English for Sinners by TheDjinn All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
A/N: Many people have been noting that the girls' names causes some confusion. Firstly because they all start with the same letter, and secondly because I often work their names down to just a th…
All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
They left me alone most of the day, at least, prior to the tutoring session I had been sentenced to lead. Oh sure, they wore provocative clothing. Corsets, torn t-shirts, skirts and tight pants. A bra strap peeking out, the hem of panties barely shown but highly visible; the bright pink contrasting with the pitch black pants. Still, there was no unnecessary bending over, facing me or otherwise. No suggestively nibbling and sucking on fingers and pens. Certainly no being pulled into a janitor's closet for a quick release. In fact, other than answering for roll call, they seemed to ignore me completely. If I was lucky, they didn't even know about the tutoring session (maybe Daley assumed I would inform them) and, if I was really lucky, they will have gotten bored of me and the anxiety nightmare I had been living would be over.
I am not lucky. At least not in the way I was hoping.
With the school nearly empty, I waited in my room for the girls to show up to the tutoring session. I was committed to leave if they were even a minute late. Wear some guise that I was teaching them a lesson in punctuality. A perk of being a teacher is doing something out of the ordinary under the pretense of teaching a valuable lesson. The moment the red second hand slapped itself onto the 12, and the hour was five, they showed up. I hadn't a chance to grab my bag and leave.
One by one they filed in. Their eyes catching mine and never let go as the girls took their seats at the front of the class. They had changed their outfits from earlier, which had been plenty revealing already but it looks like they wanted to do a little more. Vanessa's t-shirt was a size or two too small, allowing her generous chest to stand prominently. Her light blue bra stood out against the darker shade of her shirt, and showed through the various rips and tears (no doubt intentionally) that peeled her shirt to near ribbons. Her matching thong panties rode up along her wide hips, rising from the low hem of her otherwise modest blue jeans - though they too had their own share of holes in the fabric, showing off her skin.
While Vanessa was showcasing her best attributes, so was Van with her outfit. Her perky and athletic body was poured into those black leather pants. Green flames embroidered into the legs reached up toward her ass, which struggled to not pop the tight stitching keeping her clothes together. The hem was so low that her pelvic area was almost shown, and just the hint of the crack of her ass was. A short cropped top that hung a couple of inches past her pierced and obviously braless tits. The whole outfit added so little modesty that I had to wonder if there was any point to just not showing up naked.
Vivika, as always, dressed more modestly, but in her modesty she carried an allure that added more to her sexuality. Skirt and corset, both mixes of deep reds and black. Her clothing accentuating her rounded curves. Fitted so they would give a glimpse of her more intimate areas but hide them away the instant your eyes lingered too long. Since I had seen her naked, I had hoped some of the mystery would wear off and her enchantment over me would fade. The way her dark stockings on her legs and arms drew my eyes to her breasts and thighs convinced me I was more entranced than ever.
I stood immediately after they sat. I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of becoming erect and being forced to lecture them from my seat. "Look, you know you're being here is unnecessary," I started in a firm tone. "There's no reason to pretend you're here to learn so let's just wait out the clock and go out separate ways." I punctuated the statement by setting the egg timer for 60 minutes - exactly how long I was meant to tutor them.
"You're right, Mr. Harper," Vivika spoke up with more confidence than I myself was able to muster. "We're not here to learn. We're here to fuck." I did my best to stare her down, keep my eyes locked to her emerald glare, but I could feel my resolve faltering. She was approaching me, now, but I kept my eyes on her. I knew if I moved them away from her for a moment I would get lost in her beautiful body.
Before I realized what was happening, Viv was standing right in front of me. My determination to keep my eyes on hers had only allowed her to put another spell on me. Just as I thought of a retort, something to send her back to her seat and reestablish some dominance, her lips were upon me. My god her lips were divine. Heaven sent. Or hell. I guess I would know by the end of all this to whom credit was due. It's odd that I got to see her naked, got to see her masturbate, before I kissed her but then what about my situation has been normal so far?
I'd like to say I fought back, that I at least resisted, but I didn't. After the first few sparks from her lips, I was all over her. My hands grabbed at her curves and pulled her to me. I grabbed her leg and raised it up against my hip, fingers sliding under her stocking. I heard giggling, amused by my weakness, but I didn't care. The moment my hand touched the first slight curve to her ass, I fell back onto my chair, without Vivika. My hands braced my fall by grabbing the arm rests, and then they were cuffed there. To my right, Vanessa had cuffed one wrist with a fuzzy blue pair of cuffs. To my left, Val took care of the other wrist with a bare metal set.
All three stood around me, looking down at me, with knowing smirks. Their collective perfumes mixed together around me, creating a cocktail of sensuous scents. "Now, Mr. Harper, we're going to use our time wisely and you're going to sit there and watch. Or don't, if you can manage," Vivika posed, her last statement causing her friends to laugh. "We're very inclusive, though, Mr. Harper," she started back up, now leaning forward with her hands on my bound wrists. "If you want to join us, all you need to do is ask," she punctuated by licking her lips slowly, tempting me with what I had for only a fleeting moment. "But," she said, standing back up as her tone changed, "If you make it the full hour without participating, well I guess that means you really don't want us around. So I promise that we'll all leave you alone, if you can do that." With the terms set, she made a gesture of crossing her heart, and Van and Val mimicked immediately after.
"We don't want you getting uncomfortable while you wait, Mr. Harper," Vanessa offered from between my knees, while she rested on her own. As she had numerous times before, Van pulled down the fly of my pants and wrestled out my cock, letting it rest soft on my thigh. Seemingly by instinct she made a move to taste the freed part of my anatomy, but Val stopped her.
"Nuh uh, 'nessa," Val scolded, stopping her approach with a hand to the blonde's chin. "If he wants to play, he has to ask," she continued after turning Van's face toward her. After seeing the busty girl pout, Val smiled and joined her between my legs. "If you have to put something in your mouth, how about this?" she offered, then sealed her green-painted lips onto Van's plumper tiers. Inches from my cock they made out. Lips smacking, tongues sliding, teeth nibbling. My legs were pushed further apart by their writhing bodies so they had more room to caress one another. While the scene escalated, Van's hands squeezing Val's ass greedily and Val returning the groping to Van's breasts, Viv worked on destroying what was left of my resolve.
"It's impossible to look away, isn't it?" she whispered hotly against my ear. Her voice was low, sexual and seductive. "They really are passionate for each other. You know it was Val who introduced Van to me," she started to explain while massaging my chest with her left hand. "Before, I tried getting Vanessa to join me, be with me, but she wasn't interested. Can you believe that? Then Val came along. She was an easy get, so desperate for a good lay. Someone who could keep up with her. All the boys in this school tap out so quickly, and I think some are even afraid of how aggressive she can be." Her story was accompanied by a score of moans and the wet sounds of intense kissing, near my lap. "Val was able to convince Van to be with us, easily. I don't know what she did, but I think Van just needed to be treated like a slut. Don't you think so?" she rhetorically asked. "I went about it all wrong. Trying to seduce Van, take it slow, let her come to me. But Val, mmm, she just pounced on her right away. Funny thing is, she wasn't a slut before she met Val. In fact, she was a virgin! Shocking, I know, but true. A body made for sin, locked behind an unsure heart. I had the pleasure of watching Val break every one of her cherries." Now her sentences were framed by kisses and nibbles to my ear.
