The hours crept by unbearably slow, the after-effects of the three denied orgasms not helping in the slightest. Even after my manhood had lost sensation it took well over an hour for it to grow soft, presumably because of the remains of Katherine’s drug, and in such as state it was impossible not to focus on it, much less rest. The only thing I managed to do, somewhat, was calm down, and that was just because that was the only thing I could actually do.
The room was completely dark, save for the soft bluish glow radiating from one of the monitors to the right of my bed, mounted on the wall. Despite I was naked and left without any covers I was comfortably warm.
Time and time again I would try, fruitless though I knew it was, to break loose from the restraints by tugging and pulling, using quick jerks and all my strength to try and dislocate the straps where they were attached to the frame of the bed. This meant that time and time again my head slumped back in defeat. Neither was I able to do anything about the gag that shoved its leather bulb inside my mouth. I had scanned every inch of the room that I could effectively see in the digital glow of the monitor for anything that I could potentially reach and/or use to free myself, but it came as no surprise that there was nothing to reach for, even if I had been able to.
So the hours crept by, slower than ever. I hadn’t believed that I would, but after a while the stress of the ordeal and the fatigue caught up with me, and I fell asleep.
Troubled dreams ensued, no doubt as a result of the rather abrupt and unexpected turn of events last night. The sleep was by no means restful, and when I awoke it was with notions of nausea and extreme disorientation.
The room was bright again, and it took my confused mind several moments to see where I was, and remember where I was.
A momentary panic set in while my sleepy head found that I couldn’t move any part of my body save the head itself, and I didn’t really calm down once the memories of last night came back to me and when I remembered that I had been left in this room by myself, strapped down and immobile.
“Good morning!” a feminine voice dispelled the fog around my mind, and I was wide awake again. Katherine – the damned kidnapper of a doctor – had entered my room and now stood on my right side, fiddling with something behind the headboard where my wrists were held by leather cuffs. The door had been closed behind her. Instead of the black cocktail dress and the matching stilettos she wore last night, she now wore a standard lab coat over a red top that showed both ample cleavage and bared her toned belly – hardly a suitable garb for a supposed medical professional – and a black skirt about thigh-length, and a pair of different, very sexy-looking heels. Her flowing brown tresses had been tied back in a pony tail, with chin-long bangs framing her gorgeous face.
I tried responding, scornfully, only to be reminded of the rubber bulb in my mouth that made any attempt at coherent speech impossible.
“Thank you!” she said, retracting her hands from behind the headboard of the bed and adjusted her slim and square glasses, obviously replying to some made-up compliment she took my gagged grunts for.
I eyed her maliciously, too aware of my exposed position on the bed, frightful and wondering what was about to happen. I tried figuring out what time it was, but with no windows and no clocks around it was impossible other than to make an educated guess. Considering what the time had been when I and Katherine had arrived at my place, then the drive here, the rough estimate of time I had been awake and then slept, my best assessment was that the time was around nine in the morning. Though I was open to the possibility that I was way off.
Then I noticed that something felt weird on my right hand bound behind the headboard of the bed. It itched, and it felt like something was taped on it. Katherine noticed me trying in vain to see the hand as well as flexing my fingers instinctively.
“Don’t worry about your hand.” She said matter-of-factly. “I just inserted a cannula in your hand.”
If I wasn’t terrified before, I was now. There was no telling what sort of IV-drips or syringes Katherine was planning to use on me, but it was clear that she meant to do so, because why else would she have inserted a cannula in me?
“Oh calm down.” She said with a smile, noticing my rapid breathing and nervous shifts at the mention of the cannula. “I’m not going to hurt you in any way. Whatever you might think, you can be assured of that.”
Pardon me if I don’t take your word for it, doctor, I thought bitterly, but I did manage to calm myself somewhat from Katherine’s reassurance.
“For instance, let me show you why I placed it on you.” She smiled anew, and had I not been both afraid of and hating her, I would only have seen the awesome beauty she had been blessed with.
She pulled out a drawer from the small cabinet on the right side of my bed, upon which stood a monitor that was shut off at the moment. I couldn’t move my head enough to see what lay in the drawer, but I had no trouble seeing the slim cylinder with the pointy end she took from it. It was a disposable syringe, and seeing one when I lay as helpless as I did threw me into another panicked fit. I struggled and tossed, grunting desperately as I tried harder than ever to force my way out, but not even the added strength of the survival instinct was enough to break the leather bonds holding me down so dreadfully effective.
