wood, my cock stood up as if to greet the crowd watching, as if announcing that it was ready, and in a rare moment of self-narration, I thought to myself that my cock would come to regret its eagerness once milking started. I might have gotten “used to” being milked in the time I had spent with the demonesses, but no matter how used to it I was, I knew I was going to reach a point where post-orgasmic hypersensitivity would come back to haunt me with a severe vengeance.
The demonesses were not so concerned about what my mind was going on about. Instead they beheld my cock with obvious glee, biting and/or licking their lips.
Retreating from between my legs to stand on either side of me, Krissa on my left and Lina on my right, they something I could not clearly see, but it sounded like they were hitting some buttons somewhere on the flanks of my seat.
I had no trouble seeing the thing raising from beneath the machine to my left, however.
Rising on a series of steel rods on flexible joints, a slick, slender metal tube hovered closer towards my cock, the puckered, tight, fleshy opening already dripping with lubrication. On one hand I was looking forward to feeling its awesome insides, on the other I knew once that thing slid down on me, it was not coming off for thirty hours.
It was enough to make me sweat, but I already was, and it was not because of the heat from the sun.
“You have experienced many milkers, my boy,” Krissa stated as she grabbed my cock and pointed it straight up, waiting for the tube to come into position. “Many have been about as intense as you could possibly have imagined, but I promise you they all pale in comparison to this thing.”
“For the first half hour it is not going to make you cum,” Lina explained as the machine descended, starting to sheathe my throbbing manhood in the warm interior. “It is going to use this time to get ‘calibrated’, to learn everything it can about your sensitive spots and pressure points. It will bring you close to orgasm several times during this period, but until it is satisfied that it knows all your nerves by ‘heart’ and thus can make you cum with but a touch, it will not give you any release.”
The machine was now pressed all the way down, my cock already in heaven from feeling the tightness, the innumerable little bumps, the warm lubrication. Even the heartbeat in my meat felt awesome inside the machine, and against better judgement, I wanted to bust a nut right then and there.
Abruptly I felt suction on my nipples, and noticed there were two smaller suckers in place, simple metal spheres barely larger than thimbles, but it felt like they had a spongy, lubed interior with something moving within like tongues. Within seconds my nipples were about as hard as my cock, and that’s when I groaned from feeling something sucking on my testicles.
Knowing I couldn’t see what was going on there on account of my posture, Krissa explained “There are two suckers like the ones on your nipples, but larger obviously, one for each ball. The milking machine,” she tapped on the tube on my cock, “controls all of these in unison. Like with your cock, it will use these instruments to stimulate you as much as possible.”
It all felt beyond amazing already, and the actual milking machine hadn’t even started yet. But that was not to last.
“Here we go,” Krissa said, touching the metal cylinder with a finger and giving it a jolt of energy. Then she fixed her red eyes on me and added “Good luck.”
I was begging for orgasm after five minutes. They had explained what the machine would do, but still it felt completely impossible that it had more to learn about me. It felt like it already knew all there was to know about my sensitivity and my nerves, and working in unison with the smaller devices sucking on my nipples and balls, my body felt electric to their touches, and I was about ready to burst my bonds and force the damn thing to make me cum.
But it wouldn’t, not for another twenty-five minutes. It was sheer torture. I was sweating, panting and tossing my head from side to side, begging with my eyes and groans as best I could for relief, be they Krissa or Lina, or any random demoness in the tiered levels of the coliseum whose eyes met mine.
After twenty minutes I was sure this was about as far as any man had come in this final test. I refused to believe there was a single person who had undertaken this test whose heart had not given out before the actual milking started. I had been teased and denied and edged before, but this was inhuman even by demonic standards. I was constantly on the precipice of orgasm, constantly hovering by the edge where just a light breeze would have been enough to set me off, but still the damn machine didn’t let me. It was maddening and incomprehensible, and it still was not done learning me.
After what felt like thirty hours – or so I wished – the machine switched off with an audible click, and to my surprise the chamber was as still as an empty amphitheatre. Apparently the only things that had been making noise for the past half hour was me, but under the demonic touches of the calibrating machine, I had effectively shut the rest of the world out. Which was quite the achievement, considering there were two thousand horny demonesses watching my every struggle.
