Demarcations by agnikai58 “I can take that off if you want you know.”
The two of them were sitting in the kitchen as Fareeha set the ingredients for dinner on the counter. Angela had put on a pair of boyshorts but she wasn't wearing anything else except for the karada harness that Fareeha had tied on her.
“No thank you.” said Angela as she rubbed her fingers against the ropes running along the middle of her chest. “This is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be and it's pretty.” She leaned forward on her …
Angela started as the phone in her pocket buzzed once indicating a text message had been received. She set her grater down on the cutting board next to the pile of shredded potatoes before fishing the phone out. The number wasn't familiar but it was easy to guess who was messaging her.
'I'm interested in your proposal Doctor Ziegler but I would like to meet and discuss the matter before agreeing to anything. Do you have somewhere we can talk in private or do I need to rent an office?'
Angela read the message a second then a third time before the words began to sink in. Fareeha hadn't technically said yes but that most definitely wasn't an outright rejection. She tapped her thumbs on the screen as she typed out a reply. 'You can come by my house sometime today if you're available. Here's the address for you.' Angela paused before sending a followup message. 'What exactly do we need to talk about?'
'How this whole affair would work. I don't want to get into it over texts so I'll explain when I get there. How does 13:00 sound?'
A glance up at the clock hanging above the sink showed the current time as half past eleven. Angela looked down at her potatoes, the amount of tubers suddenly now looking inadequate.
'13:00 works for me. I'll see you then.'
An hour and a half. She needed to grate more potatoes if she wanted to make enough rosti for another person but it would have gotten cold by the time Fareeha arrived. Angela pulled some more potatoes out and started shredding them. Get everything ready then wait for an hour or so before she started actually frying things would be best.
The potatoes had just finished frying and Angela was scooping them onto a plate when the doorbell rang. She spooned the last few stray pieces out before dropping the frying pan back onto the stove and hurrying to the door. Fareeha was waiting outside, a computer tablet and manila folder in her arms, as Angela opened the door. "Hello Doctor Ziegler."
Angela stood there staring at the woman standing on her porch, her thoughts suddenly nowhere to be found. Fareeha shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she waited in vain for Angela to say something. After an uncomfortable pause she cleared her throat. "May I come in?"
"Oh I'm sorry! Yes, come in, come in." Angela pivoted to one side beckoning Fareeha into the house. "Are you hungry? I made rosti if you want some."
Fareeha shut the door behind her before shaking her head. "Thank you but no. I'm not hungry right now. I don't mean to be rude but we have a lot to talk about so do you mind if we get started?"
Angela's face fell more than a little but she was quick to cover her disappointment and pointed to her right with one arm. "My living room's over there." There was a thin TV hanging on one wall surrounded by a large sofa flanked on either side by a pair of overstuffed armchairs. The carpet in the room had vacuum tracks all over it and the scent of air freshener lingered in the room. Angela plopped herself down on one end of the couch and waited until Fareeha had sat down on the far end of it. "So what did you want to talk about?"
"It's like I said in the text message. How all of this would work if I agree to do it. Rules, boundaries, what you want me to do to you and so on." explained Fareeha.
That drew a frown from the Swiss doctor. "What I want? I thought I explained that already. I want you to treat me like a slut for a month."
Fareeha closed her eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. This was going to be harder than she had been hoping for. "Please don't take this the wrong way but I don't think you understand what you're asking for Doctor Ziegler. How much do you actually know about bondage?"
Angela's frown faded somewhat and Fareeha could almost see the gears spinning in her head. "Ummm I've watched some videos..."
"Porn. Is that all? You didn't read up on it or anything, just watched a bit of porn and decided to make an appointment with me?"
"So what if I did?" said Angela as she tucked her hands into her armpits. "What you did to me was pretty much the same as the video I watched."
"You're not wrong." Fareeha freely admitted. "But that's because it's what you were expecting. My job isn't to educate people on bondage, it's to give them what they're looking for. It's not something I'm particularly happy about but in this town that's how I pay my bills. You're like the majority of my clients, they get introduced to bondage through mainstream media or come across it accidentally and end up getting the wrong impression about the whole thing."
"And what exactly am I getting wrong?"