Katherine merely hushed me softly as she with practised ease inserted the needle into the cannula, and with a quick squeeze of the plunger the small amount of clear liquid was pushed into my body.
“There, now if you wait and see you’ll understand that this isn’t anything harmful. Trust me.” she winked, tossing the syringe in a nearby bin.
This time she was unsuccessful at putting me even a bit at ease. I was far too scared of whatever substance she had forced into my system and what it would do to me.
And then the drug started to take effect, and it was definitely not what I had expected, even though what I expected wasn’t anything concrete. I started to get an erection. Slowly at first my flaccid manhood started growing, then the pace increased dramatically, and within half a minute it was fully hard and straining, the veins more defined along the shaft than I could remember seeing them before.
“There!” Katherine said sweetly. “Only the good stuff for your body.” She lightly gripped my cock, giving it a couple playful squeezes and short strokes before letting it go.
“I suppose it is time I told you why you are here.” She said, moving back to the cabinet and switched on the monitor atop it, then turned off all the other computers and screens inside the room.  One of the machines even someone as medically inept as I recognized as an EKG, the one that monitored one’s heart rate, and attached to it by flexible rubber wire were two soft electrode pads which the doctor placed on my right upper arm and left chest, arranging the wires so that they were out of the way.
“You see, I recently decided to ‘branch out’ with my little business here.” She began explaining as the EKG monitor flickered to life, showing the steady but for the moment anxious heartbeat. “And while you probably wouldn’t believe it, there is a market in this city for a very special thing.”
She abandoned the machinery, content that everything was on and working, then turned back to the bed and leaned over me, placing one hand on my chest and hanging her big breasts very close to my face to give me a pristine view of her incredible cleavage. My cock twitched from the sight.
“Namely healthy young men’s semen.”
I looked into her brown eyes, expecting some kind of follow-up or an admission that she was jesting, but apparently she was quite serious.
“Naturally I have to test your sperm to see if your quality is up to par, but when looking at your body, I am confident you are up to the challenge.” Both her hands unashamedly ran over the muscles of my exposed body, and the naughty contact made Katherine bite her lower lip with anticipation and expectation. Her pride didn’t let her say it out loud, but last night when she had fondled my cock orally and with her hands, the taste of my hard meat and the knowledge of what she did had drenched her panties. It had taken a measure of self-restraint not to mount me in the ambulance and fuck away, but the doctor promised she would indulge herself later.
I tried grunting a single word, and was somehow successful as I managed to make Katherine understand what it was I was asking.
“Why?” she smiled, walking around the bed to get on the opposite side, a single finger always touching me as she did. “I have a list of clients, all women so you don’t have to worry, who aren’t in relationships or don’t have ‘access’ to men. Kind of like myself. Last night was the first time I have been out in over six months.”
How wonderfully interesting, I though sourly. Get on with it.
Katherine stood on my left side, opening another drawer whilst she spoke. “So my clients, ranging from lesbian couples to other ladies without men with their own particular fetishes when it comes to what they like to ingest, have entrusted me with finding a source of first class sperm, and they will be paying me by the jar.”
I starred at the doctor in sheer disbelief. Was she saying what I thought she was saying? Was she going to sell my sperm to strangers? By the jar?
“And while I have you,” she looked at me sultrily. “I fully intend to use you as my own little fuck-slave as well.” She winked, then added “and I am pretty sure my nurses and Jen would like to partake as well.”
While I tried to wrap my head around what Katherine was telling me and the growing predicament I was in, my hard manhood began demanding attention. It had not forgotten being thrice denied orgasm, and was now as big and hard as it would ever be, ready for stimulation and ready to shoot. It throbbed and grew warm, and despite myself my head started filling with images of Katherine sucking me off to completion this time.
“You don’t really need this to stay hard, so consider it more for the aesthetics.” Katherine had taken out a length of small black string from the drawer, and she quickly got to work using it to bind my cock and balls. She tied the string around the base of my cock and wound it around several times tightly, then proceeded to wind it a dozen times around the ballsack, squeezing my testicles together and slightly pushing them away from my body.
“Mm, your balls look so sexy like that.” she purred, ticking my bound testicles with her fingertips.
The tightness of the string felt uncomfortable, but wasn’t hurting me. Because of the constriction the veins in my shaft protruded even more, and my entire manhood got a bit darker in colour. It had to be impossible to get harder than what I was now, and I was overly ready to get my rocks off. Even though giving up my seed for Katherine’s insane business seemed like a bad idea.