"Maybe it's not fair to call her a slut. She doesn't sleep around, after all. Just Val and I. And you, of course. Then again, her appetite is insatiable," Viv moaned into my ear when Van's shirt came off. "You don't want to deprive this girl of your hard cock, do you? Poor thing is desperate for sex, and I don't think Val and I can give her all she needs anymore. She definitely has an oral fixation, don't you agree?" she asked, watching, with me, Val's left nipple piercing disappear between Vanessa's lips.
"But if Vanessa has an oral fixation, then Val is definitely stuck in the anal stage, wouldn't you agree?" She asked, obviously referring to when I fucked her in the ass a few days ago. "Sometimes I think she works out so much and got into sports just to tone up that perfect ass of hers. Art like that should be appreciated, respected. Mmm, one of my favorite things to do is shove my face between her tan cheeks and eat out her asshole while Van sucks on her pretty pierced pussy," Viv lewdly revealed, her breath becoming hotter and more rapid against my ear and neck.
"What about you?" I spoke up. The sudden interaction caused her to stop, though Vanessa and Val were lost in their own world and didn't react. "What's your modus operandi?"
"Me? Well, I get off on seeing others in extreme pleasure," she answered, licking my neck from nape to just below my ear, "and pain," she added with a sharp bite to my lobe. I tensed up, but wasn't in enough pain to cry out. Then her right hand came up and dragged damp fingers along the right and left sides of my neck. With a snap of her fingers, the other two girls stopped and looked up at me. First at my cock, and then to my neck, where they latched their lips onto the wet spots Viv had put there with her fingers.
Vanessa pressed her bare breasts against my shoulder, and Val used her tongue and lip piercings to the full influence on my skin. And dead ahead was Vivika, slowly peeling off her clothes like she had days earlier on my computer screen. I was trapped. If I turned my gaze away to the left, there was Val grinding her covered crotch against my arm. If I went right, my face would be buried in warm, teenage, cleavage. Certainly I could have slammed my eyes closed, dropped my head low and did my best to ignore the sounds and touch of the surrounding sex. Yet I looked on, my gaze traveling with each piece of clothing Viv peeled off. When she was down to just her thong panties, her partners in crime slid off of me, and I could see the evidence in my lap that their plan was working.
Vivika, nearly nude, became all business when she instructed her girls to set up for the next phase, I guess you could call it. Val too pleasure in clearing off my desk, and Van simply pushed my chair up to the edge so I wouldn't miss a beat. Meanwhile, Vivika was going through her bag, and when she came back into my field of view, she was holding a purple scarf in one hand, and a black dildo in the other. Vanessa and Val took their seats on my desk, their eager bodies fidgeting on the wood surface while they watched. Vivika stood between me and the desk, though was mindful not to obstruct my view of the girls.
"It's time you see what we're really capable of, Mr. Harper." With that vague statement, almost a threat, she handed the toy to Van. Now the cloth was being dragged along my erect cock, the fabric tickling my sensitive flesh. It felt electric when the cloth covered my mast, and I squirmed at the foreign feeling. All the while, Vivika whispered to herself, though I think even if I could hear her I wouldn't understand what the words she was saying. After a pause in her soft chanting, she took the cloth and ran it along the toy in the same manner she had with me. When she was done, I could detect a slight purple sheen to the toy. To finish, she tied the fabric around the base of my cock. I nearly came when her finger tips grazed me, but her movements were too deft to make any lasting effect on my flesh.
Now that I was bound, Vivika took back the toy and demonstrated just what they were capable of. A simple kiss to the head of the fake cock, and I swore I could feel her lips on my cock head. She passed it to Van, and she too kissed and licked, and again I felt the effects as if it was my dick they toyed with. Val was last, but most effective, dragging her piercings against the plastic toy and sending the sensation to my body.
"How...how are you doing this?" I begged.
"There's more to us than just our bodies and sexual appetites, Mr. Harper," Vivika answered. "Agree to our rules, and you'll learn all about just how interesting we can make your life."
Satisfied with my obvious confusion, Vivika hopped up onto the desk and sat with her classmates. In moments they were a tangle of legs and arms. Caressing and pulling on one another. Breasts lay on cheeks, legs wrapped around hips, and hands grabbed and squeezed at every available curve. And in the middle of it all was a seemingly innocuous toy. Wherever the toy went, I felt on my own anatomy. Between breasts and buttocks it, and by extension I, traveled. Licked and sucked. Gripped and rubbed. Many times I felt the need to release, and release never came. Vivika noticed this and laughed.
"Struggling, aren't you, Mr. Harper?" she teased while Vanessa and Val looked on, giggling but attention focused primarily on each other. "You feel everything the toy does, but if the toy can't cum, then neither can you," she explained while running the head of the dildo across her curves, tracing the subtle muscles on her tummy and thighs. "But if you want to tag in, in its place, just ask." My silence was my refusal, and so Vivika did what she had to, to win.
My dick was subject to pleasures that would have otherwise been impossible without this spell she had cast. The toy was shared between Van and Val, an end for each to be sucked into their mouths. They lay the toy on Val's taught belly and Vivika lay atop her, pressing her flat tummy against the dildo so I was sandwiched between them. Val squeezed the object between her incredibly strong thighs. Bent over the desk, and receiving spankings from both Van and Vivika. I felt the reverberations of the strikes through her body and into the toy. Then Van took the false dick between her tits and squeezed them together while Viv and Val sucked on her tender and sensitive nipples and flesh. Of course, it all paled in comparison to when they started to insert the toy between their nether lips.
In and out, passed between girls. I could be in one for a few pumps, then another for what seemed like an eternity. Each girl was different, and now more than ever that was evident as I was traded between them so quickly. First I was inside Vanessa, or at least the toy was, but it felt so real. While Val worked the dildo in and out of her slick embrace, Vivika used her lips on Van's clit. Every so often I would feel her lips graze against the plastic surface of this magical device.
I had to wince when Val pulled it out. She pulled it out with her mouth, her teeth clenched tight at the base of the toy, her tongue flicking at the underside. I'm not sure how to describe the feeling of having the base of my cock licked, in a spot that would be impossible under normal circumstances. However, it was certainly a positive feeling. Emancipated from the drooling pussy, Val dropped the toy into her lap, which felt quite strange on my end. Feeling my cock actually fall from a height and land on her thighs. Vivika grabbed it from her, and gave a gesture that told Val to stand on the floor and bend over the desk. Never one to do things right away, Vivika drew out the inevitable by dragging the toy along Val's every tight curve and flexing muscle. Val kept herself busy by cleaning up the mess Vanessa made on my desk, but only caused more juices to spill when her mouth latched onto Van's lower lips.
