"You should be close," Oracle's voice chirped into Tim's ear, confirming to him that he was on the right track.
"Thanks, Oracle," he said lowly, keeping his voice down as he looked around. "I think I have it from here."
Harley Quinn had been a few days out of Arkham Asylum, and like any escaped villain in Gotham, she'd been making a lot of noise since getting out. Noise that had not evaded anyone's attention, but it had taken a while to get anything solid. When finally a concrete sighting of her near one of The Joker's old and abandoned safe houses came up, Red Robin was the only one nearby who could look into it, due to some other activity bubbling up in the city, namely some Joker problems on the other side of Gotham entirely. But he didn't mind having to fly solo too much; Harley wasn't the easiest villain to deal with on one's own, a capable fighter herself, but compared to, say, Grundy or Freeze, she wasn't too impossible to deal with.
"How does it look?" asked Oracle, and Tim could hear the mad typing away as she probably handled everyone else's work that night all at once.
There were a lot of questions bundled into that one, and Tim's eyes moved about steadily, doing his best to observe the situation and answer as many of them with his gaze as he could. "It looks abandoned. A few signs of very recent use, and not by many people. I think it's safe to say that Harley has been here alone, and chosen it largely because it's abandoned; I don't think she's gone back to Joker, and this is probably an isolated incident from whatever he's doing on the other side of town. I'll let you know if anything comes up. Red Robin out."
"Sounds good. Switching over to the others, ping me if you need me to reopen the channel. Oracle out."
The line of communication closed, and Tim was alone. In a dark, abandoned safe house hidden in an even more abandoned warehouse, with any shred of backup very far from him. Not that he was nervous about it, of course, shrugging off the nagging little doubts. He'd been trained to handle this, and in all likelihood, Harley had gone back out to wreak more destruction, and he'd come upon only clues of what she was doing next and opportunities to lay a trap for when she returned. Everything would be fine, and he would soon enough be back out on the street with Harley in tow and Arkham bound.
Well, that was the plan. Instead, he received a baseball bat clean across the head, and as he hit the floor, the stinging of his head almost muted the words, "And ya didn't even knock first! How rude."
Darkness was all Tim knew. For how long, he didn't know, but when he came to, he knew it had been quite a while; there had been some flickers of evening light left in the sky when he was attacked, and now, the sky was black, no light around him as he slowly rose back to consciousness, stiff sensations against his wrists and ankles leaving him with a nagging sense that something was wrong, as if the imprint of a bat on the back of his head hadn't told him that. He groaned, frustrated and looking around as he tried to figure out what was going going in. His hands tried to move stubbornly, and that was when he discovered that chains kept his hands up over his head and spread out, a pair of shackles bolted to the floor keeping his legs equally spaced. He was stuck upright and spread eagle on his feet in somewhere. His vision came to him slowly, and he was sure it wasn't the same room he'd been attacked in. Presumably, some deeper part of this abandoned warehouse, but with windows to the outside, it couldn't have been in the underground safe house part of it.
"Ya know," rang a familiar, slightly high voice, with an accent thick and unmistakable. "I knew someone was lookin' at me, but I was kinda hopin' it'd get B-Man over here. Instead, I'm stuck with one of his brats, and not even the fun one. Just a little bird.""
"Sorry to disappoint," Red Robin groaned, head rolling back as the throbbing stopped and his senses began to return to him, the pain and disorientation ebbing as he came to. He wasn't sure where he was, and the lighting was centered entirely on the space around him, which didn't help his eyes in trying to see past it to everything in the rest of the room. Around him were some tables, with what looked like torture implements at first, but as his vision finished unblurring, they revealed themselves to be something else entirely.
Sex toys.
"Ya know, I had a run-in with one of you once. Nearly put out, too. Cute little bird, but not you. Regular Robin, not his attention seekin' knockoff version."
How Harley had gotten her hands on an original style Batgirl outfit was beyond Tim entirely. He wasn't even as upset with it as Bruce had been, having only met Barbara after she'd started rehabilitation, but he knew poor taste when he saw it, and Harley running around Gotham as Batgirl, her blonde hair flowing free and long as she stuffed her body into an outfit ill-suited for her curves and went out to 'fight crime' was in the poorest taste of anything he'd ever encountered.
