(( This sample is taken a bit out of context, in the middle of the commission! ))

"I... cum...!" He croaked, just as her mouth left the tip of his cock with a wet -slurrrrp-. He had expected
her to deny the release, to chastise him for it- but instead her mouth only opened wider, jaw going slack
as those perfect lips only gaped, her head hovering only a few inches above the black cock. The only
movement she did was to reach with a hand to brush hair away, the mere sight of the elf so willing
to take his load was the final straw. "HRRNNKKGH!" With a grunt, his cock throbbed one final time- the elf
never breaking her gaze as thick spurts of cum erupted from his turgid cock, the first explosive load of
jizz sent straight between her waiting lips, splattering against the roof of her mouth and then dripping down onto
her tongue and teeth. The second load went slightly awry as his cock swayed and shook, hitting her on that
sharp chin, comically spraying it down so that it looked like she had a white, dripping beard- Tordin
wanted to laugh at the sight of it, but was so caught up in his orgasm that he only could keep on cumming,
the third spray of his seed once again going into her mouth, striking her lips and nose in the process.
The elves dark red tongue came out then, leisurely licking the oozing sperm away, the length
of that long muscle capable of reaching even the tip of her own nose.

Each pulsating jet of cum spurting out sent pangs of pleasure through him, the Paladin writhing
and unable to talk, incapable of tearing the gaze from that sultry elf who continued to remain on all
fours, accepting his load as if she was a paid whore. Her face was painted with ropes of sticky cum now,
sticking to eyelashes, cheek, nose and even some of it dribbling of one ear.  His dick was hurting, and it
felt as if his balls had been drained completely, rocked by spasms as a few final spurts shot out of him,
no longer capable of even reaching her mouth. Her lips were coated in a thick layer of sperm aswell, dripping
down from her chin (some of it down onto his cock again). "Uuh...ugh...!" He gasped, Tordin exhausted, his
vision a blur from the strained release. "Thank yo-OOUUHHF!" His meat was still hyper sensitive from cumming,
and he wasn't ready for what she did next- the elf sank down and took his cock into her mouth one final time,
tongue moving around it in circles, licking up all the cum that had flooded down back on top of it. Her mouth
was as warm, wet and welcoming as ever- and he marveled at how slack she could make her jaw, gobbling his
cock up whole to once again let him feel her throatpussy once more.

He felt himself shrink, despite the lavish attention his cock received. Head slumped back, Tordin finally
he let his lids close, exhaling deeply. "That was amazing...!" For a moment, he just laid there, taking
in the beautiful sky- but then he felt it. The Paladin was enjoying himself, the elf still bobbing up and
down on his rod... but there was a slight tingle, a tickling sensation that wasn't caused by either her
tongue or lips. It felt as if her mouth was becoming warmer and warmer for each second, and he noticed
how around her mouth there was a faint glow of yellow. He'd not seen when she reached back before, but
in her one hand, there was some sort of white paste, a salve she'd carried in her discarded robe
(but laid close). As the druids head rose, so did the faint glow of yellow linger around his
dick, like a thousand little pricks- it wasn't an unpleasant sensation, but he also didn't know what to expect.

"What... what are you doing?" He tried to rise on his elbows to see, but the roots kept him down, even
as his captor shook her head, smiling, that beautiful face still painted lewdly with a criss-cross pattern
of jizz, resembling the ritualistic tattoos of the night elves. "Making sure I get something out
of this ordeal as well." She purred, licking her lips to gather the cum there, gulping it down greedily.
Her hand seized his cock by the shaft, and she began to slowly, firmly, jerk him off- spreading
the thick salve out over him. The golden light began to disappear, swallowed by paste. Something
was happening...! The shrinking stopped and he felt how there was a near burning sensation in his loins,
how his balls seemed to fill again with virile seed- it made his stomach muscles cramp too, as if he was
experiencing some reverse orgasm, his entire body shaking as the elf increased the pace of the masturbation,
paste sinking into his bared flesh. It hurt, his erection coming back, and all she did was laugh at his discomfort,
 continuing to move her hand up and down, up and down.

"What's the matter?" She was coy, wiping the remaining cum off her face and smearing it off against the grass
even as the last of the paste was massaged into his shaft. It stood at full attention once again, her lips
hovering above his manhood. "You've not even buried that cock in me, yet you're already squirting like a
boy who has never seen a woman before." Her head tilted, that smile on her lips growing wider. "No matter."
She crawled forward, breasts dragging over his cock, her thighs straddling his waist as he felt his dick
touch her trimmed bush, the purple cunthairs brushing against him, tickling him something fiercely.
What was more, he felt how sopping wet that pussy was- they were around his dick
now, cuntlips parting for his big black cock, nestled neatly in those fleshy folds. Her hands came down
on his chest as she steadied herself, moved her hips and jiggled her arse. "I'm going to -fuck- you."
It was a declaration of intent as much as a statement of fact. Tordin had no say in the matter- this
elf woman was going to have her way with him. To his shame, he found that he loved the thought of
being powerless to stop her from taking advantage of him. Perhaps he could try to summon the light
to break these bonds, but the thought of entering that ancient, wild cunt made him not even bother
the attempt.

Samples from commissions by Fanatisk


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