Vivika was slowly working Val's pants, slowly in part to entice and because of how tight they were. It wasn't enough to set the toy down while she used both hands. No, she had to hold it between her legs. A few times I could feel it slip, but she would just squeeze tighter to keep it from falling to the floor. I'm sure she held off on inserting it into herself so she could use that as some kind of finale; or simply the act was to drive me crazy and wish I could be inside her finally. It was working. One the pants were off, she ran the shaft up and down against her dripping lips to apply another coat of fluid. Slick and ready, the toy entered into Val's ass, grazing against her pert cheeks and fighting against the tight inner muscles.
"Fuck, Vi!" Val exclaimed, partly muffled by Vanessa's twitching lap. "Any deeper and I'm gonna cum."
"Please do," Vi smartly replied. "I'm thirsty." Slowly she applied the dildo inside of her, and began to turn and twist it like a corkscrew, something I would be unable to do on my own. A wild sensation. Part of me wanted to actually be inside of her hot ass, but part of my wanted to see what else they could accomplish through this plastic proxy.
Now hanging half way out her ass, the toy hung unaided while Vivika sank to her knees and helped Val along to her promised orgasm, mouth at the source to drink in the soon to be released juices. Val and Van shared their orgasms, with the former screaming obscenities into the latter's crotch, legs wrapped tightly around Val's head to keep her there. I think, were one girl able to have half the fake cock in her while another had the other in her pussy, as well, I would have cracked sooner. But I did crack. When Viv had her mouth around the other end of the toy in Val's ass, and was doing inhuman things with her tongue to it while Val squeezed the other end, pulling it deeper inside of her.
"Please..." I meekly uttered.
"What was that?" Vivika asked, the dick still in her mouth. She let it slip out and asked again. "Can you repeat that, Mr. Harper?"
"Please what?" she pressed.
"I want..."
"Want what?" she interrogated, picking up my head from looking down at my lap in humiliation.
"I want to fuck you," I finally admitted.
"No," she said, crushing my heart. "You need to fuck me," she clarified, lifting me up from the despair I felt for only a moment. "But we'll work on that later. For now..." she trailed off, letting my neck support the weight of my head again after she released my chin. I watched with bated breath as she pulled the dick out of Val and tossed it to Vanessa. I jerked when she caught it, just barely, but made up for it by letting it rest between her lovely breasts and squeezed them together around it. Val kissed the head tenderly.
Vivika untied the cloth from my cock, yet I could still feel the sensations being applied to the dildo. That spell ended when she tore the cloth down the middle. I swear I saw purple sparks leap across the rip, but my mind clearly could not be trusted. With the effect undone, I no longer had a link to the dildo. Seeing this, Van and Val grew tired of it and tossed it to the floor, focusing now just on each other's bodies while Vivika focused on me. Slowly and simply, she placed a kiss on the head of my cock. I exploded immediately, though she clearly knew that was coming. Closing her eyes, she let her face take the first blow, but then aimed my head at her chest and let her ample bosom take the rest.
"They're waiting for you," Vivika said after sucking a scoop of my cum from her finger, swiped from her cheek. Indeed they were, Val and Van, lying on my desk. Val straddling Vanessa perfectly, and when Vanessa saw me get up, the cuffs undone after Vivika finished cleaning her face, my cock still hard, she locked her legs behind Val's knees and kept her pinned to herself - pussy laying atop pussy.
Vanessa kept Val snug between her heavy breasts while she watched me, keeping Val oblivious to my approach. I wasted no time, and pressed my cock head between the two pussies and swiftly slid the rest of my shaft between them. Val squeaked cutely around Van's nipple when my cockhead brushed up against her pierced clit hood.
"Come on and fuck me, Mr. Harper," Val commanded, lifting her head up from Van's plump tit. Looking over her shoulder at me with her green eyes behind emerald shaded lids. Some of her dark green lipstick had come off by this point and could be found all in specific locations on Van's body.
"No, Mr. Harper," Vanessa pleaded. "Fuck me first."
"I asked first, Van!" Val snapped at her friend.
"So? He's already fucked you twice. He's only ever fucked me once," Vanessa reasoned.
"Yea, but you've had his dick in your more than anyone," Val chided. "It's not my fault you prefer to suck cock than to fuck cock."
Vanessa gasped at Val's retort, and pulled her head between her tits and squished them together to punish her. I could feel Val's hand reaching down between them, and her thin fingers pushed my cock away so she would have room to pinch and flick Vanessa's clit. While the girl's fault, I slipped my meat between Val's cheeks, and plumped slowly as I massaged the firm muscles that surrounded it.
I felt Vivika's breasts against my back before her hands slithered down my chest, arms at my side as she held me close. "Fuck Val first," she whispered into my ear before nibbling on it briefly. "I'll keep Vanessa happy until you're ready to fuck her too." As good an idea as any. I was certainly in no state to come up with how to settle the debate. All the blood from my head had flowed to the other.
I pressed my cock back between the girls, but this time I aimed it toward Val's dripping, pierced, slit. She mewed with pleasure, one of the view times she let herself appear vulnerable and not in control. Vanessa pouted at the sound, knowing that I had chosen Val over her. Before she could protest, Vivika pressed her head back down the desk and forced her to look up at her. Smiling, Vanessa met her lips with Vivika's and the two re-enacted the famous kiss scene from "Spider-Man."
Though I had been inside Val earlier, by proxy, this was much better. Perhaps it was because I could move my hips to the demands of my rising pleasure. Perhaps it was because Val liked to gyrated her hips, grinding her ass against me, while I fucked her. No doubt it was a combination of both. And no doubt watching Vivika lean over Vanessa and have her suckle at her hanging breasts added to the whole experience.
My eyes were locked on Vivika's, my hips movement automatically. "Mr. Harper," Val weakly said, pulling my gaze to her. She was looking over shoulder, her mouth covered by her arm before she revealed her pierced lips to say, "Play with my ass." The syllables were broken up by a moan and chirp in her voice each time I pushed back into her. I didn't know if she wanted to massage, spank, or insert a finger into, her ass. Unlike the dilemma of who to fuck first, I didn't have to choose just one.
Palms moved from her hips to her cheeks, my fingertips grazing the tramp scrawled across the dimples above her ass. With two handfuls of her toned tush, I squeezed hard enough to elicit a yelp. She broke away from Vanessa's breasts to utter another explicative, and then she resumed massaging her friend's tits while I massaged her ass. After kneading her flesh, I struck it decisively and swiftly. She shot up with a start, and I used this to my advantage. Pulling her back up against me, she stood upright, looking at me briefly before staring back at her friends enjoying each other's breasts. With my left hand I reached up and pressed against her right cheek, moving her head to the side so her neck bared itself to me. I kissed and nipped along the tattoos from her shoulders and chest that had creeped up neck. She let out a honeyed sigh and I pressed my thumb to her quivering lip. She graciously sucked on my thumb. Having what I needed, I pressed against her back and sent her back to lay with her friends. My saliva-coated digit circled her hole and pressed inward after I gave her one more spank.