But she'd gotten the upper hand on him, surprised him with a follow-up strike after a lucky dodge, and she'd ended up on top of him, straddling his lap and shoving her breasts down into his face. "Hope ya don't mind too much that I decided to dress like your girlfriend, but maybe if it'd make ya feel better, I can pretend to be her! I bet you'd really enjoy it, just call me B-Girl and pull my hair, it'll be just like old times!" She wasn't sure that Robin and Batgirl were ever an item, but that was hardly the important part, as she took the Boy Wonder by surprise and made her move on him, hoping it would dig in and convince him to give in to her. She'd just split off from The Joker yet again, but she had needs, and maybe Robin could satisfy those needs for her.
Tim was so conflicted as he stared up at Harley, who started to grind against his cock through their clothes as he smiled down at him. He had no idea what she was doing or why she thought this was a good way to go about anything, but the more he watched, the more he wanted it, and the friction was so frustrating. He couldn't stop twisting, couldn't stay still as she rubbed up against him, and his hands began to reach for her hips, ready to give in to whatever she was offering him. Especially as she pushed his mask off, taking a moment to admire his handsome face before leaning in for a kiss.
Riding in on a launcher, Batgirl caught both of them by surprise as she gave a harsh kick right to the side of Harley's head, knocking her off of Tim's lap. Immediately, Robin felt regret as he rose to his feet, able to feel Cassandra's furious gaze as she was not the least bit happy with his moment of weakness.
Tim groaned, "I remember."
'Wait, whaddya mean you remember?" Harley stared with wide eyes at Red Robin, having not expected that at all. She stopped, trying to think back on it. It had been a few years since that happened, and in that time, she knew for a fact that Robin had been replaced by someone even younger, and now she was suddenly looking at who she thought may have been the same Robin she'd nearly slept with. "You the bird that got away, weren't ya?" She reached for his mask, pulling it up and nearly stumbling back in surprise as she took the sight in of Red Robin's slightly older face. It was definitely him.
Tim should not have done that. He knew immediately, turning his head and trying to avoid her gaze as he groaned and twisted about, struggling against his bindings stubbornly. "Uh, forget I said anything," Tim groaned, struggling against the chains he was bound with, hoping to maybe break loose and do something about this other than stand there like a vulnerable idiot. But that was exactly what he was, and he couldn't shake himself loose as he remained in place and struggled in vain.
But Harley did nothing of the sort. Her depraved head raced with all manner of debaucherous ideas, things she'd been planning to do that night anyway, and which Tim could easily fall victim to instead. "Y'know, you're actually not too bad lookin' now. Kinda handsome, actually." Her fingers reached for his face, grabbing his chin and pulling his gaze back toward her. "I was hopin' the bat would come by for me to have some fun with, but maybe I can have a lil' bit with you first. It'd probably even piss him enough that his brat's gone for him to come lookin' for me himself."
Harley started at Tim's clothes, grabbing the fabric and tearing it right open to expose his chest. "Now that's what I like seein'!" she said, admiring Red Robin's toned upper body as she ran her fingers along the bare skin, a little damp with sweat as she adored him with her surprisingly soft fingertips. Tim groaned as she started to work on him, hardly the sort of torture he'd been expecting as she ran her fingers along his muscles, leaning in and having the gall to kiss his cheek and his jawline before going for his lips. And he didn't exactly want to kiss Harley, but he didn't quite not want to kiss her, either.
What followed was, as a result, a bit of a confusing and aimless fumbling, but Harley seemed endlessly amused by the way he struggled and squirmed nervously about against the way she was going at him. She was aggressive, her lips tight against his, so soft and adoring, and even knowing that she'd just cracked him across the back of the head he really couldn't deny that her kiss was sweet, and that as she bore down on him so aggressively, some part of him was a little curious about what else could come from this. He'd already fallen once for Harley's allure once before, and now, he was in an even worse position to fight against it.