"There's several components to making a session happen. Negotiations, testing equipment to make sure it's ready, the session itself, then aftercare. The problem with porn is that you only see one of those, the fun part. The other problem is that generally people don't understand the dynamic between a top and their bottom."
"Top and bottom? I don't know what you mean by that." Angela pointed out, looking quizzical as she did so.
"Oh, that's jargon in the scene. Top refers to the dominant partner and bottom refers to the submissive partner. During our session I was the top and you were the bottom for example." explained Fareeha.
"And what do you mean by dynamic?"
"People not in the scene almost always misunderstand the nature of a bondage relationship. Seeing whips or chains makes them think of slavery and that tends to influence their perception. If you ever watch movies or read popular books with bondage in them the relationships are typically one-sided and in some cases abusive but that's not how it really is. In actuality it's a more of a partnership between two people based on trust."
"Trust." The world slowly rolled off Angela's tongue and her shoulders slumped as she sighed. "You're turning me down aren't you?"
"I haven't decided yet but this request of yours is quite... perplexing. We had a single session together six months ago and then you suddenly showed up asking me to live with you for a month as a full-time mistress. I'm still trying to understand how you would think asking an almost complete stranger to do this is a good idea. Why do you want to do this?"
"Because... because..." Angela rubbed at her forehead as she tried to find the right words to explain this request of hers. "I've been in relationships before. Good ones with people I cared about but the sex was always lackluster at best for me. It wasn't until I saw that bondage video that I realized what was missing. I wanted to be the woman in that video, to have someone do those kind of things to me. Which you did but it was over so quickly and I was left wanting more." She gave Fareeha a defiant look as if challenging her to laugh.
"But if you wanted more then you could have just scheduled more sessions. Asking me to live with you for a month is an incredible risk Doctor Ziegler."
Angela's brow furrowed and she shook her head. "When a surgeon has a patient on the table they have another person's life in their hands. One of the things that got drummed into me back in med school was how easy it is for things to go wrong when operating. It was a lesson that I took to heart and I've tried to be as careful as I could my whole career. I'm tired of always playing it safe and not taking any risks." Angela said emphatically, her exasperation beginning to show. "You're right, we don't know each other but I have a good feeling about you and I want to take a chance on this."
Nothing happened for an uncomfortably long few seconds as Fareeha gazed at the Swiss doctor, making her fidget. Then she was scooting her way down the couch until she was close enough to the other woman that their knees were almost touching and Fareeha could smell a touch of cypress and cedar wafting from the doctor. "Very well then. I have a few things I need from you before I agree to do this." Fareeha held the manila folder up in front of her for Angela to see. "First is this. These are legal documents you need to sign for this to happen. An injury waiver, a personal consultant contract and payment details-."
Angela took the folder and opened it as she interrupted Fareeha. "Personal consultant?"
"Yes. You want to hire me for a month but your reputation depends on keeping what we'll be doing secret. I doubt anyone will be looking but having a paper trail will keep reporters or anyone else from learning the actual nature of our arrangement. But you don't have to look through these right now Doctor Ziegler, I'll leave them here with you." Fareeha waited until Angela set the folder down before continuing in as tactful a tone as she could muster, not wanting to offend the doctor. "The second thing I need to ask about is more personal so please try not to be offended. It's about your period. How much of a flow do you have? Where are you in your cycle?" Is there anything I should know about it? I'm asking because your cycle could affect how you're able to cope in a session. Pain tolerance, hormones, and so on." Fareeha's last few words came out in a rush and she made a show of not looking at the other woman when she was done.
"I suppose I should be bothered by that and if it didn't make sense I would be." Ziegler said, an almost amused look on her face. "But to answer your question I use an IUD so that my period doesn't affect my work. Having to worry about cramps, mood swings or needing to change a tampon when I'm making incisions into someone's chest isn't something any surgeon or their assistants want to deal with. As for my flow you don't have to worry about that either, it took about six months but I've only bled two or three times in the last ten years. Anything else you need to know?"
Fareeha started to shake her head then stopped as she looked the doctor up and down. "Possibly. If you give your measurements then I could buy some specialty clothes for you to wear during scenes if you want. Corsets, gloves, that sort of thing. Are you allergic to latex?"