I had become a man possessed. I realized that before, I had only had sex with these girls, at most. Now I was fucking them. I was enacting every perverse thought, born of some porno or my own sexual desires, that stirred in my unconscious mind. Fucking her faster now, my hips slammed against her ass. Her thighs roughly bumped against the edge of my oak desk, but her cries of pleasure told me, at least, she didn't mind, and at most, she loved it. One hand on her hip, a thumb still twitching inside her asshole, the other gripped her short crop of hair and pulled. For a moment I saw her tongue hang out between forming more curse words and crying my name. Vivika and Vanessa were no longer fixated on each other, and instead watched my body dominate this star athlete.
Moments after I felt her squeeze me tighter than she had before, I pulled myself free of the wet hole and released myself on her pert and perfect ass. The same ass that so many high school boys (and girls, I'm sure) lusted after while they watched her score the winning goal or ran across the track.
Val stood up, slowly, keeping her back arched like a cat. Running her hands down her tender breasts and then gradually to her back, where they landed on her ass. She rubbed the seed into her skin, moaning audibly licking her lips. Although I could stay hard through my first orgasm, my second sapped the stiffness from my shaft. Luckily, Vivika was already there by my side, on her knees, salivating at the duty she was about to perform.
Vivika was quick and decisive. This was not purely for my pleasure, but rather to get me hard again for Vanessa. Sweet Vanessa. Still sprawled out on my desk, panting from the orgasm Val and Viv helped her obtain. When she realized I had climaxed myself, with Vivika eagerly trying to get me back into performing shape, Vanessa slid off my desk and sauntered over to me. Even her graceful, smooth, walk caused her heavy tits to jiggle with every planting of her foot to the ground. I wrapped my arm around her slender waist and held her close. I wanted her breasts pressed against my chest and side. I could feel her erect nipples rubbing against my bare chest after she removed my shirt. Her lips tasted like a mix of blueberries and cinnamon. No doubt the former was her own lip gloss, and the latter something Vivika left behind.
My cock was filling Vivika's mouth and soon grew too big for her to take it all in at once. When I felt that familiar rigidity down below, I nodded to Vivika that I was ready for Vanessa's turn. I left Vanessa's eager side, her lips kissing at the air for a moment after I pulled away, and laid myself down upon the desk. Beckoning her over, I smiled at Vanessa and she blushed. Of all the times for such a gesture.
Vanessa climbed back onto the wooden desk and straddled my hips. Delicately she aimed my cock at her hovering pussy. She went slowly. I think because she was still tender, though no less eager. She was shaking a bit, and her sapphire eyes begged for guidance. My hands guided her hips down slowly. The last third of the way I pressed down forcefully. The sudden movement caused her breasts to bounce and a cry to escape her lips. The shiver in her body faded slowly into stillness. She stood erect for a moment. Still biting her lip and looking at the ceiling, she began to rotate her hips against mine. Vanessa moved like this for a bit, not removing an inch of me from her pussy until she was ready.
I looked over at Val and saw Vivika blocking my view. Val was sitting at her desk, and Vivika was bent over, kissing her loudly and swaying her hips. I like to think she knew I was watching. I noted the moisture on her inner thighs and smirked. I was brought back to attention when Vanessa started to pump herself up and down around me. Her tits shook with each fall. Their movement enticed me more than their shape and I reached up to hold them. Her hands rested over mine and guided my movements against her large breasts.
Kneading her tits spurred Vanessa on, and her pace quickened. Her plump ass clapped against my thighs with each aggressive thrust down. I was pinching her nipples, pulling on them. When I released her tender nubs, her tits took on their regular shape, again. I wanted her to go faster, I wanted to fuck her harder. While it was hard to pull my hands away from her enthralling chest, I had to in order to guide her hips again. My own thrust up into her when she was high enough above me.
Vanessa hugged her tits to her body and pressed them together. Lifting one up, she licked at the top and then repeated for the other. When it all became too much for her, she fell forward, bracing her hands on my chest. One of her eager hands reached between us and was working fervently on her clit. The other kept her steady. When blue shadowed lids lifted to reveal sparkling sapphires, she saw my face and let herself go. She dropped onto my chest and immediately pressed her lips against mine. She kissed me with the same vigor and passion that moved her hips. I spanked her ass. Then again because I enjoyed the way she yelped and then bit my lip to retaliate. Then, of course, a few more times.
When she finally came, she came hard. Sweat from her body mixed with mine. I was still pumping away, but she had become so tender she couldn't bare the sensation anymore. She pulled off of my lap, but she made it up to me by saying, "Cum on my tits, Mr. Harper. Cum on my fat, slutty, tits," she crudely described. "Cum on my tits just like you came on Val's ass." Giving me no option to refuse, she slid off of my own sweaty body and kneeled on the floor for me. She looked so eager and excited, even through her exhaustion. How could I refuse.
I gave her several good pumps' worth of my cum, all over her tits just as she requested. She moaned the whole time. She moaned the whole time while she rubbed the cum against her breasts, too. Naturally, my cock was tired and worn, but looking at Vivika, sitting on Val's desk while Val sat its attached chair, kissing her back and massaging her thighs, I found the strength to press on.
As magical as it was, time still went on. A fact I was alerted to when the egg timer went off. For a moment, I saw the same pout on Vivika's face that I wore on my own. Although there was no set law that we had to stop, I knew that's entirely what she intended when the pout turned into a smirk.
"It seems time is up, Mr. Harper," she teased.
"Why?" I asked, stepping forward past Vanessa, still on her knees. "No one is coming by. The janitor already took out the trash here so we won't be bothered."
Vivika slid off the desk and approached me. "Because those were the rules. If only you had succumbed to your baser instincts sooner..." she lamented. I gave her a face that could growl. "Besides, before you fuck me, I need to be sure you are prepared for the consequences."
"You mean losing my job? Jail? I don't care about any of that," I admitted passionately. "Any risk is worth having you. All of you," I added, looking to both Van and Val.
Vivika actually blushed. "Well we're flattered, Mr. Harper," she spoke for herself and the girls, who were now getting dressed, "but what I had in mind is a bit more...intense."
"Does it have anything to do with that... spell you put on me?"
Now she was giggling. "Sort of. Look, there's too much to explain, and well all need some rest, first. Go home, get rehydrated, and wait for me. I'll come see you tonight and explain everything," she offered as she walked to the door with her friends.
"Just what are you, anyway? Witches or something?" I boldly asked. Only after I said the words did I think it may offend them to the point of abandoning me. Vivika's laugh reassured me they weren't done with me yet.
"If it helps," she replied, and then left. I lamented her absence, but as she said, this would not be the last time she would see me tonight.
They left me alone most of the day, at least, prior to the tutoring session I had been sentenced to lead. Oh sure, they wore provocative clothing. Corsets, torn t-shirts, skirts and tight pants. A bra strap peeking out, the hem of panties barely shown but highly visible; the bright pink contrasting with the pitch black pants. Still, there was no unnecessary bending over, facing me or otherwise. No suggestively nibbling and sucking on fingers and pens. Certainly no being pulled into a janitor's closet for a quick release. In fact, other than answering for roll call, they seemed to ignore me completely. If I was lucky, they didn't even know about the tutoring session (maybe Daley assumed I would inform them) and, if I was really lucky, they will have gotten bored of me and the anxiety nightmare I had been living would be over.
I am not lucky. At least not in the way I was hoping.