“It knows you now”, Krissa said, no emotion in her voice betraying what she truly felt at the current moment. “Twenty-nine and a half hours to go, and only now we are getting started.”
I meant to shoot her a quizzical look, as if to ask if the past half hour hadn’t been bad enough, but with another click the machine started up again, and it made me cum in five seconds.
No longer was the inside of the machine slowly churning, testing its fleshy bumps against me in order to figure out which micro-inches of me where the most sensitive. It knew all of that now, so now it turned all of that knowledge against me, immediately thrusting me into one of the most violent orgasms I’ve experienced whilst under the care of the demons.
Churning like an overflowing river, hoovering with extreme force, pumping and thrusting like a jackhammer, lube spattering every which way, my nipples and balls receiving an increase in the sucking stimulation as well, the machine made me explode all right, and nearly made me blind, deaf and dumb from the sheer force of it.
Howling behind my gag, eyes closed shut, every fibre of my body turned to steel as I came enough to fill a bathtub, or so it felt like. Where my seed went I did not know, but knowing the demonesses, it was being stored somewhere.
Heaving for breath, my body covered in enough sweat to fill a bathtub – there was that same allegory again, but it was too fitting to give up – my muscles suddenly relaxed as though they were melting off my bones.
But the machine wasn’t stopping, nor would it until the time was up. It worked me with that same impossible mechanical precision and intensity all through my orgasm, which felt like it lasted a full minute. In fact, the first orgasm didn’t have time to recede completely until I came again.
The first half hour had felt long, but it was dawning on me that twenty-nine and a half hours would feel like a lifetime.
I must have cum something like twenty times per hour. For the first four hours, thanks to the training I had received – while it still was intense as anything I had ever experienced – I was still able to enjoy my consecutive, hard-hitting orgasms, coming to me like food at a sushi restaurant with those conveyor belts you helped yourself from. But somewhere during the fifth hour – I did not know whether to thank or curse Krissa and Lina for letting me know how much time had passed on the hour – my cock was starting to get enough of the constant stimulation. Naturally, there was no respite in sight, and my cock’s increasing sensitivity made me moan louder and sweat harder.
Every hour Krissa and Lina removed my gag only long enough to give me a drink of water, and throughout my ordeal they remained by my side, caressing my hair and my body, at times offering verbal encouragements and lustful murmurs.
From the spectators’ spots above us, the demonesses watched with as much interest now as when the test had started, but I was barely even aware of their presence anymore. All that mattered to me was the insidious machine on my cock, and my cock’s growing hypersensitivity as I came and came again.
Overhead, the sun was moving in the sky, but that too I was not aware of.
After ten hours, my heart was still beating as fast and hard, and I was sure there had to be demons waiting in the wings with mops to clean the floor of the sweat that had rolled off me. I was barely able to groan anymore, and my mind felt like it was comprised solely of scrambled eggs.
My cock was a lightning rod, but the too-intense-to-be-pleasurable sensations visited upon it by the milking machine was still not enough to keep it from cumming again and again.
A little past the ten hour mark I actually thought I was home free, because I could feel my cock getting limper in the machine. It had reached the absolute limit, and no amount of stimulation would keep it erect.
Unfortunately for me, the machine was equipped to deal with this sort of pesky attempt at escape. I could feel the fleshy interior clamp around the base of my cock, like the machine was now also a cock-ring, and with a start I felt something cool, with the help of lots of lubrication, slip into my ass. It wasn’t large, but more than large enough for me, and the dildo soon found and pressed against my prostate, giving it vibrations and small, magical jolts to help it along.
Within seconds I was as hard as I had ever been before, and with my prostate now added to the other parts of my body under direct stimulation – cock, balls and nipples – I came even quicker and even harder, if that was at all possible.
Then again this was a machine that continuously proved to me that what ought to be impossible was hardly even a challenge.