"No... I don't have any allergies." said Angela. "I'll send you my measurements later. Surprise me."
"As you wish." replied Fareeha. "The next thing is figuring out what kind of things you want me to do to you." She extended the computer pad out towards Angela, wiggling it to prompt her to take a hold of the other end. Fareeha swiped the screen and a few dozen boxes, each with a name in the middle, popped up on the display. "Take a look at these and tell me what sounds interesting to you."
Angela lightly bit her lip as she stared at the screen. "I'm not sure... there's so many options to pick from and there's no order to any of them."
"Hang on..." Fareeha tapped a button on the top right and the boxes rearranged themselves alphabetically.
Angela looked at the first one on the list and froze in surprise after she read it out loud. "Anal." Fareeha gave her a quick glance and tapped on the screen to select that particular box, misinterpreting the doctor's reaction. The boxes disappeared as a few pictures popped up in their place. "What the hell is that!?" yelled Angela.
A silicone plug, one bottle of lube, a string of beads and then there was the picture Angela was staring in shock with wide eyes. A length of metal that curved on one end forming the shape of of a hook with a metal ball welded onto the end. Fareeha shrugged her shoulders nonplussed. "That's an anal hook. They're a little strange looking but a fairly common toy."
"That's... people... people actually put that thing in their ass!?" asked Angela in a horrified whisper.
Fareeha lifted an eyebrow at Angela's reaction to seeing the hook. "Are you really that surprised? Anal isn't that uncommon of a fetish outside of the Scene. I thought most people knew about it in some form or another."
"I know what anal is." said Angela, sounding a bit irked at getting called ignorant. "And I know that people stick things in their anal sphincter. My first job out of med school was working in the emergency room so trust me when I say that I've seen some weird things up there but this hook? I don't see how anyone could enjoy sticking one of those in there, it looks like a torture device. And for the record I'm not interested in anal of any kind.
Angela started pushing at random buttons on the screen making the image zoom in then switch over to a short description of the toy. "How do I go back?" A quick swipe from Fareeha in the top left sent them back to the list of fetishes from before. The doctor stared at the list before shaking her head. "Do I really have to go through all of these? You're the expert on this stuff, not me. You should be the one picking things to do."
"Absolutely not." declared Fareeha, her voice louder than before. "I can't tell you what you would or wouldn't enjoy. Only you can answer that question." Her voice trailed off for a moment as she took a moment to think. "But I can help you narrow this down by eliminating items that I'm not willing to do with you."
As Angela watched, Fareeha pressed down on one box after another and swiped each off to one side removing them from the list. "Edge play, piercings, suspension." Angela read the label on each box in turn before it was vanished from the screen. "What is edge play?" she asked.
"Edge play is a catch-all term for the really dangerous kinks out there in the Scene. Electrocution, asphyxiation, knives, fire. Stuff that can and has resulted in injuries or in some cases people dying, usually because they were choking themselves without anyone else around to keep an eye on them." explained Fareeha. "As for the other two I just got rid of, those I'm not opposed to but I would strongly recommend against you doing them at this time since you're new to bondage. Why I'm removing piercings should be obvious but suspension is something I wouldn't recommend you try until you're more experienced and have a better understanding of your limits. Does that make sense?"
Angela rubbed at her chin before nodding her agreement and Fareeha let go of the pad. "All right then, there's one other thing I want to bring up right now. Living with you for a month is pushing one of my boundaries. I've always tried to leave my work at well, work but this is going to make that harder so I want to make something clear. You're hiring me for this which makes you a client just like last time. With that in mind I want to explain some of my rules for this arrangement. You're going to be my bottom when we have sessions together. I'm going to see you naked, I'm going to be touching almost every part of you at one time or another. You're going to get tied up, spanked and whatever else you ask me to do to you, but this is a physical arrangement only. I respect you as a person and admire you for the things you've done for modern medicine but it stops there. I don't have romantic feelings for you Doctor Ziegler and as such kissing is strictly off limits. That might sound odd considering some of the things I've already done, and will do again, to you but that's one of my most important rules. Are we clear?"
The doctor's face paled a tad and she swallowed nervously. "Yes, perfectly."
