All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!

A/N: Nothing too sexy in this chapter, and certainly no explicit sex involved at all; just establishing come characters and the setting. I will be doing more, of course, and I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on the premise of three goth/punk girls gradually teasing and seducing their teacher into sin. If you would like to see more, and/or have something specific you would love to see, let me know in the comments and maybe it will make it in!

Many things go through a man's head when he is faced with a difficult decision. Does he embrace the unknown, face the risks, and hope he comes out the other end unscathed, or does he remain where it is safe, familiar, and comfortable? It may sound like the former trumps the latter, but when the decision involves betraying all your ethics and morals, risking everything you've worked so hard to achieve, and having little to no assurance that the reward will be worth the effort and dangers, then the latter has some appeal, too.
I haven't been a teacher for very long, only a few years, but in that time I managed to amass my fair share of commendations and condemnations. When you examine the grand scheme of things, both punishment and praise led me to where I am today, but it was certainly punishment that was responsible for my most recent change in station. My high marks in college and excellent performance in the field allowed me to land a great job at a private high school, where the pay helped me to shatter the stereotype of the underpaid educator. However, my can-do attitude and tendency to go against the grain for the sake of "doing what's right" is what ended my year-long reign as the AP English teacher and is what planted me as the remedial English teacher for the senior class. I won't go over the details of my fall from grace, but it involved the usual disciplining the wrong student who had the right connections to powerful people.
At first I was disappointed, but not distraught by the turn of events. I had worked with many underachieving students and prided myself in being able to bring out the best in every child. Despite my enthusiasm and best efforts, my students confirmed what my peers had all warned me after they heard the news of my "demotion." The remedial English class for seniors was more or less a holding cell for those who simply couldn't, or more precisely simply refused to, do the work and earn the marks necessary to advance. Being the private school of many rich and powerful people, however, it would be bad form to hold back any floundering students, so rather they are placed in what is essentially a nursery to wait out the clock until graduation, at which point they will be given the minimum required C average and left to go to a prestigious university, only to graduate in another 4 years under the same treatment and get a cushy job at their parent's respective place of business.
Nevertheless, I did try, for about one semester. After that it became clear that these kids knew the score and had no interest in bettering their education. In all likelihood they had been coasting for much of their high school career, if not longer. Some were capable, some were even intelligent, but all were just lazy and uninterested.
"What's the point in proper spelling if there's spell check?"
"Why do I need to do a report on this book if Cliff's Notes already covers it?"
"Who cares about grammar? I just use emojis and it's fine." That one was my favorite.
I don't want to say I gave up on them, but...well okay, I did give up on them. Still, I hoped that if kept my head down and did my job, I could get out of this prison cell and back to doing actual teaching as I desperately wanted to do. Which brings me to the present. The winter break is over, and I'm ready to coast just as much as my students do and end this year without any further incidents so I can improve my position.
It wasn't unusual for students be shuffled around classes between semesters at this particular school. Some students would take half one course and half another, or they would be moved to another class after finding that they were under or over performing in their previous placement. I had received a list of new students to my class. Only three were added, and although I couldn't put a face to the names, I could immediately see what connections they had that allowed them to be at this school and not expelled for their poor performance, thus placing them in my happy band of underachievers.
Valentina Pellegrino. Her surname is what I recognized immediately. Although I hadn't attended any of her games (I tried to attend as many as I could, but there are so many...), word around the campus was that she was the greatest player the school had ever had. Being  the star athlete of the girls' soccer, track, and field hockey teams, Valentina was able to enjoy the stereotypical benefits that came from being a top player on a high school sports team. So even though her parents don't carry as much power as compared to those of other students, she had managed to secure her own place in the hierarchy through her reportedly amazing prowess on the field.
Vanessa Smithfield, of the local renowned Smithfields. Although I had never met their daughter, or her parents, the Smithfields carried a great deal of weight around the town. Financiers and beneficiaries of several upper class establishments, including the school itself. They owned a great deal of land and had themselves involved in many lucrative areas, all contributing to their fabulous wealth. While having never met her personally, I would hear murmurs from other students about Vanessa. She was one of the popular girls, the kind that make or break another student's high school social life. However, since this year began, I hadn't heard anything said about her, not a peep. A strange thing to go from being the most mentioned name in the school to suddenly not existing on anyone's radar, but that's high school drama for you.