At some point it didn’t even register with me when Krissa and Lina told me how much time had passed. I had noticed that it was dark outside, and somewhere in the back of my tormented mind I supposed the glowing sphere in the night sky would be the demoness’ moon. I was sure I had orgasmed more in this machine than I had throughout the entirety of my stay with the demons, not to mention the rest of my life. My cock was begging for it to end, but I was past being able to. Strapped down and helpless, a slave to my still erect, still assailed manhood, I was unable to do anything but lie there and take it.
And for the first time I genuinely believed I was nearing the end of my rope. There was no way I could keep going much longer.
My vision dimmed.
Ass fucked, balls sucked, nipples licked and cock pumped. The sun was back up. It was all a haze. I thought I had gone deaf, because I couldn’t hear anything. Through my blurred vision I knew things were still going on, but my mind was unable to process the sounds. All that mattered was my poor cock, worked raw by the machine, sucked with what amounted to gallons upon gallons of lube, having produced what was sure to be an oil tanker of cum, or at least that was what it felt like.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew I had lost consciousness at some point, perhaps more than once. My cock was so overworked it somehow didn’t feel like it was part of my body anymore.
This was it, I knew it. Tendrils at the edge of my vision told me I was nearly spent. My body was limp as a sack of rice, a mere vessel for the organs inside. My pulse, which had raced and hammered for so long and with such vigour a marathon-runner would never experience it, was now barely beating. My breathing came slow and irregular. Some times when I exhaled I didn’t know if I would be able to draw another breath again.
But still I came.
Still I came.
…still I came…
Somewhere, far away, a dull voice reverberated weakly within me.
“Thirty! Switch it off!”
My head felt like it was being crushed by a hydraulic press.
My limbs felt alien, like they were not meant to be attached to me.
My vision was swimming. My hearing was muffled.
I had no voice
My cock…
My cock felt completely fine.
With a start I realized I was awake, realized I was lying in a soft, fluffy bed with clean white sheets. I sat up, planting my hands on the soft mattress to support myself. As the covers slid off my naked chest, my head paid the price for the abrupt change in elevation. Groaning in pain, I pressed the heels of my palms to my temples and shut my eyes tight.
The pounding was like someone striking at my brain on either side of my head with fur-covered hammers – it softened the blows, but it didn’t help one bit.
Biting back curses, waiting as the pain subsided, I carefully opened my eyes, the brightness of the sun reflecting off the immaculate white sheets hurting them until they adjusted.
Looking around through squinting eyes, I found myself in a large bedroom, upon a huge bed with a gorgeously wrought wooden headboard and frame. The wall ahead was line with a quad of closed cabinets, and between a vanity and a mirror both taller and wider than myself on the wall to my right was a wooden door with a gold knob. On my right, gossamer curtains flowed into the room on the breeze, like waves gently washing ashore. Beyond the opened, double glass doors was a balcony with waist-high, marble handrails. It was too bright to see what the view was like, but the sweetness of the fresh air did wonders for my demolished body.
At first I had trouble recalling where I was, but as I woke and my senses adjusted, I recalled the past events, and the ultimate test that had ended with…
I actually had no idea. Had I passed? Had I perished?
Was this the afterlife? Had I really died under the relentless machine-milking? It was not difficult to believe. In fact I had been sure I was going to die during those hellish hours. If I had, it was the most understandable thing in the world.
A condensation-coated pitcher of water stood on a small, stone-topped wooden end table next to the bed. Ignoring the goblet, I grabbed the pitcher with both hands and voided its contents, letting out a long, guttural “oh yeah” after I had finished it, feeling the coolness of the water spread to every inch of my body.
Putting the pitcher down – next to me in the bed – I got out of bed and wobbly feet, my bare toes finding the furry carpet covering most of the polished stone floor quite agreeable to tread on. Supporting myself on the frame of the bed to keep my balance, I slowly went through the stages of teaching myself how to walk again, feeling more lucid by the moment, and eventually managed not to stumble through the open door to the balcony.
Hobbling over to the handrails, taking a deep breath of the crisp air, I opened my eyes fully and let them slowly adjust to the sunlight, and the sight that revealed itself to me was enough to take away my deep breath again.