“Well, it is time to extract the test batch!” Katherine declared oh-so happily, then produced some kind of dispenser, not unlike a liquid soap-dispenser in design, and put it down on one of the cabinets next to the bed. The cylindrical bottle read “water-based lubrication”, and I had little reason to believe it contained anything else.
The doctor pumped twice, pouring a good amount of the viscous substance into her palm, then approached me again, putting her lube-filled hand around my throbbing hardness, running the hand up and down to apply the lubrication all over the tip, shaft and balls.
“Mm, theeeere we go.” She purred, pumping my length slowly with one hand and rubbed my inner thigh with the other. “Gonna wring your first load out myself.”
The brunette smiled down at me, but there was a haughtiness of being in control behind the smile, while I tried to figure out just what she meant by “herself”. Maybe she meant her other employees, like blond Jen, would take turns on me. Being a man – and therefore slightly pathetic – the thought of several women handling my meat was incredibly arousing, instead the thought should be disconcerting when considering that I wasn’t exactly strapped to this bed voluntarily.
Katherine was as unrushed today as she had been last night, the hand gliding over my red, hard meat moving ever so slowly, taking its sweet time just completing the upwards gesture before doing the same slow move down. Within just a couple of minutes my breath started getting quicker, and throughout my body spread a sensation that had been subdued the evening before because of the drug that kept me in a dazed state. But now, unsullied by any strange medical stuff – if you didn’t count whatever it was she had injected in me that forced me to erection – the reality of it was setting in.
I was naked, bound, gagged and exposed with a woman I hardly knew having free access to me however she liked. The realization was a scary one, yet my mind was conflicted by the nature of my predicament and the desire to give in to the feelings of my begging cock.
“Want me to go faster?” Katherine asked innocently when hearing my grunts, giving me a sideways glance while still facing my crotch, keeping her strokes long and slow. She stood with her back straight next to the bed, even a form as definitely female as hers seeming to loom threateningly over me.
Even though I should know better, without really thinking about it I groaned “mhm” to her question, and I realized I was giving her that small ounce of control she hadn’t already taken from me.
Katherine knew that too, and she had expected me to give it to her. In fact, taking control and dominating was one of her biggest fetishes, yet making her unwilling captive relinquishing what little control he had was just the perfect icing on the cake.
“Mmm, but I can’t.” She shook her head slowly in mock apology. “Because the slo-o-ower I stroke you...” she slowed down her hand even more when it passed up and down over my cockhead. “the more you will shoot aaaaall over me when I finally let you...”
Not that Katherine had any intention of wasting my first load that she had so meticulously started building up the last evening through the three denied orgasms, but she said it because she knew it would spur a man on to hear it, and when she was being honest it turned her on to picture getting hosed with thick, white semen.
So she kept stroking me, moving just quickly enough to actually enable her hand to move, meaning that for several excruciatingly slow minutes she edged me pitilessly, her other hand moving from my thigh to caress and gently knead my bound balls. And the longer she was at it, the more my body tightening, pulling steadily against the straps, desperately wanting to reach out and finish myself off and be done with this wondrously hellish slow handjob. I grew very warm, and sweat was forming all over my body. My groans became more and more desperate, and after a while every direct contact on my cockhead by her hand made me shiver and jerk on the hospital bed.
I was as ready as I was ever going to get to blow now, and I could feel how the heartbeat in my cock pushed against the inside in the doctor’s hand. Last night she had edged me towards orgasm and then just stopped, but now she was edging me towards orgasm and keeping me in that state for as long as she could, adjusting her stimulation by focusing either more or less on the tip as well as changing the pace of her stroking from slow to dead-in-the-water, making me leak pre-cum that mixed with the lubrication in Katherine’s hand. My breath became ragged and increased, and I didn’t need to look at the monitor next to me to know that my heart-rate was increasing was well from being kept in a perpetual state of pre-orgasm.
I had no idea of fathoming just how Katherine managed to keep this up without accidentally pushing me over the edge. She had been doing this for a dreadfully long time now, and though I had no frame of reference I knew it had to have been more than half an hour since she started. That, or my sense of telling time was thrown out of whack as my body was forced to endure not climaxing, or maybe it was both.
And then, finally, mercifully, it wasn’t possible to be kept in such a state anymore, though Katherine had with unrivalled skill maintained said state for as long as could be done. After more than thirty minutes of being stroked just enough to be kept on edge but not climaxing, as well as having my big and increasingly sensitive balls constantly tickled, a final upwards stroke of the doctor’s hand – with a slight twisting motion – pushed me past the point of no return.