Piece by piece, Harley did away with Tim's outfit, tugging off his gloves and sucking on his fingers for a moment, locking eyes with him as the steady sway of her head made her pigtails bounce wildly about. She was so eager, tempting him with the wet, warm embrace of her lips around his fingers, simulating something else entirely, something much more vulgar. "C'mon bird boy, beg me for it," she teased, but he held out against the temptation, much to Harley's disappointment. So she went for his chest next, rubbing and kissing it as she lifted one of her legs, working his thigh against the bulge of his cock straining against his tight. 'Unless you've been stuffin', I'd say you've got a nice, big dick in there, but I ain't pullin' it out until you ask me to."
"Well then you're going to be here a while," Tim groaned, intent on doing his best to hold out against whatever Harley had in mind, even though her thigh felt so nice against the bulge in his tights, and her tongue dragging along his neck was all too enticing. Either she was better at seduction than Tim gave her credit for, or Tim was a very, very weak man with no resolve.
Harley went next for Tim's tights, undoing his belt and dropping down to her knees as she laid some kisses onto his bulge, feeling it throb and twitch within his clothes. "You want it so bad, why do this to yourself?" She dug her fingers into the band of his pants and pulled them down, revealing his boxers straining to contain the aching erection just begging to be let out, and Tim groaned and twisted about as she continued to undress him. "This would all be a lot more fun both of us if ya weren't so stubborn, y'know."
"If I wasn't stubborn I wouldn't be in this line of work." Tim's voice was shaky as he watched Harley caress his thighs. He shouldn't have been looking, and he knew it, but he couldn't pull his eyes away, couldn't shake the captivated awe that he felt as he watched her work at his legs, fingers brushing along bare, sensitive skin just aching to be touched. Maybe he'd been a little too long without attention, touch-starved and desperate, and Harley was just taking advantage of something that anyone could have done to him when he was in this state. Yeah, that sounded like a good excuse for it. Harley wasn't anything special, she was just exploiting how pent up he was.
Pent up enough that pre-cum was starting to leave a wet spot in his gray underwear, which drew Harley's attention once more as she started to lick up along his thighs, now so perilously close to just sucking his cock and giving him what he craved. "Denial is so sad," she lamented, knowing exactly how to play Tim as she used her education and the faintest psychological appraisal of the hero she was dealing with to make it all so much worse. If he'd been willing to give in for the busty clown dressed in a too-tight Batgirl outfit that her tits were threatening to tear their way out of, there was no way he could survive this. "Why don't ya just give in so we can fuck already, bird boy?"
Harley's tongue delighted in trailing along his thighs, giving sloppy kisses to the sensitive skin. Tim had never been teased there before, and it was more effective than he was the faintest bit comfortable with, squirming against his bindings as Harley remained unwavering in her aggressive, forward assault. She wasn't giving up, wasn't lessening the aggressive temptation to give in and surrender to her hungers as they washed Tim over. Kisses trailed up to his pants, pecking at his cock with quick kisses before she drifted down to the other thigh and began to lick all over it too. It was messy and sloppy, edged with something frantic as Harley stared up at Tim, giving him the crazy eyes, but never had crazy seemed quite so appealing before.
"Stop teasing me," Tim panted heavily, rolling his head back.
"Then beg me for it." Harley licked her lips with an exaggerated swirl of her tongue. "Come on bird boy, I'll do somethin' really nasty to ya if you beg. You ever been with a crazy chick before? We do all sorta of weird stuff that boys never want to admit they're into." She laughed a little but as her tongue snaked its way up the leg of his boxers to lick his cock through his underwear before snapping sharply back. "But I promise not to tell a soul. All you gotta do is give in."
He shouldn't have. Oh god, how Tim should not have given in. But he couldn't help himself, struggling and squirming against her touch, the temptation too great and the situation too hopeless. "Please, Harley," he groaned. "I can't take anymore." He hadn't even been teased that much or pushed to the edge. He just couldn't hold out any longer, wanting her so bad and not having anywhere else to go. Maybe getting off would make this situation easier for him. "I want you."