Spreading out before me were rolling plains of gold and green, vibrant and exotic, tall grass and willows dancing in the morning breeze. Beyond the shores of a calm ocean spread out to infinity, the blue melting with that of the cloudless sky. To my left, foothills elevated the geography towards towering, grey peaks capped with snow in the distance, and if the rules of wherever this was followed those back on earth, the mountains were to the east, as the sun had cleared the tallest summits not too long ago,
Taking in this beautiful vista, for a moment deciding I didn’t really care where I was if it was this scenic, I then turned my head to look to my right, and had it confirmed to me that I had, in fact, not perished during the final test.
The building I was in was part of an immense, crescent structure built into the side of a long, arching hillside. At first glace it was quite reminiscent of ancient Roman architecture, with marble walls and balconies, columns and flagstone paths, interspaced with gardens, pools built in the shape of natural lakes, and trees planted to offer shade. The roof of the grand structure was the top of the hill, the natural stone and vegetation making even a construct of this size blend seamlessly in with nature.
All around on the balconies, the paths and some of the few pools and gardens, demonesses – all in different states of undress – were frolicking and interacting. They all seemed cheerful and content, mild laughter and melodic voices carrying up to where I was standing on the breeze.
As soon as one of them caught eye of me, standing on the balcony that seemed to be at the top of the far right of the overall structure – if one stood down in the plains, looking back at it – the news spread with inhuman speed through the crowd until they were all aware of my presence.
And only then did I realize I was actually completely naked.
But what did that matter?
The demonesses called me, waved at me and threw kisses, some gesturing lewder things they had in mind. Among the gathering congregation I noticed several familiar faces. Rav and Vere were the easiest to spot, standing head and shoulders and breasts taller than most of the other demonesses. They smiled maternally and waved at me, genuinely pleased to see me on my feet.
Further down, standing to her knees in one of the ponds, Arielle was waving at me with both hands, her bare breasts bouncing as she hopped up and down.
Appearing from one of the lush gardens further up, Lina came into view. Leaning against the trunk of a slender tree, she gave me a close lipped smile as she folder her arms, her expression telling me that she was very glad to see me.
When I waved back to them all, feeling like I had to do something but ignorant as to what would be the right thing to do, cheering but lustful voices washed over me, the raw power of their joy moving me to tears.
“Are you doing your first public appearance already?”
I turned to look who just stepped from the bedroom and onto the balcony, though I recognized Krissa’s voice without having to see that it was her.
She was dressed only in a pair of skimpy panties, but these were pink, a rather flamboyant colour for someone I had only ever seen wear black before. Still, it looked sexy on her. Her big breasts jiggled enticingly as she approached.
“Does this mean I passed?”
Krissa grinned, pressing herself up against me to steal a kiss – and once again the all-female crowd beneath roared.
“Barely,” she said, but still all smiles. “Your heart actually gave out twice. But we managed to keep you in the game.”
“Thanks,” I muttered, confused. It seemed like I had technically died during the monumental milking session.
Krissa shook her head. “Don’t believe you passed because of us giving you a little extra help. It was your fortitude – brought about by your training – that saw you through to the end.”
I turned back to the beautiful scenery below us, the cheers from the crowd still drowning out the serenity of the morning.
“So,” I had to think about what to ask first. “What now?”
Krissa smiled with her black lips closed, then stood next to be, putting her head on my shoulder. “Now, my lord, you assume your reign over this world and your very loyal, very obedient demonesses.”
So here I was.
I had been so worried about the final test, the mystery of what it was and why people did not survive it, that I hadn’t had time to think about what I would do if I actually passed it.
Not being able to help myself, I grinned. “Call me that again.”
Krissa purred sensually, speaking slowly. “My lord.”
I felt my cock waking, starting its climb .
“So what can I do?”
“Anything you want.” She pressed herself between me and the handrails, making a big show of pushing her chest against mine.
“So if I wanted to, I could put you on your knees and titfuck you in front of all of them, down there?”
Krissa growled with lust. “If you wanted to.”
Looking into her deep, mysterious and gorgeous red eyes, my gaze momentarily shifting to the still jubilant and rowdy throng, I felt a wicked grin spread.
“Then kneel.”
“Yes, my lord.”
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Orgasm Torture by J-Cal
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