"Good. Now I believe you were selecting things that you wanted me to do." said Fareeha, shaking the pad in order to draw the doctor's attention back to it. Her lecture had sounded convincing and it was certainly true enough. She had always maintained a strict boundary with her clients, especially the rule about kissing. Now if only she could make herself believe that what she had said was true in this case.
'I'm interested in your proposal Doctor Ziegler but I would like to meet and discuss the matter before agreeing to anything. Do you have somewhere we can talk in private or do I need to rent an office?'
Angela read the message a second then a third time before the words began to sink in. Fareeha hadn't technically said yes but that most definitely wasn't an outright rejection. She tapped her thumbs on the screen as she typed out a reply. 'You can come by my house sometime today if you're available. Here's the address for you.' Angela paused before sending a followup message. 'What exactly do we need to talk about?'
'How this whole affair would work. I don't want to get into it over texts so I'll explain when I get there. How does 13:00 sound?'
A glance up at the clock hanging above the sink showed the current time as half past eleven. Angela looked down at her potatoes, the amount of tubers suddenly now looking inadequate.
'13:00 works for me. I'll see you then.'
An hour and a half. She needed to grate more potatoes if she wanted to make enough rosti for another person but it would have gotten cold by the time Fareeha arrived. Angela pulled some more potatoes out and started shredding them. Get everything ready then wait for an hour or so before she started actually frying things would be best.
The potatoes had just finished frying and Angela was scooping them onto a plate when the doorbell rang. She spooned the last few stray pieces out before dropping the frying pan back onto the stove and hurrying to the door. Fareeha was waiting outside, a computer tablet and manila folder in her arms, as Angela opened the door. "Hello Doctor Ziegler."
Angela stood there staring at the woman standing on her porch, her thoughts suddenly nowhere to be found. Fareeha shifted her weight from one foot to the other as she waited in vain for Angela to say something. After an uncomfortable pause she cleared her throat. "May I come in?"
"Oh I'm sorry! Yes, come in, come in." Angela pivoted to one side beckoning Fareeha into the house. "Are you hungry? I made rosti if you want some."
Fareeha shut the door behind her before shaking her head. "Thank you but no. I'm not hungry right now. I don't mean to be rude but we have a lot to talk about so do you mind if we get started?"
Angela's face fell more than a little but she was quick to cover her disappointment and pointed to her right with one arm. "My living room's over there." There was a thin TV hanging on one wall surrounded by a large sofa flanked on either side by a pair of overstuffed armchairs. The carpet in the room had vacuum tracks all over it and the scent of air freshener lingered in the room. Angela plopped herself down on one end of the couch and waited until Fareeha had sat down on the far end of it. "So what did you want to talk about?"
"It's like I said in the text message. How all of this would work if I agree to do it. Rules, boundaries, what you want me to do to you and so on." explained Fareeha.
That drew a frown from the Swiss doctor. "What I want? I thought I explained that already. I want you to treat me like a slut for a month."
Fareeha closed her eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling slowly. This was going to be harder than she had been hoping for. "Please don't take this the wrong way but I don't think you understand what you're asking for Doctor Ziegler. How much do you actually know about bondage?"
Angela's frown faded somewhat and Fareeha could almost see the gears spinning in her head. "Ummm I've watched some videos..."
"Porn. Is that all? You didn't read up on it or anything, just watched a bit of porn and decided to make an appointment with me?"
"So what if I did?" said Angela as she tucked her hands into her armpits. "What you did to me was pretty much the same as the video I watched."
"You're not wrong." Fareeha freely admitted. "But that's because it's what you were expecting. My job isn't to educate people on bondage, it's to give them what they're looking for. It's not something I'm particularly happy about but in this town that's how I pay my bills. You're like the majority of my clients, they get introduced to bondage through mainstream media or come across it accidentally and end up getting the wrong impression about the whole thing."
"And what exactly am I getting wrong?"
"There's several components to making a session happen. Negotiations, testing equipment to make sure it's ready, the session itself, then aftercare. The problem with porn is that you only see one of those, the fun part. The other problem is that generally people don't understand the dynamic between a top and their bottom."
"Top and bottom? I don't know what you mean by that." Angela pointed out, looking quizzical as she did so.