"Well of course ya do, dummy!" Harley said, smiling as she grabbed hold of Tim's boxers and tugged them sharply down, finally getting a nice look at his cock. She hadn't exactly been expecting disappointment after seeing the large, swollen bulge straining against his clothes, but his bared cock still managed to more than impress, leaving her excited for what was to come as she took a second to marvel at it. "Damn, this is what I missed out on?" she asked, leaning in and giving it a few licks as her fingers curled around the shaft and started to run along it. "I ain't even upset you came over here now, I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun with this!"
"So, about that nasty thing crazy girls do," Tim chuckled, a bit nervous and all but certain he was making a mistake, but as her tongue lapped at his cock head, he really couldn't help but groan, leaning his head back and rattling the chains he was held in place with as he throbbed and ached with need, cock dripping down onto her tongue with pre.
"I knew that'd get ya," Harley said, smiling as she reached into her pocket and withdrew a condom, quickly biting it open and pushing it down onto his cock. "Unless ya dated some real freaks before, this'll be a new one." She rolled the condom down onto his cock. "But the condom ain't involved, I just don't wanna lose a single drop of cum while I do it." Already, she was sounding like the sort of adventure Tim wasn't prepared for but was ready to greet like he was, unsure where this was going or what kind of debauchery Harley held in store for him, but so captivated by the twisted, sinful promise of finding out what she had in mind.
Once the condom was rolled onto Tim's cock, Harley took him by surprise, quickly circling around his body and grabbing his ass with both hands. "Oh," he groaned as he felt her hand spread his cheeks open. "You're one of those girls." He'd never dated one of those girls before, shivering as he felt the hot, damp breath brushing along the cleft of his ass. "Not that I mind, of course." Even though he was audibly gulping, knowing what she was going for but not the least bit ready for it.
Harley was all giggles as she buried her face into Tim's ass. She could have been patient with him, but patience sounded boring, and she knew she'd have much more fun if she slobbered all over his ass hole instead and ate him out with the kind of ferocity that would leave him with a preference for 'those girls', especially ones who dressed like crazy and slightly slutty clown criminals. Wasting no time getting to work, Harley decided to go at his ass with a flurry of quick, eager licks against the puckered hole. "Talk about a tight-ass," she joked, hand slapping across his cheek playfully as she made the aggressive most of having her fun with him.
Tim hardly felt like much of a prisoner, as even if he was bound spread eagle in some dismal, abandoned warehouse in the middle of Gotham's 'abandoned warehouses for supervillains to set up safe houses in' district, having his ass eaten by his captor was a little bit more pleasurable than proper torture procedure would have dictated. But he couldn't complain, finally given what he wanted, something concrete and aggressive, with his cock throbbing inside of the condom wrapped tight around it. "So is this really what you had in mind when you laid this trap?"
"Oh no, I wasn't plannin' on givin' anyone a rimjob, but while I'm here, why not, right?" She gripped his cheeks tight with her fingers, nails digging into the skin as she continued to prod the hole with her tongue, alternating between steady licks up and down along his ass, and just shoving her tongue against his back entrance and loosening it up, managing to get in deep enough to penetrate his ass with her tongue. "Especially since you're kinda cute, for a bat brat." Her eyes closed as she thought about how foolish he was to sink into comfort and complacency, not realizing the nasty surprises waiting around the corner for him as she kept up the anal attention.
Riding high on not having any idea what was to come, Tim was starting to get way too into it, groaning and happily going slack, submitting to the dominant fire of a crazy clown queen whose expert tongue was working a twisted and enlightening sort of magic in a place he'd never felt anything of this sort before. It was amazing, and he couldn't help but feel like giving in to her demands was a good idea, that he had done the right thing by basically letting her at him. He told himself it was because this way, he could brace himself for what was to come easier, that he could more handily avoid her torture and dissatisfaction. Just playing along with whatever came next until someone could come rescue him. But the truth was much more shameful and carnal than that.