With the school nearly empty, I waited in my room for the girls to show up to the tutoring session. I was committed to leave if they were even a minute late. Wear some guise that I was teaching them a lesson in punctuality. A perk of being a teacher is doing something out of the ordinary under the pretense of teaching a valuable lesson. The moment the red second hand slapped itself onto the 12, and the hour was five, they showed up. I hadn't a chance to grab my bag and leave.
One by one they filed in. Their eyes catching mine and never let go as the girls took their seats at the front of the class. They had changed their outfits from earlier, which had been plenty revealing already but it looks like they wanted to do a little more. Vanessa's t-shirt was a size or two too small, allowing her generous chest to stand prominently. Her light blue bra stood out against the darker shade of her shirt, and showed through the various rips and tears (no doubt intentionally) that peeled her shirt to near ribbons. Her matching thong panties rode up along her wide hips, rising from the low hem of her otherwise modest blue jeans - though they too had their own share of holes in the fabric, showing off her skin.
While Vanessa was showcasing her best attributes, so was Van with her outfit. Her perky and athletic body was poured into those black leather pants. Green flames embroidered into the legs reached up toward her ass, which struggled to not pop the tight stitching keeping her clothes together. The hem was so low that her pelvic area was almost shown, and just the hint of the crack of her ass was. A short cropped top that hung a couple of inches past her pierced and obviously braless tits. The whole outfit added so little modesty that I had to wonder if there was any point to just not showing up naked.
Vivika, as always, dressed more modestly, but in her modesty she carried an allure that added more to her sexuality. Skirt and corset, both mixes of deep reds and black. Her clothing accentuating her rounded curves. Fitted so they would give a glimpse of her more intimate areas but hide them away the instant your eyes lingered too long. Since I had seen her naked, I had hoped some of the mystery would wear off and her enchantment over me would fade. The way her dark stockings on her legs and arms drew my eyes to her breasts and thighs convinced me I was more entranced than ever.
I stood immediately after they sat. I wasn't going to give them the satisfaction of becoming erect and being forced to lecture them from my seat. "Look, you know you're being here is unnecessary," I started in a firm tone. "There's no reason to pretend you're here to learn so let's just wait out the clock and go out separate ways." I punctuated the statement by setting the egg timer for 60 minutes - exactly how long I was meant to tutor them.
"You're right, Mr. Harper," Vivika spoke up with more confidence than I myself was able to muster. "We're not here to learn. We're here to fuck." I did my best to stare her down, keep my eyes locked to her emerald glare, but I could feel my resolve faltering. She was approaching me, now, but I kept my eyes on her. I knew if I moved them away from her for a moment I would get lost in her beautiful body.
Before I realized what was happening, Viv was standing right in front of me. My determination to keep my eyes on hers had only allowed her to put another spell on me. Just as I thought of a retort, something to send her back to her seat and reestablish some dominance, her lips were upon me. My god her lips were divine. Heaven sent. Or hell. I guess I would know by the end of all this to whom credit was due. It's odd that I got to see her naked, got to see her masturbate, before I kissed her but then what about my situation has been normal so far?
I'd like to say I fought back, that I at least resisted, but I didn't. After the first few sparks from her lips, I was all over her. My hands grabbed at her curves and pulled her to me. I grabbed her leg and raised it up against my hip, fingers sliding under her stocking. I heard giggling, amused by my weakness, but I didn't care. The moment my hand touched the first slight curve to her ass, I fell back onto my chair, without Vivika. My hands braced my fall by grabbing the arm rests, and then they were cuffed there. To my right, Vanessa had cuffed one wrist with a fuzzy blue pair of cuffs. To my left, Val took care of the other wrist with a bare metal set.
All three stood around me, looking down at me, with knowing smirks. Their collective perfumes mixed together around me, creating a cocktail of sensuous scents. "Now, Mr. Harper, we're going to use our time wisely and you're going to sit there and watch. Or don't, if you can manage," Vivika posed, her last statement causing her friends to laugh. "We're very inclusive, though, Mr. Harper," she started back up, now leaning forward with her hands on my bound wrists. "If you want to join us, all you need to do is ask," she punctuated by licking her lips slowly, tempting me with what I had for only a fleeting moment. "But," she said, standing back up as her tone changed, "If you make it the full hour without participating, well I guess that means you really don't want us around. So I promise that we'll all leave you alone, if you can do that." With the terms set, she made a gesture of crossing her heart, and Van and Val mimicked immediately after.
"We don't want you getting uncomfortable while you wait, Mr. Harper," Vanessa offered from between my knees, while she rested on her own. As she had numerous times before, Van pulled down the fly of my pants and wrestled out my cock, letting it rest soft on my thigh. Seemingly by instinct she made a move to taste the freed part of my anatomy, but Val stopped her.
"Nuh uh, 'nessa," Val scolded, stopping her approach with a hand to the blonde's chin. "If he wants to play, he has to ask," she continued after turning Van's face toward her. After seeing the busty girl pout, Val smiled and joined her between my legs. "If you have to put something in your mouth, how about this?" she offered, then sealed her green-painted lips onto Van's plumper tiers. Inches from my cock they made out. Lips smacking, tongues sliding, teeth nibbling. My legs were pushed further apart by their writhing bodies so they had more room to caress one another. While the scene escalated, Van's hands squeezing Val's ass greedily and Val returning the groping to Van's breasts, Viv worked on destroying what was left of my resolve.
"It's impossible to look away, isn't it?" she whispered hotly against my ear. Her voice was low, sexual and seductive. "They really are passionate for each other. You know it was Val who introduced Van to me," she started to explain while massaging my chest with her left hand. "Before, I tried getting Vanessa to join me, be with me, but she wasn't interested. Can you believe that? Then Val came along. She was an easy get, so desperate for a good lay. Someone who could keep up with her. All the boys in this school tap out so quickly, and I think some are even afraid of how aggressive she can be." Her story was accompanied by a score of moans and the wet sounds of intense kissing, near my lap. "Val was able to convince Van to be with us, easily. I don't know what she did, but I think Van just needed to be treated like a slut. Don't you think so?" she rhetorically asked. "I went about it all wrong. Trying to seduce Van, take it slow, let her come to me. But Val, mmm, she just pounced on her right away. Funny thing is, she wasn't a slut before she met Val. In fact, she was a virgin! Shocking, I know, but true. A body made for sin, locked behind an unsure heart. I had the pleasure of watching Val break every one of her cherries." Now her sentences were framed by kisses and nibbles to my ear.
"Maybe it's not fair to call her a slut. She doesn't sleep around, after all. Just Val and I. And you, of course. Then again, her appetite is insatiable," Viv moaned into my ear when Van's shirt came off. "You don't want to deprive this girl of your hard cock, do you? Poor thing is desperate for sex, and I don't think Val and I can give her all she needs anymore. She definitely has an oral fixation, don't you agree?" she asked, watching, with me, Val's left nipple piercing disappear between Vanessa's lips.