"Oh, that's jargon in the scene. Top refers to the dominant partner and bottom refers to the submissive partner. During our session I was the top and you were the bottom for example." explained Fareeha.
"And what do you mean by dynamic?"
"People not in the scene almost always misunderstand the nature of a bondage relationship. Seeing whips or chains makes them think of slavery and that tends to influence their perception. If you ever watch movies or read popular books with bondage in them the relationships are typically one-sided and in some cases abusive but that's not how it really is. In actuality it's a more of a partnership between two people based on trust."
"Trust." The world slowly rolled off Angela's tongue and her shoulders slumped as she sighed. "You're turning me down aren't you?"
"I haven't decided yet but this request of yours is quite... perplexing. We had a single session together six months ago and then you suddenly showed up asking me to live with you for a month as a full-time mistress. I'm still trying to understand how you would think asking an almost complete stranger to do this is a good idea. Why do you want to do this?"
"Because... because..." Angela rubbed at her forehead as she tried to find the right words to explain this request of hers. "I've been in relationships before. Good ones with people I cared about but the sex was always lackluster at best for me. It wasn't until I saw that bondage video that I realized what was missing. I wanted to be the woman in that video, to have someone do those kind of things to me. Which you did but it was over so quickly and I was left wanting more." She gave Fareeha a defiant look as if challenging her to laugh.
"But if you wanted more then you could have just scheduled more sessions. Asking me to live with you for a month is an incredible risk Doctor Ziegler."
Angela's brow furrowed and she shook her head. "When a surgeon has a patient on the table they have another person's life in their hands. One of the things that got drummed into me back in med school was how easy it is for things to go wrong when operating. It was a lesson that I took to heart and I've tried to be as careful as I could my whole career. I'm tired of always playing it safe and not taking any risks." Angela said emphatically, her exasperation beginning to show. "You're right, we don't know each other but I have a good feeling about you and I want to take a chance on this."
Nothing happened for an uncomfortably long few seconds as Fareeha gazed at the Swiss doctor, making her fidget. Then she was scooting her way down the couch until she was close enough to the other woman that their knees were almost touching and Fareeha could smell a touch of cypress and cedar wafting from the doctor. "Very well then. I have a few things I need from you before I agree to do this." Fareeha held the manila folder up in front of her for Angela to see. "First is this. These are legal documents you need to sign for this to happen. An injury waiver, a personal consultant contract and payment details-."
Angela took the folder and opened it as she interrupted Fareeha. "Personal consultant?"
"Yes. You want to hire me for a month but your reputation depends on keeping what we'll be doing secret. I doubt anyone will be looking but having a paper trail will keep reporters or anyone else from learning the actual nature of our arrangement. But you don't have to look through these right now Doctor Ziegler, I'll leave them here with you." Fareeha waited until Angela set the folder down before continuing in as tactful a tone as she could muster, not wanting to offend the doctor. "The second thing I need to ask about is more personal so please try not to be offended. It's about your period. How much of a flow do you have? Where are you in your cycle?" Is there anything I should know about it? I'm asking because your cycle could affect how you're able to cope in a session. Pain tolerance, hormones, and so on." Fareeha's last few words came out in a rush and she made a show of not looking at the other woman when she was done.
"I suppose I should be bothered by that and if it didn't make sense I would be." Ziegler said, an almost amused look on her face. "But to answer your question I use an IUD so that my period doesn't affect my work. Having to worry about cramps, mood swings or needing to change a tampon when I'm making incisions into someone's chest isn't something any surgeon or their assistants want to deal with. As for my flow you don't have to worry about that either, it took about six months but I've only bled two or three times in the last ten years. Anything else you need to know?"
Fareeha started to shake her head then stopped as she looked the doctor up and down. "Possibly. If you give your measurements then I could buy some specialty clothes for you to wear during scenes if you want. Corsets, gloves, that sort of thing. Are you allergic to latex?"
"No... I don't have any allergies." said Angela. "I'll send you my measurements later. Surprise me."
"As you wish." replied Fareeha. "The next thing is figuring out what kind of things you want me to do to you." She extended the computer pad out towards Angela, wiggling it to prompt her to take a hold of the other end. Fareeha swiped the screen and a few dozen boxes, each with a name in the middle, popped up on the display. "Take a look at these and tell me what sounds interesting to you."