Harley ate Tim out like a crazy girl, noisy and messy, utterly careless about how she came off as she indulged in the rare treat before her, and was all too glad to find that Tim was loving it, savouring his moans as she worked him over quicker. "I wonder," Harley said, purring as she replaced her tongue with two fingers, shoving them deep into Tim's back hole at once and rapidly starting to pump them back and forth, applying pressure to his prostate as she bit down hard on his cheek. "
It was enough to send Tim over the edge, and he yelled as his prostate was worked over directly, cock throbbing as he filled the condom up with cum, flooding it with his thick, warm seed, expertly milked out by the wringing fingers and the tinge of pain that left Harley laughing and giggling about madly as she wiggled the digits inside of him. "Talk about a tight-ass," she joked, one final slap across his cheeks marking the end of it as she pulled her fingers back and quickly twirled back around to Tim's front. "Whaddya think now, bird brain? Do ya like crazy girls yet?"
"More than I thought I would," Tim panted, shivering as he locked eyes with Harley. "I've never felt anything like that before."
"Aw, poor little bat brat isn't dating the right kind of girl then." She looked down at the swollen, filled condom, which drooped from the volume of semen pumped into the condom and stretching it out into a wide bubble that drooped. "Or really any girl, by the looks of it. Poor bat brat." Harley rolled the condom quickly off of Tim's cock, and that was when she really shook up his expectations by bringing it up to her lips and wringing the cum out of it, letting it all pour down into her mouth, filling it with the potent and salty flavour before she swallowed it down, mouth wide open and uncaring about the way that some splashed out as she swirled her tongue around in it. "Oh, that's even tastier than your butt. I could get used to treat like that."
Tim couldn't believe any of what was happening to him, but the sight of Harley sucking down his cum so shamelessly still stood as an exceptional sort of debauchery. "Wow," he groaned. "I think I could get used to giving you a treat like that." He was only saying that to lure her into a false sense of security and keep the moment stalled, he swore.
"That's what I like to hear! I think it's about time we got down to some good, hard fuckin' if you're going to be such a good boy about it." Harley licked her lips and showed Tim that there was still some cum left in her mouth when she pushed against his lips and spat his own seed back into his mouth.
Instinctively swallowing it, Tim shuddered as he gave in to her dominance just a little bit more, surprised by just how good the bizarre sort of submission she was forcing onto him felt. "Yes, let's fuck. Oh, Harley, I want your pussy so bad."
"Whoa, whoa, back that up." Harley wagged a finger in Tim's face before walking around behind him. "I ain't lettin' you in my pussy quite yet, no matter how nice your dick is." The ominous sound of a wheeled table rolling along the floor sent a shiver up Tim's spine as a creeping suspicion of what was to come came only a second before the reveal, when a swollen, cock head shaped something pushed up against his freshly eaten hole. "You're the one gettin' fucked here."
"Wait, Harley--" Tim began, but it was too late, and he heard the mechanical clicking of something ominous as the dildo began to press forward, and that was when things took a turn for the worse. He'd assumed a strap-on was coming his way, that she was going to peg him for a while, but even worse seemed in store as Harley turned on a fucking machine, a piston with a cock on the end of it that, on its lowest speed, began to thrust slowly into Tim's ass. He groaned, bucking forward into the air as Harley circled back around him and waved a remote in her hand. "Ngh, Harley, come on, this--ugh, it's so..."
"Aw don't whine about it now, bird boy. By the time I'm done breakin' you in, you're gonna love getting everything done to your cute ass." Another slap across his cheeks left him wincing as she stepped back for a moment, tongue dragging along her teeth as she stared in delight at the sight of Tim getting a slow, deep fucking from the machine. It wasn't exactly what she'd been wanting out of her day, but so far it was going pretty well. "Hey, here, I'll even give you a little extra something to help it along."
Tim's eyes were shut tight, his head thrown back as he endured the steady fucking as well as he could, and it was not ideal. He groaned, his hips rolling as the machine slowly worked into his ass, opening him up to what he was sure would be a harsher fucking to come. Indeed, Harley hadn't even waited very long before she turned a dial on the remote and turned up the speed a little bit. He opened his eyes, ready to plead with her to stop, when he looked down to see her kneeling down in front of him, her clothes gone and her hands spreading her ample, perky breasts, wrapping them up tight around Tim's cock.