Vivika Briarheart. Now here was a name I could not match to any student. While true I had never met Valentina or Vanessa, I had heard their names and could easily figure their place in the school pecking order. Vivika, however, was a mystery. Not even her surname rang a bell, despite how unique it was. Most students you could trace to someone of some importance at this school, but hers had no connections that I could see.
Despite getting a star athlete, a (possibly former) top of the social elite member, and a mystery added to my class, I didn't feel anything would change in the dynamics of my classroom. I almost believe some prankster god was watching me, and upon the internal utterance of my assurance of a smooth semester, the deity must have chuckled at what was to come.
My first alarm should have been my immediate thoughts of the girls as they walked into the classroom, the last to arrive after all the other students had found their seats, in true dramatic fashion. I had seen attractive students before, but never any desires sprang up and those that flirted with me or gazed dreamily while I taught were easily rebuked. These girls - no, these women, were of a different class entirely.
The first to enter the room was a blonde, but blonde with blue streaks running through her twin pigtails. Chewing gum, her full, rosy, lips were in a constant, steady, motion, offering quick glimpses of perfect white teeth. Showcasing an inappropriate amount of cleavage, the first new student displayed her two biggest keys to being well liked by her male peers, and hated by the females. I shuddered to myself when I noticed the slight bounce in them, held so tightly by a corset that wrapped only around her torso, leaving her shoulders bare. Up her arms were sleeves that reached slightly past her elbows, striped black and blue. With a criminally short blue and black plaid skirt, I was tempted to push a pencil off my desk in the hopes she would have the manners to pick it up for me. Unlike her breasts, her legs were veiled behind dark stockings, offering only minor peeks at her flesh through the torn holes that went with her bubbly goth look. Her boots were tall, black, and buckled from top to bottom, yet they had the distinctly feminine trait of high heels. I was broken from the hypnotic bouncing of her chest when she waved at me, hand just in front of her breasts to break the spell. When I caught myself looking back at her blue eyes, she gave me a knowing smile and wink.
As if one wasn't bad enough, in came a second temptation that could end my career. Dark hair flared out slightly at short ends, reaching only as far as her ears. A skin tone that could only be described as caramel, completely flawless and unmarked by blemishes and the lightness contrasted against the black tattoos that adorned her body in various places, of things I could not make out unless I were to stare far too long. In addition to the tattoos, silver piercings could be found in several locations, such as her lip, nose, eyebrow, ears, belly button, and I could only fantasize about where else. Her breasts were humble enough to not draw attention to themselves under her green jersey, but proud enough to not press against the fabric comfortably. Her jersey, from one of her many teams I guessed, was tied in a knot, showing off her impossibly flat and fit tummy that looked like a milk chocolate waterfall narrowing in and then curving outwards into full, womanly, hips. Her shorts, like her hair, were kept very short, the legs of which barely went beyond her pelvis. Legs kept bare, displaying all her years of athletic endeavors in the form of muscles and definition that conveyed strength but never betrayed her femininity. Her tube socks went half way up her calves and her shoes were unsurprisingly sneakers. She did not offer me a pleasant smile as the girl before her did. Instead she just looked displeased with her surroundings, and granted me only a slight snarl from her dark green, incredibly plump, lips. There was enough of a break between her and the last arrival that my eyes were able to follow her to her seat, and I saw what was by far her more impressive feature. Through genetics, ethnicity, and athleticism she had sculpted the most perfect ass I had never seen. Tight, but well rounded, her hips helped to illustrated its softness as they swayed, and I wished only it belonged to a woman who was not my student.
Catching my attention to her arrival were the glances all the students gave to the doorway. My eyes snapped back with them, just in time to catch the copper-eyed gaze of the most enchanting creature I had never seen. Beautiful, voluptuous, fiery red hair cascaded down past her shoulders and framed her pale face magically. Her lips were deep red, and pulled into a smirk aimed directly at me. I felt guilty for staring so long, but I couldn't look away as she glided into my classroom. So classically beautiful was her face, like someone from old Hollywood, and so sinfully perfect was her body. While her attire was more modest than the girls before her, it still allowed all of her curves to be shown. Her breasts, hips, and ass were not nearly as pronounced as the others I had just seen, but they were all well beyond that of a normal high school girl - hell, beyond that of your average model. Her clothes were black and flowing, conforming only to her body in places where her femininity could be enhanced and shown. She too gave me a wink before turning from my desk and taking her seat, joining the other two at the front of the class, where three empty seats always were (as students tend to prefer to sit in the back).
A trio of elegant, sexy, and sinful goth and punk girls had just joined my class and although their clothing was dark, save for a smattering of color between them, my room looked a bit brighter for their having arrived. I knew in that moment that no matter the course of action I take this year, it would be unforgettable and life altering.

This text is part of a set with 9 other files.

English for Sinners by TheDjinn


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