"But if Vanessa has an oral fixation, then Val is definitely stuck in the anal stage, wouldn't you agree?" She asked, obviously referring to when I fucked her in the ass a few days ago. "Sometimes I think she works out so much and got into sports just to tone up that perfect ass of hers. Art like that should be appreciated, respected. Mmm, one of my favorite things to do is shove my face between her tan cheeks and eat out her asshole while Van sucks on her pretty pierced pussy," Viv lewdly revealed, her breath becoming hotter and more rapid against my ear and neck.
"What about you?" I spoke up. The sudden interaction caused her to stop, though Vanessa and Val were lost in their own world and didn't react. "What's your modus operandi?"
"Me? Well, I get off on seeing others in extreme pleasure," she answered, licking my neck from nape to just below my ear, "and pain," she added with a sharp bite to my lobe. I tensed up, but wasn't in enough pain to cry out. Then her right hand came up and dragged damp fingers along the right and left sides of my neck. With a snap of her fingers, the other two girls stopped and looked up at me. First at my cock, and then to my neck, where they latched their lips onto the wet spots Viv had put there with her fingers.
Vanessa pressed her bare breasts against my shoulder, and Val used her tongue and lip piercings to the full influence on my skin. And dead ahead was Vivika, slowly peeling off her clothes like she had days earlier on my computer screen. I was trapped. If I turned my gaze away to the left, there was Val grinding her covered crotch against my arm. If I went right, my face would be buried in warm, teenage, cleavage. Certainly I could have slammed my eyes closed, dropped my head low and did my best to ignore the sounds and touch of the surrounding sex. Yet I looked on, my gaze traveling with each piece of clothing Viv peeled off. When she was down to just her thong panties, her partners in crime slid off of me, and I could see the evidence in my lap that their plan was working.
Vivika, nearly nude, became all business when she instructed her girls to set up for the next phase, I guess you could call it. Val too pleasure in clearing off my desk, and Van simply pushed my chair up to the edge so I wouldn't miss a beat. Meanwhile, Vivika was going through her bag, and when she came back into my field of view, she was holding a purple scarf in one hand, and a black dildo in the other. Vanessa and Val took their seats on my desk, their eager bodies fidgeting on the wood surface while they watched. Vivika stood between me and the desk, though was mindful not to obstruct my view of the girls.
"It's time you see what we're really capable of, Mr. Harper." With that vague statement, almost a threat, she handed the toy to Van. Now the cloth was being dragged along my erect cock, the fabric tickling my sensitive flesh. It felt electric when the cloth covered my mast, and I squirmed at the foreign feeling. All the while, Vivika whispered to herself, though I think even if I could hear her I wouldn't understand what the words she was saying. After a pause in her soft chanting, she took the cloth and ran it along the toy in the same manner she had with me. When she was done, I could detect a slight purple sheen to the toy. To finish, she tied the fabric around the base of my cock. I nearly came when her finger tips grazed me, but her movements were too deft to make any lasting effect on my flesh.
Now that I was bound, Vivika took back the toy and demonstrated just what they were capable of. A simple kiss to the head of the fake cock, and I swore I could feel her lips on my cock head. She passed it to Van, and she too kissed and licked, and again I felt the effects as if it was my dick they toyed with. Val was last, but most effective, dragging her piercings against the plastic toy and sending the sensation to my body.
"How...how are you doing this?" I begged.
"There's more to us than just our bodies and sexual appetites, Mr. Harper," Vivika answered. "Agree to our rules, and you'll learn all about just how interesting we can make your life."
Satisfied with my obvious confusion, Vivika hopped up onto the desk and sat with her classmates. In moments they were a tangle of legs and arms. Caressing and pulling on one another. Breasts lay on cheeks, legs wrapped around hips, and hands grabbed and squeezed at every available curve. And in the middle of it all was a seemingly innocuous toy. Wherever the toy went, I felt on my own anatomy. Between breasts and buttocks it, and by extension I, traveled. Licked and sucked. Gripped and rubbed. Many times I felt the need to release, and release never came. Vivika noticed this and laughed.
"Struggling, aren't you, Mr. Harper?" she teased while Vanessa and Val looked on, giggling but attention focused primarily on each other. "You feel everything the toy does, but if the toy can't cum, then neither can you," she explained while running the head of the dildo across her curves, tracing the subtle muscles on her tummy and thighs. "But if you want to tag in, in its place, just ask." My silence was my refusal, and so Vivika did what she had to, to win.
My dick was subject to pleasures that would have otherwise been impossible without this spell she had cast. The toy was shared between Van and Val, an end for each to be sucked into their mouths. They lay the toy on Val's taught belly and Vivika lay atop her, pressing her flat tummy against the dildo so I was sandwiched between them. Val squeezed the object between her incredibly strong thighs. Bent over the desk, and receiving spankings from both Van and Vivika. I felt the reverberations of the strikes through her body and into the toy. Then Van took the false dick between her tits and squeezed them together while Viv and Val sucked on her tender and sensitive nipples and flesh. Of course, it all paled in comparison to when they started to insert the toy between their nether lips.
In and out, passed between girls. I could be in one for a few pumps, then another for what seemed like an eternity. Each girl was different, and now more than ever that was evident as I was traded between them so quickly. First I was inside Vanessa, or at least the toy was, but it felt so real. While Val worked the dildo in and out of her slick embrace, Vivika used her lips on Van's clit. Every so often I would feel her lips graze against the plastic surface of this magical device.
I had to wince when Val pulled it out. She pulled it out with her mouth, her teeth clenched tight at the base of the toy, her tongue flicking at the underside. I'm not sure how to describe the feeling of having the base of my cock licked, in a spot that would be impossible under normal circumstances. However, it was certainly a positive feeling. Emancipated from the drooling pussy, Val dropped the toy into her lap, which felt quite strange on my end. Feeling my cock actually fall from a height and land on her thighs. Vivika grabbed it from her, and gave a gesture that told Val to stand on the floor and bend over the desk. Never one to do things right away, Vivika drew out the inevitable by dragging the toy along Val's every tight curve and flexing muscle. Val kept herself busy by cleaning up the mess Vanessa made on my desk, but only caused more juices to spill when her mouth latched onto Van's lower lips.
Vivika was slowly working Val's pants, slowly in part to entice and because of how tight they were. It wasn't enough to set the toy down while she used both hands. No, she had to hold it between her legs. A few times I could feel it slip, but she would just squeeze tighter to keep it from falling to the floor. I'm sure she held off on inserting it into herself so she could use that as some kind of finale; or simply the act was to drive me crazy and wish I could be inside her finally. It was working. One the pants were off, she ran the shaft up and down against her dripping lips to apply another coat of fluid. Slick and ready, the toy entered into Val's ass, grazing against her pert cheeks and fighting against the tight inner muscles.
"Fuck, Vi!" Val exclaimed, partly muffled by Vanessa's twitching lap. "Any deeper and I'm gonna cum."
"Please do," Vi smartly replied. "I'm thirsty." Slowly she applied the dildo inside of her, and began to turn and twist it like a corkscrew, something I would be unable to do on my own. A wild sensation. Part of me wanted to actually be inside of her hot ass, but part of my wanted to see what else they could accomplish through this plastic proxy.