I inhaled deeply while my body tried to process just what was happening, and when it recognized the sensations as an incredibly slow, dragged-out orgasm, I groaned and moaned hard and loud, though the sound was heavily muffled by the wide gag covering my mouth. My body tensed and flexed as though I tried to pull an immovable rock from a squatting position, and I both shivered, shuddered and spasmed as the first – very long – rope of white hot semen shot out from me.
My eyes were clenched shut and so I nether saw nor registered that for the first time Katherine’s hand was pumping me hard and fast, and she had angled my cock with the tip pointing towards the opening of a glass container she had brought out. My cock kept spewing and shooting, and as she had hoped the amount was significant for a single ejaculation. She stroked me with quick motions throughout my orgasm, relishing in the amount she received and my gagged grunts of intense orgasmic bliss.
“Good boy.” She murmured when the dozen-strong jets of cum dwindled down to dribbles, still stroking me as she inspected the container to see just how much I had cum. It was about a quarter full, about what she had expected, though she reckoned she could make me shoot more given the proper “motivation” and by using the proper techniques.
My groans of orgasm had now turned into half grunts, half whimpers from overstimulation. Katherine’s hand still stroked my cock harder and faster than she had done, and every time it passed over my cockhead I jolted as the post-orgasmic hypersensitivity made the sensations unbearable.
“Hmm, does it chafe?” Katherine asked with mock ignorance, putting the jar with my semen down on a nearby surface. As if to double-check if that was the case, she started stroking me quicker but focusing only on the cockhead. The other hand got busy with my constricted balls again.
The stimulation was unbearable, and my head – the only thing I could move but at all – tossed from side to side on the thick hospital-issue pillow, my body tensing and tugging on the bonds weakly whilst I was forced to endure sensations a man couldn’t force upon himself. I knew that because I had tried stroking myself past orgasm in the past, and it just got to a point where you didn’t manage to keep going. Katherine had no such restraint, and the look of superior dominance on her face as she forced me to endure it was as demeaning as it was inviting. Even though lighting was flashing in my mind from the hypersensitivity of my cock, I noticed the doctor’s nipples were now poking through the thin fabric of her red top.
Mercifully, she let go of me, and I took a breath as though a boulder had been taken off my chest that had kept me from doing so. My cock, red and big and bound by the string, throbbed as though shaking and crying, and I fought to get my breathing under control. My body felt drenched, glued to the sheets of the bed from the ordeal. I couldn’t believe for how long I had been kept in a state of pre-orgasm, and I couldn’t believe how long that orgasm had ultimately turned out to last and how intensely good it had felt.
Katherine looked me up and down, biting her lower lip and fighting down her own urge to mount me then and there and forcibly copulate like bunnies. All in due time, she had promised herself, and that was still the case, even though her womanhood was more or less dripping, and that her hard nipples chafed against the fabric inside her top. For now she had to run her tests on my semen, and despite having decided upon me just from a gut-feeling, the look of my thick cream only reassured her that she had chosen wisely. Still the semen needed to be analyzed, and she hoped she hadn’t come this far only to need another specimen.
“While I run over to the lab with your delicious-looking semen to start testing it,” she moved over to the far wall and washed excess lube and seed from her hands in a sink I had previously failed to notice, then opened a drawer on the right orb and retrieved a small, spherical item with what looked like a rubber band attached to t. “I wouldn’t want you to be bored when I am away.”
She approached me again, and with ease but the sphere on my cockhead, attaching the rubber band on the other side of my tip to keep it in place. I recognized the thing for what it was when I saw it clearly, and after securing it and making sure it wasn’t attached to me so much that it was hurting me, she switched the orb on. The egg started vibrating, and Katherine adjusted the power so that it was only vibrating on medium. Enough to keep me constantly stimulated, but not enough to accidentally make me orgasm. At least not for a few hours.
“Well then, I should get to work.” She looked at my cock, then added “With this.” Pointing to the jar of semen, bringing it with her. “I will be back before too long, so just relax and look forward to a long day of playing.”
She winked at me, licking her lips sultrily, then exited the room, locking the door behind her.
So once again I was left alone, still recovering from what had to have been the most forceful orgasm in my life, with a vibrating egg hugging my sensitive cockhead and my manhood still trussed up in the black string.
Among all the thoughts swimming in and out of my mind as I tried getting used to – without success – the frustrating vibrations on my straining cock, one question repeated more often than the others.
What next?

This text is part of a set with 1 other file.

Doctor's Orders by J-Cal


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