Angela lightly bit her lip as she stared at the screen. "I'm not sure... there's so many options to pick from and there's no order to any of them."
"Hang on..." Fareeha tapped a button on the top right and the boxes rearranged themselves alphabetically.
Angela looked at the first one on the list and froze in surprise after she read it out loud. "Anal." Fareeha gave her a quick glance and tapped on the screen to select that particular box, misinterpreting the doctor's reaction. The boxes disappeared as a few pictures popped up in their place. "What the hell is that!?" yelled Angela.
A silicone plug, one bottle of lube, a string of beads and then there was the picture Angela was staring in shock with wide eyes. A length of metal that curved on one end forming the shape of of a hook with a metal ball welded onto the end. Fareeha shrugged her shoulders nonplussed. "That's an anal hook. They're a little strange looking but a fairly common toy."
"That's... people... people actually put that thing in their ass!?" asked Angela in a horrified whisper.
Fareeha lifted an eyebrow at Angela's reaction to seeing the hook. "Are you really that surprised? Anal isn't that uncommon of a fetish outside of the Scene. I thought most people knew about it in some form or another."
"I know what anal is." said Angela, sounding a bit irked at getting called ignorant. "And I know that people stick things in their anal sphincter. My first job out of med school was working in the emergency room so trust me when I say that I've seen some weird things up there but this hook? I don't see how anyone could enjoy sticking one of those in there, it looks like a torture device. And for the record I'm not interested in anal of any kind.
Angela started pushing at random buttons on the screen making the image zoom in then switch over to a short description of the toy. "How do I go back?" A quick swipe from Fareeha in the top left sent them back to the list of fetishes from before. The doctor stared at the list before shaking her head. "Do I really have to go through all of these? You're the expert on this stuff, not me. You should be the one picking things to do."
"Absolutely not." declared Fareeha, her voice louder than before. "I can't tell you what you would or wouldn't enjoy. Only you can answer that question." Her voice trailed off for a moment as she took a moment to think. "But I can help you narrow this down by eliminating items that I'm not willing to do with you."
As Angela watched, Fareeha pressed down on one box after another and swiped each off to one side removing them from the list. "Edge play, piercings, suspension." Angela read the label on each box in turn before it was vanished from the screen. "What is edge play?" she asked.
"Edge play is a catch-all term for the really dangerous kinks out there in the Scene. Electrocution, asphyxiation, knives, fire. Stuff that can and has resulted in injuries or in some cases people dying, usually because they were choking themselves without anyone else around to keep an eye on them." explained Fareeha. "As for the other two I just got rid of, those I'm not opposed to but I would strongly recommend against you doing them at this time since you're new to bondage. Why I'm removing piercings should be obvious but suspension is something I wouldn't recommend you try until you're more experienced and have a better understanding of your limits. Does that make sense?"
Angela rubbed at her chin before nodding her agreement and Fareeha let go of the pad. "All right then, there's one other thing I want to bring up right now. Living with you for a month is pushing one of my boundaries. I've always tried to leave my work at well, work but this is going to make that harder so I want to make something clear. You're hiring me for this which makes you a client just like last time. With that in mind I want to explain some of my rules for this arrangement. You're going to be my bottom when we have sessions together. I'm going to see you naked, I'm going to be touching almost every part of you at one time or another. You're going to get tied up, spanked and whatever else you ask me to do to you, but this is a physical arrangement only. I respect you as a person and admire you for the things you've done for modern medicine but it stops there. I don't have romantic feelings for you Doctor Ziegler and as such kissing is strictly off limits. That might sound odd considering some of the things I've already done, and will do again, to you but that's one of my most important rules. Are we clear?"
The doctor's face paled a tad and she swallowed nervously. "Yes, perfectly."
"Good. Now I believe you were selecting things that you wanted me to do." said Fareeha, shaking the pad in order to draw the doctor's attention back to it. Her lecture had sounded convincing and it was certainly true enough. She had always maintained a strict boundary with her clients, especially the rule about kissing. Now if only she could make herself believe that what she had said was true in this case.
This text is part of a set with 10 other files.
Demarcations by agnikai58
- Date
- 5 years ago
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