Now hanging half way out her ass, the toy hung unaided while Vivika sank to her knees and helped Val along to her promised orgasm, mouth at the source to drink in the soon to be released juices. Val and Van shared their orgasms, with the former screaming obscenities into the latter's crotch, legs wrapped tightly around Val's head to keep her there. I think, were one girl able to have half the fake cock in her while another had the other in her pussy, as well, I would have cracked sooner. But I did crack. When Viv had her mouth around the other end of the toy in Val's ass, and was doing inhuman things with her tongue to it while Val squeezed the other end, pulling it deeper inside of her.
"Please..." I meekly uttered.
"What was that?" Vivika asked, the dick still in her mouth. She let it slip out and asked again. "Can you repeat that, Mr. Harper?"
"Please what?" she pressed.
"I want..."
"Want what?" she interrogated, picking up my head from looking down at my lap in humiliation.
"I want to fuck you," I finally admitted.
"No," she said, crushing my heart. "You need to fuck me," she clarified, lifting me up from the despair I felt for only a moment. "But we'll work on that later. For now..." she trailed off, letting my neck support the weight of my head again after she released my chin. I watched with bated breath as she pulled the dick out of Val and tossed it to Vanessa. I jerked when she caught it, just barely, but made up for it by letting it rest between her lovely breasts and squeezed them together around it. Val kissed the head tenderly.
Vivika untied the cloth from my cock, yet I could still feel the sensations being applied to the dildo. That spell ended when she tore the cloth down the middle. I swear I saw purple sparks leap across the rip, but my mind clearly could not be trusted. With the effect undone, I no longer had a link to the dildo. Seeing this, Van and Val grew tired of it and tossed it to the floor, focusing now just on each other's bodies while Vivika focused on me. Slowly and simply, she placed a kiss on the head of my cock. I exploded immediately, though she clearly knew that was coming. Closing her eyes, she let her face take the first blow, but then aimed my head at her chest and let her ample bosom take the rest.
"They're waiting for you," Vivika said after sucking a scoop of my cum from her finger, swiped from her cheek. Indeed they were, Val and Van, lying on my desk. Val straddling Vanessa perfectly, and when Vanessa saw me get up, the cuffs undone after Vivika finished cleaning her face, my cock still hard, she locked her legs behind Val's knees and kept her pinned to herself - pussy laying atop pussy.
Vanessa kept Val snug between her heavy breasts while she watched me, keeping Val oblivious to my approach. I wasted no time, and pressed my cock head between the two pussies and swiftly slid the rest of my shaft between them. Val squeaked cutely around Van's nipple when my cockhead brushed up against her pierced clit hood.
"Come on and fuck me, Mr. Harper," Val commanded, lifting her head up from Van's plump tit. Looking over her shoulder at me with her green eyes behind emerald shaded lids. Some of her dark green lipstick had come off by this point and could be found all in specific locations on Van's body.
"No, Mr. Harper," Vanessa pleaded. "Fuck me first."
"I asked first, Van!" Val snapped at her friend.
"So? He's already fucked you twice. He's only ever fucked me once," Vanessa reasoned.
"Yea, but you've had his dick in your more than anyone," Val chided. "It's not my fault you prefer to suck cock than to fuck cock."
Vanessa gasped at Val's retort, and pulled her head between her tits and squished them together to punish her. I could feel Val's hand reaching down between them, and her thin fingers pushed my cock away so she would have room to pinch and flick Vanessa's clit. While the girl's fault, I slipped my meat between Val's cheeks, and plumped slowly as I massaged the firm muscles that surrounded it.
I felt Vivika's breasts against my back before her hands slithered down my chest, arms at my side as she held me close. "Fuck Val first," she whispered into my ear before nibbling on it briefly. "I'll keep Vanessa happy until you're ready to fuck her too." As good an idea as any. I was certainly in no state to come up with how to settle the debate. All the blood from my head had flowed to the other.
I pressed my cock back between the girls, but this time I aimed it toward Val's dripping, pierced, slit. She mewed with pleasure, one of the view times she let herself appear vulnerable and not in control. Vanessa pouted at the sound, knowing that I had chosen Val over her. Before she could protest, Vivika pressed her head back down the desk and forced her to look up at her. Smiling, Vanessa met her lips with Vivika's and the two re-enacted the famous kiss scene from "Spider-Man."
Though I had been inside Val earlier, by proxy, this was much better. Perhaps it was because I could move my hips to the demands of my rising pleasure. Perhaps it was because Val liked to gyrated her hips, grinding her ass against me, while I fucked her. No doubt it was a combination of both. And no doubt watching Vivika lean over Vanessa and have her suckle at her hanging breasts added to the whole experience.
My eyes were locked on Vivika's, my hips movement automatically. "Mr. Harper," Val weakly said, pulling my gaze to her. She was looking over shoulder, her mouth covered by her arm before she revealed her pierced lips to say, "Play with my ass." The syllables were broken up by a moan and chirp in her voice each time I pushed back into her. I didn't know if she wanted to massage, spank, or insert a finger into, her ass. Unlike the dilemma of who to fuck first, I didn't have to choose just one.
Palms moved from her hips to her cheeks, my fingertips grazing the tramp scrawled across the dimples above her ass. With two handfuls of her toned tush, I squeezed hard enough to elicit a yelp. She broke away from Vanessa's breasts to utter another explicative, and then she resumed massaging her friend's tits while I massaged her ass. After kneading her flesh, I struck it decisively and swiftly. She shot up with a start, and I used this to my advantage. Pulling her back up against me, she stood upright, looking at me briefly before staring back at her friends enjoying each other's breasts. With my left hand I reached up and pressed against her right cheek, moving her head to the side so her neck bared itself to me. I kissed and nipped along the tattoos from her shoulders and chest that had creeped up neck. She let out a honeyed sigh and I pressed my thumb to her quivering lip. She graciously sucked on my thumb. Having what I needed, I pressed against her back and sent her back to lay with her friends. My saliva-coated digit circled her hole and pressed inward after I gave her one more spank.
I had become a man possessed. I realized that before, I had only had sex with these girls, at most. Now I was fucking them. I was enacting every perverse thought, born of some porno or my own sexual desires, that stirred in my unconscious mind. Fucking her faster now, my hips slammed against her ass. Her thighs roughly bumped against the edge of my oak desk, but her cries of pleasure told me, at least, she didn't mind, and at most, she loved it. One hand on her hip, a thumb still twitching inside her asshole, the other gripped her short crop of hair and pulled. For a moment I saw her tongue hang out between forming more curse words and crying my name. Vivika and Vanessa were no longer fixated on each other, and instead watched my body dominate this star athlete.
Moments after I felt her squeeze me tighter than she had before, I pulled myself free of the wet hole and released myself on her pert and perfect ass. The same ass that so many high school boys (and girls, I'm sure) lusted after while they watched her score the winning goal or ran across the track.
Val stood up, slowly, keeping her back arched like a cat. Running her hands down her tender breasts and then gradually to her back, where they landed on her ass. She rubbed the seed into her skin, moaning audibly licking her lips. Although I could stay hard through my first orgasm, my second sapped the stiffness from my shaft. Luckily, Vivika was already there by my side, on her knees, salivating at the duty she was about to perform.