"Let's get a smile on that handsome face of yours, shall we?" Chipper as ever, Harley relished in the delight that came from putting Tim through his paces, and even as she started to drag her perky breasts up and down his cock, she was hardly taking it easy on him, his head poking out of cleavage and aching in her face. "And wile we get your face smilin', let's paint this one a new coating of white! Betcha didn't think you'd be cummin' all over my face when you came to beat me up, did ya?"
Rather than speaking, Tim just rattled his chains and let out groans of shock and amazement as he struggled against his bindings, unsure what was happening but knowing above all else that he was in way over his head now. The machine went up again, and it grew noisier as the steadily thrusting fake cock shoved its way deeper into his ass, making him throb between her tits as, intense as being penetrated and opened up like this was, the pleasure proved undeniable. it was embarrassing, made all the worse for the ways that Harley started throwing little remarks about how he was a kinky boy and loved having his ass fucked that didn't lead anywhere, but dug in and left him squirming nervously about still. It wasn't easy to endure this sort of embarrassment.
But that was the point. As she kept up the pressure and gave Tim a nice, solid titfucking, she did her best to put him through his paces. "Once you're nice and broken, you're gonna make a great pet, bird boy. I've been thinking', why be someone else's bitch when I can get a hero to make mine instead? And if B-Man won't come here and take care of me himself then you're gonna have to take his place as my butt slut and give me all the cum I wanna drink, okay?" Her head leaned down and she reached her tongue out to toy with his head and scoop up some of the pre dripping from his tip. "Besides, I don't even give you an hour with this thing before you start acceptin' that you love gettin' your ass fucked."
Backed into a corner--or, more accurately, a fucking machine--Tim was overwhelmed by sensations all at once. By the steady fucking of his ass by the unrelenting and noisy machine, by Harley's plush breasts wrapped around his cock, and worst of all, by the crushing sense of defeat as he drew closer to another orgasm, struggling and bucking about hotly, so nervous and desperate. She wanted to break him, and he had no idea where this had all been going until it was too late to stop it. Like an idiot he'd rationalized giving in to her demands and now he was on the receiving end of something hot, hard, and savage, and without the slightest idea how to save himself. And he was suffering for it.
Suffering to the tune of blowing another massive load, crying out and throwing his head back as he slammed against the chains in a futile, frustrated attempt to break free. Meanwhile, there was Harley, happily catching his cum as she released her busty embrace and took his cock head into her mouth, lips wrapped tight around his head so that she could drink his orgasm down right from the tap, gulping sloppily and noisily as the unhinged supervillain indulged in her newfound appreciation for Tim's spunk. With the phallus pounding his ass, he came harder than ever before, giving Harley all of the cum she could have ever wanted. Or at least, what would have been that much were she the least bit aware of what restraint meant.
"It's so much better from the source," Harley said, rising up to her feet as she grabbed the remote again.
"You're going to stop this now, right?" Tim groaned. "I can't take anymore, please. Harley, you got my cum, I've given you what you needed, but--ah!" Not only did Harley not turn it off, but she kicked it up three notches at once, and his ass was not ready for the harsh fucking that followed as it hit him with a rabid and mad pace. It was so intense that he didn't even stop making noise, twisting and struggling about as he yelled in frustration and pleasure all at once.
"You're getting cuter by the minute, bird boy." Harley took a few steps back. "But that troublesome mouth of yours is getting on my nerves. I think we should start trainin' it to do better than just complain about all the good stuff I'm givin' ya." Doing a forward flip, Harley used the momentum she got to handspring up into the air, wrapping her legs around Tim's head in a proper head scissors and then pulling herself upright, shoving her slick, aching pussy right up into her face. "Get eatin', and show me how much you appreciate the best sex you've ever had." Her hands grabbed hold of the chains, shaking them and tugging on Tim's wrists as she laughed a mocking, cruel laugh, bucking against his lips. She was going to make a slave of him yet.