Vivika was quick and decisive. This was not purely for my pleasure, but rather to get me hard again for Vanessa. Sweet Vanessa. Still sprawled out on my desk, panting from the orgasm Val and Viv helped her obtain. When she realized I had climaxed myself, with Vivika eagerly trying to get me back into performing shape, Vanessa slid off my desk and sauntered over to me. Even her graceful, smooth, walk caused her heavy tits to jiggle with every planting of her foot to the ground. I wrapped my arm around her slender waist and held her close. I wanted her breasts pressed against my chest and side. I could feel her erect nipples rubbing against my bare chest after she removed my shirt. Her lips tasted like a mix of blueberries and cinnamon. No doubt the former was her own lip gloss, and the latter something Vivika left behind.
My cock was filling Vivika's mouth and soon grew too big for her to take it all in at once. When I felt that familiar rigidity down below, I nodded to Vivika that I was ready for Vanessa's turn. I left Vanessa's eager side, her lips kissing at the air for a moment after I pulled away, and laid myself down upon the desk. Beckoning her over, I smiled at Vanessa and she blushed. Of all the times for such a gesture.
Vanessa climbed back onto the wooden desk and straddled my hips. Delicately she aimed my cock at her hovering pussy. She went slowly. I think because she was still tender, though no less eager. She was shaking a bit, and her sapphire eyes begged for guidance. My hands guided her hips down slowly. The last third of the way I pressed down forcefully. The sudden movement caused her breasts to bounce and a cry to escape her lips. The shiver in her body faded slowly into stillness. She stood erect for a moment. Still biting her lip and looking at the ceiling, she began to rotate her hips against mine. Vanessa moved like this for a bit, not removing an inch of me from her pussy until she was ready.
I looked over at Val and saw Vivika blocking my view. Val was sitting at her desk, and Vivika was bent over, kissing her loudly and swaying her hips. I like to think she knew I was watching. I noted the moisture on her inner thighs and smirked. I was brought back to attention when Vanessa started to pump herself up and down around me. Her tits shook with each fall. Their movement enticed me more than their shape and I reached up to hold them. Her hands rested over mine and guided my movements against her large breasts.
Kneading her tits spurred Vanessa on, and her pace quickened. Her plump ass clapped against my thighs with each aggressive thrust down. I was pinching her nipples, pulling on them. When I released her tender nubs, her tits took on their regular shape, again. I wanted her to go faster, I wanted to fuck her harder. While it was hard to pull my hands away from her enthralling chest, I had to in order to guide her hips again. My own thrust up into her when she was high enough above me.
Vanessa hugged her tits to her body and pressed them together. Lifting one up, she licked at the top and then repeated for the other. When it all became too much for her, she fell forward, bracing her hands on my chest. One of her eager hands reached between us and was working fervently on her clit. The other kept her steady. When blue shadowed lids lifted to reveal sparkling sapphires, she saw my face and let herself go. She dropped onto my chest and immediately pressed her lips against mine. She kissed me with the same vigor and passion that moved her hips. I spanked her ass. Then again because I enjoyed the way she yelped and then bit my lip to retaliate. Then, of course, a few more times.
When she finally came, she came hard. Sweat from her body mixed with mine. I was still pumping away, but she had become so tender she couldn't bare the sensation anymore. She pulled off of my lap, but she made it up to me by saying, "Cum on my tits, Mr. Harper. Cum on my fat, slutty, tits," she crudely described. "Cum on my tits just like you came on Val's ass." Giving me no option to refuse, she slid off of my own sweaty body and kneeled on the floor for me. She looked so eager and excited, even through her exhaustion. How could I refuse.
I gave her several good pumps' worth of my cum, all over her tits just as she requested. She moaned the whole time. She moaned the whole time while she rubbed the cum against her breasts, too. Naturally, my cock was tired and worn, but looking at Vivika, sitting on Val's desk while Val sat its attached chair, kissing her back and massaging her thighs, I found the strength to press on.
As magical as it was, time still went on. A fact I was alerted to when the egg timer went off. For a moment, I saw the same pout on Vivika's face that I wore on my own. Although there was no set law that we had to stop, I knew that's entirely what she intended when the pout turned into a smirk.
"It seems time is up, Mr. Harper," she teased.
"Why?" I asked, stepping forward past Vanessa, still on her knees. "No one is coming by. The janitor already took out the trash here so we won't be bothered."
Vivika slid off the desk and approached me. "Because those were the rules. If only you had succumbed to your baser instincts sooner..." she lamented. I gave her a face that could growl. "Besides, before you fuck me, I need to be sure you are prepared for the consequences."
"You mean losing my job? Jail? I don't care about any of that," I admitted passionately. "Any risk is worth having you. All of you," I added, looking to both Van and Val.
Vivika actually blushed. "Well we're flattered, Mr. Harper," she spoke for herself and the girls, who were now getting dressed, "but what I had in mind is a bit more...intense."
"Does it have anything to do with that... spell you put on me?"
Now she was giggling. "Sort of. Look, there's too much to explain, and well all need some rest, first. Go home, get rehydrated, and wait for me. I'll come see you tonight and explain everything," she offered as she walked to the door with her friends.
"Just what are you, anyway? Witches or something?" I boldly asked. Only after I said the words did I think it may offend them to the point of abandoning me. Vivika's laugh reassured me they weren't done with me yet.
"If it helps," she replied, and then left. I lamented her absence, but as she said, this would not be the last time she would see me tonight.
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English for Sinners by TheDjinn
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English for Sinners by TheDjinn All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
I looked, dumbfounded at Superintendent Cross, the woman I had just fucked less than an hour ago, and then back to her daughter, one of the three students I had been fucking for som…
English for Sinners by TheDjinn I thought it best to call in sick the next day. No matter what my next move would be concerning the three temptresses in my class, it needed to be thought out and going back to that room would only fog my perception of things. As wrong as it was, as surreal and downright sinful (and I'm not even a religious man), I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. Perhaps I had just been without a girlfriend for too long; too wrapped up in my work that I had forgotten to have a social life and seek out r…
English for Sinners by TheDjinn All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
A/N: Nothing too sexy in this chapter, and certainly no explicit sex involved at all; just establishing come characters and the setting. I will be doing more, of course, and I would love to hear you…
English for Sinners by TheDjinn All characters involved in this story are of at least 18 years of age. All characters involved in this story are original creations of the author. Any resemblance to any real person, place, or event is purely coincidental. Please do not post anywhere else without author permission. Thank you!
There is nothing worse than being awoken from a deep, peaceful, sleep by the ringing of a phone. An alarm is one thing, and often the alarm is even more obnoxious sounding - but tha…
Ezreal's Exploration of Women by Slyx (Probably needs better formatting and stuff, I wrote it somewhere else)
[Vi/Ezreal with a special appearance by Caitlyn. Femdom, hotdogging, voyeur.]
Chapter 1: Artifacts and sleepless nights
It was just another day for Ezreal. He’d just returned after a week-long expedition to the Sablestone Mountains, where he uncovered a new chamber in a complex ancient Yordle mountain city. He’d brought back a hefty amount of trinkets, furniture and trophies, a benefit of being one of the m…
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